President Orange Hair has decided that having a few more jobs is more important than having a planet to live on in the foreseeable future. This clown is so hell-bent on being the anti Obama that he doesn't mind killing us all in the process.
He will find, in the coming years, that it's a huge mistake.
The long awaited showdown between the LeBrons and Golden State for the NBA championship starts tonight. Sadly, it has been overshadowed by some ignorant racist (or racists) spray painting the N word all over the entrance to LeBron's Los Angeles home. (You gotta love trump's America)
Anyway, I love LeBron's response and the way he has handled the entire episode. I just hope that he can focus on his game now. This would have never happened to Michael Jordan, but then Michael is no LeBron. House Negroes will always be safe.
Speaking of House Negroes, the response to this sad episode by sportswriter, Jason Whitlock, was both predictable and pathetic.
"Jason Whitlock has so thoroughly confused himself by constantly trying to come up with a contrarian view on race that he no longer has any idea what his own views on race might be. That’s really the only explanation for his latest take on LeBron James’ reaction to his house being vandalized with a racial slur.
From Whitlock’s point-of-view, James isn’t allowed to complain about racism in America because he’s rich and therefore does not truly struggle." [Source]
No comment needed. Jiggers gonna jig.
Finally, everyone is outraged (and rightfully so) at the tasteless photo taken by Kathy Griffin involving Mr. Orange Hair. It wasn't funny, and it was clearly in poor taste.
Having said that, the hypocrisy from the right and trumpbots is actually funny to watch. They must have forgotten when Ted Nugent threatened to Kill former President Obama and Hilary Clinton, and was then embraced by trump in the White House. (Not all outrageous acts are created equal)
"The first lady issued a longer statement midday Wednesday: “As a mother, a wife, and a human being, that photo is very disturbing. When you consider some of the atrocities happening in the world today, a photo opportunity like this is simply wrong and makes you wonder about the mental health of the person who did it.”'
The person who is married to Donald trump is actually questioning someone else's "mental health"? Now that's rich.
Repubnacants:"Don't do as we do, do as we say."
So now the Republicans are publicly taking the position that the sky god will save them from climate change.
Sky god big. More big than me. He fix weather. Derp.
From twitter:
Peter Huestis @RealSparklePony May 30
Kathy Griffin could have avoided all this if she had been truly familiar with Caravaggio.
And I suppose those shooting ranges that sold pictures of Obama's face as targets got a stern talking to by the secret service...
-Doug in Oakland
They finally got a Bundyhole. They may get four more next month, but they just gave this one seven years, so it's whining for a pardon from president four-year-old.
Lotsa luck with that one buddy.
-Doug in Oakland
Nipples needs to focus on the reaction to her porn pics.
This whole thing is just unreal, everything is upside down. Also, Jason Whitlock is a coon of the highest order.
Didn't see that one coming huh? Even the EPA chief is more concerned about business than the environement. Hell, at least pretend to give a shit about your job. Then again the guy wasn't close to being qualified so this is no surprise.
-Doug in Oakland...
"Sky god big. More big than me. He fix weather."
You had to see it coming!
Remember, you invoked the name of God in your comment first, and now you'll have to deal with the fallout.
Let me update your understanding of God (Spirit), since referring to Him as "Sky god" is so obsolete.
He's not only God of the sky, He's God of the Earth as well, and everything in between. God is Everything you see and Everything you don't see.
As for global warming and climate change, yes, He could "save" us from it, whether you're liberal or conservative, good or evil. It matters not, since God doesn't belong to any particular political party, or, you might say, He belongs to them all.
Because God doesn't trample on freewill (Human greed created global warming.), we'll have to ask Him to save us, and ask Him in a manner of His choosing, and not our own.
Tim Walberg seems to believe that we can continue as before (recklessly destroying the environment [our fragile ecosystem]), and all will be well. It's that kind of thinking that precipitated the problem in the first place, where we're now on pace to destroy the world's coral reefs, and the marine life that depends upon these reefs for their existence.
As go other lifeforms on this planet, so go us.
Listen, if your imaginary friend helps you cope or whatever, knock yourself out. It's not gonna come riding to your rescue, though, or mine, or the ecosystem (which is collapsing under the weight of our behavior to the point that they're calling it another mass extinction), because you pretend to be talking to it.
There's the inner workings of your mind, and there's the laws of physics, and the former is dependent upon the latter, not the other way around.
