So today, when I read their editorial about Donald trump (see below), I thought to myself that it had to be a belated April Fools' Day joke.
"It was no secret during the campaign that Donald Trump was a narcissist and a demagogue who used fear and dishonesty to appeal to the worst in American voters. The Times called him unprepared and unsuited for the job he was seeking, and said his election would be a “catastrophe.”
Still, nothing prepared us for the magnitude of this train wreck. Like millions of other Americans, we clung to a slim hope that the new president would turn out to be all noise and bluster, or that the people around him in the White House would act as a check on his worst instincts, or that he would be sobered and transformed by the awesome responsibilities of office.
Instead, seventy-some days in — and with about 1,400 to go before his term is completed — it is increasingly clear that those hopes were misplaced.
In a matter of weeks, President Trump has taken dozens of real-life steps that, if they are not reversed, will rip families apart, foul rivers and pollute the air, intensify the calamitous effects of climate change and profoundly weaken the system of American public education for all.
His attempt to de-insure millions of people who had finally received healthcare coverage and, along the way, enact a massive transfer of wealth from the poor to the rich has been put on hold for the moment. But he is proceeding with his efforts to defang the government’s regulatory agencies and bloat the Pentagon’s budget even as he supposedly retreats from the global stage.
These are immensely dangerous developments which threaten to weaken this country’s moral standing in the world, imperil the planet and reverse years of slow but steady gains by marginalized or impoverished Americans. But, chilling as they are, these radically wrongheaded policy choices are not, in fact, the most frightening aspect of the Trump presidency.
What is most worrisome about Trump is Trump himself. He is a man so unpredictable, so reckless, so petulant, so full of blind self-regard, so untethered to reality that it is impossible to know where his presidency will lead or how much damage he will do to our nation. His obsession with his own fame, wealth and success, his determination to vanquish enemies real and imagined, his craving for adulation — these traits were, of course, at the very heart of his scorched-earth outsider campaign; indeed, some of them helped get him elected. But in a real presidency in which he wields unimaginable power, they are nothing short of disastrous.........Whether it is the easily disprovable boasts about the size of his inauguration crowd or his unsubstantiated assertion that Barack Obama bugged Trump Tower, the new president regularly muddies the waters of fact and fiction. It’s difficult to know whether he actually can’t distinguish the real from the unreal — or whether he intentionally conflates the two to befuddle voters, deflect criticism and undermine the very idea of objective truth. Whatever the explanation, he is encouraging Americans to reject facts, to disrespect science, documents, nonpartisanship and the mainstream media — and instead to simply take positions on the basis of ideology and preconceived notions. This is a recipe for a divided country in which differences grow deeper and rational compromise becomes impossible." [Read more]
I guess it's safe to say that the LA Times, like the rest of us, has had enough.
And this is the first of a four part series, folks. I can't wait for the rest.
*Pic from
#BlackPride #BlackPower #BlackisBeautiful
"The Los Angeles Times is not known as a left leaning newspaper. They tend to be to the right of other leading papers such as the New York Times and the Washington Post."
Joseph Stalin was not known as a left leaning leader. He tended to be to the right of other leaders such as the Mao Tse-Tung and Pol Pot.
"These are immensely dangerous developments"
To corrupt government officials, crony capitalists, Islamic terrorists, criminal illegal aliens, and left-wing media hacks, they sure as hell are.
From Driftglass:
" Dear Los Angeles Times,
I appreciate the bracing honesty of your editorial today. It sorta reminds me of every single thing the dirty fucking hippies have been warning about for the last 30 years, because --surprise! -- the problem isn't the depravity, racism and recklessness of Trump: the problem is the depravity, racism and recklessness of the Party that spawned Trump."
Still nice to see an attempt at sanity make it to print in a media environment that only answers to money.
-Doug in Oakland
"The Los Angeles Times is not known as a left leaning newspaper. They tend to be to the right of other leading papers such as the New York Times and the Washington Post."
