It's open thread Thursday folks, and I would love to hear if you believe that Jeff Sessionsshould resign, and what you think of the vice president using private e-mails for official business in Indiana.
70% of America
Should Jeff Sessions resign: No.
What do I think about Pence's use of email in Indiana: Nothing
Sessions should resign, apologize, then drown himself in a bucket of goat piss. After which they should euthanize the goat to keep it from the humiliation of having such an awful creep associated with its urine.
General Sessions (still no idea why the fuck everyone keeps calling him that) is inconsequential. Now that he is out of the way the next step is to appoint a special prosecutor and force President Stupefaction to cough up his tax returns. Then the shit will hit the fan.
Under oath, Eric Holder said he was never involved in the subpoena of news media phone records. But later reports revealed Holder did sign off on a decision to approve a search warrant of Fox News reporter James Rosen's phone and email records.
In front of Congress, Jeff Sessions stated that he never spoke to any representatives of the Russian government about the 2016 presedential election campaign. But later reports indicated he did meet with the Russian ambassador as part of his job being on the Armed Services committee and once at a public meeting put on by policy group, neither encounter having anything to do with the presedential campaign.
Sessions should have never been nominated in the first place. Trump was just trolling. If an elderly elf who was deemed to racist to be a judge is the beat you can do we have problems. Kinda like that old goofy woman W thought would make a good Supreme Court justice.
Just a little reminder that the party that does not have "democratic" in its name, isn't really a big fan of democracy. The GOP has been heading steadily toward fascism for a little while now. Trump is more a culmination of a trend than a frightening aberration.
So Trump's son-in-law also met with the Russian ambassador. It might save time at this point if the White House just tell us who didn't meet with the Russians.
Anymoose said... Jeff Sessions legally communicated with Russia, Dems demand he resign
Sessions lied under oath that he never met with any Russians. Sessions was also part of Drumpf's campaign.
Several wingnuts swear no one from Drumpf's campaign had any contact with Russians and then we find out Flynn not only called Russians he and Drumpf's SIL met with them in person in Drumpf tower.
Lying under oath is perjury. Ask the 2nd beat Potus ever-Bill Clinton.
Anonymous Fake News Update said... Don Lemon: "Loretta Lynch recused herself from any decision regarding Hillary b/c of that meeting."
From the Guardian- Case in point: in the late 1990s Sessions argued that lying about sex in a deposition for a civil lawsuit constituted an impeachable offense. What then would be the proper response to a man charged with lying under oath about meeting with a rival foreign government?
Sessions-I DID NOT MEET WITH ANY RUSSIANS!! That was a bald faced lie. Sessions joined the campaign in Feb 2016-the first senator to climb on board and was an adviser to the dumb fuck in the WH.
Thursday, March 02, 2017 Trump's team skipped ethics course that teaches about laws, judicial appointments, and executive orders. Seriously, anybody surprised?
The last time Trump said a staffer had his 'full faith and confidence'. Flynn was gone within days. I'll be surprised if Sessions makes it through the weekend before he winds up being DQ'd but I ain't holding my breath. As for Pencie's e-mail issue, IOKIYAR. These people are imbeciles.
ps Francken never asked Sessions if he had contacts with Russians. Sessions volunteered that false information. Francken asked if Sessions knew about any administration contacts what we he do? Sessions said he himself had no contacts.
A disgraced former reporter was arrested by the Federal Bureau of Investigation Friday for several bomb threats to Jewish Community Centers, Jewish schools and Jewish museums around the country.
Juan Thompson, 31, was arrested in St. Louis by the FBI for making at least eight bomb threats and the cyberstalking of an ex-girlfriend. Thompson was a former reporter for The Intercept, and was fired after it was discovered that he made up sources and stories, including one about Charleston shooter Dylann Roof.
No you no serving pussy asshole, the guy lied under oath and the other fucks also have ties to Russia. Plain and simply Rump is acting like a foreign agent. We'll deal with his fucked up Supreme Court nominee when that time comes. It's no surprise someone who is too much of a coward to serve his country has no problem with fucking foreign entities dicking around here. Change your name to Comrade Johnson you fucking unpatriotic coward.
One last time shit fer brains- The question was did you have any discussions with any Russian officials about the 2016 presedential election campaign. That question was a written question to Sessions from Leahy.
Franken never asked about Sessions contacts with Russia, Franken asked what Sessions would do if he knew of someone in the campaign having contact with Russia.
