When black people lie about racism, does it hurt blacks who have suffered from real racism?
Did you find NBC using the n word on prime time to be offensive?
Do you think it's a big deal that the government might be trying to meddle in the Time Warner AT&T merger deal to punish CNN?
Finally, is it ever good for a white person to whitesplain slavery to a person of color?
Happy one year anniversary of the beginning of MAGA!
Yes, it hurts the cause when people make false allegations. The n word has been used on prime time tv before back in the 70's almost regularly (the Jeffersons and Sanford and Son) it seemed appropriate in context. The CNN sale seems above board and Richard Spencer is a moron and should not be taken seriously (unless you're Steve Bannon).
Making Attorneys Get Attorneys.
Obama probably likes Trump more than he likes Clinton.
It's one year to the day when Hillary was so butt-hurt at losing, she flew into a drunken rage and refused to give a concession speech. Never forget.
As a light-skinned African-American, please tell me why it's not OK to be white.
A year ago Donald Trump pulled off the greatest political upset in US history.
He had the entire Democratic Party and the Clinton machine against him.
He had his own party against him.
He had the entire media, including Fox News, working 24/7 against him.
Hollywood, Wall Street, corporate America - all worked against him.
The billionaire class was united against him.
The entire world was against him.
Yet he won.
Congratulations President Trump.
Black is STILL beautiful and brilliant!!👸🏽💃🏽💃🏽🤴🏽
And whooteemoos are still no life having, stalkers of Black blogs, BASTARDS!!!
As a light-skinned African-American, please tell me why it's not OK to be white.
As a moronic troll you should be asking why it's not ok to be stupid.
Yīshēng said...
Black is STILL beautiful and brilliant!!
But you are neither!
But that's OK.
One year ago about right now, Hillary's dreams died.
The guy was deflecting attention away from him for thE other offense they say he was being investigated for. Of course whitey going to make a big deal about it! Then they can say 'now see why we don't believe you' lol
All of the media is biased. And all of the candidates were the darlings of one or the other station.
Whitey is insistent upon saying the N word too! And so it did! Nationwide for all to hear! White corporate America at NBC said tbe N word through the mouth that actor.
The journalist handled the dumb whitey well enough.
One night ago about right now, Gillespie's dreams died.
Richard Spencer is right.
Any black in America is better off today because of slavery.
Even the slaves who came here probably had better lives than they would have as slaves in Africa. But there is no question that their descendants won the lottery of life by getting to live in a White country.
There is no group of blacks on earth who live as well as American blacks, who are wealthier, healthier, safer, and more free than any other black population.
America is oppressive that blacks from all over the planet do whatever they can to get here to get them some of that "racism".
Y'all should STFU before you ruin the whole sweet deal you have.
I have more respect for a janitor than a "gender studies" graduate.
The Democrats' see that the way to hold their Coalition Of The Fringes together is to stoke hatred of The American Core by demonizing cishet white males.
The Hate Hoax epidemic is one result of this strategy.
"As a light-skinned African-American, please tell me why it's not OK to be white."
Except that it’s not OK to be white.
Give me a call when a major corporation or a national politician explicitly states that it’s OK to be white.
I won't hold my breath.
Every day I thank God Hillary Clinton isn't President.
Y'all should STFU before you ruin the whole sweet deal you have.
Tell that to the white guys who whine about being oppressed. Munchausen or something is it?
The Democrats' see that the way to hold their Coalition Of The Fringes together is to stoke hatred of The American Core by demonizing cishet white males.
The Republicans see the only way to hold their racist coalition of the haters is to stoke the hatred of anything non-white by demonizing teh gays, negroes, Latinos, women, Mooslims, Natives, Klingons and anything non white male.
"Protect our heritage".
James Bitch is a Republican so that should tell you something.
Every day I thank God Ed Gillespie isn't governor!
I'm not really comfortable with that word, especially out of a white mouth, as I have previously explained here.
That video clip, while short on context, didn't seem too far out of bounds, but I don't really know where the boundaries are as I don't watch television.
The two exceptions I can think of just off the top of my head are both songs written and sung by white men (although the second was co-sung with two black men) they are "Oliver's Army" by Elvis Costello and "You Are What You Is" by Frank Zappa.
But mostly I understand that my comfort level isn't too important when considering the use of that word. Thinking about it now, I have heard a live human being utter that word maybe a few dozen times in my 57 years on this planet, and a bunch of those were my father and brother when I was a kid.
I just don't hear it very often.
