That's what Donald trump told African Americans when he was trolling us for our votes in the last presidential elections.
Well, here we are nine months into his presidency, and already his question has been answered: It seems that we have quite a lot to lose with a Donald trump presidency.
Jamelle Bouie certainly things so.
"Most Americans believe active discrimination is a declining concern. They believe that despite the challenges our society currently faces, we are at least past the era of outright and explicit exclusion. The case for this belief rests on the fact that black Americans and other nonwhites have seen increased opportunities for professional advancement since the civil rights movement, as well as a growing prominence in American life. Our culture has also by now generally accepted inclusive principles. It helps, too, that this belief fits our national narrative of progress: our broad sense that, despite lingering conflicts and resentments, the present is a more just and humane place than the past and that the future shows the same promise.
But it isn’t true. Things may actually be getting worse, and not just in the casual interactions that comprise daily existence. There is hard evidence that explicit racial discrimination remains a major part of American life in the early 21st century.
Just look at the startling results of a recent meta-analysis of available research into job market discrimination that found “no change in the level of hiring discrimination against African Americans over the past 25 years.” After identifying all existing field experiments (published or unpublished) on labor market discrimination in the U.S, the researchers narrowed their field of inquiry to 24 studies containing 30 different estimates of discrimination against blacks and Latinos since 1989—a data set representing tens of thousands of applications submitted for tens of thousands of jobs. In analyzing that data, what they found was stasis. Throughout the period, whites received an average 36 percent more job callbacks than blacks, and 24 percent more than Latinos. “Contrary to widespread assumptions about the declining significance of race, the magnitude and consistency of discrimination we observe over time is a sobering counterpoint,” they conclude, while offering the caveat and possibility that discrimination diminished in the two decades prior to 1989. If true, that still leaves the United States with pervasive discrimination in hiring, a phenomenon that may explain part of the racial employment gap, which leaves black Americans with double the unemployment of white Americans, in good times and bad.
How do we square this reality of discrimination with the acceptance of racially egalitarian views among white Americans? The short answer is that there’s a disconnect. Many white Americans express opposition to the most hateful forms of racism while holding prejudiced views and facilitating racist behavior. A new Reuters-Ipsos poll, taken in the aftermath of August’s violent neo-Nazi protest in Charlottesville, Virginia, illustrates this paradox, showing both wide condemnation of white supremacists and substantial support for white nationalist slogans. Although 89 percent of respondents agreed that “all races should be treated equally”—and 70 percent agreed that “all races are equal”—35 percent of whites said that America must “protect and preserve its White European Heritage” and 47 percent agreed that “white people are currently under attack in this country.”
It’s possible this disconnect stems from the profound segregation that still shapes and defines life in the United States. Even if they live in diverse metropolitan areas, most white Americans still live in largely white neighborhoods and suburbs (some white by circumstance, others by policy, intimidation, and worse), send their children to white schools, and attend white churches. Their actual contact with nonwhites is minimal and circumscribed, an environment that can inculcate discriminatory beliefs, habits of mind, and behaviors, even as they endorse America’s egalitarian civic creed.
How do we square this reality of discrimination with the acceptance of racially egalitarian views among white Americans? The short answer is that there’s a disconnect. Many white Americans express opposition to the most hateful forms of racism while holding prejudiced views and facilitating racist behavior. A new Reuters-Ipsos poll, taken in the aftermath of August’s violent neo-Nazi protest in Charlottesville, Virginia, illustrates this paradox, showing both wide condemnation of white supremacists and substantial support for white nationalist slogans. Although 89 percent of respondents agreed that “all races should be treated equally”—and 70 percent agreed that “all races are equal”—35 percent of whites said that America must “protect and preserve its White European Heritage” and 47 percent agreed that “white people are currently under attack in this country.”
It’s possible this disconnect stems from the profound segregation that still shapes and defines life in the United States. Even if they live in diverse metropolitan areas, most white Americans still live in largely white neighborhoods and suburbs (some white by circumstance, others by policy, intimidation, and worse), send their children to white schools, and attend white churches. Their actual contact with nonwhites is minimal and circumscribed, an environment that can inculcate discriminatory beliefs, habits of mind, and behaviors, even as they endorse America’s egalitarian civic creed.
