Sorry Nancy, the getaway car is long gone.
The GOP tax scam is almost complete.
I watched Paul Ryan and his fellow bandits chirping today, and I must say that P.T. Barnum would have been proud.
This was a bill written by lobbyist and the people who will be benefiting from it. (I see you Bob Corker) And they will get away with it. Why? Because poor white people will always believe powerful white men in bespoke dark suits. They have to. They can't believe that their station in life will not improve because they lack the necessary tools to make things better for themselves. It's those other people's fault. The ones we have to give all our tax dollars to. They forget, of course, that all those tax dollars actually benefits them more than anyone else.
Donald trump will benefit from this bill as well, and he will line his pockets (along with his family) with millions of dollars at our expense. He can prove me wrong by showing us his tax returns, but we know that he will never do that. The lie about them being audited has been turned into facts for the trumpbots; not to mention the rest of Americans who have just been too beaten down by all the lies to care at this point.
I have to give the GOP credit, though, they were relentless, and they stuck together. I am pretty sure that it was more about their political survival than anything else. Their donor class would not have been happy if they didn't pass this bill. I mean it's why they sent them to Washington in the first place.
They have to be thinking today that it was money will spent.
This benefits the ultra wealthy not the mere wealthy.
For those out there who think their single vote doesn't matter. The Dems end years of Republican rule in Virginia by one vote.
They know they're gonna lose the midterms and this helps them ease into their next jobs on K street.
-Doug in Oakland
PX: And we had to beat them by ten points overall to break even.
-Doug in Oakland
"PX: And we had to beat them by ten points overall to break even."
Hopefully a sign of things to come.
Republicans are stealing from the government to give to the middle class!
I've never seen so many people angry about getting a tax cut in my life
I haven't seen so many people aware that their lives are about to be buggered in a long time.
-Doug in Oakland
Very regressive tax plan. 83% of the gains go to the top 1% This is NOT a middle class tax bill.
Oh yeah! Tax bill also opens up ANWR to oil and gas drilling. No chance big oil wanted that.
$414 billion in tax breaks for real estate income by 2027.
-Doug in Oakland
On the last thread, someone was lamenting that we would be saddling our children with debt.
That train left some time ago. What will happen in the next couple of days will bring about the largest debt ever owed by any nation in the history of the world.
Even if this destructive bill is repealed in 2021, it will have been in place for four years. God help the seniors on Medicare. Ryan is not ashamed to admit that he will seek further cuts to SS and Medicare.
We are not dealing with a problem in Argentina or Puerto Rico or even the debt owed by the state of California.
The national debt of the United States is already more than double that of any other debtor nation. What once was, or possibly may still be the largest and most powerful economy in the world will descend into an unsustainable debt that simply defies repayment. To simply continue to service this massive debt will cripple the economy.
This is not what was intended to happen. Our favorite republican Bill Clinton had steered us into a national surplus. That would have been the first step towards repayment or debt reduction. Clearly in an economy as large as that of the U.S. some debt can be sustained and in certain times is needed to keep the ship of state and its peoples safe from the rocky shallows. The theory that a national debt is a healthy component of good governance seems easy to disprove today.
President Cheney led us into the modern age of tremendous debt. Obama used federal treasure judiciously to plot a correction course. Unfortunately, with our military commitments and other imbalances, federal spending remained extremely high. Yet the deficit itself was reduced.
What will happen next is unprecedented. No one really knows what the future will hold for the United States or for our many allies and friends. There will be hell to pay. But that's simply not important to Paul Ryan and the monster. There may be hard consequences. Creditors have rights.
Just like causing the next great depression is similarly a matter of small consequence.
Fuck all of you dumbasses that support this. Fuck the president and the republican congress. And most of all, fuck all of you idiots who voted for the monster.
It just doesn't make sense. Every one of you dumbfucks down to the last man or woman cry to the heavens about the debt increase under Obama. Yet you support this suicidal tax plan.
It's some kind of death wish mentality.
Interesting read.
Yuk, yuk.
Since you're so smart, Negro...what is the percentage of Blacks and Latinos paying the Federal taxes?
Who benefits the most?
Must be those Appalachians.
