The accidental president was at it again this weekend, and his tweets this time were as bad as they have ever been. If there is still anyone out there who does not believe that Donald trump is a horrible human being, what he tweeted this weekend should change your mind.
The man attacked the Mayor of San Juan for a perceived slight, when all she was doing was crying out for help. trump blamed the victims of the storm and pretty much told America that those brown people in Puerto Rico had a lot of nerve asking for help when they should be helping themselves.
If he (trump) didn't spend the first couple of weeks of this crisis telling NFL players to stand for the anthem, and hauling his ample derriere around his private golf course, he might have been able to get more praise like he did in Houston.
Besides being totally clueless ( I am pretty sure that he didn't know that Puerto Rico was a US territory, and he certainly didn't seem to realize that it was an island. Thank you Captain Obvious for reminding us that Puerto Rico is surrounded by "ocean water".) he proved, once again, that he is a racist as well. If you think that he would attacked the Mayor of San Juan if she was a white male I have an antique bell here in Philly with a slight crack on the side to sell you.
But that is who the president is at this point. We all know that he would rather call out a Latino female mayor who is begging for assistance for her suffering people, than he would a bunch of white supremacist marching to spread hate.
It's sad, but it's not surprising. We all know exactly who Donald trump is, and his deplorable supporters knew who he was as well. What's sad is that you have republican leaders such as Paul Ryan who has the nerve to tell us that trump's heart is in the "right place" when it comes to matters of race. Folks, those comments from one of the most powerful white men in America tells you all you need to know about what's wrong with us and why we are so divided.
*Pic from
"We all know exactly who Donald trump is"
He is a Republican President who will not sit back while a Hillary-supporting Mayor of San Juan lies about the federal response to a hurricane to damage him and cover up her own incompetence.
He's no W.
Your game sucks.
Sadly, your post is right - it is the indefensible truth with all things trump. I've fought a bad case of trump syndrome during his wretched campaign and then the horrible shock of his win. I still believe those voting machines were absolutely compromised - I don't care what they say. The polls couldn't have been THAT wrong. His presence hanging over our country - INVADING our psyche like a dark cloud on a daily basis - it's impossible to watch the news, surf the web, check emails or even shut it down long enough to recover - he's viral and growing more menacing everyday.
It's hard to return to my former life (Before trump) because I, along with SO MANY others feel the oppression, fear the truth and question how this once great country of so many once like minded citizens could fall instep with this horrible interloper in the WH.
This is the most disastrous failure of leadership and I believe Russia has compromised far more career politicians then any of us could even imagine. This could be the end to our democracy unless those white boys of the Hill get slaughtered and shamed by the majority of Americans who've had enough.
I don't know if Trump is handling the disaster in Puerto Rico well or not. I wouldn't expect the truth from the media either way. The governor thinks so. The mayor doesn't. One thing I've learned from this website is that peoples' opinions are based entirely on whether they like Trump or not.
Bob Menedez was allowed to go to Puerto Rico even though he is a flight risk. Israel would gladly give him sanctuary after him doing everything they wanted for so long. On the other hand, Mike from Iowa knows that the child prostitutes and money were just gifts from a friend, unrelated to the political favors he did for the friend. But I think Trump missed some tweets when Menedez tweeted criticisms. Maybe Trump could have done better if Menedez hadn't spent so much money on sex parties.
"His presence hanging over our country - INVADING our psyche like a dark cloud on a daily basis "
This is what makes me happy - the utter despair of moronic liberals whose ignorant and misinformed worldview leads them to wallowing in apocalyptic fantasies when everything doesn't go their way.
Your tears of unfathomable sadness are delicious.
Thanks Sharon, you made my day.
After the Emanuel Samson church shooting was buried, I feel like taking a knee because our society revolves around spoiled black people.
"After the Emanuel Samson church shooting was buried..."
Well, since he is a Christian, it doesn't really fit with the 'the muslims are coming' freak out of the short-fingered vulgarians of the right, so Fox "News" has to be careful attacking someone who quotes scripture all over his FB page.
Yeah, Fergus is a national embarrassment, mostly because of the 62 million Pig People who saw him and said "Yes. That's who we should have as our leader."
Luckily there were more than 65 million who said "oh hell no", and if not for the goddamn crosscheck voter cheating program, we would have won.
A somewhat larger issue, to my way of thinking, is the 32% of eligible voters who just said "Fuck it" and didn't bother voting.
That is how Republicans win, when fewer people vote. And they pulled out all of the stops, just like I said they would, to make the whole process look so ugly and corrupt that nobody would want to participate.
So that is what they did, and this is what we got.
Thank the Flying Spaghetti Monster that Fergus is so profoundly bad at his job, and the Republicans in congress are so far gone believing their own lies that between them they haven't been able to do all of the damage they want to do.
