Will we eventually go to war with North Korea?
Do you believe that Eric Bolling pulled an Anthony Weiner?
The FBI raided the home of trump's former campaign manager, should Mr. Orange Hair be scared?
Is this story about Russian jets flying over Washington true?
Do you think it's cool for trump to pull back on Obama-era protections for women in the workplace?
You can answer one or all of those questions for me, or just tell me what's on your mind.
It is, after all, open thread Wednesday.
That idiot Trump will make America worse for everyone who is not an old rich white guy.
so true. So just sit by and watch the show.
Screw Unsharp Cheddar Cheese! I'm sick of talking/ hearing/ thinking about him and his crew of full toilets. Let's talk about track and field!
Congratulations to Phyllis Francis on her gold in the 400. Too bad Novlene finished last; didn't want to see her do so poorly.
@10:39, really?
Just how easy is it to "agree" with a wench that calls a Black Queen a nigger?
Then again, Black women have NEVER really been able to rely on Black men anyway.
Whatever. Black men prefer white women anyway.
Yes...we will go to war with North Korea...
especially when there are 2 seemingly crazy leaders.
...and when the war is over, half of our country will belong to the North Koreans
and the other half of the country will be owned by the Russians.
And when the smoke clears, they'll get rid of Blacks by dropping them into the ocean and Hispanics will be made slaves and forced to pick crops.
Dayum! I didn't even know all that was going on! Ignorance IS bliss! xD
Nothing is going to happen, nada! Kim is just helping Trump divert attention from all the crap! It's a club, they're all in on it :)
But as for Trump reverting things Obama did, well if it's that easy, nobody might as well ever do anything, cos the next bozo will revert it!!! What's the point??? Cray cray!
We don't have leaders, we have puppets put in front of the real powers to bullshit us xD
"Do you think it's cool for trump to pull back on Obama-era protections for women in the workplace?"
I think its cool whenever discriminatory practices are "pulled back" in favor of equal treatment for everybody.
If women really are equal to men, then they wouldn't need to be favored by the law.
If they aren't equal to men, then they wouldn't be expected to be worth as much.
Anyone with an IQ above room temperature knows that the "Wage Gap" is a myth. Women get paid the same as men for the same jobs with the same experience level and performance. In fact, for young employees , they get paid more.
"And when the smoke clears, they'll get rid of Blacks by dropping them into the ocean and Hispanics will be made slaves and forced to pick crops."
This is a profoundly insightful comment.
Chinese study depression but always prevention:
1. work hard
2. eat diet green vegetable lean protein
3. do not listen bad woman complain
Right on, PR!!
yishthing belched...
"Right on, PR!!"
All you can eat prime rib at the local buffet and yishthing is excited.
It only needs two seats. One for each butt cheek.
Manafort is in deep doo doo. His son in law is under investigation for a ponzi scheme involving Californian and NYC real estate that seems to have been perpetrated using some of Paul's money, he has a bunch of questionable NYC real estate deals of his own that look a lot like they laundered Russian money, he has some glaring omissions of disclosure about who he was a foreign agent of, and he has a history of entanglement with Russia's effort to own the Ukrainian government prior to Yanukovych, who he orchestrated the political rise of for millions of dollars, being run out of the country, and then there was the contract he had to "advance the interests of the Putin government in other countries including the US" for which he was paid ten million dollars a year for three years by a Russian oligarch named Oleg Deripaska, and now a federal judge has decided that there was probable cause to raid his house even when he was supposedly cooperating with the subpoenas and document requests.
Mueller probably sees him as a more useful tool in cracking the Trump nut than Flynn, who seems a little not-right-in-the-head, so all of this is being converted into pressure to really cooperate, something Mueller's team must have just filed an affidavit that convinced a federal judge that he wasn't actually doing.
Wouldn't want to be him right about now, or Trump for that matter.
And Russia has had spy satellites since the sixties, these flights are just to fuck with president four-year-old. Sort of the way the USSR used to send submarines up and down the West coast to fuck with Reagan. Which worked well, it would seem, as he extended our territorial waters from three to twelve miles, and talked about extending them out to 200.
