Did Doug Jones beating Roy Moore last night actually save the GOP in the long run?
Are we ever going to take all these women accusing trump of sexually inappropriate behavior seriously? (Yet another one today.)
Does anyone actually know what Omarosa did for the trump administration?
His approval rating among blacks is about 5%. "Bye Felicia!"
Is there any way Sarah Huckabee Sanders can regain her credibility? She is pathetic.
Was Hillary right when she called trump's supporters deplorables?
Finally, are Americans getting flim- flammed with this GOP tax sham?
Fell free to tell us whatever else is on your mind.
Well, did you know Oklahoma Republicans were involved in child sex trafficking?
Did Doug Jones beating Roy Moore last night actually save the GOP in the long run?
It may have saved the GOP from looking slightly less awful by not having another total fruitcake (Moore said all constitutional amendments after #10 were a bad idea) and a pedo in their ranks.
On the other hand, the Republicans' already small Senate majority will be even thinner and they won't be able to pass any legislation, unless they can pick up a seat from Conyers or Franken, who've been forced to resign over their own alleged sexual misconduct.
Are we ever going to take all these women accusing trump of sexually inappropriate behavior seriously? (Yet another one today.)
No. Trump was correct in saying that he can literally murder someone in public and still get support from his base. They are unprincipled, bigoted, small-minded goblins.
"Does anyone actually know what Omarosa did for the trump administration?
His approval rating among blacks is about 5%. 'Bye Felicia!'"
Um, she was a token who allowed him to pretend he cares about black people? Seems like he's abandoning even that pretense now. Probably fire Ben Carson next, and then his administration will be fully Caucasianized.
Is there any way Sarah Huckabee Sanders can regain her credibility? She is pathetic.
"Was Hillary right when she called trump's supporters deplorables?"
For about the billionth time, she didn't say everyone who voted for Trump was a bigot. Some of them were just clueless or fell for the wingnut propaganda, or they're greedy and wanted a tax cut at any cost.
But, come on, a lot of them are very bigoted. Without the Cletus the Angry Redneck types, the nominee would've been Jeb Bush or Rubio or something.
"Finally, are Americans getting flim- flammed with this GOP tax sham?"
It's a gift to tycoons, at everyone else's expense. And it's simultaneously a badly written piece of gobbledygook, scrawled on a napkin, because Republicans scrambled to get it written and voted on before anyone could review it and, understandably, object to it.
She was fired and escorted out because she tried to get to the POTUS to appeal her firing and tripped the alarms. Supposedly she also appealed to Ivanka for help but that was also a no go. Wow!
"Are we ever going to take all these women accusing trump of sexually inappropriate behavior seriously? (Yet another one today.)"
I don't know. He is the president and if they don't have witnesses...you know how that goes! Hard enough for women to get taken seriously with allegations against less powerful men, imagine against the president? I just don't know, well actually i don't think anything will come of it.
It's a pity really the way Americans treat women, well all nationalities really, but since America touts itself as such a righteous and equal society! The reality is that its not. Not at all!
Say this tongue twister 3 times:
"The Big, Black, Baboon, Bid Bye, Bye."
"The Big, Black, Baboon, Bid Bye, Bye."
"The Big, Black, Baboon, Bid Bye, Bye!"
"Fell free to tell us whatever else is on your mind."
Well I'm feeling less depressed as time goes on,thank God. I put up the outside decorations and the laser lights. They do look nice and I'm glad I did it, I did it for the grands actually. Oh and Sunday my daughter and I went to the mall to get some gifts for the grands. We got jeweled sneakers which my granddaughter has been wanting from Aldo's, we also got a pair of black suede dress shoes for the grandson from Aldo also. And we got the same bejeweled sneakers for their half sister from their mothers second marriage, shirts for my sons and a dressy evening purse for my daughter.
Now I want some pasteles and make a pernil! But I think I'm going to buy the pasteles cos, too work intensive ;)
That's whats on my mind and I'm immersing myself in the Christmas spirit and I refuse to allow negative thoughts to ruin my mood! But I do think we may be leaving the island...soon
Uncle Ben will probably be the next Trumpeteer to go down.