Still, damage is being done; just ask anyone who gets their drinking water downstream from one of those newly deregulated mines.
Or ask the US citizens living on Puerto Rico or the US Virgin Islands how they feel about Republican controlled government.
The thing about Puerto Rico is that they don't even get to vote for which president they have to answer to, so whoever gets elected has a responsibility to be fair to them.
Not one of Fergus' strong suits, really.
And Sharon: The polls weren't that wrong. On election day they had Hillary up by about three points nationally, and that's not far off of what she won by, nationally. It's the three states Fergus won by a combined 70,000 votes that did this to us, and those 70,000 fall well within the purge numbers from crosscheck. That's without even getting into the Stein numbers that were bolstered by a serious social media push by the Russians just before the election.
-Doug in Oakland
gaderson said...
"Dylann Roof was a Muslim."
You are quite woke.
dinthebeast said...
Yeah, Fergus is a national embarrassment, mostly because of the 62 million Pig People
There has to be some sort of Final Solution for these Pig People.
Any ideas, Doug?
"That is how Republicans win, when fewer people vote"
Because the dumbest, laziest, least informed people don't give a fuck or sleep through election day and don't vote.
That's a good thing.
"Or ask the US citizens living on Puerto Rico or the US Virgin Islands how they feel about Republican controlled government."
They wouldn't know, as they have live their entire lives under Democrat controlled government.
We're hitting extreme levels of Negro Fatigue no one even thought was possible.
Sharon, that was an amazing comment and I personally blame MSM for their role in getting Trump elected with Russian help.
But I absolutely REFUSE to let this admin ruin what's turning out to be the BEST years of my life! In the meantime, I'll hang onto thoughts of our last great President, Obama!👍🏽
Puerto Rican cop telling the truth about Hurricane Maria aid:
The Puerto Rican Democratic party government is fucking up the aid distribution intentionally to damage Trump. They don't care if people die, if they can make it "Trump's Katrina". Disgusting.
Yīshēng said...
But I absolutely REFUSE to let this admin ruin what's turning out to be the BEST years of my life!
I thought your sophomore year in college was the best 38 years of your life.
"Any ideas, Doug?"
Yes. Proportional representation in government.
-Doug in Oakland
Active shooter situation at a country music concert in Las Vegas. Dozens dead and injured. Shooter described as a man with brown skin and an afro.
I bet y'all think that's pretty funny, huh?
Hell yah that fuckin shits funny you redneck country music faggot. Fuckin in-bred tooth-less sister-fucker trailer meth hill-billy faggots. You all should DIE.
Please allow me an off-topic comment.
I have been affronted with so many right wing voices on going on and on about how the players taking a knee should be ashamed, cease and desist, owe their livelihoods the largess of the NFL and the owners, et cetera.
I've read about eight or nine of these opinions. They are representing the NFL. They should be grateful for the high salaries they command. Finally a football fan who can think for their own self posted on this hot topic. One take-away... If you fire a player with a multi-year, $25 million contract, that money becomes due upon demand. Unsustainable just to placate the demon Trump.
Inspired by this rare offering on the WB, I condensed my own thoughts into a rational argument.
I stand with Black Lives Matter. Patriotism can be misguided. The apathetic electorate allowed the demon Trump to become our president. We all knew where he stood from his racist and violent commands barked at his Nazi inspired political rallies. "Get that guy outta here!" “Maybe [the protester] should have been roughed up,” he mused. “It was absolutely disgusting what he was doing.”
He's a wicked and depraved monster. No quarter.
Thus true patriotism is found in resisting the fascist.
I don't think the players that took a knee loved their country any less than do you or I. They were acknowledging that our nation is ill. As a union, we are not well. Blind nationalism is a recipe for totalitarianism.
When the vile Trump comes out to condemn these patriots, that's when it truly is time to resist.
Thank you, Cheekos, for a considered discussion of this very important matter. I can't count how many times I have read someone on this forum denounce the players for not toeing the line for their employer and always mentioning the salary that they are collecting. Not to mention how grateful they should be to their masters for providing this opportunity.
It doesn't matter what these guys are being paid. They still have a right to their own voices. They are consciously taking the risk of forfeiture and staying true to their own consciences.
Get up, stand up! Don't give up the fight!
@ Farting Janitor -
Who cares about niggerball anymore? Civil War II is about to begin.
As usual you're a week late and a booklet of food stamps short.
"Sadly, your post is right - it is the indefensible truth with all things trump. I've fought a bad case of trump syndrome during his wretched campaign and then the horrible shock of his win. I still believe those voting machines were absolutely compromised - I don't care what they say. The polls couldn't have been THAT wrong.
