In case you were too busy with other things today, I would like to let you in on a bit of news: North Korea attempted to launch yet another ballistic missile. This after trump all but dared them to do it. And from what I can tell, they could care less about the geo- political ramifications of their actions. trump and his big mouth and twitter tirades have apparently pissed them off.
Speaking of trump, he seems to be closing out his first 100 days with a bang. And when I say bang, I don't mean that in a good way.
Consider the following:
He actually praised his fellow bad haircut leader in an interview.
"President Donald Trump is currently engaged in a match of escalating rhetoric and even military posturing with Kim Jong Un. And Trump has some thoughts on his adversary -- thoughts in which Trump notably appears to empathise with him.
In a new interview with Reuters, Mr Trump weighs in on whether the North Korean dictator is a rational leader by pointing to the situation in which he found himself: Succeeding his late father, Kim Jong Il, at a very young age.
"He's 27 years old," Mr Trump said. "His father dies, took over a regime. So say what you want, but that is not easy, especially at that age."' [Source]
(Dude loves to praise despots but he rips former president Obama at every turn. You gotta love it.)
He declared that former president Obama is responsible for his administration not properly vetting an individual that THEY hired. A man, by the way, who the Obama administration actually fired.
"Donald Trump faulted former President Obama’s administration for authorizing a security clearance for Michael Flynn, his former national security adviser.In an interview with Fox News, Trump said:
“But just remember, he was approved by the Obama administration at the highest level. And when they say we didn’t vet, well, Obama I guess didn’t vet, because he was approved at the highest level of security by the Obama administration.” [Source]
Today he met with the NRA, the first president to do that since Reagan, and instead of talking about the Second Amendment and issues related to guns, he spent his time making gross insults towards a sitting US senator, and bragging about his election day victory. Again.
“I have a feeling in the next election you are going to be swamped with candidates, but you’re not going to be wasting your time,” the ex-Celebrity Apprentice host told the audience of around 10,000 at the gun group gathering Friday in Atlanta. “You’ll have plenty of those Democrats coming over, and you are going to say, ‘No sir, no thank you,’ ‘no ma’am.’ Perhaps ‘ma’am’; it may be Pocahontas. Remember that?” he added, using the deliberately mocking nickname he coined for the progressive Massachusetts senator during last year’s White House race. She has claimed Native American heritage in the past.
“But she is not big for the NRA, that I can tell you,” Trump tacked on to applause about Warren, who has ruled out or declared what many think is a likely run in the next presidential election.
Warren is on a book tour and will be in L.A. tomorrow for two public events. She also is expected to meet quietly with at least a couple of potential deep-pocket donors, sources tell me.
On the 99th day of his administration, a clearly combative Trump on Friday took the stage to cheers of “USA! USA!” and launched into a mainly from-the-teleprompter speech that touched on many otherwise expected topics besides attacking Warren.
The president talked about his surprise election win, his plan for a border wall and immigration, his strong Second Amendment support and his speeches to the gun group as a candidate. As he has many times before, and to the pleasure of the NRA audience, Trump rolled out his “Make America Great Again” tagline and also touched on law and order, terrorism, the credentials of his cabinet choices and the successful nomination of Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court. [Source]
Donald trump said that he thought being president would be "easier." I think I speak for millions of Americans when I say that anytime Donald trump wants to quit, he is more than free to do so.
As Driftglass pointed out, there's no "c" in "loser", and all of his art of the deal bullshit was just that. Just off the top of my head without looking anything up:
ACA repeal? Fail.
Tax reform? Fail.
NAFTA? Fail.
Muslim ban? Fail.
Defund sanctuary cities? Fail.
Walldoggle money in CR? Fail.
The list goes on.
What has he actually accomplished?
Gorsuch, who any Republican would have gotten on the court after the seat was stolen by the radioactive turdle.
Profoundly mentally ill people can now buy guns.
Coal companies can now pollute the drinking water of nearby communities.
States can now defund Planned Parenthood and double their maternal mortality rate like Texas.
Putin got his wish and now nobody takes the US government seriously, as it's obviously being run by a bunch of morons.
The elevation of white supremacist utter scumbag morons to the highest echelons of government.
The normalization of the president of the United States lying about everything he says to the point where it's now a safer bet to assume what he says is a lie than take him at his word.
Thanks a lot, Comey, I hope your balls drop off in your shoe and you step on them.