Really? I am not an LA Times reader, but I got the impression their LA Times had a left-of-center editorial slant. Although, they are owned by the Chicago Tribune, whose senior editors are right-wing. (And by right-wing, in this case, I mean greedy rich-guy fiscal conservative, not Jeff Sessions racist conservative.)
And I wouldn't exactly consider the WaPo liberal, either. Their reportage is mostly good, but their editorial line is kinda right-wing. (And by that I mean neither fiscal conservative nor racist conservative, but more foreign policy conservative: Bombing the daylights out of the Middle East is always a sensible idea.)
WaPo is Jeff Bezo's mouthpiece.
Like Carlos Slim's New York Times, it's just another outlet for what billionaires want you to think.
"Still nice to see an attempt at sanity make it to print in a media environment that only answers to money."
If they only answer to money, how is this piece any different?
Or put another way, whose money are they answering to?
"WaPo is Jeff Bezo's mouthpiece.
Like Carlos Slim's New York Times, it's just another outlet for what billionaires want you to think."
WaPo is indeed wholly owned by Jeff Bezos, but that's a fairly recent development and he hasn't yet put much of a stamp on the paper.
But there is a concern that eventually he will. At which point, the editorial slant will shift from "bombing the daylights out of the Middle East is always a sensible idea" to "why should warehouse workers be paid a decent wage, the lazy slobs?"
As for the NYT, Slim is one of many of their shareholders and your obsession with the scary Mexican businessman indicates you are a wingnut conspiracy theory moron.
Mommy, George Soros is hurting me!!
"Still, nothing prepared us for the magnitude of this train wreck. Like millions of other Americans, we clung to a slim hope that the new president would turn out to be all noise and bluster, or that the people around him in the White House would act as a check on his worst instincts, or that he would be sobered and transformed by the awesome responsibilities of office."
See, this is the part I don't understand at all. The people that knew, KNEW Trump was garbage but still engaged in wishful thinking that somehow everything will be fine. Trump will miraculously develop competence and maturity and suddenly, at the age of 70, stop being an asshole. The bureaucracy will keep him in line. His advisors will push him toward sanity. Et cetera.
Face it: Disaster after disaster is all you are going to get out of him. It's not going to get any better. Sorry.
"As for the NYT, Slim is one of many of their shareholders and your obsession with the scary Mexican businessman indicates you are a wingnut conspiracy theory moron."
Correctly pointing out that the largest shareholder of the NYT is one of the richest men in the world and one whose sympathies lie more with his home country than with America makes me "a wingnut conspiracy theory moron", but obessively ranting about the Nazis who have taken over the government with the assistance of Vladimir Putin despite zero objective evidence of white supemecist beliefs among administration personnel or Russian hacking is perfectly reasonable.
"His attempt to de-insure millions of people who had finally received healthcare coverage"
Obamacare is imploding. If it is not repealed and replaced, millions of people will be "de-insured". Trump is trying to save healthcare coverage for poor people.
Are liberals stupid, or just cynical liars?
"Correctly pointing out that the largest shareholder of the NYT is one of the richest men in the world and one whose sympathies lie more with his home country than with America makes me 'a wingnut conspiracy theory moron' ..."
It does make you that. Largest shareholder doesn't mean much in this instance, since Slim isn't anywhere close to having a controlling interest in the Times. He has exactly zero control over what they publish.
"He has exactly zero control over what they publish."
Right. Majority shareholders have zero control within an organization.
"Obamacare is imploding. If it is not repealed and replaced, millions of people will be "de-insured". Trump is trying to save healthcare coverage for poor people."
This is a lie. This is the same species of lie that the Russians use to destabilize western governments. By repeating it in public you are assisting them in causing our society to degrade for their benefit.
Russia does not have the uncertainty about what they are trying to do that you seem to have:
-Doug in Oakland
If the LA Times doesn't lean right, what is Jonah the fuck Goldberg doing in there every Tuesday?
-Doug in Oakland
1. Explain how every analysis of Obamacare is wrong and it actually is viable past his year.
3. The Russians are not behind every problem in the world. They are not trying to pollute your precious bodily fluids.
We need to suupport our President in undoing the damage that Obamacare has done to our healthcare financing system. If we do nothing, millions will lose their coverage.
dinthebeast said...