-Doug in Oakland
-Doug in Oakland..."Listen, if your imaginary friend helps you cope or whatever, knock yourself out."
Yes, God's my Friend, but how can God be "imaginary" if He's Everything--Everything seen and Everything not seen.
"It's not gonna come riding to your rescue, though, or mine, or the ecosystem (which is collapsing under the weight of our behavior to the point that they're calling it another mass extinction), because you pretend to be talking to it."
Oh, you have a great deal of unlearning to do. Yes, I talk to Him, and He talks back. There's no pretense to it. This isn't unique to me: God communicates with people all the time. It's not to whom God talks, but who listens.
Actually, God's already helping. If we continue to ask for His Help, and do so with the proper understanding, global warming will be arrested.
There's the inner workings of your mind, and there's the laws of physics, and the former is dependent upon the latter, not the other way around.
Our best exemplar, Jesus, often defied the so-called "laws of physics." There's nothing to it. I have defied the laws of physics, and I do it often.
I don't expect you to believe me: The world has formed your opinions, your conclusions, and have contributed to your worldview.
Were you to develop a latent sense, one which we all possess, then you would have eyes to see and ears to hear.
Without this latent sense, all I have to say here is nothing more than nonsense.
Unintended Consequences!..
Yer imaginary lord and saviour told you to yer face- get thee to thy nearest closet and celebrate he/she/it in privacy. Not on Field's blog. If yer imaginary friend is real, he/she/it does not need you or anyone else to defend him/her/whatever.
BF, I am pretty sure it's fake news.
Kathy Griffin is taking a beating for her Progressive Center Left sense of entitlement. Imagine if someone on FOX did that to the chocolate jesus??
The far left is so delusional and off kilter they will destroy themselves.
Look! There's a squirrel talking to god....no wait, he is after god's nuts. What was that talk all about?
Drumpf's replacement- a nutless god or a godless nut eating squirrel.
Barron has a handicap- named Dad.
Twice in the past week a noose has been found on Smithsonian property near the AA museum.
I thought that Drumpf defeated the enemy by calling them radical Islamic terrorists. What? That doesn't work?
Howz this fer irony- The French are lecturing American Surrender Monkeys for a change? Priceless! Bwahahahahahahahahahaha!
The Rude Pundit pointed out that by using Pittsburgh in his "speech", president four-year-old demonstrated just how little he knows about this country as it exists right now:
"Without this latent sense, all I have to say here is nothing more than nonsense."
Fuck you in your neck, you don't know me and your shallow-ass assumptions play right into your image as a narrow minded fundy.
From FZ:
"That's what they say
Every night...
Everyday. ..
Hey, we can't really be dumb
If we're just following
God's Orders
Hey, let's get serious...
God knows what he's doin'
He wrote this book here
An'the book says:
He made us all to be just like Him,"
If we're dumb...
Then God is dumb...
(An' maybe even a little ugly on the side)"
-Doug in Oakland
And in Kentucky:
Gov. Matt Bevin said in a jam-packed meeting Thursday that his plan to confront Louisville's growing violence is to have roaming prayer groups in the West End.
Bevin urged faith leaders, public officials and residents to take a 10-block span, walk corner to corner, and pray with the community two to three times a week during the next year.
-Doug in Oakland
Blogger mike from iowa said...
Unintended Consequences!..
Yer imaginary lord and saviour told you to yer face- get thee to thy nearest closet and celebrate he/she/it in privacy. Not on Field's blog. If yer imaginary friend is real, he/she/it does not need you or anyone else to defend him/her/whatever.
Oh, I forgot: Only racists and racist comments are permitted here outside the mainstream, nothing related to God.
Well, I guess there's a limit to free speech: Racism okay, God not okay.
For the Record: If you attack (or reference) God here, I will respond, despite your impassioned plea.
One last thought: Field doesn't "need you or anyone else to defend him/her/whatever." (OOPS!)
"Not on Field's blog."
Take your own advice: "get thee to thy nearest closet and celebrate he/she/it in privacy."
Unintended pregnancy- phuck you and your imaginary little make believe whatever you want to call it.
You seem to have forsaken all simple little commands yer imaginary friend gave you to study. I'd say have a nice day, but rotting in hell prolly won't be a walk in the park for phony kristaliban goons.
Organized governmental religious charades are not or should not be permitted. Kinda like school tools organizing prayer and bible study for students during school hours.
