Chances are if you are a trumpbot, you loved that speech last night, and you see nothing wrong with this, or this, or this. You will remain loyal, and you will tell the naked emperor that he is wearing clothes no matter what.
So how do you know if you are a trumpbot?
Well here are some signs:
1. You all of a sudden find yourself attracted to gold plated things. Anything.
2. You believe that Kellyanne Conway and Omarosa are both drop dead gorgeous.
3. You would rather tweet than read a book.
4. You do not trust the news unless it is coming from FOX, Drudge, or Donald trump himself.
5. You are binge watching The Apprentice reruns.
6. You believe that "the blacks" all live in the inner cities.
7. You keep reminding yourself to ask that waiter at the Mexican restaurant that you like to frequent for happy hour if he has a green card.
8. You are starting to think that democracy is overrated.
9. You prefer Russians to liberal Americans.
10. You would rather tour Mara a Lago than the actual White House.
11. You are afraid to leave your house because of all the crime outside. (Crime is at a historically low rate, but whatever.)
12. You know exactly what VOICE is.
13. Orange is all of a sudden your favorite color.
14. You still believe that former president Barak Obama did not produce his real birth certificate.
15. Ted Nugent is your favorite artist .
*Pic from
So how do you know if you are a member of "the rest"?
You are a member of the party that over the last few years lost:
The White House,
The majority of the Senate,
The House,
The Supreme Court, and
Governorships, and
You left out being sexually attracted to your own daughter.
-Doug in Oakland
Doug is sexually attracted to his own sock.
"12. You know exactly what VOICE is."
This VOICE idea is such a nauseatingly racist move, which has Steve Bannon stink all over it. It's designed to advance the conspiracy theory that there is massive crime being committed by "removable aliens" -- and yet somehow all this is all a big secret that nobody knows about.
Just wait. Next up will be the Black-On-White Crime Reporting Office (BAWCRO for short, I guess?). Because that's yet another racist wingnut conspiracy, that there's HUGE NUMBERS of racist assaults on white people by black people going on, but they're being hushed up by a "politically correct, virtue-signalling" liberal cabal.
"Are you an disgruntled Klansman? Call in and tell Uncle Sam all about that time a scary African-American attacked you without any provocation."
Reading another whiny, desperate Brigade Fifteen comment just confirms how much real America is winning right now.
Donald Trump was wrong about one thing, that we'd get sick of all the winning.
I am absolutely loving it.
First Flynn. Now Sessions. And who is this Kislyak character? Stay tuned folks, this could get interesting.
Obama met with 'famous' black rappers to speak about meaningless bullshit.
Trump met with top-ranking black Congresspeople and intellectuals to boost HBCU profile to help blacks get better opportunities.
Sorry, disingenuous fuckers, you lost. Trump's what a president should be. That last diversity hire we just got rid of was a fucking joke.
Ha ha, y'all so mad. but Big Dick Trump just keeps winnin'.
Keep cryin', bitch niggas!
xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD
@ Anon 10:37 -
No, what Doug likes is to pay black crackheads from the bad side of Oaktown to fuck his wife while he wears his Batman jammies and watches from the closet.
How many times do I have to tell you bozos that I've never been married? Doesn't matter, none of y'all can read anyway.
And B15: Is that BAWCRO or just ol' Jim Crow?
Doesn't matter, they can't tell the difference anyway.
-Doug in Oakland
"I am absolutely loving it."
-Doug in Oakland
Uh oh, looks like Jefferson Sessions may have lied during his confirmation. Oh jeez, would be such a shame if he has to resign.
"John Bresnahan @BresPolitico
What would Sen. Jeff Sessions, member of the Judiciary Cmte, say about a witness whose testimony before the panel was shown to be untrue?"
Probably depends on whether said witness was white, male, and Republican or not.
-Doug in Oakland
Trump says health care is complex and who knew it would be this complicated? Really? He thought it would be easy to do something it took 50 some odd years to do? Holy shit, he's kidding right?
"Uh oh, looks like Jefferson Sessions may have lied during his confirmation."
Fake News.