If the LA Times doesn't lean right, what is Jonah the fuck Goldberg doing in there every Tuesday?
Jonah Goldberg is a Never Trumper.
"1. Explain how every analysis of Obamacare is wrong and it actually is viable past his year."
No, I won't because no they don't. That's only Breitbart and Fox saying that. Those are easily verifiable lies, and your spreading of them shows that you can't be reasoned with, so there's no point in talking to you.
Sorry Craig, I fed the troll again, I'll try to do better next time.
-Doug in Oakland
"Jonah Goldberg is a Never Trumper."
What does that have to do with the paper being right leaning? Are you suggesting Goldberg is a liberal? He did write a book called "Liberal Fascism" you know. Trump is not some litmus test for political leaning, he doesn't even have a political leaning, he just plays someone who does on TV. If there has ever been a hollower shell of a humanoid, I've never seen them.
-Doug in Oakland
"Right. Majority shareholders have zero control within an organization."
Except Carlos Slim isn't a majority shareholder. Largest shareholder ≠ majority shareholder.
No shareholder of Times stock holds a majority. Slim holds less than 20%. The "OMG Carlos Slim!" thing is a dumb right-wing meme.
" If the LA Times doesn't lean right, what is Jonah the fuck Goldberg doing in there every Tuesday?"
Well, it could be "balance," of course.
In other words, the same reason David Brooks and Ross Douthat are in the left-leaning NY Times: they keep those guys around, at least theoretically, to give their readers an idea of what the "other side" supposedly thinks. (Although this seems pointless to me. Does anybody even read Brooks and Douthat's lame columns?)
Truthfully, though, I am not that knowledgeable about the LA Times, Doug; I'm only going on what I've heard. And there's obviously some individual value judgements involved in these assessments.
Drumpf is exactly who we thought he is. A fucking no mind moron with shit fer brains. Only worse.
Although Slim is the largest shareholder in the company, his investment does not give him the ability to control the newspaper, as his stake allows him to vote only for Class A directors, who compose just a third of the company's board.[79] According to the company's 2016 annual filings, Slim did not own any of the company's Class B shares.[81]
Sulzberger family controls 86% of the B stock which has open voting rights and therefore they control the paper's direction.
Brigade Fifteen is right as per usual.
George Steinbrenner has been sent to the minors for wound licking.
White people ain't shit.
Fuck white people. Fuck the white race.
3rd April 2017. Meters of wall built = 0.
Too many adjectives in the editorial to be taken seriously.
Every word said about Trump applied double for obumer. Except, obummer made a laughing stock of the USA. Weaken the military, cause race hatred, bow to our enemies, give money to terrorists, negotiate with terrorists. Release terrorists to kill yet more Americans. Remember ft.hood,not a terrorist attack? The families screwed out of benefits they deserve. Black panthers threatening white people at the polls. Eric Holder just let that slide. If any of the remarks said about Trump would have been said about obumer the nogs would have burned the country. I can only hope for some real hope and change.
I've said it before and I'll say it again. Donald Trump was elected in large part as conservative white America's symbolic middle finger to people of color. But in their short term glee of "White Man's Payback" they will find out that they have elected probably the most temperamentally and intellectual unsuited person to have served as President in this nation's history. The destruction this man can cause for all citizens is frightening.
Don't forget the millions of hard working white taxpayers who made obumercare possible and lost thier insurance. A trillion dollars taken from medicare for more medicaid. Working people lose Healthcare so the useless breeders and thugs may be healthy to further destroy the country.
Niggers suck monkey balls. HAHAHAHAHAHA STOOPID MONKEY
I say again niggers suck monkey balls STOOPID MONKEY
Kyle Wimpgiveshead iz full of more shit and false wingnut talking points he should be employed at dead Breitbart. I hear Bannon wants a new fluffer.
Deflector in Chief, Bull Shitter in Chief, the titles almost define themselves, ROTFL!!!