Sessions then vounteered he had no contacts with Russians. That is/was and will all ways be a bald faced lie under oath.
LT. Commander Dumbfuck said... No you no serving pussy asshole, the guy lied under oath and the other fucks also have ties to Russia. Plain and simply Rump is acting like a foreign agent. We'll deal with his fucked up Supreme Court nominee when that time comes. It's no surprise someone who is too much of a coward to serve his country has no problem with fucking foreign entities dicking around here. Change your name to Comrade Johnson you fucking unpatriotic coward.
1:03 PM
WOW. I wish you could understand the true deep hurt in my heart, Queenie, you cocksucker.
You don't have the balls to answer with your real screen name.
I can seem to remember, when way back when, field didn't want to accept Anon posters.
You can call yourself by twenty different names, you do, every day.
But later reports indicated he did meet with the Russian ambassador as part of his job being on the Armed Services committee and once at a public meeting put on by policy group, neither encounter having anything to do with the presedential campaign.
BUT NOW we learn, the campaign financed the trip,not the us taxpayer....So what gives? Face it, senator sessions is used to lying with impunity, as are all the fucking senators, both sides...
Fuck you pussyboy, you use a name that you didn't earn. A real man would never steal a title he didn't earn but a fuckboy pussy wouldn't know anything about actually serving and earning a rank. Carry on pussy.
Yeah yeah we know, all of the big bad white pussies who talk the most shit are the biggest fuckboys. What do they call them in the JA Field, batty boys? You don't serve and you never act on your punk ass threats.
Franken: "CNN just published a story alleging that the intelligence community provided documents to the president-elect last week that included information that quote, ‘Russian operatives claimed to have compromising personal and financial information about Mr. Trump.’ These documents also allegedly say quote, ‘There was a continuing exchange of information during the campaign between Trump's surrogates and intermediaries for the Russian government.’
"Now, again, I'm telling you this as it's coming out, so you know. But if it's true, it's obviously extremely serious and if there is any evidence that anyone affiliated with the Trump campaign communicated with the Russian government in the course of this campaign, what will you do?"
Sessions: "Senator Franken, I'm not aware of any of those activities. I have been called a surrogate at a time or two in that campaign and I didn't have — did not have communications with the Russians, and I'm unable to comment on it."
Anymoose do you see in paragraph three where Sessions said he DID Not have communications with Russians? Do you see that. That is and was a lie. It had nothing to do with whether Sessions acted as an adviser or a Senator.
"Blogger The Purple Cow said... 3rd March 2017. Meters of wall built = 0.
1:17 PM"
BTW, thanks, PC.
Your hear that contractors ore falling all over each other to begin to place contracts to build the wall?
I have an idea....let's pay the illegals at a rate they can't make better than plucking chickens, or picking fruit & veggies, that Negroes won't do, to build it.
But if it's true, it's obviously extremely serious and if there is any evidence that anyone affiliated with the Trump campaign communicated with the Russian government in the course of this campaign, what will you do?"
Sessions: "Senator Franken, I'm not aware of any of those activities. I have been called a surrogate at a time or two in that campaign and I didn't have — did not have communications with the Russians,
Come on man. I know you can understand this. Sessions LIED in front of gawd and everyone- I DID NOT HAVE COMMUNICATIONS WITH THE RUSSIANS!
How about you take your fat lazy white ass down there to build it. All dumb assed Rump voters should take their pasty asses to build the imaginary wall that Mexico will pau for. See you down there asshole.
Lying bastard lies some more. KXL is not currently under construction. It has to re-apply for permits that expired.
Secondly, Drumpfuck swore American steel would be used in the construction, but that was another lie perpetrated by the most dishonest bogus liar in chief ever.
I agree, as I grew up around wild hogs, but in Texas they passed a law making it legal to shoot them from helicopters, like that was gonna help or something, and now they're trying to make it legal to poison them, and the people who kill and eat them aren't happy about it at all.
Oooh, a batty boy who is too scared to actually serve talks tough about guns. Compensation much? GTFOH, that pussy would run away from a gun like he runs away from serving.
Like I said, the folks who hunt them are pissed off about the prospect of them being poisoned with warfarin, not just because they don't want to eat poisoned meat, but because how are they gonna keep other animals from eating the poison? And what about the animals who eat those other poisoned animals? Seems pretty stupid to me.