The debt increase under Obie the Great all belongs to the party of obstruction and racism-you know the lily white fuckers that wouldn't increase taxes to pay for their massive debt from taxcuts and wouldn't allow Obama to do the same.
Schlumpf's WH is trying to make people believe that Sclumpf and his family won't see any benefits no matter how many graohs and charts point out they will profit handsomely from all the goodies aimed at the top.
People have a right to be afraid of what the near future holds when only the koch bros have any money. And wingnuts are still stoopid fucking whiteys.
Anonymous TDS said...
I've never seen so many people angry about getting a tax cut in my life
12:09 AM
Wall Street sez you are lying through yer Magat Hat. Wall Street is laughing all the way to yooge dividends for shareholders and yooge stock option buybacks for the rest.
Higher wages for workers was just a ploy to fool you foolish stoopid fucking wingnuts into voting against yer best interests again and again and again. SFW
Even when Schlumpf signs this mess, there are literally hundreds of errors made since it was drafted w/o Dem participation and those errors will have to be fixed at some point. Trouble is they will need 60 senate votes to correct these wingnut screwups and there is one party not too interested in helping clean up the wingnut clusterfuck. If you guessed the party of grownups, known as Democrats, go to the head of the class. 2018 campaign is just around the corner and Dems have ample evidence of total fuckery to beat incumbent wingnuts over the head with, Stoopid, stoopid fucking wingnuts.
Black Woman Accuses Charlie Rose of Racism for Not Sexually Harassing Her:
If I read this right, not harassing black women while harassing white women is a manifestation of racism. It seems to me that the underlying message is “White women are getting too much attention. Even if I wasn’t sexually harassed, people need to pay attention to me.”
Is Esquire that desperate for articles?
Chicago December 2017 to Date
Shot & Killed: 27
Shot & Wounded: 113
Total Shot: 140
Total Homicides: 28
"I am pretty sure that it was more about their political survival than anything else. Their donor class would not have been happy if they didn't pass this bill."
I've seen a number of arguments to the effect that, for many Republican congressmen/senators, it's not even about political survival. They've written that off already. Trump is so unpopular that he is going to drag the entire party down. Republican legislators are preparing for a bloodbath in 2018 as angry voters turf them out of office.
So if they've already resigned themselves to losing their jobs, what does this mean for the laws they pass? Well, for many of these unprincipled grifters, it means voting to reward their rich donors with this disgusting plutocratic tax cut, in the hopes the donors will give them lucrative jobs after they've been kicked out of Congress.
"Black Woman Accuses Charlie Rose of Racism for Not Sexually Harassing Her"
The ultimate racist micro-aggression. Black women are not hot enough to get sexually harassed.
Maybe that’s why Obama was OK with having his daughter intern with Harvey Weinstein.
Since you're so smart, Negro...what is the percentage of Blacks and Latinos paying the Federal taxes?
What is the percentage of FN posters pretending to be a military officer but too much of a bitch to actually serve?
Sutherland Springs:
4% of the town's entire population murdered including babies and pregnant women.
"Maybe that’s why Obama was OK with having his daughter intern with Harvey Weinstein."
No, Harvey went after black women, too. He tried to bang Lupita Nyong'o. He's a perv, but apparently an equal-opportunity perv.
I'm going with: The Obamas did not know what a predator Harvey was.
People keep saying "everyone knew" what Harvey was up to. This is nonsense. Everyone in Harvey's immediate orbit knew, but that's about it. Otherwise, he'd have gone to jail a long time ago.
Black woman complains about Charlie Rose running his show for his audience his way instead of black-black-blackety-black, and her attention-whoring not working. Quelle surprise.
Maybe had he listened to sistagirl his pervy ass wouldn't be unemployed right now.
Doing segments on hip-hop "artists" would have had him unemployed a lot sooner, because the viewers would have turned off. Gratifying Ms. "boo hoo I didn't get sexually harassed" by giving her some of the same attention wouldn't change that.
Obama wasn't groping or fucking his own daughter. He didn't dream out loud about it. He didn't spend his formative years fucking every POA that slithered by and then worried about VD like someone we all know and hate- whitey stoopid fucking mangled apricot.
Dat tacks bill bees racee yo
"Dat tacks bill bees racee yo"
That tax bill be classist, yo.
And them poor white people who vote Republican be stupid, yo. Turkeys voting for Thanksgiving.
