Nobody likes him who isn't paid to like him. Even Roy Cohn didn't like him, said about him "That guy pisses ice water." They won't remove him until he's served the rest of his purpose, and they're really taking their time on that to avoid the optics that early removal would bring. They can't piss off his idiot hordes until they've reprogrammed them, or they might not get re-elected.
The first DACA arrest has been made by ICE. This is a dude who was brought to the US at the age of 7 and has little recollection of his country of origin. He also has no criminal history, despite ICE's unproven claims that he is "gang-affiliated." So that's an end to the Obama era of prioritizing dudes with criminal records for deportation. Now La Migra is just gunning for everybody.
The Great Mexican-Stomping has begun.
In other news, while 30% of Latino voters went for Trump in November, his approval rating among Latinos has already fallen to 20%. Wonder how long it'll take to drop to near-zero?
Sounds like it is beginning to dawn on a few of the Trump Chumps that they may possibly have voted wrong. Really, really wrong.
Butt Trumpet and his micro-dick white boy minions are the worst collection of thugs to ever run this country. They are running it into the ground and it will take another proud, well-endowed black man to clean up their damage.
Puerto Rican food looks, smells and tastes like shit
I really don't understand how conservatives and tr**p lovers can even remotely believe he will be re-elected in 2020. Sure, there are those who will always support his moronic and damaging policies, but a good number of the people who voted for him last year will have moved on from his administration's lunacy by then.
It will probably depend on two things: 1) Whether he is still in office then, and 2) What kind of vote cheating legislation they manage to get passed. This applies not just to Trump, but to any Republican who runs in 2020.
Bush shouldn't have won in '04, either, but they cooked up a bunch of bigotry (anti-gay marriage amendments to state constitutions), brazen lies (swiftboating bullshit), poltroonery (terror threat level color change bullshit), and straight up cheating (see also: Blackwell, Ken) and won by a handful more votes than Hillary did this time.
Kellyanne Conway looks like the fucking grim reaper. Keep that stringy headed monster, I go Gabby Union all day long. Emma Watson? Uh, yeah . Gabby by a mile there too.
” Is anyone here ever going to say why Russia is so bad? Or is it that y'all don't fucking know, and only claim they're bad because your white corporate media masters tell you that they're bad?
We all know it's the latter, but maybe someone here can break their conditioning and speak independently.”
Yeah he’s right. We don’t know nuffin’ about nuffin’ cuz we real stooopid, we don’t know nuffin about why Russia is bad. Nuffin’ at all
Except that somewhere in the white part of my brain I seem to dimly remember a couple of thinggggssss…
1. The Second Chechen War, in which Russia launched a massive air and land campaign reduced the Chechen capital Grozny to rubble and killed a minimum of 25,000 civilians.
2. Russia has funded, supplied and aided the Russian and pro-Russian terrorists in eastern Ukraine. So far, they have been responsible for10,000 lives lost.
3. The illegal annexation of the Crimea.
4. Russia’s proxies shot down Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 on July 17, 2014, killing 298 innocent people aboard. A Dutch investigative team demonstrated that the BUK surface-to-air missile system that destroyed the plane over Ukraine, was sent from Russia to Russian-backed separatists and returned to Russia the same night.
5. Russia’s bombing of Syria’s civilian population and targets are widely seen as war crimes. This prompted U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Samantha Power to ask her Russian counterpart:
“Is there no act of barbarism against civilians, no execution of a child, that gets under your skin? That just creeps you out a little bit? Is there nothing you will not lie about or justify?”
6. Putin’s friend-turned-enemy Alexandr Litvinenko, was poisoned by the KGB who slipped Polonium into his tea at a London hotel restaurant.
7. Then there was something about stealing America’s elections, but I’m sure you know more about that than me…
As I say, that’s just off the top of my white head, I’m sure I could think of a few more, if you need them.
Lyin' Donnie Drumpfuck sez he will defeat ISIS in the first 30 days of his administration. He has 4 days left to accomplish this miracle. Bwahahahahahaha!
Brigade Fifteen sez- Sounds like it is beginning to dawn on a few of the Trump Chumps that they may possibly have voted wrong. Really, really wrong
But you can't remind these stupid bastards how stoopid they were. It hurt their widdle feelers and then they vote for Drumpf again to get revenge on the rest of Drumpf's victims that didn't vote for Drumpf.
