For instance, Mr. trump lying to a Gold Star family member that he was sending him a check.
Mr. trump politicizing the death of the son of his closest aide.
Mr. trump not knowing the name of the widow of a slain soldier that he had just called.
And anything else that you want to get off of your chest.
When you go to a circus you gotta expect a few clowns.
One of my comments from last Wednesday suddenly became more relevant today. The CIA announced they want to hold the JFK files another 25 years! We still haven't even seen video of a plane hitting the Pentagon. They released a few frames that showed a smoke trail and an explosion. The "plane" supposedly flew by the side where the big wig's offices are and circled back to hit the accountants who were investigating the missing 2.3 trillion dollars. A missile hit the Pentagon not a plane. From last week:
More JFK assassination files are up for release unless the Trump Administration stops them. Don't expect much. It's the same Trump Administration that tried to say there wasn't enough public interest to release more Hillary email information. And they just redacted all the "talking points" from the Bill Clinton Loretta Lynch tarmac meeting notes they were forced to release. The government told us WTC 7 collapsed through itself at the speed of gravity because burning carpet ("normal office fires") melted all 84 steel columns at the same time. They told us the DNC was hacked with data transfer speeds too fast for the internet, from Russia. It was Edward Snowden who got James Clapper to admit that he lied to Congress about the volume of domestic spying. It was Wikileaks that told us the CIA can spy on you through your TV when you think it is off. There are all kinds of examples of coverups and at this point, too many people see through the deep state. They aren't going to say, "Oh yeah. By the way, we killed Kennedy".
Typical behavior from Humpty Trumpty:
1) He didn't even want to send a refund check to the people that were duped from "Trump University."
2) He will politicize anything (even dog poo ) whenever he backs himself into a corner and tries to claw his
way out.
3) He knew the name of the soldier (and if he didn't he could have read it from an index card
or had one of his cronies prepare a paragraph for him to recite. ...if he gave a damn....
and we all know that when it comes to people of COLOR...he never gives a damn.
Memorable Racist Trump Fact:
Remember how on the "Apprentice" each time an African American man (Randal Pinkett one season and Kwame Jackson during another season) won 1st place and Trump asked on national television if they would share first place with their white runner up.
Needless to say, both gentlemen said, "No" with one of them stating that the show was called the "Apprentice" and not the "Aprentii"
This made Trump furious and these two Black men were berated, insulted, and received hate mail as a for standing up voicing their opposition for being treated unfairly.
Oops...here we go again.
The KKK and white Nationalists are gearing up to unleash their reign of terror in Gainesville, Florida
Putin is laughing his ass off at these " Un-United" States right now....
"gearing up to unleash their reign of terror in Gainesville..."
By "reign of terror," I take that to mean white nationalists and the KKK, in the past 10 years, haven't killed 10% of the people murdered in Chicago by blacks every weekend. lol
But, of course, the new liberal standards are pretty apparent: Speech = violence because hurt feelings are literally more damaging than actual murder, unless it's white people murdering.
@11:41: No black person ever really "won" first place on the Apprentice, Trump was just being nice. But no good deed goes unpunished, just like taking the time to personally call the mother of a soldier killed in action.
You can't make negroes happy. So why try?
It's liberating once you realize this.
Trump is Obama's legacy.
Never forget: White members of the US Military died in wars so that one day black millionaires could kneel during the national anthem to advocate for the principle that blacks should be above the law.
So every damn time Fergus says or does something outrageous and/or abominable, especially when it deviates from the subject at hand, there's something else he's willing to take the bad press in the service of avoiding.
He brought all of this controversy over the treatment of the families of fallen soldiers on himself. Nobody asked him about the families of fallen soldiers. He brought them up himself, in a response shot through with easily disprovable lies, and followed up with behavior so outrageous that anyone in the military would be fired for it: he publicly slimed the grieving family of a dead soldier and called them liars in the media.
What he didn't do was answer the damn question he was asked that he responded to with the attention hogging lies and insanity: why hasn't he said anything about the four Green Berets killed in Niger?
