Today, in a show of solidarity, pretty much all of the players and teams that played either took a knee or locked arms in a show of solidarity to protest the words of Donald trump. I am personally no big fan of the NFL and the powers that make up that league, but leave it to Mr. trump to make me find sympathy for an entity that should not elicit any sympathy at all.
I, like the rest of the normal people in America, sat in amazement and watched that surreal spectacle in Huntsville, Alabama, where Mr. trump threw red meat to his base. They called for the arrest of Hilary Clinton, and booed the mention of Senator John McCain, and when the president of the United States called hundreds of women "bitches", they cheered even louder. It was sick on so many levels for an American president to act this way, but this is where we are now. We elected this guy, we can't get a do- over.
It's not only NFL players who are up in arms about the president. Steph Curry was asked if he will be visiting the White House with his team, the Golden State Warriors, and he gave a very nuanced and diplomatic answer. Sadly, our notoriously thin skinned and petty president was not pleased, so he disinvited the entire Warriors team.
Now it's the NBA's turn to question the sanity and the motivation of the American president. LeBron James actually called him a bum, and Steph Curry's coach wrote an article for Sport's Illustrated bemoaning the sad state of the presidency and the current leadership of our country.
All of this has made trump so mad that he chose to tweet about the Pittsburgh Penguins accepting his invite to the White House.

Please to inform that the Champion Pittsburgh Penguins of the NHL will be joining me at the White House for Ceremony. Great team!
But then, almost all of the players in the NHL are white. That should make it much more fun and comfortable for the president when they visit.
*Pic from
Blogger Yīshēng is a genius said...
Let's just hope that the NFL FINALLY grows some balls, and supports their players being targeted by an idiot!!
It would be FABULOUS if the entire NFL took a knee during the national anthem tomorrow!👊🏽👊🏽👊🏽👊🏽👊🏽👊🏽👊🏽✌🏽
Glad to be right about folks sticking together for a change!!✌🏽
Trump co-opted the NFL boycott over blacklisting Colin Kaepernick and turned it in to a boycott for kneeling during the national anthem to protest cop killings. There were about a thousand cop shootings per year, but only 13 convictions of cops for murder or manslaughter since 2005. While Trump rallies for indiscriminate cop killings and against freedom of expression, Jeff Sessions goes around making speeches for deporting Dreamers. His Department of Justice redacted the foia documents about the Clinton/Lynch tarmac meeting. He hasn't contacted Julian Assange or Kim dot Com about the Russia hack lie. What has he done about the Comey sham investigation, Loretta Lynch's obstruction of justice, surveillance of Trump Tower, Hillary's Espionage Act violations, illegal leaks, or Imran Awan blackmailing Debbie Wasserman Schultz? Not a hell of a lot. It sure looks like the "swamp" has the useless idiot blackmailed.
They should start their own ball leagues so they can stand on their heads and wiggle their dicks during the Star Spangled Banner and any other song someone decides to sing badly that makes everyone's ears bleed.
Frum's a Bushie who helped give us the Iraq War, but his hatred for Trump is at least amusing.
David Frum: "A great way to show respect for the flag is to refuse offers of clandestine election assistance from hostile foreign espionage agencies."
The conflict owes its genesis to former ball-tossing mediocrity, Colin Kaepernick. Reportedly, Mr. Kaepernick was the fruit of a fleeting union between a 19 year-old white girl and her black boyfriend, who customarily disavowed the relationship upon learning of her pregnancy. The girl subsequently put the child up for adoption, where it was claimed off waivers by a white family who apparently provided a loving and stable household. So to summarize: the black father of a mulatto boy abandoned him in utero, while an unrelated white family stepped in to raise him with care and attentiveness. So predictably his allegiance is exclusively to blacks.
At any rate, his disdain for the ineffectually racist society that had elevated him into a lifestyle of wealth and fame inconceivable to 99% of its members, became a weight he could no longer bear in private. So he cultivated a roof-height afro to establish his aesthetic bonafides, and began kneeling in protest at the national anthem.