Lovely Melania speaks SIX languages! How many does He-chelle speak?
Melanoma got an architecture degree in less than one year at Uni and you have no way of verifying she can speak 6 languages, let alone English.
Michelle Obama used her time as Flotus to help kids eat healthier school lunches and work on other social problems.
Melanoma hasn't barely set foot in the WH and is working on using her short stay as Flotus to sue and enrich herself like a good little wingnut foreign immigrant grifter.
I don't want Russia/Putin to be part of the U.S. presidency or to be directing U.S. policy.
Russia gets much cozier with Drumpf, Israel will start squealing like a stuck pig. Israel has been dragging the US around by the nose for just about forever plus we give them billions of bucks every damn year to be their bodyguards. And then Israels spits in our face and steals secrets and who knows what all else.
Here's Chafedbuttz roadmap of the investigations into the Drumpf conflicts of interests, dealings with Russia, pathological lies and the lying liars in the WH who tell them, etc.
He wants an immediate investigation into the leaks that are making Drumpf look totally incompetent.
The grate state of Texas shows Liberal America how to stop teen pregnancy.
Hint-they encourage it.
Texas is #3 in the nation for first time teen Preggers. Texas is #1 in the nation for 2nd time teen preggers.
They must have hired Barstool Palin to teach their ultra majority abstinence only classes.
Fucking wingnut losers- all of them.
Drumpf is winning what? The worst Potus ever? The stoopidest ever? THe least competent? The biggest liar? The greediest and griftiest?
Mississippi has the highest rate teen preggers' New Mexico is #2. These states don't require sex education, but when it is taught it is abstinence only.
Mississippi is pretty short on Mexicans to boost their rates. Texas started of as Mexico. Any illegals in Texas would be Texans.Texass is abstinence only.
So come on, Joe, tell me Mississippi is full of Blacks and Cajuns getting knocked up so I can call you racist.
Omarosa's tape of her encounter with another woman and coming from Breitbart Central Casting is sure to be edited in her favor. Hard to believe there were 2 blacks willing to work around Drumpf.
moron from iowa said... Mississippi has the highest rate teen preggers' New Mexico is #2 So come on, Joe, tell me Mississippi is full of Blacks and Cajuns getting knocked up so I can call you racist.
---- Mississippi has the highest percentage black population of any state, at 37%
New Mexico has the highest percentage Hispanic population of any state, at 46%
Tell me, Einsein why these three states that use abstinence only education, if any sex education at all have the three highest rates of teen preggers? It is because something is not working and that something is yer fucking Mexican jumping bean brain, amirite, racist? :)
moron from iowa said... Tell me, Einsein why these three states that use abstinence only education, ----
Teen pregnancy is largely due to cultural factors. The corellation by state is almost entirely due to demographic factors. The higher the non-white population, the higher the teen pregnancy rate. The demographics for the three states you cited:
Mississippi has the highest percentage black population of any state, at 37%
New Mexico has the highest percentage Hispanic population of any state, at 46%
Texas has the second highest percentage Hispanic population of any state, at 38%
And to your point, while 37 states require abstinence education be provided, there are no states that have abstinence only education alone; all 50 states provide education on birth control.
"Russia gets much cozier with Drumpf, Israel will start squealing like a stuck pig. Israel has been dragging the US around by the nose for just about forever plus we give them billions of bucks every damn year to be their bodyguards. And then Israels spits in our face and steals secrets and who knows what all else."
Israel has nothing to worry about. Russia isn't on the side of occupied Palestinians; Putin couldn't care less about their welfare. So there's no reason to assume friendlier US-Russia relations will come at any cost to Israel. And all Benjamin Netanyahu wants is that the US: 1) Keep defending Israel against economic sanctions in the UN, 2) Keep sending buttloads of weapons, 3) Turn a blind eye while Israel gobbles up the West Bank.
Trump has satisfied Netanyahu tremendously on the last point. Trump came out and expressly said, unlike any US president before him, that a two-state solution in Israel Palestine is not necessary: "I'm looking at two-state and one-state, and I like the one that both parties like."