That they had to do this highlights a few things going on just now:
First, they are freaking the fuck out about losing the midterms. They just held a meeting for the elected-in-2010-or-laters among them to tell them what it's like in a they're-getting-their-asses-kicked year.
Second, there aren't really any small donors to the Republican party left, so they think they can't compete without the support of the filthy rich fucks this bill fellates, I mean cuts the taxes of.
Third, the more marginally aware among them understand that making K street happy in order to more easily get a well paying job there a year from January is a safer bet than holding on to their seats, that even if they manage to keep will be worth much less in the next congress than this one.
Fourth, they aren't too bright, and buy way more of their own bullshit than a halfway bright fifth grader would, but they are greedy enough to take what is being sold as a win right now, even if it dooms them to minority status for a generation after it is exposed in the light of day.
So, really, same as it ever was.
-Doug in Oakland
"The national debt of the United States is already more than double that of any other debtor nation. What once was, or possibly may still be the largest and most powerful economy in the world will descend into an unsustainable debt that simply defies repayment. To simply continue to service this massive debt will cripple the economy."
No it isn't. Not relative to GDP. Check out Japan's debt-to-GDP ratio. It's like 2.5 times ours.
I'm not saying that accumulating debt doesn't matter, but Republicans have been overhyping the debt for ages, as if it's the most significant problem we face, when that's clearly not the case. It ain't an emergency.
They're also consistently dishonest in discussing it.
Whenever Democrats are in power: OMG OMG OMG THE DEBT WE MUST CUT SPENDING!!!!!
Whenever Republicans are in power: Let's pass huge tax cuts. Will that make the debt go up? Who cares, no biggie.
It's transparently all bullshit.
What is the percentage of FN posters pretending to be a military officer but too much of a bitch to actually serve?
The same percentage that know this male impersonating shithead has a now decade long obsession with a successful, highly educated Black woman, Yisheng.
I thought Italian women were MUCH stronger than this, but I guess there's more Whooteemoo than Italian. OBVIOUSLY.
^^^^ Yeah, I SAID IT!!!!
Nobody ever sexually harasses Yisheng.
They want to blow up the debt to create the reasoning for killing the new deal and what's left of the great society because they suck.
As a matter of policy and a serious issue, the debt is a little high, but nowhere near the "we need to freak out about it" point.
And as money we owe to ourselves, there really isn't any non-politically induced reason to worry about any collector coming after us. The bill for servicing it is significant, but not "half a trillion a year for the military" significant.
The way it's supposed to work is that during downturns, the deficit goes up due to increased need for things like unemployment insurance and temporary Medicaid, and reduced revenue, while during boom times we pay down what we used living through the downturn.
Instead, what we have is recessions and crashes during Republican administrations, followed by slow recoveries during Democratic administrations due to full scale partisan obstruction, so we never get to the pay it down part because Republicans cut taxes and revenues go down, all in the service of "starving the beast" in order to kill the social insurance programs they hate so much.
Deficits are vitally important to Republicans, as their "austerity for you and tax cuts for us" policies are at this point universally rejected, and they have no other approach at the destruction of Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid.
-Doug in Oakland
Doug thinks Cloward-Piven is a Republican strategy.
Republicans are basically the fun uncle who comes over lets you stay up late and have a party while the Dems are the parents who have to come home and clean up the mess.
Republicans are basically the fun uncle who gets you a job:
Here's a story you were very unlikely to see on CNN, MSNBC, in the New York Times or the Washington Post. As much as low unemployment numbers are a non-story for much of the MSM as long as there’s a Republican in the White House, one specific segment of the employment forces is making inroads rarely, if ever, seen before. Unemployment among black Americans has been hovering at or just above seven percent for past couple of months. That's still shamefully worse than the overall unemployment figure, but to put it in context, it’s also very close to the best it’s been since Nixon was in office.
Corporations have already taken their cues ... AT&T, Comcast, Wells Fargo and others are throwing out crumbs as "holiday bonuses" and pledging billions in capital investment ... no doubt to be clawed back after the 2018 elections ... For their next trick Butt Trumpet and the Strumpets will fuck with Medicare Medicaid SNAP TANF ... It's their country now ... we gave it to them without a fight and are now left to ponder the damage that has been done and will be done
LMAO! Cockboy sees AT&T give 200,000 employees a thousand dollar bonus because of the tax cut, and promise to invest an additional $1 billion in the US, and bleats "Tax cuts for the rich!"