Sharon, the polls weren't that wrong. The reporting on the polls was wrong.
Most of the political commentators were affected by what I'd call historical bias. They assumed that anyone with Trump's bad character and total lack of qualifications for office would eventually crash and burn; no candidate had ever survived making such awful, stupid, nakedly bigoted statements in the past, and he wouldn't either. Evidently, so many things have gone wrong in our society that a lot of Americans are so angry they've taken leave of their senses and Trump's insane, economically illiterate, racist appeals started to make sense to them. This is not a typical moment in the country.
What actually happened with the polling results is that they narrowed over time to the point that Clinton had a slim lead going into November -- partly due to the Trump derangement I've just listed, partly due to resentful, sulky Bernie fanatics who could not handle Bernie losing the primary, and partly due to all the sleaze (the entirely bogus email investigation and Russian hacks, for example) that damaged Hillary Clinton with a few key demographics.
And still the media were predicting her slim lead would translate into her winning the general election, because, again, that's what usually happens. And she did win! The popular vote! As the polling predicted.
But winning the popular vote is not good enough in a nation with a screwed-up electoral system like the U.S. By virtue of what amounts to a historical accident in our Constitution, we have the frankly undemocratic Electoral College, and so Trump is president.
Also, I have no substantive reason to believe that anyone engaged in ballot-box fiddling, but certain groups were certainly discouraged from casting any ballot at all, via Republican voter suppression efforts.
What do I mean? Well, just take as an example Wisconsin, where the GOP has made very little effort to disguise the fact that their changes to election procedure (Voter ID laws, changes to voting places and times, etc) were intended to selectively deter Dem voting constituencies from casting a ballot. A recent student found that, due to these measures, 28 percent of African Americans were deterred from voting, compared with 8.3 percent of white registrants. Twenty-one percent of voters with a household income less than $25,000 were deterred, compared with 2.7 percent of those with household incomes of more than $100,000.
These were people who wanted to vote, but didn't, because the GOP made it such a pain in the ass for them to do so. And this could easily have made the difference in such a very tight race for president.
*A recent study
"Active shooter situation at a country music concert in Las Vegas. Dozens dead and injured. Shooter described as a man with brown skin and an afro."
Described that way by your buddies over at the Daily Stormer, maybe.
In the reality-based media, they are reporting that he is a 64-year-old white dude. This is him.
BLM, we could lock them all in a room and force them to watch FOX VIEWS all day.
That should do the trick.
Geraldo, shouldn't u be sending selfies or looking in Al Capone's vault?
After the Emanuel Samson church shooting was buried, I feel like taking a knee because our society revolves around spoiled black people.
What do you think now? Crazy white men with guns taking the spotlight from us.
Don't they already do that?
Uh no, we call those republicans.
Whitey cracks down on country music fans. At least 50 dead in Las Vegas. 200 wounded. Let's get more guns on the street. Fuck Drumpfucker! My humblest apologies. Russian bot Limpaw doesn't believe the media so I guess this mass murder is all made up.
Drumpf is a grudge carrying, vindictive prick hell bent on punishing those that slight him in any fashion. He is what we thought he was. His tweets prove it everyday, except for paid Russian trolls. I hope every tweet is being saved for posterity. People in the future won't believe stoopid fucking Americans actually allowed Russia to help put this POS in the revered White House.
405 injured in Las Vegas.
But watch out for Black males 20-24. Chicago.
This wouldn't have happened if Hillary was elected. She would have taken all of your guns.
He is a Republican President who will not sit back while a Hillary-supporting Mayor of San Juan lies about the federal response to a hurricane to damage him and cover up her own incompetence.
Whether the mayor backed HRC or not is totally irrelevant. Puerto Ricans are American citizens, but they cannot vote in our elections.
Everyone with a functioning brain stem voted for HRC.
Whooteemoos run amuck when a whooteemoo is in the WH.
He's no W.
He is worse than dumbass dubya ever conceived of being. Drumpfuck is the worst of the worst-ever.
"Drumpfuck is the worst of the worst-ever."
Just wait. You haven't seen anything yet.
Drumpf should have been sitting. Bwahahahahahahahahahahahaha
Little shit stain
shows total disdain
For poor people's pain
if there is no financial gain
for the little shit stain There's yer trouble.
Warmest condolences to all NRA members not shot yet.
mike from iowa said...
Warmest condolences to all NRA members not shot yet.
12:06 PM
More Progressive Center Left delusion.
Anonymous said...
Everyone with a functioning brain stem voted for HRC.
9:51 AM
TRUMP 2020!!
We can't know this shooter's motive, but one strong clue is who he chose for his victims: white country music fans.