More pressing than the sociology of white racism, however, is its practical effects: a widening wealth gap between blacks and whites. Between 1983 and 2013, according to a new report from the Institute for Policy Studies, the wealth of the median black household declined 75 percent (from $6,800 to $1,700), and the median Latino household declined 50 percent (from $4,000 to $2,000). At the same time, wealth for the median white household increased 14 percent from $102,000 to $116,800. It’s an almost unbelievable contrast, and by 2020, black and Latino households are projected to lose even more wealth: 18 percent for the former, 12 percent for the latter. After those declines, the median white household will own 86 times more wealth than its black counterpart, and 68 times more wealth than its Latino one. This isn’t a wealth gap—it’s a wealth chasm.
If nothing is done, that chasm will grow larger. By 2024, “the continued rise in racial wealth inequality between median black, Latino and white households is projected to lead White households to own 99 and 75 times more wealth than their black and Latino counterparts, respectively.” Even black incomes are stagnant and declining: The median black household makes substantially less today than it did in 2000. And if the wealth gap is left unaddressed, then by 2053, median household wealth for whites will grow to $137,000, while that for blacks will hit zero.
If nothing is done, that chasm will grow larger. By 2024, “the continued rise in racial wealth inequality between median black, Latino and white households is projected to lead White households to own 99 and 75 times more wealth than their black and Latino counterparts, respectively.” Even black incomes are stagnant and declining: The median black household makes substantially less today than it did in 2000. And if the wealth gap is left unaddressed, then by 2053, median household wealth for whites will grow to $137,000, while that for blacks will hit zero.
The myth of “post-racialism” has by now largely been dispelled, in part because of movements like Black Lives Matter—as well as the rise of Donald Trump to the presidency of the United States. And there seems to be a growing awareness that “colorblindness” does more to entrench racial disadvantage than rectify it. Thankfully, there are policies that can begin to address this profound racial wealth gap. But we have yet to have any kind of discussion about it, even as we barrel toward a world where most blacks and Latinos live on the edge of immiseration. The racial wealth gap isn’t yet a national priority. It needs to be." [Source]
Unfortunately, Jamelle, we will have to wait at least four more years for that to happen.
Unfortunately, Jamelle, we will have to wait at least four more years for that to happen.
Only one solution: Black separatism.
"And there seems to be a growing awareness that “colorblindness” does more to entrench racial disadvantage than rectify it."
There's a conundrum for you Field. You want a post-racialist country, but you need racism to keep you from falling further behind.
In one year, the Dallas Cowboys have gone from wanting to wear helmet stickers for honoring slain police officers to protesting against cops.
Hey, youse clowns! Have you been reading the Murderous Black Thug News lately? This ought to make you feel... something.
Deadly Tennessee church shooting: Sudanese immigrant arrested, FBI launches civil rights investigation.
Samson, the shooter, was a body-builder. Notice that weedy-looking White kid in the glasses just below Samson's pic? He managed to get Samson to shoot himself (!!), ran to get his own gun and held Samson for police. Samson only managed to hit 7 victims, killing just one.
Compare and contrast to weedy-looking White kid Dylann Roof. Roof hit 12, killing 9 of them. Almost twice as many hits, 9 times the death toll.
The more intelligent of you might just have gotten a clue: if the weedy-looking White kids ever get the go-ahead to clear out the ghettos and make them fit for human habitation again, you are toast. The time to get out of the USA is before the balloon goes up.
Oh, and there IS a civil rights investigation being started, which would never have happened under Zero. We could see Samson get the death penalty for a hate crime. Wouldn't THAT be something?
OBTW... your so-called "8-yr-old lynching victim" turns out to be nothing resembling Black. Lying Liberal Media strikes again.
Dallas Cowboys kneeling prior to the national anthem has effectively erased the cause. Whenever Black people allow whites to come into their causes, the theme gets redirected. Now kneeling is a sign of unity for a football team. I keep telling Blacks, whites may have good intention, but bottom line, they look out for their best interest when your interest conflict with theirs. So Brothers.... get off your knees. Now this kneeling is symbolic of you begging to get in good grace with your oppressors. If you weak ask Black men would have stood (kneeled) with Brother K a year ago, you would not look like some house negroes today. Damn Jerry Jones... he gave a threat and the house boys caved. It was interesting while it was happening. Move on , the whites can enjoy football again. A Black Panther forever. 1966 till.......
Stand up to Trump, Kneel down to Trump - make up your fucking minds.
No surprise as there has been historic generational theft of wealth. How much would Black Wall Street be worth in today's numbers? How much land was stolen from folks? How can we be surprised at the results that come from 300+ years of concentrated discrimination and dehumanization? They set out to destroy us but we're still here. Now we have a bit of work to do but if we get to it it shouldn't take long.