Dr. Ben Carson is probably one of the most brilliant brain surgeons that ever lived
and I don't want to hear anything about him being unqualified for the office that he holds in the White House.
Because Jared, Ivanka and the POTUS ain't qualified for the offices they're in.
Hell, come to think of it, Dr. Carson is probably the only one in the White House with a working brain...
He's the brain among the "brainless."
Maybe he can perform a few lobotomies before he leaves the White House.
You folks are too stupid to believe.
Clinton was having sex in the Oval Office. With a fat intern. Paid her off to keep the blue dress quiet,
Then, lied to a Grand Jury about it.
What black man or woman, was screaming for his impeachment then?
The Hypocrisy is amazing.
"Dr. Ben Carson is probably one of the most brilliant brain surgeons that ever lived
and I don't want to hear anything about him being unqualified for the office that he holds in the White House.
Because Jared, Ivanka and the POTUS ain't qualified for the offices they're in."
Why shouldn't people point out that Carson isn't qualified for his job? He isn't. He is, by all accounts, an excellent neurosurgeon. But that skill set in no way prepares him to run the federal government's housing agency.
People should acknowledge that along with the lack of qualifications of the Trump family clown show, and all the rest of the bad Cabinet appointments Trump has made.
This White House is made up, from top to bottom, of people who don't know what the hell they're doing.
The Hypocrisy is amazing.
You know what's amazing? A fat assed loser who was too much of a bitch to actually serve in the military stealing a title which is earned by hard work and outstanding service. Now THAT is an amazing bitch move.
Finally, are Americans getting flim- flammed with this GOP tax sham?
Those that understand and have watched how corporate greed and capitalism works know that they are getting film flammed.
Those others have been sold a "ticket and a dream" and have been led to believe that if they just work a little harder, get a 3rd minimum wage part time job to go along with the other 2 minimum wage part-time jobs with no benefits no paid sick days, and go without vacations then in just a few short years, they too can become billionaires... These people will NEVER see that they have been flimflammed.
The poor don't pay taxes. They collect welfare and food stamps.
The rich and the corporations don't have to pay any taxes. They get huge corporate tax write offs, and also rent office space overseas and call those spaces their corporate offices in order to avoid paying corporate taxes in America.
The middle class (if there are any left) are the ones left paying all the taxes.
So now with only 1/3 of the country paying taxes...how long do you think this country can sustain itself when corporations still refuse to give the "so called" middle class decent wages and benefits.
History has shown that when corporations make money they don't trickle it down by creating jobs and better wages... they keep it all for themselves, claim they didn't make a profit (even though the money or profit they make each year is still more than what the company made the year before).
It's a royal film flam...but as long as they keep the "base" believing that the enemy is "those people" they will never see who the real culprit is. IT WORKS EVERY TIME.
If you tell them they're being flim flamed....they'll tell you "FAKE NEWS".
She triggered him ... Oooooohhhhhlala
Poor Amorosa ... is that any way to treat a lady?
Hundreds of men who ran Wall Street investment firms and became billionnaires never even went to high school. Nobody said they were unqualified.
The royal tax film flam is directly tied to corporate greed and benefitting the rich.
Corporate Greed and No Trickle Down: Case in point.. For example.the airlines made over a billion dollars during the first year of "checked back" fees...
Did anyone riding an airplane see any of that billion dollars trickle down to them when they rode on a plane?
Expensive airfare, narrow seats, narrow aisles, bad food, bad air, dirty seats, passengers bumped from their flights, passengers assaulted...flight attendants being put up in sub standard run down motels during their lay overs, flight attendants making barely above minimum wage and only getting paid when the airplane leaves the ground...and the list goes on.
Hundreds of men who ran Wall Street investment firms and became billionnaires never even went to high school. Nobody said they were unqualified."
None of that is factual.
There are certainly some dudes on the trading floor who didn't go to college (although not many without high school degrees).
But "hundreds" running major investment banking firms ... no, not so much. Most of the guys heading those firms look more or less like Lloyd Blankfein (Harvard for undergrad and grad school).
