Tonight I simply want you field hands to view a couple of videos of incidents which took place recently and give me your opinions about each of them.
Please tell me what first came to your mind when you saw each one, and whether you think that the law enforcement official (or the person being arrested) was the bad actor.
Here is the first video which takes place at a University of Alabama football game.
Here is the second video which takes place at a University of Miami football game.
I have my own, but I am curious to know what you think.
Both parties who got arrested were clearly in the wrong. The officers acted correctly.
White bitches behaving badly.
Gender equality, baby. Lay your hands on an officer, get knocked the fuck out.
I don't really see a winner here.
The fans behaved deplorably (does this make them Trump supporters?).
The smoker at the Alabama game is a nasty hag, and a was a fool for continuing to smoke after being told to put it out and resisting arrest.
And the student at the Miami game ... well, everyone probably overindulged at some point during college, but come on now. She was maybe one or two drinks away from passing out. I doubt she even knew where she was anymore, and I'm guessing she'd probably pissed herself.
But the cops didn't come off well, either.
The one at the Alabama game stupidly decided not to call for backup, which meant he was forced to drag the belligerent smoker down the row of seats. That can't be protocol. Maybe he needs some additional training?
And the cop at the Miami game did not need to slug the drunk girl. She was too incapacitated to land a proper blow on him, so that was anger on his part, not self-defense. He should be disciplined, if not fired.
If either of those women had been black, we'd have a national shit storm in the media and there would be major civil rights lawsuits filed. The college presidents would be fired. College players would be kneeling during the national anthem.
DNC’s Donna Brazile dedicated her book to “patriot” Seth Rich.
Hmmmm. I wonder what he did that was patriotic?
Obviously it's where it took place. In Tuscaloosa you can do that and get gingerly removed, in Miami you get handled. The wife and I were rolling because the lady in the first video genuinely seemed surprised to get dragged off, bless her soul. Since we live in the city we know there's some shit you can't get away with and if you don't believe me put a cigarette in the face of a Chicago, New Yor or LA cop and see what happens. Oh and definitely make a video.
- I can't see the first video - my browser is acting up again, no doubt, or else the websites withhold videos unless one allows them to in-cookie-nate one's computer every which way.
- But from the description, it doesn't sound all that different from what usually happens at mass events:
some self-centered dooflolly act like an asshole (and usually, alot more than one), and some of the cops assigned to deal with assholes at these massive events lose their tempers.
- Is it right and wonderful and all happyhappy-joyjoy? Um, no.
- On the other hand, however, Why do we demand, and expect!, that people act like walking computers, all cool and logical?
- Frankly, if I saw hands coming at my face, with or without a cigarette, I would react very badly, based upon past experience [ahem...]. The thing is that you can never know what the person might do next - stop?, shove the ember in your eye?, break your nose? Unless one has learned how to read minds, it's impossible to tell.
- Plus, it is soooooooo easy for one wacky person to get a huge crowd riled up over nothing, at which point, the crowd becomes a mob. And when that happens, LOTS of people inevitably get hurt.
- Again, I couldn't view the video, so I'm going on other people's descriptions of the situation.
- Re: the second, first, I cannot tell at all that he "punched" her, as in a closed-fist punch. Her hands were not restrained, and she was thrashing around, and like it or not, she certainly *could* have managed to put his eye out. Given that they were otherwise trying to keep her from harming herself, I don't think his intent was to "punch her in the face" as claimed, I think he was probably trying to block *her* hands and ended up striking her.
- I guess I am "supposed" to see a racial "thing" here, but these were two combative people - the first was deliberately trying to provoke the officer, as far as I can tell, and the second was Drunk and Disorderly, and combative.
- Especially:
- If one has never had to deal with people who are being Drunk and Disorderly, or combative for any other reason, it's impossible to realize how difficult it can be to avoid *being* harmed*, and yet, keep the person from harming *himself/herself* while trying to cause as little harm as possible AND be as gentle as possible.
- It's damned difficult. And a camera cannot capture ALL of the factors involved, especially when it's only turned on after the action which started the whole incident to begin with.
Clinton Crime Family said...
"DNC’s Donna Brazile dedicated her book to “patriot” Seth Rich."
This is the woman who fed Hillary the answers to the debate! She knows how dirty the whole project to elect her was.
