The answer he got from a fellow twitter user was classic.
"When a 64 year old white man kills 58 and wounds 500 in fifteen minutes from 1200 feet with a knife, I will absolutely call for knife control. Until then, you've made the world's shittiest point."
Obviously I agree with the latter point. Guns are inherently dangerous and should be regulated. And, for the record, cars and trucks are seriously regulated. It is illegal to drive without a driver's license, and you certainly can't put a vehicle on the road unless it is insured.
I am kind of tired of the NRA talking points when it comes to guns. There is no slippery slope when folks just want to implement common sense gun laws. I suspect that most people in this country feel the way that I do, but unfortunately they were not bought and paid for by the NRA and sent to Washington to pass laws.
At some point the NRA should just say that, We won. Because, quite, frankly, they did. There are 88.8 guns to every one hundred Americans and that number is growing. That is a lot of guns.
We have more guns per capita than any other country on earth. Not surprisingly, we have more gun crimes and mass casualty events than any other developed country as well.
Here is the problem in a nutshell:
"Opponents of gun control feared new restrictions after the killing of 20 six- and seven-year-olds at Sandy Hook elementary school in December 2012. The national outrage was intense, and legislators who previously were not interested in gun control measures suddenly were.
Two senators, Democrat Joe Manchin and Republican Pat Toomey, sponsored a bill that would have imposed universal background checks for commercial gun purchases, including at gun shows and over the internet. Eighty-four percent of Americans favor such a law.
But after participating in initial negotiations over the bill, the National Rifle Association came out in strong opposition and falsely claimed the bill would lead to a national gun registry. Four Democrats defected, not enough Republicans came onboard and the legislation went down. “The gun lobby and its allies willfully lied about the bill,” Obama said in a furious Rose Garden speech. "
We will have this debate for a few more days while the tragic deaths of those in Vegas are fresh in our minds, but as is always the case, this too shall pass.
So. You have a problem with the 2nd Amendment, field?
FINE. Now, show your balls.
Should the 2nd Amendment be abolished?
If not...tell us all how it should be "amended".
You won't, because you don't know, or are too chicken-crap to do so.
Takes a lot of balls to criticize, but can't back it up.
Americans have the right to bear arms enshrined in our Constitution. The purpose being to provide a check against the possibility of those in control of the government imposing whatever brand of tyranny they represent.
The fact that we have the second amendment has allowed to keep all of the other amendments, including the first.
Countries that have no right to bear arms, such as most European countries, also have no right to free speech. In Europe, you can go to jail for a Facebook post or for having the wrong opinion.
I will gladly accept the risk associated with bad people having access to guns if that means bad people are limited in how they can use government power.
There is only one way to effect the kind of gun control liberals want, and that would be to repeal the second amendment.
Good luck with that.
Why are shitlibs calling for gun control when they think the President is controlled by the Russians?
They should be calling for the arming of the entire citizenry.
Field negroe: "I suspect that most people in this country feel the way that I do"
They do not. You are talking out your ass again.
They should be calling for the arming of the entire citizenry.
10:42 PM
BINGO!! Time to go on the offensive and take the country back from the nanny state cry babies.
The LV shooter passed all the background checks. So what is your point???
"The most foolish mistake we could possibly make would be to allow the subject races to possess arms. History shows that all conquerors who have allowed their subject races to carry arms have prepared their own downfall by so doing."
- Adolf Hitler
German Weapons Law
On November 11, 1938, the Minister of the Interior, Wilhelm Frick, passed Regulations Against Jews' Possession of Weapons. This regulation effectively deprived all Jews of the right to possess firearms or other weapons.
Pssssst....Hey Shhhhh...Follow the money trail.
The shooter carries around his girlfriend's identification.
The shooter wires $100,000 to the Philippines (where his girlfriend is from).
Even a third grader knows that the FEDS should be looking for his girlfriend ASAP!
My guess is they'll never find her and if they do...they'll never get her to return to the US.
Question: Do you think these "home grown terrorists" were paid by Al Quaeda?
While America implodes from within with "home grown terrorists," "Neo Nazis," "KKK" and other haters of black, brown, and beige people....which one of the 3 countries are you placing your bets on to take over these "Un-United States?"
a) Russia
b) North Korea
c) China
d) Al-Qaeda
d) All of the above
Question: Do you think these "home grown terrorists" were paid by Al Quaeda?