Unfortunately for Kaepernick, his talent proved insufficient to buoy his convictions, and he soon enough found himself not worth the hassle. Though in his absence, equally oppressed millionaire imitators began to take up the protest. Eventually (and inevitably) this drew the wandering eye of Trump, whose subsequent criticism has impelled even more well-paid expressions of black contempt for the trappings of traditional American society.
If there is any surprise here, it is only in that it has taken so long to occur. Blacks broadly do not like whites, and care even less for their history and its symbols. From their perspective, the American flag and anthem are representative of them not us. This intractable tribal division is a state of affairs the dissident right has been patiently trying to explain for decades. Though apparently it requires low IQ black prima donnas to articulate the concept effectively.
Unfortunately mainstream bouncy-ball fandom is little inclined to absorb the lesson, and so finds itself perpetually disappointed by black expressions of separation and hostility. It is as if by supine fan-worship whites can extinguish the hatred their heroes hold for them. It’s an unlikely hypothesis, and one historical evidence continues to accumulate against.
Now obviously the NFL syndicate has its own perspective on the matter. Like practically all big business, it has gone all-in for the left in America’s culture wars. As a result, you see no public criticism of its anti-American employees. Certainly not to the extent you would if they did something truly intolerable: like a touchdown dance, for instance. But the league is in as precarious a position as its players. Owners feel equal antipathy for the NFL’s conservative white consumers, while very much still coveting their money. So they must extract revenues from a customer base they would prefer didn’t exist. From climate-controlled box seats, to the sideline, to the offices at ESPN, there’s a uniform philosophy of Just pay me and go away. I personally don’t care for either condition of that deal.
Hopefully NFL fans will eventually feel the same. None of whom actually need the mental novocain of professional sportsball. What they do need is an order of crispy fries. And whether Colin Kaepernick cooks those while kneeling is something we can look forward to taking up with the store manager.
How did I know that response would be forthcoming from the "Aryan master race" rocket scientists that troll this blog?
Gosh, it must upset you greatly that Trump is delegating more and more of his "running the actual government" duties to his (((son-in-law))) and economic advisor (((Gary Cohn))), so Trump can concentrate on what he is best at: being a dick.
Now this caus has surrender to a battle of purses between 20 something white men and Donald Trump. The slaves are now locked in withhe masters. Their sole strength was their now gone power to have a sit out. How can they now have any actions that goes against the owner that "support" my cause. Not once today that I heard any reference to the periodic and episodic acts of police shooting down men of color.
I find it very odd and strange that no mention of Donald being a five time draft dodger. Does not his past act of refusing to obey his country's rightful request for his induction display not being for his country. HE DISRESPECTED THE FLAG, yet no one personally challenge him. Young males of the NBA or NFL are not aware of history in order to allow this clown to insult them in a guttural manner. The news commentator said that the owners are taking the high road. You can't fight a thug (Mr. Trump). He calls your mother a bitch, you reply in kind. He has wives, daughters and mother. They too should be called in kind. Why you think the Black Panthers went to arms to reply to the assaults of the police in my youth. The Bible and on your knees begging the white man did not work. Donald Trump comes from these times so he knows how to handle weak Black men.
Please, will someone tell that black guy name Parris that comes on CNN to stop this stupid notion that the military is being disrespected. The US military can take care of itself. No person legally protesting should offend the veterans. The veteran gets offended when he has no promised benefits for serving. Something Donald nor Parris did.
Too long; didn't read.
And also:
Nazi garbage; didn't read.
Re: The post from "Black Panther Forever" @10:31PM
You speak the truth! Right On!
From the email I got from VoteVets this morning:
"...let us make something entirely clear: VoteVets supports any and all NFL players taking a knee today. Their right to do that is precisely why many of us signed up to serve."
They also keep forgetting the verse in the national anthem about killing slaves:
“No refuge could save the hireling and slave
From the terror of flight or the gloom of the grave”
I don't know for sure, but I imagine that if I was black, that would kinda piss me off.
-Doug in Oakland
When Black gentlemen exercise their first amendment right and kneel on 1 knee during the national anthem to protest discrimination, and police brutality in racist America, their called SOB's and told they're disrespectful to the flag and should be fired.