This was undoubtedly music to Netanyahu's ears. He wants a one-state solution: One all-Jewish state, inclusive of the West Bank territory, with the Arabs told to eff of and die somewhere else. Trump is giving him the go-ahead for ethnic cleansing. What's not to like?
Yeah. It's up ... in Rassmussen polls -- and only their polls. Among everyone else, Trump's approval is plummeting.
Wonder why. Oh yeah, now I remember: Rasmussen is a wingnut outfit. And apparently, they've moved past their past habit of merely nudging their numbers slightly rightward to now being full-on "post-truthers."
No stoopid, Jose. Teen preggers is a sex thing. Give the young ones the proper education and the tools to help avoid and they don't get preggers as often. Problem well on the way to being solved, Einstein.
As usual, you are completely full of shit! Rinse and repeat, troll.
The Rasmussen Reports and the Pew Research Center released wildly different approval ratings for President Trump on Thursday.
Rasmussen's daily Presidential Tracking Poll found a 55 percent approval rating for Trump among voters. But Pew Research Center only found Trump with 39 percent support — a 16 point-difference between the two polls.
Brigade Fifteen wins.
Donnie Drumpfuck is whining about being a victim again and of course he drags out the tired old argument he won the electoral college by a landslide. He pulled the same shit out of his ass yesterday. And his job is so hard. Wah fucking wah. He can always quit.
Awwww yeah, it’s time for some XXX Poll Porn! Now, please note that this new survey from Pew Research was conducted before Donald Trump stepped on his own dick, mashed it up and ate it in a Trump Taco Bowl during his Thursday press conference, so these numbers are likely to tank even further.
That being said, Donald Trump has a 39% approval rating LOLOLOLOL OMG WTF HAVE YOU EVER HEARD OF A BIGGER LOSER IN YOUR ENTIRE LIFE? Like, this is unheard of for new presidents. Now, during Trump’s presser, he bragged about that outlier Rasmussen poll that showed him with a 55% approval rating, but all sentient beings know Rasmussen is bullshit, and only exists to give fake news rimjobs to Republicans. Pew, on the other hand, is for grown-ups with normal-sized hands.
Did anyone notice today was the Day Without Immigrants? I just heard about it, and I didn't notice anything. Actually, it was kind of quiet and nice today. Maybe we should try a Week Without Immigrants, or even Year Without Immigrants and see how that goes.
"Trump withdraws the executive order and the appeal. Shocking!"
Why do I suspect that Trump will simply issue a new anti-Muslim order that will be just as hateful and unconstitutional, but worded slightly differently, and the entire exercise of massive protests and lawsuits will repeat itself?
The whole impetus for his presidency is hate, so be prepared for the hate to continue until he is removed. Trump is not going to "mellow," no matter how much opposition he faces.
Rassmussen, makes 500 calla for their biased survey.
Kate Steinle said- most of the restaurants around DC were shutdown because they depend on immigrant labor and were sending wingnuts a message. I'll bet nearly all of the mangled apricot's properties would shutdown w/o immigrant labor.
Hillary did win the election when you discount the FBI and Russia help for Drumpf. Biggest electoral landslide ever for HRC. Even bigger than the blowhard in the WH who will soon be rotting in jail.
It was beautiful how bigly HRC won the electoral landslide by at least 3 million electoral votes more than little hands/ little dick orange shitgibbon, pathological lying, racist, misogynist, xenophobic, bat shit crazy traitor Drumpfuck.
"This administration is running like a fine-tuned machine, despite the fact that I can’t get my cabinet approved.”: Possibly Trump's biggest lie to date.
I'm struggling to think of comparable "fine-tuned machines." HAL-9000? The Hindenburg? The Titanic?
Hispanic Congressional Caucus asked for a meeting with ICE and then wingnuts forced them out of the room so they couldn't ask questions. Wingnuts sure are piling up a lot of misery for themselves and the country.
Congressional Black Caucus wanted a meeting weeks ago with Drumpf and couldn't get one. Now he is trying to get a black female reporter to set up a meeting with them.
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Money is nice, but being able to speak my mind is better.