-Doug in Oakland
Yisheng dreams every day of being white.
Ain't gonna happen, girl!
Ain't gonna happen, girl!
Thank god! We don't need another pasty flat assed broad.
I don't use the n-word personally. I don't see why anybody else needs to use it. It was interesting to hear the word in Denzel Washington's "Fences," this year. It's not surprising to hear black Americans using it in the 1950s, I just never thought about it before.
NBC went over to the dark side at least ten years ago. My famous blog post documents how Matt and Meredith agonized over whether or not to air portions of the Virginia Tech shooter video.
More recently, they hired Megyn Kelly. Why? Fair and balanced, I guess. Why does it represent a balance when one party is lying?
As far as the merger. DOJ is responsible for regulating mergers which threaten to consolidate monopolies. I don't believe that this is a vendetta against CNN. It has to do with horizontal conglomeration. The DOJ also offered that the proposed merger might go through if AT&T sold its DirecTV. The issue is that a merger of huge entities that provide not only media distribution but also production of original content cannot be allowed to monopolize such an enormous share of a lucrative and profitable market. I would not approve such a merger no matter what.
The DOJ is not just a twitter feed for Jeff Sessions and Donald Trump. These are career civil servants.
I would like to see the mother of ISIS suffer. She obviously committed Espionage Act violations. Dick Cheney lied us in to war and we can't even charge him for torture. Unlike the rest of you assholes I believe what makes sense instead of what I want to believe. I would like to believe Hillary can be arrested for breaking campaign finance laws, but Donna Brazile is a psychopathic liar. What would make me think she told the truth for once?
Adam Schiff is a terrorist. He voted to authorize the Iraq War on he is on an intelligence committee that approved the CIA support of terrorists to overthrow Syria (with your money). He is the top pimp of the Russia hack lie because Russia is defeating his ISIS friends. His ISIS friends rape children and kill their families. And Schiff risks WWIII to try to protect them. He should be treated like anyone else from ISIS.
Anonymous @ 3:33 AM was me, Limpbaugh.
@2:21,you left off Big Black penis envying, dotard.
And whooteemoo women envy the BBP too.
Donna Brazile got bought off by whitey wingnuts. She is parading around with Fake Noize and disgraced former sheriff Clarke of cowboy hat shame. No wonder her book is full of shit.
Yes, it's been a year since trump won. Approval now in the mid-thirties. ��
Somewhere in America Hillary is laughing her ass off.
Earth to Limpaw- the United States of America's military might has had a large roll in defeating dumbass dubya's bastard children ISIS. Only when Obama was Potus, though.
Dumbfuck dubya's stoopid desire to take out Saddam Hussein w/o any follow up plans created the necessary vacuum for ISIS to be born and grow. Suck it, buddy.
Wingnuts wouldn't mind at all if Drumpf used his office to force the sale of CNN, afterall Libs used the rule of law to attempt to force non-profits to do no politicking and wingnuts freaked out.
Now wingnuts want churches to be allowed into politics and keep their non-profit and tax free status. Because stoopid wingnuts can't read the constitution and can't decipher what it says. Stoopid, stoopid wingnuts.
field negro said...
Yes, it's been a year since trump won. Approval now in the mid-thirties
Still believe those polls, Field?
Obama was funding ISIS.
Now that Trump has pulled the plug, ISIS is collapsing.
mike from iowa said...
"Donna Brazile got bought off by whitey wingnuts"
Or maybe by the Russians.
Because, as you know, there is no way it could be true that Hillary got the DNC to rig the primary process, that she was so sick she was almost replaced by Biden, or that the Seth Rich murder is so fucking 'mysterious' it freaked everyone in the DNC out.
Brazile is obviously a lying, uppity AA ingrate.
Let's lock arms in support of Hillary, and "Move On", again.
Monkey cage got heated:
Somewhere in America Hillary is laughing her ass off.
8:02 AM
She isnt laughing,she lost big time.She is worried about going to prison.
Because, as you know, there is no way it could be true that Hillary got the DNC to rig the primary process, that she was so sick she was almost replaced by Biden, or that the Seth Rich murder is so fucking 'mysterious' it freaked everyone in the DNC out.
Or any of the other lies and false flags pointed at either Clinton over the past 30 years. Try again.
Anonymous No more wars said...
Obama was funding ISIS.
Now that Trump has pulled the plug, ISIS is collapsing.
liar, liar Pants on Fire Another one bites the dust.
Yisheng is as ugly on the outside as she is on the inside.
