Still, the fact that they are having such a hard time getting the votes to support this dreadful plan (a plan it took them seven years to perfect) says all you need to know about the dysfunction among these right-wingnuts in Washington.
In one corner you have the real conservatives, and in the other corner you have the moderates. In the middle you have Paul Ryan and the trump White House, whose concern is not for the health of the American people, but rather the political optics of their dreadful trumpcare rollout.
Trump and Ryan just want a win at this point. Any win. Why? Because in case you have been living on another planet, these first 60 days or so have been absolutely horrible for team trump and the republicans.
And what's scary is this: As Chris Hayes stated earlier, the White House does not know what's in the health care plan and he does not care. He just wants a win. Details be damned. Details, by the way, which are serious, and which have serious consequences for the lives of real people.
"Kentucky GOP Rep. Thomas Massie said Thursday that the Trump administration had not convinced him to change his vote on the bill to replace Obamacare, and said that he hoped it would sink in the House.
“I am still very much opposed to the bill,” Massie said on MSNBC’s Morning Joe Thursday. “I think it’s worse than Obamacare.” [Source]
Mr. Massie has changed his vote from No to HELL NO!
It's going to be a long night.
*Pic from
tr**p and Republicans are dragging America down with them. This is embarrassing.
These white Retardican SCUM will stop at nothing to destroy the legacy of a noble and courageous black man! This is what happens when we get our first black President, the white mutants of America will do everything to undo all the good that he did for their own racist and selfish agenda.
#BlackPride #BlackPower #BlackisBeautiful
The white boy Republicans are just compensating for their micro dicks. Obama has a bigger dick than all of them combined.
Black people make me laugh. You're all just a bunch of fat violent retards.
Noose is tightening on the Obama administration over illegal spying on Trump.
Nunes release was to prepare the public for what's coming.
Expect a bombshell revelation tomorrow.
Obama was shit. Deal with it.
Massie knows the reality that a lot of people in his state, probably many in his district, depend on the ACA. This is the real danger of hearing only rightwing propaganda. If they knew what was really in the bill and what they would lose they would be trying to get all of their reps to kill it. Kentucky will be the most interesting to watch because Obamacare is working well there. The next few days are gonna be interesting.
You shitlibs hate Russia for doing nothing more than (maybe) releasing Democrats own words.
Clueless. They don't know (or won't admit) the most basic fact about the ACA which is (one more time with feeling) a REPUBLICAN bill, thought up by Heritage as a "free market" alternative to the Clinton plan in the '90s, implemented by Romney, and the only thing that would pass in 2010, given the political climate (see also: conspiracy, Caucus Room) and as such, a much more complicated, less efficient plan than single payer, which is the only sane way to deal with reliably delivering a service that makes up a fifth of the economy.
So there is not, and never will be a Republican alternative healthcare bill, because 1) the ACA is that bill, and 2) the Republicans don't want to reform or provide healthcare. All they want to do is cause the ACA to either fail (it didn't) or go away, because they hate Obama and more importantly the continued success of the ACA refutes their bullshit ideology that government can't ever do anything right.
And the Republicans elected Trump to fully prove that point.
Except that it's bullshit. Any bright nine year old knows that much. All of their Randian free market castles in the sky are built on top of the infrastructure of the US government, and would not just come crashing down without it, but would never have existed in the first place.
But fuck those idiots and their greedy delusions. All you have to do to understand the current healthcare plans is stop listening to the endless bullshit and look at what they actually did.
The ACA was the product of more than a year of really hard work by a lot of smart people who actually cared about getting it right. It was pronounced dead more times than I can count, but the people working on it refused to give up, even after Scott Brown won his election and threw the whole process into chaos.
It's a big bill because there's a lot of things in it that deal with all of the problems as they saw them. Not everything worked, but a lot of it did, especially the cost cutting provisions that have dramatically slowed the growth of costs, arguably the second most important thing needed in healthcare reform, behind covering the uninsured.
The Republicans have not done jack shit in the seven years since, and every time they said they were "working on their replacement plan" they were lying. There. Is. No. Plan.
What they did was got together after the election, and like the dog that caught the bus, didn't know what the fuck to actually do. So they threw together a bunch of tax cuts and budget bombs that would be allowed under reconciliation in the senate and called it the AHCA. No research, no committee hearings with healthcare experts, no actual work. Just fraud. It can't be a healthcare bill because you can't pass a healthcare bill under reconciliation. It's a budgetary bill. That's what reconciliation is for. Nothing else.