10:59 PM
No, because they would have real weapons and more training. Domestically radicalized jihadis are cheap because they provide everything on their own nickel.
Sad fact is that Chicago does this every month.
FN: "I suspect that most people in this country feel the way that I do"
and a strong sense of entitlement and grandiose.
The fact that this shooter chose this particular demographic on which to perpetrate this abominable crime tells you all you need to know about "motive".
On the bright side, in another couple years we'll be at the point where shooting up a country music festival results in reprisal massacres at Burning Man and Bonnaroo.
The time for reckoning is upon us.
It will take another 100 years, of death, protests, uprisings, reasoning, begging, urging, and convincing to get these "MO FO's" to enact some sensible gun legislation laws.
Like everything else, it takes decades to change an ignorant mindset.
This country still has a long way to go.
When you look back to the early 70's during the Vietnam war, the ignorant mindset of some Americans led them to blame the veterans for the war. Veterans were literally spit upon when they returned home. It took years for the ignorant to realize that the veterans were not to blame for the Vietnam war...they were soldiers that went where America sent them to fight.
It wasn't until years later that this country matured enough to realize that Vietnam Veterans deserved respect like all other soldiers.
So it will take decades for our country to wake up to the fact that there needs to be some sensible gun legislation...Unfortunately, there will be thousands more deaths before this happens.
"Like everything else, it takes decades to change an ignorant mindset."
No, what it takes is a bullet to the head.
Yours or mine, bitch.
You will not disarm us without a fight.
Just for reference:
Amendment II
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
Since the "well-regulated militia" was given prominence by the framers, yet is now ignored as though it doesn't exist, here is the entirety of what the what the Body of the Constitution cites regarding the militia:
Article I, Section 8 (The Powers of Congress),
15: To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions;
16: To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining, the Militia, and for governing such Part of them as may be employed in the Service of the United States, reserving to the States respectively, the Appointment of the Officers, and the Authority of training the Militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress;
18: To make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers, and all other Powers vested by this Constitution in the Government of the United States, or in any Department or Officer thereof.
Article II, Section 1
1: The President shall be Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, and of the Militia of the several States, when called into the actual Service of the United States...
That's all of it.
Guns are a pathogen in our society, but prohibition doesn't work.
So if we ever want there to be fewer citizens slaughtered by them, we have to tackle harder issues than "thou shalt not".
Also, there is no reliable defense against the enterprising psycho.
So we must accept a certain amount of risk that comes with our freedom, but having said that, if we can't even talk to one another about it in good faith, we aren't really adults.
-Doug in Oakland
"So if we ever want there to be fewer citizens slaughtered by them, we have to tackle harder issues than "thou shalt not"."
What does that mean in a post-Christian world?
"So we must accept a certain amount of risk that comes with our freedom, but having said that, if we can't even talk to one another about it in good faith, we aren't really adults."
You are right, a certain amount of anarchy is the price of liberty. That's pretty much the end of the discussion. As we transition into a less homogeneous society, the smart thing to do is to arm up. A society where everyone is packing fosters politeness.
I used to think gun control was the answer. My research told me otherwise.
There is speculation that the type of guns Paddock had were outlawed in 1986. There would still be some around from before then and maybe there are special permits for things like shooting wolves in large orchards from helicopters. Maybe they modified or were stolen from the military. Paddock was a millionaire. He could get them one way or another. I'm for sensible regulations like Field mentioned, closing the gun show loopholes and such. But Las Vegas could end up being an example of the NRA cliche, criminalize guns and only criminals will have guns.
There are other possibilities, but maybe Paddock was an ISIS follower. A white supremacist wouldn't attack a country music concert. Or a headbanger rock concert for that matter. I like some music from all genres, but the music having a sense of humor about itself is more important in those two genres than in any others. One of my favorite songs is I Can't Stop Loving You. It is a Don Gibson country song and I consider Ray Charles' version country music. It is serious, but it does have a bit of a drunken sing along anthem feel to it.
Even the majority of NRA members favor more stringent background checks. Australia took care of this problem after a mass shooting and hasn't had one since. Ban assault weapons and high capacity magazines. If you need more than a handgun to protect yourself and family something is wrong.
Since you seem to be so knowledgeable on the subject, PilotX, just what is a "gun show loophole"?