The only S.O.B. that should be fired is the one in the White House that willingly and enthusiastically
dodged the draft 5 times, disrespected a decorated POW war hero, and then later went on to collude with the Russians (a foreign nation) to throw a United States of America presidential election.
...the height of disrespect to our flag and our country!
What I find the most amusing out of all this is that these players are destroying their own livelihoods based on a patently false premise. Blacks might get shot by cops at a disproportionally large percentage relative to their percentage of the population, but they get shot at a lower percentage than would be expected based on the number of violent crimes they commit. And it’s not really the 13% of the population that is black, it’s the 3-4% of the population that’s black males 16-40 or so. They commit something like 50% of the murders in this country, and a similar % of things like armed robbery and assault. Based on that, the 30 or so black percentage of the people shot by police each year is actually pretty low.
Another point in the ‘they are stupid’ category is that fear of becoming the next Darren Wilson is preventing cops from doing their jobs in black areas, which is why places like Baltimore are seeing such an uptick in black on black murders.
I sure appreciate these players advocating for the right of black criminals to violently resist arrest without suffering any consequences.
We gots rights too! LOL!
dinthebeast said...
"They also keep forgetting the verse in the national anthem about killing slaves:
“No refuge could save the hireling and slave
From the terror of flight or the gloom of the grave”"
Verse refers to British mercenaries and slave troops used against the Americans in the War of 1812.
I'm amazed at how many people worshiping a flag don't seem to comprehend what it supposedly stands for…the words to the pledge allegiance to the flag that is. Most are like people in a trance just repeating words that a hypnotist tells them to repeat. Why do some folks claim to honor it so much and claim it as an American symbol of freedom, but want to pick and choose who can exercise those rights of freedom? They completely ignore that word ALL at the end of the sentence.
"I pledge allegiance to the Flag and the Republic for which it stands, one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for ALL."
Did the definition to liberty change? Last time I looked in a dictionary liberty defined is:
a. The condition of being free from restriction or control.
b. The right and power to act, believe, or express oneself in a manner of one's own choosing.
c. The condition of being physically and legally free from confinement, servitude, or forced labor.
2. Freedom from unjust or undue governmental control.
3. A right or immunity to engage in certain actions without control or
interference: the liberties protected by the Bill of Rights.
Liberty stands for the same thing that those NFL players are exercising. Yet Trump wants to deny those black players their right?
A phrase in that allegiance says, "One nation under God". When did people make the flag and a song their god?
Another word in that pledge is "indivisible" meaning incapable of undergoing division. Hahaha! That word might as well be a punch line in a joke. This country is so divided until it might be too far gone to be repairable. Trump has not made it any better. In fact, he makes it worse every time he opens his big mouth. Kim Jong Un pegged Trump right. He’s definitely a dotard. Trump is all talk. Because N. Korea is a small country, he thinks he can bully him. Kim Jong Un isn’t playing. He’s serious.
The last phrase in that pledge is “justice for all”. However, black people have been denied justice over and over since 1615.
To justify his racism, Trump claims that the NFL players are disrespecting the vets. That's some total B.S. unless this country has been lying to Americans all along when they claimed that the soldiers were fighting for our freedoms. Every war has always been to keep us free or fighting for our freedom. At least that's what we've told by our government. I'd hate to think that some of my family and other people lost their loved ones because of a lie. Or were they only fighting for white folks freedom? If that's so, it's a lot of black people and other people of color who lost their lives in a battle that wasn't theirs to fight.
"The only S.O.B. that should be fired is the one in the White House that willingly and enthusiastically
dodged the draft 5 times, disrespected a decorated POW war hero, and then later went on to collude with the Russians (a foreign nation) to throw a United States of America presidential election.
...the height of disrespect to our flag and our country!"
GrannyStandingforTruth said...
Liberty stands for the same thing that those NFL players are exercising. Yet Trump wants to deny those black players their right?
Americans aren't pissed that NFL players are exercising their right to stand for justice, they are pissed off because the whole premise is a lie.