Question was did you ever talk to Russian government about election.
Answer was no.
Sessions met with Russians in his capacity as a member of Senate committee.
But keep trying.
I'm not trying anything. If there is a there there let's see where it goes. Maybe it is nothing but I'm pretty sure the Wapo wouldn't waste ink on a nothing burger. I bet Nixon wanted a certain Wapo story termed fake news before it was flushed out.
"Trump says health care is complex and who knew it would be this complicated? Really? He thought it would be easy to do something it took 50 some odd years to do? Holy shit, he's kidding right?"
This is because he didn't give a moment's thought about policy before running for president. The White House was only ever about satisfying Trump's bloated ego. The sum total of his plans for the country was: "I'm gonna punish all the bad guys who are screwing America, and then everything will be unicorns and rainbows."
His party, on the other hand, knew they were lying to the public about Obamacare, that there is no actual way to replace it like they would like. This is why they've spent 7 years moaning about how much they hate it without saying what they'd do differently.
The reality is that there are only three realistic options on healthcare:
1) A convoluted, messy, mandate-and-subsidies contraption (Obamacare)
2) Medicare for everyone, private health insurance eliminated
3) Privatized healthcare -- i.e., NO healthcare for "loser" poor people, so the despicable rich tell those folks, "not my problem, go die quietly," if they get sick.
Again, Republican legislators know damn well this is how healthcare economics works.
"the Wapo wouldn't waste ink on a nothing burger. "
Putin Yerass: No. He was asked point blank in writing whether he had had any contact with anyone associated with the Russian government, and instead of saying "Yeah, I have committee business with all kinds of ambassadors, Russia's included, which would have been fine, he gave a one word answer: No. I can't speculate as to why he felt telling that particular lie was important enough to tell it to a senator at his confirmation hearing, but even Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III isn't stupid enough to believe there wouldn't be problems if he got caught.
Of course once confirmed, who's gonna prosecute him?
This whole administration is coated with slime.
B15: Once more with feeling- The ACA IS the Republican plan, thought up by Heritage, implemented by Romney, and held up as the "free market" alternative to single payer, which is cheaper, more efficient, and simpler. But never mind the fact that we already have two functioning single payer systems in the US, socialized medicine will destroy the republic, pervert your Granny, and bugger your dog, all while making the baby jebus cry. Oh yeah, and DEATH PANELS!!!!
These fuckers are so crooked they fart whirlwinds.
-Doug in Oakland
Trumpbots are trumpbots because they're all trumpotized.
"B15: Once more with feeling- The ACA IS the Republican plan, thought up by Heritage, implemented by Romney, and held up as the 'free market' alternative to single payer, which is cheaper, more efficient, and simpler."
Not cheaper, not more efficient, definitely not simpler. But easier to pass into law, only because insurance companies would have shit a brick if the government tried to put them out of business to enact single-payer. That's the only reason we ended up with Obamacare rather than banning private insurance and forcing everyone onto Medicare. It was politics.
But once Obama was passed, it turned out even that Republican-inspired plan wasn't free-market-y enough for Republicans anymore! The GOP now actually insist poor people go uninsured (and, by implication, die).
"Not cheaper, not more efficient, definitely not simpler."
To be clear, I was talking about Obamacare. I misread your comment, but I see now that you meant single-payer. Sorry.
I gotcha. And you got the politics right. The ACA was the only thing that could pass, and at the time the unemployment situation was still bad enough that the job losses single payer would have inflicted on the insurance industry were a major consideration.
I have Medicare because I'm disabled, and I like the hell out of it. There's some stuff it doesn't cover, but I've only run into anything like that once, two years ago when I went blind and needed cataract surgery.
Medicare pays 80% of things like that, but that still left me with more than a grand to pay, which I just didn't have.
Then I got covered by the Medicaid expansion for the rest of it and now I have 20/25 in my right eye and 20/40 in my left, and I only have to wear glasses to read.
My eyes are good enough to drive with now, and that was never true before my surgery.
So thank you Highland Hospital, and thank you Dr. Huang, and thank you Democrats for doing what couldn't be done for seventy years.
