Don't get me wrong, I will certainly be civil to those who hold opposing political views than I do, but don't expect me to be their friend. Not. Going. To. Happen. I have very few friends to begin with, so I am not going to waste my energy or time with someone who I view as an ideological foe. You tell me your views, I tell you mine, and we keep it popping.
Anyway, watching pundits on the right bemoan the acrimony an rancor in our political debate is laughable, since they did more to contribute to the current state that we are in than anyone else.
The result has been terror laid upon us from the right in droves. [See below]
One republican politician, right on cue, blamed the shootings on Obama.
I refuse to be lectured to by these talking heads from the right who have made millions of dollars peddling in hate. [Ted Nugent??!! Are you kidding me?]
Their glorious leader built his campaign around a lie, and he made hateful comments about the former president for years. What was his reward? We made him president.
So now after one horrific incident I am supposed to cede the moral high ground to these clowns?
I don't think so.
h/t to the following commenter from for reminding me of all of the following incidents of right-wing domestic terror.

"There's a reason why Right Wingers are considered a domestic terror organization and Bernie Bots are not.
RW terrorism since 9/11:
The 2017 Portland train attack (2 killed),
The 2017 stabbing of Timothy Caughman in New York City (1 killed),
The 2015 Colorado Springs Planned Parenthood shooting (3 killed),
The 2015 Charleston church shooting (9 killed),
The 2014 ambush attack on Las Vegas police officers (5 killed),
The 2014 Overland Park Jewish Community Center shooting in Kansas (3 killed),
The 2014 Pennsylvania State Police barracks attack in Blooming Grove, Pennsylvania (1 killed),
A 2012 tri-state killing spree by white supremacists, David Pedersen and Holly Grigsby (4 killed),
A 2012 ambush of St. John the Baptist Parish, Louisiana police (2 killed),
The 2012 Wisconsin Sikh temple shooting (6 killed),
The 2011 FEAR group attacks (3 killed),
A murder in 2010 in Carlisle, Pennsylvania (1 killed),
A 2010 suicide attack by airplane in Austin, Texas (1 killed),
The 2009 shooting of Pittsburgh police officers (3 killed),
The 2009 United States Holocaust Memorial Museum shooting (1 killed),
The 2009 assassination of George Tiller (1 killed),
The 2009 murders of Raul and Brisenia Flores in Pima County, Arizona (2 killed),
The 2009 murders in Brockton, Massachusetts (2 killed),
The 2008 Knoxville Unitarian Universalist church shooting (2 killed),
The 2004 bank robbery in Tulsa, Oklahoma (1 killed)."
The 2017 stabbing of Timothy Caughman in New York City (1 killed),
The 2015 Colorado Springs Planned Parenthood shooting (3 killed),
The 2015 Charleston church shooting (9 killed),
The 2014 ambush attack on Las Vegas police officers (5 killed),
The 2014 Overland Park Jewish Community Center shooting in Kansas (3 killed),
The 2014 Pennsylvania State Police barracks attack in Blooming Grove, Pennsylvania (1 killed),
A 2012 tri-state killing spree by white supremacists, David Pedersen and Holly Grigsby (4 killed),
A 2012 ambush of St. John the Baptist Parish, Louisiana police (2 killed),
The 2012 Wisconsin Sikh temple shooting (6 killed),
The 2011 FEAR group attacks (3 killed),
A murder in 2010 in Carlisle, Pennsylvania (1 killed),
A 2010 suicide attack by airplane in Austin, Texas (1 killed),
The 2009 shooting of Pittsburgh police officers (3 killed),
The 2009 United States Holocaust Memorial Museum shooting (1 killed),
The 2009 assassination of George Tiller (1 killed),
The 2009 murders of Raul and Brisenia Flores in Pima County, Arizona (2 killed),
The 2009 murders in Brockton, Massachusetts (2 killed),
The 2008 Knoxville Unitarian Universalist church shooting (2 killed),
The 2004 bank robbery in Tulsa, Oklahoma (1 killed)."
Donald J. Trump
"Crooked H destroyed phones w/ hammer, 'bleached' emails, & had husband meet w/AG days before she was cleared- & they talk about obstruction?"
I guess the kumbaya moment is over.
*Pic from
I don't understand what all this acrimony is about!