I see that term used ad nausea....what IS the loophole?
BTW....don't you live in Chicago? (mebbe I'm wrong)
It's my understanding Chicago has some of the, if not THE most strict gun laws in the US.
Where are all the guns coming from in Chicago? Loopholes?
Where are all the guns coming from in Chicago? Loopholes?
5:38 AM
Niggers robbing/burglarizing and the one not talked about......nigger police officers(gang ties) supplying them.
PilotX said...
Even the majority of NRA members favor more stringent background checks.
Not true....FALSE NEWS.
Background checks are ALREADY in place.The LV shooter passed all legal hurdles.he had a totally clean record.
That's all of it.
12:09 AM
What about the 1903 National Guard ACt that further defines NG, Organized and Un-Organized Militia.
The Alt-Left is doubling down on lies and extreme lunacy........keep it up it cost you the elections last time!!!!!!
We need legislation immediately to be able to carry long guns openly in public for self defense!!!
Charley Pierce over at Esquire got so exercised about this that he wrote 3 related articles on gun control, including some LBJ history. Nobody more eloquent than Pierce.
Since you seem to be so knowledgeable on the subject, PilotX, just what is a "gun show loophole"?
Hey,it's the no serving pussy who seems to still be unable to use the search function on his computer. What a maroon.
But but but Chicago.
What branch of the military did that dumb guy Lt. Commander whatever serve? It would be pretty bitchish if that guy simply uses a military title but didn't actually serve. I think that's more disrespectful to the military than silently kneeling during the national anthem.
@ 5:38 - Sixty percent come from outside of the state. Illinois, Mississippi and Wisconsin are the most common points of origin
My family on my mother's side are ranchers in Oregon and father's side are/were mostly farmers in Texas and Louisiana.
Personally, I have no problem with citizens owning guns.
I'd like to see a one time, low cost class that ensures that owners know the current laws and that they are able to properly handle any gun they own - kind of like getting a driver's license.
Queenie, at least I stick with my user name...you hide behind all sorts. It doesn't work. Your ghetto trash language betrays you. I want YOU to explain "loopholes" to me....not some Google crap. YOU.
uglyblackjohn @1138...I'm pretty sure Chicago is in the state of Illinois. Did you mean another state? I would have thought Texas or Florida...?
The idea about a class in school that teaches about gun ownership, I think that's OK. I learned a lot about it in the Boy Scouts. (at least it WAS the Boy Scouts, until the leftists raped it). I'm afraid the leftists who run the Public Education system would do the same, and use it as a platform to further their views on firearms.
But, thank you for your response.
BTW, Queenie...I actually did do a search about "loopholes"
Read it:
Tell me where the lies are.
"Cops are White Supremacists... RESIST!"
"Only the GOVERNMENT should have guns!!!!"
The mark and mack show? Really? I know you are very stupid but damn this is a new level for even you. And your defense for using a fake military title is weak just like you. Too much of a pussy to serve. Now go back to your Mississippi trailer park and let your uncle/daddy molest you like always and let the grown ups talk.
The time has come to EXPAND gun rights not restrict them!!
"Everyone should carry an assault rifle"
"Colin Karpernick is more dangerous than an active shooter"
"We don't need any government"
"Why even try to prevent mass shootings because that will lead to the deep state taking over and putting us into FRMA camps"
"My gun will prevent the government from taking over, wait you mean the military is part of the government?"
If we all carry small thermonuclear devices then we would all be safer.
2nd amendment morons are full of NRA and right wing stoopid shit. There are limits on gun ownership. None other than smothered Scalia hizownself said so.
This country needs less guns and more people willing to speak the truth. If every concert goer had been armed they couldn't have stopped the Vegas shooter and anyone who claims th be hero enough to have done that is simply and fatally deluded.
There were numerous people with guns that didn't want to take a chance to be shot by nervous cops attempting to defend themselves. The NRA and fucking wingnuts should be labeled hate groups and hypocrites because they are.
When the bullets start flying yer way, you'll shit yer britches like most civilians would do. Then you die without a whimper except screaming for mommy.
I'd like to see a one time, low cost class that ensures that owners know the current laws and that they are able to properly handle any gun they own - kind of like getting a driver's license.
11:38 AM
The problem is that its a right and not a privilege.
Yes training and education is key to anything,but its the left and democrats that block programs like the NRAs Eddie Eagle program to teach gun safety.