"This country is so divided until it might be too far gone to be repairable"
Blacks don't want to part of America. It's time to face up to the fact that we can't live together.
I call for all monuments of Martin Luther King to be removed in response to the suspected black shooter at the Nashville church. We must heal.
I know what it refers to, that's why I posted it. You are maybe nitpicking over whose slaves it celebrates the slaughter of?
-Doug in Oakland
Paris is a coon of the highest order. That sambo can bucksance with the best of them.
You tell 'em, Granny and Black Panther!!
Of course the racist dotards don't read/comprehend well,but tell 'em anyway!!
Blacks don't want to part of America.
Do any of these fools know how to construct a coherent sentence? White racists are certainly dumb. Master race my ass.
Why do racist dotards tell us what we think and do? None of these assholes even know a negro but feel comfortable telling us what we're thinking. Blacks......blah blah blah.
Another day, another horrific act of black on white violence. Emanuel Kidega Samson, killer of life. Another black who thinks he's Egyptian. You monkey retards.
@Conservatives and white racists blahblahblah -
I know plenty of them, and that is WHY I want to be away from them. I was brainwashed by teachers and (((Hollywood))) like everybody else to believe they're just like us, but it ain't so. And more people are noticing everyday. (Thank God for the internet, amirite?)
Go watch cuck porn and shut the fuck up.
Trump is such a bad president he has an entire sport against him. I did not know that was even possible.
25th September 2017. Meters of wall built = 0.
Does Trump realize that the Paid Patriotism and the hoopla surrounding the flag ceremony was started in 2009 under the Obama administration?
If having players stand for the anthem is seen as an Obama policy would some still feel as patriotic?
Here are the correct words to the Pledge of Allegiance:
"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America
and to the republic for which it stands,
one nation, under god indivisible
with LIBERTY and Justice for ALL."
Most people (especially white racists)
either don't know the words,
don't hear the words ,
or don't comprehend the words.
Also, why is it that the "oppressor" always want to pick and choose "when," "where", " how" and "if"
the "oppressed" should voice their opposition to being oppressed?
Because white men only feel superior as long as they keep "people of color" enslaved.
"Most people (especially white racists)
either don't know the words,
don't hear the words ,
or don't comprehend the words."
The Pledge of Allegiance was created by a socialist. He had to tone it down in order to get it by the wingnust of his day. He had originally modeled it after the French national motto.
"As a socialist, he had initially also considered using the words equality and fraternity but decided against it, knowing that the state superintendents of education on his committee were against equality for women and African Americans."
Thereafter, nationalist wingnuts adopted it wholeheartedly and it became an instrument of forced patriotism. Many such Kaepernick-style feuds and even lawsuits going all the way to the Supreme Court have erupted over the years, with schoolchildren being punished for refusing to stand and salute. Often, the objection has been by atheists who aren't happy about the "under God" part of the Pledge, but there are, of course, other objections.
"In 1940, the Supreme Court, in Minersville School District v. Gobitis, ruled that students in public schools, including the respondents in that case—Jehovah's Witnesses who considered the flag salute to be idolatry—could be compelled to swear the Pledge. In 1943, in West Virginia State Board of Education v. Barnette, the Supreme Court reversed its decision. Justice Robert H. Jackson, writing for the 6 to 3 majority, went beyond simply ruling in the precise matter presented by the case to say that public school students are not required to say the Pledge on narrow grounds, and asserted that such ideological dogmata are antithetical to the principles of the country. ..."
When Black gentlemen exercise their first amendment right and kneel on 1 knee during the national anthem to protest discrimination, and police brutality in racist America, they're called SOB's and
the POTUS calls for them to be fired.
The only S.O.B. that should be fired is the one in the White House.
The POTUS willingly dodged the U.S. draft 5 times, disrespected a decorated U.S. POW war hero,
and then later went on to collude with the Russians (a foreign nation) to throw a United States of America presidential election.
... The POTUS has shown that he is the one that has the utmost disrespect to our flag and our country!