-Doug in Oakland
"It looks like the short guy with the bad haircut is calling the bluff of the big guy with the bad haircut ."
Kim Jong-Un's attitude is: I don't care what you do. I'm building my nukes.
Trump's attitude is: If you build your nukes, I will flatten your country.
The problem is that I'm not sure either of them is bluffing. It's not hard to see what might be the outcome of that standoff. Kim Jong-Un isn't used to pulling his crazy-guy act against an actually crazy American president.
Polls showed Pence is more despised than Drumpf and Planned Parenthood is more favorable than Drumpf. Hell skunks at a picnic poll better than Drumpf at a picnic. Bwahahahahahahahahahahaha!
Doug-Drumpf claims he will probably pay more in taxes under his plan. That wasn't a tax reform plan. It was a yooge taxcut for the wealthy plan.
“'You’ll have plenty of those Democrats coming over, and you are going to say, "No sir, no thank you," "no ma’am." Perhaps "ma’am"; it may be Pocahontas. Remember that?' he added, using the deliberately mocking nickname he coined for the progressive Massachusetts senator during last year’s White House race. She has claimed Native American heritage in the past."
He even gets the dumb joke wrong, because he didn't "coin" that joke. It's "Fauxcahontas," not "Pocahontas." The smartasses surrounding Scott Brown came up with that one during his campaign against Warren (in which Brown got crushed, so I guess snide jokes didn't help?).
The joke isn't that funny, but still less so since it was based on a lie -- the lie being that Liz Warren was an unqualified affirmative action hire at Harvard after she had falsely claimed to have some minuscule amount of Native American heritage. This is absurd nonsense. She was on a mailing list at the school for educational materials about Native Americans, out of idle curiosity about the culture of her (rumored in family lore) Native ancestry; this had zero bearing on her hiring.
For starters, this is not how affirmative action works. A school is not going to give any kind of racial preference to a white woman with 1/128th Native ancestry or whatever tiny amount, although I'm sure this made some kind of sense to some of Scott Brown's more idiotic/racist supporters.
As for Trump's obsession with the person he assumes will be his next election opponent, that's a pretty obvious tell: He is more comfortable with running for president than BEING president, because he doesn't have a fucking clue how to be president. He only wishes he could spend all his time at rallies, inciting his adoring knuckle-dragger fans to punch out lefty protesters. That was the fun part. The actual presidenting thing kind of sucks.
Anyway, he's seriously counting his chickens if he thinks he's even going to make it to the next election.
"Doug-Drumpf claims he will probably pay more in taxes under his plan. That wasn't a tax reform plan. It was a yooge taxcut for the wealthy plan."
According to the only thing we know about his taxes, which is two pages of his 2005 return, he would have paid roughly $30 million less that year under his proposal, due to the elimination of the alternative minimum tax.
-Doug in Oakland
As crazy as Kim Jong-Un is, at least he somewhat makes sense: Iran, Pakistan, India, Israel, all pursued a nuclear weapons program of their own and are all still around, while Libya agreed to give theirs up and look at them now. That logic might have some hella big flaws in it, but for a country the size and standing of North Korea it probably looks like the only road to survival.
I just hope that the nuclear issue doesn't get used as a reason to forget the conventional weapons issue, which is the one that could level Seoul and its twenty million inhabitants.
-Doug in Oakland
"As crazy as Kim Jong-Un is, at least he somewhat makes sense: Iran, Pakistan, India, Israel, all pursued a nuclear weapons program of their own and are all still around, while Libya agreed to give theirs up and look at them now. That logic might have some hella big flaws in it, but for a country the size and standing of North Korea it probably looks like the only road to survival."
I don't think North Korea's nuclear program has anything to do with the survival of the country. It's about the regime protecting itself from its own people.
North Korea has a disastrous communist economic system. It would be pretty hard for North Koreans not to conclude that their leaders are abject failures when, just across the border, it is possible to see that the other Koreans have many times the per capita wealth that they do, even though their economies started from the same place at the end of the Korean War. That would make any rational citizen demand the replacement of the current regime with folks who actually know what they are doing.
So how does the Kim family stay in power?
1) Total media blackout. Prevent the populace from ever knowing anything about the outside world so they are unaware of how badly they are getting screwed.