Assange pretty much admitted Seth Rich was the source. The murder of Seth Rich was a turning point for a few people when it happened and it’s having the same effect in a delayed reaction for many many others. Seth Rich could end up being a much greater martyr down the road.
Seth Rich was shot in the back twice. One minute after he was shot, the police found him. No perpetrator has ever been found.
Nothing was stolen from him.
His wallet, gold chain, credit card, and watch were left alone.
Whoever heard of a criminal shooting someone twice in the back and then not stealing anything?
Assange nodded yes when asked whether Rich was the source of the Wikileaks documents:
Seth Rich leaked confidential DNC information to Julian Assange. He was then shot twice in the back shortly thereafter, but no perpetrator was found. Nobody stole anything from Rich. Donna Brazile feared for her life, and dedicated her book to Seth Rich.
Tell me there is nothing there, hack.
Video #1~ No problem with the officer's actions.
Video #2~
The Officer displayed a natural instinctual (almost involuntary) reaction to being hit. However, the may have been a bit too reactionary, given that the perpetrator was already being subdued.
If either of these women had been black:
First they would have been kicked, beaten and dragged to the cop car...where they would be beaten again.
Then a weapon or drugs would be planted on them,
Finally, the cops will go back to the staton and begin the cover up.
POTUS ~aka~ "Archie Bunker" is doing the Asian Tour and already displaying his usual
"foot in mouth" disease.
I guess he never got the following memo:
"You can travel north,
You can travel south,
But no one will ever know what a fool you are,
Until you open your mouth."
Police need better training. Both officers used excessive force. The woman in the second video was more violent and might not have been able to be reasoned with. Then again, the cops were carrying her off. I'd be pissed too. It's hard to say if the force was more disproportionate in one situation or the other.
Interesting questions about police misconduct. The most important thing to remember is that when an officer is not under direct threat, as a public servant, his priority is to keep the peace which includes not abusing the suspects.
In the first video the woman is clearly intoxicated. A burning cigaret near the eyes is threatening. But the officer is wrong to yank her by the arm causing her to fall. He should have said, "Okay lady, that's it, you're coming with me and we'll talk this thing out." Instead he risked bodily injury.
In the second video, the woman was completely overpowered by what appeared to be four officers. It is hard to believe that she got her hand free to attempt to slap the one officer. It looked like she did manage to backhand him on the return swing. Of course it is wholly inappropriate to punch a weaker female who is being carried off by fellow officers. It would have been easy enough for one of them to grab her arm. I doubt the guy who punched her felt any pain from her flailing.
You want equality for women? You got it! How's it feel?
Obviously these incidents are entirely different for very obvious reasons.
1) The cigarette lady was handled by one officer, who looked to be around 60 years old. And when she was getting arrested, she just gave out that "dindu nuffin" cry.
2) The younger lady in Miami was in a fucking toddler temper tantrum before, which the video clip didn't show. She was cursing and swinging and refused to get up and exit. So other officers were called in. Then she had the audacity to strike an officer, and the bitch got slapped back. I mean, I don't understand some of these comments. It's like they believe she just woke up handled by these officers. What the hell do y'all think led up to needing such manpower to get her under control? (By the bye, this is one issue with most cases of police brutality: People only focus on the final result and not the incident(s) which lead to the point.)
"Of course it is wholly inappropriate to punch a weaker female who is being carried off by fellow officers..."
Your sexism is showing! If women hit, they can be hit back. To assume they're weaker and to be treated by different standards is internalized sexism -- at least say feminists who don't want you saying that the "weaker female" can't be a Marine Devil Dog or something. They always want gender equality until they get it. lol
I don't find any fault with the officers here. Let us not forget the context of these drunken morons within these stadium seats. People get stabbed and shit, and there's always the treat of things escalating into a riot.
Being at a football game with your team winning, and having too much to drink, doesn't entitle you to act a certain way, and certainly not to hit a officer. If it'd been a dude, they'd have tuned his ass up good out in the parking lot. The chick is lucky to get away with a love tap.
And Josh oughta know, she likes being manhandled by numerous mens.
First, let's establish the racial and gender pecking order in this country, primarily the order between blacks and whites.
Some white males see white women as their inferior, hence, the NOW movement against male chauvinist pigs.
Notwithstanding how some white males may feel about white women, the black male, although a man, can be as chauvinistic as his white counterpart, although he's not as highly regarded in the racial and gender hierarchy as the white woman.