Also: None of that has jack squat to do with running the government.
"I made lots of money" ≠ "I know how to run a government department."
That fucked-up logic is how we got Trump.
I am grateful to black Alabamians, who spared me the necessity of making pedo jokes for the next three years.
Tavis Smiley in 2020 !!!
Kanye 2020!
Republican state senator commits suicide after sex allegations come out. He was a preacher of course.
Just to be, my jealous stalking bitch gets the message:
@ Face like an uncircumcised Johnson, allow me to explain something to you.
I was doing a clinical rotation at 3:42PM this afternoon when your VERY well deserved boot in your flat, fat ass responded to you.
Now I TOTALLY get it, you’re not worth a good got damn to ANYONE on your real life, so you create me giving enough of a damn about you to post under the name “Lt. Commander is a no serving pussy”, while I’m focused on my daily steps toward to becoming a Doctor. Really, stupid?
So to be crystal clear for the last muthafuckin time, I would NEVER IN A MILLIION FUCKIN YEARS GIVE ENOUGH OF A DAMN ABOUT YOU TO ACKNOWLEDGE LET ALONE COMMUNICATE WITH YOUR SIMPLE MINDED ASS EVERYDAY because UNLIKE YOU, I’ve got FAR more important things to do. In fact, I don’t remember the last time I wasted this much time responding to you st all, maybe 2 or more years ago.
Finally, I’ve got a Master’s degree from GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITY NOT George Washington University, you illiterate, Pudunk U attending, piece of cow shit and don’t EVA get that shit confused again!! EVA!!
Lastly, muthaFUCK you and the horse you and Roy Moore ride in on. BITCH!!
And HOYA SAXA, shithead!!!
We'll see how they do against DePaul😂
Here is a nice take on the Doug Jones victory courtesy of Esquire magazine.
Oh, wow. You scare me Queenie. I feel harassed. Sorry I messed-up your "accreditation" on the George shit.
I noticed though, you didn't deny that you post under many false names.
As far as your "rounds go", I'm sure the bed pans are doing fine:)
Stock Market and History:
Many of of those (but still not all) who work at the stock market today may be highly educated however...
It is a FACT that during the early days of the stock market many of the European immigrants who were (German Jews, Russian Jews, Polish Jews and whites from any other countries in Europe etc..) were given jobs by friends and relatives that worked at and later ran those Wall Street investment firms and many of the bosses and workers did NOT have higher education and advanced degrees in the 1930's, 40's, 50's 60's and by the early 1970's many of them were of retirement age and boasting about how they were able to advance in those Wall Street firms for all of those years and become super without an education.
My relative who worked in many of these firms had first hand knowledge of this and worked for many bosses who used to boast about how they were able to become wealthy without a formal education.....simply because they knew one of their own who gave them a helping hand, a hand out and a BREAK.
American Blacks have no idea of this because their people have been oppressed and undereducated for so long and many American Blacks don't own enough of anything in this country (especially corporations) and don't have enough businesses or corporations where they can help each other by giving each other a helping hand (educated or not) .
In order for Blacks and other people of color to obtain a high level position in a predominantly white corporation they have to be 5-times more educated, and hold twice as many advanced degrees as their white counterparts because they are always looking for any lame excuse not to hire them.
Unfortunately many Blacks still don't realize that for them, a higher education is a NECESSITY and NOT an option.
Lilac, hang in there, better days are ahead foe u.
Two thumbs up to all the citizens who helped thrust Doug Jones to victory in Alabama Tuesday, may this victory stand as a new beginning for Alabamians who have suffered under the idiot white sadist ideology of Republicans and Evangelicals in America.
Black men are worthless, reprise. Not even black women want them. Today's mailbag:
I'm interested in a long term relationship. Not just sex.Looking for someone stable in their life as I am in mine.
***Be willing to travel! If not, stop here!***
White males only. Please be 26-35
Please send a clean pic to get a pic back.
I am a black BBW (new to fitness!), stable in my life and looking for someone who is passionate, caring, kind, understanding,patient and realizes communication is key.