It's been weeks. The NSC drafted a statement for him to read that was just the sort of typical press release that goes out when some soldiers get killed, but he hasn't read it. Someone involved at the NSC got so fed up with the situation that they leaked the draft to Politico.
So what is it about this incident that he wants to avoid so much?
Or was it to distract attention away from the fool his AG made of himself in front of the senate today?
If this administration is going to maintain their policy of just lying their asses off about everything all the time, perhaps some of them should take some basic advertising classes or something so they can at least do it competently.
-Doug in Oakland
Josh and his boyfriend James will be in Gainsville. Nazis are cool because of Chicago right asshole?
Never forget: Black members of the US Military died in wars so that one day black millionaires could kneel during the national anthem to advocate for the principle that blacks should be equal in the eyes of the law.
Radee Labeeb Prince.
Radee Labeeb Prince.
Radee Labeeb Prince.
Remember this name. This is the name of black Islamic crime in America.
You bastards.
Blacks have the minds of children, so it's no surprise a few guys dressed like skinheads scare them more than all the THOUSANDS and THOUSANDS of black-on-black murders every year in the US.
No surprise. Nothing new.
I am worried about Trump and McConnell's plan to change the tax code.
I'm also concerned about the lower-middle income people who were offered discounts on their healthcare insurance with the promise of federal reimbursements to the insurers. Trump is playing the wingnut card saying that he refuses to do anything to bail out the insurance companies and simultaneously tweeting that Obamacare was the single most egregious taxpayer giveaway to enrich the insurance companies ever perpetrated.
He is a snake.
"The CIA announced they want to hold the JFK files another 25 years! We still haven't even seen video of a plane hitting the Pentagon. They released a few frames that showed a smoke trail and an explosion. The 'plane' supposedly flew by the side where the big wig's offices are and circled back to hit the accountants who were investigating the missing 2.3 trillion dollars. A missile hit the Pentagon not a plane. "
Did the federal government fake the moon landing?
Was Paul the walrus, and did he actually die in 1966, only to be secretly replaced in the Beatles by a lookalike?
Are commercial airline pilots dousing us all with "chemtrails" as part of a sinister mind-control experiment?
Did dinosaurs really build the Egyptian pyramids?
And what do the Illuminati think about all of these matters?
Somebody needs to get to the bottom of these pressing questions! Thank God Limpbaugh is on the case.
Nazis are fine because crime exists, according to crazy Josh logic.
When did Josh escape from the asylum? Hopefully, the authorities will soon come collect him and his Pepe the Frog doll and take them back to the rubber room.
"No black person ever really 'won"'first place on the Apprentice, Trump was just being nice."
"Trump" and "nice" may not appear together in the same sentence. This is semantically and grammatically incorrect.
"Radee Labeeb Prince.
Radee Labeeb Prince.
Radee Labeeb Prince.
Remember this name. This is the name of black Islamic crime in America.
You bastards."
Nope. Not a terrorist. No political motive.
Just another disturbed man who "went postal" and killed his coworkers over some petty personal beef.
Maybe one day we'll finally realize that more mental healthcare and fewer guns would be a good idea. I won't hold my breath, though.
"Are commercial airline pilots dousing us all with "chemtrails" as part of a sinister mind-control experiment?"
All of us have minds like children? I'll take Barack's childlike mind over the donald's all day everyday and twice on Sunday. Interesting hypothesis, wrong but interesting.
Be prepared to nuke Mississippi. A school named for traitor Jefferson Hogg Davis is being renamed in honor of the greatest Potus of our lifetime-the Black guy that restored the shine to America.
I can't think of anything a white person drom Mississippi has contributed to American society. Blacks, otoh, have made all kinds of contributions in music and slave labor to make whitey rich.
Mental illness was a great talking point for the pointless NRA until some deranged white wingnut took them at their word and killed half the population of Las Vegas in 9 minutes. Now the cagey NRA is back to talking how we need more guns.
Little Whine la (pussified) Pierre has armed body guards. The wave of the future if you can afford it. Mr NRA is afraid to be seen in public w/o protection. Bwahahahahahahahaha!