BTW....most feral hogs are killed because they are varmints. They destroy the land, and the crops.
Only an idiot would eat a boar...too much testosterone in the meat. Gives it a nasty flavor.
Sows can be OK, but you really only want the back-strap.
Now...the piglets are the tastiest.
Nobody really hunts hogs with a helicopter. (except for television purposes), You CAN, if you have the money to operate a helo.
You hunt them over corn-feeders, mainly.
I've seen sows come out, with a litter of piglets, you shoot the momma, the piglets run into the brush.
Wait 5 or 10 minutes, and the piglets are back, licking up the blood from their dead momma.
Then, mike, you open up on them with your AR-15, with 30 rounds to spare. know feral hogs can reproduce at less than 6 months old? It's not unusual for them to havee 8-12 piglets per litter. They can have a new litter 3 times per year.
Think about how they can over-run your land in a few years.
Poison? Sure, if you value your just don't eat the hogs.
Ya know, agin, I want to expound of the hunting of feral hogs...brings back one of favorite memories...
One of my favorite hunting grounds is in San Saba, Texas. They raise some type of high-bred sheep...I forget their names.
They have 3 BIG dogs, known as Great Pyrenees' Some of the nicest, friendliest dogs you could ever hope to meet.
However...they have enormously this coats, ant these dogs are shepherds. They will sleep in the middle of the goat herd, and wait for pigs or coyotes to try and sneak-in, to grab a lamb...stay perfectly still, until the hog or coyote is at the point of No Return".
Then, it's death time, for the intruder. They get cut-up sometimes, but they are always back in the middle of that goat herd. Sleeping on the grass....20 degrees F
Next day, they will limp-in for their bacon and egg sandwich.
Hang out in the sun for a bit, get a few pats and rubs, maybe some medicinal treatment, and back to the herd. I swear, they actually take shifts.
Did I ever tell you the time I was out in the middle of a picked cornfield, when I was suddenly charged by a yoooge bull from side and an enormous grizzly charged me from the other side. Real problem since they both would meet at the same time in my lap. What to do? Really simple solution. Shoot the bear first. You can shoot the bull later. True story-almost.
Until there's an openly racist black man in charge of anything that destroys the lives of albinos sessions must resign at this point racist albinos destroying the lives of minorities is status quo
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Money is nice, but being able to speak my mind is better.
"Real talk: Daniel Rubin has a great little piece up wherein he chats with The Field Negro, the Philly-based blogger who sharply ponders all things black on a daily basis. (Seriously, if you’ve never checked in with TFN, you should: Its author, Wayne Bennett, is a fantastic read who can cut through bullshit like a hot knife through butter, which is a far grosser analogy than I wanted to make, but there you have it.)" ~Philebrity~
"One of the most precocious and hilarious Black political minds on the net. Ive been a long-time fan!" ~Asad Malik~
"..While most of what he writes is tongue-in-cheek, his space is a safe house for candid discussions about race, especially in the comments section, where people of all colors meet." ~~Daniel Rubin, "The Philadelphia Inquirer"~~
"To white people, Bennett's musings are like kitchen-table talk from a kitchen they may otherwise never set foot in. To African Americans, he is part of a growing army of black Internet amateurs who have taken up the work once reserved for ministers and professional activists: the work of setting a black agenda, shaping black opinion and calling attention to the state of the nation's racial affairs."
~~Richard Fausset, "L.A. Times"~~~
"That's why I love the blog "Field Negro" so much. Field, as he's known to his fans, has the sense of reality that it takes to call out the (CowPuckey) of blame beating by those who are in positions of power and their lackeys. Because of his handle and his unabashed way of writing about racial issues, Field is often cited as a "Black blogger." What he is, however, is a first-class detector of blame deflection and an excellent student of history. If you want to write about the past and future of repression there's really no other perspective to take - which is why everyone should read Field."
Raised in the house, but field certified. Jamaica is the land of my birth, but I consider myself a citizen of the world. I currently practice law in the city of "brotherly love".
"Half a century after Little Rock, the Montgomery bus boycott and the tumultuous dawn of the modern civil rights era, the new face of the movement is Facebook, MySpace and some 150 black blogs united in an Internet alliance they call the AfroSpear.