Hi there im a single black female looking for a white or mixed single male between the ages of 28-35.
It's not whites who have turned Birmingham, Jackson, Memphis,Baltimore, St.Louis, Detroit, Etc, Into violent no go shitholes....Maybe it's Idiotic 80 IQ black culture that is responsible? Know blacks,no peace. No blacks,know peace. The only thing oppressing you in this country is what lay between your ears.
North Mississippi's (South Dakota for the uninformed) lone congressvarmint, prissy Kristi Noem has a desire to aid the wealthy by getting rid of the estate tax and she claims her family had to sell part of the farm to pay the humongous debt. Well, she is a wingnut which makes her a pathetic liar.
Had her dad picked today to die the estate would be tax free up to 12 million bucks and there just aren't that many family farms in America worth that kind of money, unless owned by korporate or konglomerate amerika.
Wingnuts won't pick up Conyer's senate seat because he was the longest serving CONGRESSMAN. Not in the senate.
Commandeered Queenie's Johnson sure be fixated on Clintons. Jealous much?
You seem to forget small items like how wingnuts threatened to and managed to bankrupt Clinton with all the petty lawsuits while he was Potus. You seem to forget he was railroa....impeached for lying about sex while every single wingnut accuser was doing the same shameful deeds.
Drumpfuck the dumbfuck has yet to be confronted with his crimes and his day is coming, hopefully while he still pretends to be other than Putin's butt puppet.
OMFG! I found the smoking gun that proves HRC and Mueller sold uranium to Russia-personally. Texas esteemed congresspile of bullcrap Screwy Louie Gohmert made a pretty li'l map and show all the ties on the uranium deal except one that ties HRC to WJC. Enjoy wingnuts.
Why not discuss Woke Vote in Alabama?
@ PX, I don’t really follow B-ball like that but when I do ( and as a Chapel Hill alum too), it’s mostly just to say “Beat Dook”, lol!!😃
Unfortunately many Blacks still don't realize that for them, a higher education is a NECESSITY and NOT an option.
Perhaps mainly for reason alone, EVERYONE in my immediate family has a least 1 Master’s degree (I’ve got 2) and the only exception is my daughter who’s finishing up her undergrad Engineering degree first.👍🏽😉
3 of us are also entrepreneurs including my daughter, a point we all try to pass onto other Blacks.
BTW, your post was spot on about how immigrants were and ARE able to “get ahead” of those who are already here.
Fucking wingnuts just don't quit lying about elections.
BTW- Drumpfuck's constant whining about the "Russia" witch hunt earned him lie and pathological liar of all times.
Chicago December 2017 to Date
Shot & Killed: 18
Shot & Wounded: 81
Total Shot: 99
Total Homicides: 18
The Alabama Senate election was classic democratic alt left shenanigans. Busing in voters and paying them $50 and a free lunch. Illegal aliens and dead people,not counting over seas military ballots.
Soros pumped in over $50 mil to tamper with the election.
field negro said...
Lilac, hang in there, better days are ahead foe u.
7:54 AM
Thank you for the kind words, means a lot!
This fucking whitey would be a blast at the next office party.
Anymoose- got just one cancelled check to prove Soros has paid vfor anything? Of course you don't because you never do.
South Dakota legislator and grandson of former Governor George Mickelson has a partner in a CAFO (concentrated animal feeding operation). He also wrote legislation and got it passed pushing counties to accept more and bigger confinements, regardless of neighbor protests or environmental concerns. He also wrote and got passed legislation to deprive counties of state aid if they don't site cafos. Then he wrote legislation that protects himself and his partner from any conflicts of interest charges. Like Molly Ivins once famously said-(paraphrased) if Chutzpah was a word in South Dakota, you would use it here.
"The Alabama Senate election was classic democratic alt left shenanigans. Busing in voters and paying them $50 and a free lunch. Illegal aliens and dead people,not counting over seas military ballots.
Soros pumped in over $50 mil to tamper with the election."
Fantasyland nonsense. There were no waves of illegitimate voters.
This election outcome was not hard to understand.