Too bad fuckboy, we're Making America Great Again, and you can't stop it!
Here's Trump's MURDER SPREE in progress:
1. Forcing the Vulnerable Poor into a THUNDERDOME of JOB OFFERS and CASH BONUSES!
2. Repealed an FCC ruling which progressive hysterics claimed would make FaceBook postings PUNISHABLE BY SPIDERS!
3. Recognized Jerusalem as the Israeli capital, plunging the Middle East into a state of unrest not seen since LAST WEDNESDAY!
"Unemployment among black Americans has been hovering at or just above seven percent for past couple of months. That's still shamefully worse than the overall unemployment figure, but to put it in context, it’s also very close to the best it’s been since Nixon was in office."
Trump is the First Black President!
Can't wait to find out to which charity each CNN and MSNBC employee who railed against the tax cut will donate their $1000 bonus.
The Three Rules of the Trumpening:
1. Always trust Trump
2. Never bet against Trump
3. Don't get tired of winning.
Merry Christmas! MAGA!
Media's greatest fear just came true---
Trump's first year has been a barnburner of a success. Consequential things accomplished.
Media's second greatest fear is---
A booming economy... Which will almost certainly happen now with these tax cuts.
Too bad for you Trumptwat when you have no job no healthcare no food stamps nothing but clean coal in your water and that stupid hat on your empty head
Trump wins in a landslide in 2020!
Someone please explain how Trump's stupid tax cut bill helps people like me that don't want a job.
-Doug in Oakland
Wait, now trump can't sign the bill because it cuts medicare which he promised not to do? Another premature rose garden celebration? Jeez, when is amateur hour going to end?
"Jeez, when is amateur hour going to end?"
Amareur hour ends in 2018 when the Dems retake the house and the senate!
Not just PEEOTUS’ approval ratings, it’s also the amount of Pfizer/Viagra stock he has.
MAGA, Make America Gorge Again!!
By November 2018:
Dow up another 5,000 points
Unemployment at 3.5%
Real wages up for first time in decades
Trade deficits slashed
Hillary on her way to prison
Republicans expand majorities in both houses of congress
"Real wages up for first time in decades"
That's good. So record profits, record productivity and huge market gains weren't enough to merit a raise all it took was a promise to drop the country 1.5 trillion further into debt and more problems paying its bills. Thanks corporations, you really have our best interests at heart.😖
@Lt.Commander@Lt.Commander Johnson; 5:01am question requesting a breakdown of federal tax payments by race/ethnicity...
Probably an understatement I’m one of the few progressives respecting the fiscal conservatism of Lt.Commander and other proponents of these policies, which is why to not fully grasp the impact of the GOP tax law is either emblematic tone deafness or at worst, utter hypocricy in human decency.
Also calling out the false narrative the poor and working class are mostly black and hispanic who are not contributing to any tax base or whose efforts do not support local/state economies in the form of goods and services.
As others already opined, ample historical evidence illustrates the inequity that ensues with deregulation and trickle down economics. Now that Pres. Trump will soon sign off on the tax law, we can only hope the 21st century version of similar policies will fare much better for all Americans. Guess one can say my stance is the glass is half full.
Growth is good.
Stagnation is not.
Viva Trump!
The tax bill give a 70% tax cut for the average single mother.
Democrats voted against this.
Think about that.
Boeing CEO Muilenburg Applauds Tax Law, Announces $300 Million in Employee-Related and Charitable Investments to Spur Innovation and Growth.
The bottom two quintiles got much larger tax cuts in the Obama stimulus than this corporate turd.
The destruction of social insurance they want to use this as a reason for would harm all of those people far worse than a Christmas bonus helps them.
There will be no expansion of growth because of this. Well, 1.7% over ten years. Which might not actually happen when the destruction of the private health insurance market begins to drag on the economy. Nobody will notice the growth, should it actually occur, especially when their insurance premiums begin to double year over year, and their retirement income is either slashed or taken away entirely.