Older, familiar leaders such as Rev. Jesse Jackson, Rev. Al Sharpton and NAACP Chairman Julian Bond, are under challenge by a younger generation of bloggers known by such provocative screen names as Field Negro, thefreeslave and African American Political Pundit. And many of the newest struggles are being waged online." ~Howard Witt-The Chicago Tribune~
"I had no idea, for example, of the extent of the African-American blogging world out there and its collective powers of dissemination.But now, after reading thousands of anguished, thoughtful comments posted on these blogs reflecting on issues of persistent racial discrimination in the nation's schools and courtrooms, what's clear to me is that there's a new, "virtual" civil rights movement out there on the Internet that can reach more people in a few hours than all the protest marches, sit-ins and boycotts of the 1950s and 60s put together." ~Chicago Tribune Reporter, Howard Witt~
Should Jeff Sessions resign: No.
What do I think about Pence's use of email in Indiana: Nothing
NYT repeated as truth Claire McCaskill's lie that she never met or spoke to Russia's ambassador, then stealth deleted it w/o any note:
Can't wait for the investigation into Mexico's meddling in our elections by sending millions of its citizens to vote in them directly.
Don Lemon: "Loretta Lynch recused herself from any decision regarding Hillary b/c of that meeting."
No, she didn't.
Jeff Sessions legally communicated with Russia, Dems demand he resign.
Hillary ilegally deleted 30,000 email communications, Dems demand that she be POTUS
Sessions should resign, apologize, then drown himself in a bucket of goat piss. After which they should euthanize the goat to keep it from the humiliation of having such an awful creep associated with its urine.
-Doug in Oakland
I have a really twisted sense of myself and I project it on the people I resent and blame for my problems.
-Doug in Oakland
Put together a timeline on what Sessions did and said, and am now thinking that Dems are overplaying their hand.
General Sessions (still no idea why the fuck everyone keeps calling him that) is inconsequential. Now that he is out of the way the next step is to appoint a special prosecutor and force President Stupefaction to cough up his tax returns. Then the shit will hit the fan.
Why hasn't Drumpf released his birth certificate?
Great moments in recent Attorney General History:
Under oath, Eric Holder said he was never involved in the subpoena of news media phone records. But later reports revealed Holder did sign off on a decision to approve a search warrant of Fox News reporter James Rosen's phone and email records.
In front of Congress, Jeff Sessions stated that he never spoke to any representatives of the Russian government about the 2016 presedential election campaign. But later reports indicated he did meet with the Russian ambassador as part of his job being on the Armed Services committee and once at a public meeting put on by policy group, neither encounter having anything to do with the presedential campaign.
Great moments in recent Attorney General History:
Lance: I didn't know they called him that, but if they do maybe it's because he's named after a confederate general?
Looks like Pruitt used a private email for government business also.
-Doug in Oakland
Sessions should have never been nominated in the first place. Trump was just trolling. If an elderly elf who was deemed to racist to be a judge is the beat you can do we have problems. Kinda like that old goofy woman W thought would make a good Supreme Court justice.
32 Blue Lives Matter Bills Have Been Introduced Across 14 States This Year
and also
Republican lawmakers introduce bills to curb protesting in at least 18 states
Just a little reminder that the party that does not have "democratic" in its name, isn't really a big fan of democracy. The GOP has been heading steadily toward fascism for a little while now. Trump is more a culmination of a trend than a frightening aberration.
I'm loving the gung-ho military gear worn by the wannabe dictator heading up our federal government at his latest speech to Navy personnel.
When does he just give in and start wearing a fake uniform festooned with medals and braids, and start making everyone call him "Generalissimo Trump"?
I bet it won't be long now ...
So Trump's son-in-law also met with the Russian ambassador. It might save time at this point if the White House just tell us who didn't meet with the Russians.
The current WH and administration is the most corrupt group of White people assembled since slavery.
ANYONE THAT thinks Thump is going to willingly release his tax returns is a DUMB ASS.
Anymoose said...
Jeff Sessions legally communicated with Russia, Dems demand he resign
Sessions lied under oath that he never met with any Russians. Sessions was also part of Drumpf's campaign.
Several wingnuts swear no one from Drumpf's campaign had any contact with Russians and then we find out Flynn not only called Russians he and Drumpf's SIL met with them in person in Drumpf tower.
Lying under oath is perjury. Ask the 2nd beat Potus ever-Bill Clinton.
Anonymous Fake News Update said...
Don Lemon: "Loretta Lynch recused herself from any decision regarding Hillary b/c of that meeting."
No, she didn' PROVE IT!