"Well, I guess there's a limit to free speech: Racism okay, God not okay."
OK has nothing to do with it. Racism exists in the world, god exists in your imagination. Imagination is a healthy thing until someone like Bevin comes along and tries to make public policy out of it.
On the lighter side: Sean Hannity is shocked and appalled at The Onion.
-Doug in Oakland
Unintended Consequences!..has a serious problem taking directions from an imaginary being he professes to believe in. I seriously doubt any pact you claim to have with Mr Nobody has any amendments that grants you equality with your lord and imaginary saviour. Bwahahahahahahaha!
dinthebeast said...
"Well, I guess there's a limit to free speech: Racism okay, God not okay."
OK has nothing to do with it. Racism exists in the world, god exists in your imagination. Imagination is a healthy thing until someone like Bevin comes along and tries to make public policy out of it.
If God is a thought, an idea, or a concept, how can you say, then, that "racism" exists outside the mind.
The notion that racial superiority can be supported by science--is evidentiary based--continues to be promulgated as fact.
So what is racism: A Fact or Fiction?
I agree: Bevin went too far. Nevertheless, with the use of a modicum of "imagination," you could have exposed Bevin without taking swipes at God, in the same I can expose racism without taking swipes at the racist.
Blogger mike from iowa said...
Unintended pregnancy- phuck you and your imaginary little make believe whatever you want to call it.
You seem to have forsaken all simple little commands yer imaginary friend gave you to study. I'd say have a nice day, but rotting in hell prolly won't be a walk in the park for phony kristaliban goons.
Wow mike!
Did I impress you that much? I wan't aware that my words could be so powerful, that I could provoke such a bizarre response.
Thank you!
Tell me, Mike, was it the power of my words that elicited your response, or is it that you're easily provoked?
Tell me, Mike, was it the power of my words that elicited your response, or is it that you're easily provoked?
Neither! It's my power that make anyone do anything. You of all people should know my awesome power!
And Unintended Consequences, I'm going to need you to act less like a dick if you're going to try to represent me. Don't test me or I will send a lightning bolt to fry your ass!
"If God is a thought, an idea, or a concept, how can you say, then, that "racism" exists outside the mind."
First, that makes no sense. "If frogs are green, how can you then say, then, that I need a brake job."
Second, I can say that "racism" exists outside the mind because "slavery" includes the body.
Third, there is no "god" to take swipes at outside of your imagination, which you are 100% responsible for, so I don't have any fucks to give about it until you want to legislate with it or murder people over it.
Like I said, if it helps you cope or whatever, knock yourself out. I tend to express my own spirituality and awareness of the sacred through my music, so I don't tend to need an invisible friend to wrap it up in.
Daniel Quinn said that we were probably not fully human until we developed the awareness of the sacred, and pointed out that only one culture in all of humanity twisted it around to support their militaristic goals of putting every square inch of the planet under subjugation to their immediate needs, and that out of the 200,000 or so years we've been around they have only existed for the last 10,000 or so, thus in no way represent the whole of humanity.
And Douglas Adams pointed out that as long as we continue to believe that the Earth was put here by a god for us to use, we will continue to destroy it.
That last part is mostly why I keep telling you to go fuck yourself.
-Doug in Oakland
dinthebeast said...
If God is a thought, an idea, or a concept, how can you say, then, that "racism" exists outside the mind.
"First, that makes no sense. "If frogs are green, how can you then say, then, that I need a brake job."
The "frogs" and the "brake job" was your analogy of choice. My comment makes no such nexus. If racism exists outside the mind (as seen in slavery and other oppressive measures), then so does God. How many paintings, sculptures, churches and other edifices have been built to Him, not to mention ancient relics and artifacts.
How many people have you seen in prayer, kneeling, another expression in keeping with a worship of God, no less an expression of a belief in God than a slave market and blacks in chains are an expression of racism.
"Second, I can say that "racism" exists outside the mind because "slavery" includes the body."
And, too, I can say the same for God: The worship of God is similarly manifested with the use of the body--baptisms for one. What we have in racism, then, is a concept that others have used, and continue to use, to enslave another, justifying their behaviors and actions, behaviors that are inhumane at heir core.
The enslavement of another human has been condoned throughout history with the use other concepts, concepts other than racism.
"Third, there is no "god" to take swipes at outside of your imagination, which you are 100% responsible for, so I don't have any fucks to give about it until you want to legislate with it or murder people over it."
