The president of the United Stated accuses the former president of spying on him (calls him a very sick/bad person) without anything to back up his claim but the sick twisted theories floating in his own head. He calls a meeting of his top advisors and one day later his press -secretary releases a statement that what the president dreamed up in his head is very "troubling" and that congress must investigate it.
The claim is so preposterous that the FBI wants it to be officially rejected by the department of justice.
Someone should tell our current president that the president of the United States just can't go around getting wiretaps on citizens. Maybe that's what he wants to do in his current position, but there is this little thing called the law that we all have to follow.
The scary thing about all of this is that trump has actually doubled down on his claim. And he and his surrogates have spent the last few hours trying to come up with some type of justification for his claim. But, as is to be expected, they can find none. Now they are stuck having to go out and defend their leader with nothing to back up his claim.
It's one thing, of course, if one lone man is going on these bizarre rants and showing signs of delusion, it's quite another to have others around him buying into his lunacy.
But what does that say about us as a people? That we value being close to power and tribalism over truth? It's quite sad if it's true. Unfortunately, it seems to be.
Just look at how elected republicans and various leaders are treating these latest declarations by the president. It's as if they all purposely have their heads stuck in the sand.
I honestly can't blame them, though.
This is embarrassing for not only the republicans in Washington, but for all of us.
*Pic from
without anything to back up his claim but the sick twisted theories floating in his own head.
Except of course the two documented FISA requests the Obama administraiton made to wire tap him.
So there's that.
Great observations, Mr. Field. But maybe you went a step too far with calling Donnie "President." Some of us are not ready to jump off that bridge to nowhere. Facts not in evidence, a reality too cruel or if Donnie doesn't last 100 days before impeachment, was he really "President?" Seriously. If Donnie cannot show us his tax returns, does he really exist?
"Someone should tell our current president that the president of the United States just can't go around getting wiretaps on citizens"
No President can weaponize the IRS, run guns to Mexico, wiretap reporters, and jail a filmmaker to cover up Benghazi, but that didn't stop Obama.
Nothing stopped Obama. Until Trump.
Narrative last week - "LOL Deep State will take down DRUMPF"
Narrative this week - "Wow, Trump is so paranoid for thinking people are out to get him."
So, for months the media has been getting leaked info from phone calls.
Now we're told there was no wiretapping.
So all those stories were false?
The HNIC of the United Stain of America accuses the former president of spying on him.
With all the chicanery surrounding group grump and their alleged communication with the Russians I hope they did run some wire.
Vandals not responsible for dozens of tipped graves at Jewish cemetery in Brooklyn, management says:
“There’s no evidence of vandalism,” the spokesman said. “In conference with managers of the cemetery, it appears to be a result of neglect of maintenance combined with environmental factors, such as the soil giving way.”
Jewish cemetery controversy:
- Jews too cheap to maintain their cemeteries
- Headstones crumble, fall due to neglect
- Run to press, claim vandalism
- Claim insurace money due to "vandalism"
- Claim rising ant-semitism worldwide
- Get laws passed against criticizing Jews
Clapper said there was no FISA warrant, but Trump isn't the only tenant of Trump tower connected with his campaign, so that may not mean anything.
All of this talk about "wiretaps" misses the fundamental change that defines communications in today's world. They don't have to "wire" or "tap" anything. They have it all. We've known that since 2004. The question is accessing it, legally. We lost any sense that electronic communications could ever be private during the Bush administration, and even though the Obama administration said they had rules against accessing private communications between US citizens, I never for one minute have believed that they stopped collecting and saving it once they had the technology to do so. Why would they? And how? They freely admit that they collect any foreign communications going over the networks, and that isn't being done by people, it's being done by machines, so how do the machines know who's foreign and who is a citizen?
The NSA has had deals with the telecoms for years over who gets into their databases, and any regulations that are now in place only happened after they were caught doing things they weren't telling us about. Vaughn Walker and Anna Diggs Taylor both had cases before them concerning these sort of abuses, and the only thing the Bush administration could do to quash them was claim "state secrets" were involved, meaning the public couldn't find out what they were really up to. This was years before Snowden confirmed it with his stolen documents.