This guy is probably like the guy who shot up the congressional softball practice this spring, a bitter, senile old-school white lunatic Democrat who rails at "racist rethuglicans" all day on the internet, or the "mike from iowa" demographic.
Drumpf has surpassed Obama the Great as potus during the worst mass murder in American history. Good job, Drumpfuck. Walk with pride, man.
Wingnuts claim the ex of the shooter's live in is a deranged Democrat- like it is her ex who is responsible for another irresponsible stoopid fucking gun monkey with bad habits.
Of a certainty they will claim the shooter saw a black person once and that sent him over the edge. Because they are stoopid fucking wingnuts.
The hate-filled louts shrieking as to how "lih-broolz" are supposedly all cheering about the butchery in Las Vegas are more telling when it comes to seeing what divides the US.
They are so filled with their own toxic waste that they are not even capable of expressing shock and sorrow over the dead and the wounded.
The fact is that they don't care about death and the suffering. They rejoice in it, because it fuels their hatred-induced endorphin rush. Yes, they finally get the chance to POSSIBLY ((and I say"possibly", because I don't have enough information to state with any confidence)) have a non-lily-white person who has done what so many white people have been doing for so long; they finally have pushed someone to their own level of insanity, and now have what they will claim is the JUSTIFICATION of any and every such act that has ever been, and will ever be, committed by a "white" person.
This is America today:
the disgusting celebration of slaughter.
On the other hand, it's entirely possible, even despite my experiences and my misanthropic streak, that I've still been naive these past six-plus decades of my time on Earth and have still been giving the human species more credit than it deserves; maybe I've been naive in believing that "America is better than this" because I'm not able to put myself into the proverbial shoes of people who love their hatred and delight in slaughter, and that inability has led me to the false belief that most people are better than they actually are.
Today, I'm thinking that, if humans killed themselves off, the only real tragedy is that our asshole species would take every other living creature down along with us. If we would just disappear without harming other creatures, I increasingly think that would be a good thing.
Anonymous pterochromics said...
"the disgusting celebration of slaughter."
So you think it's cool how liberals are rejoicing over this mass shooting?
You are disgusting.
A CBS legal executive said the concert-goers got what they deserved because most of them are probably gun-toting Republicans or something.
Hayley Geftman-Gold:
"If they wouldn’t do anything when children were murdered I have no hope that Repugs will ever do the right thing," Geftman-Gold wrote on Facebook. "I'm actually not even sympathetic bc country fans often are Republican gun toters."
A country in which large numbers of people cheerlead the deaths of large numbers of their fellow countrymen is no longer a country, and people should be adults and recognize this, and do the adult thing. It's time for a peaceful voluntary national dissolution.
New numbers- 58 dead and over 500 injured/wounded. But we won't have a debate about common sense gun control because there never is a good time for wingnuts to admit their policies aren't working for anyone except gun sellers and funeral homes.
The weapons this shooter used were already illegal.
Fucking Hillary Clinton trying to score political points while the bodies are still warm.
The official Democrat line on Las Vegas is: "No condolences, no prayers, no figuring out what happened or why. Pass our legislative agenda now."
Anonymous said...
Anonymous pterochromics said...
"the disgusting celebration of slaughter."
So you think it's cool how liberals are rejoicing over this mass shooting?
You are disgusting.
- You are one of the very people I described: so in love with your own hatred that you are incapable of *actually comprehending* anything. - You just want to use the slaughter of others as an excuse to indulge in vacuous schoolyard-level name-calling MERELY because you have no damned clue what "liberal " even means, BUT you hate anyone whom you beeeeeeLEEEEEV is "uh lib-broool".
- Although you evidently beeeeeLEEEEEV that your infantile jeering is more significant than a gnat's fart, the reality is that, if a hate-filled dolt such as yourself yips and barks that I'm "disgusting" because I deplore slaughter, I can only take it as a good sign.
The weapons this shooter used were already illegal. No they weren't and aren't illegal. Not in Nevada.
NRA wants silencers legalized because there has been a lull in gun purchases since Drumpfusk and Russia stole HRC's crown.
HRC does not believe 'sportsmen' need silencers to kill innocent animals. Matter of fact, guns that shoot by themselves every so often would be welcome in bug bear country, except for those big bears trained to the dinner bell sound of rifle fire means fresh meat for the taking and a possible human sucker for dessert.
It is best to make mucho noize in bear country.
mike from iowa said...
"NRA wants silencers legalized [...]
- The NRA was OK until 1979. Then the extremists took it over, and the people who were still moderately sane DID NOTHING.
- Meanwhile, the same thing was happening to the Republican Party, and the "party intellectuals" and the majority DID NOTHING.
- US politics in general has been going to hell in a hand-basket since then, and the majority of the "body politic" DID NOTHING.
