The Field Negro education series continues.
"It was exactly one week ago that President Trump ordered the launch of 59 Tomahawk cruise missiles at a Syrian airstrip last week and the punditocracy went wild, proclaiming in the never-to-be-forgotten words of CNN's Fareed Zakaria that "Donald Trump became president of the United States." You knew right then that the adulation-starved POTUS was already plotting a bolder second installment, his own "big bang theory."
So what do you get called now by the self-satisfied Beltway elites after dropping "MOAB" — the 11-ton "Mother of All Bombs," the most lethal non-nuclear weapon in America's awesome arsenal? Did he become Emperor of the Air today? King of All Weaponry? Did the Pretty Big One turn the 45th president into the Godfather of Hole? Or does lobbing the "mother" bomb into some Afghanistan caves finally make Trump the daddy, worthy of the respect that icy Fred Trump never paid his little boy?
(And in a loosely related matter, will MSNBC's Brian "It's All Too Beautiful" Williams turn to his guest tonight and say that "I am reminded of the Springsteen classic, 'Blinded by the light...'")
But the news that the Trump-commanded military had now escalated the conflict in Afghanistan — in a place called Nangarhar that no one can find on a map, in a war that's been going on for 16 years and will probably still be happening long after I'm dead and buried — felt like a crossing of the Rubicon. I know you're supposed to rally around the flag and our commander-in-chief when the bombs — even the old-fashioned normal-sized ones — start bursting in air. But Trump's lack of any moral or ethical compass, not to mention his inability to tell the truth, make it impossible to have faith in our military missions — or in him.
I know it's only been 12 weeks, but America has seen enough. It's already past time for sensible Republicans to join with Democrats to start the process of removing Trump from office and making Mike Pence the 46th president. The fate of the earth may hang in the balance." [More]
"But the news that the Trump-commanded military had now escalated the conflict in Afghanistan — in a place called Nangarhar that no one can find on a map, in a war that's been going on for 16 years and will probably still be happening long after I'm dead and buried — felt like a crossing of the Rubicon."
I don't really see how Trump's Big Honkin' Bomb (and we really don't know that he had anything to do with the decision to drop it) constitutes an "escalation." The Afghan War is already fully "escalated." It is a full-on shooting war, it has been for many years now, and the Taliban won't lay down their arms their until they are defeated (or, alternately, until they win). This is also true for the upstart local ISIS chapter there, which was supposedly the group the MOAB was dropped on. There really isn't any negotiating with those guys.
This was a fancy and expensive fireworks display, but nothing major changed in Afghanistan.
I'm more concerned at the moment with Trump's aggressive moves toward North Korea. That could mean actual escalation, from the status quo of exchanges of nasty words and economic sanctions to a truly massive and horrific war in Asia.
MSNBC=fake news
The prez doesn't pick the type of ordinance for a mission. The pres only job is to say yes or no.
proclaiming in the never-to-be-forgotten words of CNN's Fareed Zakaria that "Donald Trump became president of the United States."
A real president wouldn't have wasted several millions of dollars dropping bombs, a real president would have sent that money to Flint to help fix the water crisis. Or helped DC's schools. Or not gutted the parks department's funding. OR...the list never stops...
And mike penchant for prayer needs not be presidink either.
"I know it's only been 12 weeks, but America has seen enough. It's already past time for sensible Republicans to join with Democrats to start the process of removing Trump from office and making Mike Pence the 46th president. The fate of the earth may hang in the balance."
...Cue the ominous music...
How do you keep a straight face regurgitating such nonsense?
It probably won't shock anyone here to know that steps were made in the last half decade that will, in the end, destroy our nuclear deterrent by simple neglect.
Not unlike deciding to put a cat on a vegan diet - it doesn't kill it right away and it looks like you are feeding it - but it is a death sentence.
Trump's election is the only thing that stopped the US from the disastrous consequences of unilateral disarmament.
"It probably won't shock anyone here to know that steps were made in the last half decade that will, in the end, destroy our nuclear deterrent by simple neglect."
It might shock those who aren't brainwashed idiot wingnut trolls.