I see Anon on my last post. StillaPanther2. Sidebar. For that African to have shot those people .... you know and I know that poor lady had to have stopped the booty calls. You don't shot a person in the back and then flip them over. Seeing that this story line is produced by the majority media, now is not the time to show the lust of ........ I don't want to besmirch this lady that was shoot, but history of killing says this was intensely personal. Even so, she did not deserve for this HOMESICK AFRICAN to off her. White supremacist, take the Black on white crime off the score board..... we will/can fputup our own scores.
A Black Panther forever said..
"I keep telling Blacks, whites may have good intention, but bottom line, they look out for their best interest when your interest conflict with theirs"
Fucking white people, with their good intentions, actually considering their own interests.
Why the fuck can't black people understand that progress is a two-way street?
PilotX said...
"No surprise as there has been historic generational theft of wealth."
Yep, several generations of white people have had trillions taken from them to fund black America.
StillaPanther2 said...
I see Anon on my last post. StillaPanther2. Sidebar. For that African to have shot those people ....
When a crazy white 20 year old shot up a black church, it was 24/7 news coverage for weeks, followed by a national campaign for the removal of confederate flags and monuments across the South.
Now a crazy black (Sudanese immigrant) shoots up a white church and the media can hardly be bothered to say a word.
What's up with that?
Anonymous bitch rambles...
Yep, several generations of white people have had trillions taken from them to fund black America.
10:44 PM
STFU you lying piece of shit. If you think you're giving away your stolen white trillions to negroes, why don't you sail your pasty, white ass back to europe, and contribute to your white economy?
"In one year, the Dallas Cowboys have gone from wanting to wear helmet stickers for honoring slain police officers to protesting against cops."
I'm not sure I would put it that way.
Colin Kaepernick's protest of police brutality was, to date, one of limited effectiveness, both because of the complexity of the issue of incompetent or racist policing, and how to fix it; and owing to many people's discomfort with involving the anthem in a protest (yes, even black people do love their country, despite everything they have been through, even if they may not love it all the time).
Trump managed to change that, with his disrespectful, authoritarian, racist statements. He insulted NFL players collectively, and suggested they shouldn't have the right to express an opinion. So now the protest is really against him, personally. And that's a cause that everyone can get behind, without any hesitation. ��
Fuck Trump. ��������������������
See? It's fun for the whole family!
I used to live in an almost entirely Latino neighborhood in Chicago, Pilsen. I went back recently. It was still largely Latino but there were a lot of white and black people there now. Chicago used to be the most segregated city in the country. The demographics of the suburb I live in now either matches the racial demographics of the country as whole, or the minority populations are higher here. Hopefully that type of integration seeps into the employment market. And it isn't just hiring. A lot of time racism effects promotions. Housing integration should be a positive influence.
Trump is a bad influence. Of all the people to pardon, he pardoned racist cop Joe Arpaio. An asshole who wouldn't even investigate abuse of immigrant children. Trump should have pardoned Julian Assange and Edward Snowden. Even Manafort and Flynn are being hunted for business ties with cold war propaganda lies as the excuse. Trump also supports cops killing people.
As I have long said, our choices for president were a racist game show host or a corrupt bloodthirsty war monger. The choice was racism or killing people overseas. We got racism. We could have continued financing ISIS against Syria and maybe been at war with Russia from shooting their planes down over a no fly zone. We could have had a president who voted to authorize the Iraq War, helped arm ISIS, oversaw the destruction of Libya, tried to overthrow Syria, and threatened Iran with obliteration.
There is a reason why Republican neo cons like John McCain, Bill Kristol, and Dick Cheney side with the Democrats now. People used to say the economy was better under Democrats but there was always a war. Not that there aren't plenty of pro war Republicans, like Little Marco, but the post Citizen United decision corporate Democrats have become even worse.
(yes, even black people do love their country, despite everything they have been through, even if they may not love it all the time).
Black people love black people. And that's it. They do not love America, nor do they wish to be part of it. Blacks broadly do not like whites, and care even less for their history and its symbols. Their dream is an America without white people. But an America without white people would just be another shit hole, run by people who owe blacks nothing and who will grind them into the dirt like they have in every other shit hole country they run.
So happy my team, the Dallas Cowboys, took a knee!!👊🏽 But I'm STILL not watching another game until Kaep gets a new team.
