"The comments came as senators huddled in the Oval Office with the president to discuss a path forward on an immigration deal. Trump questioned why the United States would want people from nations such as Haiti while he was being briefed on changes to the visa lottery system.
According to the aide, when the group came to discussing immigration from Africa, Trump asked why America would want immigrants from "all these shithole countries" and that the U.S. should have more people coming in from places like Norway. Thursday's meeting came one day after Trump met with Norwegian Prime Minister Erna Solberg at the White House. " [Source]
Give the man credit, he knows what his base wants to hear. I have said it a million times, and it is worth repeating: Donald trump became president because he was willing to play to white fears of the browning of America. His victory had nothing to do with "economic anxiety".
The funny part of all this is watching folks in the majority population do their best Captain Renault impression. They are of course shocked to hear racist things come from the mouth of their president, and they are all embarrassed that they elected such a man. Give me a break! Clearly enough of them thought he would make a god president. Even with knowledge of his racist past.
The "shithole" country that I grew up in made me who I am, and I met and was influenced by some of the greatest people on earth. I did not grow up in a "hut" as the president believes, and I suspect that I had more of the creature comforts that life has to offer than most Americans.
I wish someone would educate the president about the black immigrants that come to this country from African countries and other countries that he considers shitholes. Black immigrants in this country, for instance, earn an average of 30% more than native blacks. These people tend to be educated, hard working, and they value their family and their freedom more than the typical American. And yet, our racist in chief chooses to denigrate and disparage them.
The irony of course is that he married an immigrant, and she herself might have come to this country illegally. But she looks more Norwegian than African so I guess she gets a pass.
The saddest part of all of this is that all those elected leaders who were present when he made his disgusting remarks chose to do and say nothing. To top it off the White House is doubling down on the president's statements because they think it will play well for them politically.
Mia Love is a republican congresswoman from Utah, and she happens to be of Haitian decent. She issued a statement about trump's racist comments.

Ms. Love, like the rest of us, knows that he will not apologize, and that weeks (or maybe even days) from now, we will be talking about the next equally outrageous or racist thing that he said. But I get it. She has hitched her wagon to the political party that supports this cretin, and as a result she has to show that that she has at least a shred of decency and can stand up to a man who insulted her family and her ancestors.
There will be more written statements of outrage, but nothing will change. America is stuck with this racist for at least the next three years, and we will try to stick our heads in the sand and pretend that this didn't happen.
Sadly, we can't to that. This is all too real.
If immigrants from those countries are such a benefit to the United States, shouldn't they have done something to benefit the countries they came from by now? After all, Haiti as even more Haitians than America, and it IS a shithole. If haitians bring so much cultural and economic energy to America, shouldn't they have done something to improve Haiti by now?
”If haitians bring so much cultural and economic energy to America, shouldn't they have done something to improve Haiti by now?”
Haiti’s government has a long history of corruption and, until recently, undemocratic repression. In such a society, it does not matter if most of the populace are honest, hardworking, decent people. There isn’t much opportunity for the average person to succeed because of the crooked thugs at the top.
Also, Haiti lost, like, a whole century’s worth of economic growth because back in the 1800s, France made Haiti pay a huge cash penalty (we’re talking trillions of dollars in today’s money) because the slaves overthrew their masters in a revolt. So there is that historical factor that contributed to the nation’s poverty.
All of this is really not too hard to understand. You just don’t want to.
Butt Trumpet outed himself as a racist when he exonerated America's Racist Sheriff. Why anyone still feels the necessity of parsing and analyzing every racist fart that blows out Butt Trumpet's blowhole is nothing short of mind boggling. Butt Trumpet did not want or intend to become president and would not be president but for Hillary's cruel joke not showing up for the campaign. Butt Trumpet does not take the presidency seriously. His presidency is more an act of revenge against the Trumptwats who elected him than anything else. Have your little fun Butt Trumpet. Mueller has your number and it is curtains for you.
Yeah, that sounds about right.👍🏽
What's wrong with him?
Somolian immigrants bring SO much diversity! We need as many as possible to flood our white areas to get even for slabery (that we ended 153 years ago).
Yes, he is exactly who we thought he was.
Why don't we have more immigration from Norway (or as Fergus spells it "Normay")?
"The Scandinavian social democracy, as its two linguistically similar neighbors do, has a higher per-capita GDP, life expectancy and, for what it’s worth, “happiness” rating than the United States. It also has universal healthcare, a ridiculously large sovereign wealth fund and top-notch infrastructure."
