First, his daughter. Is it a big deal that a confederate flag was in the background of a photo shared by Ivanka and Jared over the holiday?
Was it a dog whistle to trump supporters, or was it merely a coincidence?
Next, his wife. Did Melanie's selfie go too far down tacky road, or are you totally cool with it?
Things that liberals called “racist” in 2017:
-The sun
-Climate change
-All white people
-Farmers markets
-Ending Net Neutrality
-Leaving Paris Accord
-Calling a white woman “Pocahontas”
-Tax cuts
-Trees by a golf course
Liberalism is a mental disease!
Somewhat suspect Ivanka Trump might have been oblivious to the flag optics, caught up in the fun of posting pictures of her family’s fishing adventure. With that said, I so would not be surprised her husband, Jared, was trolling social media with the confederate flag backdrop.
First Lady Melania Trump’s selfie seems to have exuded the Christmas spirit in her own special way. Not to detract from valid points expressed about the first family’s missteps, yet it begs the question as to whether Mrs. Trump can ever find her center and not be raked over the coals in the process.
Melania is tackiness personified. She married Donald Trump. You can't expect very much from her.
As for the Kushners, the flag wasn't on their boat, so there's that.
I guess they don't think there's any problem with sharing photos of confederate flags, or were too far gone up their own asses to notice.
-Doug in Oakland
Once again the musings of a fringe right anon ready to greet the new year with the tired liberalism trope.
Irony is the sleeping giant finally awakening from the kind of deep slumber that will relegate RWNJs to the abyss they want the saner electorate to endure. Alabama proves 2018 can be a grand year indeed.
Melania Trump is the least of our troubles.
Crackers in Florida? Who could have guessed?
Things that conservatives were afraid of in 2017:
-any person of color
-any religion other than the jeeezus
-Sharia Law taking over murica
-higher education
-any news other than fox
-any opinions other than theirs
-former presidents with class
-qualified judicial nominees
-qualified government officials
-clean air
-common sense
Hey dumb assed conservatives, if there's a war on Christmas why does it keep coming back every single year? Holy fuck you assholes are gullible.
Is trump a liar or just stupid. He claimed he signed more legislation than any president since Truman which is patently false. He has signed fewer legislative bills since the Eisenhower administration. This man is the most incompetent president ever. Makes W look like Kennedy.
Happy Kwanzaa blue gums,have fun copying a Jewish Holiday, full of lighting seven corn cobs and reading out of the book of no negro principles. May the new year bring better aim to black bastard sons everywhere, these gun shot victim medicaid costs are off the hook. Salami and bacon to the members of the nation.
2018 The year of Trump style welfare reform. Can't wait. The free shit army can kiss my working taxpayer ass.
. Can't wait. The free shit army can kiss my working taxpayer ass.
Agreed. Trailer trash trolls need to get jobs! And good for you, glad you found a job.
Better hurry up, you got 4 1/2 hours! Bwahahahahahahahahahahahaha! What a sore loser but what do you expect from a child molestor backed by Steve Bannon and the deranged orangutan in the White House.
Everything Chump and his family does are dog whistles for their inbred supporters.
Faith_and_Fairness said...
"I so would not be surprised her husband, Jared, was trolling social media with the confederate flag backdrop."
Jared Kushner is an Israel-Firster who despises rednecks much more than you do.
Progressives want a world where they completely control:
Your wage.
Your wealth.
Your gender.
Your housing.
Your healthcare.
Your security.
Your children.
Your borders.
Your transportation.
Your electricity.
Your job.
Your education.
Your mind.
They are totalitarians of the highest order.
Conservatives want to control
-who you an marry
-what you can say in late December
-what goes on inside a woman's body
-where you can worship
-the organizations you can belong
-who can vote
-what you can read
-what type of sex you can have
-your identity
Talking about totalitarian tendencies in several red states oral sex is illegal. Did you know that you can't buy sex toys in Alabama and Mississippi? Those ain't bastions of liberalism are they asshole? As a liberal I don't give a fuck who you marry, who can have medical procedures, where you work or if your mom can buy a fucking dildo but jezzus freaky conservatives seem to all up down in my bedroom trying to make sure I have missionary position sex with a female (in Alabama conservatives don't seem to care about her age though so there is that).