"Real talk: Daniel Rubin has a great little piece up wherein he chats with The Field Negro, the Philly-based blogger who sharply ponders all things black on a daily basis. (Seriously, if you’ve never checked in with TFN, you should: Its author, Wayne Bennett, is a fantastic read who can cut through bullshit like a hot knife through butter, which is a far grosser analogy than I wanted to make, but there you have it.)" ~Philebrity~
"One of the most precocious and hilarious Black political minds on the net. Ive been a long-time fan!" ~Asad Malik~
"..While most of what he writes is tongue-in-cheek, his space is a safe house for candid discussions about race, especially in the comments section, where people of all colors meet." ~~Daniel Rubin, "The Philadelphia Inquirer"~~
"To white people, Bennett's musings are like kitchen-table talk from a kitchen they may otherwise never set foot in. To African Americans, he is part of a growing army of black Internet amateurs who have taken up the work once reserved for ministers and professional activists: the work of setting a black agenda, shaping black opinion and calling attention to the state of the nation's racial affairs."
~~Richard Fausset, "L.A. Times"~~~
"That's why I love the blog "Field Negro" so much. Field, as he's known to his fans, has the sense of reality that it takes to call out the (CowPuckey) of blame beating by those who are in positions of power and their lackeys. Because of his handle and his unabashed way of writing about racial issues, Field is often cited as a "Black blogger." What he is, however, is a first-class detector of blame deflection and an excellent student of history. If you want to write about the past and future of repression there's really no other perspective to take - which is why everyone should read Field."
Raised in the house, but field certified. Jamaica is the land of my birth, but I consider myself a citizen of the world. I currently practice law in the city of "brotherly love".
"Half a century after Little Rock, the Montgomery bus boycott and the tumultuous dawn of the modern civil rights era, the new face of the movement is Facebook, MySpace and some 150 black blogs united in an Internet alliance they call the AfroSpear.
Older, familiar leaders such as Rev. Jesse Jackson, Rev. Al Sharpton and NAACP Chairman Julian Bond, are under challenge by a younger generation of bloggers known by such provocative screen names as Field Negro, thefreeslave and African American Political Pundit. And many of the newest struggles are being waged online." ~Howard Witt-The Chicago Tribune~
"I had no idea, for example, of the extent of the African-American blogging world out there and its collective powers of dissemination.But now, after reading thousands of anguished, thoughtful comments posted on these blogs reflecting on issues of persistent racial discrimination in the nation's schools and courtrooms, what's clear to me is that there's a new, "virtual" civil rights movement out there on the Internet that can reach more people in a few hours than all the protest marches, sit-ins and boycotts of the 1950s and 60s put together." ~Chicago Tribune Reporter, Howard Witt~
Even people within Drumpf's administration don't really trust or like him. Perhaps he will be taken down from within. That would be great to see!
P.S. I'm still waiting on a thread devoted to the white tears over "Dear White People" on Netflix. White people are the epitome of snowflakes.
Nobody likes him who isn't paid to like him. Even Roy Cohn didn't like him, said about him "That guy pisses ice water."
They won't remove him until he's served the rest of his purpose, and they're really taking their time on that to avoid the optics that early removal would bring. They can't piss off his idiot hordes until they've reprogrammed them, or they might not get re-elected.
-Doug in Oakland
The first DACA arrest has been made by ICE. This is a dude who was brought to the US at the age of 7 and has little recollection of his country of origin. He also has no criminal history, despite ICE's unproven claims that he is "gang-affiliated." So that's an end to the Obama era of prioritizing dudes with criminal records for deportation. Now La Migra is just gunning for everybody.
The Great Mexican-Stomping has begun.
In other news, while 30% of Latino voters went for Trump in November, his approval rating among Latinos has already fallen to 20%. Wonder how long it'll take to drop to near-zero?
Sounds like it is beginning to dawn on a few of the Trump Chumps that they may possibly have voted wrong. Really, really wrong.
Shines are getting really good body counts in Chiraq exterminating each other.
Butt Trumpet and his micro-dick white boy minions are the worst collection of thugs to ever run this country. They are running it into the ground and it will take another proud, well-endowed black man to clean up their damage.
I bet we won't have another black President for another few decades, and thank God for that.
I have a tiny penis.
The number of hate groups rose for a second consecutive year.
