I will tell you what's on mine:
Philly has some of the finest police officers in America. Yes, there are a few bad apples, but for the most part Philly's finest do a pretty good job of protecting and serving us every day. This video proves what I am saying. Check out the restraint shown by this officer while missy gets her drunk on.
I am thinking that trump tried some okey doke today by hiring his new FBI director to distract us all from this Comey mess. It didn't work. The press is feeding on this Comey fiasco like a bus full of hungry Negroes at Popeyes. Tomorrow should be interesting.
Finally, I am thinking that if there is any shred of truth to the story floating around that trump "shifted kids- cancer charity money into his business," he needs to bring a priest to shadow his every move while he is in the White House.
Priests can be bought and sold. Drumpf needs a workable conscience, a sense of shame and a mega dose of humility and I doubt all of that would make a dent.
No matter how this all turns out, Drumpf will be lying about it on Twitter long after he is dead and nuked. One surprise though, he has yet to claim Darrell Issa's brother did it.
Comey needs distractions from the fact that his dick is tiny, which is pretty typical of white boys.
Oh, and Butt Trumpet doesn't give two shits about kids or cancer.
No matter what, Trump will put another less-than-mediocre white person in charge of the FBI.
#BlackPride #BlackPower #BlackisBeautiful
Open thread- I could use some serious rain in NW iowa tonight or in the next couple days. My garden, which I depend on for my food budget, is getting awful dry and watering with a hose doesn't do it justice.
A couple inches of rain here and a flood of biblical proportions to wash the stain out of the WH would be fine. Thanks in advance.
What is an ope thread?
Everything that that idiot tr**p does leaves a mess. Whoever is elected in 2020 will have a big mess to clean up. Anyone who still supports this moron is beyond saving.
And here I thought he was draining the swamp.
Well it is good to see the president finally appointing a serious nominee, pretty much a first for him and his party.
Anonymous said...
Well it is good to see the president finally appointing a serious nominee, pretty much a first for him and his party.
12:20 AM
I'm just curious, PX.
Why do you think Christopher Wray is a good choice for FBI Director? I don't know much about the man...except, what I can Google. Nothing really "stands out" to me.
Nixon went down for being caught on tape instructing his COS to get the CIA to pressure the FBI to drop its investigation into the activities of his staff.
President four-year-old directly pressed the FBI to drop its investigation into Mike Flynn.
The main differences are that Nixon actually knew what ha was doing and could be reasoned with in extreme situations, and the Republicans in the '70s weren't fully bereft of consciences where the rule of law was concerned.
The senate committee hearing today seemed oddly familiar:
-Doug in Oakland
Sure, Christopher Wray was a Federal Prosecutor during the Bush years. But for the last ten years he has been in private practice as a defense lawyer, notably defending criminals accused of federal crimes. One client was Chris Christie during Bridgegate.
I would think that the mayor and police chief of San Diego, Jerry Sanders, would make a much better choice if he is available. He may be republican, but he is moral and sympathetic.
Trump will pick the most dishonest and loyal operative that he can find. He only wants political cover. Who ever even heard of a president that was afraid of the FBI?
I'm thinking just keep throwing shit against the wall. I like this development against Kushner skimming and paying Trump interests and Trump-favored charities with monies that were designated to go to children's hospitals and related charities. Fraudulent appropriation of charitable giving is common, yet not difficult to prove. It is the height of immorality.
8th June 2017. Meters of wall built = 0.
A thread about Mayberry?
Just kidding.The heading has been corrected.
Wonder who Drumpf blames for all the bad hires he has made in his comedy troop? So much for the idea Drumpf would do extreme vetting or any vetting at all. Bwahahahahahahahahaha!
Butt Trumpet, Comey, Russia...everything about this fiasco involves micro-dicked white boys. What a joke.
mike from iowa said...
Open thread- I could use some serious rain in NW iowa tonight or in the next couple days. My garden, which I depend on for my food budget, is getting awful dry and watering with a hose doesn't do it justice.
10:54 PM
Ditto here! It's been full of Saharan Dust which cleared up somewhat today,thank God, but we do need some rain.
I'm so excited, I found a plantain plant in Sam's of all places the other day! And my son made a little hole and we planted it! Can't wait! :D but it does need some serious rain though. No matter how much hose water they get, it's the stuff that falls from the sky that really benefits them!
So far we have a guava tree (struggling to survive)a soursop tree, two young papaya trees, one pigeon pea plant that I did not plant but it's growing on the side of a composting area I have, two small potted lemon trees that have to be re planted soon, oregano,basil,lavender,and some flowers of course :)
Hope you get your rain, and us too!
As for the 'missy', well myself, I woulda stun gunned her ass down right quick! xD T
That officer was taking chances with that woman, she looked like she was going to groin kick him or some other form of assault! I wouldn't have gotten that close at all!