Most likely it will not make it to 2027, as the Republicans know they are on the way out, and the repair of the damage they have done will slowly begin.
-Doug in Oakland
“I’m one of the few progressives respecting the fiscal conservatism of Lt.Commander”.
While you’re “respecting” this asshole, my job as a researcher specifically focused in the health outcomes of the disadvantaged/poor communities and my future role as a Clinician, is significantly more challenging as a result of this tax bill and all the pork/shit in it.😡
Anonymous Anonymous said...
The tax bill give a 70% tax cut for the average single mother.
Yeah sure, while her kid(s) loose their health insurance due to CHIP not being refunded.
I just wish you people would just admit it, you’d prefer EVERY person if color drop dead along with the elderly, mentally ill (except 45) , homosexual, disabled, and of course, the poor.
Urgh, lose!!!!
"The tax bill give a 70% tax cut for the average single mother."
83% of the benefits go to the top 1% and add 1.5 trillion to the deficit so I would expect Dems to vote against it. It also throws 13,000,000 people off healthcare. Bad bill. Well, the top 7 banks will make billions so there is that.
"Boeing CEO Muilenburg Applauds Tax Law, Announces $300 Million in Employee-Related and Charitable Investments to Spur Innovation and Growth."
Great, that means he and his corporation are raking in billions. How much of a bonus will he take?
If this bill is so great why the rush and secrecy? Why no open hearings and scoring? Something is up.
Wow, I have my very own impersonator troll now. OK, fine, now go fuck yourself.
And on the lighter side, serial enabler of children being buggered by men they were supposed to trust and look up to, and protector of those buggering men, Cardinal Bernard Law, has died.
It's a testament to the lack of justice in the world that he wasn't buggered to death, but a sign that things are slowly improving that he is dead.
-Doug in Oakland
Wow, I have my very own impersonator troll now. OK, fine, now go fuck yourself.
Conservatives are immature and do things like that. Just look at the president.
Best website ever!
In reply to Yisheng’s post at 12:15am...
While you’re “respecting” this asshole, my job as a researcher specifically focused in the health outcomes of the disadvantaged/poor communities and my future role as a Clinician, is significantly more challenging as a result of this tax bill and all the pork/shit in it.😡
Really?? Quite a leap construing anything in my comment along the lines of respecting a$$holery or any of the morally bankrupt bots and trolls.
Interestingly, true fiscal conservatives have pointed out the inherent flaws of this tax bill; yet very baffling no provision could have been introduced protecting CHIP. Sen. Marco Rubio managed negotiating extended child care credits for working families.
Further expounding on the glass being half full is cognizant of once GOP gained majorities in congress and senate along with securing the presidency, the big picture would not be pretty. 2018 could not arrive fast enoug. Hopefully, the democratic leadership will be on it’s A-game promoting candidates to roll back the more harmful initiatives.
Funny how the ACA (Obongo care) which was rammed through congress, remember Pelosi's statement..."We have to pass the bill to see whats in the bill" ??? Caused no such outrage by the looney left or the members of the FSA (free shit army).
Future role as clinician..... yeah right, hahahahahahahahha that's funny.
Hey PX, Look what I found, I believe we discussed this a few years ago too;
Hey Doc check out Kellee, she is a host on the Travel Channel and often flies herself to exotic locations. She is also a member of our secret FB group.
" Caused no such outrage by the looney left or the members of the FSA (free shit army)"
Two things, one there was an opportunity for Republicans to add amendments and there were expert analysis i.e. CBO scoring. There was no such opportunity in this bill. Also there was some pushback because there was no public option or opportunity for universal healthcare. There was no such pushback on the right who blindly go along with anything trump wants.
Lastly it's the right who really wants things for free, remember taxes pay to run this country and conservatives don't want to pay their fair share.
Funny how Anymoose and other stoopid fucking wingnuts continually repeat the same old tired, debunked lies about ACA being rammed through congress when there were months of hearings and over a hundred amendments added by stoopid fucking wingnuts. Compare that to the wingnut only fiasco of the taxcuts for the koch bros that benefits the very wealthiest.
The carefully-trained monkeys manage to control a machine that they did not build and could not design, which came from a completely different culture on a different continent, and consider their ability to carry off something which is a matter of boring routine between Europeans as a "great feat".