If I get kicked off of Medicaid next year, I'll probably be OK, but now that I'm 56 years old, I find I can't take that for granted like I used to.
-Doug in Oakland
2nd March 2017. Meters of wall built = 0
"What we do know is this: If a state does not expand its Medicaid program, it would create a "donut hole" in insurance coverage for low-income Americans.
"The federal law was written with the assumption that all people living below the poverty line would become eligible for Medicaid. Federal subsidies, therefore, would be unavailable to anyone making less than that — even if the state opts out of the Medicaid expansion.
"That could mean that some of the poorest Americans would be the ones who do not gain coverage through the Affordable Care Act. "It creates a no-man's land," Salo said.
"It's hard to know how many people would fall into that area, largely because — as Salo puts it — "this was a total surprise. We weren't studying it because it didn't matter prior to today." Going forward, however, this part of the Supreme Court decision could have a big impact on the Affordable Care Act's future."
"Where the states stand on Medicaid expansion"
I'm just glad negro History Month is over. March is IRISH History Month, a tribute to a people that actually contributed something to this country besides cheap labor 150 years ago. Pog Mo Thoin, motherfuckers!
P.S - Liam Neeson has a bigger cock than anybody on this site. Look it up.
Looks like Sessions lied.
Let's see where this goes.
trump's big HBCU plan has zero dollars budgeted towards implementation. Just trump being trump. All lip service.
What of Srinivas Kuchibhotla and Alok Madasani? What voice will President Butt Trumpet provide for these American Victims?
One of the policies introduced in Trump's SOTU speech last night comes right out of Adolph Hitler's playbook.
Voice is not a good idea unless you are an inbred wingnut living in MOM's basement.
Dems didn't lose the WH, Senate, house of ill repute or the Scotus. They were all stolen by fascist wingnuts during elections.
Anymoose sez- P.S - Liam Neeson has a bigger cock than anybody on this site. It is also green and tasty and slides in and out of my mouth like a well oiled machine. I give it a 10. Lap it up!
"Dems didn't lose the WH, Senate, house of ill repute or the Scotus. They were all stolen by fascist wingnuts during elections."
We wuz robbed!
field negro said...
Looks like Sessions lied.
Let's see where this goes
They're claiming that Sessions either lied or failed to disclose two brief encounters with the Soviet Ambassador "during the campaign" (but before Sessions joined it).
However, all of the oral questions Sessions answered were answered in reference to a written questionnaire submitted to Sessions by Senators, which Sessions submitted written answers to. The questionnaire is the document everyone is talking about here. Sessions is answering additional questions about the questionnaire.
And the questionnaire itself does not ask if Sessions had any contacts with Russian officials. As a Senator on the Armed Service Committee, presumably this would be a silly question to ask, as such Senators meet with foreign functionaries frequently.
Here's what Sessions was actually asked in the questionnaire -- which forms the template and the context of all the oral questions that followed:
"Several of the President-elect's nominees or senior advisers have Russian ties. Have you been in contact with anyone connected to any part of the Russian government about the 2016 election, either before or after election day?" Leahy wrote.
Sessions responded with one word: "No."
About the 2016 election. Not just if he had any contacts, but if he had any contacts about the 2016 election.
That describes the millions of bigoted europeon-americans that dot the landscape!!!
Sessions didn't lie, but if you plug your ears JUST right and assume a vast Kremlin plot to subvert the West it kind of sounds like he did.
14/15 I'm in.
The lady doth protest too much methinks.
There's a proportional relationship between how anxious you are about Putin and how enthusiastically you consume corporate media agitprop.
And to think Patrick Swazee and the other Wolverines gave their lives in the fight to keep us safe from the Russians.
Not concerned about Putin, concerned about my country. Too much smoke for there not to be a fire.
The Democrats have gone completely insane.
Off the edge insane.
They will never recover from this humiliating meltdown. Neither will their media.
Pretty interesting how the entire democratic leadership is calling for Sessions to resign based soley on a newspaper article that was released less than 24 hours ago.
