And another Inferior Is finally And permanently Discredited And abandoned -
Everywhere is war -Me say war."
~Bob Marley~ [From a speech by Haile Selassie to the United Nations in 1963]
There is BREAKING NEWS all over the cable networks tonight, and all the talking heads are talking about some type of military action being imminent in Syria. Our president was so anguished and upset at the thought of little babies being gassed to death that it made him change his mind about Syria and its despicable and murderous leader.
This is all kind of ironic, since it's probably the words from his secretary of state and his administration's position on Syria that emboldened al-Assad to act in such a manner in the first place.
So now we are being told that "all options are on the table", and that the president will act decisively to punish the Syrian leader and his troops. We will see.
Our leader has found his humanitarian side, and he does not believe that the world can just stand by and watch innocent children being killed by the use of chemical (or any other type) weapons. Of course what would also be considered acting in a humanitarian way would be to allow some of those Syrian refugees into our country. But sadly, we all know how our president feels about refugees.
I saw trump stumbling through the press conference with the King of Jordan by his side, and you could tell that he wanted us to believe that he was being sincere and genuinely felt for the victims of the attack. I wasn't buying it. I think the man is incapable of feeling anything for anyone other that himself.
"I think what Assad did is terrible. I think what happened in Syria is one of the truly egregious crimes. It shouldn't have happened. It shouldn't be allowed to happen..... "I think what happened in Syria is a disgrace to humanity. He's there, and I guess he's running things, so something should happen."'
"Something should happen", but we are all just afraid of what that "something" might be.
"'Something should happen', but we are all just afraid of what that 'something' might be."
Given that it's Trump, the "something" is likely to be something monumentally stupid.
Hopefully, he'll just get bored with Syria and not bother to take any action. There's a distinct possibility that even now, he doesn't intend to do anything. Maybe this rhetoric is all a ruse to make Trump seem less chummy with the Russians, since Assad is a key Russian ally and Vlad would be furious if we did anything concrete to try to remove Assad.
And there were some who were worried Hillary would start a war. I would SO much rather have Hil-dog in the WH with all that's going on than the man baby who isn't smart enough to oppose anything a military leader would suggest. The proverbial shit is hitting the fan.
Damn. The stupidity has already started. Trump has just launched missiles. Stand by for an international shitshow.
All the sore-loser Bernie fanatics who insisted Hillary was the biggest, most bloodthirsty hawk and Trump was a peaceful little cuddly bunny, need to shut it forever.
One of my favorite Bob Marley songs. Here we go again more war, more tax cuts, and in the end our economy will go back into a recession.
How many more refugees will Drumpf make and ignore? Humanitarian aid will prolly consist of billions of dollars to korporate amerika to reduce their tax loads.
Yeah, i didn't even have to read the news, the planes have been flying out all day yesterday and today. I'm thinking they're carrying the drones or the bombs...so yeah its real...
sore loser Bernie fanatics who insisted Trump was a cuddly bunny? ... are you smoking crack or just in a drunken stupor?
"sore loser Bernie fanatics who insisted Trump was a cuddly bunny? ... are you smoking crack or just in a drunken stupor?"
I am not talking about the majority of Sanders supporters. But there was an obnoxious contingent of them who absolutely lost their minds in resentment over Hilary defeating him to the point they actually started making these dumb arguments about Trump being preferable to her as president. If you didn't encounter any of these utter fools online or in person, consider yourself fortunate.
So out of the roughly quarter million dead in the Syrian civil war so far, this last hundred caused the scales to fall from Trumps eyes? I don't buy it. Trump just has to try and look powerful, like he calls the shots and everyone has to heed what he says. He no more gives a rat's ass about dead Syrian children than he wants to allow any of them to immigrate here. Count this as number one of what will end up being a long list of chunks of reality Trump was unprepared for that took a massive bite out of his ass. So now what? We're at war with Russia? Does he even know why Russia is in Syria in the first place? (Hint: for the same reason they annexed Crimea, a warm water port.) How is he gonna negotiate his way out of that? Offer to dig them one somewhere else? Let them use one of ours?