It could only be a "great feat" if they truly are inferior, like a Down syndrome kid scoring 1100 on the SAT.
Yīshēng said...
“my future role as a Clinician, is significantly more challenging as a result of this tax bill and all the pork/shit in it."
Really? How does this bill affect your work?
And Doc, I was trying to find the instagram picture of the two sistas from Kenyan Airlines who did the London to Nairobi trip. Pretty cool stuff, they flew their airline's new 787.
Two more confederate statues removed from Memphis parks. Let's keep that momentum going.
PilotX said...
Two more confederate statues removed from Memphis parks. Let's keep that momentum going.
One of those statues removed is an ancestor, so we kinda got mixed feelings about that, ROTFL!!!
PX, that 787 is a BEAST!!!!
Remember when the goddamn Republicans took the passage of the ACA and lied their asses off about it in order to win the 2010 midterms in a historic landslide? Some horse shit about death panels and stealing money from Medicare to finance it? You know, ridiculous lies, one of which won "lie of the year"?
That's what we need to do right now, except we don't have to lie about this thing. They've made it plenty evil enough to bury them with. They did (accidentally) cut Medicare from the jump. We just need to stay focused on it and not shoot ourselves in the foot on the way.
Like the Rude Pundit said, we gotta make the bastards pay for this. For a long, long time.
-Doug in Oakland
statues? wouldn't it make more sense to remove the perpetually aggrieved liberal pussies instead?
Obama pushed for 6 years to cut Trillions from medicare...Remember the Bowles/Simpson commission? sure you monkeys don't. It was the GOP that would not go along with Obongo destroying the program. You all can thank Ted Kennedy for medicare part D that costs seniors thousands a year for drugs that are listed as Cat 5 and are prohibited from Manufacturer grant money. Do some research monkeys before you talk shit.
Obongo tried for years to get Boehner to go along with "The Grand Bargain" which would have destroyed SS, Medicare, And a host of other safety net programs. Pelosi the witch was for it as well, Obongo spent 10 trillion dollars and what do you monkeys have to show for it?
Obamacare has driven health insurance rates to unaffordable levels. ACA was design to yet again to get the working class to pay for niggers and illegal aliens (buying votes).
"Like the Rude Pundit said, we gotta make the bastards pay for this. For a long, long time."
Parties pay for mistakes, like the Democrats did with Obamacare.
This tax bill is part of the revitalization of the American economy that will keep the Republicans in power for decades.
You really need to get in touch with reality.
"ACA was design to yet again to get the working class to pay for niggers and illegal aliens (buying votes)."
Not exactly, the biggest beneficiaries of the ACA were poor whites in rural areas. Many were able to see a doctor or dentist for the first time. And if you want to get technical it was for AMERICANS to get health insurance. To be clear as was proffered yesterday Republicans were allowed to insert amendments and one was a poison pill created by Marco Rubio which greatly reduced government payments for the high risk corridor. Let's not pretend that if Dems had done what the GOP did and just rammed it through without discussion, review and ability for the minority party to offer amendments it would have been more successful. Repubs inserted poison pills in an attempt to sabotage Barack's signature achievement.
"ACA was design to yet again to get the working class to pay for niggers and illegal aliens (buying votes)."
Let's be clear, the ACA was designed for all AMERICANS to be able to access health care. Many of the beneficiaries are poor whites who were able to access doctors and dentists for the first time. The costs are unsustainable due to certain poison pill amendmens by Republicans such as Marco Rubio who virtually eliminated the government payments for high risk corridors. Had the Dems done what the GOP did and just rammed it through without minority party involvement the ACA would have been much more successful.
please excuse the double posts. Mi phone is acting funky.
For profit insurance companies i.e. WHITE MALE GREED, are what f*cked ACA up from the start.
If President Obama had been able to reel those insurance bastards in by freezing premiums, the program would have FAR more successful.
President Obama failed to deliver with Obamacare, just like Yisheng failed in her quest to become a medical doctor.
It's ok, in both cases white men will step up and get the job done.
Why has private health insurance skyrocketed in price after passage of ACA????
"Why has private health insurance skyrocketed in price after passage of ACA????"
They were scheduled to rise anyway, the ACA increases were actually smaller than those scheduled increases.
