I need a caption for this pic.
Example: "Hey boss, what year is this? I got in this funny thing called a time machine and here I am."
Pic from twitter.com
Go to this guy's twitter feed and read his first hand account of what is going on in "da boot" right now. Fascinating stuff!
Welcome ya'll to the democrat plantation. And ya'll just thought it was a stupid meme on the internet.
"Would you rather be in Siberia working for the Russians?"
Guy on horse: Hahaha! Now see, this prison is a good prison! They even let you mess with hoes right here!
Shorter guy looking at him thinks: This mo'fuqer think he cute!
"Dese Mexican masters worse dem dose crackahs!"
Lil' Saggy: Yo boss, can I get me on the watermelon crew?
Mexican Overseer: You peecking lettuce for the next 20 years, Mayate.
Hugo Backnowski performs his community service after being convicted of heroin possession.
"A Democratic Party volunteer escorts Black supporters to the voting booth in the 2016 presidential election."
Lil' Saggy: White folks was in the caves while was building empires...We taught philosophy and astrology and mathematics before Socrates and them Greek homos ever got around to it.
Mexican Overseer: Si, si Sharpton, now pull your pants up and walk faster.
Lil' Saggy: Shoulda never let you wetbacks in the country.
Mexican Overseer: Shoulda paid your Taxes, negrito.
The Soviets were Democrat agents, a proxy force for the blue empire of the consulates against the red empire of the bases, and they were collapsed when they started to break free of the Democrats.
Simplified even further: “America is a communist country”.
Of course any useful truth is necessarily a simplification. Reality is always more complex than even the best descriptions. Puritan derived leftism (progressivism) both cooperated and competed with Judaism derived leftism (Marxism) and each infiltrated and attempted to use and manipulate the other. Both engaged in entryism, and entryist agents would turn, becoming double and triple agents, creating a dense maze of camouflage and lies. Obama is a red diaper Marxist, but he is progressive, and his Marxist mother was a double agent, probably a triple agent, who like most female agents, had sex with the enemy becoming unreliable as a result.
Hey, look out, that creep on the horse is a troll on the Field Negro...
-Doug in Oakland
Uhhhh Savory, whatever you're smoking you mind sharing?
21st May 2017. Meters of wall built = 0.
Seth Rich confirmed as source of leaked DNC emails to Wikileaks:
Uh oh.
Now the real reason for the unprecedented media propaganda campaign pushing all this "Russia hacked the election" nonsense becomes clear: To cover up for a murder while delegitimizing the the man the people lawfully put in office so that the Establishment agenda can be forced down his throat.
This will be the end of the Democratic Party.
Reddit recently edited Seth Rich's posts after they were discovered:
Caitlin Johnstone:
My theory, while I have your attention, is that Seth Rich was not just assassinated because he was the DNC leaker, but also because he knew he was the DNC leaker. America’s unelected power establishment wants to depose Assad to secure its crucial position in the fossil fuel battles and squeeze the Kremlin hard so it stops taking bold actions like allying with the Syrian government, annexing the strategically important Crimean peninsula, and collaborating with China to undermine the hegemony of the US dollar in that region. If Rich had been able to step forward and let everyone know that he was WikiLeaks’ source and not Russia, the American people would never consent to these potentially world-ending escalations with a nuclear superpower, and America’s deep state would lose geopolitical power and influence. Can’t have that. Dead men tell no tales.
Lil' Saggy: Nationalism is the healthy and natural expression of the spirit of a people.
Mexican Overseer: Socialism is a death cult of power which uses envy and victimhood to expand the State at the expense of the nation itself.
Lil' Saggy: Don't I know it.
Hoax Science Paper Says Penis Is A Social Construct That Worsens Climate Change:
Of course it gets published in the journal 'Cogent Social Science':
The authors begin, "Anatomical penises may exist," but the "conceptual penis is better understood not as an anatomical organ but as a social construct." It goes downhill from there. "There are many women who have penises," they boldly claim. Then, they gratuitously listed some crude synonyms for the penis, such as: "beaver basher," "custard launcher," "pork sword," and "mayo shooting hotdog gun." They explained that "manspreading" - when a man sits with his legs open - is "akin to raping the empty space around him."