Trump may or may not understand any of that. Probably he understands more than it seems, but what's the fucking difference between "can't understand" and "won't admit to understanding"?
Thanks Comey, I hope your balls drop off into your shoe and you step on them.
-Doug in Oakland
I hope Doug in Oakland loses his healthcare coverage.
"Noose is tightening on the Obama administration over illegal spying on Trump."
Who is going to be Obama's Scooter Libby?
Obama has left the country, purely for vacationing reasons you understand.
Would love to see your evidence of that.
Trump is getting heat for his people having too many Russian ties and these assholes think Obama is going to jail. Holy fuck some people need to stop watching Hannity.
"Would love to see your evidence of that."
Tomorrow we'll all see it.
Tomorrow we'll all see it.
So tomorrow when we don't see it make sure you come back here to talk. No wonder you post as anon.
"Trump and Ryan just want a win at this point."
What an idiot you are. Ryan was an anti-Trumper. He a wholly-owned property of the US Chamber of Commerce, in which Soros has an interest. He is the GOP Establishment through and through.
Trump is the total repudiation of the GOP(e), Soros and the USCOC.
Trump is using this failure to deliver a real repeal bill to strip Ryan of his pretensions of working with the POTUS. The House will shortly vote for a new Speaker. Ryan, humiliated and without significant influence, will be primaried out in 2018.
"Mr. Massie has changed his vote from No to HELL NO!"
Watch the chess game.
Oh, wait... you never got beyond "Chutes and Ladders". I forgot. Sorry!
"These white Retardican SCUM will stop at nothing to destroy the legacy of a noble and courageous black man!"
If he'd just stayed in Kenya where he was born, we wouldn't be having any of these problems.
"So there is not, and never will be a Republican alternative healthcare bill"
Really, we've proven that nothing is more costly than "free" healthcare, and that delivering health care through an insurance system is as broken as you can get.
Insurance is for risks you can't handle out of pocket. Routine health care should be a free market paid by inviduals and families, like food budgets. Delivering everything through a massive insurance bureaucracy guarantees high cost and inefficiency. Obamacare is quite literally Broken By Design.
"All they want to do is cause the ACA to either fail (it didn't) or go away"
All the benefits of Obamacare were front-loaded, the costs back-loaded. The costs are coming due now. They were DESIGNED to collapse it. This was the subject of EXTENSIVE analysis at the time, but you, the goldfish who forgets what happened more than 7 seconds ago, have no memory of it.
What you get, you deserve.
"the Republicans elected Trump to fully prove that point."
Brainless idiot. The GOP(e) wanted and expected El Jeb to win, to lose to Hitlery. It was Americans who were fed up, and had other ideas.
"Obama has left the country, purely for vacationing reasons you understand."
"Would love to see your evidence of that."
Your Mulatto Messiah is in Tahiti for a month, not coincidentally just a short flight from countries with no US extradition treaties.
James Comey said...
So tomorrow when we don't see it make sure you come back here to talk. No wonder you post as anon.
Says "James Comey".
Working class white mortality rate 30% lower than blacks in 1999, now 30% higher than blacks.
$350/g for melanin
Jesus James, you really showed those negroes! You are sooooooo smart. 150 IQ bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah!
Says "James Comey".
Pick a name just for today and tomorrow so we can see how wrong you really are. Trump will be in jail long before Obama.
Sooooooo this is the new right wing talking point to try to distract us from Republicans and their health care bill going down in flames and more evidence of Russian links? Nice try guys but your fake ass news about the former President going to jail doesn't fly anywhere other than on Fox news.
24th March 2017. Meters of wall built = 0.
You guys who are saying that Obama is going to jail are just saying that for argument sake, right? Because I refuse to believe that u are that stupid.
I mean how do u turn on your computer to post here?🤔
No Field, if all you watch is conservative media in your bubble this is the lead story. Watching Fox and Friends and the lead is the "smoking gun" about Obama spying om Trump. Hannity interviewed Nunes last night. They live in their own little world and in their world the Russian links are fake news and the real news is Obama spied on orange foolius. And of course the terror attack.
So yeah suck it Field you leftist, your hero is going to jail:-)
Anonymous Adam Douglas said...
Black people make me laugh. You're all just a bunch of fat violent retards.
If what you say is true, you'd be pissing yer little girl pants and cowering in fear. Or, you'd be dreaming of a big black cock in yer mouth.
If he'd just stayed in Kenya where he was born, we wouldn't be having any of these problems.