You gotta love Ol Josh,
Just like a racist righty to make an irrelevant diversion to Chicago gangstas to justify white supremacists.
Personally. I'd love to see the KKK/white nationalists trt to march through Southside Chicago.
But we know they don't operate like THAT.
That would require balls.
The nra is the gun manufacturers' lobby. They're doing their job.
Ha! Well Chicago has been the accepted talking point from all tge righties. The guy I just flew with is a trumpster and asked how close I was to the "bad" part of town. Chicago has always been a little rough around the edges but I've lived in and around the south side my entire life and have never seen anyone shot or been shot at. I guess he understood the fact that he is being gassed up about how "bad" Chicago is. If I just watched Fox and limited my exposure to conservative outlets with a bias I would believe trump when he tells us it's one big hellhole (it's not). Check out Trevor Noah's take on things, he filmed the Daily Show here this week.
Black suspect in Maryland office park shooting is apprehended:
PilotX said...
"Chicago has always been a little rough around the edges but I've lived in and around the south side my entire life and have never seen anyone shot or been shot at."
Well I guess that settles it. PilotX has never seen anyone shot at so the whole idea that Chicago has a crime problem is nonsense.
As long as we are solving non-existent problems, I'd like to inform y'all that I've lived in America all of my life and have never seen a black person discriminated against. So racism isn't really a thing.
You can pretty much stop worrying about chupacabras too, if that helps.
Chicago Still Isn’t the Murder Capital of America
Chicago isn't even close to the worst U.S. city for violent crime. According to actual per capita crime statistics.
So, yes, that does settle it.
Chicago Still Isn’t the Murder Capital of America
"If I just watched Fox and limited my exposure to conservative outlets with a bias I would believe trump when he tells us it's one big hellhole (it's not). Check out Trevor Noah's take on things, he filmed the Daily Show here this week."
Yes, don't listen to Fox, get your news from a parody show on a Comedy Network where a snarky moron reads content written by joke writers, and then believe him when he tells you that Trump is a combination Hitler/Weinstein/Madoff (he's not).
when he tells you that Trump is a combination Hitler/Weinstein/Madoff (he's not).
No, he's not. He is much worse because Russians elected him to do their business.
Anonymous Whitey Bulger said.
One can tell whitey bulger is lying. His lips move in synch with his key strokes.
Comes out as Gay and Jewish. Not to worry, though. Wingnuts will claim George Soros paid him to say this stuff after 40 years, because that is what wingnuts do.
"Comes out as Gay and Jewish. Not to worry, though. Wingnuts will claim George Soros paid him to say this stuff after 40 years, because that is what wingnuts do."
Is his name Milo? Wait, sorry, I was thinking of a different gay, Jewish Nazi.
uptownsteve55 said...
You gotta love Ol Josh,
Just like a racist righty to make an irrelevant diversion to Chicago gangstas to justify white supremacists.
- Yup. It's the same old BS litany - despite the occasional use of different and/or more words, what it boils down to is this summary:
"Some Black guy beat up a White guy, and some other Black guy is a drug addict, so that excuses any and all White crime and excuses any and all systemic racism, because one bad apple spoils the barrel and ALL Blacks are thugs. NO NO NO NO NO it's totally 'different' with White people, Paddock was a tool of Soros, and aside from those 'self-hating' Whites who all are low-IQ libtard morons, ALL white people are superior and 'deserve' to have public roads, infrastructure, and all the other benefits of a modern nation without paying for it because the Libtards should pay for it all since they're all just parasites and part of the oppression of REAL Americans, meaning White people, and ESPECIALLY ***me***."
- That's what it all boils down to.
- The inevitable "response" will also be the usual reiteration of, to put it into a nut-shell, "All Blacks are thugs and libtard WHites are thugs too and all of them are morons and scum."
- Forty or fifty years ago, we treated irrational aggressive maniacs like, well, irrational aggressive maniacs. They've managed, over the years, to 'guilt' and bamboozle lots of people into accepting irrational combative nuttery as "a valid political platform" - and the result isn't pretty...