Obama Backs Biggest Nuclear Arms Buildup Since Cold War
Obama already set to spend $20B a year to update U.S. nukes
I'm not saying it's a great thing that we're dumping money into upgrading nukes; it'd be better if all world leaders were negotiating to get rid of them. But Vladimir Putin being president of Russia has probably made that difficult.
In any event, if you're a "nuke fan," Trump isn't some kind of savior. Our nukes were going to get upgraded, regardless of who got elected.
One of man's greatest tests is to see how long he can wear summer clothes in the winter, and winter clothes in the summer.
I just hope the damn fool understands the concept of artillery well enough to avoid getting a whole lot of it used on Seoul.
-Doug in Oakland
The road to hell is paved wih dead Koreans.
Trump is not an ideologue. Most of our politicians are quite stupid. All of their intellectual energy is focused on the endless scheming and game playing that is politics. What passes for ideology in American politics is really just a laundry list of policies aimed at buying votes from interest groups. That’s why they sound like robots. They stick to the script, even in the face of a public revolt, because that’s the safe and easy way to do it.
That’s not Trump. He is not married to any policy. In the campaign, he would regularly say something one day and then take it back two days later when it proved to be unpopular. It is safe to assume, for example, that Trump has zero interest in health care. He’ll sign off on anything that is popular with the voters. He’s also willing to dump a bad policy without worrying a bit about being called a hypocrite or inconsistent. Trump is practical about these things. If it does not work, he tosses it aside and moves onto to the next thing.
"Trump is not an ethical person. Most of our politicians are at least somewhat ethical. All of their intellectual energy is focused on the developing useful policies that serve the needs of the American public. What passes for ideology in American politics is really just delivering the goods and services the voters prefer. That’s why those politicians sound like healthy, well adjusted grown-ups. They stick to the script, even in the face of ignorant, brainwashed racists, because that’s the decent and responsible thing to do.
That’s not Trump. He is not married to any facts. In the campaign, he would regularly lie one day and then take that lie back two days later when the news media busted him on it. It is safe to assume, for example, that Trump has zero interest in anybody but Trump. He’ll spew any bullshit that the ignorant, brainwashed racists are foolish enough to believe. He’s also willing to dump a failed lie without worrying a bit about being called a hypocrite or inconsistent. Trump is practical about these things. If a lie does not work, he tosses it aside and moves onto to the next outrageous lie."
15th April 2017. Money actually appropriated to pay for the wall = 7 miles' worth.
@Anony: "That’s not Trump. He is not married to any policy.
What's that old saying: "If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything."
Not everyday one can read a blog post and find a reference to Itchycoo Park. Really good show, what? Small Faces.
Damn Orcas think they're Rambo, thanks to Drumpf.
Major difference between serious, responsible Dems and whacko wingnuts.
Major difference between serious, responsible Dems and whacko wingnuts."
Yeah, no kidding. Rank-and-file Republicans have few actual political values. They're mostly voting based on prejudice and lame conspiracy theories they've heard through wingnut media: e.g., if scary black man Obama supported something, it must be bad.
This is how you end up with Obamacare=Awful, but Affordable Care Act=Great.
In a nutshell, the GOP is a party of donkeys led by jackals.
From Driftglass:
"President Stupid's Secret Weapon Has Always Been Very Simple
He is exactly as big a loudmouth moron as the average Republican voter.
He gets his "news" from exactly the same contaminated dumpster as they do.
And his specific strain of barely-literate bigotry and swaggering, impenetrable stupidity
come out his lie-hole at exactly the same cadence and decibel level as the inner monologues of the millions of Crazy Uncle Liberties who idolize him.
The Republican Party is what's wrong with this country. Period. Full stop.
The Republican Party is what's wrong with this country because it has finally arrived at the destination towards which it has been racing for the last 40 years -- the transformation of the Party of Lincoln into the Party of Jefferson Davis, ruled by a dangerous simpleton and a cabal of scheming plutocrat con-men, theocrats and demagogues who lead a base of invincibly ignorant imbeciles.