SAP, with all the free Internet access Black folks have, the ONLY way "the message" gets lost is if we go silent.
WE WON'T!👊🏽👊🏽👊🏽👊🏽👊🏽👊🏽👊🏽👊🏽
Limpbaugh said...
"The choice was racism or killing people overseas."
I'll take racism every time.
I don't buy that anthem protests are trivial. I thought loyalty to country was supposed to be the ONE thing we all had in common.
We don't?
Where do we go from here?
PilotX said...
"How much would Black Wall Street be worth in today's numbers?"
$7.00 and pound of hamburger meat.
PilotX said...
"They set out to destroy us but we're still here"
Destroying you would have been a fuck of a lot easier than trying to civilize you.
Trump has brought liberals to their knees.
"Mic drop" ������
2017: We're at the point where an employer can openly criticize an Army vet for standing for the National Anthem.
Wow, you mean Jerry Jones won't fire them? He was talking hella shit a few weeks ago.
"...while that for blacks will hit zero."
No it won't. The trend line may point at zero now, but in reality, it'll never actually get there. Which is sort of important, because another word for that zero is slavery.
That the trend line is pointing in that direction is instructive, as there are actual forces pushing them in the direction of slavery right now. They call themselves Republicans.
-Doug in Oakland
Anyone else care to ship all the whooteemoos to Antarctica?
Then build an electrified fence to keep their asses there!
Whoa, just saw a pic of Jerry Jones kneeling. Uh, wasn't he against kneeling? What gives?
IF I can believe this, it's the saddest statistic I've read in a long time:
"47 percent agreed that “white people are currently under attack in this country.”
Is that the percentage who watch Fox News? UNDER ATTACK?
James Bold@10:21, this might not be a good time to play the which race is more depraved, game.
Not when we have that nice family in Russia killing and eating 30 people.
My lord!!😐
The shameful truth about Trump's question "What the hell do you have to lose?", is that some black folks in this country actually agreed with him. To clarify; blacks were either forgetful enough, or desperate enough to cast their vote in his direction. Our current era seems to be unduly populated with the negro type that you define as opposite of your own; The House Negro.
Jamelle Bouie has simply drank the kool aid served up by the highly effective public relations industry in this country. I mean yes, if you turn on the television it appears that blacks have almost unlimited opportunity to entertain the masses. But cooning is all that is. Numbers rarely lie, and any sober review of data concerning labor and statistics would bring our predicament into clearer focus. Our "progress" has been painfully slow and in critical areas one can observe substantial regression. Bouie seems content to have a seat at the table whereas I want the table in its entirety. Afterall, who would be in the best position to legislate fairness; the abuser or the abused?
Unfortunately, black folks are complicit in this financial inequity as well. We allow ourselves to be played one against the other. We glorify our own ignorance and miseducation,delude ourselves into thinking its a lifestyle, and then market that ignorance as "hip hop". Truthfully, hip hop will get you out of the ghetto faster than a jump shot, but you shall return.
Malcolm used to opine that white America does not want true and full integration, only token or symbolic integration. A sort of legislation of human status. In light of current events its difficult to argue with him. However, in today's society there is more opportunity to educate oneself then there has ever been. We are more than capable of learning how to open doors of opportunity ourselves instead of waiting for someone to open them for us. And thus, better prepared to deal with what may be waiting on the other side.
Cowpokes took a knee but they still stood for the anthem.Typical weasel move by Jerry and the Boyz.
Yep, several generations of white people have had trillions taken from them to fund black America.
The vast majority of welfare goes to the top 1%. After that the vast majority of welfare goes to poor whites.
OBTW... your so-called "8-yr-old lynching victim" turns out to be nothing resembling Black. Lying Liberal Media strikes again.
Baldingo resembles nothing like a human being, but some give him the benefit of the doubt. Not me.
OBTW Baldingo-the eight year lynching victim was and always has been listed as bi-racial. Get over yerself,pud.
Limpaw sez- As I have long said, our choices for president were a racist game show host or a corrupt bloodthirsty war monger. You are talking abuut the same person- Drumpfuck.
The alternative was the most experienced, best prepared candidate for Potus ever seen.
He who controls the negroe controls the crime:
mike from iowa said...
The vast majority of welfare goes to the top 1%
You mean "Jews".
How would you describe the congregation?
The congregation is small and multi-ethnic, said Scott Sager, the Vice President of Church Relations at Lipscomb University. Many of its members are older,
White church my ass. Fucking liars. All the right wing lying media pointed out it was a white church.