PX: I've never been to Chicago, but I have some musician friends who live there and like it OK.
I actually have seen some violence in Oakland, right up close and personal, and guess what? It wasn't all black people pulling the triggers.
We used to sort of rely on Oakland's "scary" (it isn't) reputation to filter out the lightweights, idiots, and assholes from the neighborhoods where we lived, but that doesn't seem to work any more. Everyone and his brother wants to live here now and the rents have gone through the roof in places where you used to actually have to be careful not to get jacked up or shot.
That was a long time ago, though, and now they are building condo farms in Dogtown.
We are still doing OK in our spot, but if things go south here, we might move to Richmond where you can still get a two bedroom for less than $3000.
-Doug in Oakland
The remaining blacks in San Francisco are being pushed out due to cost of living.
Haley sez Russian interference in our election is warfare. What, another right wing nutter freely admits Russian interference? How can this be? Weren't the goalposts moved already to cover this eventuality? Next fucking thing you know elephants and poachers will live side by side in perfect harmony. Maybe share a coke if the poachers be black. Probably snort the stuff if the poachers are whitey wingnuts.
This is what Trump said to Sgt. Johnson's widow:
"They know the risk, they know what they signed up for but they still volunteer to put their lives on the line for their fellow Americans. We owe them a debt that can never be repaid".
Some low-life, half-wit congresswomen takes that and tries to impugn the President and inflame racial tensions by igniting another fake-outrage news cycle.
Every time this happens it turns out to be more Fake News, yet you run with it every Goddamned time.
Liberals are pathetic. You are broken people.
Lemme know if you roll through town, gotta show you the hot spots. The live music scene isn't what it used to be but you can find a few spots.
By "reign of terror," I take that to mean white nationalists and the KKK, in the past 10 years, haven't killed 10% of the people murdered in Chicago by blacks every weekend. lol
Josh 2 Smart and Baldingo will never forgive the little Black boy that got them to slap Crisco on their dicks to make them grow like ravening Black Mambas. Little Black boys used lard. Whitey wingnuts were disappointed when the little Black boy had to explain to them that Crisco is "shortening." Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! Shortening. That's a good one to play on unsuspecting whitey wingnuts.
PilotX said...
Lemme know if you roll through town, gotta show you the hot spots. The live music scene isn't what it used to be but you can find a few spots.
I've never seen any live music in Chicago, so there probably isn't any.
Well Rahm if you roll with Doug I'll point you in the right direction😜
As a UF grad, I'm not surprised those whooteemoos let another whooteemoo come speak at their school. I'll never again mention graduating from that school.
Besides, with a Georgetown degree there's no need to. ;)
Then again the donald who is petty and holds grudges did get run out of Chicago when he tried to campaign here so you know his childish ass would impugn us with his bullshit.😏
Enough students are protesting to excuse the Gators.
The latest murder victim in 75 percent black Birmingham, Alabama had been shot 10 times in previous year. At the murder scene, police officers had to tell black people to stop bringing their children to crime scenes:
This kind of thing didn't happen when white folks ran Birmingham.
There was a reason for Jim Crow laws.
It's not too late to apologize to Bull Connor,
PilotX said...
Well Rahm if you roll with Doug I'll point you in the right direction��
I've never seen Doug either, so I don't believe he exists.
Only one way to find out.
Hey Queen! How's the quest to get into medical school going?
This kind of thing didn't happen when white folks ran Birmingham.
yeah, it was much worse. Trust me I know.
At the murder scene, police officers had to tell black people to stop bringing their children to crime scenes:
Should have told whites not to bring children to lynchings.
Fake News Update said...
This is what Trump said to Sgt. Johnson's widow:
"They know the risk, they know what they signed up for but they still volunteer to put their lives on the line for their fellow Americans. We owe them a debt that can never be repaid".
Some low-life, half-wit congresswomen takes that and tries to impugn the President and inflame racial tensions by igniting another fake-outrage news cycle.