Tar Heels ALL THE WAY!!!
Signed, an Alum
, but obessively ranting about the Nazis who have taken over the government with the assistance of Vladimir Putin despite zero objective evidence of white supemecist beliefs among administration personnel or Russian hacking is perfectly reasonable
You are seriously fucked up in the head-like the rest of the wingnut morons because you totally ignore direct links to white power organizations and you define objective looks so it reflects only your objecting to facts laid out in a nice neat clear line. LaLa land beckons, dude.
Not left leaning you say. Let's see:
They claim Trump will rip families apart; obviously a ref to illegal immigration, yet it is not mentioned. Weaken the education system. Under Obama we fell from 28th to 35th place in the world rankings. yet no one mentioned this in any reports. I guess falling in the world rankings is positive under Obama. Not even going to address the ridiculous unsubstantiated climate change BS.
Not even going to address the ridiculous unsubstantiated climate change BS
Good, because people with actual degrees in atmospheric science are doing the actual research unlike you, an uneducated troll who gets his information from Fox news.
That's because white conservatives are tempermentally and intellectually similar to Trump. A bunch of dumb asses to dumb to move from a town with no jobs and cry about not being listened to.
Like Carlos Slim's New York Times, it's just another outlet for what billionaires want you to think.
But you leave out Rupert Murdoch. Typical.
Why in the hell are WHITE men/people CONTINUOUSLY dancing around the issue of calling 45 AND his administration big, fucking LIARS?!?!?!?
Quote: Michael Dean Miller
Too many adjectives in the editorial to be taken seriously.
"Why in the hell are WHITE men/people CONTINUOUSLY dancing around the issue of calling 45 AND his administration big, fucking LIARS?!?!?!?"
Because they NEED those lies like a junkie needs heroin. Without them they would be forced to face the fact that they've been wrong about every quasi-fascist opinion they've been screeching about for their entire lives (and the lives of their parents and grandparents) and that's too much of a blow to them, even if denying it means looking like the bumbling, racist, idiots they are, they'll take it and just hate everyone else for not being as dumb as they are.
-Doug in Oakland
You are projecting again.
We're on the Right Side of History, Doug.
Always have been, always will.
It's so nice how we've put all this climate change nonsense aside.
That was all pretty crazy, wasn't it?
How did they get so far with that hoax?
Glad it's all over now.
goy from iowa said...
Sulzberger family controls 86% of the B stock which has open voting rights and therefore they control the paper's direction.
(((Sulzberger))) you say?
uptownsteve55 said...
The destruction this man can cause for all citizens is frightening.
Especially if you are a globalist oligarch dependent on cheap labor and working to replace the exisiting majority with a more docile, compliant, more easily dominated proletariat.
Utah's senior pimp Whorin' Hatch finally admits that preventing Obama from getting his Scotus pic seated was all political on wingnuts. Then he sez Dems don't get that option of filibustering because that is political.
Dems got the filibuster locked in and I hope the voters and Dems make wingnuts [pay a dear price for cheating and breaking the rules in the next election.
Dumbfuck 45 claims he never called for a healthcare vote before the bill was pulled. That POS can't tell the truth if his life depended on it. He has sent hundreds more troops into Iraq and Syria w/o telling anyone. He needs to be removed immediately from office, one way or another. Constant lying is a much worse offense then lying about sex, which Drumpf does, too.
Will Susan Rice fall on her sword again, or will she flip on Obama in order to avoid going to jail?
mike from iowa said...
Utah's senior pimp Whorin' Hatch finally admits that preventing Obama from getting his Scotus pic seated was all political on wingnuts
Political you say?
Injecting politics into politics is beyond the pale!
Hillary and Obama spied on Trump all year and still lost.
The Obama adiministration spying on the incoming Trump administration and actively sabotaging the transition is a crime of unprecedented proportions in American history.
This is a very, very, serious situation.
Shocking, dummies are clinging onto the Susan Rice story and blaming an American President for meddling while giving the Russians a pass. Cons never take reaponsibility for their actions.