Sessions should not have been confirmed in the first place.
He is a duplicitous little prick. Coretta Scott King was right.
So...let's make fake shit up about the Russians.
Sessions joined the campaign in February 2016-over a year ago- as a policy adviser. He was part of the campaign.
Lying Paul Ryan had this to say- "We have seen no evidence from any of these ongoing investigations that anybody in the Trump campaign or the Trump team was involved in any of this," Mr Ryan added.
Another fucking lie. What was Gen Flynn, A potted plant? Flynn met with Russians and dis
cussed sanctions before he was a government official, then lied about it and was fired. Sessions was also a member of the campaign. This whole administration is lying and covering up.
Before the election, at least 2 other officials mentioned contacts with Russians during the campaig. One was Screwdy Rudy and the other was, I believe, the campaign manager that roughed up the female reporter and was replaced by Manafort. Guiliani also said he had contacts with the FBI and there was a big announcement coming before the election.
Sessions testified during his Senate confirmation hearing Jan. 10 that he had no contacts with Russian officials.
He flat out lied!
Anonymous said...
And to think Patrick Swazee and the other Wolverines gave their lives in the fight to keep us safe from the Russians.
Drumpf's generals got them killed because Obama planned it before Drumpf was crowned king.
ps Sessions LIED UNDER OATH!
"What of Srinivas Kuchibhotla and Alok Madasani? What voice will President Butt Trumpet provide for these American Victims?"
He will send free Trump Steaks™ to the widows and orphans! (Although they're probably Hindu and don't eat beef, but those are just boring details that Donald has no time for.)
Latest bombshell: AG Sessions met with spouse of presedential candidate under investigation for national security crimes by the DOJ. This meeting took place in secret, on the tarmac where their private jets were parked.
Jon Stewart was right. Sessions ears make his head look like a flesh-toned bowling trophy.
-Doug in Oakland
John Stewart's nose makes him look like an evil, scheming Jew.
-Doug in Oakland
Obama administration had zero indictments, arrests and convictions in his 8 years as the best Potus ever.
Drumpfuck will be lucky if any of his family and cabinet escape life sentences. Bwahahahahahahahahahahahaha!
Sure glad no blatant racists post on this site. That would thoroughly ruin it for us nice people here.
NYT said-arglebargle and besides arglebarglebarglejargle. In conclusion, might I add, neither Clinton was found to have violated the law and then wingnuts went wee wee wee all the way home to sulk some more. Bwahahahahahahahahahaha!
Gawd it must hurt something fierce to be an inbred wingnut Drumpf voter. Got your Nanny tax credits yet?
Anti-Semitic Much?
Must be a trumpbot.
"dipshit" the name fits.
Racist Much?
Must be a fieldbot.
"Claire McCaskill @clairecmc
I’ve been on the Armed Services Com for 10 years.No call or meeting w/Russian ambassador. Ever. Ambassadors call members of Foreign Rel Com.
6:06 AM – 2 Mar 2017"
-Doug in Oakland
Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III at his confirmation hearing, speaking to Al Franken:
"I have been called a surrogate at a time or two in that campaign and I did not have communications with the Russians."
"One of the meetings was a private conversation between Sessions and Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak that took place in September in the senator's office, at the height of what U.S. intelligence officials say was a Russian cyber campaign to upend the U.S. presidential race."
h/t: Steve Benen at Maddowblog.
-Doug in Oakland
So little confederate Jeffie recused himself, and my stars and garters! Somehow the subject of Ukraine came up in the meeting that he claimed under oath he never had.
Keep pushing, we'll get rid of this racist creep.
-Doug in Oakland
White House admitted that Flynn not only had phone contacts with Russians but met with them in Drumpf Tower.
I think the whole stinking mess should face a firing squad, but,but HRC had emails.
Claire McCaskill's claim she never met with the Russian ambassador have already been busted by her own Tweets:
Claire McCaskill ✔ @clairecmc
Off to meeting w/Russian Ambassador. Upset about the arbitrary/cruel decision to end all US adoptions,even those in process.
