Does Donald trump belong on Mt Rushmore?
Was that so called letter to trump from a nine year old even real? (Maybe it was his friend Jim's kid.)
trump is beating up on his boy Jeff Sessions, but should we even care? I am personally no fan of Jeff Sessions, so it's hard to pick sides in this battle.
And finally, do two sitting US Senators really believe that the president of the United States and leader of their party is crazy?
"Does Donald Trump belong on Mt Rushmore?"
If he keeps it up, he will. His addition has already been planned out:
So "Pickle" had a Trump-themed birthday party. What does that mean, exactly? They held it at a tacky casino? All of the guests tried to outdo each other in telling the most outrageous lies and insults they could think of? None of Pickle's female classmates' pussies were safe from being grabbed?
One thing is certain: No Mexican or Muslim children were invited.
On a more serious note, I think Pickle might be a retarded kid. Did you see how badly that letter was written? It looks like it was written by someone around five years old, not nine. Someone should tell the poor little guy that our president doesn't like the disabled.
Six Republican senators voted against the same Obamacare repeal bill they all voted for two years ago under Obama. Most of Obamacare didn't even go into effect until 2014, and these six senatorial frauds are acting like it landed with the Mayflower.
People like Doug are pretending America in 2013 was some kind of medieval nightmare world where millions of people were dying because of slightly different healthcare insurance options.
Jonathan Gruber was right. The level of political debate in this country is absolutely moronic.
Why does the NFL have no transgender players?
On Monday night Imran Awan, the principal IT aide to former DNC honcho Debbie Wasserman Schultz, was arrested at Dulles Airport attempting to flee the country. "IT" means information technology, as in computers, as in hacking, as in what the Democrats insist happened to the election.
Monday's airport arrest follows the seizure of broken hard drives from the garage of the Awans' former home. The hard drives had been smashed with a hammer. Whether it was the same ceremonial DNC hammer used to smash Hillary's Blackberries has not yet been determined.
The Awan story has many interesting elements: The Pakistani-born Imran Awan, his wife, his brothers Abid and Jamal, and Abid's wife Natalia have provided IT services to Debbie Wasserman Schultz and dozens of lesser Democrat congressmen since about 2004. The family salaries totaled some $5 million, because supplying computer services to prominent Democrats is so vital and specialized a skill that it requires a rare and exceptional skill.The Awans' services were so critical that in March last year eight Democrat members of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence issued a letter demanding that these staffers be granted access to Top Secret Sensitive Compartmented Information (TS/SCI).
Yet at the same time the Awans ran a full-time Virginia car dealership amusingly called Cars International A - or "CIA" - and were almost continually short of cash, requiring loans from all kinds of people including - Collusion Alert! - the Iraqi politician Ali al-Attar.
For inept broke car-dealers, the Awans somehow made themselves indispensable to powerful Democrats, among them those on sensitive committees such as Intelligence and Foreign Affairs including Andre Carson, Joaquín Castro, Lois Frankel, Robin Kelly, Ted Lieu and Jackie Speier. That's a lot of Democrat computers to wind up in the hands of one family of Pakistani immigrant car dealers. And it wasn't the full extent of the Awans' connections: that's Imran up above with putative First Gentleman Bill Clinton.
Five months ago, as the coppers began closing the net on the family, other Democrats began distancing themselves from the Awan clan, notwithstanding their peerless IT skills. Representative Gregory Meeks of New York fired Mrs Awan on February 28th. Representative Marcia Fudge of Ohio fired Mr Awan on March 1st. But Debbie Wasserman Schultz did not fire Awan until yesterday - after his arrest at the airport. Indeed, she has spent five months digging in with the guy. You want powerful politicians interfering with federal investigations? Forget about Trump hinting to Comey that he's really hoping for some loyalty, and consider a powerful member of a House sub-committee threatening the head of the Capitol Police that "you should expect that there will be consequences" for refusing to return one of her laptops set up and controlled by Awan:
Why did Debbie Wasserman Schultz not do as her fellow congressmen did and dump the Awan clan as no longer politically convenient?
Occam's razor: Because she was head of the DNC and thus Awan knew too much for her to cut him loose.
Until yesterday. After his capture at the airport, while fleeing back to Pakistan.
The enterprising lad is said to have been trusted by Debbie with her iPad password and other access codes. So in other words - unlike speculation about Putin's FSB being in DNC computers - we know this guy was in them.
Are the "Russia investigation" and the Awan story comparable? Well, they're both about hacking, and both about DNC computers. One of them has actual arrests, on-camera political interference, destroyed evidence, and a proven money trail from foreign politicians. The other has no arrests, and a meeting with a minor Russian lawyer arranged by an Azerbaijani pop star's publicist.
You are indeed way too dumb to understand how dumb you are.
"People like Doug are pretending America in 2013 was some kind of medieval nightmare world where millions of people were dying because of slightly different healthcare insurance options."
The "option" of people not being able to get any health insurance does mean we were a medieval country before Obamacare. In fact, we are still a medieval country WITH Obamacare, just slightly less so.
The fact that you don't know any poor people or give a shit about them dying of preventable diseases doesn't mean it isn't happening.
"we are still a medieval country WITH Obamacare"
mic drop...
