What a difference a few months make. Herr trump has us careening towards World War III and there is nothing we can do to stop it. His foreign policy team has decided that the best way to show us that he is not in bed with the Russians is to shoot down a jet belonging to a Russian ally. Now, the entire region is one big clusterf**k.
Then there is Afghanistan. Herr trump has decided to send more troops there as well. I am not sure when world leaders are going to learn that war is the national sport of Afghanistan. Sending more troops there will not make a damn bit of difference in terms of tipping the scale of power in the region or stopping the spread of terror.
Finally, there is the other leader with a bad haircut; this one happens to be running things in North Korea.
He is a man who our fearless leader says he admires. This was before he tortured a young American citizen to death. Now Mr. trump is scrambling for answers. North Korea has been firing more missiles than fireworks at a 4th of July picnic, and there is no telling how far some of those missiles will go.
But back to that young American who died, recently. Mr. trump actually tried to blame the previous administration for his death, because, in his words, they didn't get him home soon enough. I am not sure what Mr. trump thinks that he is going to do, but I am afraid of what could happen. In case you haven't been paying attention, our president is not one to think things through. He is the kind of guy who will start a war for all the wrong reasons.
'"It's a disgrace what happened to Otto," Trump said to reporters. 'It's a total disgrace what happened to Otto.'
'It should never, ever be allowed to happen. And frankly, if he were brought home sooner, I think the results would have been a lot different. He should have been brought home that day."'
Now might be a good time to buy shares of some stock in a company with a large defense contract.
He knows when his poll numbers are low he needs a war. Pretty sure Steve Bannon is leading that charge.
On another note 2018 may be a good year for the Dems if the health care bill being crafted in senate is as bad as it sounds. The trick for incumbent repubs will be if they defend Trump and some of his stupid moves to keep their Trump loving voters or go for rational voters. It'll be interesting.
And there was that bozo on Fox News, president four-year-old's favorite information source, calling for a "preemptive strike" on North Korea.
OK, two things:
First, preemptive of what? North Korea isn't going to bow before the awesome might of the US military, or any such horse shit. If they could be intimidated by our military, then Hiroshima and Nagasaki would have prevented the Korean war. And they didn't. Also, the fucking Korean war, which my uncle fought in, didn't intimidate them. They are just like what president four-year-old wants us to be: subjugated into believing the obvious bullshit fed to them by their dear leader, up to and including believing that they could defeat us in a war.
And second, that "preemptive strike" might not accomplish much of our interests, but would almost certainly accomplish the flattening of Seoul and it's twenty million inhabitants.
But that would probably make for great TV, so it most likely won't deter him one bit.
-Doug in Oakland
If there's one government that should be concerned about what trump might do militarily, it's South Korea.
The country of South Korea will be in the direct line of fire of the North's artillery, missiles, what have you, if trump decides that it's in his best interest (note: not America's interest, but his own interest) to draw the first blood, to go forward with a "preemptive strike."
I'm wringing my hands too!
Has anyone heard from James Bold?
Maybe he was one of those arrested in the following sweep: "White Supremacists Accused Of Planning For ‘Race War’ In Florida."
"He knows when his poll numbers are low he needs a war."
Good grief, he's only been in office six months. Whatever "war" or wars you imply are wars Trump inherited.
Trump will do like Obama, Executive Order...
But back to that young American who died, recently. Mr. trump actually tried to blame the previous administration for his death, because, in his words, they didn't get him home soon enough.
Well... in a sense, I guess Trump wins again on points. The poor bastard's own father more or less blames his son's death on the weak and ineffectual Obama while in the same breath he praises and thanks Trump for bringing his boy home just in time to die.
Trump has tapped into a great source of power.
Simply stated, Otto Warmbier was a dumbass. What the hell was he even doing in North Korea? He's stupid enough to fuck around with political posters? What the hell kind of parents would allow their college age son to travel to North Korea? Why wasn't he concentrating his efforts on graduating with a four-year degree? Why would anyone in their right mind wish to visit North Korea?
I'm with the republican guy calling for a complete ban on tourism in North Korea. How the fuck is it even possible? We are not talking about China.
We are bribed by Israel and blackmailed by Saudi Arabia. Even the WSJ reported that Israel has been secretly supplying Syrian "rebels". The only thing that holds the value of the dollar up is OPEC selling oil in dollars. The dollar isn't backed by gold and we are almost 20 trillion dollars in debt. Trump campaigned against intervention wars, but it didn't take much for him to reverse himself. He has bombed Syria twice, once to protect retreating ISIS terrorists, and he stopped an investigation of the gas attack he used as an excuse for the other.