"went on to collude with the Russians (a foreign nation) to throw a United States of America presidential election."
No one but insane morons actually believes this.
Fire them!!
Their Jewish masters will soon make them bow.......
Sister SFT, long time no hear, glad to read your voice. Thought after President Obama.. the race issues would be minimal and the " businessman" would have me rolling in dough during these times. Seems like I am back n the 60s. You sound crisp.... looks like the gang came back too. PC and PilX. Shoutouts
Brotha Panther what's up? What's up TPC?
The Root Magazine
> ranked "top 100 most influential media outlets for blacks"
> founded by son of a Rabbi
> now owned by (((Haim Saban)))
Dance for the organ grinder! Dance!
" Thought after President Obama.. the race issues would be minimal "
Ha! Race is always the issue to the Left.
It's how they keep us divided.
The genius of the (((system))) is that everyone, black or white, thinks they are the victim.
Everyone thinks the media is against them.
Everyone thinks the government is working to exterminate them.
Keeping everyone scared of everyone else lets (((them))) make debt slaves of us all.
The NFL owners did not protest for the same reasons as *some* of the players did like police brutality, racism, or even free speech.
The NFL management is "opposing" Trump because HE CRITICIZED THEIR BUSINESS.
That's it.
One of the memes that was being peddled about this Sunday's "protests" is that it's the NFL championing free speech.
That's Orwellian bullcrap.
This is the same NFL that is basically blackballing Colin Kaepernick for exercising his "free speech rights" through his national anthem protests.
PilotX good to hear from ya, my man.
Everything's cool here, Boys had their 18th birthday a couple of weeks back, so we bought one a Toyota Yaris and the other a Peugeot 207. They are scouting out Universities at the moments we have some open days to attend during the next couple of months. Warwick University is their favourite for the moment, academically very strong but a hopeless cricket program - just shows how the boys' priorities have changed this last year or so.
Other than that, work is busy, so that's always good. I've got myself on a committee that seeks to overthrow the Conservatives on our local town council in next years elections. They've been in power now for about a 1000 years, so we figure it's time for a change. This revolution will not be televised, but it might get some action in the local paper.
The Vikings are in London in a few weeks, and as I now have two relatives working for them I have been invited to spend a couple of days with the coaches and players pre-game. Should be a blast.
That's about it except I've taken up Yoga, and I've been informed that my 'Downward Facing Dog' is a thing of great beauty.
"They've been in power now for about a 1000 years, so we figure it's time for a change."
It's back to the Dark Ages for Britain, the barbarians desire "change".
If we can't muster a ceremonial show of national pride for NFL pageants then honestly we don't have a lot left.
Mostly the same stuff. Been flying mostly domestic other than a few trips to Ireland. Trying to enjoy these last few days of summer and maybe catch one last baseball game before old man winter screws up everything. Don't be a stranger man, we need some sane voices around here. Ha!
The Kalergi Plan said...
" Thought after President Obama.. the race issues would be minimal "
Ha! Race is always the issue to the Left.
It's how they keep us divided.
What a fucking moron. Has to be yer ass talking cuz your cracker ass mouth knows better. The only provocation Dems provided was twice legally electing a Black US citizen as Potus. The race baiting was all on you fucking white racists.
Gawd the stoopid is palpable.
Electing Obama was just tossing another lollipop to the Race Grievance industry, the biggest of Big Businesses in Amerikka.
"Bum" was a bit understated. I liked "asshole" better. But LeBron did make the point that a White House visit is only an honor if someone honorable occupies it.
Who decided the national anthem had to be played before games anyway? It's mere convention, nothing more.
Read Charles Blow on listening to the Star Spangled Banner, written by racist Francis Scott Key (and read the third verse). Somebody at DailyKos thought Blow should get a Pulitzer. To that I say hear, hear. If Maureen Dowd and Peggy Noonan got them, Blow should get 4.
"It's back to the Dark Ages for Britain, the barbarians desire 'change'."
The barbarians who are taking the U.K. back to the Dark Ages are the right-wing scam artists who deceived the British public into believing it would be a great idea to leave the EU.