2) Ruthlessly threaten any dissenters. Establish a culture of fear that anyone who questions Dear Leader, even a little bit, will be sent to the gulag, tortured, killed.
3) Unite the populace against an external enemy. (This is a literal version of the George Orwell "we've always been at war with Eastasia" plan from 1984.)
Item number 3 is achieved by preventing the Korean War from ever really ending, by threatening the United States with their nuclear program. The North Korean populace have been deceived into believing that their country needs nukes because the U.S. is threatening to attack them. But in reality, since the Cold War has been over for decades, the only reason the U.S. would even have any reason whatsoever to attack them is because they keep threatening to nuke us!
This is a dangerous game of chicken. Push just far enough, and Kim Jong-Un gets to keep his job. Push too far, and he will piss off the U.S. enough to destroy his country.
North Korea is an insane country.
Yeah, I read a military blogger a few years ago who said much the same thing, and added that China is scared shitless that the North Koreans will find out what has been done to them and swarm the border demanding iPhones...
-Doug in Oakland
" Yeah, I read a military blogger a few years ago who said much the same thing, and added that China is scared shitless that the North Koreans will find out what has been done to them and swarm the border demanding iPhones..."
China is a big part of the problem. Trump has that part right, even though I am very skeptical the giant orange doofus will be able to persuade China to change their position on this issue.
China is helping to prop up North Korea economically, because if they stop, the North Korean regime will totally collapse and, like you said, loads of refugees will flood over the Chinese border.
Like 50 years ago a scared boy Donald, is still scared today. I say stop hiding behind China and throw some heat on them North Korea. At least we get in a fight with a country that provid e some need for protracted military actions. The economy will mump up and Donald could act like a commander in chief.
I guess if Trump really wishes to succeed with his outrageous, outside-of-the-box approach, this is a unique opportunity. Of course, he is too stupid to see it. It would be so easy. Just offer North Korea U.S. investment $$$ in the billions, (What do we have to lose? 100 bombs cost a billion dollars anyway.) Offer them economic aid and food assistance, the only caveat being that the food will be delivered by the U.S. Army. A simple take it or leave it, balls out proposal. North Korea finally sheds its useless connection to China and rejoins the world community. They can with assistance from the Asian community begin to build a manufacturing base and a real economy. They can feed their starving people. They can move forward with a synthesis of communist rule and capitalistic self-interest. They just have to accept us as their new BFF. Get used to having us very close.
Beats all-out nuclear war, n’est ce pas?
Am I the only guy who thought of this?
Oh no! Lawd hava mercies!
Instead of fighting ISIS or staying out of it Trump bombed ISIS' enemy Syria. Instead of arresting Hillary, he said he is ok with arresting Julian Assange. Add things like that to the list of all of the bad things that weren't unexpected. Elizabeth Warren never came out for Bernie Sanders. She knew she would have been the logical VP choice for Wall Street's daring Hillary to unite the party. She didn't know Tim Kaine was picked a long time ago (as leaked emails showed). He got Wasserman Schultz, who was Hillary's campaign manager in her run against Obama, in as the DNC chair. Warren put her own career ahead of her opposition to Wall Street.
Little Marco just wrote a letter to the UN condemning holding Israel accountable for their wrong doings. I remember the time Little Marco said Obama was taking it easy on ISIS to placate Iran. Iran had two brigades fighting ISIS in Iraq at the time. Obama was placating Saudi Arabia and Israel, but you don't even have to believe that to see that Little Marco said the exact opposite of the truth about Iran. Rand Paul has fought against the U.S. supporting ISIS but he apparently signed Marco's letter. People should look into Democratic Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard and encourage her to run for president. She is very impressive. She is a beautiful woman who has had the courage to do what is right when nobody else has.
Jews own everyone in government, Republican or Democrat.
The economy will mump up and Donald could act like a commander in chief.
Drumpf needs to act like horse shit and hit the trail. The only mumping up in another war will be wingnut caused debt and deficits and a hue and cry for Dems to save America's economy again.
Every single homicide in Birmingham, Alabama from June 1, 2012 through May 22, 2013 involved a black murderer.
President Adolf Twitler last night via tweet:
"North Korea disrespected the wishes of China & its highly respected President when it launched, though unsuccessfully, a missile today. Bad!"
He evidently believes social media shaming will induce the government of China to take care of our Kim Jong-Un problem.
Good luck with that.
The EPA has officially shut down its climate change website.
