First, your president has still not visited Charlottesville, Virginia.
Second, he is planning another rally to stroke his ego in Arizona, where he is apparently planning to pardon a known racist and convicted criminal. (The mayor of Phoenix is asking him not to come.) You would think that he would head to Virginia first.
Third, there was a terror attack in Spain today, and the president of the United States tweeted a debunked urban legend from history in response to it.
Fourth, there are debates going on in this country now about confederate statues. (Where are all the statues for the abolitionist and the brave people who led slave revolts?) Believe it or not most Americans are cool with having them around. Personally, if it was up to me, Thomas Jefferson and George Washington would be taken down from Mount Rushmore.
Fifth, How long will General Kelly last in the White House?
Finally, the fact that Mr. trump's lawyer felt it necessary to show us a collage of all of his black friends on twitter is telling. (See, some of his best friends are black,)
As long as the poison known as tr**p is occupying the White House, it will seep into every crevice of the national psyche.
Trump isn't too upset about what happened in Virginia.
It must be so demeaning to be one of Trumps' friends.
"It must be so demeaning to be one of Trumps' friends."
Probably so, but for now the money's real good.
-Doug in Oakland
I would vote to leave monuments up. Tearing them down reminds of the Taliban destroying ancient Buddhist monuments. But I sympathize with the legitimate concerns of reasonable people who want them taken down. There did seem to be an excess of unreasonable people on both sides at Charlottesvile, and people from both sides have been defacing public property since.
I agree that we should also take down statues of George Washington and Thomas Jefferson if we do take down Confederate generals. It would be hypocritical to leave them up. The Constitution was written by slave owners, but destroying monuments comes close enough to book burning without destroying written materials too.
The genocide of the Indians was so thorough that there probably aren't even enough of them to mount a nation-wide protest. Look at what we've done in Iraq, Libya, and Syria. U.S. history is full of atrocities. And we still honor war criminals.
It is interesting to see how many people support the alt right and confederate monuments. Might lose a few friends but it's not surprising a lot of folks are caught up in memes and narratives about how the left planned these rallies to embarrass trump😖
Frankly, we should remove all four of those micro dick white boys from Mount Shitmore.
"Fuck you, guy who regrets voting for Trump."
The Rude Pundit has a few choice words for Julius Krein and the rest of his mewling ilk:
-Doug in Oakland
Sigh. I hate white people.
The monuments stay up or go down as the people and elected officials of the locality desire.
Everybody else STFU.
Looks to me like most municipalities are deciding to take them down.
There is no glory to the Old South, Antebellum plantation days. I don't even like to sing, "When Johnnie Comes Marching Home Again," although it has a great melody.
The war of Southern Secession was the most costly war in our history in terms of human suffering. Any son-of-a-bitch that glorifies this last stand of the slavers, no matter what the cost has history to reckon with. Watch "Gone With the Wind," dumbfucks.
You guys should have been happy when Joan Baez sang her sympathy. I have relatives that love the South. They are white. It's a beautiful thing. There are black people who love Virginia, Georgia, Mississippi, Louisiana, wherever there home is and that of their ancestors.
But we don't need them to still be slaves.
Fuck you alt-right piss-ants.
Fuck the gooks and chinks!
I think we should also have tax supported statues of Nat Turner, H. Rap Brown, Stokely, aall heck this list can be as long as my arm. The other side to this argument never feels no pain. I want them to leave the statues in place but withdraw all maintaince cost, so these behemoth can die a slow death. Allow the whites and blacks that want them to stand pay for the cost of the land. Give them some time, then do like we did in Durham (my new home)-- tear that junk down and sell at the salvage yard. The confederate states have had a slow demise, not DEATH, SEEING THAT WE STILL HAVE CONTESTING GROUPS.
Maybe the confederacy can be alive at the family reunion. Yeah oowl.
Eldridge Cleaver? Dick Gregory? Nipsy Russell?
Did y'all know that there is a Harriet Tubman Memorial in Manhattan? The roots on the back of her skirt look a little bit like chains. Make sure you click on "View Page," to see the wikipedia article.
This would've been more appropriate for the Open Thread yesterday, but...they're making an Obi-Wan Kenobi movie.
This intellectually-bankrupt echo chamber needs someone like Josh.
...This is what the "Forever Trumpers" want.