-Doug in Oakland
I don't know if threats or appeasement is the best approach with North Korea at this point. North Korea has continually upgraded their missile technology so avoiding war with them isn't as easy as it was five or ten years ago. It doesn't seem like there would be profit in a war, like oil to steal. But Trump's Administration being full of generals isn't a good sign. Back in the JFK days, every one of the Joint Chiefs of Staff wanted a false flag called Operation Northwoods to start a war with Cuba. Either Kennedy and/or McNamara overruled them. Their plan was remarkably similar to 9/11. And the explanation the government gave us for 9/11 is scientifically impossible. Connect the dots.
North Korea supposedly got nuclear secrets from a Pakistani scientist who helped develop Pakistan's nuclear bombs. I have read that we agreed not to do anything to him because he is considered a hero there. It sure looks like Pakistan protected bin Laden. Pakistan was also involved in 9/11, wiring money to Mohammad Atta. Bush wanted a pipeline through Afghanistan and Pakistan wanted us to fight the Taliban in Afghanistan. Pakistan feared a spillover that would increase the power of the Taliban in their own country.
It doesn't seem like North Korea would want to be obliterated. And China, who North Korea is dependent on, wouldn't want them to provoke a nuclear war. Trump is the wild card. We wage unjustifiable wars, like in Iraq, Syria, Libya, and Yemen. We lie to demonize Russia and Iran. For different reasons than the one we were told, I don't feel sorry for the Taliban. And I would feel sorrier for places like South Korea and Japan than I would for North Korea if there is a war.
Dug from dopeland demonstrates his ignorance and low IQ with this:
"Sort of the way the USSR used to send submarines up and down the West coast to fuck with Reagan. Which worked well, it would seem, as he extended our territorial waters from three to twelve miles, and talked about extending them out to 200."
Dug, you are not to be taken serious. You are an imbecile. Stick with tacos and burritos. And Tijuana horse blankets!
I want to make out with you, Yisheng. I want to buy you roses and watermelon tea and rub cocoa butter on your many, many rolls of fat.
Will you be mine, oh Nubian Princess Queen Yisheng?
@ 10:49 - I'm more of an Allyson Felix fan but a gold and bronze in the event for team USA is acceptable.
@ 11:08 - LMAO, as I spit out my oatmeal.
@ 10:49 - Maybe you need to meet better Black men.
Anonymous Manonymous said. I'm an idiot because I ignore all the empirical evidence that proves he's an idiot.
Take yer pick, dude. There is plenty more wage gap stories out there.
The Wage Gap: The Who, How, Why, and What To Do - NWLC
nwlc.org › … › Equal Pay & the Wage Gap › Equal Pay Laws
Women in the U.S. who work full time, year round are typically paid only 80 cents for every dollar paid to their male counterparts. This gap in earnings translates ...
The Wage Gap, by Gender and Race - Infoplease
Find data on the wage gap, the unequal earnings ratio between white men and women and white men and womena and men of color.
Women Face A Pay Gap In Every Single State. Here’s Where It’s ...
Apr 03, 2017 · Equal Pay Day is a reminder of the $840 billion women won't earn this year.
The wage gap isn't the reason men earn more than women at the ...
Aug 07, 2017 · The lack of women in leadership positions may be the problem.
Pay Equity & Discrimination - Institute for Women's Policy ...
Institute for Women's Policy Research. Informing policy. Inspiring change. Improving lives. Search Donate. Menu. ... a gender wage gap of 20 percent. Women, ...
gender pay gap - Pew Research Center
The gender gap in pay has narrowed since 1980, particularly among younger workers, but it still persists. In 2015, women earned 83% of what men earned, according to a ...
Micro dick white boys will be the end of us all.
uglyblackjohn said...
@ 10:49 - Maybe you need to meet better Black men.
Or find a space Black men protect/honor Black women like other men protect/honor their women?
THANK GOD, my real life TRUMPS this comment section, PUN INTENDED!!!
Perhaps the Russian flyover, not just of Washington but specifically of Trump's properties, is a little reminder to him from the Kremlin that "you owe us your job, so now it's time for some return on our investment." It's like some heavy-handed threat the mafia would deliver.