The gun industry promotes gun safety but liberals and alt-left don't want this.
Its really the fault of the DNC and liberals that some die in gun related events that could have been reduced.
"The NRA and fucking wingnuts should be labeled hate groups and hypocrites because they are."
Fake News and completely false. Please take a crayon break and wear your pink pussy hat.
Anonymous said...
If we all carry small thermonuclear devices then we would all be safer.
12:43 PM
Please explain in detail your statement.
"My gun will prevent the government from taking over, wait you mean the military is part of the government?"
12:43 PM
Who makes up the military.....THE PEOPLE!!
Federally licensed firearms dealers can claim the guns they sell are their "private" collection and they can be sold without any background checks.
Do not believe a word any one associated with the NRA claims is true.
The gun show loophole is real and deadly.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Pssssst....Hey Shhhhh...Follow the money trail.
The shooter carries around his girlfriend's identification.
The shooter wires $100,000 to the Philippines (where his girlfriend is from).
She was located and interviewed immediately. She wasn't hiding or carrying on any terrorist activities.
Queenie said:
Only pussies pretend to be military officers said...
The mark and mack show? Really? I know you are very stupid but damn this is a new level for even you. And your defense for using a fake military title is weak just like you. Too much of a pussy to serve. Now go back to your Mississippi trailer park and let your uncle/daddy molest you like always and let the grown ups talk.
12:40 PM
The only reason I posted that, is because you intimated I couldn't use a search option.
I notice...you couldn't find any errors in that post.
But. Your insults are the same, as always. Not like I haven't heard this crap before, and am sure I will again.
Commandeered Queenie- show me the actual quote in the constitution that sez your stoopid shit fer brains right to sling lead where ever trumps my rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness?
You are not part of a well regulated militia-as defined by colonial standards back in the 1700's.
and according to dead Scalia the constitution is not a living document to be changed to say whatever someone wants it to say.
Obama and the magnificent Dems got common sense law passed that said people with mental deficiencies had records that could be surveyed by FBI as a form of background check. Pretty common sensical. Drumpfuck and wingnuts trashed that rule so now even wingnuts are allowed to buy guns without background checks into their lack of mental stability.
Blogger mike from iowa said...
Federally licensed firearms dealers can claim the guns they sell are their "private" collection and they can be sold without any background checks.
Do not believe a word any one associated with the NRA claims is true.
The gun show loophole is real and deadly.
12:55 PM
Mike, I read your words:
"Federally licensed firearms dealers can claim the guns they sell are their "private" collection and they can be sold without any background checks."
Now. How many of these Federal Dealers are doing this? What's the penalty for selling a gun to a convicted felon?
Damn. Is that where Jarsquandrich is getting his guns?
The only reason I posted that, is because you intimated I couldn't use a search option.
Well dummy from the stupid questions that are easily answered one can only logically conclude you are too dumb to do a search but hey you proved me wrong. You are still a no serving pussy. Well maybe if a service needs an internet searcher who is a pussy you are the man.
"Federally licensed firearms dealers can claim the guns they sell are their "private" collection and they can be sold without any background checks."
NO, that is violation of law, hence a crime. FFLs cannot do what you claim legally.
LOL...what service have you provided? Except for the balls on the chin, I mean.
Who knows WTF you are. Claiming all sorts of degrees, but, you never seem to work! Posting all the damn time!
You make me want to puke.
Go to Golden Corral....the fat shuffling line at the buffet is waiting for you.
Drumpfuck and wingnuts trashed that rule so now even wingnuts are allowed to buy guns without background checks into their lack of mental stability.
1:09 PM
That is total bullshit. When you buy a gun from an FFL you go thru a background check that accesses metal health data bases. if you were COMMITTED to a mental health institution you will denied at the point of purchase.
You are not part of a well regulated militia-as defined by colonial standards back in the 1700's.
1:03 PM
Actually you are and please read the 1903 National Guard Act. You are quite incorrect again.
Please join the NRA today!!
"Do not believe a word any one associated with the NRA claims is true."
Why is that, please explain in detail please.
The Second Amendment was adopted on December 15, 1791. It reads:
"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."
Ya see...that was my whole point about the "loophole" thing.
You libtards don't seem to get it.
You, personally, throw "loophole" around and around.
But, you damn sure can't explain why.