Hillary started to brag about overthrowing Libya without using American troops until the Benghazi attack happened. The "brave Americans" were moving arms from terrorists in Libya to terrorists in Syria. She wanted a no fly zone over Syria. That means only we fly and we shoot down Russian planes. The reason why there has to be a drastic reason for us to support ISIS is that Obama did it too. Obama was inclined toward peace. He got Syria to give up their chemical weapons without any violence and he made a treaty with Iran. He also cut back on the support to ISIS after "non interventionist" Trump won the election. But he did support ISIS, although somewhat reluctantly. He was convinced by Hillary, other neo cons, and something that happened in Yemen. Unlike Trump and Hillary, Obama wouldn't have supported ISIS without a major reason.
The same media that lied us in to the Iraq War is lying to escalate our proxy war with Russia in Syria. I saw someone on CNN say we shot down the plane over Syria to protect anti Assad rebels who were fighting (anti Assad) ISIS. Yeah, sure. And we have to kill Syrians because they are killing Syrians. 9/11 was an inside job. Issac Newton's first and third laws of motion prove that explosives were used and Larry Silverstein admitted to pulling it in an interview with Charlie Rose. We killed our own people and although Saudi Arabia financed the hijackers we have been attacking their enemies ever since. Iran's ally Syria outlawed terrorism and planning terrorism against the west decades ago. The Russia hysteria is lies to demonize Syria's ally Russia.
P.S. the big weapons deals Trump promised to Saudi Arabia and Qatar are to the same two countries Hillary and Podesta wrote were funneling U.S. aid to ISIS.
Drumpf had a full month to negotiate with N korea for the remaining hostages-4. The other 4 months he spent golfing and tweeting about his huge, though imaginary electoral victory brought to you by Russia and the FBI.
Meanwhile, the Dept of homeland security admitted that they never audited any states elections to see if any had been hacked,
Georgia's machines are particularly vulnerable.
Day something something and Obama is still free as a bird. No criminal indictments for being black Potus or nothing.
US citizens have zero business going to N Korea where they can be detained for being American. Just stay the hell out of there.
There are more detainees and I bet Drumpfuck has no negotiating teams ready to negotiate. He is too busy golfing and fattening his bank account to actually worry about anybody. Just a chance to score a political point with his base.
Has anyone heard from James Bold?
Maybe he was one of those arrested in the following sweep: "White Supremacists Accused Of Planning For ‘Race War’ In Florida."
Puleeze. You think that pussy would do anything other than pretend to be an orbital engineer on the internet and act tough? His bitch ass wouldn't last a day in lockup.
Name one president lately that has not turned into a full fledged war monger if they were not before taking office. The god damn D or R or I or whatever in front of their name doesn't matter.
Presidents don't make war. Our perpetual war machine makes war. And we are powerless, and the war machine knows this is true. 16 years in fucking Afghanistan. Big woop. It is not even on the public's radar for the most part.
FN"Now, the entire region is one big clusterf**k."
Now???? always has been and always will be......
Trump has tapped into a great source of power.
1:58 AM
Yes,real Americans who are Patriots and not delusional sparklefarters.
Drumpfuck is the typical rw chicken hawk. Didn't serve but thinks he is smarter than any one else when it comes to strategery.
I heard some general say the other day we were losing in Afghanistan- Russia's Vietnam.
Ask Alexander t5he Great or Genghis Khan about trying to "win" a war in Afghanistan. "That stuff won't apply to us" said every other dumb motherfucker who had the delusional hubris to burn up blood and treasure there.
The fact that we used that reality to help bring on the downfall of the Soviet Union makes everything we've done there since mid-2002 utterly stupid.
But of course the generals still want to fight there; they don't like losing, but they do like fame and job security.
-Doug in Oakland
The most execrable comment of all was made by the elder Mr. Warmbier, when asked which administration did more to bring home his son: "I think the answer speaks for itself,' or words to that effect. As if Drumpf's taking the White House produced immediate results, even if hardly better than bringing their son home in a box. As if the Obama administration hadn't worked ceaselessly to bring him home sooner.