- The problem is not the isolated details that get all the attention; the problem is that too many Americans are too self-centered to even think about the things they vote on - and that's when they even give enough of a damn to vote at all. Too many see politics as "stupid shit" (I wish I had a dime for every time I've heard and read *that*...) and mewl some nonsense that "you can't fight City Hall". In actual fact, too many Americans are too complacent and self-centered to vote, never mind try to be at all *informed* about issues.
- The only time most care at all is when something affects them *personally* and *specifically*. Not their family or friends or neighbors, but *themselves*.
- And too damn few give enough of a damn to even stand up to those who are out to harm them. Until the actual harm happens *to them personally and specifically, most people simply don't give a gnat's fart.
- It's the Suburbia mindset:
Withdraw into one's own house, into one's own little nuclear (and seldom extended) family, lock the doors, and tune in to sitcoms and "reality" TV, and exist in the fantasy that nothing, and nobody, exists outside of that bubble.
You know who is disgusting? Fucking white liberals who can't wait five minutes before they start using every tragedy, no matter how awful, to advance their moronic agenda.
People like Hillary Clinton, mike from iowa, and pterochromics.
Motherfuck all of you.
"Everyone with a functioning brain stem voted for HRC."
Still, 32% didn't vote at all. Those were the ones Bernie was counting on. Bernie was wrong.
And what does it matter whether the weapons were legal or not? You can still buy them. Prohibition didn't work for alcohol or drugs, and it won't work for firearms.
And so by all means, let's talk about this latest asswipe until he's nice and famous, just like he wanted, so all further asswipes will know they have a simple, reliable ticket to fame.
If we can't get rid of the millions of guns already out there,(hint: we can't and we shouldn't) then we either live with the carnage people cause with them, or we try to tackle some more difficult social issues than wishing they would just go away, such as the incentive we create by elevating asswipes to fame in our culture when they shoot a lot of people.
-Doug in Oakland
"You know who is disgusting? Fucking white liberals who can't wait five minutes before they start using every tragedy, no matter how awful, to advance their moronic agenda."
At least their agenda is for people to stop dying. Yours is for people to continue dying.
Who is more disgusting?
Besides, whose agenda was it to spread rumors before the bodies were cold that the shooter was a Muslim or a black guy? And then to have a sad when that shooter turned out to be a white guy?
Again, who is more disgusting?
Multiple people reported that a Hispanic woman with her Hispanic boyfriend made their way to the front of the stage last night, jeering at people that "they were all going to die tonight" and that she was "part of it". Eventually, security escorted them out.
Here is one witnesses' testimony:
"At least their agenda is for people to stop dying."
No it isn't. They are happy with "wrong" sort of people dying.
Their agenda, as always, is more control over those they hate.
"Multiple people reported that a Hispanic woman with her Hispanic boyfriend made their way to the front of the stage last night, jeering at people that 'they were all going to die tonight' and that she was 'part of it'. Eventually, security escorted them out."
And here we go. The old lie failed, so let's try a new one.
Fire up the conspiracy theory presses! Paging Alex Jones ...
NFL players to continue protest against the nation in aftermath of atrocious Las Vegas terror attack.
Trump has warned Goodell that they all better be standing for the national anthem tonight.
You can bet your ass they will obey the President.
"And here we go. The old lie failed, so let's try a new one.
Fire up the conspiracy theory presses! Paging Alex Jones ..."
So...those people are lying about what they heard last night?
Anonymous Anonymous said...
You know who is disgusting? Fucking white liberals [blah blah blah]
- Yes, of course - hater "logic" is that simply saying the shooting in Las Vegas is sad and horrific is "advancing a moronic liberal agenda".
- Which, by their own "logic", means their own agenda is that "mass shootings are good and we need more of them".
- Well all-righty then.
- I still maintain that, if being saddened by, and opposing, mass slaughter makes me "a moronic liberal" in the eyes of the two-legged junkyard dog haters, then it's their vision which needs correcting, and not my ethics.
ISIS has claimed responsibility, but that has to be looked at skeptically.
The media has been advocating political violence against conservative whites since the election. I would not be surprised if that was the motive of the shooting and this guy turns out to have antifa ties.
What's my moronic agenda, Anymoose? Let's hear it straight from the horse's ass-that's you in case you didn't know. Bring it, dude or dudette.
The moronic agenda comes from moronic agendizers like you who want to exacerbate the problem of too many guns with too many more guns. Ten you want everyone everywhere to have guns every minute of every waking day because your a frightened little pissant, afraid of your own shadow. Man up and grow a pair. Your Mother did.
pterochromics said...
"I still maintain that, if being saddened by, and opposing, mass slaughter makes me "a moronic liberal"
That was not the point of your first post.