Hmmmmmm, liberal areas like California allow marijuanna to be bought and smoked, you can buy all the sex toys you can handle, want to control your body as a woman? have at it kids!
Red states full of jeeeezus conservatives won't even let you buy a goddamn beer on jeezus day. GTFOH with that freedom shit you fucks.
Snowflake assed bitches who think for some reason they can't say christmas. Da fuck!
Since Alabama's sodomy law was ruled unconstitutional in 2014, that means Roy Moore broke it while it was still in effect when he tried to put his dick in that teenage girl's mouth...
-Doug in Oakland
ONE-THIRD Of U.S. Homicide Spike Coming From 5 Chicago Neighborhoods
Murders in the U.S. rose as a whole last year, thanks in large part to a Windy City crime wave.
That just tells you how tiny that "spike" really is. The overall trend line on homicides in the US has been downward for years.
-Doug in Oakland
That "spike" is the Ferguson Effect.
Thanks Obama.
dinthebeast said...
Since Alabama's sodomy law was ruled unconstitutional in 2014, that means Roy Moore broke it while it was still in effect when he tried to put his dick in that teenage girl's mouth...
Good thing sodomy was legal in California when all those guys put their dicks in your mouth...
Fake news!
That "spike" is the Ferguson Effect.
So it's due to snowflake ass punk bitch conservative cops who refuse to do their jobs?
Should fire the whole lot of em. Fuckers taking a paycheck and not doing their jobs because the president was a negro. And they wonder why we need BLM.
become the popo negro
Married, Black kidnap and gang rape victim has passed away. And it's obvious from her picture that she never came to terms with how brutally she was violated by both the men and the Alabama justice system at the time:
Roy Moore, former chief justice of the Alabama Supreme Court had his bogus court challenge to the election certification thrown out today because he filed it in the wrong court, one with no jurisdiction over the matter.
-Doug in Oakland
Don't become a popo asshole.
There was a good movie released about Mrs. Taylor's case. It played here in Chicago at the Siskel theater during the Black Harvest film festival.
Since when did stoopid fucking wingnuts think blacks killing blacks was a crime wave?
Anonymous Anonymous said...
2018 The year of Trump style welfare reform. Can't wait. The free shit army can kiss my working taxpayer ass.
8:33 AM
Got a live one here. Giving billions to the wealthy is still "free" welfare, stoopid fucking wingnut style, always. You will soon be paying more taxes like the rest of us, you stoopid fucking wingnut stoopid fucler!
Any link to dailywire is contaminated by dead Breitbart slime and Ben Shapiro is one of the, if not the, worst.
Why Black People Own Guns
HuffPost spoke with 11 black gun owners to figure out what gun ownership means in a country determined to keep its black populace unarmed.
By Julia Craven
12/26/2017 10:06 am ET
My weather forecast for the next three days in NW iowa. Enjoy. It is snowingtoday.
Snow Showers
11° -10°
-5° -17°
Partly Cloudy
-10° -24°
Since when did stoopid fucking wingnuts think blacks killing blacks was a crime wave?
When the killed represent maybe 1 out of 6 of those shot, and the other 5 cost us $50,000 apiece just for the first day's ER treatment.
2922 shot and wounded in Chimpcongo so far this year. 2922 * $50,000 = $146 MILLION.
2922 shot and wounded in Chimpcongo so far this year. 2922 * $50,000 = $146 MILLION.
Fake news! trump sent in the feds and stopped all of that.
2922 shot and wounded in Chimpcongo so far this year. 2922 * $50,000 = $146 MILLION.
I'm guessing this is the bounty racist korporate stoopid fucking wingnuts pay to get rid of black voters.
Good thing black people aren't very good shots.
Now people make up games on the off chance a SWAT team shoots innocent people.
"Mmmmmm ... nice and chocolatey like Butt Trumpet ... Weezie pass the whipcream" - Munchkin
Only voter fraud in Alabama is how Judge Roy Bean got 2% of the black vote
Good thing black people aren't very good shots.
Good thing most whites can't afford ammo or more churches would get shot up.
The dumb fucker in the WH accused China of supplying NK with oil. Reuters says Russia was seen loading oil on NK ships. Dumbfuck Drimpfuck flies off the handle with more lies and stoopid fucking wingnuts care less.
Good thing most whites can't afford ammo or more churches would get shot up.