If you buy a gun illegally, it's more likely a "ghetto buy" than it is a a "gun show".
Commandeered Queenie- you are so far wrong it don't need auguring.
The number one reason I hate shit eating, right wing fucking nutjobs is brought to you by stoopid fucking Fake Noize POS who claims Dems are making up stats about Vegas shooting to push their agenda.
It is my humblest hope some shooting victim's relative goes after everyone at Fake Noize with a dull knife and some 'no-salve' and separates these ignorant mother fuckers from their abilities to pass on genetics.
The loophole comes from media reports where reporters went to gun shows and bought guns without background checks, on camera, after telling the seller "Do I have to get a background check? Because I don't think I could pass one."
And of course firearms sellers are going to say they always run background checks, they can go to jail if they don't say that.
Still, as I have said over and over, whatever laws you want to pass, and given the cash, I could still get you whatever firearm you want within a day.
If we want to regulate firearms, say like we regulate driving or flying, we have to come up with regulations that actually work, because, again, prohibition doesn't work.
That is reality. Unfortunately, congress and the gun lobby have made it illegal to save the sort of data that could be used to figure out what works, policy-wise.
Like I said, if we can't even talk about guns in good faith, we aren't even adults, and if not, we're just buggered.
-Doug in Oakland
Anymoose @ 12:47 Eddie the Eagle has never been blocked.
Forbes calls bullshit on wingnuts and Forbes is no shrinking Liberal or liberal outlet.
Actually you are and please read the 1903 National Guard Act. You are quite incorrect again.
Keerist, I have to educate all you fucking morons? The 1903 act does not trump the constitution in any way, shape or form. It matters not how you whine and protest, the constitution is the SUPREME LAW of the land.
You are not part of any militia as set out by the 2nd Amendment in all its glory.
Yes Commander Johnson, it should. What was so hard about That?
If i were king of the world there would be no 2nd Amendment.
That day (December 15, 1791) would have never happened.
Hey genius @10:59, his girlfriend just flew into LAX in a wheelchair.
Chicago...raises glass...gulp gulp..
The NRA isn't the only lobby with too much power. AIPAC and the military industrial complex get us into wars. AIPAC runs ads against candidates who don't do what they say. They even got a lot of politicians to sign a letter of intent to outlaw criticism of Israel before the ACLU made a big stink about it. There's pharmaceutical, insurance, big oil, and banking lobbies. Polluters have lobbies.
Trying to tell Democrats how corrupt their post Citizen United decision party has become can be like telling Republicans their party became the party of racists during the Southern Strategy. I've mostly written about Obama and Hillary taking over Bush's war policies, but Citigroup picked Obama's cabinet and the pharmaceutical lobbyists he put in charge of the FDA approve drugs based on test subject testimonies. He even admitted that if it were the 80's, he would be considered a moderate Republican. And Wikileaks published Hillary's Wall Street speeches where she described her very different public and private positions.
The last time I noticed, MSNBC's sponsors online were BP and Boeing. I don't watch it much because of the Russia war drum lies and the neocon liars like Bill Kristol they have on. Neocons like him side with the Democrats now. And there is a bigger peace movement on the right than there is on the left. We really only have one party and it is run by corporations. That's fascism.
I have also written about Jessie Ventura getting concealed carry rights in Minnesota by adding regulations the NRA opposed. His objective was 2nd Amendment rights. The NRA's objective is to sell more weapons for manufactures. The 2nd Amendment is a convenient ally for them. Just like AIPAC is a convenient ally for military suppliers and big oil.
Like I said, if we can't even talk about guns in good faith, we aren't even adults, and if not, we're just buggered.
and we're not dealing with adults, we're dealing with conservatives. The type of individuals who chant "lock her up" or "drill baby drill" and cheer when Sarah Palin shows up with a large slurp to stick it to Michelle Obama who simply wanted kids to eat and live healthier. Those are not adults. Hell, we got a guy here who likes to play military and a president who plays vroom vroom.
I'm kinda wondering when you're going to get sick and tired of trying to school Whooteemoo ISIS?
uglyblackjohn said...
Personally, I have no problem with citizens owning guns.
Me either as I grew up with guns/rifles in the home with a military parent, then military husband.
What I DO think is that assault rifles should be restricted to former military only, if at they should be purchased at all.