Physiognomy is real.
Hey fucking wingnuts, how does it feel to have to steal to win elections? Like the losers you are?
Pretty obvious after 30 years of trying to prosecute Clintons for no reason at all, wingnuts aren't really interested in pursuing the truth. They are quite happy to run interference for the lying scum in the WH if there is a glimmer of hope of giving America's wealth to the top 1%. Wingnuts, by and large, are too wrapped up in their own selves to see what their party has done to every American out there.
Obama was the best thing that ever happened to the "1%". He was their boy. Hillary was their girl. That's why the elite and their media tried to keep Trump out of the White House.
New Leaks Reveal DNC and CNN Corruption, Collusion for Hillary Clinton
Perceived leftwing bias at CNN has earned it the nickname the “Clinton News Network,” but new emails reveal complete corruption and collusion. The emails show the DNC actually gave CNN anchors Wolf Blizter and Jake Tapper suggestions and questions to help their narrative before interviews with Donald Trump.
The latest batch of 8,263 emails released on Sunday night also show CNN asked the DNC for advice when it came to interviewing former Republican candidate, Ted Cruz. Mr. Cruz was Mr. Trump’s chief rival throughout much of the primary season.
An email dated April 28 sent from DNC research director Lauren Dillon read ‘Subject: Cruz on CNN’ stated ‘CNN is looking for questions. Please send some topical/interesting ones.’ Only a few days before, on April 25, she asked for questions from officials and staffers for an interview that CNN’s Wolf Blitzer would be conducting with Trump.
erceived leftwing bias at CNN has earned it the nickname the “Clinton News Network,” but new emails reveal complete corruption and collusion. The emails show the DNC actually gave CNN anchors Wolf Blizter and Jake Tapper suggestions and questions to help their narrative before interviews with Donald Trump.
The latest batch of 8,263 emails released on Sunday night also show CNN asked the DNC for advice when it came to interviewing former Republican candidate, Ted Cruz. Mr. Cruz was Mr. Trump’s chief rival throughout much of the primary season.
An email dated April 28 sent from DNC research director Lauren Dillon read ‘Subject: Cruz on CNN’ stated ‘CNN is looking for questions. Please send some topical/interesting ones.’ Only a few days before, on April 25, she asked for questions from officials and staffers for an interview that CNN’s Wolf Blitzer would be conducting with Trump.
Donna Brasile, Field Negro of all time!
Donn Brazile, FIELD NEGRO!!!!!!
Chicago November to Date:
Shot & Killed: 12
Shot & Wounded: 48
Total Shot: 60
Total Homicides: 12
Why do certain people call for the police and then do not like the service??
CNN is ISIS- pull a Drumpfuck time. Why waste yer time trying to prove something that didn't happen when the real story is Russia ILLEGALLY hacked the election. Investigate Russia hacking, NOW!
HRC didn't debate Crusty Cruz.
Hey mike, how exactly did Russia "hack" the election?
Take yer pick, Wolfmeister.
The left seems to hold the belief that their butt hurt is an impeachable offence.
If I can use the occasion for an Open Mike:
Sometime, field, I'd like to hear a discussion of Michael Harriot's claim re: people who say "I don't see color." (this was at The Root, where he holds forth) He objected that that's insulting (never mind how they know to stop at a red light), to try to deny black identity. Then he said, "We love being black."
Now, I think the opposite to that claim wouldn't be "we love being white," which is meaninglessly bland in this culture, but more like "we love being Italian-American," or "we love being Greek-American," because is connotes a specific inheritance or generic style. But black culture in America isn't so big and diverse, maybe, for Harriot's statement to be meaningless.
Certainly there are a lot of whites who are black wannabes, usually related to music or rap or hip hop or jazz or just being a certain kind of cool. They would understand.
But most whites have never imagined a black person saying that. How many blacks have ever stopped to think it?
Could make a good discussion?
"The Democrats' see that the way to hold their Coalition Of The Fringes together is to stoke hatred of The American Core by demonizing cishet white males."
Ignorant, fascist losers like yourself are not "The American Core." You are a festering boil on the ass of America that needs to be drained.
By Robert Reich:
One year after the election. An update for Trump voters on his election promises:
1. He told you he’d repeal Obamacare and replace it with something “beautiful.” You bought it. But he didn’t repeal and he didn’t replace. (Just as well: His plan would have knocked at least 23 million off health insurance, including many of you.