Some Republican voters have at least a shred of decency, so they refused to vote for their party's candidate, because their party's candidate was an insane religious zealot racist pedo.
Democrats did bother to vote, because their party's candidate was not an insane religious zealot racist pedo.
Here's how Republicans can keep hold of Senate seats in ultra-red Alabama: Don't nominate an insane religious zealot racist pedo.
1 quick correction above. Mickelson is the son of late Governor George Mickelson, not grandson.
The above error was not mine. Drumpfuck did it.
As for that election, well as I've said before it's not just electing the official, it's not a party game. It's asking them for a specific agenda to address the issues and benefit the voters, and then holding them accountable after they are in office. For example, for starters, whats the agenda for Alabama's poor, and the hookworm epidemic due to lack of proper sanitary facilities? For starters.
"As for that election, well as I've said before it's not just electing the official, it's not a party game. It's asking them for a specific agenda to address the issues and benefit the voters, and then holding them accountable after they are in office. For example, for starters, whats the agenda for Alabama's poor, and the hookworm epidemic due to lack of proper sanitary facilities? For starters."
In an ordinary election, that might be true. Given who the Republican candidate was, though, policy agendas didn't even come into it.
Roy Moore, no doubt, had a terrible agenda he wanted to enact. But even if that hadn't been true and he'd campaigned on a great set of policies that voters really liked ... insane religious zealot racist pedo.
Nobody should ever vote for a cartoon villain like that, regardless of any other considerations.
Black men are worthless, reprise. Not even black women want them.
Well you know who does want us? Cute blondes. Go to www.blacked.com to see all the fun blondes, brunettes and even red heads have with negro men. It's the top site at pornhub so it must be good. Check your mother's, wife's or girlfriend's browser if you're white because it's sure to be there.
Chicago December 2017 to Date
Shot & Killed: 18
Shot & Wounded: 81
Total Shot: 99
Total Homicides: 18
Fake News
Anonymous said...
Chicago December 2017 to Date
Shot & Killed: 18
Shot & Wounded: 81
Total Shot: 99
Total Homicides: 18
Fake News
12:46 PM
Las Vegas did this and much much more in 9 minutes flat.
It's not whites who have turned Birmingham, Jackson, Memphis,Baltimore, St.Louis, Detroit, Etc, Into violent no go shitholes.
Nah, whites just turn entire states into shitholes. Alabama? Shithole. West. Virginia? Extreme shithole. Kentucky? You guessed it, shithole. Rural Ohio? Yet again shithole. It goes on and on. Go to the rural part of your state and find a meth addicted toothless trailer park having hoedown line dancing shithole.
Cernobitch posted a copy/paste job of Conyers complaint only this time it was alleged against Senator Schumer and is totally fake. CernoBitch doesn't want to be blamed for it. That could get costly in court.
Not to overshadow the politica/social truth warriors of this forum... What a happy day coming across the commentary of powerhouses Yisheng and Lila. And a special shout out to Sharon of Wisconsin and That Deboral Girl never disappointing in terms of insightfulness when chiming in.
Keep the faith, everyone. As indicated, 2017 ends with an Alabama senate seat turning blue. And 2018 will require the same kind of zeal, vision and calling out the lies and misinformation at every opportunity.
Starting with Alabama, Making America Better for All Citizens!
Huckabee Sanders never had any credibility to begin with. However, if she wants to make a fashion statement, she can rassle her way into a pair of bib overalls and jump off a cliff.
Hey F&F!👋🏽
Thanks for the shout out and yes, 2017 is ending on a fabulous note where Black Women are concerned, so let’s keep this positive momentum moving into 2018!
To PR, please be safe and keep your head up! Lots of women of color in the states are working daily on ways to improve the lives of the people of Puerto Rico!!
"It's not whites who have turned Birmingham, Jackson, Memphis,Baltimore, St.Louis, Detroit, Etc, Into violent no go shitholes."