<sniff> <sniff> What's that I smell? It's PROJECTION!
The average Black gang-banger has only 1 magazine for his (illegally-possessed and usually stolen) gun and often only enough ammo to fill it.
White Americans collectively have a few trillion (that's "trillion" with a "T") rounds of ammo, and a lot of it is in calibers much more potent than .22 LR. They usually have several magazines for each weapon which accepts them, or things like stripper clips. Do you know how cheap stripper clips for SKS rifles are? You can get several for a buck.
Come at Whitey in force, you morons. You'll find that the only friends you have are cucked idiots and Jews, and we'll be happy to let you eat them first. Hispanics and orientals hate you and the rest of us are sick to death of you, so your opening of hostilities will be the breach of the dam that leads to your elimination.
Remember: in the race war you want, your skin is your uniform and you are outnumbered 7:1 and out-gunned more like 30:1.
Remember: in the race war you want, your skin is your uniform and you are outnumbered 7:1 and out-gunned more like 30:1.
Yawn. I like those odds because there are so many pussies like you we would be done by lunch. You tough talking bitches only seem to be able to shoot up classrooms full of kids and churches with old people and babies. Now go talk your silly shit to your fellow unemployed losers who fantasize about race wars and mass deportations. Jeeeeze, so many fuckboys tonite.
James' bitch ass can't even afford a sling shot. If he had a dick he'd probably shoot it off.
Listening to you coons is so funny. You talk trash that you obviously believe.
When reality hits you, you probably won't have time to be scared. You'll be dead too fast.
Listening to you coons is so funny. You talk trash that you obviously believe.
When reality hits you, you probably won't have time to be scared. You'll be dead too fast.
STFU snowflake, bitch ass too scared to say merry christmas while Obama was in office. If you ever met me in person you'd shit your pants like a little punk.
Listening to you coons is so funny. You talk trash that you obviously believe.
Not as funny as you trailer trash trolls who are so strung out on meth that you believe your own ipioid induced delusions. Now you and your auntie/momma go suck some dick so you can get some money for some more meth. How many teeth are there in your entire house? 3? 4 maybe?
LOL. Can't spell "opioid" and thinks meth is one.
With ignorance like that, you have GOT to be a relation of this guy who killed his girlfriend by putting meth in her drink.
But that's okay, she was a coal-burner, we didn't want her back.
Some guy in California was arrested for a prank call to Wichita SWAT that got a homeowner shot to death as he opened his door. When you care to send the very deadliest. Say it with SWAT.
LOL. Can't spell "opioid" and thinks meth is one.
I guess you would know all about meth wouldn't ya Cleetus?
Some guy in California was arrested for a prank call to Wichita SWAT
He's some kind of nigger, of course. Name of Tyler Barriss of south LA.
He was convicted of making a bomb threat in 2015 and served time. He doesn't seem to have learned anything except how to be a more dangerous nigger. Time to send him back.
And still less dangerous than a crazy eyed white boy. You know they like to shoot babies and pregnant women in church. Too bad we cant arrest white boys enmass.
And still less dangerous than a crazy eyed white boy.
Good thing they're so rare. You won't like it when you drive half the race that crazy. Just 1% would be enough to turn the country upside-down. Imagine a million teams of DC snipers, only white and going after blacks, cucked pols and the police who stand between you and justice.
You know they like to shoot babies and pregnant women in church.
It's far safer to be a church-going white person in Texas than black in Chiraq. 26 dead in an event that will never be repeated, versus 626 shot and killed just this year (last year's total topped 800). The Sutherland Springs shooting looks like a false flag to divert attention from the Sudanigger who shot up the church in Antioch, TN about a month earlier.
The funny part is, you don't care who you shoot. You do your drive-bys and kill little girls and you have no protests, no BLM. You're all "dat's jes life in da hood!" It's only when some non-black shoots one of you in self-defense or the line of duty that you chimp out.
Too bad we cant arrest white boys enmass.
Trying to deflect from your own bad behavior again. We have far better cause to arrest blacks en masse, and remove them. That goes triple for black immigrants. Where you are removed to I don't care, so long as you don't come back.
I'm not going anywhere asshole. Remove your type who is violent, ignorant and a pussy. Pussies like you need to carry guns because you're a coward. Just stop being a bitch and shooting babies in churches like the rest of you fuckboys.