2. He told you he’d cut your taxes. You bought it. But the tax “reform” bill he and House Republicans have produced won’t cut your taxes. Half of the middle class would see their taxes increase. The bill would cut corporate taxes and give millionaires a huge is tax break, and explode the national debt by at least $1.5 trillion.
3. He told you he’d invest $1 trillion in our nation’ crumbling infrastructure. You bought it. But after his giant tax cut for corporations and millionaires, there’s no money left for infrastructure.
4. He said he’d clean the Washington swamp. You bought it. But he’s brought into his administration more billionaires, CEOs, and Wall Street moguls than in any administration in history, to make laws that will enrich their businesses, and he’s filled departments and agencies with former lobbyists, lawyers and consultants who are crafting new policies for the same industries they recently worked for.
5. He said he’d use his business experience to whip the White House into shape. You bought it. But he created the most chaotic, dysfunctional, back-stabbing White House in modern history, and has already fired and replaced so many assistants (one of them hired and fired in a little more than a week) that no one knows who’s in charge of what.
6. He said he’d close “special interest loopholes that have been so good for Wall Street investors but unfair to American workers.” You bought it. But he picked Wall Street financiers to head every economic policy job, and his tax bill still retains the “carried interest” loophole that benefits Wall Street private-equity and hedge fund partners.
7. He told you he’d “bring down drug prices” by making deals with drug companies. You bought it. But now the White House says that promise is “inoperative.”
8. He said that on Day One he’d label China a “currency manipulator.” You bought it. But then he met with China’s president Xi Jinping and declared "China is not a currency manipulator.” Ever since then, Trump has been cozying up to Xi.
9. He said he wouldn’t bomb Syria. You bought it. But then he bombed Syria.
10. He said he’d build a “wall” across the southern border. You believed him. But there’s no money for that, either. Chief of staff John Kelly says it is “unlikely that we will build a wall, a physical barrier, from sea to shining sea.”
11. He called Barack Obama “the vacationer-in-Chief” and accused him of playing more rounds of golf than Tiger Woods. He promised to never be the kind of president who took cushy vacations on the taxpayer’s dime, not when there was so much important work to be done. You bought it. But in his first 9 months he has spent nearly 25 percent of his days at one of his golf properties for some portion of the day, according to Golf News Network, at a cost to taxpayers of an estimated $77 million. That’s already more taxpayer money on vacations than Obama cost in the first 3 years of his presidency. Not to mention all the money taxpayers are spending protecting his family, including his two sons who travel all over the world on Trump business.
12. He said he’d keep Muslim immigrants out of America. But his executive orders to prevent citizens from predominantly Muslim countries from entering the United States have been stopped by the federal courts, on grounds they violate the Constitution.
Thanks for proving my point so succinctly.
Part 2:
Part 2:
13. He said he’d force companies to keep jobs in America, and that there would be “consequences” for companies that shipped jobs abroad. You believed him. But despite their promises, Carrier, Ford, GM, and the rest have continued to ship jobs to Mexico and China. Carrier (a division of United Technologies) moved ahead with plans to send 1,000 jobs at its Indiana plant to Mexico. Notwithstanding, the federal government has rewarded United Technologies with 15 new contracts since Trump's inauguration. Last year, Microsoft opened a new factory in Wilsonville, Oregon, that was supposed to herald a new era in domestic tech manufacturing. But in July, the company announced it was closing the plant. More than 100 workers and contractors will lose their jobs when production shifts to China. GE is sending jobs to Canada. IBM is sending them to Costa Rica, Egypt, Argentina, and Brazil. There have been no “consequences” for sending all these jobs overseas.
14. He said he’d create coal jobs. You believed him. He hasn’t. But here’s what he has done: Since 1965 a federal program called the Appalachian Regional Commission has spent $23 billion helping communities in coal states fund job retraining, reclaim land, and provide desperately needed social services. A.R.C. helped cut poverty rates almost in half, double the percentage of high-school graduates, and reduce infant mortality by two-thirds. Trump’s proposed budget eliminated A.R.C.
15. He said he’d make America safer. You believed him. But according to Mass Shooting Tracker, there have been 377 mass shootings so far this year, including 58 people killed and hundreds injured at a concert in Las Vegas, and 26 churchgoers killed and 20 injured at a church in Texas. Trump refuses to consider any gun controls.
16. In referring to his opponent in the 2016 presidential election, Hillary Clinton, he said he’d “lock her up.” But he has not locked her up. In the United States, unlike dictatorships, presidents do not prosecute and punish their political opponents. Trump has expressed frustration that he cannot order the FBI and Justice Department to do whatever he wants them to do.