However, Putin will soon find that the sanctions relief he had hoped for will not be forthcoming. He may have installed a Russian patsy in the White House, but he does not own Congress, and lots of Americans still hate him and his country's crooked government. In fact, the Democrats now hate him more than ever, for obvious reasons.
Garrison Keillor on Trump: "Like somebody trying to steer a ship by shooting at the waves."
He thinks we'll pull through this, that American democracy will survive. I'm not so sure. Trump can't destroy it alone, but he has expert help. Check out federal judgships:
The nominees are all hard-right, some are religious cranks, anti-gay, anti-abortion, all white and almost all male, you know the rest. They are mostly quite young and will be bending the law for decades, no matter who is president, no matter what makeup Congress has. Though with voter suppression and gerrymandering I wouldn't count on changing Congress anytime soon.
The Cabinet of Deplorables will be there for four years whether Trump is impeached or not.
Bannon and the Heritage Foundation and the mindless greed of corporations have been set loose on the land. Democracy is a fragile flower, Ben Franklin knew. And we've got the demented and deranged stomping it into the earth.
mike from iowa said...
Women in the U.S. who work full time, year round are typically paid only 80 cents for every dollar paid to their male counterparts.
Jesus Fucking Christ you are stupid.
Those numbers are based on the difference in average earnings between men and women.
The reasons men make more than women are:
1. They work more hours per week, on average, than women.
2. They work more weeks per year
3. They work more years of their lives, gaining experience and seniority
4. They work the kind of jobs that pay more (i.e coal miner vs waitress, engineer vs social scientist)
Women make different life choices on what to do for a living. They don't like engineering school. They don't like dangerous, physically demanding jobs like coal mining or high rise construction. And most importantly, many of them choose to leave the labor force for at least part of their lives to do the most vital job of all - raise children.
Paying men and women differently for the same work would be discriminatory and unfair. This is not happening. Analyses of professions where people have the same education experience, and performance show no difference in pay between men and women.
And think: We live in a capitalist society. Businesses are run for profit. If women could do the same job as men for 20% less, what sane business wouldn't hire just women, lower its labor costs by 20%, put more profit in its pocket and out compete its competition?
"The nominees are all hard-right, some are religious cranks, anti-gay, anti-abortion, all white and almost all male,"
This is a good thing. The American constitution has been shredded by liberal judges for decades, many of them AA appointments. We need judges who make rulings based on the law, not judges who make law from the bench.
@ 10:49 - Maybe you need to meet better Black men.
No black man in his right mind would go anywhere the walking disaster that is Yisheng.
Yesterday we heard that the FBI busted into Paul Manafort's house before dawn looking for documents. Why was that necessary? He was already cooperating with Mueller's investigation.
Meanwhile, Hillary Clinton, the DNC, Debbie Wassermann-Schultz, and the Pakistani IT guys all get kid glove treatment.
Anybody else see a problem here?"
President Trump's handling of the North Korean missile threat has created a very dangerous situation for all the American citizens living on Guam. If North Korea were to launch a missile at Guam, all the people would run to the back side of the island and unbalance it to the point that it will tip over and capsize.
@ Yisheng - No, YOU stated that Black women can 'NEVER' rely on Black men which is why I said that maybe you need to meet more.
Hank Johnson said...
President Trump's handling of the North Korean missile threat has created a very dangerous situation for all the American citizens living on Guam. If North Korea were to launch a missile at Guam, all the people would run to the back side of the island and unbalance it to the point that it will tip over and capsize.
12:36 PM
@12:43, reading is fundamental.
That's ALL I got.
So poor Roy Moore got trumpbuggered because president four-year-old accidentally watched the wrong cable news channel...
A few minutes after Chris Hayes ran a segment about the Alabama senate race that pointed out Roy Moore and Mo Brooks public statements during the 2016 campaign that Trump was a serial adulterer and thus not Jesus-y enough for their tastes, the president tweeted out an endorsement for Luther Strange, contradicting an earlier white house statement that they weren't endorsing anyone in the Alabama race.