When the most prominent Trans Vet is a convicted traitor it kinda tarnishes the brand.
Not for long, the one Navy SEAL who is trans is becoming pretty high profile. Bet she can kick Trump's ass. 😂
Is he crazy?
The American Psychoanalytic Association said there's nothing stopping its members from commenting on the president's mental health.
Meaning they are not acting as if the "Goldwater Rule" applies to president four-year-old.
So there's that. No word on whether the gold water came from a pair of Russian prostitutes.
And as for my views on the healthcare system before the ACA, I had a stroke in 2008 and hadn't been at my job long enough for open enrollment to the Kaiser health plan they offered, so I was uninsured.
Having lived through that, and also having had cataract surgery in 2015 after the ACA was in effect, I feel I have solid information when I compare the two systems.
I was very, very lucky that I live in Alameda County where there is a resource of the last resort for poor people with medical problems in Highland Hospital and the Alameda County Medical Center and Alameda Health System, where they will see you even if you're broke and indigent, and provide the best of the best in care. I know for a fact that what they do is not common outside their system.
I owe my life to those people, so anything that helps them out, like the Medicaid expansion in the ACA, I am all for on principle, and that's even before I get to the mountain of well documented benefits to the country it provides.
It isn't as good as single payer, but it's what was politically feasible in 2009 when the unemployment rate was above 10% and the destruction of the health insurance industry, as awful and parasitic as it is, would have sent the economy spiraling down into depression.
I say take the damn fool up there and tell him he has to pose for the sculptors and leave him to the mercies of the residents of the Pine Ridge Reservation. They ought to know what to do with someone like him.
-Doug in Oakland
PX: That would be Kristen Beck, who invited president four-year-old to come tell her to her face that she's not worthy to serve.
As there are between two and fifteen thousand trans people already serving in roles service-wide, and as the Pentagon has responded by saying "Issue a proper order or shut the fuck up, we don't respond to tweets" I feel that his move is ill-advised at best.
Actually, it wasn't advised at all: that bit in the tweet about consulting with the generals was a lie, they are furious at his attempt to run the military via social media. They sort of have a thing about the chain of command.
Besides, it's just a typical fit thrown by our four-year-old of a president. There was a hold up on a military spending bill that included money for his walldoggle that centered around whether the military should provide funding for gender reassignment care for trans soldiers. So he lost his shit and tweeted about it, like always, and basically said "if trans soldiers are stopping my walldoggle, we won't have any trans soldiers at all."
Senator Tammy Duckworth was on TV talking about what a bullshit rationale it was when she said that it made no sense even financially as last years expenditures on trans-related care were 5.6 million dollars total while expenditures for Viagra were 41 million and erectile dysfunction accounted for 81 million.
-Doug in Oakland
"trump is beating up on his boy Jeff Sessions, but should we even care? I am personally no fan of Jeff Sessions, so it's hard to pick sides in this battle."
trump's obsession with Sessions is understandable, he's pleading to be impeached, but the repubs won't accommodate him. They're fearful of his base.
"I say take the damn fool up there and tell him he has to pose for the sculptors and leave him to the mercies of the residents of the Pine Ridge Reservation. They ought to know what to do with someone like him."
Didn't Native Americans used to stake their enemies down over anthills for the fire ants to eat? That sounds like a proper end for this repulsive louse.
After that, we can immortalize him ... not on Mount Rushmore, but maybe turn Trump into a urinal cake? And print his face on toilet paper?
I just looked up FBI statistics for black-on-white rape - WOW. Shocking. Also, other types of black crime are absolutely through the roof. Why is the media not reporting this?
A Concerned Mom In North Dakota
This is really great news. I am so happy for Trump that he has finally found someone who is seriously stupid and fucked up enough to perform as a functional WH press secretary. Poor devil that he was, Sean Spicer was too much of a real person to hold together under the extreme pressure of constantly apologizing for and justifying a psychotic maniac such as Trump. He was far too intelligent to keep it together. That's what was so fucking funny about the whole thing. God bless the writers at SNL for most likely saving the free world by exposing this ridiculous hypocrisy.
Good luck Sarah! You seem like a very nice woman. Shoutout to your Dad. Is he still playing bass in church?
Are you for real? You crazy fake-ass commenter supposedly from North Dakota? Black-on-white rape?
Fuck you, goddam troll shit.
Is that you, Serious Senior from Hell?
Big black, scary Boogie-Man hides behind the garage hoping to rape young white hens?
What the fuck is this, 1928?
Big Dick Trump just can't stop winning. Ha ha ha. Listening to you bitch and cry is like eating fried chicken while getting a blowjob.
@ Farting Janitor -
Look up the statistics, bitch. Then try to deny it. Black crime is out of control.
In your head it's out of control. You could most likely fix that by cutting back on the meth.
-Doug in Oakland
@ Mom - Business Insider says that the meme you reference is based on bad math based on the small sample size - in one category as few as ten victims.
RAINN says that 57% (A University of Michigan study puts the number at 60%) of rape perpetrators are white and 27% are Black.
The site also states that 70% of the victims knew their attackers.
Then there is the myth (?) of a white women getting caught with a Black man then crying 'rape'.
For the numbers to be as high as you imagine that 27% of Black men must know a lot of white women and they must be raping them two or three at a time.