Great news, guys: We won! The climate is all better, according to Donald.
Brigade Fifteen believes insufficient taxation and government power will destroy the planet.
Go figure.
Milwaukee County Sheriff Clarke is being looked at for Homeland Security position. That should scare most everybody. Another loose cannon on the deck of Drumpf's disastrous douchbaggery.
I see that errant nuke powered carrier that couldn't be accounted for awhile back is supposed to be nearing the Korean Peninsula. Supposedly.
Drumpf is busy running his mouth touting how great he is and how the media won't give him the credit he so richly deserves. Extreme insecurity is not a good thing when the whiny one has his finger on any red buttons in the White House.
BF, how do u think history will view those who deny climate change 50 years from now?
Taco El Carbon said...
Brigade Fifteen believes insufficient taxation and government power will destroy the planet.
Go figur
Wingnuts will destroy the planet. They can't help themselves. They believe everything was put on this planet for them to use, abuse and destroy and the hell with anyone else-especially their kids and grandkids. Because they are GREEDY FUCKING PIGS!
"Climate change" is a fraud, and everyone who isn't a complete idiot knows it.
The climate is always changing.
There is zero evidence that the change we are seeing today is anything out of the ordinary.
There is zero evidence that human activity has any meaningful impact on this change.
There is also zero evidence that a warmer earth would a bad thing.
The fact that people who point this out are called "deniers" shows this is not about science but about belief.
Statists/Leftists push this pseudo religious apocalypse myth as a way to justify grabbing full control over all human economic activity.
People who go along with this are either fully on board with the totalitarian globalist agenda or just too stupid to realize how fundamentally important fossil fuels are to maintaining human exisitence and just how greedy and power-hungry their overlords are.
The next time someone tells you it's your moral duty to give up your freedoms (to them), take a quick look out the window to confirm the planet is still there and tell them "no".
They look like the idiots who made The Chicago Bears first round pick
A Negro software engineer at Uber recently killed himself due to work stress. Basically what happened is that he was on the job for five months and couldn’t hack it. This ruined his self worth so he committed suicide.
It seems clear that this Negro was an affirmative action hire by Uber. I can also say with great confidence that it was the only reason he got his original job at LinkedIn or was offered a position at Apple. These corporations have Human Resources departments which purposefully look for Blacks to hire so they can say that they offer a diverse working environment. The last thing these companies want is to get accused of racism so they bend over backwards to hire a certain amount of token Blacks. It doesn’t matter to them if they are unqualified for the roles they fill.
With that said, is it fair to put Blacks in a situation like this? Is it really in their best interest to hire them for jobs they can’t do if they end up killing themselves as a result?
The fact that this Negro software engineer killed himself can be directly blamed on the "diversity" culture that imposes a false reality on businesses. If we did not have people being hired because of their race this situation would not have happened. Affirmative action has given Blacks an unrealistic expectation of their true capabilities. Look at Yisheng.
The bottom line is that this whole system of diversity does a great disservice to both Whites and Blacks. It’s time for it to end. It does not work and it will never work.
I think Dolt .45 looks like Stan Laurel... he acts like him, too.
How long can the US taxpayer be imposed upon to subsidize the whole world?
"BF, how do u think history will view those who deny climate change 50 years from now? "
Hard to pick a comparison. Maybe the same as the quacks who promoted phrenology or lobotomy surgery? The people who insisted that tobacco didn't cause cancer, or the people who still (!) insist that vaccines do cause autism? (The latter group includes Trump, in addition to his shameful climate denial; the list of dumb crap he believes is long and depressing.)
Combine all of the above nonsense together and multiply their destructiveness by about a billion, and you've probably got some idea how the future will regard this willful ignorance.
There is just no excuse for it anymore. At this point, you're just saying "I'm going to ignore the entire scientific community and get my information about the physical world from Breitbart and petroleum execs, because those guys are completely knowledgeable and trustworthy."
"There is just no excuse for it anymore."
Sure there is, it's a way of trolling liberals. One guy used the old evangelical argument that there was scientific agreement about the sun revolving around the earth (talk about willful ignorance). It's pretty sad but since Al Gore made a movie you are a heritic if you believe in global warming.
"Maybe the same as the quacks who promoted phrenology or lobotomy surgery? The people who insisted that tobacco didn't cause cancer, or the people who still (!) insist that vaccines do cause autism?"