Never been to B-ham or Jackson but have had a great time in B-more (go to the inner harbor get some sea food and then to the huge Barnes and Noble). Had a great time in Memphis (hit Beale get some great food and listen to good music). I went to college in St. Louis so I know my way around pretty well and go back regularly (grab some Imo's pizza and head down to Soulard to hear jazz and blues til 2am). Detroit is cool, never met a person from theD who wasn't cool. They are just like Chicagoans. (Hit the casinos after some good Greek food). I will probably hit B-ham for the football classic which is supposed to be the best.
Check it out and your opinion of B-ham will definitely change. Have a few drinks, look at some girls and have a good time like everybody else.
Yeah, right, they bused in people to vote. How those specific people got on the voter rolls at those precincts and produced the now required Alabama voter ID (I thought you guys said voter ID would solve the non-existent in person voter fraud problem? So which way are you now claiming you were wrong?) is either a mystery, or a massive conspiracy among Republican hyper partisans to elect a Democrat.
I'd cite Occam's razor here, but as I just read in a comment over at Comrade Misfit's place, wingnuts have long since replaced it with Occam's Rogaine...
-Doug in Oakland
Limpaw- where you at you rascal? Got some goodies fer ya.
When Director of National Intelligence James R. Clapper Jr., CIA Director John Brennan and FBI Director James B. Comey all went to see Donald Trump together during the presidential transition, they told him conclusively that they had “captured Putin’s specific instructions on the operation” to hack the 2016 presidential election, according to a report in The Washington Post. The intel bosses were worried that he would explode but Trump remained calm during the carefully choreographed meeting. “He was affable, courteous, complimentary,” Clapper told the Post.
Hope it hurts. mfi
Yīshēng said...
Hey F&F!👋🏽
Thanks for the shout out and yes, 2017 is ending on a fabulous note where Black Women are concerned, so let’s keep this positive momentum moving into 2018!
To PR, please be safe and keep your head up! Lots of women of color in the states are working daily on ways to improve the lives of the people of Puerto Rico!!
2:43 PM
Thank you Faith, thank you Yisheng. Thank you for your kind words!
whites just turn entire states into shitholes. Alabama? Shithole. West. Virginia? Extreme shithole. Kentucky? You guessed it, shithole. Rural Ohio? Yet again shithole. It goes on and on.
Vermont? Very nice. New Hampshire? Very nice. Portland, OR? Also very few black people; NH 1.5%, VT just 1.3%, Portland 6.3%.
The funny part is that you blacks and libtards have to erase history to stick to your narrative. West Virginia is substantially less poor and messed-up today than it was 50 or 100 years ago, except where all the jobs left. All rural areas full of "deplorables" are generally better off, very little crime.
Where black people are, it's the opposite. 100 years ago, Detroit was "the Paris of the midwest". 50 years ago were the riots, the war of Africans against civilization. In 1920, Detroit's population was 994k; today it's around 673 k, down from more than 1.8 million in 1950. In 2010 Detroit was 82.7% black.
Did you notice that Detroit elected a white mayor to get someone competent to help fix what's fixable? It's funny that even some black people can recognize that THEY are the problem. At least, for a little while; memories are remarkably short.
Right now so many people want to live in Oakland that the rents are through the roof, despite the massive spasm of condo construction, and the median price for a two bedroom is $687,000.
So some jebus fetishizing state rep in Kentucky named Johnson got caught molesting a seventeen year old girl from his church and shot himself in the head.
To quote the band Filter: "Hey man, nice shot."
-Doug in Oakland
Of COURSE Oakland is getting better. It has an influx of professionals and an efflux of...
You get three guesses and the first two don't count.
Then how come those housing prices have spiked in black neighborhoods as well? How come a condo in Dogtown will set you back half a mil?
I'll give you as many guesses as you want, but you'll never get the fact that we aren't a bunch of bigoted assholes here, and if you actually read your own studies you'd know that it's not black people being driven out, it's poor people, who, given the demographics here, are just as likely to be white. The changes in demographic are being caused by rich people moving in more than black people moving out.
-Doug in Oakland
Charlottesville murderer Fields, Jr has charges in running over woman upgraded to 1st degree murder.