I am willing to overlook a lot of Trump's faults because he ended the secret CIA program to support our "anti-Assad forces". I came across plenty of people who refused to believe the evidence that we were supporting terrorists. One piece of that evidence was a report that the Pentagon was reluctantly forced to declassify. It detailed who the rebel recruits would be. Mostly from Al Qaeda, but from various other smaller jihadist groups as well. And don't forget, we also formed Al Qaeda to fight the Russians in Afghanistan. We caused countless deaths and untold suffering in Libya, Syria and Yemen. Our "moderate rebels" raped children and killed their families. We caused the refugee crisis. The program was started in 2013 and it was ended in 2017. That says a lot.
Maybe the media will start admitting some of the truth. Tucker Carlson interviewed Tulsi Gabbard a few times before. He was always respectful and had an open mind about it, but he didn't seem to know if us supporting ISIS was true or not. Now he seems to know. Tucker Carlson picks out easy targets for him to debate, but he is much more honest and reasonable than his time slot predecessor, sexual predator Bill O'Reilly. Watch this short video...
CNN and individual corporate tools like Howard Dean and Debbie Wasserman Schultz attacked Tulsi Gabbard. They are ISIS supporters, just like John McCain and Hillary Clinton are. And you can thank them for the Trump presidency. Sanders won the Democratic primaries where Independents could vote. He would have beaten Trump if the corporatist neo con wing of the Democratic Party and media hadn't cheated him out of the nomination.
Mark Steyn @ 11:02 PM wrote a good post. Stuff like that might relate to Sessions. There are a lot of things Sessions should be investigating. I would be glad to see him go for his views alone, but Trump might feel he should be investigating the DNC, CrowdSource, and things like Loretta Lynch ordering Comey to call the Clinton investigation a "matter", etc. Obama could have taken a step toward Mt. Rushmore, in my opinion, if he had prosecuted the Bush Administration for their war crimes instead of protecting them.
dinthebeast said...
"I owe my life to those people"
You owe your money to those people.
You would have received treatment anyway.
dinthebeast said...
PX: That would be Kristen Beck, who invited president four-year-old to come tell her to her face that she's not worthy to serve.
He's not worthy to serve. He was, back when he was not claiming to be a woman, but no longer. He is a surgically mutilated man who dresses like a woman and wheres makeup now. He takes hormones that make him weaker and more emotional. He is severely mentally ill and would be a liability to any military institution.
Here is the image Drumpfuck will get on his monument to the worst bogus potus ever.
There are maybe 3 black people in North Dakota. It is 199% white and sheepy.
Look up the statistics, bitch. Then try to deny it. Black crime is out of control.
That means the pigs aren't doing their jobs, now don't it. They have been turned loose to shoot blacks on sight. What seems to be the holdup?
Can't wait for the first one of you Drumpfuck supporters to have your property seized even before you get accused or convicted of a crime. Bwahahahahahaha!
You can trace the existence of many terrorist groups back to Ronnie Raisin Raygun and the CIA, William Casey,Ollie North, etc. Noriega, Saddam Hussein, Pinochet, and a host of other rotten dictators are all ours, created under wingnut potii and many were trained in Georgia at the school of the Americas and sent back home to overthrow elected governments and become savage dictators with American backing.
America trusted Bradley Manning with top secrets. How did that work out?
When Trump decided to announce his no-trans-in-the-military policy yesterday -- nonchalantly, via Twitter, naturally -- he caused panic because he sent the announcement out in three tweets.
Nine minutes elapsed between tweet number one ("After consultation with my Generals and military experts, please be advised that the United States Government will not accept or allow......") and tweet number two, and during those nine minutes, senior figures at the Pentagon apparently were rushing around shitting themselves with fear because they thought he was announcing nuclear war with North Korea.
Nobody in the federal government trusts the deranged lunatic at the helm. Everyone spends all their time trying to anticipate and mitigate the damage he is causing. This sort of thing would be funny on a sitcom, like the TV show Veep. In real life, not so much.
It should go without saying that there was no consultation with generals and military experts before announcing the policy, since they didn't know about it.
This policy is some straight-up Breitbart/Bannon BS.
Here is where wingnuts are on repealing and replacing. Hillary-ous!
"senior figures at the Pentagon apparently were rushing around shitting themselves with fear because they thought he was announcing nuclear war with North Korea."
No need to be nasty. You're just pissed I outed you as the same troll.
A Concerned Mom in North Dakota?
You gotta admit, that's pretty low.
Okay. Here is the FBI Crime Report from 2012.
Note out of 13,886 men arrested for forcible rape, 9,027 were white and almost exactly half that number for black men. 4,512 black men arrested for forcible rape.
So white men are being arrested at double the rate of black men. Maybe you could argue that is disproportionate. Maybe so. But there are other factors. Large concentrations of the white population live in more sparsely populated and more rural states.
I don't think that the FBI publishes the race of the victims. You have to go to the alt right for that type of information.
Flying Junior said...
Note out of 13,886 men arrested for forcible rape, 9,027 were white and almost exactly half that number for black men. 4,512 black men arrested for forcible rape.
So white men are being arrested at double the rate of black men.
Dude, really?