I also think there should be a limit on the number any one person can buy, regardless of their professional background.
White men's rage!! Accepted in this country as Patriotic to possess firearms! Remember,Mr Winchester invented the repeating rifle because Indians could put 10 arrows in a punk's ass before he could reload!
Yīshēng said...
"What I DO think is that assault rifles should be restricted to former military only, if at they should be purchased at all."
Former WHITE military only.
Dallas BLM cop shooter was a black guy who was former military.
"Indians could put 10 arrows in a punk's ass before he could reload!"
That's why the Indians won.
Yīshēng said...
"I also think there should be a limit on the number any one person can buy, regardless of their professional background."
Fake doctors get ZERO.
Dallas BLM cop shooter was a black guy who was former military.
Yep cornhole, the brotha shot cops while cowardly white guys shoot innocent people and babies. Sick fucks.
"And, for the record, cars and trucks are seriously regulated."
Yep. The police can trace vehicles to owners via registration...
Michelle Obama: A Racist Bigot
This woman has no class!
Excluding suicides, black males commit the most gun murders in this country, not old white guys. Statistically, it makes more sense that blacks should be precluded by law from owning guns than restricting all Americans from gun ownership.
Except when crazy white guys go crazy and committ suicide they tend to go to concerts, schools and movie theaters to kill innocent people and babies. Black guys tend to shoot people that they consider enemies. Ergo the difference unless of course you don't give a shit about innocent people being shot.
Ask the families of the 500 people who got shot in Vegas if they agree only scary negroes should be kept away from guns.
Yep. The police can trace vehicles to owners via registration...
6:22 PM
and if they are stolen .........
What I DO think is that assault rifles should be restricted to former military only, if at they should be purchased at all.
4:31 PM
You are not part of any militia as set out by the 2nd Amendment in all its glory.
2:39 PM
How so,please explain in detail.
You are not part of any militia as set out by the 2nd Amendment in all its glory.
2:39 PM
ISIS registers their work vehicles???
Dallas BLM cop shooter was a black guy who was former military.
And the streets were full of honkeys parading around with military style weapons, but when the bullets flew the cowards did too. They ducked and ran for cover so the cops wouldn't shoot the brave lads.
The next time some dumbass sez he's packing heat to protect yer liberal ass just take his gun away then and there. He ain't responsible enough to have a gun.
Anonymous said...
White men's rage!! Accepted in this country as Patriotic to possess firearms! Remember,Mr Winchester invented the repeating rifle because Indians could put 10 arrows in a punk's ass before he could reload!
Yer 2 decades late on who invented the repeating rifle and before Winchester bought his company from a Mr Smith and Wesson, Spencer and Henry both had successful repeating rifles before Winchester's modification of another's design.
Even the US Supreme Court, which in 2008 strongly affirmed a broad right to bear arms, endorsed prohibitions on gun ownership “by felons and the mentally ill” because of their special potential for violence.
I'm sure the court meant wingnuts when speaking of the mentally ill.
Mike in Iowa, I wonder. Do you work for your bread and roof or do the taxpayers pay for both?
Police have gotten lazy when it comes to vehicle registration and identities. Cities with stoplight cameras send tickets to the registered vehicle's owner regardless of who might be driving, even if the vehicle has been stolen.
Finally a post not about dumb wingnuts and/or guns.
Blogger field negro said...
Yes Commander Johnson, it should. What was so hard about That?
If i were king of the world there would be no 2nd Amendment.
That day (December 15, 1791) would have never happened.
2:51 PM.
So you are officially declaring the 2nd Amendment should be abolished?
Have you been in the Chicago bath houses with Mayor Emmanuel?
I'm sure the court meant wingnuts when speaking of the mentally ill.
7:35 PM
What is a wingnut?? is that an aircraft part?
Black guys tend to shoot people that they consider enemies.
6:56 PM
So babies and children are enemies???
You are not part of any militia as set out by the 2nd Amendment in all its glory.
2:39 PM
Yes,actually you are. Read the 1903 National Guard Act!!
The gun show loophole is real and deadly.
12:55 PM
what is this loophole again. please explain how it works??
Militia Act of 1903:
It is funny when one goes to early 1900s to prove a point, but will not acknowledge Tulsa. 1921. Black people will never have a sunny day in His. story. The only Black that I saw on tv that had been shot in Vegas. He was crying while babbling about how we all should be acting. He better hope they give him something to identify that he is a "good" person
Donald called people the "b" word. So all his surrounding women can be addressed as Bs He opened the door.