One case where I'd love to see the possibility of a death sentence imposed. But the usually blood thirsty white bastards always go soft and weepy when their own are facing death penalties.
About those bused in voters:
-Doug in Oakland
The election of Doug Jones brings me great joy, we need more politicians on both sides of the aisle who embrace the Mission(s) of Planned Parenthood, The Greatest Crime Fighting Organization in the history of the United States.
Vermont? Very nice. New Hampshire? Very nice. Portland, OR? Also very few black people; NH 1.5%, VT just 1.3%, Portland 6.3%
And guess what? Very few hillbillies! No toothless trailer dwellers. No Republican governors or sons of the south. Funny that. Wherever ignorant civil war reenactors with confederate flags go so does the state.
The election of Doug Jones brings me great joy, we need more politicians on both sides of the aisle who embrace the Mission(s) of Planned Parenthood, The Greatest Crime Fighting Organization in the history of the United States.
Too bad your auntie/momma disn't visit before she had your fat dumb ass.
Another of dumbfuck Drumpfuck's judicial nominees that know less legalese than a buffalo chip. He will prolly get his lifetime cushy job unless Dems can take over the senate and restore civility and sanity to selecting judicial appointees again. Heaven knows wingnuts only want wingnut bots that doe as they are ordered.
Then how come those housing prices have spiked in black neighborhoods as well? How come a condo in Dogtown will set you back half a mil?
Because they are getting less black (but more hispanic). The most-criminal class is being priced out, the real estate value isn't as depressed by inter-ethnic crime and black hostility to whites.
The changes in demographic are being caused by rich people moving in more than black people moving out.
Show him info that a full 25% of the black population moved out between 2000 and 2010 and the city population is going DOWN, and he just denies it. Wikipedia says Oakland's blacks went from 43.9% of 372k in 1990 to 25.9% of 391k in 2010. That's a drop of 38% in 20 years.
you'll never get the fact that we aren't a bunch of bigoted assholes here
Bigotry is judging people in the absence of or contrary to actual information. You assiduously ignore information even when it's spoon-fed to you, sticking to your prejudices. Bigot.
You know where housing prices are dropping? Trailer parks full of inbred big headed James Bitch types. No one wants to live there. Ever!
Las Vegas did this and much much more in 9 minutes flat.
12:50 PM
Once,limited event. Chicago exceeds the LV shooting every year,year after year.
Chicago 2017 to Date:
Shot & Killed: 603
Shot & Wounded: 2851
Total Shot: 3454
Total Homicides: 652
Chicago Final 2016 Totals:
Shot & Killed: 722
Shot & Wounded: 3658
Total Shot: 4380
Total Homicides: 808
Chicago Final 2015 Totals:
Shot & Killed: 448
Shot & Wounded: 2558
Total Shot: 2996
Total Homicides: 510
Chicago Final 2016 Totals:
Shot & Killed: 722
Shot & Wounded: 3658
Total Shot: 4380
Total Homicides: 808
Fake news.
Chicago Final 2015 Totals:
Shot & Killed: 448
Shot & Wounded: 2558
Total Shot: 2996
Total Homicides: 510
Fake news.
Fake news.
1:46 PM
All true,check CPS records and the Cook County Morgue,Area hospitals.
All true,check CPS records and the Cook County Morgue,Area hospitals.
Fake news!
The black capacity for self-delusion and stupid slogans knows no bounds.
The black capacity for self-delusion and stupid slogans knows no bounds.
and stupid hilbilly white trailer trolls somehow think their uneducated inbred fourth grade education having asses are aomehow superior. Irony is lost on teh stooooopid.
... posts that crime stats are "fake news"....
... goes from keyboard to a "Stop The Violence" rally because too many black men are killing each other.
Can you cite any examples of white people having a "stop the violence" rally? Especially hillbilly trailer trolls?
Can you cite any examples of white people having a "stop the violence" rally? Especially hillbilly trailer trolls?
I guess they'd rather have a 2nd amendment rally after a bunch of babies get killed.
Still waiting for an example of a White "Stop the Violence" rally.
Gonna wait a long time, because there aren't any.
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