And anyone who pretends otherwise is lying to you."
-Doug in Oakland
-Doug in Oakland
Howz this for pro-life-Arkansas wants to rush 8 executions in 11 days before they run out of the sedative they need to carry out executions. The company that makes it will no longer sell it for executions.
The inmates are apparently going to be allowed to appeal the drug cocktail that may cause them serious pain-so the courts have decided. If this is sent to a reconfigured Scotus with a stolen seat it might easily decide in Arkansas' favor to kill 'em all.
"The inmates are apparently going to be allowed to appeal the drug cocktail that may cause them serious pain-so the courts have decided. If this is sent to a reconfigured Scotus with a stolen seat it might easily decide in Arkansas' favor to kill 'em all."
You know, that's an interesting question as to how a right-wing SCOTUS will rule. Because the legal issues in this case don't appear to have to do with the constitutionality of capital punishment.
Essentially, this is a business dispute. A drug company sold a sedative to the state of Arkansas on the understanding that it would not be used for executions. When it turned out Arkansas had lied and did intend to use the drug in executions, the company demanded the drug be returned to them.
Given that wingnuts always seem to take the side of corporations (remember, corporations are people -- and they're way more important people than the rest of us poor slobs!), the SCOTUS wingnuts may just end up taking the drugs away from Arkansas, thereby putting the kibosh on these particular executions.
After I wrote that last comment, I realized you were talking about a separate court case.
To be clear, there are now two different lines of argument: one from the defendants claiming that the execution drug protocol is cruel, and a separate one from the drug company claiming that they own one of the drugs and should have the drug returned to them.
Nice research, BF. Thanks.
Drumpf claims immunity from lawsuit where he basically ordered followers to rough up protesters during the campaign. Judge sez not so fast-fatso. The Scotus already ruled speech that incites violence is not protected.
One follower who roughed up people claims in a suit he would not have done so if Drumpf hadn't said to. Rats are jumping ship.
The truth goes like that because the truth always goes like that. The modern left is nothing more than the upwardly mobile to elite white or (((white))) left virtue signaling against those icky sticky yucky ducky rotten kind of white people who live in those awful places on the other side of the tracks where nary a combo yogurt bar yoga studio can be found.
Upwardly mobil? I can barely walk and there are no tracks around where I live. The left is a rainbow of colors, ages, ethnicities, incomes-in fact we are the big tent wingnuts claim to aspire to be if eveyone was only white and rich.
NK's missile test exploded shortly after launch. I'd guess young un will claim it was designed to explode shortly after launch. Now everyone can relax and go home.
Drumpf will prolly take credit for the explosion somehow. Can't wait for Spice Barbie to spin the shit out of this mess.
Trump would rather side with ISIS and kill innocent people than have us see the video of prostitutes pissing on him. By the way, the CIA filmed it through his smart TV. at Trump Tower The Russians had nothing to do with it.
It seems like there must be some drastic reasons to recruit, train, arm, and finance terrorist to fight peaceful countries like Syria. One is probably the pipeline that would lower prices for Europe (NATO countries). It would help Saudi Arabia and Qatar sell more oil in Europe. The Russians don't want the pipeline because it would increase competition with Russian oil. Syria is on the pipeline route.The redacted 28 9/11 report pages showed Saudi Arabia financed the 9/11 hijackers. They were kept secret for 15 years until congress was too afraid to keep them secret anymore. They sold you the rope to hang them with, as Khrushchev would say.
Thev 28 pages also contained enough intelligence to predict the attack was coming. The inside job was letting it happen and adding controlled demolitions and a staged Pentagon attack to make it worse. We killed our own people and attacked Saudi Arabia's rivals instead of Saudi Arabia. Why? The national debt is approaching twenty trillion dollars. The dollar isn't backed by gold. Its' value is held up by OPEC selling oil in dollars. The U.S. is Wahhabi extremist Saudi Arabia's puppet. Russia happens to be allied with moderate peaceful Middle East countries like Iran and Syria. You could watch TV all year and not get anywhere near this close to the truth.
Fuck the gooks and chinks!
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