Donald called people the "b" word. So all his surrounding women can be addressed as Bs He opened the door.
10:33 PM
I missed it,what is the "b" word??
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Mike in Iowa, I wonder. Do you work for your bread and roof or do the taxpayers pay for both?
Mike is Yisheng, STUPID!!!
Anonymous said...
"What about the 1903 National Guard ACt that further defines NG, Organized and Un-Organized Militia."
9:08 AM
When I said "that's all of it", I was specifically referring to the Constitution, because so many people talk about "original intent" and cite half of the Second Amendment, so I just quoted the passages related to arms and the militia.
Is that 1903 law still even in effect? Also, if you're going to make passing references to legal history beyond the Constitution, why focus exclusively on a specific 1903 act? What about The US Code, which remains the basis for US law and is periodically updated, such as when it was updated to reflect legal changes related to terrorism as a political act. Why not mention that as well?
I'm just curious about that specific focus.
Drumpfuck basically ordered NFL owners to fire the sonsabitching players exercising their 1st amendment rights to protest. Bitches is the B-word you are looking for.
I am, for the record, retired/disabled. I live on a small SS check which I worked over 45 years to pay taxes into. I also get Medicare which I worked and paid taxes into, plus a monthly premium for Medicare and prescription drugs is taken from my small SS check before it gets deposited in my bank.
If any of you stoopid fucking, whiny, sappy wingnuts paid attention you would certainly know by now Medicare isn't free and neither are drugs. I do not apply for food stamps. I got help one winter with heating costs when propane skyrocketed to nearly 5 bucks a gallon.
Nothing is given to me no matter how many times Fake Noize lies to your face.
Just to piss off you fucking wingnuts I plan to live, off SS until I am 1000 years old. That will be 936 more years-more or less. Squeal fuckers!
One last thing if I was Yisheng I wouldn't tell you. Fuck you and the horse you rode in on!
mike from iowa said:
One last thing if I was Yisheng I wouldn't tell you. Fuck you and the horse you rode in on!
Mike YOU are the REAL MVP your comments are both funny as hell and highly informative, ROTFL!!!!
That last line is EXACTLY something I would say, except I prefer Whooteemoos f*ck themselves with a barbed wire, 10 ft pole.
I'm just curious about that specific focus.
12:42 AM
The 2nd Amendment, under the Bill of Rights, makes reference to Militias, and the 1903 Act further reinforces this, as you can as an individual citizen form and belong to Organized and Unorganized Militia group.
If any class of weapons would be specifically protected it would be military small arms.
Have you been in the Chicago bath houses with Mayor Emmanuel?
8:49 PM
Somebody in da know!!!!
@ Lt Commander Johnson - Yes sir, my bad. I meant Indiana.
Ban Ace Hardware!!
Mike from Iowa said...
"If any of you stoopid fucking, whiny, sappy wingnuts paid attention you would certainly know by now Medicare isn't free and neither are drugs."
- But the *real* point to them is not whether it's "free"; the point is that, to them, it's all "sohshoolizm" if ANYONE other than them is receiving it, regardless of how much one paid into the system, and for how long one paid it - all they care about is that someone else is getting what they want.
- The most ironic part of that are the facts regarding where, and to whom, most Welfare payments actually go.
- The failing of most non-wingnut arguments and explanations is that they're based upon the assumption that the anti-assistance arguments are made by people who simply don't have all of the information, and that such people can be won over by rational discourse.
- Nope.
- In the end, it doesn't matter whether you are or are not a veteran, or saved lives, or invented things, or any of that --- all of those things they fap off at the mouth about are just excuses to try to claim that they "deserve" what other people are receiving, more than do the people receiving it, simply because they exist.
- These are usually the same people who holler about their own "patriotism" and tell the other 75% or more of the population that "if you don't like it, leave", despite that they have so much hatred for the majority of Americans, so much hatred for the American government, and so much hatred for American ideals ((and laws)) such as "equal Constitutional rights for all citizens, regardless of color or beliefs".
- It takes a deep level of cognitive dissonance for people to be so jingoistically *nationalistic*, while despising, and attempting to eliminate, all the things necessary to actually be, and maintain, a Nation.
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