At this point, it is worth stopping to ponder that this didn't raise any red flags with the editors of the journal. Not only did they think this was perfectly intellectual, publishable material, they praised the authors for their work.
Seth Rich only pretended to be dead to give whitey wingnuts a brief glimmer of hope they are still relevant.Then he got up and ran away. Poor, sad, whiny wingnuts got played for the suckers they are.
Meanwhile, Drumpf curtsied to the Saudi King and split his too tight dress pants and exposed little Drumpf to a world of ridicule involving micrometers and shortcomings.
As for the caption it shows racist, perjurer Sessions voting rules for Blacks is taking effect. Arrest them so they can't vote.
"As for the caption it shows racist, perjurer Sessions voting rules for Blacks is taking effect. Arrest them so they can't vote."
Arrest them so they can't breed.
At least we don't need to worry about our resident wingnuts breeding--what woman would have them? :P
Hot dang! They are loving them some Ivanka Trump in the Middle East like there's no tomorrow!
She has totally captivated all of the royals, they just cannot take their eyes off her! They're completely besotted with her grace, openness, warmth and loving smile!
She is an 'in the moment' type person and seems to be totally enjoying all of the pomp and circumstance being showered upon them, and of course they are reciprocating with equal warmth.
This will be the end of the Democratic Party.
because zero fucking hedge broke the biggest story of the decade. Holy shit I knew conservatives were dumb but holy shit I didn't know the extent.
Holy shit I knew liberals were dishonest but holy shit I didn't know the extent.
Journalists drink too much, are bad at managing emotions, and operate at a lower level than average, according to a new study and sure, it's a crap study, but I DON'T CARE! It confirms everything I think about journalists and journalism. I have never met a journalism major or a journalist whose intellect impressed me. The talking heads on TV are simply the logical extension of form over substance, but those who work behind the scenes are so obviously on the left of the bell curve too.
Journalists' brains show a lower-than-average level of executive functioning, according to a new study, which means they have a below-average ability to regulate their emotions, suppress biases, solve complex problems, switch between tasks, and show creative and flexible thinking.
Holy shit I knew conservatives were dishonest but holy shit I didn't know the extent.
There, fixed it.
So Trump should be a journalist not President.
IIRC, our host said that Seth Rich is the new Vince Foster.
The wingnuts will always believe that Teh Evul Clintonz arranged for both men to be murdered--and since the wingnuts now live in their own hermetically-sealed universe of myths, no contrary evidence will shake their faith.
Drumpfuck has been compromised. He called Islam one of the world's greatest faiths. He has totally lost it. The glowing Orb ate his brain.
"The glowing Orb ate his brain."
That glowing Orb must still be mighty hungry, then, given the small size of its last meal. ;)
The problem is the new generation of conservative mouth breathers haven't heard of Vince Foster.
Some lady in Arkansas is in trouble for pointing a gun at a teenager who she says was raping the neighbor's dog. No statement from the dog, or word on whether the boy just didn't have any sisters...
-Doug in Oakland
Drumpf mentioned Foster during the campaign-something about the fact that five investigations all reached the same conclusion-suicide- Drumpf said there should have been more investigations.
Even hitman Kenny boy Starr concluded it was a suicide.
But this is a people robbed and spoiled; they are all of them snared in holes, and they are hid in prison houses: they are for a prey, and none delivereth; for a spoil, and none saith, Restore.
ISIAH 42:22
"A man who has blown all his options can't afford the luxury of changing his ways. He has to capitalize on whatever he has left, and he can't afford to admit — no matter how often he's reminded of it — that every day of his life takes him farther and farther down a blind alley... Very few toads in this world are Prince Charmings in disguise. Most are simply toads... and they are going to stay that way.."
Hunter S. Thompson
-Doug in Oakland
at least they are being gainfully employed and don't have a chance to run in the streets. maybe all blacks should have to earn their right to live in a civilized society?
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