A lot of people are about to find out that they haven't escaped "oppression" by evil Eurocrats, because they were never oppressed. The only things they willl escape are economic prosperity and global relevance.
National Review claims cops hardly ever traumatize blacks and only rarely shoot them.
Some right wing rag just jumped multiple sharks.
When was the last time a sitting potus turned citizens against each other in America? Why is this fucking asshole still not impeached? What the hell does it take for a fucking wingnut to decide another fucking wingnut has crossed the impeachment threshold?
All wingnuts need to be shipped back to the ME where they made such a mess of things.
mike from iowa said...
"When was the last time a sitting potus turned citizens against each other in America?"
"mike from iowa":
- ass kicked in hooters parking lot
- thinks thunderstorms are fake
- donated 200 Emeralds to the police
Mike, if you impeach trump you get a weird ass vp who can't be in the same room with a woman unless his wife is there. Out of the frying pan and into the fire.
Hi Brother StillaPanther2,
Good to see your fonts too. I drop by every now and then. Most of the time I just read the comments and leave. I like Twitter better. It doesn't take up all my time. Plus, if I don't want to deal with hostile attitudes Twitter gives me an option called a block button.
I've been contemplating starting my blog up again, but I haven't made up my mind yet.
I saw on Twitter that they're honoring "The Little Rock Arkansas Nine" and their children are on the panel. When I think about what my cousin endured in their pursuit to integrate Central High, I guess it's in our DNA to fight against racism and for justice and equality. It didn't just start with us. Our ancestors' fought the same battle and their spirit lives on in us. Like Maya Angelou’s poem says, “And yet we rise!
"The Little Rock Arkansas Nine"
Is that a baseball team?
I've never watched a "sportsball" game, whether that is football, bakkabawl or soccer.
However, the recent controversy has blown up my twitter timeline. Thanks to the twitter outrage, I now am aware of how many complete dirtbags are "players" for the NFL. The number of convicted felons, rapists, domestic abusers is absolutely jaw dropping. I am doing my small bit to make #NationalFelonLeague trend, and contacting advertisers to demand they cease advertising with the NFL. I don't support complete trash and criminals. Supporting the NFL means supporting domestic abuse and rape.
Like many, I had no idea about the tax exempt status or the myriad of other beyond screwed up entitlements. I hope the NFL dies, that the players are unemployable and college football gets destroyed too.
There is hope. Thanks to Colin K!
Nobody needs football. Sports are great entertainment, and the only thing on TV for men (thus the only way to sell beer, trucks, and Viagra), but in the end there are other things to do with your weekend.
These athletes have it better than 99.99% of people on earth. The adoration of millions of people and millions of dollars in the bank. If they hate their country and their fans, they should keep it to themselves until they retire at the ripe old age of 28 or so.
To put such an ideal existence at risk by a pathetic display of juvenile drama that is a slap in the face of everyone who believes this is a decent country is the height of arrogant stupidity.
Objectively and statistically, black people are not being unjustly targeted by police. Every year a bunch of dumbass criminals, black and white, violently resist arrest. Some of them get shot. Some times the cop makes a mistake. Generally these mistakes are punished. You can always cherry pick some cases where your armchair analysis says justice was not served. Focus on those specific cases and demand justice. Don't impugn the whole country or white people in general.
Why do white ass crackers hate America so? Protesting is as American as Motherhood. You have rights to protest. Not so for Motherhood. Fucking wingnuts are still trying to force every pregnant woman to carry a fetus to term so wingnuts can have the pleasure of not educating, not insuring that child's health or education and they could give a shit if the child has proper nutrition or even eats at all.
mike from iowa said...
"Protesting is as American as Motherhood."
It's not the act of protesting, dumbass, it's how it is being done and most importantly it's what is being protested. These athletes are demanding that black criminals be guaranteed the right to violently resist arrest without suffering any consequences.
The answer is "no".
Did you see the new building named after the ‘Hidden Figures’ hero, Katherine Johnson?
This is all part of NIGGAFICATION.