Yay Trump?
PEEOTUS' admin what happens when mediocre lying ass MALE whooteemoos run shit.
I really don't understand how conservatives and tr**p lovers can even remotely believe he will be re-elected in 2020. Sure, there are those who will always support his moronic and damaging policies, but a good number of the people who voted for him last year will have moved on from his administration's lunacy by then.
It will probably depend on two things:
1) Whether he is still in office then, and
2) What kind of vote cheating legislation they manage to get passed. This applies not just to Trump, but to any Republican who runs in 2020.
Bush shouldn't have won in '04, either, but they cooked up a bunch of bigotry (anti-gay marriage amendments to state constitutions), brazen lies (swiftboating bullshit), poltroonery (terror threat level color change bullshit), and straight up cheating (see also: Blackwell, Ken) and won by a handful more votes than Hillary did this time.
-Doug in Oakland
Lovely Melania speaks SIX languages! How many does He-chelle speak?
Two: English and her native language, Ebonics.
Black women are ugly? Hmmmmmmm, quick poll who would you rather do Gabrielle Union or Kellyanne Conway?
Kellyanne Conway is kind of cute. Not the prettiest white woman (that would be Emma Watson), but okay.
Gabrielle union? Fake processed hair, bleached skin, monkey nose ... I'll pass.
White boys have tiny dicks and tiny brains! LOL!
Melania Trump really isn't that attractive at all, but she is still 1,000,000 times better looking than Yisheng.
Conservatives and tr**p lovers are delusional if they actually think he will gain in popularity over the next few years.
Kellyanne Conway looks like the fucking grim reaper. Keep that stringy headed monster, I go Gabby Union all day long. Emma Watson? Uh, yeah . Gabby by a mile there too.
Emma Watson has a body like a 12 year old boy. I see how you whatamahoos get down. Yuck.
I see that they allowed the white supremacists in the county lock up to get to a computer for a few hours
Shouldn't u boyz be e-mailing your girlfriend/cousin instead of posting on FN? Just curious.
” Is anyone here ever going to say why Russia is so bad? Or is it that y'all don't fucking know, and only claim they're bad because your white corporate media masters tell you that they're bad?
We all know it's the latter, but maybe someone here can break their conditioning and speak independently.”
Yeah he’s right. We don’t know nuffin’ about nuffin’ cuz we real stooopid, we don’t know nuffin about why Russia is bad. Nuffin’ at all
Except that somewhere in the white part of my brain I seem to dimly remember a couple of thinggggssss…
1. The Second Chechen War, in which Russia launched a massive air and land campaign reduced the Chechen capital Grozny to rubble and killed a minimum of 25,000 civilians.
2. Russia has funded, supplied and aided the Russian and pro-Russian terrorists in eastern Ukraine. So far, they have been responsible for10,000 lives lost.
3. The illegal annexation of the Crimea.
4. Russia’s proxies shot down Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 on July 17, 2014, killing 298 innocent people aboard. A Dutch investigative team demonstrated that the BUK surface-to-air missile system that destroyed the plane over Ukraine, was sent from Russia to Russian-backed separatists and returned to Russia the same night.
5. Russia’s bombing of Syria’s civilian population and targets are widely seen as war crimes. This prompted U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Samantha Power to ask her Russian counterpart:
“Is there no act of barbarism against civilians, no execution of a child, that gets under your skin? That just creeps you out a little bit? Is there nothing you will not lie about or justify?”
6. Putin’s friend-turned-enemy Alexandr Litvinenko, was poisoned by the KGB who slipped Polonium into his tea at a London hotel restaurant.
7. Then there was something about stealing America’s elections, but I’m sure you know more about that than me…
As I say, that’s just off the top of my white head, I’m sure I could think of a few more, if you need them.
Oh, and one other thing. Does anyone remember the mass sexual assaults that allegedly took place in Frankfurt on New Years Eve?
Turns out, according to the Frankfurt police - the story is bullshit.
Die Antiflüchtlingspropaganda hat sich auch in der Massenhysterie bewährt. Wo haben wir das schon mal gehört?
Lyin' Mike Flynn finally tells the truth and it costs him dearly.