Instead, your point (ironically) was to immediately use the tragedy to accuse the people you hate of using the tragedy to divide people.
Self-awareness is not your strong point.
"So...those people are lying about what they heard last night?"
Possibly, but even if they aren't, it's probably irrelevant to this shooting.
That won't stop retarded wingnut trash from making up a bunch of nonsense about it. They are surely doing it even as we speak. Reddit forums full of detective-wannabes are being created to "investigate."
Limpbaugh will probably love this, because he loves all ridiculous conspiracy theories. Inevitably, these dozens of peoples deaths will turn out to be the fault of that bitch Debbie Wasserman-Schultz.
Gun manufacturers stock rose 7% today. Could this be why we have a mass shooting nearly every day?
Silencer bill wingnuts are pushing will allow more armor piercing ammo as well. Every well known deer hunter is begging for armor piercing bullets for those tough to kill Bambis hiding out on the other side of Mt Rushmore or snuggled down in the belly of the USS iowa battleship. Kill 'em all.
How to Spot Lies on Social Media After a Mass Shooting
Worst mass killing:
mike from iowa said...
"NRA wants silencers legalized because there has been a lull in gun purchases since Drumpfusk and Russia stole HRC's crown."
They already are!!! The federal Govt says silencers/suppressors are 100% legal.The States are the ones to infringing on Second Amendment rights. Currently over 40 States allow silencer ownership,you are another left wing uneducated libtard.
Paul, I think u are insane.
Either that or the president is posting on this blog under a different name.
Silencers are legal but are regulated by federal law and on a state-by-state basis by the Nation Firearm Act (NFA) branch of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (BATFE). Private citizens can legally purchase and possess silencers in 42 states* without a permit.
To purchase a silencer the following qualifications apply:
*If you are an FFL dealer, manufacturer, peace officer, or member of a law enforcement agency or other government agency, there are additional states where you can own a silencer.
Concerning the LV shooting Chicago does that EVERY MONTH!!
Final September Totals
Shot & Killed: 57
Shot & Wounded: 273
Total Shot: 330
Total Homicides: 57
Year to Date
Shot & Killed: 496
Shot & Wounded: 2386
Total Shot: 2882
Total Homicides: 533
Paul said...
ISIS has claimed responsibility, but that has to be looked at skeptically.
The media has been advocating political violence against conservative whites since the election. I would not be surprised if that was the motive of the shooting and this guy turns out to have antifa ties.
3:38 PM
"Concerning the LV shooting Chicago does that EVERY MONTH!!"
Wow, you mean this guy did a month's work in a day? Maybe he has proven you trolls right. White people really are harder working than those lazy minorities.
Under the 1934 National Firearms Act, silencers — also known as suppressors — are treated similarly to machine guns or explosives. The waiting time to purchase such devices is far longer than for handguns or other weapons, as much as nine months or more. Buyers must submit fingerprints and a photograph in order to purchase a silencer, and federal law enforcement agencies keep a record of who buys the devices. There is also a $200 transfer tax on silencers
Duncan’s proposal would eliminate those requirements, as well as refunding the $200 transfer tax to anyone who has purchased a silencer since October 2015.
Okay. Silencers are legal, but treated the same as full auto weapons. Same hoops to jump through and same taxes to pay, same registrations which wingnuts are trying to get rid of. Police departments oppose this bill for obvious reasons and it is doubtful Dems in the senate will not block this wish list of the NRA.
Paul said...
ISIS has claimed responsibility, but that has to be looked at skeptically.
Oh so he can't be a jihadist because he's white? You're a fucking racist
Anonymous said...
pterochromics said...
"I still maintain that, if being saddened by, and opposing, mass slaughter makes me "a moronic liberal"
"That was not the point of your first post."
- Um, to quote, what I wrote was:
"The hate-filled louts shrieking as to how "lih-broolz" are supposedly all cheering about the butchery in Las Vegas are more telling when it comes to seeing what divides the US."
- The fact is that there is NO mass celebration of this horrid act, and yes, I do think that anyone who takes the snide comments of a few people, and accuses MILLIONS of agreeing, is rather a lout.
- It does, however, beg the question: Why is it that ANY time someone criticizes hatred for being the destructive waste of time it is, you, and various other people, immediately CLAIM that you are the specific targets?
- At any rate, despite your misperception, I don't "hate" them, and it seems to me that claiming I "hate" any specific individual or any specific group is nothing more than psychological projection. I can, and defintely do, disapprove of how some people behae; I can, and do, find some people to be willfully stupid; but that's a FAR cry from "hating" them.
- I could elaborate further, but see no point in taking that time to do so, since I doubt that you (whomever you even are, since "Anonymous" is so vague) will accept the difference between disapproval of a behavior and hatred of a person, because you prefer to continue to "believe" that I am somehow the embodiment of all that *you* hate.