Did you not read what I had to say about the use of God to inflict pain on others, or to justify ungodly behaviors or actions?
That said, when you learn that God is more than a figment of the imagination, you will owe me an apology. I have the whole of eternity to wait, as do you, but I'm pretty sure it won't take you that long.
"Like I said, if it helps you cope or whatever, knock yourself out. I tend to express my own spirituality and awareness of the sacred through my music, so I don't tend to need an invisible friend to wrap it up in."
It's good to know that you acknowledge the existence of "spirituality." What's not part of your "awareness" is that God is in the music, God is in your appreciation of it. Without God, you wouldn't be aware. God is your awareness. God is the music.
"And Douglas Adams pointed out that as long as we continue to believe that the Earth was put here by a god for us to use, we will continue to destroy it.
That last part is mostly why I keep telling you to go fuck yourself."
To be sure, the world was created by God, and certainly for our use, but not for us to "destroy," because of our greed, or carelessness. Adams, like many others, have a misunderstanding of God, who He is and what He is, or he wouldn't have uttered the words he uttered.
I have too much respect for you, to use the expletive you used.
Unintended Consequences! Dog called and said you're a nut. Must be one that was ban hammered from Wonkette.
Kathy Griffin is taking a beating for her Progressive Center Left sense of entitlement. Imagine if someone on FOX did that to the chocolate jesus??
Prolly has happened a million times at Fake Noize but no respectable people pay attention to this trash fire so it doesn't get reported.
Unintended Consequences, I really din't need you to prove my existance. Thanks though but you are not needed.
Blogger mike from iowa said...
Unintended Consequences! Dog called and said you're a nut. Must be one that was ban hammered from Wonkette.
I don't think you're as bad a person as you make out. If I were you, I'd quit digging, the hole you're in is deep enough.
No, dude, get it through your christopathic skull: I know about your stupid fucking "god" already. I am 56 fucking years old and have lived through things that you couldn't imagine, and there will be no lint-headed epiphany where all of the sudden all of the same despicable lies that I have been browbeat with by god-bothering christopaths for forty years magically become not lies any more and POOF! ***god*** appears.
Read that as I find being condescended to by idiots highly annoying, especially on subjects which I have already invested a lot of time and mental energy.
No, "god" did not "create" the Earth. Humans created the concept of gods to fill in the gaps where their understanding of the world was incomplete. Even the great minds of history did to one extent or another: outside of their areas of expertise, they speculated over the influence of gods because they didn't carry the level of understanding they knew to exist into other complicated subjects, and lacking anything else to understand them with, they turned to the very popular mental copout of the supernatural. But none of them included gods in their actual work, the pieces of brilliance we remember them for.
So kindly go get buggered to death by a sheep.
-Doug in Oakland
dinthebeast said...
No, dude, get it through your christopathic skull: I know about your stupid fucking "god" already. I am 56 fucking years old and have lived through things that you couldn't imagine, and there will be no lint-headed epiphany where all of the sudden all of the same despicable lies that I have been browbeat with by god-bothering christopaths for forty years magically become not lies any more and POOF! ***god*** appears.
And I'm 75 years young, and getting younger by the day. True, I'm not privy to your unimaginable 56 years of living, and neither are you privy to my experiences, experiences that would make you rethink your life, as they're more fantastical than you can imagine in your current state of mind.
At some point--I can't say when--you will have that "epiphany" and everything will change, and you'll finally understand why things are as they are.
It may be in this life, or a life, or lives to come. Yes, we have all lived perhaps hundreds of lives. I have visited a life where I was more beast than man, perhaps at the dawn of time on this planet.
As for God appearing, that's up to you. He won't force you into that appearing (You have freewill.), that's something you will have to want and desire.
If you could know my world, just for a day, it would change yours immeasurably.
Read that as I find being condescended to by idiots highly annoying, especially on subjects which I have already invested a lot of time and mental energy.
Your perception is your perception, and I can't change that. You say you have "invested a lot of time and mental energy" on what subjects, God, religion?
No, "god" did not "create" the Earth. Humans created the concept of gods to fill in the gaps where their understanding of the world was incomplete.
Have it your way, but the day will come when you'll look back on your words and realize that they're incomplete, that God, as Creator, not only created the Earth, but you, as well, a you that will extended Him in what is termed physicality.