9:25 AM - 30 Jan 2013
Claire McCaskill ✔ @clairecmc
Today calls with British, Russian, and German Ambassadors re: Iran deal. #doingmyhomework
6:49 AM - 6 Aug 2015
Try to keep up with the lies you repeat.
Making Nixon look like a choirboy.
McCaskill never met the ambassador one on one. She has explained all this and she didn't lie under oath doing it.
Sessions fucked up. Nobody asked him about contact with the Russians in his role as Senator/surrogate. The question was in the event of such by anyone in the campaign what action he would take in his new AG role (why the fuck do they call him General Sessions? Did he demand to be addressed that way to be one of "the generals"?). Was it his guilty conscience speaking? Surprising that right wingers are playing along with the Democrats’ ballbusting. No doubt their intent is to force Butt Trumpet to cough up his tax returns. Payback is a bitch.
Now turns out that the Trump administration met with the Rooskies during the convention. Damn, is he trying to start a vodka factory?
trump's son-in-law and right-hand man also met with Russians along with Flynn. My lord!👄
Elizabeth Warren agrees with Field about Sessions-
Elizabeth Warren ✔ @SenWarren
And we need Attorney General Jeff Sessions – who should have never been confirmed in the first place – to resign. We need it now.
Damn straight and You Go Girl!
So much for a free press. Be careful pushing on Sessions or the press will be investigated. WTF? Threats from the government to the press. Impeach the sonsabitches.
Never pick a fight with people who buy ink by the barrel.
anon @ 6:02:
Were either of those tweets in reference to the Armed Services Committee?
Perhaps learn to read.
-Doug in Oakland
Doug, that's asking a lot of a wingnut.
Were either of those tweets in reference to the Armed Services Committee?
Perhaps learn to read.
I read it, there was no qualification as to whether it had to do with the committee.
McCaskill needs to resign immediately.
You should take your own advice regarding reading. Session's answer was to being asked if he spoke with any Russians about the 2016 election.
Yes there was, moron. The entire gist of what she said was that ambassadors don't contact the Armed Services Committee, they contact the Foreign Relations Committee.
-Doug in Oakland
field says:
6:07 AM
Blogger field negro said...
Looks like Sessions lied.
Let's see where this goes.
6:48 AM"
For God's sake. are a "defense lawyer" for trash.
You know as well as I do, he didn't lie. He answererd the Master Politician Franken truthfully. LOOK at the WHOLE question, and his answer.
He says "he did not addresess the Russian Ambassador in regards to the Trump Election."
That he never addressed the Russian Ambassador about "security items", he didn't deny.
Remember, Claire Mckaskill claims she never even met the Russian Ambassador.
We have pics now, that prove that a total lie.
What is it with you Dems, that you just luv Clinton, Warren, Mckatkiller, Loretta Lynch, Pelosi, and the like?
I notice, most of your Dem boys are keeping their mouth's shut.
1. You all of a sudden find yourself attracted to gold plated things. Anything.
I guess all niggers are Trumpbots!!!
This list was worth going through just for the sheer unhinged stupidity of it all.
"Well here are some signs:
1. You all of a sudden find yourself attracted to gold plated things. Anything."
Projection. I don't even wear anything gold besides some dental work, none of it casually visible.
"2. You believe that Kellyanne Conway and Omarosa are both drop dead gorgeous."
I would not recognize Conway in a lineup and have no idea who Omarosa is.
"3. You would rather tweet than read a book."
Have never been on Twitter. Have close to a ton of books. Literally.
"4. You do not trust the news unless it is coming from FOX, Drudge, or Donald trump himself."
Read Fox articles linked by others. Haven't gone to Drudge's main page more than 1/month since 1/2006. OTOH, I trust what Trump says more than what the lügenpreße says about what Trump says. Funny how that works.
"5. You are binge watching The Apprentice reruns."
Haven't seen a single episode. Ever.
"6. You believe that "the blacks" all live in the inner cities."
I've seen ratchets in Detoilet, but too many way outside such zoos. Since they built neither the cities nor anything else, they should all be removed back to Afreaka where they belong.