I think it's wonderful that the players are showing their support. I hope the team owners and managers continue to support them. It's nbot like you can find replacements for NFL players. They're the top of the picks.
I remember being deeply troubled by the Trayvon Martin murder. I hounded every scrap of information that I could find. But the witness that affected most deeply was a neighbor who was cooking dinner for her Auntie and I believe a child. They heard angry voices. She ran out on to her patio to see if she could determine what was going on. She heard the foot chase on the other side of the wall, the scuffle, the scream and finally the fatal shot. She was disqualified as a witness because she was a facebook friend of Martin. To me she was a very credible witness. Her testimony was sound, apparently honest and it fit perfectly with the account described in the mobile phone recording of the last call that Trayvon would ever make on this earth.
From the get-go I couldn't believe the protection that the right-wing afforded the psychotic killer George Zimmerman. An unemployed self-styled vigilante, taking some type of amphetamines. Nothing better to do than ride around looking for black men to harass. He finally sets his sights on a teenage boy and makes up a phony story about how he looks like a burglary suspect. The dispatch tells him to back off until the police arrive. (Right-wing response: A dispatcher cannot give a lawful order.) From the way the cops just sent him home the same night to the explosion of right-wing support for this killer, it was a seminal moment in our history. I understand that being pulled over for driving while black is nothing new, but with the proliferation of mobile phones and social media, increased police scrutiny, body cams, prison security cams, et cetera, it became painfully clear just how acute the problem really was. From Sandra Bland with her broken taillight and her disbelief that she was actually going to jail for it, to the suffocation death of Eric Garner by the Brooklyn police, we could all see that something was seriously wrong. But the right-wing has rallied, circled the wagons and now has fake media on the web, radio and television repeating their incessant lies.
We all knew which side Trump fell to before we elected him. Lock 'em up. Throw away the key. Kill them if the resist or even mouth off.
These athletes are demanding that black criminals be guaranteed the right to violently resist arrest without suffering any consequences.
The answer is "no". Sez who?
McCain, Collins of Maine and Murkowski of Alaska have finally stuck a fork in Drumpfcare, once and for all, I hope.
“Wouldn't you love to see one of these NFL owners, when somebody disrespects our flag, to say, 'Get that son of a b**** off the field right now, out, he's fired. He's fired,'” Mr Trump said.
This piece of shit that said this is disrespecting America and the constitution he put his grimy mitts on two bibles and swore to uphold. He has disrespected America and the office the Russians elected him into ever since he stole the election. He braks laws everyday he makes money from being the potus.
Well said, Flying Junior. Martin was murdered. Just one of hundreds that were shot for being black and unarmed.
"Did you see the new building named after the ‘Hidden Figures’ hero, Katherine Johnson?"
Johnson says, quite truthfully, that she has no idea why they are naming a building for her. She understands that her role in the space program was completely peripheral (whatever she did could be done today by a programmable pocket calculator such as a TI-83 and in minutes instead of days), but the needs of modern propaganda require her to be the retconned black female Stankhov of the space program who single handedly launched us into space.
In the movie they show her repeatedly running for miles through the rain in order to use the colored ladies bathroom in a distant building. In real life, she just used the nearest woman’s restroom – even the book upon which the movie is based, itself a work of propaganda, admits this. This being an enlightened Federal facility at the sunset of segregation and Johnson being 7/8 white anyway, no one ever said a word to her. The entire movie is filled with amazing agitprop lies like this and no one blinks an eye because it is all for a Good Cause.
Trayvon jumped the wrong little Hispanic, didn't he?
Zimmerman saved us all a lot of future trouble from that young thug.
The History Vs. Hollywood entry on Hidden Figures was good, almost all the white characters in the movie are either composites or completely made up in order to “represent the unconscious bias and prejudice of the era.”
My favorite was this – Mary Jackson’s supportive boss in real life was Polish (Catholic) -American engineer Kazimierz Czarnecki. In the movie he is renamed Karl Zielinski and made into a Polish-Jewish Holocaust survivor so he can give a speech about beating impossible odds.