You know what? Fuck that fat, white, ignorant, old creep, and the traitorous horde of pig-people he rode in on. We tried to tell you he was a mistake, but NOOO! You had to have your racist, fascist, fire-demon. Well now you got him, you ignorant fucks, and here he goes, just like we said he would.
I guess he was so disappointed by failing to kill tens of thousands of poor people here with his stupid, stupid health care tax cut that he needed a quick fix of dead poor people and turned to the military to get it.
George W. Bush has to be feeling pretty good right now, safe in the knowledge that he's not the worst, stupidest president of all time any more.
-Doug in Oakland
"So out of the roughly quarter million dead in the Syrian civil war so far, this last hundred caused the scales to fall from Trumps eyes? I don't buy it."
You definitely shouldn't buy it. There have been 161 chemical weapons attacks over the course of the war. But suddenly now chemical weapons are a problem? Whatever changed Trump's mind, it wasn't a deep concern for international norms and laws.
Well...something DID happen.
Can't say that I have ever encountered anyone like that. Certainly not me ... I voted for Hillary as did my wife and daughter so we plead innocent ...
As for the missiles sounds like just a low risk low impact show of force, cratered a few runways but won't change much of anything, calculated to make Butt Trumpet look like the Anti-Obama tough guy / humanitarian
If pictures of dead children cause a president to bomb people- also known as "run-way" collateral kills- maybe the residents of Chicago and other cities can sent him pictures of dead American citizens from our streets of terror.. My new city (Durham, NC) included. Let us flood the whiteHouse with picture. President Trump stated that the pictures of dead Syrian kids tipped him into action.
Trump will prevail because he does not operate on fear. He follows one rule. Let your enemies show you how they like to lose.
"If pictures of dead children cause a president to bomb people- also known as 'run-way' collateral kills- maybe the residents of Chicago and other cities can sent him pictures of dead American citizens from our streets of terror.."
I'd advise against it. He'd probably bomb Chicago.
As for the missiles sounds like just a low risk low impact show of force, cratered a few runways but won't change much of anything, calculated to make Butt Trumpet look like the Anti-Obama tough guy / humanitarian"
We can only hope so.
I was opposed to intervention in Syria back when Obama proposed it. Not because I am a peacenik who is universally opposed to intervention; I'm not. Sometimes humanitarian intervention is justified. But I thought then it was a bad idea because Syria, with its many factions of bad guys, is way too volatile and could easily spiral out of control.
My reservations are ten times stronger now. The situation has considerably deteriorated, the Russian military is now actively involved, and our present president is a belligerent dunce. Everybody cross your fingers, toes, and any other appendages that he doesn't completely fuck it up.
postTHIS! @B-15..... "
I am not talking about the majority of Sanders supporters. But there was an obnoxious contingent of them who absolutely lost their minds in resentment over Hilary defeating him to the point they actually started making these dumb arguments about Trump being preferable to her as president. If you didn't encounter any of these utter fools online or in person, consider yourself fortunate."
Given the reports of nearly a 1000 cyber trolls paid for the sole purpose of creating informational chaos in the 2016 election, I've been wondering for some time as to whether much of the divisiveness from disappointed Sanders supporters was actually comments posted by these foreign individuals and/or groups.
In fact, feel free to color me suspiciously paranoid, as there are commenters posting to this blog that I now suspect could be bots or paid foreign trolls.
Sadly, I think most of them were real Sanders supporters. That primary got nasty, and many people are very frustrated with the direction of the Democratic Party. For a minority of diehards, this took them to a crazy place.
Then again, Putin's "troll army" is all too real. But you can usually tell when you run into one of them. Their English is crappy and they tend to start ranting about crap only right-wing Russians care about, like the '90s Balkans wars.