The black female is often seen as the black man's better, and, historically, has been treated by white men as superior to the black male, all for the purpose of emasculating the black male.
Despite her position in the racial and gender hierarchy, the black woman is seen as beneath both the white male and white female, although having a higher position than the black male.
In the First Video, it appears that the white woman may have been extended her cigarette to the white cop so that he might extinguish it for her, but given her position in the hierarchy, his manhood and authority was insulted, hence his ensuing violent behavior and action.
In the Second Video, the white woman, as she was being ejected from the venue, was manhandled by two black cops,
It would have been better had they handcuffed her before hauling her off, but they chose otherwise, perhaps for expediency sake.
The black cop may have hit the white woman back fearing that she would continue to assault him if he didn't. Or he, like the white cop in First Video, may have reacted violently because he had his masculinity insulted, and insulted twice, by a woman, no less, and by someone who was white.
What he didn't take into account was the unspoken racial and gender hierarchy that exists in this country.
I'm willing to bet that, for his ill-advised action, he's had several threats against his life already, as a black man, whether he's a cop or not, is not allowed to assault a white woman.
Further, he'll have to watch his back going forward, as his fellow white officers aren't too happy with him hitting a white woman.
Just as he may have hit the white woman to stop the assault against his person, white cops are now going to make an example of him, reminding him that you don't hit a white woman.
In short, a black woman is okay to hit, but not a white woman.
"In the second video, the woman was completely overpowered by what appeared to be four officers. It is hard to believe that she got her hand free to attempt to slap the one officer."
She didn't have to break her hand free. The men were just carrying her. She wasn't really being restrained because, if you watch the video carefully, she was barely conscious, and so the officers must have assumed she wasn't much of a threat.
After she took a swat at the one cop's head, they should have reassessed, put her down, and cuffed her.
I will admit, however, that punching her in the face was probably lots more fun, which is why the cop did it.
Well, okay Josh. My argument was not bullet-proof. Maybe punching a restrained woman in the face was just a bit too much for my sensibilities. Keeps it simple, that's for sure. Punch her in the face and you're done. After all, she did try to slap him.
As far as women being weaker, wouldn't you agree that a 120 or 130 pound woman is quite easily overpowered by four officers that together weigh in excess of 600 pounds?
You prove a good point. There is a type of cop that enjoys inflicting pain and abusing suspects. That's why they become cops. But I am not convinced that it is fair to put this cop in that category. More likely it has to do with lack of training and immediate emotional response. I'm guessing he wasn't really having fun. Maybe you understand this stuff better than I do. Actually the guys that enjoy hurting the arrestees are not really having fun in any definition of the word that I know. Maybe it is fun. Again, I defer to your judgment.
"More likely it has to do with lack of training and immediate emotional response. I'm guessing he wasn't really having fun."
I was being a bit sarcastic with that line. I don't have any evidence to support the idea that that cop is some kind of sadist who likes to torture people.
What I meant was that when someone hits you, even if they lack the ability to do any real damage, it's satisfying to hit them back.
But though satisfying, it was not strictly necessary to do his job, and therefore was not legal.
It's never a good idea to gesture toward a cop's face. That said, mishandling suspects is wrong.
In the +/- 200 rock concerts I have attended, I have never seen the cops mishandle anyone like either of these videos, even very drunk/high and belligerent people being ejected. The closest thing was at the Who at the Oakland Coliseum in 1989 when security was carrying a passed out guy off of the field and he threw up on them and they dropped him.
I used to usher for BGP sometimes, for free entry to the events, and concert goers can definitely be clueless and annoying, but if helping them is the gig, then you help them.
I wouldn't want to have to be a cop in those situations, but then again I wouldn't want to be a cop in any situation, so maybe I'm not the best one to say what they should or shouldn't do.
-Doug in Oakland
It's a tough job. No two ways about it. Now more than ever before.
"As far as women being weaker, wouldn't you agree that a 120 or 130 pound woman is quite easily overpowered by four officers that together weigh in excess of 600 pounds?"
Women are weaker, generally speaking. Sexual dimorphism is very real. I was being facetious. I was just implying that it's people on your side of the aisle who are typically quick to call it sexism to say women are "weak" in any context, save when they're perceived as victims of something.
"The black cop may have hit the white woman back fearing that she would continue to assault him if he didn't."