If the bald guy had stayed on the fence post where he was shit out, we wouldn't have to read his insufferable garbage racism.
John McShame expects more shoes to drop on Drumpf's noggin vis a vis Russian collusion. Bwahahahahahahahahaahha!
Drumpf's Time interview with the falsehoods removed is much much shorter.
Yep, Field. H.R. 1628 cannot be filibustered because it's a (reconciliation) budget bill. The legislation is a disaster and 45 et al. owns it. Healthcare is not 45's strength...presidenting isn't either. LOLOLOL Hopefully, 45 will be impeached by this summer. He's just not fit for the presidency.
PX:" They live in their own little world and in their world the Russian links are fake news"
This is why the Democrats lost - and why they are going to keep losing - they'd rather blame a tinfoil "influence campaign" than admit Hillary was a terrible, Crooked candidate.
" So yeah suck it Field...""
I seriously doubt Field wants to floss his teeth with your penis.
"You guys who are saying that Obama is going to jail are just saying that for argument sake, right? Because I refuse to believe that u are that stupid."
You'd think they'd have learned from the whole "Hillary is going to jail" thing failing to materialize.
Where is Hillary? Hint: Not jail.
That ought to have given them a clue as to the reliability of wingnut media and the fantasies they are peddling. But it didn't. They never learn. They just double down on the wishful thinking. Yum-yum, give me more lies.
than admit Hillary was a terrible, Crooked candidate.
Terrible crooked HRC did receive 3 million more popular votes than the bogus potus, HRC did not get help from the FBI and Russia to steal the election. HRC did not benefit from gerrymandering and intense voter suppression efforts in red states. And she still essentially won an election full of dirty campaign efforts against her. As for being a crook- prove it. All I want to see is one time she has been indicted, charged and convicted of a single crime in the 35 years you right wing motherfuckers have been lying about her. Just one, bitch. Put up or shut up!
Wingnuts hired an agency that specializes in Russia to do opposition research against HRC. The plot thickens. The noose around Drumpf's fat fucking neck gets tighter.
"The noose around Drumpf's fat fucking neck gets tighter".
CLEARLY he wants an impeachment hearing ASAP so he can Maro Largo indefinitely.
Mike would rather the American public not know what a lying, thieving crook Hillary was.
Both candidates were "hacked", Hillary by someone, maybe the Russians, and Trump by Obama.
Obama had nothing on Trump, or we would have heard it last summer.
The filth on Hillary was too much for the American public to bear.
Personally, I am glad the truth came out, no matter how it happened. I am glad we now have a President who is so clean that even being surveilled for two years by the previous President turned up absolutely nothing that would cast doubts on his character or motivations.
It's time for us to come together and support our Presdient. God bless President Trump.
"Where is Hillary? Hint: Not jail."
Not yet.
Trump is being investigated by the FBI while HRC is not. If anyone is wearing a tin foil hat it's those who believed Trump would deliever a better/cheaper healthcare plan that covered everyone and instead they're going to lose their coverage because crooked Hillary. Ok.
Almost noon and still no smoking gun implicating Barack in wire tapping. Got a feeling this is going to turn into a Capone's secret vault moment. Maybe Geraldo will find a bottle.
"You guys who are saying that Obama is going to jail are just saying that for argument sake, right? Because I refuse to believe that u are that stupid."
So why did Zero head for non-extradition territory without Mooch and the former First Niglets?
"This is why the Democrats lost - and why they are going to keep losing - they'd rather blame a tinfoil "influence campaign" than admit Hillary was a terrible, Crooked candidate."
Or that John Pedosta's Russian connections are quite obviously the reason that they're trying to create a smoke-screen about Trump.
And speaking of playing games....
@PX: Everyone was going to lose their healthcare plan anyway, as Obamacare is imploding.
If Hillary were President, we'd be getting a nightmare single payer government system, run as efficiently as the Post Office and the TSA.
Thank God for President Trump, who will do the right thing by the American people.
Field, how about featuring Rev. William Barber of N.C. for his "field" behavior. Black activist preachers have gravitas, man, in a way that whites don't quite seem to.
Like what he and fellow clergy did outside Ryan's office yesterday. "People will die," indeed.
"'Where is Hillary? Hint: Not jail.'
Not yet."
"Not yet." LMAO!!
Anon has been drinking vast quantities of Kool-Aid.
Anon's house has got no walls left from Kool-Aid man bursting through them.
Also note that more people will go without health care if the ACA is repealed WITH NO REPLACEMENT than if they Republicrap Care is voted in.