"If an elderly elf who was deemed to racist to be a judge is the beat you can do we have problems."
I hate following the law and I hate white people.
From the Guardian- Case in point: in the late 1990s Sessions argued that lying about sex in a deposition for a civil lawsuit constituted an impeachable offense. What then would be the proper response to a man charged with lying under oath about meeting with a rival foreign government?
But Sessions did not lie. Only a moron or someone who is pretending not to understand what he said would say he did.
Emergency rooms and tax forms are two places where white supremacy is always pardoned.
Sessions-I DID NOT MEET WITH ANY RUSSIANS!! That was a bald faced lie. Sessions joined the campaign in Feb 2016-the first senator to climb on board and was an adviser to the dumb fuck in the WH.
Thursday, March 02, 2017
Trump's team skipped ethics course that teaches about laws, judicial appointments, and executive orders. Seriously, anybody surprised?
From Immoral Majority
The last time Trump said a staffer had his 'full faith and confidence'. Flynn was gone within days. I'll be surprised if Sessions makes it through the weekend before he winds up being DQ'd but I ain't holding my breath. As for Pencie's e-mail issue, IOKIYAR. These people are imbeciles.
The question was did you have any discussions with any Russian officials about the 2016 presedential election campaign.
It's a given that Senators have discussions with representatives of foreign governments all the time. Even idiots like Claire McCaskill.
Get a grip.
ps Francken never asked Sessions if he had contacts with Russians. Sessions volunteered that false information. Francken asked if Sessions knew about any administration contacts what we he do? Sessions said he himself had no contacts.
The question was did you have any discussions with any Russian officials about the 2016 presedential election campaign.
That was a written question from Patrick Leahy and Sessions answered NO.
"Francken asked if Sessions knew about any administration contacts what we he do?"
Not "administration contacts"; "campaign contacts".
Stop playing dumb.
Oh wait, you are not playing, are you?
Man Arrested For Jewish Community Center Bomb Threats Was Liberal Journalist Fired For Fabrication:
(And a black guy to boot!)
A disgraced former reporter was arrested by the Federal Bureau of Investigation Friday for several bomb threats to Jewish Community Centers, Jewish schools and Jewish museums around the country.
Juan Thompson, 31, was arrested in St. Louis by the FBI for making at least eight bomb threats and the cyberstalking of an ex-girlfriend. Thompson was a former reporter for The Intercept, and was fired after it was discovered that he made up sources and stories, including one about Charleston shooter Dylann Roof.
Another fucking hoax used to smear President Trump and white America.
Fuck these media swine.
When will you stop falling for this agitprop, Field?
I hate following the law and I hate white people.
which made Holder the best AG in history!
Once Sessions has been exonerated...he willingly recused himself, looks like the Dems will go for Pence, next. Who next?
You KNOW they have to have a "hit list".
ANYTHING to keep Gorsuch from being appointed as the next SCOTUS.
(Any believe me....they are trying their best)
Dr. That would be 40% of the country. Sad😑
No you no serving pussy asshole, the guy lied under oath and the other fucks also have ties to Russia. Plain and simply Rump is acting like a foreign agent. We'll deal with his fucked up Supreme Court nominee when that time comes. It's no surprise someone who is too much of a coward to serve his country has no problem with fucking foreign entities dicking around here. Change your name to Comrade Johnson you fucking unpatriotic coward.
Black, leftist arrested for making 8 Jewish Center bomb threats.
3rd March 2017. Meters of wall built = 0.
One last time shit fer brains- The question was did you have any discussions with any Russian officials about the 2016 presedential election campaign. That question was a written question to Sessions from Leahy.
Franken never asked about Sessions contacts with Russia, Franken asked what Sessions would do if he knew of someone in the campaign having contact with Russia.
Sessions then vounteered he had no contacts with Russians. That is/was and will all ways be a bald faced lie under oath.
Spin away, Gumby.
LT. Commander Dumbfuck said...
No you no serving pussy asshole, the guy lied under oath and the other fucks also have ties to Russia. Plain and simply Rump is acting like a foreign agent. We'll deal with his fucked up Supreme Court nominee when that time comes. It's no surprise someone who is too much of a coward to serve his country has no problem with fucking foreign entities dicking around here. Change your name to Comrade Johnson you fucking unpatriotic coward.
1:03 PM
WOW. I wish you could understand the true deep hurt in my heart, Queenie, you cocksucker.