Limpbaugh is still doing mental gymnastics to convince himself Donald Trump is a pacifist, even as Trump incites a nuclear war with North Korea.
The level of delusion is way off the scale with this clown.
"White church my ass. Fucking liars. All the right wing lying media pointed out it was a white church."
It's a 90% white church that accepts all-comers.
All of the seven people who were shot were white.
What kind of white person goes through such an effort to twist the facts of a black on white mass shooting?
How fucking twisted are you?
Well, yes and no. There is still inequality in our schools and it's another tale of the halves and have nots. As an example if you have the resources or are lucky your kid can get into a good school if not they end up in a bad neighborhood school. So why aren't all schools good? Why are wealthy suburban schools good? We still have a way to go to get full equality but it is possible.
PilotX said...
Well, yes and no. There is still inequality in our schools and it's another tale of the halves and have nots. As an example if you have the resources or are lucky your kid can get into a good school if not they end up in a bad neighborhood school. So why aren't all schools good?
Because all students aren't good.
"Bad neighborhood school" is a euphemism for a majority black or Hispanic school.
Inner city schools have some of the highest per-pupil spending.
These schools are terrible because many of the students are terrible.
Handy flow chart for determining whether or not something a white person does is racist:
Blogger field negro said...
Cowpokes took a knee but they still stood for the anthem.Typical weasel move by Jerry and the Boyz.
Jones also specifically spoke in equality, which while not as much as it could have been, was more than I've seen any other owner say.
"spoke in equality"
If everyone was treated equally in this country, you wouldn't have spent the last 40 years in college.
Hey Doc, you see the G'town staff take a knee ahead of Jeff Sessions' visit? Noice!
All this knee-taking is red-pilling millions of more Americans about their cultural institutions.
Now the Left has taken football away.
Lines are being drawn sharp and clear.
Soon everyone will know which side they are on.
It's a 90% white church that accepts all-comers.
So it isn't all white. How twisted are you?
You mean "Jews".
Koch bros ain't jews. Drumpfuck ain't. Buffet and Gates prolly aren't.
Excellent article by Nancy Armour. Really good read.
"Now the Left has taken football away."
Calm down man, flooseball ain't going nowhere. Trust me, turn on the tv any day this week if you don't believe me. If you really have a jones get the NFL package the guy from It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia is hawking.
The author and journalist Naomi Klein has likened Donald Trump to a “fatberg,” a congealed lump of fat and sanitary products that causes dangerous blockages in sewers.
“He is a merger of all that is noxious in the culture, in the economy, and in the body politic, all kind of glommed together in a self-adhesive mass. And we’re finding it very, very hard to dislodge.”
"Calm down man, flooseball ain't going nowhere."
Is for me.
I just cancelled NFL Network and Red Zone. I will definitely miss it, but I'm saving money and will spend at least some of my Sundays working on my house. Gotta escape all this crazy politics somehow.
"The author and journalist Naomi Klein"
(((Naomi Klein)))
PilotX said...
Hey Doc, you see the G'town staff take a knee ahead of Jeff Sessions' visit? Noice!
No PX I missed that, but I can say that I've never been more proud to be a Georgetown Alum as I've been this year!!
Hoya Saxa Baby!!!!!
The military has long used spectator sports to target mostly young white men for recruitment. This is coupled with a strong emphasis on patriotism in such as truck commercials--appealing to the fathers of those same young men. After 9/11 and through the second Iraq invasion this grew in intensity and became just one more reason, for me, to tune out. There is an obvious affinity between the military the violent sport of the NFL, which is probably second only to NASCAR in its patriotic effusions.
People have cited this in defense of the anthem protests, and if the anthem protests had anything to do with the anthem that would mean something. But that doesn't mean it's right. The militarization of sports hardly went unnoticed or unremarked upon, but it hasn't been much opposed.
In 2013, a roaring crowd cheered as the Atlanta Falcons welcomed 80 National Guard members who unfurled an American flag across the Georgia Dome’s turf. Little did those fans—or millions of other Americans—know that the National Guard had actually paid the Atlanta Falcons for this display of patriotism as part of a $315,000 marketing contract.
The remunerative militaristic patriotism of the NFL is perfectly consistent with its more genuine multicultural patriotism. Our wars have served an internationalist agenda at the expense of national interest since the first Iraq invasion. It's been especially gruesome watching this for the past decade, as that group to which globalism is overtly hostile--young white Southern Christian men--are the ones mostly being fed into its grinder.