So I don't think I believe them if they are claiming that Trump's calls aren't recorded and archived somewhere in the bowels of Fort Meade, especially the calls that happened post birtherism.
The real absurdity about Trump's claim is that Obama would himself go digging through that mountain of data looking for bad things to say about him. And his calls for an investigation? He's the fucking president. He has access to all of that information. The only information he wouldn't have legal access to would be if he was under investigation by the FBI, so is that what he is suggesting? Or is he just so blitheringly incompetent that he doesn't know how the government he's supposed to be presiding over works?
-Doug in Oakland
"So, for months the media has been getting leaked info from phone calls.
Now we're told there was no wiretapping."
The NSA tapped the Russians. Because, you know, that's their job, as gatherers of foreign intelligence.
If Trump buffoons have been calling the Russians, despite their denials, it's hardly the NSA's fault said Trump buffoons ended up on the tapes.
Remember the good old days when Trump gave a racism-and-lie-filled state of the union address (the victims of "immigrant crime" he brought along with him as visual aids were an especially gross touch), but clueless pundits declared that speech "presidential" because the president managed to successfully read out the whole speech without pooping himself?
These pundits so badly want to deny the catastrophe on our hands -- the reality that the occupant of the White House is a terrible joke who doesn't know what he's doing and has numerous dangerous character defects -- that they are dropping the bar for competence ever lower and just hoping and praying Trump will be able to stumble over it so they can say everything is okay.
But less than a week later, Trump is ranting that Obama is wiretapping him and hiring protesters to make him look bad and God knows what other paranoid fantasies. Soon Trump will tell us he can hear aliens talking to him through his dental fillings as well. Just utterly bonkers.
So here we are. Back to our regularly scheduled programming: Everything is NOT okay.
Hat tip to Obama's former speechwriter Jon Favreau:
"Barack Obama's master plan:
1) Wiretap the opposition
2) Gather damaging info
3) Say nothing
4) Let him win
5) Ride off into the sunset"
Where is the logic here? If Obama was going to abuse his powers to fuck over Trump, wouldn't he have done it before the election, thereby sparing us all this travesty of a presidency?
The hardcore Trumpkins won't really spy this gaping hole in Trump's reasoning, of course, because as has long been very clear, they ain't too bright.
Wingnuts are too stoopid to understand how stoopid they are. Drumpf is a real nut job, looney bin candidate and stoopid wingnuts enable his insanity to continue. Party above country. Party above country. Party above country. Party above country. Party above country. Party above country. Party above country. Party above country. Party above country.
Bwahahahahahahaha! Insane fucking LOSERS!!!
6th March 2017. Meters of wall built.
"James Comey, the director of the FBI, has reportedly asked the US Justice Department to publicly reject claims made by Donald Trump that Barack Obama ordered his phones to be tapped during the 2016 election campaign.
Comey made the request on Saturday because of his concern that the allegation was false and suggested the FBI had broken the law, according to the New York Times. Unnamed US officials confirmed Comey’s move to the Associated Press, NBC News, and the Wall Street Journal."
Huh. So, Director Comey, perhaps it wasn't such a great idea after all to help smear Hillary Clinton with insinuations that her data handling practices were somehow criminal and there was any possibility of those Trumpish "lock her up" fantasies coming true?
This is why it's never, ever a good idea to aid or suck up to Trump. This is a dirtbag with zero sense of loyalty toward literally anyone besides himself. He will happily chuck you under the bus the moment it serves his purposes to do so. (This goes double for the white working-class idiots whom Trump was already planning to betray before they even voted for him.)
This is the first and last year for trump so no supreme court nominee, if Obama was responsible for any of this insanity white people would have tried to lynch him
So, it's insane ranting when Trump accuses Obama without any direct evidence of Obama being solely responsible for tapping his phone (though taps did exist, objectively, and Obama is the chief law enforcement officer in the nation).