You don't have the balls to answer with your real screen name.
I can seem to remember, when way back when, field didn't want to accept Anon posters.
You can call yourself by twenty different names, you do, every day.
by resign, if you mean be thrown in jail like I would have been for lying under oath, sure he should resign..
NOTE that his D 'attackers' don't even fucking suggest he should go to jail for lying under oath. They are privileged folks who don't go to jail...
But later reports indicated he did meet with the Russian ambassador as part of his job being on the Armed Services committee and once at a public meeting put on by policy group, neither encounter having anything to do with the presedential campaign.
BUT NOW we learn, the campaign financed the trip,not the us taxpayer....So what gives?
Face it, senator sessions is used to lying with impunity, as are all the fucking senators, both sides...
Fuck you pussyboy, you use a name that you didn't earn. A real man would never steal a title he didn't earn but a fuckboy pussy wouldn't know anything about actually serving and earning a rank. Carry on pussy.
Yeah yeah we know, all of the big bad white pussies who talk the most shit are the biggest fuckboys. What do they call them in the JA Field, batty boys? You don't serve and you never act on your punk ass threats.
Is keyboard warrior a military occupation? If so James' and Johnson's pussy asses would be generals. Fake ass pussies.
mike from iowa said..
Franken asked what Sessions would do if he knew of someone in the campaign having contact with Russia...
...about the 2016 presidential campaign
Sessions told the truth, no one had any discussions with the Russians about the about the 2016 presidential campaign
Come on man, I know you can understand this!
Fire all of 'em! Appoint a goddamn king and queen!!!
At least we haven't had to deal with Josh flashing her tits lately.
Barack Obama will be given the JFK Profile in Courage award. Another win for the best POTUS ever.
Franken: "CNN just published a story alleging that the intelligence community provided documents to the president-elect last week that included information that quote, ‘Russian operatives claimed to have compromising personal and financial information about Mr. Trump.’ These documents also allegedly say quote, ‘There was a continuing exchange of information during the campaign between Trump's surrogates and intermediaries for the Russian government.’
"Now, again, I'm telling you this as it's coming out, so you know. But if it's true, it's obviously extremely serious and if there is any evidence that anyone affiliated with the Trump campaign communicated with the Russian government in the course of this campaign, what will you do?"
Sessions: "Senator Franken, I'm not aware of any of those activities. I have been called a surrogate at a time or two in that campaign and I didn't have — did not have communications with the Russians, and I'm unable to comment on it."
Anymoose do you see in paragraph three where Sessions said he DID Not have communications with Russians? Do you see that. That is and was a lie. It had nothing to do with whether Sessions acted as an adviser or a Senator.
Do you not see the reference to the campaign? Really?
"Blogger The Purple Cow said...
3rd March 2017. Meters of wall built = 0.
1:17 PM"
BTW, thanks, PC.
Your hear that contractors ore falling all over each other to begin to place contracts to build the wall?
I have an idea....let's pay the illegals at a rate they can't make better than plucking chickens, or picking fruit & veggies, that Negroes won't do, to build it.
After you build it....go back to your home.
Hmmm. Sounds familiar, in some way.
But if it's true, it's obviously extremely serious and if there is any evidence that anyone affiliated with the Trump campaign communicated with the Russian government in the course of this campaign, what will you do?"
Sessions: "Senator Franken, I'm not aware of any of those activities. I have been called a surrogate at a time or two in that campaign and I didn't have — did not have communications with the Russians,
Come on man. I know you can understand this. Sessions LIED in front of gawd and everyone- I DID NOT HAVE COMMUNICATIONS WITH THE RUSSIANS!
1:17 PM do you dumbasses ever ask yerselves how any human being can be "illegal?"
Whatever happened to that Obama guy that was outed as the big WH leaker? That story fell apart pretty pronto, didn't it?
DHS says Muslims don't radicalize until they have been here for a couple years listening to right wing hate which is all right wingers spout.
Save the Muslims deport the Nazi whitey wingnuts.
How about you take your fat lazy white ass down there to build it. All dumb assed Rump voters should take their pasty asses to build the imaginary wall that Mexico will pau for. See you down there asshole.
32 days after day one and ISIS is not destroyed and Obamacare hasn't been repealed.
Lying bastard lies some more. KXL is not currently under construction. It has to re-apply for permits that expired.