It's in those godawful commercial breaks, combining the multicultural and feminist cheerleading with crude patriotic kitsch, that you see the contradiction. Do people see it?
But the point right now is this: that anthem might represent what the players hate--white America--but it's been used, for a long time now, as part of the disingenuous military recruitment of whites that is "paid patriotism", to advance a worldview and agenda that has been very, very good to them.
Of course, if you can't see the net benefit of being born in America versus being born in, say, West Africa, then you're never going to catch on to something as relatively nuanced as that.
"I just cancelled NFL Network and Red Zone. I will definitely miss it, but I'm saving money and will spend at least some of my Sundays working on my house. Gotta escape all this crazy politics somehow."
Agreed, the nfl boycott has freed up my Sundays and seeing how horrible da Bears are this year I'm not missing anything.
Well I guess it's safe to say republicans are doing too well. Obamacare is still the law of the land. If they would grow up and just fix Obamacare things could move along a lot smoother.
Senate wingnuts just verified, O-Care vote aborted because they can't muster enough votes. Too bad, so sad. Brutus is going after Caesar McCTurtle with a sharp blade.
You also miss the nuance of being born in America is not necessarily a golden ticket. That is a worldview that is not lost on the rest of the world. I know well off people in Senegal, Nigeria and Liberia that live much better than some here in W. Virginia, Missouri and Mississippi. American arrogance maybe? I would recommend traveling a bit.
"I know well off people in Senegal, Nigeria and Liberia that live much better than some here in W. Virginia, Missouri and Mississippi."
Come on, man. The quote was " if you can't see the net benefit of being born in America versus being born in, say, West Africa,"
Net benefit.
What real point is there in comparing the top 0.01% of one society to the bottom 10% of another?
You couldn't find 40 million Africans anywhere else in the world that have a fraction of what the 40 million Africans in America do.
So NASCAR isn't as far up Fergus' ass as he would have you believe:
"But Earnhardt -- hands down the most popular NASCAR driver of the last 10 years -- sees things differently ... and weighed in Monday morning with a quote from John F. Kennedy.
"All Americans R granted rights 2 peaceful protests," Dale Jr. tweeted.
"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable""
-Doug in Oakland
"Net benefit."
That's from your point of view and your values. I have known Africans who immigrated here and still liked Africa better. You can't measure everything with dollars.
-Doug in Oakland
They miss the flies. And you can't get albino meat in the supermarkets here.
And the slaves. If you're doing alright over in Africa, you can get yourself some slaves. It's hard coming here and then having to do without.
RE: Anonymous @10:28 PM... EXCELLENT POINT!
Dallas Cowboys kneeling prior to the national anthem has effectively erased the cause. Whenever Black people allow whites to come into their causes, the theme gets redirected. Now kneeling is a sign of unity for a football team. I keep telling Blacks, whites may have good intention, but bottom line, they look out for their best interest when your interest conflict with theirs. So Brothers.... get off your knees. Now this kneeling is symbolic of you begging to get in good grace with your oppressors. If you weak ask Black men would have stood (kneeled) with Brother K a year ago, you would not look like some house negroes today. Damn Jerry Jones... he gave a threat and the house boys caved. It was interesting while it was happening. Move on , the whites can enjoy football again. A Black Panther forever. 1966 till.......
Fucking wingnuts-bend the rules to cheat the game and lose anyway and parse the blame.
Drumpfucker hates McCTurtle fucker. Such a happy big tent party. They spot themselves the c,a, and t and still can't spell cat. How fucking incompetent does a party that controls all aspects of the government have to be to fail to get anything done in 9 months time?
What a bunch of dumb ass maroons.
- Been offline for nearly a week due to computer crash, arrgh. SO before reading all of the comments, I'll start here:
"Most Americans believe active discrimination is a declining concern."
- I thought something something similar while watching last night's episodes of "The Viet Nam War" which, in part, highlighted the police response to various anti-war protests. Even on-violent protests were met with an orgy of brutality. I don't just know that from seeing the films; the films merely forced me to face some buried memories. Including the fact that a great many, and probably most, "real" 'Murikunz cheered while watching unarmed, even surrendering, young men and young women being beaten by Beserkers, though they were police rather than Viking raiders.
- Oh yeah, people cheered, you better believe it - Hooray, yeah, oooooh, hahaha, look at those gawddam turds get their effing skulls broken, yeah!, now THAT'S what TV was *made* for!