But it's just TRUE when NYT, Hillary and Co., etc, claim Russia interfered with the election without evidence.
You fucking buffoons expose yourselves on the daily.
PEEOTUS is slick enough to know that ANY mention of President Obama, brings whooteemoos out of the woodwork.
And those pussy grabbing trips to Florida every weekend is costing a TON!!
The United States Attorney General (A.G.) is the head of the United States Department of Justice per 28 U.S.C. § 503, concerned with legal affairs, and is usually assumed to be the chief law enforcement officer and chief lawyer of the United States government.
Too bad so sad, Josh 2 Smart. I just took yer lunch money some more.
Countdown to PEEOTUS' impeachment.
Wingnuts 'splained in a wingnut shell.
Obama is going to jail!
It is widely known that Obama’s Justice Department targeted journalists with wiretaps in 2013:
* In 2013 the liberal Washington Post expressed outrage after the revelation that the Justice Department had investigated the newsgathering activities of a Fox News reporter as a potential crime in a probe of classified leaks. The reporter, Fox News’ James Rosen and his family, were part of an investigation into government officials anonymously leaking information to journalists. Rosen was not charged but his movements and actions were tracked.
* Also in 2013, members of the Associated Press were also a target of the surveillance. The ultra liberal New Yorker even noted that “In moderate and liberal circles, at least, the phone-records scandal, partly because it involves the dear old A.P. and partly because it raises anew the specter of Big Brother, may well present the most serious threat to Obama’s reputation.”
* Reporter Sharyl Attkisson said in 2014 that her personal computer and CBS laptop were hacked after she began filing stories about Benghazi that were unflattering to the Obama administration. A source who checked her laptop said the hacker used spyware “proprietary to a government agency,” according to an article in the New York Post.
TGP- you had a point? Proof?
Justice Department is entitled to investigate to see if crimes were committed. That is part and parcel of what they do.
The problem is you wingnuts have cried wolf so many times with the Clintons and Obamas ain't nobody gonna take you seriously no more.
Why is it wingnut congress does not want to investigate Drumpf/Russia ties but jump on board when the unhinged apricot claims w/o any scintilla of proof that Obama wire tapped his phones? The Breitbart article Drumpf was referencing from Mark Levin sez even Levin doesn't know if there were wiretaps. Now Drumpf acts like it is gospel.
Drumpf needs to relax in a nice safe rubber room w/o twitter for a period of a hundred years. That oughta cure his infantile conspiraciy theories.
* Reporter Sharyl Attkisson said in 2014 that her personal computer and CBS laptop were hacked after she began filing stories about Benghazi that were unflattering to the Obama administration. A source who checked her laptop said the hacker used spyware “proprietary to a government agency,” according to an article in the New York Post.
According to Attkisson- checked her laptop said the hacker used spyware “proprietary to a government agency,” before she began reporting on Benghazi. Sez so right in the article.
* Reporter Sharyl Attkisson said in 2014 that her personal computer and CBS laptop were hacked after she began filing stories about Benghazi that were unflattering to the Obama administration. A source who checked her laptop said the hacker used spyware 'proprietary to a government agency,' according to an article in the New York Post.
Yeah. She said that, but then again ... she's a crank. Nobody could corroborate her allegations. And Sharyl Attkisson is a crap reporter who's promoted anti-vaxx nonsense and other socially destructive lies.
"* In 2013 the liberal Washington Post expressed outrage after the revelation that the Justice Department had investigated the newsgathering activities of a Fox News reporter as a potential crime in a probe of classified leaks. The reporter, Fox News’ James Rosen and his family, were part of an investigation into government officials anonymously leaking information to journalists. Rosen was not charged but his movements and actions were tracked.
* Also in 2013, members of the Associated Press were also a target of the surveillance. The ultra liberal New Yorker even noted that “In moderate and liberal circles, at least, the phone-records scandal, partly because it involves the dear old A.P. and partly because it raises anew the specter of Big Brother, may well present the most serious threat to Obama’s reputation.”