Secondly, Drumpfuck swore American steel would be used in the construction, but that was another lie perpetrated by the most dishonest bogus liar in chief ever.
You progressive can stock up on play-doh and colouring books...others with stockpile other things.....
Maybe Sessions will visit Texas and get eaten by some of the feral hogs they just gave up on shooting from helicopters and now want to poison...
-Doug in Oakland
Man, you have no idea about wild/feral hogs.
I have killed many. No helicopters necessary...just st a .22 mag, a .270. and a .223.
Head shot, bastard.
I agree, as I grew up around wild hogs, but in Texas they passed a law making it legal to shoot them from helicopters, like that was gonna help or something, and now they're trying to make it legal to poison them, and the people who kill and eat them aren't happy about it at all.
-Doug in Oakland
Oooh, a batty boy who is too scared to actually serve talks tough about guns. Compensation much? GTFOH, that pussy would run away from a gun like he runs away from serving.
No one I know "poison pigs", Dougie...we trap them, take the pieces we want off them, and then dump what's left into the ole gut pit.
Then, put the kids on the stands around the pit, to kill coyotes.
Like I said, the folks who hunt them are pissed off about the prospect of them being poisoned with warfarin, not just because they don't want to eat poisoned meat, but because how are they gonna keep other animals from eating the poison? And what about the animals who eat those other poisoned animals?
Seems pretty stupid to me.
-Doug in Oakland
Anonymous Lt. Commander Johnson said...
Man, you have no idea about wild/feral hogs.
I have killed many. No helicopters necessary...just st a .22 mag, a .270. and a .223.
You shoot three guns at one time or it takes three people with one gun per to do the deed?
It all depends on the range, and the area you are hunting, stupid mike.
BTW....most feral hogs are killed because they are varmints. They destroy the land, and the crops.
Only an idiot would eat a boar...too much testosterone in the meat. Gives it a nasty flavor.
Sows can be OK, but you really only want the back-strap.
Now...the piglets are the tastiest.
Nobody really hunts hogs with a helicopter. (except for television purposes), You CAN, if you have the money to operate a helo.
You hunt them over corn-feeders, mainly.
I've seen sows come out, with a litter of piglets, you shoot the momma, the piglets run into the brush.
Wait 5 or 10 minutes, and the piglets are back, licking up the blood from their dead momma.
Then, mike, you open up on them with your AR-15, with 30 rounds to spare. know feral hogs can reproduce at less than 6 months old? It's not unusual for them to havee 8-12 piglets per litter. They can have a new litter 3 times per year.
Think about how they can over-run your land in a few years.
Poison? Sure, if you value your just don't eat the hogs.
I enjoy shooting them, just for the hell of it.
Not to mention...the deer hate them, too.
Here, "mike" dumb-assed corn cob bastard.
Yes, I understand you Iowa queers love your pigs, too:
Ya know, agin, I want to expound of the hunting of feral hogs...brings back one of favorite memories...
One of my favorite hunting grounds is in San Saba, Texas. They raise some type of high-bred sheep...I forget their names.
They have 3 BIG dogs, known as Great Pyrenees'
Some of the nicest, friendliest dogs you could ever hope to meet.
However...they have enormously this coats, ant these dogs are shepherds. They will sleep in the middle of the goat herd, and wait for pigs or coyotes to try and sneak-in, to grab a lamb...stay perfectly still, until the hog or coyote is at the point of No Return".
Then, it's death time, for the intruder. They get cut-up sometimes, but they are always back in the middle of that goat herd. Sleeping on the grass....20 degrees F
Next day, they will limp-in for their bacon and egg sandwich.
Hang out in the sun for a bit, get a few pats and rubs, maybe some medicinal treatment, and back to the herd. I swear, they actually take shifts.
Pplease excuse my typos.
I spilled some Sprite Zero on my keyboard...anyone with a suggestion as to "un-stick" it, would be most appreciated.
Fuck the gooks and chinks!
Did I ever tell you the time I was out in the middle of a picked cornfield, when I was suddenly charged by a yoooge bull from side and an enormous grizzly charged me from the other side. Real problem since they both would meet at the same time in my lap. What to do? Really simple solution. Shoot the bear first. You can shoot the bull later. True story-almost.
Until there's an openly racist black man in charge of anything that destroys the lives of albinos sessions must resign at this point racist albinos destroying the lives of minorities is status quo
Well. I suppose that shows your hunting acumen, Mike/Queenie.
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