You may not believe it now, but you volunteered for this duty on Earth, as well as the conditions under which you must struggle, or under which you must contend.
By many on the other side, you're seen as a Hero, as you're willing to do what others are unwilling to do, co-create with God here on Earth, express the God force in physicality, a nature that's foreign to us.
But none of them included gods in their actual work, the pieces of brilliance we remember them for.
So kindly go get buggered to death by a sheep.
Try Emmanuel Swedenborg, Swedish Philosopher and scientist. He left a legacy that influenced many who we hold in high esteem. You can read him free, here: http://www.sacred-texts.com/swd/
Mutton is not my meat of choice; I'll leave my portion to you. I wish you many lives, and eternal bliss.
"... as they're more fantastical than you can imagine in your current state of mind."
Really? Ever witness a murder in really close quarters? Like close enough to get powder burns? They don't "go" anywhere but out.
Your bullshit "many lives" idiocy is abominable. You don't have the kind of attention to figure out what's up in one life, and you think you have many?
When you are dying and no gods appear, for a single moment you will have the opportunity to accept the truth, but I don't see much chance in you taking it, as proof doesn't seem to work for you.
-Doug in Oakland
Blogger dinthebeast said...
"... as they're more fantastical than you can imagine in your current state of mind."
Really? Ever witness a murder in really close quarters? Like close enough to get powder burns? They don't "go" anywhere but out.
Yes, I've witnessed a murder, close up.
I won't trade experiences with you, as you won't have a reference point for those I could relate. Suffice to say, many of them are not of this world.
Your bullshit "many lives" idiocy is abominable. You don't have the kind of attention to figure out what's up in one life, and you think you have many?
Not think, I know. We have all experienced carryovers from previous lives. Give it some thought. What in this life do you have an affinity for that's beyond explanation?
When you are dying and no gods appear, for a single moment you will have the opportunity to accept the truth, but I don't see much chance in you taking it, as proof doesn't seem to work for you.
Why should a God appear at my death? I will appear at my death, or should I say life after life, as there's no actual death. The God in me is all that's required, although I may appear, if I choose, before the All-in-All God.
Here's the "truth." There is no death. You can't die. You're invincible. However, if you don't believe in an after life, a life after this one, you will sleep, along with the others that are sleeping. At some point you, and they, will be awakened, and, at that time, YOU will know the truth, life didn't end at the death of your physical body.
As for insults, you can continue to use them, but I must warn you, I'm impervious to them.
As for dying, I've experience death hundreds of times, and each time I've been reborn.
From FZ:
"That's what they say
Every night...
Everyday. ..
Hey, we can't really be dumb
If we're just following
God's Orders
Hey, let's get serious...
God knows what he's doin'
He wrote this book here
An'the book says:
He made us all to be just like Him,"
If we're dumb...
Then God is dumb...
(An' maybe even a little ugly on the side)"
-Doug in Oakland
Nah, you've never seen you, the real you. Were you to see YOU, the grandeur of you would leave you speechless, in utter disbelief.
I hate to rain on your parade.
But, you see, you're not physical, but constructed of light, you're not "dumb," but a reflection of Omniscience.
Here's the deal unintended pregnancy- If you can prove, beyond any doubt, yer imaginary friend is real and exists-I will kiss yer ass and bark like a fox.
In the more likely event you can't prove yer friend is real- all you have to do is quit wasting my time and yers by keeping yer imaginary friends to yourself.
Chokelahoma and their wingnut guv Mary Falin prayed for financial relief. They wanted god to pay all of their debts for them. Someone needs to remind wingnuts that is what taxes are for. Stoopid wingnuts.
Unintended Consequences, please stop trying to explain my existence. You're making me look like a weak dumbass. I've asked nicely next I'll bear to eat you like I did those kids in the book of Kings. Now that was funny! Cut it out or I foresee a very warm afterlife. Also, you didn't have multiple lives it's the drugs talking. Lay off the drugs son.
"There is no death"
Come to Oakland and let's field test that theory.
Look, I'm sorry you're so mentally ill that you can't tell reality from your imagination, and that you have so much of your identity invested in your illness that you won't accept help. But get this you repugnant little fundy, you don't understand what you're playing with.
I've lost people I care about to your little illness, and I don't appreciate you trying to infect me with it.
Maybe stop and read the lies you've posted in this thread and ask yourself why you or anyone would try to mislead people like that.
Or just go fuck yourself.
-Doug in Oakland
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