Meanwhile, the Nazis who were actually responsible for the space program (the Redstone rocket was just an upgraded German V-2 from WWII) are absent from the movie.
White cops will bash a black man's head in whether he resists arrest or not.
White cops will bash a black man's head in whether he talks back or not.
Whites have been raised from the time of birth, to believe that black people are all dangerous and less than garbage and that they are to fear the "big black guy..." even if the "big black guy" is only 5ft 2in tall.
To all white people:
Until you're black, and until you've been a victim of racial profiling and police brutality, you ain't in any position to decide for blacks what brutality is and in what way blacks should protest.
In case you'v forgotten...slavery is over.
@7:01PM, do you enjoy posting with my username, then answering your own questions? You obviously missed my earlier post about Mrs. Johnson with a link of the building with her name.
You are the definition of a sick bitch!
Remember how "anti black" you are next time you're working on your sun tans.
Let's see if any of these NFL players will band together and each donate 1 million of their earnings to Kaepernick. Let's see if they'll put their money where their mouthes are.
Zimmerman saved us all a lot of future trouble from that young thug.
Poor widdle Georgie Premeditated Murderer. Picked a fight with the wrong kid and got his ass handed to him so he murders the unarmed kid and gets away with it. For now.
Zimmerclusterfuck had a longer rap sheet than Martin. But of course, whitey won't hold that against Zimmerclusterfuck. He's a hero to whitey crackers.
Hey Yisheng STFU about hidden figgers already
"In case you'v forgotten...slavery is over."
Looks like negros haven't figured that out yet.
Zimmerman was a hero.
You all know that.
Political left in 2017:
- Antifa terrorists are D-Day soldiers
- Jihad just means struggle
- Kim Jong Un is right
- Protest the national anthem
Keep up the good work, losers!
I fear criticizing NFL Superstars after hearing what they did to their own wives.
I'm just sad Aaron Hernandez never had a chance to take a knee during the national anthem. He would have loved to stick it to the police.
mike from iowa said...
Zimmerman saved us all a lot of future trouble from that young thug.
Poor widdle Georgie Premeditated Murderer. Picked a fight with the wrong kid and got his ass handed to him so he murders the unarmed kid and gets away with it. For now.
Zimmerclusterfuck had a longer rap sheet than Martin. But of course, whitey won't hold that against Zimmerclusterfuck. He's a hero to whitey crackers.
7:29 PM
All Lies. Trayvon was a street thug and paid the price.
Until you're black, and until you've been a victim of racial profiling and police brutality, you ain't in any position to decide for blacks what brutality is and in what way blacks should protest.
In case you'v forgotten...slavery is over.
7:09 PM
Obey the laws and you will be fine.......
mike from iowa said...
Well said, Flying Junior. Martin was murdered. Just one of hundreds that were shot for being black and unarmed.
7:01 PM
Trayvon had a large piece of concrete and was on Lean/purple drank when he attacked the Zimm.
Aw man, my friend's aunt was one of the Little Rock 9. How sick were people to try to prevent kids from learning because of the color of their skin?
The Yids are starting to feel the backlash from true Americans. You will see major shakeups in the negro felon league.
Trayvon had a large piece of concrete and was on Lean/purple drank when he attacked the Zimm.
And Zimmerclusterfuck was on his whitey god complex and had a gun, disobeyed the police and bagged a black teen and got away with it because he killed the only witness against him.
Then he got the shit kicked out of himself bragging about he bagged a black. And ZCF had a longer rap sheet than his innocent black victim.
And Zimmerclusterfuck was on his whitey god complex(???? he is part Hispanic too!!!) and had a gun(legally), disobeyed the police(full cooperation with investigators) and bagged a black teen and got away with it(self defense) because he killed the only witness(attacker) against him.
Trayvon was a burglar(THIEF) working with his dad and dads GF.
Chris Rock - How not to get your ass kicked by the police!Just obey the law like everyone else!!
Watch out white people,like it's been said the real white man knows,if he shakes his family tree,a negro will fall out!!!!
Negroes off Earth Now please......
THE NFL will change their tune when they feel the financial backlash. SOON.
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