All of these government officials from both parties,all hang out together, party together,eat together,play together. It's just a job for them, a well paying one at that! Believe me here's no infighting between them.
The only ones frothing at the mouth are the media news outlets! ;D and they're the ones whipping up the masses into a frenzy of hatred!
The big honchos up in DC are indeed kumbayaing,yes indeed, you're damn right they are!
But, so be it, Knock yourselves out xD
"I have very few friends to begin with"
Wow. That's surprise.
Your list is bogus. The very first one - The 2017 Portland train attack (2 killed) - was perpetrated by a Bernie Sanders/Jill Stein supporter who hated Trump as much as you do.
And that's a weak list. 20 in 16 years? There have been thousands of terror attacks by the Left Wing and their Black and Muslim allies over that time period.
I can see why you are so angry: You live in a world of misinformation.
Thousands huh? Name them. No facts as usual.
Can we have a moment of silence for the 93 million Americans who died from gun violence today?
Six years from now, Field Negro will lecture us about that time a right-winger shot Democrats on a baseball field.
INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. – Indiana State Police say shots were fired at a truck carrying a “Make America Great Again” flag and an American flag on eastbound I-465 Tuesday.
Officers believe the shots were fired from a newer white 4-door Chevrolet Malibu with a Louisiana plate near Emerson Avenue around 4 p.m.
The victim and a witness informed police that the Malibu pulled up next to the pickup truck, a passenger held a handgun out of the window and then a male fired several shots.
Police say no one was in injured in the incident.
The driver of the Malibu was described as a black male around the age of 23. The passenger was described as a light skinned black male with a sleeve tattoo on his right arm.
State police are asking anyone who may have witnessed the incident to call 317-899-8577.
And I heard he doesn't like asparagus. Bastard!
If Hillary had been President and a righty had shot a Democrat Congressmen, she'd have used it to ban guns and make mass arrests of political enemies.
The GOP lost the congressional baseball game to the Democrats. Bwaahhhaaahaaa!!
I don't wanna hear any "waaa we were almost all massacred yesterday" bullshit excuses.
And again, the listed carnage pales in comparison to the 45,000 poor people they are attempting to kill each year with the AHCA.
Perhaps if they stop trying to kill me, I might feel more like being civil to them.
So will the party of personal responsibility blame their loss to the Democrats in the baseball game on their missing player?
-Doug in Oakland
"So will the party of personal responsibility blame their loss to the Democrats in the baseball game on their missing player?"
Fucking cunt Republicans, can't even take a mass shooting of their baseball team and win. Losers! They all deserve to die.
dinthebeast said...
And again, the listed carnage pales in comparison to the 45,000 poor people they are attempting to kill each year with the AHCA.
US elite immunity: Reality Winner rots in prison while former FBI head James Comey gets a $10 million book deal.
People lock themselves into misinformation bubbles. They only want to hear what reinforces their view of the world. That isn't reality. MSNBC wants us to be afraid of Russians. Fox News wants us to be afraid of immigrants and Muslims. Both lie and both want war. I watch some of each every day. It is like having the Fairness Doctrine that Reagan stopped enforcing. Each will tell you some things the other won't, but there are some things neither will tell you. Thanks to Bill Clinton's Telecommunications Act six corporations own 90% of the media. Corporate media lies. Fox News won the right to lie for all news organizations. Snopes says that is false because a local station did it. That local station was a Fox affiliate and the case was represented by News Corp lawyers. Liars abound in our media.
CNN recently got caught faking a Muslim protest for peace in London. Maybe you think that is a good cause, but fake news isn't reality. There are plenty of examples of CNN faking news on Youtube. They inserted their own reporter asking the questions in an interview Andrea Mitchel did, and all kinds of stuff. The owner of the Washington Post has a $600 million dollar cloud contract with the CIA that is worth more than twice as much as the Washington Post itself. The Washington Post never mentions this conflict of interest.
There are some great independent journalists who do tell the truth though. When MSNBC was firing anti war people like Phil Donahue and Fox was telling us how great Bush was, Knight Ridder newspapers told people how we were being lied into war. Eva Bartlett and Ben Swan have done good reporting on Syria. RT News reports perspectives the others won't. H A Goodman has done some good reporting on Seth Rich. Wikileaks is the real AP. The consortiumnews website is good on geopolitical stuff. They have a good October Surprise series about Reagan's deal with Ayatollah Khomeini to hold the American hostages while Carter was president. Stuff the mainstream media hides. Has anyone besides me told you about Lee Hamilton's role in both the Iran/Contra and 9/11 coverups? Look it up if you don't believe me. And how many times have you seen the collapse of World Trade Center Building 7 on TV? Watch it on Youtube and you'll see why it isn't on TV.