How about the people who deny that race is real? Or that there are racial differences in IQ, or the people who still (!) insist that evolution acting on different races didn't result in differences in intelligence?
Combine all of the above nonsense together and multiply their destructiveness by about a billion, and you've probably got some idea how the future will regard this willful ignorance.
There is just no excuse for it anymore. At this point, you're just saying "I'm going to ignore the entire scientific community and get my information about the physical world from Hollywood and media execs, because those guys are completely knowledgeable and trustworthy."
""There is just no excuse for it anymore. At this point, you're just saying "I'm going to ignore the entire scientific community and get my information about the physical world from Hollywood and media execs, because those guys are completely knowledgeable and trustworthy."
Nice try.
The "entire scientific community" does not believe in your 19th-century pseudo-biology theories about racial differences. These are a handful of pinheads on Internet forums and blogs whom almost nobody regards as real scientists.
President Trump has largely eroded America’s trust in the national political media during his first few months in the White House, according to a new poll.
On the eve of Trump’s 100th day in office, a new national poll by Morning Consult finds that more voters trust the president than the reporters covering his administration on a daily basis.
Thirty-seven percent of voters believe the White House has been more forthright than the media, versus 29 percent who favor the press. Another 34 percent were unsure or had no opinion.
Tell lies often enough and people-at least some mental cripples- will believe them as gospel. Drumpf is a pathological, serial liar.
Look at the chart w/o context and it looks like wingnuts are better with unemployment than Dems. I suspect that is why this was done.
"The "entire scientific community" does not believe in your 19th-century pseudo-biology theories about racial differences"
Pseudo-biology theories like "evolution".
Progs are no different than Creationists.
"Pseudo-biology theories like 'evolution'.
Progs are no different than Creationists."
Real scientists believe in evolution. Real scientists do not believe that evolution has resulted in innate differences in intelligence and character between different ethnic groups.
Because, despite what you keep insisting, the evidence does not show this.
Drumpf and Co. want to revisit libel laws and sue everyone that tells the turth about dumb fuck Drumpfuck. This is a possibility with the latest activist addition to the activist wingnut Scotus. I hope he knows these laws work both ways and he will not be immune from the Mother of all Libel suits against his shitty ass and mouth.
One of the many freedoms we enjoy here in the US is the freedom to deny reality in public.
We do not, however, enjoy any exemption from the consequences of said denial coming back to bite us on our asses really hard.
-Doug in Oakland
-Doug in Oakland
"Real scientists believe in evolution. Real scientists do not believe that evolution has resulted in innate differences in intelligence and character between different ethnic groups."
So....evolution results in innate differences between populations in everything except intelligence and character.
Every study of racial differences in intelligence over the past century has shown consistent results of differences on the order of one standard deviation between Europeans and Africans. But "real scientists" don't beleive this, because Reasons.
Progressives don't believe in "science"; they don't even understand what it is. They fetishize what is a method for discovering truth as received wisdom. That's "scientism".
You are no different than a Creationist.
"Established science" is the bestest science.
Finally, someone with the cajones tom tell Drumpfuck to put up or shut up.
Drumpf lies about everything and then lies about what everyone else says.
mike is too dumb to realize everything he believes is a lie.
Things are looking up. Carl Bernstein tells Jason Miller Drumpf is the worst liar ever as potus and Sebastian Dorka is out of a job in the White House. Another Nazi bites the dust.
Donnie Drumpfuck is back to the old dodge he might release his tax returns after the audit is done. This guy just can't STFU and stop lying about anything.
He sez under his tax reform he will pay more taxes. He sez Drumpfcare will cover pre-existing conditions, cover more people and cost less after evert part of his disastrous cluster fuck of a plan was shown to be bullshit. He needs to be institutionalized and never released from the rubber room.
wow, mike.
You must really have some life.
All you global warming clowns packed into the stolen supermarket shopping cart -- the OPEC nations are in one major business -- selling oil to the world. If you want to fight oil, go to Riyadh and yell at the king of Saudi Arabia and his pals in the monarchy. I'm sure they'll listen.
The Hill
Report: Trump tweeted 470 times in first 99 day
and everyone was a blatant lie because that is all Drumpfuck does.
thinking back to it.. most slaves, only had to deal with one master. the Modern Field Negro blogger has it far worse, having to please millions
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