Lyin' Donnie Drumpfuck sez he will defeat ISIS in the first 30 days of his administration. He has 4 days left to accomplish this miracle. Bwahahahahahaha!
Brigade Fifteen sez- Sounds like it is beginning to dawn on a few of the Trump Chumps that they may possibly have voted wrong. Really, really wrong
But you can't remind these stupid bastards how stoopid they were. It hurt their widdle feelers and then they vote for Drumpf again to get revenge on the rest of Drumpf's victims that didn't vote for Drumpf.
Lovely Melania speaks SIX languages! How many does He-chelle speak?
Melanoma got an architecture degree in less than one year at Uni and you have no way of verifying she can speak 6 languages, let alone English.
Michelle Obama used her time as Flotus to help kids eat healthier school lunches and work on other social problems.
Melanoma hasn't barely set foot in the WH and is working on using her short stay as Flotus to sue and enrich herself like a good little wingnut foreign immigrant grifter.
I don't want Russia/Putin to be part of the U.S. presidency or to be directing U.S. policy.
Russia gets much cozier with Drumpf, Israel will start squealing like a stuck pig. Israel has been dragging the US around by the nose for just about forever plus we give them billions of bucks every damn year to be their bodyguards. And then Israels spits in our face and steals secrets and who knows what all else.
Jerrianne Hayslett said...
I don't want Russia/Putin to be part of the U.S. presidency or to be directing U.S. policy.
I don't want Angola/Skip Bayless to take over Silicon Valley or be deciding America's water resource policies.
I don't think either of us have anything to worry about.
Here's Chafedbuttz roadmap of the investigations into the Drumpf conflicts of interests, dealings with Russia, pathological lies and the lying liars in the WH who tell them, etc.
He wants an immediate investigation into the leaks that are making Drumpf look totally incompetent.
Trump is winning, no matter how desperately you try spin the contrary.
Science is racist:
The grate state of Texas shows Liberal America how to stop teen pregnancy.
Hint-they encourage it.
Texas is #3 in the nation for first time teen Preggers.
Texas is #1 in the nation for 2nd time teen preggers.
They must have hired Barstool Palin to teach their ultra majority abstinence only classes.
Fucking wingnut losers- all of them.
Drumpf is winning what? The worst Potus ever? The stoopidest ever? THe least competent? The biggest liar? The greediest and griftiest?
Anyone beating their chest about "a strong foreign policy" who won't defend our own borders is simply lying about being a patriot
moron from iowa said...
Texas is #3 in the nation for first time teen Preggers.
Texas is #1 in the nation for 2nd time teen preggers.
They must have hired Barstool Palin to teach their ultra majority abstinence only classes.
No, Texas just has a lot of Mexicans.
Mexicans, particularly illegals, have a lot of teen pregnancies.
What are you, racist?
Mississippi has the highest rate teen preggers' New Mexico is #2. These states don't require sex education, but when it is taught it is abstinence only.
Mississippi is pretty short on Mexicans to boost their rates. Texas started of as Mexico. Any illegals in Texas would be Texans.Texass is abstinence only.
So come on, Joe, tell me Mississippi is full of Blacks and Cajuns getting knocked up so I can call you racist.
Omarosa's tape of her encounter with another woman and coming from Breitbart Central Casting is sure to be edited in her favor. Hard to believe there were 2 blacks willing to work around Drumpf.
@Mike 1:48, the best slave catchers/overseers during slavery were often other slaves.
Kissing white folks ass to gain an advantage ain't nothing new in America.
moron from iowa said...
Mississippi has the highest rate teen preggers' New Mexico is #2
So come on, Joe, tell me Mississippi is full of Blacks and Cajuns getting knocked up so I can call you racist.
Mississippi has the highest percentage black population of any state, at 37%
New Mexico has the highest percentage Hispanic population of any state, at 46%
Are you stupid, or just incredibly ignorant?
Russia isn't evil in the way that North Korea is, but they shouldn't be our ally.
Tell me, Einsein why these three states that use abstinence only education, if any sex education at all have the three highest rates of teen preggers? It is because something is not working and that something is yer fucking Mexican jumping bean brain, amirite, racist? :)
Black people are annoying and aren't worth sticking up for anymore.
moron from iowa said...