Ted Nugent is the man. 'Stranglehold' is one of the greatest jams of the 70's. And who can forget 'Cat Scratch Fever'? Or 'Wang Dang Sweet Poon Tang'?
I love Ted Nugent. He even hunts illegal immigrants with his crossbow in his spare time. That's so rad.
I forgot to mention Jimmy Dore as someone who will tell you information the corporate media won't. Like H A Goodman he is a liberal who speaks truth to power. Mark Dice is a conservative who reports interesting things.
@ MOT -
Six years from now Field will have been long-dead from the AIDS that he got from Tay-Tay.
Lee Camp's "Redacted Tonight" is also an excellent site for trustworthy political information and great comedy.
Keep fighting, field!
Congressman, staffer and two congressional police officers shot!
I love Ted Nugent. He even hunts illegal immigrants with his crossbow in his spare time. That's so rad.
You mean the guy who shit himself because he was too much of a bitch to actually serve in the military. Ha! Sounds like a friend of ours.
16th June 2017. Meters of wall built = 0.
Yes, it's important to tolerate the full spectrum of legitimate, intelligent political positions, from Al Franken to Noam Chomsky.
Throw in Angela Davis, Charles Pierce, Robert Reich, even a conservative like Barack Obama.
Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders. Rebecca Solnit and Elijah Cummings. The full spectrum of defensible opinion, founded on human values, I say.
Let them all come together toward a common goal: the common good!
Looks like all of the compassionate, intelligent political commentary, based solely in reality, comes from Lib pundits of all colors.
What is the one common thread that ties every single mass shooting together?
This is the first comment on this subject by me-mike from iowa. No applause, please.
House of Reprehensibles voted yesterday to overturn recently passed law allowing mentally ill to have guns. Wonder what caused that short lived change of heart?
The day Scalise and others were shot the house was set to vote on allowing silencers for the public use.
Still the mentally ill vote wasn't anywhere near unanimous.
Seems like Drumpf buddy Robert Mercer is behind much of the fake noise shenanigans going on. Interesting read from Sheila Kennedy's excellent blog.
What does the average flying bat think of Drumpf?
mike from iowa said...
"House of Reprehensibles voted yesterday to overturn recently passed law allowing mentally ill to have guns"
That means you are going to have to give up your guns. They should take your computer too.
ted, the draft dodging, shit in his pants, tough guy...
Only in his dreams.
Good guitarist for sure.
As Israel transitions from a nation of Jewish supremacy into a more tolerant multicultural society, it is necessary to recognize that hate and racism still exists.
Hate filled and racist Israeli police have just arrested a peaceful African claiming that he infected his Jewish girlfriend with HIV:
An illegal migrant from Guinea was arrested by Israeli police on Monday on suspicion of sexually assaulting his Israeli girlfriend and infecting her with HIV.
The 24 year old, living in the central Israel town of Rishon Lezion, was also held on suspicion to be residing in Israel illegally.
The man, whose name has not been released, was also suspected to be involved in forging Israeli work permits for other migrants in exchange for money.
On Tuesday, the Guinean migrant appeared in the Rishon Lezion magistrate’s court on suspicion of impersonation, forgery, acts likely to spread illness and illegal residence. The court extended the suspect’s time in custody by six days.
The very act of arresting this poor Black gentleman is proof of institutional racism among Israeli police. Ask yourself this, would Israeli police ever arrest a Jewish man for infecting his Black girlfriend with HIV?
I’d also like to take the Jerusalem Post to task for referring to this young man of color as an “illegal migrant.” This is a mean spirited and racist characterization. Nobody is illegal. It is especially unfair to label African migrants who are only seeking new opportunities in Israel as illegal. It is insensitive and just plain wrong.
Instead of arresting young Black men who infect Jewish women with HIV, the Israeli government should take a much different approach. They should be using their resources not to arrest these young men of color, but to provide them with access to education and jobs.