Another perspective could be history repeating itself in the form of nonaction from a previous administration. For example, prior to the events leading to the Sept. 11 terrorist attack, the Clinton administration did not expand upon intel efforts to thwart Bin Laden. Fast forward to the international crisis impacting the Obama administration that was no more than sounding the alarm about humanitarian atrocities of chemical warefare, and the end result is the abominable Assad Regime descending even lower into the depths of hell.
So he apparently didn't kill any Russians this time, as they got a short heads up (they did warn him not to do it at the UN) but no word on whether any Iranians were there.
Now we find out whether Assad or the Iranians decide to take out the thousand or so Americans we have on the ground there.
The Russians aren't likely to, as they were supposed to have gotten rid of the chemical weapons under the agreement we had with them, so they are busy trying to invent scenarios in which Assad didn't actually have them.
People who are in the military and pay attention to Syria all knew Assad was going to slaughter a lot of people trying to put down the rebellion because that's an Assad tradition going back to his father in the early eighties, when he put down a rebellion with a siege that killed between 20,000 and 40,000 people in Hama.
So taking Assad out early on had some appeal, but the likelihood that a better outcome would be the result was small, and the risks of Iraq 2.0 far too high. Had we gone in then, we would basically own the entire conflict now, and owned it the whole time, and that was not something we were prepared to do while trying to extricate ourselves from Iraq and Afghanistan, which we still haven't done.
So it was a hard call, but not that hard. Yes, it's a fucked up situation, but no, we're not in a position to fix it any better than we "fixed" Iraq, and the unintended consequences of Iraq was (among other things) ISIS, the reason we have a thousand troops in Syria right now, so the unintended consequences of Syria were/are even worse. We're in Syria trying to clean up after our previous clusterfuck, so where will we be when we're trying to clean up after Syria? Iran, most likely, and Iran won't be like Iraq was. Iraq had around 29 million people when we invaded, Iran has around 77 million, and their society is in a lot better shape than Iraq in 2003.
But damn, Trump probably really looks strong to the retarded fuckheads who elected him, and what could matter more than that?
-Doug in Oakland
For example, prior to the events leading to the Sept. 11 terrorist attack, the Clinton administration did not expand upon intel efforts to thwart Bin Laden.
Bush missed plenty of opportunities too.
But then, we have the benefit of hindsight in knowing what intel agencies and our presidents missed. It's not always easy to know what part of the flood of information is valid and relevant. In fact, most jihadis are "known" to intel agencies before they mount attacks. The problem is that you can't watch them all.
Just as an example of the difficulty, acting on what turned out to be bad intel about an al-Qaeda chemical weapons facility, Clinton bombed a civilian aspirin factory.
It's complicated. That's all I'm saying.
Though very true about the crappy English of Russian trolls and the sometimes hostile rhetoric of Sanders supporters, the relentless approach of foreign operatives to dictate the narrative of US political discourse to the point obliterating any information rooted in facts and due diligence was beyond genius. It's a strategy that worked because these hirelings were paid to communicate in a manner that mirrored standard commentary.
"Though very true about the crappy English of Russian trolls and the sometimes hostile rhetoric of Sanders supporters, the relentless approach of foreign operatives to dictate the narrative of US political discourse to the point obliterating any information rooted in facts and due diligence ..."
While I'm plenty concerned about Russian intervention in our politics, because that's a new and concerning problem, the truth is that the biggest source of political disinformation still isn't foreigners; it's Hannity and Breitbart, etc.
#BlackPride #BlackPower #BlackisBeautiful
And all this time tr**p supporters were so adamant about how he was not a war-monger. More bullshit from the dregs of society.
Big Dick Trump's kickin' ASS over there! Fucking terrorist sand niggers! Nuke 'em all! And the Russkeys too!!
Trump's dick is tiny. He's making up for it by having so much hubris and such a gigantic ego, and by attacking Syria. Typical white male.
#BlackPride #BlackPower #BlackisBeautiful
Anonymous=Synonymous with Pussy
I hope Melania Trump gets gang raped by a bunch of Muslim immigrants.
The Troll Patrol has issued a warrant for the arrest of "Fuck Everybody."