You are correct that your statistics say that only half as many black men were arrested for forcible rape as where white men.
However, there are 6 times as many white men in America as there are black men.
"The rate" = #arrested/total #
Therefore white men are being arrested at one third the rate of black men.
Fair enough. I accept your math.
If you really were a nice lady from North Dakota, I would pray for your daughters.
Peace out.
Is Thinking Senior new around here? Must be because here we are rehashing crime stats AGAIN. Yawn.
"If you really were a nice lady from North Dakota, I would pray for your daughters."
That wasn't me.
Kudos for conceding a fair point. It doesn't happen often here. On both sides.
Peace out yourself.
Your military? Which branch?
White men are arrested at less than a third of the rate as black men for similar crimes perpetrated. So arrest statistics aren't an accurate measure of actual crime.
But go ahead and be terrified of black people. It'll keep creeps like you out of neighborhoods like mine.
Oakland has been trading on its "scary" reputation for decades to frighten off the lightweights, idiots, and assholes, and we had a pretty good run at it. Sadly, now everyone has figured out that it's not really scary outside of a few isolated areas, like any large city, and so many people want to live here that the rents are through the roof and the market for rentals is so cutthroat that even tech workers from the peninsula with six-figure incomes and no family are waiting six months just to get a chance at a shitty apartment that would have rented for $600 ten years ago.
So Sam Brownback is giving up his quest to turn Kansas into an Ayn Rand novel and slinking off to join president four-year-old's administration as ambassador to the turds in baby jebus' diaper or some such horse shit. The Republicans in Kansas' state legislature are saying that while they are relieved, it will still take many years to even fully assess the damage Brownback's "experiment" has done to the state, much less repair it.
Those are the Republicans saying that.
-Doug in Oakland
dinthebeast said...
"White men are arrested at less than a third of the rate as black men for similar crimes perpetrated. So arrest statistics aren't an accurate measure of actual crime."
That's nonsense.
Arrest rates by race track the reported race of suspects by victims/witnesses.
It is undeniable that blacks commit violent crimes at rates several times every other demographic.
Baldingo the circle jerk pivot pussy(orbital engineer-big fucking guffaw) can't read. Can't think for itself and is still doing the pity party circuit because he wasn't born black. Too bad so sad. Bwahahahahahahahahahaha!
I just looked up the stats on Spanish,English,Dutch,French,etc.rape and murder of the original people of the Americas! It crashed my computer!! All europeons go back home!!!!!
Joint Chiefs of Staff weren't notified and they are not amused by the dumbest son of a bitch (next to Baldingo)to ever stink up the WH.
They also do not obey tweets from the dumbest son of a bitch to ever stink up the WH (next to Baldingo).
Baldingo is still upset he wasn't born black so George Zipperlessfuckhead could shoot him, too.
So Dunford has basically told president four-year-old to take his tweet about trans soldiers and stick it in his fat, white, butt:
You don't run the military through twitter. If you can't take it seriously enough to issue a proper order, the military (which takes the chain of command seriously) isn't likely to do the stupid, stupid things you want it to do, just so you can get your stupid, stupid way with a goddamn spending bill.
The utter political incompetence demonstrated by this stunt should be enough to disqualify the damn fool from any position of responsibility up to and including being trusted with five dollars to bring something back from the store.
-Doug in Oakland
If the Commander in Chief says no more tranny nonsense in the military, then no more tranny nonsense in the military. Anyone not on board will be fired.
Obama created the whole thing just last year. It can be killed the same way.
You can take that dildo out of your ass now Doug - it's not going to get you into the Army.
It is undeniable that blacks commit violent crimes at rates several times every other demographic.
4:35 PM
Tru dat!!
Moron wingnuts seem to think what a white bogus potus sez automatically becomes law. Riiiiiiight. Drumpfuck couldn't order a ham sandwich because he is too fucking stoopid and it has rubbed off on all wingnuts in congress.
Must be blissful for as stoopid as they all are. Keeps tirring the pot, Doug.
Its not that blacks commit more crimes, its that many white crimes don't get prosecuted.
"Its not that blacks commit more crimes, its that many white crimes don't get prosecuted."
Or even arrested.
And Steely Dan III from Yokohama: Sure, as soon as he issues a proper order down the chain of command (instead of a tweet from on the commode). It's important to have a chain of command in any military, much less one the size of ours. It keeps them from doing accidental shit that can't be undone. That's why the SAC didn't scramble a bunch of bombers when Reagan the retarded moron said "...we begin bombing in five minutes."
Otherwise, what's to stop the damn fool from getting frustrated by his constipation and tweeting a nuclear strike on dietary fiber.
-Doug in Oakland
"Its not that blacks commit more crimes, its that many white crimes don't get prosecuted."
Really? There must be lots and lots of victims of white crimes who accept this situation.
How do they keep the victims and families of rapes and murders committed by whites from speaking up?
"Let's think this through said... "
You can stop right there. The facts shown here in this forum have proven that Blacks, even the putatively-educated ones, almost universally cannot think.
The first rule of Dunning-Kruger club is, you don't know you're a member of Dunning-Kruger club.
And I should know because I'm an uneducated white who pretends to be an astrophysicist.