Fuck that dumb-ass THOT. You hit, you get hit; that's a natural law of life, shit on any "civilized law" we'd try to ascribe to it.
Having seen the video a dozen times, it never even crossed my mind until I read this that it was a black dude hitting a white woman. lol
I just seen a chick acting out and gettin' rekt by a grown-ass man who wasn't playing her bullshit.
Just for curiosity's sake, I wonder what the reaction here would have been had it been a white cop hitting a black woman.
Speculation, of course, but I can't see Field leaving it up to the "hands," without he himself railing on about how abuses of power and waycism.
Both were good videos. The cop in the first video should have smacked the "rebel without a clue" just like the second video.
Note: when in public you need to at least act like a human being.
This is why mike from iowa is not allowed in public.
I wonder when Donna Brazille will be found shot in the back? The apparent victim of a "robbery gone bad"? Watch your back Donna, you've made enemies of the most prolific crime family in the history of the world.
Tell me there is nothing there, hack.
There is nothing there, Hack. R U happy, now?
Ever notice how dipshit Josh and Baldingo have the exact same lisp? Coincidence, or are they one and the same? Waycism fer Kwist's sake.
My computer wouldn't play either video, but they most likely can be found somewhere else and watched.
Most cops want to be George Zimmerclusterfuckerman and kill blacks with impunity.IMHO.
George Zimmerman was a hero.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
I wonder when Donna Brazille will be found shot in the back? The apparent victim of a "robbery gone bad"? Watch your back Donna, you've made enemies of the most prolific crime family in the history of the world.
And yet all the king's whorses and all the king's girlie men (Josh, Anymoose, Baldingo) have not been able to find a criminal charge that will stick in over thirty fucking years! Wah, wah. Most people would have grown up and moved on in life. Goes to prove wingnuts aren't people. Bwahahahahahahahahahahahaha!
mike is devoted to the Clintons because of their ability to avoid justice.
Clown world.
Both arrestees exhibited scumbag sense of entitlement. Obey the law and don't act like an asshole and you wont get a smackdown.
How do any of you know Seth Rich didn't commit suicide? Wasn't robbed. My theory is wingnuts offed him so he couldn't deny giving shit to the Russians. Kill the witness and they can't testify against you in court.
Kue the koyote kerfluffle.
Major William S. Barkley Jr.
Captain Scott J. Reynolds
Sgt. Brian Hanley
Sgt. Tim Sabel
Major General William Robertson
Col. William Densberger
Col. Robert Kelly
Spec. Gary Rhodes
Steve Willis
Robert Williams
Conway LeBleu
Todd McKeehan
Whose Next????
We need to do something immediately about Russian influence in America. Russians control our media, Hollywood, Wall Street, the courts and the legal profession. They exert control over politicians and push government policies that further their interests over the interests of America. The use their control of news and entertainment to erode our morals and values so as to secure their position over us. They foment racial/gender/class grievances to keep us at each other's throats while they pull the strings behind the curtain. Criticizing them is career suicide. When are people going to wake up about Russians?
Firstly I want to say that in America, sports, ballgames, boxing, whatever etc. are SACRED.
Saw the videos. IMHO both those cops were wrong. They were both over zealous in wanting the situation resolved immediately for the sports sake. $$$$$
The first officer could have tried to reason a bit with the smoker, even taken the cigarette,or tried to take the cigarette as it was offered and put it out himself. He was also clearly in a bad mood even before he made his approach to her.
In his zeal to resolve the situation and not let it interfere with the sport $$$ he intervened in a very bad way!
Also he is an older officer who is over weight and clearly out of shape, and in no condition to engage a person in that way. and judging by the redness in his face probably HBP, and who knows what else, because lets face it after a certain age we are all medically compromised in one way or another. Time to retire with dignity sir!
The other officer was also wrong because this woman was, or looked to me anyway as though she was drunk, you can expect anything from a drunk,but in their zeal to get her out they did not protect themselves to a certain degree. A slap from a woman does not carry the same weight as one from a young man. He knocked her out. Wrong way to intervene also!
But I imagine that they have orders to quell any disturbance immediately using whatever method they want. So now they are going to have to deal with the consequences of their actions. Both wrong!