The correct expression is, "I love everybody."
You will be remanded to the custody of an actual human being who will instruct you in the way of love.
So Trump is somehow incensed about civilian casualties in Syria....
Dot Dot Dot, WHAT THE FUCK???!!!???
That means that the NSA is monitoring his comm with Putin, right?
I think he needs a therapeutic love/sex vacation. Maybe in Sweden with East European surrogate/nurses. Surely Bannon and Sessions can spare him for two months?
Why shouldn't Melania get raped? She is a whore who bared her breasts! She is just asking for it! Stupid white whore!
You have been exposed as a troll. Kindly leave.
Fuck everybody with European blood said...
Why shouldn't Melania get raped? She is a whore who bared her breasts! She is just asking for it! Stupid white whore!"
You're convincing nobody white boy, now kindly do what the man advised and fuck off.
April 7th 2017. Meters of wall built = 0
"While I'm plenty concerned about Russian intervention in our politics, because that's a new and concerning problem, the truth is that the biggest source of political disinformation still isn't foreigners; it's Hannity and Breitbart, etc."
Fair enough @B-25, regarding the fringe-right news sources of misinformation. Irony is Hannity, Brietbart, et al are a multimillion dollar entities due to serving as a voice for a segment of America with no intention of gathering news that's not in support of their worldview. At the end of the day, the media is the enemy.
Nevertheless, very much in agreement the ultimate focus is more than Russian or other foreign influence given the magnitude of Syrian and North Korean crisis. In fact, the Charles Blow column in the 6 April 17 edition of NY Times is on point as to how the national call to action is unfolding.
My apology for the error **B-15**
Trump and his boyfriend and pimp Vladimir Putin could care less about Syria. Trump doesn't want to help the refugees he leading the charge to run them out of America put he pretends to be appalled at them being gassed.The sooner this tribe of white Neanderthals depart from this world the better off the world will be.
"If pictures of dead children cause a president to bomb people- also known as "run-way" collateral kills- maybe the residents of Chicago and other cities can sent him pictures of dead American citizens from our streets of terror."
By all means! Tomahawk cruise missiles would do a bang-up job of getting rid of crack houses and rap concerts, through they're a tad pricey. Dropping Hellfires on a few boomer cars might get the Black people to stop wasting money on massive sound systems when they should be raising their children.
"He'd probably bomb Chicago."
It's either that, or ship the population of the South and West sides to Liberia. Those "skreets" only "went wrong" when Blacks took them over. Black people are the plague.
BTW, the Syrian attack last night was theater. Apparently a whole bunch of cruise missiles were sent to a corner of one airbase where there was nothing in particular, and blew a whole bunch of dirt into the air. Both the Russians and Syrians were warned in advance.
"they are busy trying to invent scenarios in which Assad didn't actually have them."
They weren't weapons. ISIS had taken over a warehouse which had a bunch of toxic chemicals in it. There was no Sarin there, or any other semi-modern warfare agent; had there been, the medical responders would have died from contact. There was apparently some chlorine or other toxic chemical that got spread around when the warehouse was bombed. I'm afraid that chemistry and water purification are essential things in a modern society.
"the truth is that the biggest source of political disinformation still isn't foreigners; it's CNN, the New York Times, etc."
"April 7th 2017. Articles of impeachment filed = 0."
In all likelihood it won't happen again ... Vlad is rather upset and Butt Trumpet will not be getting to ride his iron horse anytime soon so there's that. And no doubt Assad got a tongue lashing from Vlad as well ... leave the fighting to us Bashar thank you very much ... so very likely there will be no more chemical attacks and Butt Trumpet can award himself the Nobel Peace Price and go play the back nine ...
Only 98,000 jobs added in January ... the numbers that were phony except last month when they were legitimate ... now they are back to being phony again ...
I had hoped Don Rickles was really dead and then he turns up here cleverly disguised (and disgusting) as the bald guy. Cannot get a break from insult non-comedy.