Tell me, Einsein why these three states that use abstinence only education,
Teen pregnancy is largely due to cultural factors. The corellation by state is almost entirely due to demographic factors. The higher the non-white population, the higher the teen pregnancy rate. The demographics for the three states you cited:
Mississippi has the highest percentage black population of any state, at 37%
New Mexico has the highest percentage Hispanic population of any state, at 46%
Texas has the second highest percentage Hispanic population of any state, at 38%
And to your point, while 37 states require abstinence education be provided, there are no states that have abstinence only education alone; all 50 states provide education on birth control.
As usual, you are completely full of shit.
Trump's approval up to 55%:
"Russia gets much cozier with Drumpf, Israel will start squealing like a stuck pig. Israel has been dragging the US around by the nose for just about forever plus we give them billions of bucks every damn year to be their bodyguards. And then Israels spits in our face and steals secrets and who knows what all else."
Israel has nothing to worry about. Russia isn't on the side of occupied Palestinians; Putin couldn't care less about their welfare. So there's no reason to assume friendlier US-Russia relations will come at any cost to Israel. And all Benjamin Netanyahu wants is that the US: 1) Keep defending Israel against economic sanctions in the UN, 2) Keep sending buttloads of weapons, 3) Turn a blind eye while Israel gobbles up the West Bank.
Trump has satisfied Netanyahu tremendously on the last point. Trump came out and expressly said, unlike any US president before him, that a two-state solution in Israel Palestine is not necessary: "I'm looking at two-state and one-state, and I like the one that both parties like."
This was undoubtedly music to Netanyahu's ears. He wants a one-state solution: One all-Jewish state, inclusive of the West Bank territory, with the Arabs told to eff of and die somewhere else. Trump is giving him the go-ahead for ethnic cleansing. What's not to like?
"Trump's approval up to 55%:"
Yeah. It's up ... in Rassmussen polls -- and only their polls. Among everyone else, Trump's approval is plummeting.
Wonder why. Oh yeah, now I remember: Rasmussen is a wingnut outfit. And apparently, they've moved past their past habit of merely nudging their numbers slightly rightward to now being full-on "post-truthers."
Anonymous Winning! said...
Trump's approval up to 55%:
Among whooteemoss that smell like shit, 100%!!
For God's sake, field...tell us ALL, no obfuscation, why do you allow Queenie to keep posting under various names?
Is there no limit?
I know it's hard for a "lawyer", but, be honest.
For God's sake, field! Why do you let Queenie post, post, and over-post using more aliases than the entire forum?
You know it's true. Tell us why you do so?
Have some balls, Councillor.
Dave, your mom doesn't find teh blacks annoying. BTW, want me to bring you something when I swing by to bang Mrs. Zirin? Slushy? Hot Pocket?
No stoopid, Jose. Teen preggers is a sex thing. Give the young ones the proper education and the tools to help avoid and they don't get preggers as often. Problem well on the way to being solved, Einstein.
As usual, you are completely full of shit! Rinse and repeat, troll.
The Rasmussen Reports and the Pew Research Center released wildly different approval ratings for President Trump on Thursday.
Rasmussen's daily Presidential Tracking Poll found a 55 percent approval rating for Trump among voters. But Pew Research Center only found Trump with 39 percent support — a 16 point-difference between the two polls.
Brigade Fifteen wins.
Donnie Drumpfuck is whining about being a victim again and of course he drags out the tired old argument he won the electoral college by a landslide. He pulled the same shit out of his ass yesterday. And his job is so hard. Wah fucking wah. He can always quit.
This is Hillary-ous (from yer Wonkette)
Awwww yeah, it’s time for some XXX Poll Porn! Now, please note that this new survey from Pew Research was conducted before Donald Trump stepped on his own dick, mashed it up and ate it in a Trump Taco Bowl during his Thursday press conference, so these numbers are likely to tank even further.
That being said, Donald Trump has a 39% approval rating LOLOLOLOL OMG WTF HAVE YOU EVER HEARD OF A BIGGER LOSER IN YOUR ENTIRE LIFE? Like, this is unheard of for new presidents. Now, during Trump’s presser, he bragged about that outlier Rasmussen poll that showed him with a 55% approval rating, but all sentient beings know Rasmussen is bullshit, and only exists to give fake news rimjobs to Republicans. Pew, on the other hand, is for grown-ups with normal-sized hands.