Political you say? No stoopid, I said Hatchback said that. Can't read, can you?
Where's the proof Obama spied on Fuckface Drumpf and transition? That's right, you don't need any proof. Fake Noize and Drumpf said so so it is wingnut gospel to be sure. ROTFLMAO! Bwahahahahahahahahahaha!
This suggests Rice's unmasking requests were likely within the law.
I love the smell of burnt wingnut gonads in the morning. Likely within the law-whereas what Drumpf's team colluding with Russia is a definite no no. Plus they keep lying that no one had any contact with Russians. Bwahahahahahahahahahaha!
WSJ Reporter Tells Fox News Susan Rice Allegations Are A Distraction
By John Amato
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4/03/17 2:01pm
1 hour ago by John Amato74
The WSJ's John Bussey told Fox News' Shep Smith that it makes no difference if the Susan Rice allegations are proven true, the real story still is whether Trump officials colluded with the Russians.
After Sean Spicer's presser, Shep Smith had on Bussey to discuss today's news flurries.
Towards the end of their segment, Shep explained how differing parties are trying to control the narrative surrounding the three investigations into the actions the Russians had on our election process and if any Trump members colluded with their efforts.
Smith said, "They would like us instead to talk about this unmasking business and Susan Rice's alleged involvement therein."
Bussey said the Wall Street Journal had not confirmed the story about if Susan Rice had asked for the identities of "people who were caught up in the incidental surveillance of foreign nationals."
Smith said, "In other words, who most likely Sergei Kislyak was speaking with or communicating with from inside Trump's world."
Bussey then explained that what we know at this point, "They are allowed to do that [unmasking] if you're an official" and it looked like the process was completely legal.
Steeerike 246 against Drumpf and dummmies. They are out!!!
Wall Street never lies.
Shep Smith is a Never Trumper.
And an ass packer.
Susan Rice told PBS Newshour she knew nothing about unmasking. Which is unlike her. She usually saves her lying for Sun morning news shows.
Trump Team Unmasker Susan Rice is married to Ian Cameron, an ABC executive producer. Looks like we found the anonymous sources!!!
Susan Rice LYING to us about her illegal unmasking reminds me of when Susan Rice went on five TV shows to LIE to us about Benghazi.
Susan "Dirty" Rice.
To all you ditzy blonde wingnuts out there.(that would be all of you) Jim Wright lays it on the line for even morons like you can understand. Drumpf and crew have all kinds of business dealings and who knows what with Russians. They are bound to get caught up in surveillance by intel agencies. This is the most corrupt administration ever-at least since President Grant and if wingnut pols get out of the way, Dems can clean this shit stain up pretty pronto. But wingnuts will resort to obstructionism because that is all they are good at.
Russia hacked the 2000 elections to put Bush inot office. Russia planted the false intelligence that led Bush to invade the Middle East, knowing this would create distrust and discontent.
Russian then hacked into Jack Ryan's divorce records to ensure their unwitting agent Barack Obama won his Senate race. Russia knew that the Iraq War would lead to massive discontent and populist anger. They channelled this populist anger and desperation into the election of our first black president.
Obama won the 2008 election legitimately, but in 2012 Russia again hacked the election for fear that Russia hawk Mitt Romney would win. Russia placed Obama in the White House knowing that he would fail, and knowing that his failure would lead to even more populist anger and division, and an even greater backlash than in 2008, which would enable their spy, AGENT ORANGE (Donald Drumpf) to ascend to the White House with the help of Russian hackers spreading fake news and hacking the voter rolls in the key states of Wisconsin and Michigan.
However, Russia did not plan on mike from iowa unraveling their dastardly plans. Only mike from iowa stands between America and the Russian abyss.
Rice did not lie, She was sent out with the best available intel at the time. The info may bave been proven to be untrue, but that doesn't make her a liar. That makes her an unwitting pawn. Drumpf is a liar. Drumpf is a pathological liar.
Just 34% of the public approve of the job President Trump is doing, as his support among Republicans and independents tumbles, according to the April IBD/TIPP poll. Fifty six percent disapprove of the job he’s doing. Approval ratings for a president haven’t been this low since President Bush’s last months in office.