I think of that woman who blamed Obama for her dead soldier-son. "Obama killed him!" Etc. these truly are the wretched of the earth. Or maybe those who use the grieving but wrong-headed parents for their own political agendas are more wretched, more abominable.
CIA armed and trained mujahadeen and supplied them with surface to air missiles to help defeat the Soviets and then we just walked away from them afterwards.
We didn't care until they started using the same missiles we sold them to fight the USA and that got America's attention.
Some dumbass Potus named dumbass dubya had a flock of Taliban come to his Texas ranch and handed them a check for millions to fight poppy production. I'm guessing that money went to arm and train the next generation of bad guys trying to bring down America.
Conveniently ignored in all of the press coverage since the tragic events of Sept. 11 is the fact that on May 17 Secretary of State Colin Powell announced a gift of $43 million to the Taliban as a purported reward for its eradication of Afghanistan's opium crop this February. That, in effect, made the U.S. the Taliban's largest financial benefactor according to syndicated columnist Robert Scheer writing in The Los Angeles times on May 22. But -- as we described in FTW's March 2001 issue -- the Taliban's destruction of that crop was apparently the single most important act of economic warfare against U.S. economic interests that the Taliban had ever committed. So why the gift?
They're out there still
they always will
they're the racist white cops.
Black guy has hands behind his back, laying on the ground when another pig runs up and stomps his head. For bravery above and beyond the call of racism, Mr Pig gets a 24 hour suspension. I'd say it is unfucking believable, but we have seen this over and over again.
mike from iowa said...
They're out there still
they always will
they're the racist white cops.
Black guy has hands behind his back, laying on the ground when another pig runs up and stomps his head. For bravery above and beyond the call of racism, Mr Pig gets a 24 hour suspension. I'd say it is unfucking believable, but we have seen this over and over again.
4:20 PM
I don't even like to call them 'cops' because what they are in reality are white supremacists that have infiltrated the police force, they're 'race soldiers'. Because cops are not trained to conduct themselves in this manner. Look at the case of Ray Tensing in the killing of Castile, he actually had on a confederate flag T shirt under his uniform.
Slight correction, Lilapr- Tensing was charged with murder for shooting Sam DuBose in Cincinatti.
A Hispanic cop shot Castile. :)
What about racist black cops???
Things are not going well for the snowflake crowd.....they just don't get it.......
mike from iowa said...
Slight correction, Lilapr- Tensing was charged with murder for shooting Sam DuBose in Cincinatti.
A Hispanic cop shot Castile. :)
7:50 PM
Correct Mike! Thanks! There's just so many, can't keep up.
But although Yanez is Hispanic, I consider him a supremacist also, because that is his mindset. He is a coon for the white supremacists, and although he was fired from that police department it's clear that he could find work in another department.
Anon@8:00, when there are state sanctioned killings,the race of tbe killer doesn't matter.
I chanced upon some alt right sites the day after the fella in London ran down a bunch of Muslims leaving their Mosque. The general concensus was what did Muslims expect for all the killing they were doing.
I strongly remember why whitey wingnuts were so surprised when cops started getting ambushed and killed by Blacks. I guess Blacks had had enough of the senseless killings of unarmed Blacks they decided to act on their own.
Even so there were a multitude of Blacks that did not condone what their brethren were doing-just as multitudes of Muslims condemn their own. I am not sure there had been any condemnation of rogue white cops by whitey wingnuts.
There hasn't been any condemnation. The US is a white supremacist nation. We live in a system of white supremacy.
"Name one president lately that has not turned into a full fledged war monger if they were not before taking office."
Jimmy Carter.
-Doug in Oakland
You are most likely right, Lilacpr. That is sad.
Dear "Anonymous at 10:41 a.m."
I'm going to bite here one last time. But this is it. If some stupid wingnut doesn't even have the integrity to come up with a simple pseudonym that we can use to refer to you, then what's the point? How will I ever know if you are a reasonable person, a true American, maybe just a misguided young person with republican parents, fill in the blank! You want to talk to me, get a name.
The great source of power I was talking about would be the same power that persuaded ordinary Germans to become Nazis. The same power that persuaded Frenchmen to become Nazi collaborators. The same power that caused decent Americans to join the Ku Klux Klan.
I wasn't talking about a good source of power. Are you just dumber than a possum, or are you a real person? How about Dickhead 88? Maybe that could be your on-line persona. Dumbfuck Trump Supporter. Another republican who cares nothing about America. Come up with something. That's the last time I talk to you as Anonymous.
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