Having said that, Let's be real here now. She's white, he's black. What can we surmise might have been the scenario if she woulda been black and he woulda been white??? Hmmmm??? xD
I don't think things would gone so peacefully do you?
And I'm not talking about a regular white cop, I'm referring to the 'race warrior' white cop that seem to be on many of the police forces across this great land of ours. A very different thing from a regular police officer.
I didn't watch until the very end, so I don't know if she actually hit him, just until he started to get her id, I hate watching rachet women be so filthy!
But there you have it, white privilege in all it's glory! Hope they fire that piece of trash!
Thanks for the kind rain thoughts. Sending them right back at you. I have enough water in house cistern to keep my garden going for quite awhile. We should be getting rain. Some of my potatoes have buds and will be blooming shortly and then the need for water is critical. Onions have another several weeks before they hit their two week growth explosion. Then they need water nearly every day. Asparagus is done for the season. Carrots and peppers are late plantings and don't need much moisture, yet.
Rnjoy your garden-gardening. What could be better? :)
Oh Mike I love gardening! and wow, you've got so many goodies growing! How wonderful!
I think gardening has taken the place of having young ones to raise :) I just wish I could do more of it.
Well I think I'll go do my rain dance, or rather my rain hobble...xD
Quinnipiac Uni poll has Drumpf @ 34 % favorable rating and going dowwwwwwwnnnnnnnnnnnn! Bwahahahahaha!
"Why do you think Christopher Wray is a good choice for FBI Director? I don't know much about the man...except, what I can Google. Nothing really "stands out" to me."
Not sure if "good" is an adjective I would use
I believe I used the term serious. To me he is a serious candidate because he has federal law enforcement experience and is a credible person. This is refreshing seeing how unserious Republicans normally treat government positions. Hell, I was expecting Steven Segal or Chuck Norris so color me surprised. Maybe The Donald is finally taking his job seriously.
Man! Senator McCain is off his rocker. Must be constipated this morning.
"Tell me again just why Hillary is no longer the subject of this investigation?"
In normal times he could be declared unfit for office. Nowadays he fits right in.
This silly-looking csrtoon has a provocative point to make. Take a look:
My question is, do you think Trump is smart enough to deliberately have conceived a divide-and-conquer strategy? Never mind that he doesn't know what "Machiavellian" means. Maybe it's just instinctual? Or maybe the cartoon gives him too much credit, that the chaos is just Bannon's monkey wrench thrown at government and the dividing part was incidental.
MSNBC reports Drumpf may not have known the US has troops in Qatar. Not really any surprise there.
Anotherbozo: He's not that bright, but his political/PR mentor was Roy Cohn, so he probably at least defaults to those ways of thinking, even if he can't execute very much of it and it ultimately doesn't serve him well. Sorta like his base, who back him all the way to getting brutally buggered by his policies.
-Doug in Oakland
B15: You nailed it. And here's an interesting snapshot of the Pig-People-Porcinator and how it is being used to prop up president four-year-old and turn average citizens into accidental raging zombies:
It's sort of a must read for folks who want there to still be a United States of America out past five or so years.
-Doug in Oakland
Can't you just hear the wingnut groans if Duh Gropen Fuhrer is forced to testify under oath? Wingnuts will do everything in their power to prwevent Drumpf from going under oath, for the simple reason he will lie his ass off.
So Kansas seems to have decided to reject the Brownbacking they have been receiving lately, but never you worry because Kris Kobach is running for governor.
-Doug in Oakland
The House just passed a bill rolling back Dodd-Frank and enabling the Global Vampire Squid and their co-parasites to play financial games with and re-destroy trillions of dollars of ordinary citizens' wealth and then be re-bailed out by the tax dollars of those same citizens again.
The bill is not expected to pass in the senate, but they are expected to craft their own version of the egregious financial buggery act, or whatever horse shit they are calling it.
-Doug in Oakland
@ Lilacpr- thanks for the rain. Over an inch and counting- so far. Nice steady rain, no high winds and absolutely no hail. :)
Trump said himself that the election was rigged.The only thing voters wanted to see was a white man back in the white house.Well,you got him,fair or not!!
@ Lilacpr- thanks for the rain. Over an inch and counting- so far. Nice steady rain, no high winds and absolutely no hail. :)
8:03 PM
I know! Here too! Everything go a good soak! :)
"Why does it never sink in to their eensy weensy brains that their party does not care, even a little bit, about people in their tax brackets?"
Propaganda, for one, and these days there's some serious fuckery aimed at making sure nothing of the sort ever happens:
-Doug in Oakland
Fuck the gooks and chinks!
Doug, I wasn't aware of the election in Kansas. More, please.
The election isn't until 2018. Kobach just declared his candidacy.
-Doug in Oakland
I usually disagree with most posts on this blog but you're right dude McCain seemed absolutely lost.
A thread about Mayberry?
Just kidding.The heading has been corrected.
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