Polynesian Meat Roll said...
The left seems to hold the belief that their butt hurt is an impeachable offence.
1:38 PM
And stoopid fucking wingnuts swore lying about sex was an impeachable offense, but mass murdering war crimes are not worth investigating when done by lying wingnut scumbags.
There is not a crime out there a wingnuts such as Drumpfuck the dumbfuck could ever commit that would even give wingnuts pause to ponder. Party first. Fuck America and its constitution. Way to go, wingnuts.
Chicago November to Date:
Shot & Killed: 12
Shot & Wounded: 48
Total Shot: 60
Total Homicides: 12
Impossible, the donald sent in the feds and said Chicago would be safe in a couple of days.
Aladamnbama pervert/twice fired Scotus justice and candidate for US Sinate was a horny old devil, especially with underage girls. Probably win in a landslide now. That is the kind of behavior wingnuts look for in their candidates. Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahasha!
Sutherland Springs, Texas November to date:
total homicides: 26
wow, that's more than Chicago
"When black people lie about racism, does it hurt blacks who have suffered from real racism?"
Yes, because wingnut media will weaponize these incidents to "prove" hate crimes aren't a real problem. We are still hearing about freaking Tawana Brawley's 30-year-old lies in 2017.
"Did you find NBC using the n word on prime time to be offensive?"
No. Racial slurs, like all other foul language in a dramatic production, should be seen as acceptable if they are realistic, given the context, and not thrown in for gratuitous shock value. That said, on broadcast prime time TV, viewers expect things will be made "child-safe" to some degree. The producers of This Is Us would find life much easier if their show were airing on HBO.
"Do you think it's a big deal that the government might be trying to meddle in the Time Warner AT&T merger deal to punish CNN?"
Well, let's put it this way: I am pleased with the outcome, which is that the merger will probably not go through, as I am not in favor of more media consolidation.
But the way it has happened is suspicious, to say the least. Trump has been working furiously to gut all government regulation, for the benefit of himself and all his rich friends. So the DOJ acts to enforce antitrust regulations and he's on board with that? More likely, it's the other way around -- Trump demanded the merger be stymied solely because CNN says mean things about him.
We'll probably never know for sure, but with this president, it's possible the right thing is happening for the wrong reasons. Half of Trump's decisions seem to revolve around punishing his enemies.
Maybe if liberals all insist we hate the idea of nationalized health care, free college, and a decent minimum wage, Trump will impose them on us out of spite? Just a thought.
"Finally, is it ever good for a white person to whitesplain slavery to a person of color?"
Not crazy about terms like "whitesplain" or "mansplain," because they suggest that people aren't allowed to hold opinions because of their race or gender (good luck with that), rather than that their opinions themselves are of the lowest possible quality.
Spencer's far-right talking point that attempts to justify slavery by pointing out that some modern-day black Americans are wealthier than some Africans, is so tedious and wrong/illogical on so many levels that it gives me a headache thinking about it.
Watching this exchange, though, I wonder if Gary Younge knew what he was in for when he decided to do this interview with Spencer. I'm sure he thought he'd be able to keep his cool, but the in-person reality of these Nazis is much uglier than you'd imagine. Spencer's "punchability rating" is very, very high.
Wingnuts are more susceptible to believing in lies. Irrefutable proof wingnuts suck up lies like candy.
A Ninny Mouse said...
Except that it’s not OK to be white.
Give me a call when a major corporation or a national politician explicitly states that it’s OK to be white.
- THAT'S RIGHT, Ninny-Mouse!
- In fact, it is SO not-OK to be white, and everyone, *everyone* I tell you!, is in such a determined conspiracy of hatred against you, and it sucks ever so DREADFULLY badly to be you, that one wonders how, OH!, HOW!, you and your ever so atrociously oppressed brethren manage to keep from flinging yourselves from cliffs and bridges, you poor, POOR little dearies....
Nice link, PilotX.
"Aladamnbama pervert/twice fired Scotus justice and candidate for US Sinate was a horny old devil, especially with underage girls. Probably win in a landslide now."
It seems there is an outside chance Alabama could wind up with a Democratic senator. Alabama! If that happens, flying pigs are not far off.
field negro said...
When black people lie about racism, does it hurt blacks who have suffered from real racism?
- Of course it hurts legitimate victims.