- What I thought of, seeing the film, was that the old cliche *really IS* true, that "the more things change, the more they stay the same". It's true regarding both warmongering and discrimination.
- For a while, you see, some of those fractured skulls and broken bones did, in fact, pay for us *all* to step onto a path which truly pursued those ideals of "liberty and justice FOR ALL".
- The problem was that most people don't actually *want* fairness; what most people want is to be treated more favorably than other people. One learns that almost immediately when one is given even the most minor sort of management duties to perform. That is a rule of life based upon the even more-basic fact that most people look out for themselves first. It's human instinct to do so.
- The problem is that humans delude themselves into believing that they are *not* creatures of instinct. Psychologically, most insist upon believing that they are better than they actually are. The corollary to that is the belief in "deserving" to therefore be treated better than are others.
- That's why so many people cannot abide compromise, even when it's wit those whom they claim to love. When it comes to strangers - well, just look around...
- ANYWAY, point is, we got off of that "pathway towards ideals" REAL fast. And we've been running backwards towards the 1950s ((or maybe the 1850s...?)) ever since.
- "Most Americans believe active discrimination is a declining concern."
Well, yes, because most are running backwards, so what they see is the thing they're *backing away* from. And yet, it appears to be getting *larger*, only because their own fear and hatred falsely inflates their perception of it.
- We see that illustrated all too clearly in some of the comments here. Oh yes, my poor aggrieved and ever-so-oppressed fellow Caucasians, for whom even one crime committed by a non-Caucasian against a Caucasian is ever so very much worse than *ANY* 100 crimes committed by Caucasians against "those people". Just as one crime committed by a fascistocommie lih-brool is ever so very much worse than any 100 crimes committed by any right-winger.
- Of course such people believe that there is no real discrimination - if they admit there *is* real discrimination, you see, they'd have to face the fact that most of their victimization only exists in their own minds, along with their claims of self-defense.
- What I wonder is, Why in bloody hell does the majority of the population ENABLE their paranoid delusions, and allow the election of sociopathic schemers who are only too happy to use fearmongering to whip everyone into a false frenzy...?
- Anonymous Citizenist said...
"I don't buy that anthem protests are trivial. I thought loyalty to country was supposed to be the ONE thing we all had in common.
We don't?"
- It depends, as do all things, upon how these things are defined. Authoritarians (regardless of whether they are right-wing or left-wing authoritarians) insist upon imposing upon everyone the most simplistic bumper-sticker quips possible, terse phrases which can be barked out quickly and mean essentially nothing.
How many times must a person pledge allegiance before he is immune from ever non-swearing allegiance?
Wingnuts love to wrap themselves in the American flag and claim patriotism and then you find so many didn't bother to serve. If ever there is a right time to burn the flag it would be when whitey was wrapped up in it tight.
Drumpfuck swore his oath of office on two bibles and has yet to keep that oath. He doesn't know jackshit about the constitution he swore to defend.
"How fucking incompetent does a party that controls all aspects of the government have to be to fail to get anything done in 9 months time?"
In the case of Obamacare, it's not that the GOP are incompatent; it's that they're liars.
They have been saying for years now, back when it would hurt Obama, that his healthcare law was a terrible law, and they would come up with something better.
Well, they have nothing better. Anything they pass that is "more conservative" than Obamacare is going to be garbage and will screw over many of their own voters. And they know this, so there's no real way for them to win at this point. No matter what they do, they're going to take a beating at the ballot box.
That's what happens when you lie all the time. Eventually, you get caught in the lie and you're left standing there like an idiot with your dick in your hand, trying to pretend you didn't make those promises you never meant to keep.
- The current crop of GOPpers cannot come up with anything "better" than the ACA, because anything and everything they would come up with would only serve the most greed-obsessed and sociopathic "executives" running the insurance companies.
- Naturally, they bark and bray and howl that anyone who doesn't kneel before the graven image of their true god, the god of "maximum possible short-term profit regardless of any and all long-term costs", is a SOH-shool-ist, but that's BS. As with all things, there are degrees, and there is a vast difference between reasonable *ethical* profit, and rapacious scorched-earth profit.
- I've watched the "de-evolution" of the GOP for a few decades, as the Republican "thinkers" and "moderates" and "sane conservatives" passively turned a blind eye to the extremists, to the psychotically-greedy, to the hatemongers, to the very UN-Christian Dominionists and preachers of the bogus "prosperity gospel", who were deliberately being allowed to take over the party.