This fuckboy has spent years talking about removing us. Put up or shut up pussy. I'll give you a month to start your inbred tailer revolution and after that you can't say shit. Now do something or are you too much of a bitch?
I'm not going anywhere asshole.
NP, we can run you through the tree chipper and compost you right where you are.
Remove your type who is violent, ignorant and a pussy.
This is what's so funny about this place. You deny criminal statistics and centuries of personal experience and call others "ignorant", and follow it up with calling them violent AND pussies (avoiding violence). Well, which is it?
Pussies like you need to carry guns because you're a coward.
I carry a gun because I'm not willing to give you my wallet, my car or my life without making it cost you dearly. Like this guy:
This fuckboy has spent years talking about removing us. Put up or shut up pussy.
Who says the time is right to move? "They were icy, willing to wait"
Anytime fuckboy. Yawn, I bet your dumbass granddaddy was talking about race war blah blah blah.
Just as I suspected, you carry a gun because you're a pussy who can't protect himself. Pussy!
Who says the time is right to move? "They were pussies, too scared to get their asses kicked"
"First, his daughter. Is it a big deal that a confederate flag was in the background of a photo shared by Ivanka and Jared over the holiday?
Was it a dog whistle to trump supporters, or was it merely a coincidence?
Next, his wife. Did Melanie's selfie go too far down tacky road, or are you totally cool with it?
Aw Field, those people were elected by the white supremacists because they're sooo white.
Look at Trump, can't get much whiter than that! Melania, well she's from I dunno, one of those white places Bosnia or Uzbekistan or Alaska, oh I don't know, but she's white too so you know,
Did they know if the confederate flag was behind them in the pic? Well dayum, need you ask? C'monnn! It was obviously a confederate beach picnic, I'm sure that was not the only C flag flying around there. What they were trying to say was "shout out to our homies"
Yukyukyukyukyuk! xD
"well she's from I dunno, one of those white places Bosnia or Uzbekistan or Alaska"
Getting Lee's battle flag into the background of a pic is a great way to trigger the SJWs of the press and get them to talk about it instead of anything of actual significance. This has two effects:
1. It helps Trump keep important stuff out of the enemedia and prevent pushback.
2. It red-pills more normies.
And you're all going right along with it. It's masterful!
Anonymous said...
Getting Lee's battle flag into the background of a pic is a great way to trigger the SJWs of the press and get them to talk about it instead of anything of actual significance.
12:10 PM
I disagree, this is of the major significance, because this is flaunting it in our faces, like, 'yaaay shout out to the homie confederates, 'remember we with y'all!'
What could be more significant? ;)
1. It helps Trump keep important stuff out of the enemedia and prevent pushback.
So trump is secretly pushing an unknown agenda hidden from the American people? Not cool. This is the very reason we have a. free press or at least we're supposed to.
Why is this "free press" going all REEEEEEE over a flag on some boat in the background of a picture, instead of reporting the important stuff?
Trump doesn't tell them what to report. The SJWs and (((puppet masters))) do.
They are not informing you, they are propagandizing you. They're Fake News, but you are too stupid to see it even when it's hitting you in the face.
Why is this "free press" going all REEEEEEE over a flag on some boat in the background of a picture, instead of reporting the important stuff?
The press is not going eeeeeeee over the flag. Haven't seen this story in the NYT, Times Picune, The Bee ect. They actually are reporting major stories but in an era of a 24 hour news cycle you're going to get aome meh stories in the mix. Now back to my question, why is trump trying to destroy the free press? If you don't like certain outlets and what they report you choose another.
They're Fake News, but you are too stupid to see it even when it's hitting you in the face.
Really? All of em? So we can only trust trump and his minions even though he has been proven a liar. I'll trust the media over trump any day of the week. Touch of hyperbole much? eeeeeeeeeeeeee! Fake news! Only dimwits use that language.
BTW please give us a news site that is trustworthy. What sites do you trust anon 2:56pm?
Let's face it Melania is lacking in looks, class and intelligence.
Think about it for a minute:
You take a prostitute put an expensive dress on it, pay for it to get a nose job that makes its nose look like a string bean, and then pay for some fake plastic bag implants to be sewn into its chest.
But at the end of the day...it's still an uneducated, unintelligent, ugly prostitute.
No wonder she walks around with an ugly scowl on her face all the time.
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