Snopes has got you covered goofy Anymoose- 33. Maj. Gen. William Robertson
34. Col. William Densberger
35. Col. Robert Kelly
36. Spec. Gary Rhodes
37. Steve Willis
38. Robert Williams
39. Conway LeBleu
40. Todd McKeehan
41. Sgt. Brian Haney
42. Sgt. Tim Sabel
43. Maj.William Barkley
44. Capt. Scott Reynolds
* all former Clinton bodyguards who are dead.
Steve Willis, Robert Williams, Todd McKeehan, and Conway LeBleu were Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms agents killed during the Waco confrontation on 28 February 1993.
Brian Haney, Timothy Sabel, William Barkley, and Scott Reynolds died in a helicopter crash on 19 May 1993. These four were members of Marine Helicopter Squadron One, the unit responsible for transporting the President. They died when the Blackhawk helicopter they had taken out for a maintenance-evaluation flight crashed. There was no evidence of sabotage. Clinton had set foot in the aircraft on only one occasion, two months earlier, when he traveled from the White House to the USS Theodore Roosevelt.
Jarrett Robertson, William Densberger, Robert Kelly, and Gary Rhodes all died on 23 February 1993 when their Army UH-60 Blackhawk helicopter crashed on landing in Weisbaden, Germany. A jury later found that the pilots were not at fault, but that the helicopter “entered into an uncontrollable right turn caused by a design defect.”
I'm betting Chelsea did it, amiright? Snopes has the rest of the Clinton body count debunked as well. Try harder, fool.
Donna Brazile has confirmed that the Democrat establishment succeeded in doing to Bernie what the GOP establishment tried but failed to do to Trump: steal the nomination away from the insurgent.
Sanders vs Trump would have made it a much tougher race, and I suspect Bernie could have held a couple of those rust-belt states. But that match-up never happened, because, while the Republicans' institutional corruption is ineffectual, the Democrats' is lethal and all too effective. Ask Seth Rich.
Women are weaker, generally speaking
You oughta know, you like you strong mens huh Josh?
Huh. I was watching a program about "Monkeypox".
What an appropriate name. I always used rubbers, made from leafs, on my gurlfrens.
Has ANYTHING ever originated from Africa, but diseases, hurricanes, welfare, Civil Wars, it's too long a list.
Notice, we don't use black names for hurricanes, anymore. Katrina was an exception.
Looks like Dems are split on what Brazile has to say. Makes me no never mind. Drumpf and the Russians stole the election and that is all that matters. These are real fucking criminals and deserve to be behind bars. There are nu,erous illegalities in this administration. All it would take is a few decent (I threw up in my mouth a little) winguts to set the investigation rolling towards impeachment and the swamp would dry up pretty pronto.
Brazile is trying to market a book. Take what she has to say with several grains of salt.
Civilization originated in Africa, Tarsands. Yer relatives still inhabit mountain jungles and are quadra-sexual. Bonobos- yer ancestors- are known to have sex with anyone or thing for a quarter.
mike doesn't care about no facts, he knows what he is s'posed to believe.
The co-founder of Fusion GPS, the DNC-hired firm behind the unverified Trump dossier, met with Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya before and after a key meeting she had last year with Trump’s son.
Obama's Homeland Security Department confirmed that Veselnitskaya was granted special entry to the United States on multiple occasions in 2015 and 2016 at the request of the Justice Department.
The whole meeting with Trump Jr. was a DNC/Hillary campaign/Obama administration set up. They were trying to get him to bite at the offer to buy opposition research, but he walked out.
Has ANYTHING ever originated from Africa, but diseases, hurricanes, welfare, Civil Wars, it's too long a list.
Where did you originate? A swamp?
mike doesn't care about no facts, he knows what he is s'posed to believe.
Says the guy who uses opinion pieces as evidence. Conservatives wouldn't know what a fact is if it bit em in the ass.
Has ANYTHING ever originated from Africa, but diseases, hurricanes, welfare, Civil Wars, it's too long a list.
See how dumb white racists are? The guys asks what has originate from Africa and then proceeds to list thing and then ends with "it's too long a list". This fool is too dumb to realize his mistake. Jesus, racist trolls are too dumb for their own good.
Soooo, it turns out that the black college student in Kansas put the racist graffiti on his own car.
What is up with the black people who are falsifying hate crimes? They only make life harder for anyone who has been the victim of a real hate crime.
I can understand some of these folks are insane. There is a mental illness called Munchausen Syndrome, which causes the sufferer to create false instances of to elicit sympathy.