That's what you get for straying from the Fox-and-Breitbart-and-Rush-oh-my propaganda diet, Donnie boy, you just shot the Republicans' program for turning the country into a backwoods theocracy in its foot.
-Doug in Oakland
Classic! @2:32 from the doc.
I think we can all see why Yisheng has problems with other people.
I'm STILL in celebration mode after my first grant application was approved!! 😀
Now I just gotta wrap up the work on my summer computation cancer biology fellowship,then present to my department!
DNC Hack Was Not a Foreign Hack, But Done In-Person By Someone With Access to the System
Former NSA experts say it wasn’t a hack at all, but a leak—an inside job by someone with access to the DNC’s system.
There was no hack of the Democratic National Committee’s system on July 5 last year—not by the Russians, not by anyone else. Hard science now demonstrates it was a leak—a download executed locally with a memory key or a similarly portable data-storage device. In short, it was an inside job by someone with access to the DNC’s system. This casts serious doubt on the initial “hack,” as alleged, that led to the very consequential publication of a large store of documents on WikiLeaks last summer.
The Key Event
July 5, 2016: In the early evening, Eastern Daylight Time, someone working in the EDT time zone with a computer directly connected to the DNC server or DNC Local Area Network, copied ,1,976 MegaBytes of data in 87 seconds onto an external storage device. That speed is much faster than what is physically possible with a hack.
It thus appears that the purported "hack" of the DNC by Guccifer 2.0 (the self-proclaimed WikiLeaks source) was not a hack by Russia or anyone else, but was rather a copy of DNC data onto an external storage device.
How you gonna threaten NK from a golf cart?!?
Speaking of golf, I am LOVING my new sport!!!⛳️🏌🏾♀️
CNN finally shit canned Jeffuckery Lord for a tweeted Nazi Salute-Sieg Heil!
Too bad, so sad.
Further from the truth news it seems seth rich was not killed at all. He just died and fell on 2 spent bullets which explains why nothing of value was taken.
Want to get wingnut's goats just say Statue of Liberty and watch them freak out.
"July 5, 2016: In the early evening, Eastern Daylight Time, someone working in the EDT time zone with a computer directly connected to the DNC server or DNC Local Area Network, copied ,1,976 MegaBytes of data in 87 seconds onto an external storage device."
Seth Rich was murdered on July 10, 2016.
Seth Rich was downloaded to someone's hard drive and not murdered at all. All evidence points towards Manafort as being the anti-christ capable of biting 1.976 megas in 87 seconds w/o breaking a sweat.
Conspiracy mongering wingnuts are all in a tizzy.
I want a piece of Anthony's weiner. :)
Oftimes, I listen to the message instead of the messenger. I don't have time no longer to dissect why a person would call themselves niggers. You must remember l am from the times where and when we knew what the word ment. Drop the theory about me supporting Black women or not. I have been with my Black wife for 46 years. I am from the day when being with a white women was not an option without peril. Please get to know me before you thro shade. Oh yeah. In growing up the only sex symbols we had was in Playboymagazine. So one of the thing most Black men of MY CREW was to knock off a white girl. Mission was accomplished in Hong Kong, 1970 during 3 days R and Rfrom Vietnam. Mainly there were no women of color at the R and R site that presented. These women met you at your hotels. It was business.. Now, as a Black Panther, do you think that the Black women was not to be protected. Look at my siblings. 5 brothers all married and protecting our women. Don't you listen to that crazy guy in the White House.
StillaPanther2 said...
..... I don't have time no longer to dissect why a person would call themselves niggers.
So let me make sure I have this straight. You think I'm calling myself nigger when you see posts with this username?
"Yisheng = nigger said..."
Really SAP? Because if that's what you think, it's clear that YOU are the one listening to the crazy ol' coon in the WH.
If it said I could ride a bicycle backwards with a monkey on my head, while picking my nose with one hand and pulling out a weggie with the other, would you believe that too?
Just curious: Anyone out there think Yisheng is decent human being?
Fuck the gooks and chinks!
"A Black Panther Forever" exhibits more dignity and honor than anyone on this board.
He is one of the few who thinks for himself and honestly considers different views and opinions.
Old school negroes know what the fuck they are talking about.
Show some respect.
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