I only believe polls that confirm want I want to believe.
That's why I thought Hillary was going to win the election.
gibbering idiot from iowa said...
Why are you so concerned by what Queen posts? Mind your own business and stop acting like a bitch lil' johnson.
US Media never understood Trump phenomenon, never thought he could win and are now throwing the world's greatest hissy fit.
Most amusing.
Did anyone notice today was the Day Without Immigrants? I just heard about it, and I didn't notice anything. Actually, it was kind of quiet and nice today. Maybe we should try a Week Without Immigrants, or even Year Without Immigrants and see how that goes.
Approval ratings:
Media = 20%
President Trump = 55%
mike from iowa said...
That being said, Donald Trump has a 39% approval rating
How fake news Pew makes fake polls:
Sample size: 1503
Republicans: 581
Democrats: 797
I'll go with Rassmussen's 55%.
Trump withdraws the executive order and the appeal. Shocking!��
"Trump withdraws the executive order and the appeal. Shocking!"
Why do I suspect that Trump will simply issue a new anti-Muslim order that will be just as hateful and unconstitutional, but worded slightly differently, and the entire exercise of massive protests and lawsuits will repeat itself?
The whole impetus for his presidency is hate, so be prepared for the hate to continue until he is removed. Trump is not going to "mellow," no matter how much opposition he faces.
Looks like his choice for new NSA turned him down flat.
Because screening immigrants to prevent people who want to kill Americans from coming to America is hateful and unconstitutional.
If the Constitution stands for anything, it is to limit the power of the American people to control who comes into their country.
Our founders meant to create a nation where hostile cultures would not be prevented in any way from dispossessing existing American citizens.
That's who we are.
Rassmussen, makes 500 calla for their biased survey.
Kate Steinle said- most of the restaurants around DC were shutdown because they depend on immigrant labor and were sending wingnuts a message. I'll bet nearly all of the mangled apricot's properties would shutdown w/o immigrant labor.
Hillary did win the election when you discount the FBI and Russia help for Drumpf. Biggest electoral landslide ever for HRC. Even bigger than the blowhard in the WH who will soon be rotting in jail.
It was beautiful how bigly HRC won the electoral landslide by at least 3 million electoral votes more than little hands/ little dick orange shitgibbon, pathological lying, racist, misogynist, xenophobic, bat shit crazy traitor Drumpfuck.
Take away the fraudulent dead person, duplicate ballot and illegal alien votes, and Trump has 400 electoral votes.
Expect that for 2020.
"This administration is running like a fine-tuned machine, despite the fact that I can’t get my cabinet approved.”: Possibly Trump's biggest lie to date.
I'm struggling to think of comparable "fine-tuned machines." HAL-9000? The Hindenburg? The Titanic?
Your butt vibrator?
"We're sad cause we lost" isn't grounds for impeachment.
But being a Russian agent is grounds for impeachment. Unless of course you ask Josh then it's ok.
Haha, keep telling yourself that.
Americans voted. Trump won the election.
You want evil Russians to blame for something? Watch Rocky 4
I love how Trump doesn't hold press conferences. Instead, he holds "fuck the press" conferences.
Our president is a medical miracle, a 70-year-old infant.
"I love how Trump doesn't hold press conferences. Instead, he holds "fuck the press" conferences."
So de we.
Hispanic Congressional Caucus asked for a meeting with ICE and then wingnuts forced them out of the room so they couldn't ask questions. Wingnuts sure are piling up a lot of misery for themselves and the country.
Congressional Black Caucus wanted a meeting weeks ago with Drumpf and couldn't get one. Now he is trying to get a black female reporter to set up a meeting with them.
Wingnuts. Lawd love 'em cuz I don't.
9/11 would've been a Wonderful Day Without Immigrants.
"'I love how Trump doesn't hold press conferences. Instead, he holds "fuck the press" conferences.'
So de we."
Skinheads ≠ "the American people."
Everyone who disagrees with me is a Nazi.
So only Native Americans would go to work?
Wingnuts will believe anything.
Fuck the gooks and chinks!
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