150 IQ bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!
Anybody EVER seen any evidence James has an IQ of 150? Has he EVER posted anything remotely intelligent? I guess we'll just have to assume he's actually as dumb as his posts suggest and that he's not really an orbital enigineer. Case closed.
Fuck the gooks and chinks!
Well, until blacks start killing people, eating them, and storing them in their refrigerators; I think we have a ways to go to catch other folks on the depravity and crazy scale.
"until blacks start killing people, eating them, and storing them in their refrigerators"
Feeled, did you miss Mitchelle Blair who murdered two of her children and stashed them in a chest freezer in her living room?
Did you miss the Miami face-eating cannibal Rudy Eugene?
DId you miss the cannibalism directed at albinos in Africa?
The only reason you haven't ALWAYS done this is that you had to wait for YT to invent refrigerators.
"we have a ways to go to catch other folks on the depravity and crazy scale."
One of your delusions is that you deny that you are way out in front and always have been.
Your delusions are that you're smart and an orbital engineer. Talk about delusional.
150 IQ bwahahahahahahaha!
Well, until blacks start killing people, eating them, and storing them in their refrigerators; I think we have a ways to go to catch other folks on the depravity and crazy scale.
9:24 PM
Idi Amin
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You say Idi and I say Adolf.
See how this works?
You say Idi and I say Adolf.
See how this works?
Godwin's Law violation. You forfeit the debate.
Besides, A.H. wasn't a cannibal, he was a vegetarian.
James, why are you so dumb?
Facts are good, even when debating cretins from stormfront.
"Godwin 's Law" only applies when the comparison is not a fair one. In this case it is, so your analogy is flawed.
The fact that your hero was a vegetarian does not take away from the fact that he was responsible for the atrocities he committed. He happens to belong to the same race as you and Jeffrey, so for the sake of my argument the comparison was correct.
""Godwin 's Law" only applies when the comparison is not a fair one."
No, you pompous over-educated simian. You wrote "until blacks start killing people, eating them, and storing them in their refrigerators; I think we have a ways to go to catch other folks on the depravity and crazy scale." You don't get to go "muh Hitler" after others prove that Blacks are THE most depraved and crazy BY YOUR OWN STANDARD... even killing their own children and throwing them in freezers.
Throwing the Hitler Hail Mary pass is proof that you have failed.
"The fact that your hero was a vegetarian"
He never was my hero, but the fact that you're still trying to blame everything he did on me makes me wonder if he wasn't correct about the üntermensch. After all, if people born decades after he died are equally to blame, then nobody is to blame. Not even Hitler.
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★ You can also contact us for other Cyber Attacks And Hijackings, we do almost All.
★Contact Us Via: compositehacks@gmail.com
I sincerely didn’t like the idea, but this is my way of saying thank you to the Quora user that recommended a hacker (ETHICALHACKERS009@GMAIL.COM)
I hired him for a very private and difficult matter of helping me hack a my spouse’s phone and social networks and some other personal stuffs and he far exceeded my expectations. which Jeremie, helped me get the info(whatsapp, facebook, text messages, call logs etc) faster and cheaper than I had imagined. The first time we spoke, we had a very long phone consultation in he gave me all my options that he could think of to resolve my case, and he even recommended I try other options before hiring him, which shows that he is honest. I decided to hire him and I am glad I did. he is a fantastic investigator and a great person. If you need a professional, reliable and efficient hacker, then you should contact this guy ; ETHICALHACKERS009@GMAIL.COM
You can also call him or send him a text +16692252253
My life was falling apart, I was being cheated and abused, I had to know the truth and needed proof. i saw a recommendation about a private investigator worldcyberhackers@gmail.com by a friend. i contacted them and they took care of my needs. they hacked his iphone and gave me all information in his facebook,instagram, Whatsapp, twitter and email account. I got all I wanted as proof . I am glad i had a proven truth he was cheating . Contact them if you need help.
My life was falling apart, I was being cheated and abused, I had to know the truth and needed proof. i saw a
recommendation about a private investigator cyberprofessionalhacker@gmail.com by a friend. i contacted them and they
took care of my needs. they hacked his iphone and gave me all information in his facebook,instagram, Whatsapp,
twitter and email account. I got all I wanted as proof .
I am glad i had a proven truth he was cheating.Contact them if you need help.
After several suicide attempts ,weeks of turmoil and sadness that GToptions brought upon me and my family after I lost GBP110, 000. I was introduced to globalhacktech@gmail.com they are the best and helped me recover all of my funds without any hassle in no time, I am so happy doing this because I know so many people would benefit immensly from this useful information to get their lives back on track..I have never been this happier in my life..
Are you in search of a Professional Hacker , an advance IT specialist, a Web or Software developer?
IF YOU NEED GENUINE AND PROFESSIONAL IN THIS SERVICES CONTACT US THROUGH : ultralspyhack@gmail.com or globalkoshack@gmail.com we are a professional group of hackers based in United State of America. We are the best hackers and software developers to penetrate any website, all other hackers get in touch with us to get the best Algorithm software. Our services are 100% guaranteed. They offer the following services;
We offer various services such as ;
* 1 . School Grades Change; hacking of school server , removing of parental or guardian details , processing of original academic document . Etc
* 2 . Altering of Permits and licenses ; driving license, job practicing licence . Etc
* 3 . Provide solutions on professional exams and web solutions . Etc
* 4 . Hack email , Database hack & Facebook , Whatsapp and other social media platform
* 5 . Retrieve deleted data and recovery of messages on mobile devices .