Like everything in life there is good and bad. The good things are that there is the lowest percentage of uninsured ever, most senior citizens pay less for their insurance and 20 million more people are insured. The bad are that many people saw increases in premiums but that also includes the fact that most Republican states refused ti fully implement the program. Personally it doesn't affect me because we have pretty good employer insurance but I do want to see every American have some type of health insurance.
Let's be clear, the ACA was designed by the fucking Heritage Foundation and implemented in Massachusetts by Mitt the fuck Romney before the Obama administration even existed.
It turned out the way it did because it was the only politically feasible plan to get near universal coverage accomplished at the time.
The mandate, subsidies, and regulation model isn't what took a year to come up with, that time and effort was spent coming up with the specific regulations that would bend the cost curve downward and deliver better care for the money spent on it.
Those regulations have been quite successful and outperformed their intended goals in states where they have been seriously implemented, and less so in the Republican controlled states where they have been less enthusiastically enforced or out and out fought against.
Imagine that, things don't work as well when you try to destroy them.
But even if you are stupid and hate those regulations, what the Republicans have done doesn't do shit about them. What they have done is to remove the mandate, which is one of the three legs that holds up the goddamn "free market" approach to healthcare.
So even as the insurance markets destabilize and individual policyholders are priced out by rising premiums that attempt to compensate for the hemorrhage of healthy customers from the risk pool, which drives premiums even further up, those regulations are still in effect.
They tried all fucking year to get rid of them and failed, again and again.
So they threw a tantrum and took an axe to the foundation of the insurance markets to try to get what they were too bad at their jobs to get as legislators.
2018 is going to be an interesting year.
-Doug in Oakland
:12 PM
Blogger PilotX said...
Two more confederate statues removed from Memphis parks. Let's keep that momentum going.
1:33 PM
Yeah. But you don't say anything about the Phillip Sheridan monuments and the Sherman ones, in the Capitol of the US.
The only good Indian, is a dead one.
And you won't....either.
Yeah, there's one of Rush the fuck Limbaugh too, but you sort of have to take your victories where you can get them when it comes to trying to drag hicksville into the twentieth century, much less the twenty first.
-Doug in Oakland
Uh huh.
Dragging "hicksville" into our century?
You have to be kidding, you stupid ass.
You are another NO ANSWER bitch, just like Queenie.
"Yeah. But you don't say anything about the Phillip Sheridan monuments and the Sherman ones, in the Capitol of the US.
The only good Indian, is a dead one.
And you won't....either."
And you STILL won't.
Hey Queenie....did yo palagarize this:
7:42 PM
Blogger dinthebeast said...
Let's be clear, the ACA was designed by the fucking Heritage Foundation and implemented in Massachusetts by Mitt the fuck Romney before the Obama administration even existed.
It turned out the way it did because it was the only politically feasible plan to get near universal coverage accomplished at the time.
The mandate, subsidies, and regulation model isn't what took a year to come up with, that time and effort was spent coming up with the specific regulations that would bend the cost curve downward and deliver better care for the money spent on it.
Those regulations have been quite successful and outperformed their intended goals in states where they have been seriously implemented, and less so in the Republican controlled states where they have been less enthusiastically enforced or out and out fought against.
Imagine that, things don't work as well when you try to destroy them.
But even if you are stupid and hate those regulations, what the Republicans have done doesn't do shit about them. What they have done is to remove the mandate, which is one of the three legs that holds up the goddamn "free market" approach to healthcare.
So even as the insurance markets destabilize and individual policyholders are priced out by rising premiums that attempt to compensate for the hemorrhage of healthy customers from the risk pool, which drives premiums even further up, those regulations are still in effect.
They tried all fucking year to get rid of them and failed, again and again.
So they threw a tantrum and took an axe to the foundation of the insurance markets to try to get what they were too bad at their jobs to get as legislators.
2018 is going to be an interesting year.
-Doug in Oakland
Maybe Dougie did?
No one listens to a fucking coeard who uses a title of a military officer who is too much of a pussy to serve so fuck off bitch.
Nope. I wrote it off the top of my head. Probably could have made it better with some research, but we're having some internet issues, and what's the point? The only ones here who'll actually read it already know it.
And take your statues and stick them in your butt, with your head.
-Doug in Oakland
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