- It's not "hating" to note that some people are hateful, or to note that one finds hateful people to be pathetic because they are wasting their lives on something that's fruitless at best, and destructive at worst.
- Despite you evident need to believe I hate you as much as you evidently hate me, first, I'm not able to "hate" a bunch of letters on a computer screen, and second, I don't have enough time or energy or desire to waste my life on "hate". I fully admit that I do get angry, but I really can't even maintain that - life is too short, and I have too many other things that I need to do, and that I want to do, to waste my energies on staying angry.
- But that does not mean I'll ever lay down passively and let nasty people of ANY persuasion use me as a door-mat.
- And yes, I did also write:
- "They [haters] are so filled with their own toxic waste that they are not even capable of expressing shock and sorrow over the dead and the wounded.
The fact is that they don't care about death and the suffering."
- We've seen the truth of that right here in this thread, both prior to my comment, and following it. Most people are mourning this tragedy; and some *are* just using it. I never specified any group or any individual - as the cliché goes, "If the shoe fits, wear it."
- But don't blame me if it does fit and you can't deal with it. Defensiveness and accusations are only proof of the wearer's own guilt, and I'm not responsible for either the actions *or* the guilt of others.
You go on to falsely claim:
"Instead, your point (ironically) was to immediately use the tragedy to accuse the people you hate of using the tragedy to divide people.
- You completely missed what point I was trying to make, just as you completely missed the fact that, as I noted above, it is not "hatred" to note that some people are behaving hatefully.
- If there is any "irony" here, it is that you immediately shoved your own foot into the proverbial shoe, and then turned around and claimed that the shoe had been specifically meant for YOU.
- Why is that?
Self-awareness is not your strong point.
- Reading comprehension is obviously not yours.
pterochromics said...
"You completely missed what point I was trying to make, just as you completely missed the fact that, as I noted above, it is not "hatred" to note that some people are behaving hatefully"
Therefore it is not "hatred" to note that you are behaving hatefully.
Can't you just stop attacking the victims for a day until we figure out what happened?
Has there been a whitey shooter in America dubbed a terrorist by the Department of Perjured Justice?
There have been more mass shootings than days in this year.
Director Homey said...
"This guy is probably like the guy who shot up the congressional softball practice this spring, a bitter, senile old-school white lunatic Democrat who rails at "racist rethuglicans" all day on the internet, or the "mike from iowa" demographic."
We need to detain all liberal boomers until we figure out what the hell is going on.
This "mike from iowa" guy fits the profile exactly.
field negro said...
Paul, I think u are insane.
Either that or the president is posting on this blog under a different name.
4:38 PM
What Paul said is spot on!!
Police departments oppose this bill for obvious reasons and it is doubtful Dems in the senate will not block this wish list of the NRA.
5:30 PM
Police do not oppose this and yes the democrats will fail to black this.
Anonymous said...
"Can't you just stop attacking the victims for a day until we figure out what happened?"
- I never "attacked the victims".
- But that's not the point, is it? You want to believe that you smell blood, and won't stop hunting for the raw meat you imagine is there. Because heaven forbid that anyone even try to be rational - no, that doesn't fit your weltanshau.
- You only accuse me of being hateful, and otherwise try to turn my (and other people's) words inside out because you figure I/they will get all upset. Yeah, right, as if nobody has ever seen that game played before, yeesh :p
- Enjoy playing your boring little game with yourself.
LV shooter was George Soros operation.
"Has there been a whitey shooter in America dubbed a terrorist by the Department of Perjured Justice?"
Uh, Timothy McVeigh. Eric Rudolph. Those guys killed for clearly stated political reasons and were non-state actors, and that is the general-purpose layman's definition of terrorism. So I don't think you'd have any trouble finding DOJ officials who would describe them as terrorists.
Dylann Roof, too, probably. He explicitly said he wanted to start a race war, which is a political motive.
However, if you mean has any white person ever been charged with formal terrorist offenses, there probably haven't been many. Maybe none. But that's not because of the bigotry of DOJ officials. It's because they literally can't charge them with "terrorism" because the law doesn't work that way.
Most federal charges for terrorism require a person to be associated with a congressionally designed terrorist organization. And there ARE no designated domestic terrorist organizations, only international ones. Unless white folks choose to go join ISIS, they can never get hit with this type of a charge.
Why The Government Can't Bring Terrorism Charges In Charlottesville
"Why The Government Can't Bring Terrorism Charges In Charlottesville"
The government can't bring terrorism charges in Charlottesville because no terrorism occurred.