It is up to strong Jewish women to fight the evil Israeli patriarchy that clings on to the racist ideologies of the past. Not doing so would represent a grave injustice to many young and intelligent African men.
Baldy, Anymoose, josh 2 smart, Commandeered Queenie and all other blood thirsty bastards Have I got the perfect job for you. This job is yer dream job and you get to travel and expand yer little minds.
That is right. You can hunt down Albino Africans for their body parts and prolly get away with t. Would that satisfy yer inner demons? Better hurry. I suspect victims are limited. I'd get right over there if I was you.
Killing albinos for their body parts is part of traditional African culture, and should not be mocked by ignorant Americans from Iowa. Check your privilege and have some respect for other cultures.
Trump's approval rating hits 50%.
Did Russia hack the Rasmussen poll?
Trump Approval hits 50% in Dem +7 sample. So much Winning!
Bala Chinda ejaculates- whitey wingnuts from America need to head to Africa and get their pound of flesh while the getting is good. Whitey wingnuts share the same cultural hate and they have their chance to prove not all Blacks are worthless. What is holding you up, boys?
Get to killing and Willard Romney can come along behind and make good Mormons out of them.
Go ahead. You know you want to.
When you poll only wingnut voters, 50% is not a very good sign.
In reality, Drumpf barely cracks 30% approval.
You sound like an insane person. Please stay out of Africa, we do not want you.
Did Russia hack the Rasmussen poll?
teh stooooopid is strong in this one.
Bala Chinda said...
You sound like an insane person. Please stay out of Africa, we do not want you.
Compared to yer average whitey wingnut, I am the least insane person ever. I have no desire to go to Africa.
I also have no desires to shoot anyone, regardless of color or Nationality. But I will.
Bala Chinda- are you the son of a Nigerian diplomat in prison for murder in Scotland?
Ricky, please share that good collie weed u are smoking with the rest of us.😎
Real number is 35% But nice try.😏
Ricky, please share that good collie weed u are smoking with the rest of us.😎
Real number is 35% But nice try.😏
"16th June 2017. Meters of wall built = 0."
In the real world, the finalists for wall designs have been selected and the test sections will be built near Otay Mesa. Probably this month.
"What is the one common thread that ties every single mass shooting together?"
Yes, who did shoot up Bunny Friend park?
20 pics in the gallery. NO pics of the defendants. Gee, wonder why? Oh, right: don't want to "contribute to stereotypes" of who actually commits crime. Have to Blame Whitey especially when the shooters are Black. Every. Single. Time.
"That is right. You can hunt down Albino Africans for their body parts and prolly get away with t."
Mikey, I almost included that one in this list from several days ago but I was already up to 6 links and didn't want to get auto-modded.
Sorry, Bloodthirsty Mike, but hunting African albinos is a job that Americans won't do. It's the Africans in America who are a festering pustule on the country; the ones in Africa are fine, and I'd be happy to send all the ones here to join them.
field negro said...
"Real number is 35%"
Nope, Rasmussen, the most accurate poller of the 2016 election, says 50%:
Movin' on up!
Rasmussen is a joke of a poll.
Rumour has it Drumpf's white house isn't licensed to practice in DC and is being investigated for different charges.
Could it be everyone connected with Drumpf is dirty and stinky?
Shorter Ted: Holy fuck, I didn't know lefties had guns... So all of that awful, awful bullshit I said since my career went in the shitter?
Yeah, forget all that.
PS: I have first-year students who play circles around Ted the fuck Nugent.
-Doug in Oakland
The left and the right are both guilty of political violence in the same way Lebron James and I both play basketball.
I told you the Russians were pissed off Bernie Sanders supporters and not Republicans. They rigged the congressional baseball game for the Democrats. The Democrats won 11 to 2.
And that pussy Scalise didn't even show up to the game!
"And that pussy Scalise didn't even show up to the game!"
Ouch, ha!
Philando Castile's cop-murderer beat the rap in court.
Thanks for the good news, mike! Officer Jeronimo Yanez was just doing his job, protecting all of us.
@4:27, hey f**k face, GET YOUR OWN FUCKIN' USERNAME, you chlamydia c**t breath loser!
Looks like PEEOTUS' plan for "governmental policy" is to reverse EVERYTHING President Obama put in place!
Sounds like a GREAT plan for keeping the support of those dumb ass whooteemoos!!!