Jeeesus. There is BAD and there is THIS BAD.
"Pope Francis said...
I hope Doug in Oakland loses his healthcare coverage.
11:19 PM"
Well, Dougie lost his Oakland Raiders Football team. Just when they were starting to be relevant, again. I hope Lynch comes out of "retirement' to play for them.
Poor little bald guy just can't get enough conspiracies going about Obama. Never right but never in doubt. Must be seriously rough to not have a life outside of wingnut conspiracies. You need a hobby. Go play in the traffic.
Screwy Louie Gohmert is the one wingnut congressman trying to get a congressional investigation into Podesta's so called Russian connection. That is never going to fly. Gohmert is the southern nutjob equivalent of iowa's Steve 'Cantaloupe Calves' King.
Plus this is a big deal on right wingnut job sites only.
Obamacare isn't collapsing on its own.
Really Mike? Are the Russians collpasing Obamacare?
Perhaps, not, Queen Corn.
I thought the Dems had "safeguards" to make Obamacare protected.
Apparently, not.
Obama knew Obamacare was going to fail for 8 years and did nothing.
Trump has only been in office for 65 days, and he has the whole government working to fix it.
Thank God for President Trump.
Paul Ryan is a stupid ugly white man (a redundancy, I know) who is basically Trump's bitch now. He is a loser who will continue to lose.
#BlackPride #BlackPower #BlackisBeautiful
The Raiders? Really? Football? None for me, thanks. If another bunch of millionaires stop begging for public funding here and do it somewhere else, I'm a happy guy. I haven't cared about the Raiders since Bilitnikoff left.
So it looks like there was only one candidate in the general under FBI investigation, and it wasn't Hillary.
It also looks like only one of those candidates was guilty of treason, and that also wasn't Hillary.
The only real question is the extent of the collusion. It is possible that, as Malcolm Nance said last summer, Trump was (is) an unwitting asset of the Russians, but there is not any question as to whether he and his campaign benefited from Russian espionage. So now it's a game of "find the connection" to see whether or not he must face legal consequences. The utter outrageousness of a US president being assisted in his election by Russian spying and propaganda seems entirely lost on those who feel they benefited from it, but it sure as hell isn't lost on me.
And by the way, the Russians don't seem to labor under such uncertainties:
-Doug in Oakland
Magat-you have zero evidence Obamacare was going to collapse-regardless of how hard wingnuts worked to cause it. Wingnuts can't afford the ACA to collapse and get 54% of Americans pissed off at them for taking away their healthcare.
Quite the conimdrumk ain't it? Bwahahahahahahahahahaha!
Lyin Flynn was gonna take a person from the US and ship him off to Turkey as a fugitive before he had any official government capacity. The whole Drumpf administration should be nuked immediately from the face of the Earth.
At least the third Dem has come out and said he has seen clear evidence of collusion in secret testimony between the Russkies and Drumpf's campaign. The noose gets tighter.
Ya know, Dougie, I've never been a Raiders fan myself. But, I liked Bellitnikoff, Dave Casper, Ken Stabler, Lyle Alzado, The Stork, many guys I can't even name at this moment.
What was the name of that defensive back who practically bathed in "stick'em"?
I think the Raiders will be bad-assed in Las Vegas. They have that Carr boy as a QB.
Like I said...Marshawn Lynch "claims" he will come back to play for them.
#KillTheBill, the`first of MANY failures to come.
Now let's see how PEEOTUS spins this!
Ryan cancelled the healthcare vote-again. Too bad so sad.
Don't answer, Doug. It's a trap. The raiders cheated as bad as wingnuts.
The Raiders "cheated"?
How so, Queenie? Perhaps they had more penalties for any NFL teams for years. They also got the most penalty yards assessed.
How is that "cheating"?
Hannity interview's Drumpf's brain after insurance vote debacle.
What is your point? Queenie from Iowa?
BTW, continually let this person ,I assume a male, to keep posting as such" I Hate Spics, Gooks, Kikes and Faggots said."
If I say Niggers, you don't like that.
LOL. I know you won't answer.
Drumpf comes through with more lies. Getting tired of winning?
Gonna negotiate a good price for Americans. Gonna make 'em use US steel. Gonna get on my knees and suck korporate dick sez the Donald as he wipes sticky Canadian cum off his lips.
Commandeered Queenster- some answers are self evident. Even for wingnuts.
Uh, Queenie....which "answers" are you referring to?
Please explain.