Re: "Finally, the fact that Mr. trump's lawyer felt it necessary to show us a collage of all of his black friends...
Why is anyone surprised that Trump's jewish lawyer is in denial or in a state of altered reality?
If you have ever seen any of the actual filmed footage of the millions of jews as they walked peacefully into the gas chambers in Auschwitz, Germany during the Holocaust, many of them said they couldn't believe it was happening either.
Re: The lawyer tweeting and showing off his "black friends."
How many blacks and hispanics live in the zip code where he purchased his home?
Another historical fact: Whites have fled from whole cities and taken their jobs with them to get away from living and working next to blacks and hispanics.
Except you bumblefuck.
It must be so demeaning to be a stalking piece of nigger shit.
Washington Monument? Jefferson Memorial? Rename the White House?
Try all you want but you can't erase history. Well, Stalin tried to but it did not workout.
Erase history?
Blood stains can't be removed idiot.
Whooteemoos sure are great at false equivalency, ANY DESPERATE position to "win"an argument.
Fortunately I've never smelled pig urine yisthing. Exactly how does it smell or taste?
Arlington National Cemetery?
What about that statue of Albert Pike in downtown DC? It has to come down.
BTW yisthing, I'm not trying to win an argument. You can't argue a point with me because you have a 70 IQ or less.
yisthing admits...
"Blood stains can't be removed idiot."
This is not the place to describe your granny panties yisthing. But, if you try washing them once in a while your underwear might not be so nasty.
Ya' know what Judge? You Democrats put those statues up they're yours to take down. And oh, why not join us who've left the Plantation behind. Its got to be so hard living under that false dichotomy...
As a professional artist I'm taken with the idea of Washington and Jefferson being "taken down" from Mount Rushmore. Of course they can't be taken down, just blasted off. But what about remodeling, resculpting their faces into others? Jefferson's big beak could be chiseled down to Thurgood Marshall's more rounded proboscis. Washington's face could be narrowed down into Obama's, with the wig turned into ears. Or maybe Jefferson-to-FDR would be more manageable, diven the proportions. Interesting problem...
You're right, I have too much free time today.
FDR would be a good choice for Mt. Rushmore.
A decendent of Jefferson Davis had a good suggestion. Move the statues to museums. As he said, that is a more approciate place for them. Putting them in a more historical context instead of offending people with them being honored, seems like a good compromise to me.
Trouble is, the statues too cumbersome as historical artifacts and usually awful as art.
And most weren't erected soon after the Civil War, as you might think, but in the early 20th c. or in the 1950's as reminders to keep you-know-who in their place.
False Flag!!
Progressive Center Left=Nazi
Head Nazi Bannon has lost his job. Of course it s Obama's fault. Just wait.
Anotherbozo: As an artist, you might be interested to know about the company that churns these statues out. It's the Monumental Bronze Company of Bridgeport, Connecticut. They offer life size statues for $450 and larger eight foot statues for $750, and most of the most common civil war memorial statue, the "Silent Sentinel" came from them.
Kevin Drum wrote about it in Mother Jones under the title "But Is It Art?"
And on the lighter side, not only id there one less Nazi in the white house, but Roger Ailes is still dead.
-Doug in Oakland
Is it ironic that Connecticuters were cashing in on the White Nostalgia Bazaar? Though I read that Daughters of the Confederacy placed these treasures as far away as Arizona and Montana, far outside julep country.
Glad to hear Ailes has not come back from the dead, by the way, though he'd hardly be noticed if he did.
The hell with those statues,leave 'em up so the pigeons have something to shit on!!
Why not just host Juneteenth celebrations around them while pointing out their (Civil War icons) defeat?
Ailes and the smothered brother, Scallopini Fuck Nutz from the less than stellar, supreme inquisition.
From Steve Benen at the Maddow Blog:
" Efforts to trim Alabama's voter rolls have become so problematic that Rep. Mo Brooks (R) discovered he was listed as "inactive" when he went to vote for himself in this week's Senate primary."
-Doug in Oakland
Leave the statues get rid of all the outdated farm equipment that are on welfare.
Anonymous said...
Leave the statues get rid of all the outdated farm equipment that are on welfare.
2:07 AM
mike from iowa said...
Head Nazi Bannon has lost his job. Of course it s Obama's fault. Just wait.
2:03 PM
You sparklefarters still cannot read a road map,and you wonder why you lost and keep loosing.
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