I got Operation Agent Orange trolling me so that is one less concentrating on pushing Drumpf's lies. I feel so vindicated.
mike from iowa said...
Rice did not lie, She was sent out with the best available intel at the time. The info may bave been proven to be untruE
They knew it was untrue from the start.
It was evident when prominent Republicans were disavowing tr**p before the election. The only people who actually like this cretin are seriously deranged.
They knew it was untrue from the start. Prove it. You just want to believe they knew it was untrue from the beginning.
Just a reminder- 35 years of right wing investigations, false charges, innuendo, and what have you got for all those millions of wasted dollars? How many crimes has crooked HRC been indicted, tried and convicted of? That's right. The next one will be the first one.
Rice needs to lie every time she opens her mouth like your hero Drumpfuck. Bwahahahahahahahahahahahaha!
Christ there she goes again selling all our uranium to the Russians. Won't nobody stop her?
Trump will stop her, and all the lying, traitorous democrats.
Russia must be running out of money or something, the bots and trolls they are currently deploying here have gotten noticeably cheaper and more stupid since the election.
-Doug in Oakland
So if the state voter lists at Cambridge Analytica match the actual voter rolls in the states the Russians hacked, there's your collusion.
We don't hang people for treason any more, but we do execute them.
I don't support the death penalty for Bannon, though, forty years of buggery would do just fine for him, though he wouldn't survive that long.
-Doug in Oakland
Oh now look. Former Drumpf adviser was spotted handing over docs to Russian spy in 2013. How the hell can we pin this on Obama and HRC? The stoopid never stops with wingnuts. They just keep digging and digging and digging.
More Fake News, mike? You can't distract from the news that Susan Rice got caught doing her bosses illegal bidding.
So now the forced-birth creepers are trying to make women carry dead fetuses "to term" whatever the fuck that's supposed to mean. These are some seriously sick fucks.
-Doug in Oakland
So Melania's portrait is a photograph?
How stupid is that? What a crass presidency.
White boys got tiny brains and tiny dicks! LOL!
Trump is the one with all the Russian connections but yet let's get concerned about Susan Rice who according to CIA officials did the right thing. Carry on.
Fuck the gooks and chinks!
Middle Fingers Up!
Fuck Donald Trump!
"The Los Angeles Times is not known to as a left leaning newspaper. They tend to be to the right of other leading papers such as the New York Times and the Washington Post."
The Jew York Slimes published Walter Duranty's puff-pieces on the Soviet Union while millions of Ukrainians were being starved to death by policy. You can't get any more left-wing than that unless your paper is named something like "Young Spartacus".
"I guess it's safe to say that the LA Times, like the rest of us, has had enough."
The election of DJT, despite the massive voting fraud which was supposed to have put Hitlery in the Oval Office, was America serving notice: WE have had enough. Of you.
Fuck is wrong with you Jamie Bitch? Why di you post on old entries? You have some serious mental issues. You are one delusional soul. I guess that's the price of having such a high IQ.
150 IQ bwahahahahahahahahahHahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahhaahahahahagahahahahahahhaahahahahahaahahahahaha!
The election of DJT, despite the massive voting fraud which was supposed to have put Hitlery in the Oval Office, was America serving notice: WE have had enough. Of you.
It just shows you are a bunch of dumb mother fuckers. Voter fraud.
Trump is going to jail! bwahahahHHhA!
James is writing a book! Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!
James believes fake news! Bwahahahahahahhahaahhaahahahahahahahhahaahhaa! اسعار شركات نقل عفش بخميس مشيط ارقام شركات نقل عفش بخميس مشيط شركة نقل عفش بخميس مشيط جديدة شركة نقل عفش من خميس مشيط الي الرياض شركة نقل عفش من خميس مشيط الي مكة شركة نقل عفش من خميس مشيط الي جدة شركة نقل عفش من خميس مشيط الي المدينة المنورة افضل 10 شركات نقل عفش بخميس مشيط
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