* 6 . Money Transfer and Credit cards hacking . Etc
* 7 . Monitor your partners phone , etc .
* 8 . Removal of Criminal Record and arrest long.
100% clean job with no trace.Your identity will be hidden, Hacking is their job, for all your hacking need, you can contact us through our mobile +15055706618 or through the mail
Great feed! Visit our website finessehackers.com if you need to hire a professional hacker for any type of cell phone or social network infiltration. Customer service and efficiency is top notch.
Classic Cyber Hacks, is a legit hack team specially equipped with the solution you've been searching for.
We specialize in all type of cyber attacks and bullies such as:
#TRACKING of GPS location, cars, Computers, Phones (Apple, windows and Android), e.t.c.
We also track E-mail addresses, Social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Skype e.t.c.
#RECOVERY of Passwords for E-mail address, Phones, Computers, Social media Accounts, Documents e.t.c.
#INSTALLATION of Spy ware so as to spy into someone else's computer, phone or E-mail address and also Installation of Spy ware software on your individual O.S to know if your Gadget is being hacked into..
We also Create and Install VIRUS into any desired computer gadget.
#CRACKING into Websites and Data base of both Private and Govt organization, such as Schools, Hospitals, Court houses, The FBI, NSA e.t.c
NOTE: We also specialize in clearing of CRIMINAL RECORDS of diverse types.
* We assure you that your Job will be attended to with care and efficiency as it will be done in no delayed time.
#We also have a forum where you can get yourself equipped with Advanced hacking Knowledge and Also if you're Good with Hacking and you think you can Join our Team of sophisticated hackers, you're welcome as well...
At CLASSIC CYBER HACKS, we give you the Best service in the Hacking world.
Write us on:
Collins .A.
Are you in need of a Professional Legit Harking service ?, Search no further. Classic Cyber Hacks is all you need to have your Cyber hijacking needs met.
*FACT* We do ALL kind of Cyber hack job classically with the best hands involved without trace.
+Database Hacking,
+Spying and monitoring of any device
+School grade hack,
+Company records and systems,
+Bank Account Hacks,
+Clearing of Criminal records of diverse types,
+VPN Software,
+Background checks, monitoring locations,
+Bank transfer, Western Union, Money Gram, Credit Card transfer,
+Bank Account Hacks,
+Credit score increase
+University Grades Hack,
+Any social media platform hack
+Control devices remotely hack,
+Retrieval of lost documents
+Facebook Hacking Tricks,
+Email hack: Gmail, AOL, Yahoomail, Proton-mail etc,
+Inbox, mobile phone (call and text message Hacking are available also)
+ATM hack,
+Retrieval of lost documents, etc..
Contact us on:
Collins .A.
Hack Ethics is a Trusted Reliable Hacker and Binary Options Recovery Expert who renders any desired hacking services you want/need includes ROMANCE SCAMS, CHANGE OF ANY SCORE GRADES and any other HACKING SERVICES WITHIN 24 HOURS. These are happy again client's recovery reviews that was recently helped to put smiles back on their faces after been cheated and scammed of their hard earned money - (Kylie Ford) "I was scammed and scammed and scammed again. I invested with four binary companies and lost all of my investments totalling £750,000 Then I contacted a special someone who offered me help – who specializes in binary recovery and every other hacking services (Hack Ethics). By the end of it all I was able to recover all of my money including my savings and profits. My husband is not around anymore and I have an 8 year old son with learning difficulties. The pressure of being a single, working mother with a child who needs so much additional attention and support became overwhelming for me. I also felt too traumatized to trust anyone else and I was very afraid, Thanks to HACKETHICS008@GMAIL.COM or WICKR - recoverygenius who deserved my trust by helping me get every penny I lost. He has been incredibly helpful and supportive and also very understanding about all of my fear and concerns he helped recover all of my funds back within 48 HOURS . I really hope that others do not have to go through what I did, and I wish that I had realized before. I hope my story might help others to not be fooled the way that I was. He can also render any desired hacking services ,Romance Scams,Change of School Grades and so on.'' (Sarah Richards) - I appreciate Hack Ethics for helping me recover my stolen funds $110,000 from Binary Brokers and Fake Hackers within 48 hours. Contact him or Skype for any desired Hacking Services.It was like a miracle within 48 hours and now I feel free like a bird. It was sweet and smooth from the start, withdrawals were easy and consistent until it gets to a point I started to be denied withdrawals and that was how I lost all money, I couldn't get my investment amount back not talk of the bonuses. I contacted several lawyers but it was all waste of time and money, they couldn't render an inch of help. God so good to my old self and family, I later met with a certified binary options recovery expert (Hack Ethics) who helped me recover my money within 48 hours from the brokers, it was worth it to pay him 20%" I appreciate HACKETHICS008@GMAIL.COM so much. Contact for ANY DESIRED HACKING SERVICES.'