Nope. Neither of these cases involved reporters being "wiretapped." The government pulled their call records (whom they called, not what was said during the calls) pursuant to criminal investigations of their sources. Those sources committed unapproved, illegal leaks of national security-sensitive information. The reporters were never the targets of the investigation, only the sources. In the Rosen case, his source, Stephen Kim, was ultimately sentenced to 13 months in prison.
Now, one can argue the point that reporters should be accorded more privacy protections than average citizens to encourage freedom of the press, but this is a complex and contentious issue. Occasionally, there is a public interest justification for leaks of highly classified information, but often, there damn well isn't and the leakers absolutely should rot in jail.
In any event, these cases have got fuck-all to do with the sort of politically motivated spying that Trump is claiming happened to him (without any evidence whatsoever to support his claim, naturally).
Again, if 1) Trump and his buddies talked to officials in the government of a hostile nation whom 2) they had no damn business talking to, because Trump wasn't elected to anything at the time, and 3) those hostile foreign government officials were under NSA surveillance at the time, well, Trump and his buddies were going to end up on some recordings, weren't they? No spy agency lawbreaking required.
If the wiretaps occurred, and Trump wants proof, then he need merely declassify them. That's in his power, and power removes excuses.
But he hasn't done so, which I take as proof that the wiretaps did not happen. Or if they did, then they were for reasons that Trump does not want us to know. Corruption, perhaps?
And here we go with Trump Muslim ban, version 2.0. Same as the old Muslim ban, but now Iraqis will be let in. Muuuuuch less bigoted.
Wait, no it isn't.
Somehow, I don't think federal judges are going to be more cool with this one than with the last one, so we're in for another round of Trump whining about how judges are persecuting him.
Gold Star Dad Khizir Khan is having his travel reviewed. Coincidence?
Muslim bans.
When vetting is used, HOW many people are questioned about their religion?
tr**p will definitely go down was one of the three worst Presidents ever. Mark my words.
Bizarre rantings from Drumpf's house negro- Ben Carson.
He just referred to slaves as immigrants.
“That’s what America is about, a land of dreams and opportunity,” Carson said. “There were other immigrants who came here in the bottom of slave ships, worked even longer, even harder for less. But they too had a dream that one day their sons, daughters, grandsons, granddaughters, great-grandsons, great-granddaughters, might pursue prosperity and happiness in this land.”
What business is it of you or anyone else what someone's religion is, Commandeered Queenie? There are no religious tests for office holders. Kristians are more likely to kill Americans in America and elsewhere as any other religion.
Drumpf is already the three worst presidents ever and he is striving to make it 4 worst.
How many more chances does he get?
Sez US Intelligence has ample proof of high level Russians colluding with Drumpf campaign-enough to send people to jail and end this administration.
Butt Trumpet: just another micro-dick mega-ego white boy with nothing to say.
Russia has PEEOTUS by the balls, he has to create a false narrative to cast doubt on what's to come.
Blogger mike from iowa said...
"What business is it of you or anyone else what someone's religion is, Commandeered Queenie? There are no religious tests for office holders. Kristians are more likely to kill Americans in America and elsewhere as any other religion."
5:20 PM
You are so damned stupid, MiQueenie.
What i was was referring to was the "Muslin-Ban", you get all hot and bothered over.
In this sense....I was "on your side".
Fuck the gooks and chinks!
Commandeered Queenie- I will ask again- What business is it of you or anyone else what someone's religion is?
"These pundits so badly want to deny the catastrophe on our hands -- the reality that the occupant of the White House is a terrible joke who doesn't know what he's doing and has numerous dangerous character defects"
You're too late with that speil. The time for that was 2009, and we've got 8 years of proof.
Ok, we'll see how the white guy does. So far he sucks just like Josh does to you.
Speil????????? Did you and your magnificent IQ come up with speil,????
Where's the fainting couch? I have the vapors.
150 IQ Mike. Bwahahahahahahaha!
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