A 20-year old with some apparent psychological issues named James Alex Fields freaked out when antifa protesters attacked him in his car. He stamped on the gas straight through a crowd and slammed into two parked cars, then threw it in reverse and rapidly backed up. Despite media reports equating his act to several Muslim truck/van/car attacks where the original intent was to run people over, this guy did it trying to escape. He badly hurt a large number of people and will face the consequences for this heinous act. The person who died however, Heather Heyer, was not struck by the car, she died of a heart attack.
I watched the slow motion video and saw no attack on the vehicle in question. In fact the video was stopped at frames that showed none of what the narration purported. It looks to me like someone got mad and decided to run over a bunch of unarmed civilians and got caught ;ater.
"A 20-year old with some apparent psychological issues named James Alex Fields freaked out when antifa protesters attacked him in his car."
Unfortunately for Mr. Fields, nobody but Nazis believes this lie. He is going to prison for a very long time.
Law enforcement officers and major law enforcement organizations have repeatedly opposed the rollback of silencer safety laws.
The Police Foundation, the Police Executive Research Forum, the Major Cities Chiefs Association, and other national police associations oppose deregulating silencers, stating that “these proposals, if enacted, would put police officers and the public at grave risk.”10
At the state level, groups like the Minnesota Chiefs of Police Association, the Illinois Association of Chiefs of Police, the Montana Game Warden Association, and the Maine Warden Service have all recently opposed bills to relax state silencer laws.11
David Chipman, a retired 25-year federal law enforcement veteran—as well as a sportsman and a gun-owner—recently told National Public Radio that to remove silencers from the NFA would be “reckless” and “a threat to public safety” because silencers can confuse police and the public during a shooting and allow an active shooter to conceal his or her locati
And it's evil devils such as yourself that bring in the guns and drugs while reducing black people to a level of abject poverty because your soulless sources of unparalleled evil
You must worship evil king Leopold the second fuck off or better yet off your fuck ass
random said...
And it's evil devils such as yourself that bring in the guns and drugs while reducing black people to a level of abject poverty because your soulless sources of unparalleled evil
Hey, it's a living.
Law enforcement supports repeal of the National Firearms Act.
99% of Chiefs and head of LE Agencies are political hacks who are giant pussy house mouses. They only care about themselves and not public safety.
99% of pussy assholes who feel the need to have military style arms are bitches.
Chief Johnson said...
99% of pussy assholes who feel the need to have military style arms are bitches.
2:31 PM
Really,I know a lot people who served in the military that feel otherwise.In fact, they pride the fact the served to protect our 2nd Amendment freedom.
What have YOU done???
Chief Johnson said...
99% of pussy assholes who feel the need to have military style arms are bitches.
2:31 PM
Do require some crayons and hot coco??
And some of these vets are chiefs and LEO supervisors and you call them pussies. You are a bitch and you never served yourself have you? What branch?
I can't tell who actually wrote this, but Somebody said...
"99% of pussy assholes who feel the need to have military style arms are bitches."
- This is as unthinking a claim as are the claims that the LV shooter was supposedly a "Soros-funded antifah lefty".
- I mean, 99% is how a lot of people FEEL; it's not in any way the *feelings* I question, but rather, I question the proliferation of unsubstantiated statistics and misrepresented statistics.
- The problem is that there is simply no way to cite any valid statistics regarding the psychological motivations for people's gun purchases. Personally, I had handguns, and practiced target shooting, because I had grown up with it: my paternal grandfather literally never ate anything he didn't personally dispatch, and my father was a WWII Veteran and a Championship Sharpshooter with a couple shelves full of trophies.
- Like it or not, there are a lot of people for whom target shooting is a family tradition, and others who hunt as a way to stretch their food budget, or maybe because they feel the same was my Grandfather had felt.
- And yes, it *is* also true that some were given gun-purchasing permits who should not have, *especially* after 1979 when, due to a combination of factors, people began receiving permits who previously had been deemed poor risks for *responsible* gun ownership.
- Yes, that was a form of "gun control", just as *all* laws are intended to control the actions of people who have the mental competence to know and/or care that extreme and harmful actions will be prosecuted.
- And, yes, although it of course did not "prevent all shootings everywhere", any more than any law prevents all bad actions by unbalanced people, the other fact is that fewer kooks with guns because it was much more difficult for them to *get* guns, so there were fewer shootings by kooks.
- Perfect? Hell no; there's no such thing as "universally perfect". But better? For most people, yes. It certainly seemed more rational, as I remember it.
On his visit to Puerto Rico today the POTUS told the people of Puerto Rico that having to help them is ruining his budget. He then went on to delver additional racists, and insensitive remarks.
His words are of no surprise.
After all, he's just another one of the straws that make up the basket of deplorable racists.
When someone shows you who they are...BELIEVE IT!
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