Hello all
am looking few years that some guys comes into the market
they called themselves hacker, carder or spammer they rip the
peoples with different ways and it’s a badly impact to real hacker
now situation is that peoples doesn’t believe that real hackers and carder scammer exists.
Anyone want to make deal with me any type am available but first
I‘ll show the proof that am real then make a deal like
Available Services
..Wire Bank Transfer all over the world
..Western Union Transfer all over the world
..Credit Cards (USA, UK, AUS, CAN, NZ)
..School Grade upgrade / remove Records
..Spamming Tool
..keyloggers / rats
..Social Media recovery
.. Teaching Hacking / spamming / carding (1/2 hours course)
discount for re-seller
Contact: 24/7
I was searching for loan to sort out my bills& debts, then i saw comments about Blank ATM Credit Card that can be hacked to withdraw money from any ATM machines around you . I doubted thus but decided to give it a try by contacting {blankatm156@gmail.com} they responded with their guidelines on how the card works. I was assured that the card can withdraw $5,000 instant per day & was credited with $50,000 so i requested for one & paid the delivery fee to obtain the card, after 24 hours later, i was shock to see the UPS agent in my resident with a parcel{card} i signed and went back inside and confirmed the card work's after the agent left. This is no doubts because i have the card & has made used of the card. This hackers are USA based hackers set out to help people with financial freedom!! Contact these email if you wants to get rich with this Via: blankatm156@gmail.com
Investing online has been a main source of income,that's why knowledge plays a very important role in humanity,you don't need to over work yourself to earn money.All you need is the right information,and you could build your own wealth from the comfort of your home!Binary trading is dependent on timely signals,assets or controlled strategies which when mastered increases chance of winning up to 90%-100% with trading. It’s possible to earn $10,000 to $20,000 trading weekly-monthly,just file a complaint with Mr Steven Robert,I had almost given up on everything about binary trading and ever getting my lost funds back,till i met with him,with his help now i have my lost funds back to my bank account and I can now trade successfully with his profitable strategies and software.Email Steven.Robert364@gmail.com
First i will start by introducing my self, my name is MR Graham Michael, I'm the CEO of Supremespyhacks.
I will like to explain in my message below how you can avoid SCAMMERS and stay safe from all this fake hackers online plus how our service works.
I can tee you thst there are so many Reasons why people need to hire a hacker, It might be to Hack a Websites to deface , retrieve information, edit information or give you admin access, Some people might need us for Hacking any smart phone giving you access to all activities on the phone like , text messages , call logs , Social media Apps and other informations. Some might need to Hack a Facebook , gmail, yahoomail, Instagram , twitter and every other social network Accounts, Some might need to Hack into Court's Database to Clear criminal records.However we can also Hack into school's websites (server) to change grades without any trace, Also Some Individuals might want to Track someone else's Location probably for investigation cases.
All these Are what we can get Done withing few hours
You can easily identify scam from their email address for example those email using numbers as upper case (ugh46@) have you been SCAM of your money, from fake hackers here is the right place for you to gain all your lost back...below are the service we render
Here you are been given an oppurtunity to recover what you might have lost and easily making a lot of funds via this highly classified information. This is a Supreme abd global information that enhance a novice to a prominent encounter. You will all find your deepest longings to be reviewed. It's always like a dream, but I'll say this is a dream come true, with the Supremespyhacks will be a sudden bursts of complete transformative joy and this is reality to your dreams and findings about online hacks.
For more inquiries and help you can
He is no scam,i tested him and he delivered a good job,he helped me settle bank loans,he also helped my son upgrade his scores at high school final year which made him graduate successfully and he gave my son free scholarship into the college,all i had to do was to settle the bills for the tools on the job,i used $500 to get a job of over $50000 done all thanks to brillianthackers800@gmail.com,he saved me from all my troubles,sharing this is how i can show gratitude in return for all he has done for me and my family.
You guys have surpassed my expectations! James is seriously amazing and is doing everything to help my Fiancé and me, in1weeks my credit score went up 700 points and I can only imagine what is to come. Thank you for the excellent customer service and doing exactly what you all have set out to do! NO GIMMICKS OR BS with you guys.They carry out any kind of hacks You can reachout to them via Hackintechnology@gmail.com
Do you know that the new IPhone 11-pro can be hacked without detecting that the phone was hacked?
just Email Darkhatthacker@gmail.com, this hacker was the one who helped me with mine and it worked. Thank you Darkhatthacker.
I never knew i got married to a womanizer until i hacked my husband phone with the help of russiancyberhackers@gmail.com. Am really happy sharing this to the world so we can expose the cheaters in our relationships and marriages.
Be strong in any situations you are going through just know that a lot of people go through the same problems almost everyday. Am happy to announce my finding of solutions about catching of cheating partners. If you notice your partner is cheating on you email my personal hacker @spyexpert0@gmail.com. i was in the same shoes also and i know how it feels to be cheated on by someone you love with your heart, Just email this hacker and thank me later. God bless you and stay safe.