Russia was given advance attack notice. Congress of the United States did not. Syria expected attack. Just a coincidence, right?
Rumour swirling that Drumpf Dump South still has no secure room to conduct official business. Now there's a surprise for you. But why would Drumpf want to keep official business from all members of Drumpf Dump South. Their $200,000 dues buys them access to the inner fuck ups of the most corrupt, irresponsible, least experienced wingnut idiot ever in the WH and there have been any number of beauties there in my life.
Cost of fireworks over 93 mil. More meals on wheels that won't be delivered.
For yer viewing pleasure, tonight the other gas giant-Planet Jupiter lights up the night sky in opposition to the other gas giant Drumpfuck Drumpf. Only one actually glows with a heavenly radiance. The other stinks to high heaven and gives off poisonous right wing fumes and lies his ass off. Trust me on this before the losers phone in they don't understand what I am talking about. Can't fix wingnut stoopid.
A year after swearing the Scotus could operate up to 8 years of a HRC presidency with only 8 members. wingnuts cheated and got Scalia Junior on the court today.
Wingnuts used seperate rules for their judges and for Dems judges. All wingnut judges were given a hearing and an up or down vote- Thomas and BORK included. Merrick Garland was denied both by traitorous weaselly winguts and it is up to the voters to punish lying cheating pols of the right wing stink.
We didn't target the airfield so Russian planes can still use it. So can Syria's. We didn't use cratering missiles to minimize damage. Maybe they should have shot jet-puffed marshmallows at them.
Micro-dick white boy Neil Gorsuch is confirmed for the SCOTUS.
"...The rest of you guys should know better..."
Mitch McConnell decrying the 2013 rule change in the senate that let Obama fill three vacancies on the DC circuit court.
What about you, Mitch? Should you know better also?
The day that Mitch McConnell dies will be a really good day, almost as good as the day Reagan died.
-Doug in Oakland
All you lovely right wing nut jobs out there- guess which air strip America didn't bomb last night is being used by Syrian war planes today to bomb Homs? Come on you can venture a guess. You all are so fucking smart.
This blog is so boring without Josh.
McConnell is still alive? ... he looks like he has been dead for years and no one told him ...
Lance: It's a turtle thing, I guess. He's lucky I'm not a real Okie, he'd be soup...
-Doug in Oakland
I went to War in the Southern Part of Texas-Me and Baby Brother Delivered The Word with Gypsy Man. Then had a little H2Overture to settle our nerves.
"Brigade Fifteen said...
"So out of the roughly quarter million dead in the Syrian civil war so far, this last hundred caused the scales to fall from Trumps eyes? I don't buy it."
You definitely shouldn't buy it. There have been 161 chemical weapons attacks over the course of the war. But suddenly now chemical weapons are a problem? Whatever changed Trump's mind, it wasn't a deep concern for international norms and laws.
11:54 PM"
Uh huh. Those attacks were Obama's responsibility. WTF did he do about it?
Obama won the Syrian conflict on Jan 19th, 2017. On Jan 20th, 2017 Drumpfuk signed an EO giving the victory to Syria via Putin.
This blog is so much better without Josh.
LOL. I wonder if you understand how stupid that was.
Assad used the unbombed airstrip to lauch bombing attacks on the town he just gassed to mock Drumpf. Wingnuts better tell Assad not to pick on handicapped Drumpf.
White people ain't shit.
On a brighter note, the real gas giant and star of the celestial heavens-Jupiter is shining in all its glory in the south eastern evening sky. It had the sky all to itself. Nothing contrived or phony about the real gas giant-unlike the poser Drumpfuck.
"Black people are the plague."
You really should lay off blacks. You've already assured at least one lifetime as one.
Fuck the gooks and chinks!
Tired of winning all them coal jobs back? Bwahahahahahahahaha!
I saw it last nite, while fishing, mikie.
Seems not too many people look up anymore. I always like when Venus shines.
Anonymous said...
White people ain't shit.
9:10 PM
Where do you think your LINK and EBT come from.....
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