Wingnuts just flat out cannot govern. Too stoopid I guess.
Tired of winning, yet again?
@ keep beatin' 'em with facts Mike, it's`da facts!!
Butt Trumpet says ... it's all the Democrats fault who would have illegally voted against it ...
Epic fail for the failed reality star laughing at the Orange idiot
MAGA, u have to work on your spinning.😏
Today was a bad day for trump and his trumpletts.
DC is shut down for the day and Obama, as far as I can tell, is still a free man w/o charges pending.
Douchebag Donnie wants to turn his short attention span to tax reform, but, he needs money from the repealed ACA to pay for his taxcuts for the wealthy.
It's Yīshēng, Stalking B*cthes are you me or am I you? Are we the same?
Are you tired of all the winning, too?
Wingnut Peter King wants to jail journalists that leak secret info. Guess which Peter King revealed classifies info at a hearing with James Comey-inadvertently or not?
In case you wondered it is a fact that Russia prefers dealing with wingnuts. Dems are too tough on them. Comey refused to answer King's query because thAt info was classified. Not anymore.
Yes, I agree. The Republicans will get an ass-whooping in the 2018 elections. Especially members of the Freedom Caucus.
It's deserved.
Paul Ryan should be sent to the boneyard.
He hated Trump to begin with.
“If you can’t make a deal with a politician, there’s something wrong with you. You are not very good.”
Donald J. Trump - September 2016
So now Nunes says that Trump wasn't wiretapped after all, and what he saw were people talking ABOUT Trump, and probably saying mean things...
-Doug in Oakland
Nunes sez he was called by an anonymous tipster and shown supposedly classified information. How does that get spun into he saw some people talking?
Wingnuts cannot govern. Fire them all. They are too stoopid to be alive.
Wingnuts control all aspects of the Fed and yet Drumpf blames Dems for not saving his ass. I'm tired of all the winning.
Excellent read on why Obamacare repeal failed and it was due to wingnuts outsmarting themselves. Bwahahahahahahahahahahaha!
Popcorn anyone?
"Douchebag Donnie wants to turn his short attention span to tax reform, but, he needs money from the repealed ACA to pay for his taxcuts for the wealthy."
But can't he just tax Mexico? He keeps saying he has the power to do that. And Donnie would never lie. (/sarcasm)
No. He doesn't say he can "tax" Mexico.
He's saying we can reciprocate on taxes, due to NAFTA, and make the Mex's pair what is due to us.
Stop American industry from moving to Mexico, and doing the same.
You want to escape American taxes? Fine. Move to Mexico.
We'll tax all the crap you send us back.
All of Drumpf's crap is made in Mexico and SE Asia in sweatshops. No one ever 'dplained irony to Drumpf, did they?
"We'll tax all the crap you send us back."
...And make consumers here pay for it.
-Doug in Oakland
Good article about how the right's penchant for lying is destroying journalism and creating the infinitely reprogrammable horde of meatheads who are currently trying to tear down the country:
-Doug in Oakland
So Trump and Ryan just ate shit with a shovel. Let the Republican civil war begin, and pass the popcorn...
-Doug in Oakland
Flynn the attempted Turkish kidnapper and three week National Security Advisor will be seen as the idiot-crack that started the toppling of the whole Trumpbannon stupid tree...
-Doug in Oakland
field negro said...
Today was a bad day for trump and his trumpletts.
Today was a bad day for America.
But things are changing. A better bill will come from this.
And the Democrats keep digging their grave deeper. So there's that.
If Hillary were President, we'd be getting a nightmare single payer government system, run as efficiently as the Post Office and the TSA.
Bite your tongue you Mussolini era fascist. I will tolerate an incredible quantity of bullshit. But if you impugn the USPS, you will have me to deal with, sir!
I hope your Christmas sucks eggs you disgusting subversive.
One more time: There is no goddamn Republican replacement bill. The ACA IS that bill. Thought up by Heritage as a "free market" alternative to the Clinton plan in the '90s, implemented by Romney, and passed in 2010 as the only politically feasible way to make our stupid, stupid, for-profit healthcare system kill fewer citizens and cost a few less trillions of wasted dollars.
-Doug in Oakland
Fuck the gooks and chinks!
Kying Drumpfsaidhewould slap a 20% tax on all goods coming from Mexico to pay for hid wall. Mexico would retaliate and the trade war is on. American farmers stand to lose billions of dollars because of the loose cannon in the formerly respected White House.
Day 2 and Obama still hasn't been indicted. What's going on here?
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