I have always doubted verifiedprohackers@gmail.com ability on getting me a perfect phone hack till a friend of mine testified of a job Weldon by verifiedprohackers@gmail.com then i also emailed and got my job done with 100% trust. Thanks to the best team verifiedprohackers
I have always doubted verifiedprohackers@gmail.com ability on getting me a perfect phone hack till a friend of mine testified of a job Weldon by verifiedprohackers@gmail.com then i also emailed and got my job done with 100% trust. Thanks to the best team verifiedprohackers
I brought my sister to come stay with me and my family little did i know that my sister has been sleeping with my husband to the point of getting my sister pregnant but my sister refused telling me who was responsible she kept on hiding it till i contacted anonymousmaskhat@gmail.com to help me hack my sister phone to see if i could get any information's from her phone. when this hacker brought the results i went through my sister phone and i read all the messages she sent to my husband telling him that she was pregnant for him and even sent him the pregnancy results she got from the hospital after seeing all of this i was depressed but am happy i could get all of this from a reliable hacker. thanks to you anonymousmaskhat@gmail.com
if you are having doubts in your affairs and relationship please i will advise you to contact anonymousmaskhat@gmail.com
and know if He or she is true to you. Have been in a relationship of 3 years about getting married to her but i decided to know and be sure of my girl before any other thing then i found all the love she has been proposing to me where all fake. Thanks to anonymousmaskhat@gmail.com
I don't know why men find it hard to change there evil ways. I kept catching my husband red handed cheating on me with the help of darkhatthacker@gmail.com i was able to read all hidden messages of my husband.
I was privilege to hack into my husband cell phone with the help of verifiedprohackers@gmail.com and i found out that my husband has an account with 5 different online dating sites and this 5 online dating application where hidden on his phone but i was able to detect all hidden messages and files with the help of this same hacker (verifiedprohackers@gmail.com)
Don't trust your spouse 100% thanks to verifiedprohackers.
Contact jeajamhacker@gmail.com if you need to track your husband or wife movement through his or her phone or any form of phone hack just email my PLUG this hacker has been working for me since 2 years now and there has been no failure so far. I appreciate your good work jeajamhacker God bless you for the world.
I can bet, with spyexpert0@gmail.com you don't need a CCTV in your house for any reason. This made it easy for me in catching my cheating wife just with the help of spyexpert0@gmail.com.....................
cheating has taken over so many marriages and relationships but am happy to share to the world how russiancyberhackers@gmail.com helped me discover my cheating husband.
Watch very well before you get married to that man or woman why am I saying this? I have passed through hell in the hands of men before I knew people like russiancyberhackers@gmail.com exit when it comes to catching of cheating spouse. Men really dealt with me but after my contact with this hacker I realised that what ever a man tells you should be properly investigated cause most men out there are bunch of lairs am happy with russiancyberhackers@gmail.com I broke into so many men cell phones to really know who they are in the hidden and trust me majority of them are lairs.
I noticed my spouse blocked me on his WhatsApp and also blocked me from seeing his WhatsApp stories I wondered what could make him do this to me if his not cheating at first I decided to over look and let it slide away but at the same time i was still worried about what my spouse could be hiding from me which made me went in search of hackers and behold I found spyexpert0@gmail.com this hacker granted me access to my husband phone without close contact to my husband phone so I monitored everything his been doing and behold I found out his reason for blocking me from all his social media handle, my husband has a baby mama outside the country and he has been hiding this from me for over 3 years now I cant believe am just finding out now all my life I never knew hackers like spyexpert0@gmail.com exist not until now I decided to give it a try to know if my husband is cheating or not and I found out without stress all thanks to you spyexpert0@gmail.com for the help
I gave my brother everything he has always asked of me but what did I get in return? sleeping with my wife right under my nose and right under my roof all thanks to you spyexpert0@gmail.com this hacker really did a good job for me am really happy that hackers like spyexpert0@gmail.com exist if not for this hacker my brother will keep fucking my wife under my roof without me getting to find out
My bad Credit score spoilt a lot of things for me but trust me I was able to get it fixed with the help of darkhatthacker@gmail.com through a lot of good reviews about this hacker as the best in the game and I hired this hacker to help me in fixing my poor Credit score am 100% proud of darkhatthacker@gmail.com Services, he gave me the best without trace
I hate lies in a relationship ever since I came in contact with anonymousmaskhat@gmail.com I realised that the woman I have been with tells a lot of lies to me. Imagine having full control over her phone anonymously and I discovered that majority of the things she told me about her were all false all thanks to you anonymousmaskhat@gmail.com this was how I got to know the true colour of a girlfriend I have been with over the years.
With the help of jeajamhacker@gmail.com I was able to access a company email which I needed to put an eye on, jeajamhacker@gmail.com made it easy for me and faster without trace or notifications that I am in the email box
I have troubles trusting men that is why I use anonymousmaskhat@gmail.com and so far I keeping getting the best of anonymousmaskhat@gmail.com
Looking for a hacker that can break into any phone that has finger print or faceID? just email jeajamhacker@gmail.com this hacker just helped me in breaking into an iPhone 13. Tested and Trusted.
verifiedprohackers@gmail.com has been the best thing that has ever happened to me this year with this hacker I was able to get the best grades even when I failed, with this hacker I was able to scale through. Thank you so much verifiedprohackers@gmail.com
Thank you so much jeajamhacker@gmail.com, you are so reliable at what you do and I am among the people that got the best services from you just yesterday I emailed you for a GMAIL hack and you came up with my results in less than 30min. All thanks to you once again.
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