"7. You keep reminding yourself to ask that waiter at the Mexican restaurant that you like to frequent for happy hour if he has a green card."
The local Mexican restaurants have no visible Mexican staff. White people can cook too, you know. Wait, maybe you don't.
"8. You are starting to think that democracy is overrated."
It's bullshit when Black people are allowed to vote themselves shares of White production.
"9. You prefer Russians to liberal Americans."
Russians are demonstrably smarter than American leftards. Russians would tell you to fuck off. Your developing fear is that Americans will do that too. It will come true.
"10. You would rather tour Mara a Lago than the actual White House."
No particular desire to do either, but the WH is historically more important and much closer to the Smithsonian museums of Art, Natural History and Air & Space anyway.
"11. You are afraid to leave your house because of all the crime outside. (Crime is at a historically low rate, but whatever.)"
I am not afraid to leave my house because I am the baddest motherfcuker in my hood and ready to pop a cap in the ass of anyone who fcuks with me. Legally.
"12. You know exactly what VOICE is."
Have to look that one up, but it's a Trump initiative of which I approve 100%.
"13. Orange is all of a sudden your favorite color."
Orange is great. I want to see Obama, both Clintons, Holder, Jarrett, Jeh Johnson, and the entire Congressional Black Caucus dressed in it.
"14. You still believe that former president Barak Obama did not produce his real birth certificate."
The name Johanna Ah'nee still means nothing to you. That's because reality means nothing to you either, if it contradicts your Narrative. This is why you need to leave the USA, which is reverting to a reality-based country founded on the American nation (of which you are no part). (continued)
"15. Ted Nugent is your favorite artist ."
His hit with the Amboy Dukes was good, wasn't impressed by much else. I prefer Dave Brubeck, Chick Corea and David Sanborn.
White people do jazz better than you do. Ragtime (the parent of jazz) was invented by Ludwig von Beethoven. You invented nothing and are worth nothing.
We know Black Lives Don't Matter, because you protest thugs shot by police while ignoring your own butchered for food. You are worthless parasites, who could get nothing save for false White guilt.
"This VOICE idea is such a nauseatingly racist move, which has Steve Bannon stink all over it. It's designed to advance the conspiracy theory that there is massive crime being committed by "removable aliens" -- and yet somehow all this is all a big secret that nobody knows about."
Say, aren't you one of the "Black Lives Matter" idiots? Do you know just how FEW Black people are killed by police, versus other Blacks? Yet you have this theory that there is a massive conspiracy by law enforcement to kill you off and it's all a big secret kept from "wingnuts".
And you wonder why we think you're a bunch of morons. Look no further.
"Just wait. Next up will be the Black-On-White Crime Reporting Office (BAWCRO for short, I guess?). Because that's yet another racist wingnut conspiracy, that there's HUGE NUMBERS of racist assaults on white people by black people going on"
Not a bad idea, but BAWCRO is such a clumsy term. I prefer BARCA, the Bureau on African Racist Criminal Attacks. It evokes the memory of Hannibal. It should use crime data to rule non-Black areas off-limits to Blacks based on where and how they commit crimes. You start burglarizing White areas? Off-limits. You start assaulting people on buses? You don't get to ride public transit any more. You don't pay for roads and buses (or much of anything), so any abuse should have you banned from them.
We really need such a bureau. If it saves ONE child, it would be worth it... and it would have saved Angel Antonio Santiago, Autumn Pasquale and Jonathon Foster.
"One of the policies introduced in Trump's SOTU speech last night comes right out of Adolph Hitler's playbook."
So does gun control.
This just cropped up and I had to pop your bubb... er, share it with you.
"It's designed to advance the conspiracy theory that there is massive crime being committed by "removable aliens" -- and yet somehow all this is all a big secret that nobody knows about."
It's a secret that the Lamestream Media do their best to keep secret. With 17 illegals accumulating 37 sex-crime charges in North Carolina just last month, there really IS massive crime being committed.
field negro said...
Sessions should not have been confirmed in the first place.
1:03 PM
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