- Being White, I don't have enough hubris to even attempt to talk about the specifics. But I can note some general harms done by all false claims:
¤ it give ammunition to those who militate for regressive laws;
¤ it increases acceptance of bad acts by habituating people to them;
¤ it dilutes treatment, assistance, and legal recourse for actual victims by using resources which are already far from abundant;
¤ it demeans victims and adds to their emotional distress;
¤ through all of the above, it emboldens and empowers abusers.
Did you find NBC using the n word on prime time to be offensive?
- I didn't see the incident and only heard about it when I read your blog here. In general, though, I object to the use of any ethnic and/or racial slurs, and I especially object to their use on TV. I just think it's unnecessary, boorish, and infantile. And really, people are already more habituated to/accepting of levels of sleaze, nastiness, abuse, violence, and so on, which were considered shocking and punishable not all that many years ago.
- TV *could* be used to showcase decency, ethics, and positive behaviors, but instead, it's a cultural cesspool, a mental miasma.
- And yeah, I know that people in general adopt ethnic/racial slurs and use them, but my personal view is, well, I'll just say that it's not, IMO, the way to be uplifting and encouraging.
Do you think it's a big deal that the government might be trying to meddle in the Time Warner AT&T merger deal to punish CNN?
- I don't know enough about how it's "meddling" to say anything useful. If it's a valid application of anti-trust laws, that would be fine. But I assume it's something very different.
- In the end, given recent developments (especially the idiocy that "corporations are people"), it's probably going to just be a huge waste of taxpayer money to try to constrain corporate activities.
Finally, is it ever good for a white person to whitesplain slavery to a person of color?
- It's OK to add historical facts to a discussion. It's not OK to belittle those who suffered, or to claim that the abuse was justifiable or acceptable, or to barf up obvious distortions and/or outright lies, or to pervert science to falsely claim that it "supports" one's own paranoid xenophobia/allophobia.
- In connection with that:
Anonymous said
"Not crazy about terms like "whitesplain" or "mansplain," because they suggest that people aren't allowed to hold opinions because of their race or gender (good luck with that), rather than that their opinions themselves are of the lowest possible quality."
- I would have to say, Yes but also No. It's always easy for words to be egregiously misused, but for now at least, I think most people understand that something-splain refers to someone with Zero comprehension of, and Zero capacity to be sympathetic towards, the actual experience and viewpoint that the 'someone' is, in essence, completely and arrogantly re-defining so as to fit into his or her own specific agenda...
Mike from Iowa you are a dupe of the neocon military industrial complex. Turn off your TV and do some research. Trump ended the CIA program to support "moderate rebels" that started in 2013. refused to believe the evidence that we were supporting terrorists. One piece of that evidence was a report that the Pentagon reluctantly declassified. It detailed who the rebel recruits would be. Mostly from Al Qaeda, but from various other smaller jihadist groups as well. It also predicted they would come back into Iraq from Syria, where we don't want them. We don't want them in countries after the countries are overthrown. And maybe you don't know, but we formed Al Qaeda to fight the Russians in Afghanistan. Wikileaks published other evidence and Hillary started bragging about overthrowing Libya without using American troops before Benghazi happened. Officials have admitted we were "monitoring" arm shipments from Libya to Syria in Benghazi, and generals have testified on C-Span that we got four or five good terrorists after spending 500 million dollars on recruiting efforts. Yes, Al Qaeda grew with Bush's war in Iraq. Then Obama hired them. ISIS grew geometrically during the year CNN told you we were fighting them. Then Russia wiped a good portion of them out in one week.
Limpaw- you are a blind nut in search of a squirrel. ISIS started long before 2013. Turn of your Fake Noize bullshit and get caught up on what is really going on outside of Rupert Murdoch's disturbed world.
Had dumbass dubya left Saddam Hussein alone there would be no ISIS and al quada probably would have died an ugly death under Hussein's thumb since there were religious terrorists and Hussein had a secular country.
Of course Bush's war made Al Qaeda grow. Then Obama hired them. If Obama hadn't followed Bush's interventionist policies there would be no ISIS. Now, thanks to Russia they are on their way out. I'm sure I knew we were being lied into the Iraq War way before you did. You would know more about what is going on now if you had known then. Knight Rider papers and consortium news were telling the truth about it while your TV lied to you. And the Clintons knew before I did, but Hillary still voted to authorize it. So did Russia hack lie pimp Adam Schiff. They both also voted for the covert CIA support of ISIS. But you can't connect the neocons' lying about Russia with Russia killing the neocons' proxy rebel friends. They have you duped.
Thank you for the information...
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