Honestly, like Obama took everyone's guns away? Try agan.
Marcelo Claure said...
Thanks for the good news, mike! Officer Jeronimo Yanez was just doing his job, protecting all of us.
How is shooting a civilian to death protecting all of us? He didn't protect Castile. He placed the lady and the daughter in serious jeopardy over reacting. The officer's story didn't make sense, either. They claimed he looked like an armed robber from a convenience store robbery because he was Black.
Thanks for trolling, though.
You just are just saying that because you are a racist. To you, Black lives matter, but Hispanic lives don't.
Officer Yanez is a hero in my book.
Officer Yanez life was never in danger. He basically hosed down an innocent civilian because he freaked out. There was no way that his reckless disregard for the other two occupants of that vehicle should have gone unpunished. You can call me racist all you want-a charge you cannot prove, I want justice for these innocent civilians beingshot for no fathomable reason whatever.
Your hero senselessly killed a man. Maybe that makes you a racist.
"Innocent civilians" like Trayvon Martin (attempted murder), Michael Brown (robbery, assaulting an officer) and Freddy Gray (basically killed himself in an attempt to win the ghetto lottery)?
You really are insane. You should be off the voter rolls and under psychiatric supervision.
You really are insane. You should be off the voter rolls and under psychiatric supervision.
This from the guy who thinks he writes books, checks math books for errors all while doing chemistry at his orbital engineering desk.
Baldy wants a little tiitie. He is craving attention. Bwahahahahahahahahaha!
I got to wonder, Scalise got quick medical attention and a quick ride to a hospital.
Apparently there was no delay searching for any other gunmen.
Had the shooting victim been a Black, not a white congressvarmint, would they have received prompt medical attention? I'm guessing that Blck would have been long dead before help arrived because that appears to be the way our society operates in most places.
Mike, why don't you shoot Maxine Waters so we can do a comparison? If she died you'd have the eternal gratitude of lots of people in her district, to whom she has to be a chronic embarrassment.
Of course, given the kind of voters who'd elect a Maxine Waters or Hank Johnson, the next one would probably be no better. Just a lot more obscure.
Maxine Waters has held her seat since 1991, and reliably gets re elected with more than 70% of the vote.
-Doug in Oakland
Mike: If not for his all black security detail, he'd be dead meat right now, as would as many other folks as the crazy fuck could shoot before the Alexandria PD could show up.
The only upside to that scenario is the fact that the crazy fuck wasn't a very good shot.
William Barber said that he hopes the experience will cause Scalise to begin working on getting everyone the same high-quality health care that saved his life.
I give that roughly the same odds as the entire Republican Conference spontaneously growing thumbs and climbing down out of the stupid tree.
I do hope the sheer terror of the experience has an impact on him, though. That crawl on his elbows and knees into the outfield with his pelvis torn up and not knowing if the next shot would be the one that did him in is probably gonna stay with him a while.
-Doug in Oakland
"If not for his all black security detail, he'd be dead meat right now"
Not so fast, Dougie. The two Capitol police officers who were hit are Black, but Blacks have been notoriously good at getting conspicuously shot since Crispus Attucks. I've read rumor that the officer who actually shot Hodgkinson was Latino, but I'm unable to confirm that.
Nothing that I've read mentions how many officers were on Scalise's security detail that day.
"as would as many other folks as the crazy fuck could shoot before the Alexandria PD could show up."
Very true. We need Frothing Leftard Control! Anyone who voted in the Demonratic primary election in 2016 must be considered a Frothing Leftard until it is confirmed that they are fully cured and once again members of reality. Given the lack of members of the psychiatric profession competent to administer the years of cognitive behavioral therapy required, and to independently test the conditions of the patients, this will take a VERY long time.
Until then, the franchise, internet access and access to firearms must be forbidden to all of you. The survival of society depends on it.
Not to busy orbital engineering huh Jamie?
Steve Scalise was pretty good at being shot. One less racist piece of ahit. Hey Jamie, maybe we can find a few Bernie bros to take care of your dumb ass.
OK, let me be a little more clear: he would be dead meat if not for his all black and one third lesbian security detail.
And look who's sounding like Ted over here and soiling his undergarments at the thought of liberals having guns (hint: we do, lots and lots of us) which is ironic as that's how Ted avoided the draft...
-Doug in Oakland
DC Snipers.......BLACK
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