Kelly ripped Congresswoman Wilson for listening to and disclosing a POTUS call to a Gold Star family, an opinion some Dems privately shared when it happened.
Have any reporters asked Dems if they stand by Frederica Wilson running to the press with the contents of the call?
This kind of thing didn't happen when white folks ran Birmingham.
Yeah cause this kind of shit did. Coward ass white boys killing little girls. Fuck you Kersey with you dumb ass.
Anonymous said...
Chicago Still Isn’t the Murder Capital of America
Chicago isn't even close to the worst U.S. city for violent crime. According to actual per capita crime statistics.
So, yes, that does settle it.
11:36 AM
Fake news,,,,total bullshit. Drive around Englewood and get back to us.....maybe.
With the Harvey Weinstein thing blowing up in hollyweirds face....its just a matter of time that Pizza Gate will be proved true.
Hollyweird is Bastion of pedophilia and the alt-left wants it bad.
Jews are sexual deviants.
PilotX said...
Only one way to find out.
Watching the Daily Show won't cut it.
A retired general who lost his own son in Afghanistan in 2010, Kelly said the call to Sgt. La David T. Johnson's wife should have been 'sacred' and that Wilson should not have repeated President Trump's words to the Green Beret's widow.
'It stuns me that a Member of Congress would have listened in on that conversation. Absolutely stuns me. I though at least that was sacred,' he said.
In his remarks, Kelly called Wilson a 'selfish Member of Congress.'
"Watching the Daily Show won't cut it."
Doug is gonna be on the Daily Show?Wow, damn Doug why didn't you tell us.
"Fake news,,,,total bullshit. Drive around Englewood and get back to us.....maybe."
I drive around Englewood all the time nothing new to report. Play basketball at my buddy's wife's school (she's the principal there) right on 67th in the heart of the wood and no holes in me. Go to Fred and Jacks and get strawberry shakes and shop at the Englewood Whole Foods (really good prices) and no drama. Sorry to disappoint.
Well actually back in 91 my dad's new car which I was driving on 71st got hit with a rock someone threw. Left a nice sized dent so that did suck.
Just Zip a dee doo dah through the ghetto, huh PilotX?
Some of us have it like that. Not the ghetto, a neighborhood. Come here one day and I'll take you around instead of getting paranoid watching Hannity scare the shit out of you.
Shame on Representative Wilson.
There is hope.
Even W has his pulse on the nation.
Now the liberals love W because he hates the man who beat his brother.
Go figure.
Hmmmmmm, Hannity is breaking one of the biggest scandals in American history. The Russian uranian scandal. How did the media miss this story????🙄
PilotX said...
Hmmmmmm, Hannity is breaking one of the biggest scandals in American history. The Russian uranian scandal. How did the media miss this story????🙄
9:32 PM
The fake news outlets refuse to cover it because they are libtards.
Watch General John Kelly set the record straight regarding Trump's call and Congresswoman Wilson's shameful actions:
@PilotX: This won't be shown on the Daily Show.
2017 Deadliest hoods:
Garfield Park
North Lawndale
Humboldt Park
Auburn Gresham
South Shore
Grand Crossing
New City
Chicago Lawn
West Pullman
Little Village
Washington Park
All Others
As of 10/16/17
This season of The Apprentice is getting worse every week.
Trump made billions by selling homes to Americans while Clinton made Millions by selling uranium to the Russians.
Think about that.
Anonymous @ 3:26 AM Go ahead and tell us why the CIA wants to keep thousands of pages of documents about the JFK assassination classified for 80 years. And tell us why with all the security cameras around the Pentagon and the video confiscated from nearby private businesses we can't see any video of the plane that vaporized on impact?
Sgt. La David Johnson attended a mentor program created by Congresswoman Wilson when she was a member of the Miami school board. Seems she did good work because he grew up to become an outstanding soldier. She's helped many kids go on to important things. Did Gen. Kelly mention that?
Somebody's been watching Fox news. This will go away as fast as the knockout game did. Oh Fox viewers are soooooo gullible.