Also, they are not embarrassed and humiliated on a daily basis by the imbecilic behavior of their leader in public.
So, Fergus? At least try to answer your own questions before you blurt them out. They say you hate looking stupid in front of people, and that does it every damn time.
Also, and this almost goes without saying, fuck all y'all for voting for this second rate con man. Your day is coming. Republicans are dropping like America's standing in the age of Trump, and we will have the congress back soon, like in 2006 only without having to wait through a second term.
Some believe that Fergus will be removed before 2020, but I don't think he will. The gerrymander will make certain that we don't have two thirds of the house even if we retake the majority, and the numbers just aren't there for such a massive gain in the senate, again, even if we retake the majority. And all of you 25th amendment fans may want to actually, you know, read it, because it requires two thirds of both houses, not just the senate, like impeachment does.
So he'll get his time and do his damage, the repair of which will take up a sizeable fraction of the incoming Democratic president's first two years when he or she will have the most favorable congress, just like last time. But repair it we will, and make some more incremental progress toward making this country some place where those Norwegians might actually want to go.
And the growing backlash to that damage will team up with the constantly changing demographics and boot the Republicans back to the minority, where they like it better anyway, and give us a chance to redo the way campaigns are financed, so as to put an end to this bullshit for a long, long time.
-Doug in Oakland
the donald would have never known that the most educated group of immigrants come from a shithole country. If he took the time to educate himself and not rely on stereotypes he wouldn't be a loudmouth doofus. At least we don't have to pretend he's not a racist anymore.
Stripped of the uncouth language, isn't "those countries are shitholes" the excuse we are constantly given on the left for why we can't send people back to their home countries when they come here illegally or under one of these 'temporary' visa programs?
Nope. Try "because it's wrong".
-Doug in Oakland
Field Said: "America is stuck with this racist for at least the next three years, and we will try to stick our heads in the sand and pretend that this didn't happen."
Trump is fired. True, it will take some time for that inevitability to manifest itself, but manifest itself it will.
"native blacks"
First, it sounds very racist.
Second, why all these non-native "blacks" excelling?
Oh No! Dougster means it this time! Somebody has to "own" something. You sound like a capitalist pig Doug!
Well his people certainly can't get him out of this one! He's on his own with the "shithole" remark. He prolly wanted to call us the shithole surrounded by big,big,water,big ocean water, but then remembered they've got military bases here :D
Ok, so he's wrong about these countries being shitholes.
That being the case, can't they just stay home then?
"I suspect that the country of my origin is a "shithole" in the mind of America's racist in chief."
And every sensible American agrees. The fact that your country has to have special police to keep tourists in their resorts and the criminal element out proves that it's a shithole, albeit a shithole with some nice amenities* and enough sense to save them from the immediate emptying and destruction that integration would bring.
"He said as much to a room full of elected politicians, when he declared that he did not want people immigrating to this country from Central America, Haiti, and Africa."
When Trump says these things, Americans nod. When you screech and throw virtual ape-turds on this blog, Americans think "race will out."
"Donald trump became president because he was willing to play to white fears of the browning of America. His victory had nothing to do with "economic anxiety"."
Americans have long been suffering depressed wages due to immigrants, and Americans finally had a candidate who said what they wanted to hear. Americans don't want a country full of Haitians any more than you do, and Americans don't want to be flooded by foreigners any more than you want Americans buying up Jamaica.
"The funny part of all this is watching folks in the majority population do their best Captain Renault impression."
Only those who bother being respectable to leftards.
"The "shithole" country that I grew up in made me who I am"
Which is why you are not and never can be American.
"I wish someone would educate the president about the black immigrants that come to this country from African countries and other countries that he considers shitholes. Black immigrants in this country, for instance, earn an average of 30% more than native blacks."
None of whom are or ever can be Americans. Paperwork doesn't make Americans. Blood and culture do, and you provably have neither.
"Mia Love is a republican congresswoman from Utah, and she happens to be of Haitian decent."
Southern Cuck Lake City is slowly learning about its mistake.
"She has hitched her wagon to the political party that supports this cretin"
And she'll be gone all the sooner if she switches parties, which I hope she does.
"America is stuck with this racist for at least the next three years"
It'll be a certain seven if Dope-rah gets the nomination. Saying that white people just need to die isn't going to play well with anyone who isn't black. Even the Mexicans are turned off.