But what about the people who aren't insane? This guy with the "vandalized" car said it was a prank that got out of hand. WTF?
There is a mental illness called Munchausen Syndrome, which causes the sufferer to create false instances of victimization or hardship to elicit sympathy.
I can understand some of these folks are insane
Were kids as young as 18 months torn apart with a high powered rifle? Now THAT is some insane shit that only white guys do. Ya shoot and even rape babies. Why do white guys hate babies?
There is a mental illness called Munchausen Syndrome, which causes the sufferer to create false instances of victimization or hardship to elicit sympathy.
Sounds like a condition suffered by conservative white males. Boo hoo hoo it's so hard to be a white guy whaaa whaaa whaaa!
P.S. The black college student also wasn't actually a college student. He made up that part, too. Kansas State say they've never heard of him.
What is up with the black people who are falsifying hate crimes? They only make life harder for anyone who has been the victim of a real hate crime.
There must be a real shortage of actual racist hate crimes, if 95% of them are hoaxes. Demand is outstripping supply.
Black people need everyone to believe there's a Klansman behind every tree, oppressing black folk by making them late for work, stealing their kid's textbooks, and overdrawing their checking accounts. Otherwise people will start asking "What's up with these fucking negroes?"
The whole meeting with Trump Jr. was a DNC/Hillary campaign/Obama administration set up. They were trying to get him to bite at the offer to buy opposition research, but he walked out.
Walked out? Riiiiight. Another fucking wingnut comedian.
There are a number of verifications in the Drumpfuck Dossier. Tick tock!
What is truly amazing is the way whitey wingnuts conveniently forget Fusion GPS was originally hired by ....wait for it......wingnuts to dig up dirt on Drumpfuck. To them life didn't start until some lawyer offered to pay for the research wingnuts decided they didn't need after Drumpfuck and Putin got the nomination.
Anonymous said...
Has ANYTHING ever originated from Africa, but diseases, hurricanes, welfare, Civil Wars, it's too long a list.
Where did you originate? A swamP?
Whooteemoos are only part human which is why they deny their African ancestry.
"Whooteemoos are only part human which is why they deny their African ancestry."
No, they are Viking gods from Valhalla! Haven't you been listening to all of the highly accurate history lessons of the alt-right, which they got from Marvel Comics' Thor?
"Whooteemoos are only part human which is why they deny their African ancestry."
This person claims to be a college graduate.
She also doesn't seem to realize that since she has stated that she is part "whootemoo" herself, she isn't fully human by her own definition. At least not enough to understand what she is saying, apparently.
Virginia is for lovers! Gillespie goes down!
TRUMP 2020!!
Michelle Obama 2020!
Anonymous said...
Michelle Obama 2020!
10:05 PM
Please run her it will be a train wreck.
The truth about GPS Fusion and the Russians. https://www.rawstory.com/2017/11/fox-news-hypes-old-report-with-new-anonymous-claim-to-suggest-don-jr-set-up-by-dossier-firm/
Fake Noize claim os false, like usual.
Please run her it will be a train wreck.
So that means we'll be heading in the right direction.
Re: "Im Just Saying" @1:33 A.M.
The points that you raised in your comment are EXCELLENT and very TRUE!
Re: "Im Just Saying" @1:33 A.M.
The points that you raised in your comment are EXCELLENT and very TRUE!"
Anonymous Anonymous said...
I can understand some of these folks are insane. There is a mental illness called Munchausen Syndrome, which causes the sufferer to create false instances of to elicit sympathy.
But what about the people who aren't insane? This guy with the "vandalized" car said it was a prank that got out of hand. WTF?
5:50 PM
- Define your use of the term "insane" - if you only mean psychotic, as in, completely out of touch with reality, then I suppose the fellow was "no insane".
- There are actually a great many of those proverbial "shades of gray", however, when looking at what does or does not comprise "insanity", a.k.a. "mental illness". So, the guy is mentally ill, but not necessarily hallucinating and unaware of the real world...
"If either of these women had been black:
First they would have been kicked, beaten and dragged to the cop car...where they would be beaten again.
Then a weapon or drugs would be planted on them,
Finally, the cops will go back to the station and begin the cover up."
As one who has arrested more than a few black women...I would suggest that your comment might be a description from the fevered imagination of a "perpetual victim".... Sorry, but I myself never saw this in my years in Oakland, California.
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