CNN and MSNBC are looking into the deaths of the soldiers in Niger while Fox is digging up a story from 2009 about Russia. Look a shiny object! Can't let the unwashed masses know the trump administration is involved in the deaths of soldiers. Will posters like Dead Ambassador screech about this like they did bengauzeeee?
"As a UF grad, I'm not surprised those whooteemoos let another whooteemoo come speak at their school. I'll never again mention graduating from that school."
The school admins didn't have much of a choice. If they'd refused, Spencer would just have sued to force them to let him and his fellow Nazis march. It is their 1st Amendment right.
"Fake news,,,,total bullshit. Drive around Englewood and get back to us.....maybe."
Pilot says Chicago's crime isn't that bad, in his personal experience. You laugh it off and say his personal experience doesn't count for anything; you need to see statistics.
Shown statistics that prove you're wrong, now it's: "Screw the statistics; go drive around Englewood."
Nice goalpost-moving there. You dumb rednecks really are special. As in, special ed.
Black people in Chicago are peaceful, hardworking, law-abiding citizens who build solid, prosperous, welcoming communities where everyone is safe and respected.
Black Pilot said...
Black people in Chicago are peaceful, hardworking, law-abiding citizens who build solid, prosperous, welcoming communities where everyone is safe and respected.
11:11 PM
Black people are but niggers are not........
October to Date
Shot & Killed: 36
Shot & Wounded: 136
Total Shot: 172
Total Homicides: 38
Big Pharma killed more Americans in 2016 that were lost in the entire VietNam fiasco. Think about that!
Damn said...
Watch General John Kelly set the record straight regarding Trump's call and Congresswoman Wilson's shameful actions
Kelly basically confirmed what Rep Wilson said. Drumpfuck, as usual, was the shameful party. Unless of course, you can't read and comprehend.
- Some White people really seem to get an orgasm by typing the N word. Probably the same white trash that SEETHES in hateful jealousy because they'll never be able to afford to live in my neighborhood, so instead of putting their energies into trying to gain more education and skills to find better jobs ((or jobs at all...)), they fling racist BS at the Blacks, Asians, Hispanics and "obviously self-hating Whites" who *can* and *do* live in my neighborhood.
- Probably the same white-trash losers who made all sorts of false claims about how "White neighborhoods reacted to Harvey versus Black and Hispanic neighborhoods", and then has nothing to say when an actual Houston-area resident ((me)) called their bullshit, bullshit...
Benghazi was about arming terrorists. Other than Rand Paul, nobody at the hearings questioned that. The rest of them focused on hyped up accusations, most of which had little or no merit. We do help some African countries fight jihadist groups. I don't know any reason to think that's what the troops in Niger weren't doing. We do things like fly drones to look for Boko Haram, etc. In Libya, now we are fighting the terrorists we used to overthrow Qaddafi. Maybe Niger will end up being like Benghazi, in the sense that both were witch hunts, but the real difference is whether we were supporting terrorists or fighting them. Very few field hands are able to try to figure out what makes sense. They have knee jerk reactions. They don't want to know that Obama and Hillary approved the CIA supporting ISIS. And they don't want to know that Trump ended that program.
Conservatives don't want to know that the CIA did suspect there was a protest of the Mohammed video in Benghazi. It took some time to recover the security camera footage and interview people in the area to find out there hadn't been a protest there. Even so, protests were cover for the Benghazi attack on a worldwide scale. They couldn't send security staff from Cairo, where there was a peaceful protest, and leave that embassy unguarded, for example. Trump is a racist who says some stupid things. Obama and Hillary supported terrorists to overthrow Libya and Syria. Their "anti Assad forces" rape children and kill their families. Obama, Hillary, and whoever voted for it on the intelligence committees (like Adam Schiff), should be tried for war crimes. Obama let the Bush Administration war criminals slide. We could at least prosecute war criminals for things they can get convictions on, like torture and espionage act violations. Seeing either party through rose colored glasses is ignorance. Most of you believe what you want to believe and ignore evidence.Your TV has you duped.
Your terrorists are someone else's freedom fighters.
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