- If they could get away with it, well, yes, the right-wingers in Congress would indeed hand everything over to the corporatists. The one thing that might give them pause, IF they have more sense than G-d gave a rutabaga, is their own fear that "the unwashed masses" just might actually boil over if the lying self-aggrandizing greed-worshippers keep turning the heat up under the proverbial pot.
"If you think you're giving away your stolen white trillions to negroes, why don't you sail your pasty, white ass back to europe, and contribute to your white economy?"
Certain (((people))) are filling up Europe with worthless Africoons too, and it's literally illegal to complain about it.
"Anyone else care to ship all the whooteemoos to Antarctica?"
Just who do you expect to build the ships? Africoon Bantus like you, who claim to have had an advanced civilization but had neither writing nor any kind of sailing boat before being discovered by Arabs, Chinese and Europeans (in that order)?
"Then build an electrified fence to keep their asses there!"
You forget who you need to keep the electricity on. It's not staying on in Zimbabwe (regardless of what the HNIC says), because they kicked out all the White people who know how to do that.
But thanks for telling us how you feel. When we put electric fences around you to keep your stupid robbing thieving raping murdering asses out of our sight and our business, we'll do it without one shred of remorse. You can go eat rats; we'll be fine with that.
"this might not be a good time to play the which race is more depraved, game."
Don't worry, when you have a whole country where rape, murder and boiling children to death is commonplace, you take the gold hands down.
"Not when we have that nice family in Russia killing and eating 30 people."
I'll see your 30 and raise you 70,000.
"Bouie seems content to have a seat at the table whereas I want the table in its entirety."
GIBSMEDAT! If you were worth squat, you'd make your own table.
"Afterall, who would be in the best position to legislate fairness; the abuser or the abused?"
You don't want fairness. You want revenge for every feeling of inferiority you've ever had.
"There is still inequality in our schools and it's another tale of the halves and have nots."
That's "the cans and the cannots".
"So why aren't all schools good? Why are wealthy suburban schools good?"
Because good schools require smart kids who behave themselves and want to learn. Take the same "good" school building and fill it with dumb Black kids who dance on their desks and think studying is "acting White", and it instantly becomes a bad school.
Look at the $2 billion KCMO experiment. Look at Shaker Heights, OH. It's you.
"Oh yes, my poor aggrieved and ever-so-oppressed fellow Caucasians"
Found the Jew. "Hello, fellow White people!" said no real White person, ever.
"for whom even one crime committed by a non-Caucasian against a Caucasian is ever so very much worse than *ANY* 100 crimes committed by Caucasians against "those people"."
After that previous tell, it is no surprise to find this projection of the psychopathic Jewish attitude toward goyim onto Whites. Whites don't want to even have to think about White-on-minority crime in the USA, and wouldn't have to if the minorities were in their OWN countries where they belong. They wouldn't have to worry about inter-racial crime of ANY kind. And since you say you're so damn oppressed all the time, people are getting ready to send you there just so as not to have to listen to your whining.
- Oh. Now I'm a "Jew". ((I guess our supposed Resident Genius believes that is exactly synonymous with "Northern European"...)) My Hitler-loving mother would be spinning in her grave at that one, if her ashes weren't spread underneath a Japanese Maple.
- It's sad to see someone who is so consumed by his own hatred that he can't even decide which slur to fling at anyone who dares to say something he dislikes.
- Yes, another poor, ever-so-aggrieved supposedly-pureblood "white" who is sooooooo oppressed by those who refuse to proclaim him "superior", while braying and howling about "everyone else" who complains about being oppressed, when everyone should know that the *truly* oppressed one is him.
- And the fungus-ridden cherry on top of this sour milk shake is that he seems to believe that his schoolyard-level taunts are going to crush the objects of his hatred so horribly that they/we will all shrivel up and die from the lack of his divine approval, as if nobody cab *possibly* manage to live without it.
((He also seems unable to recognize the ironic use of florid theatrical speech.))
- Yes, and despite our supposed impotence, each one of the rest of us is *personally* responsible for every frustration, every failure, every stubbed toe, that poor poor pitiful James Mold has suffered in the course of his life in chains, because it's all our fault for not realizing that his stubbed pinky-toe is a far greater tragedy than ANYTHING anyone else might go through.
- I feel pity for people like that, the same sort of pity I feel towards a squashed rodent along the highway.
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