* Amenities you did not invent and were almost certainly built for you, not by you. Jamaica's economy runs on tourism, mining and "garment assembly" and "light industry" (sweatshops). Perhaps if you'd stayed in Jamaica you would have had a solid career making steel drums out of used industrial liquid containers. That's "light industry".
In such a society, it does not matter if most of the populace are honest, hardworking, decent people.
It doesn't matter if they aren't smart enough to direct their efforts well. Average IQ of Haiti is 67; the average Haitian is clinically retarded.
the donald would have never known that the most educated group of immigrants come from a shithole country.
If they're so great, they should stay there and fix it. If they're not so great, we don't want them here.
@ Winning and Anyfuckingmoose- Where you rascals at?
Drumpfuck's 6% growth has shrunk to 3.5-4% and is falling fast. Drumpfuck needs them immigrants from shithole countries to staff his failing properties.
BTW- since American jobs are still be shipped offshore, how many of Drumpf's various offshore enterprises has he repatriated, yet? I'll answer since you are stoopid fucking wingnuts. Zero, nada, zip, zilch, abso-fucking-lutely not a one has he repatriated. Is he fining himself for not repatriating?
"Haiti’s government has a long history of corruption and, until recently, undemocratic repression. In such a society, it does not matter if most of the populace are honest, hardworking, decent people. There isn’t much opportunity for the average person to succeed because of the crooked thugs at the top."
They DO have elections there, you know. And they keep voting for these same people. Why? Because Haitians have a 67 IQ on average, which means the average Haitian is retarded by US standards. THAT has far more to do with why they can't succeed.
"Also, Haiti lost, like, a whole century’s worth of economic growth because back in the 1800s, France made Haiti pay a huge cash penalty"
How long ago was that, exactly? The American south was razed to the ground and it was thriving within a couple years. History is rife with countries all but destroyed in war and staging a dramatic comeback. That Haiti isn't one of them is a reflection of Haitians, and is no one elses fault.
"So there is that historical factor that contributed to the nation’s poverty."
Again, when you are dealing with a 67 average IQ, that contributes to their poverty more than any other factor. No group of people with such low mental development will be able to build a functional society. They won't even be able to maintain an existing functional society that is built for them. What good does it do for Americans to import such people?
Here is what Oprah said, the part that wingnuts have blown way out of context-because that is what stoopid fucking wingnuts do.
Of course the problem is not solved. As long as people can be judged by the color of their skin, the problem’s not solved. As long as there are people who still… And there’s a whole generation — I said this for apartheid South Africa, I said this for my own community in the South — there are still generations of people, older people, who were born and bred and marinated in it, in that prejudice and racism, and they just have to die.
Of course stoopid fucking wingnuts take it out of context. It is what they do best to stir up racial discord. Stoopid fucking wingnuts.
Ah, the "GDP is falling, GDP is falling!" Chicken Little act.
This is the hysteria of those who want all humans reduced to atomized economic units without culture or political power, whose sole purpose is to produce, consume and prop up the elites.
The USA would do just fine with 100 million people returned to their ancestral homes, so long as they were all Africans, Mexicans, S. Asians, Chinese and the like. GDP would go down, but GDP/capita would go up and there would be a massive reduction in air pollution, traffic, crime and real-estate costs. Quality of life would skyrocket for actual Americans.
And that is what people like Mike from Iowa hate. He hates Americans and wants to hurt them.
If they're so great, they should stay there and fix it. If they're not so great, we don't want them here.
Whose this "we", Anymoose? You got intestinal parasites? You and yer worm buddies don't want these people? Have you talked it over with yer parasites?
This humans you don't care about, they come to America to get a decent education and many of them do go home. Many come here to escape US backed gubmint overthrows where korporate amerika is in charge and the poor people are thrown off their land so the korporate gubmint can drain resources.
America's hands are not the cleanest, not the most moral ones in the world. And stoopid fucking wingnuts like you aren't helping.
Put 1000 Anyfuckingmooses in a room with one koch brother and instantly your average incomes zoom into the millionaire range.
Where does that get you?
There are only 2 people in the universe that agree with you- one is you and the other is a mangled apricot.
Selling to shell companies that only pay in cash is indicative of money laundering. Drumpfuck the dumbfuck has got some under oath, in public 'splaining to do.
Drumpf now says he didn't say 'shithole countries". Like anyone is gonna believe this lie. He told over 2000 documented lies his first 11 months in office. Honest Abe he ain't. Hell, honest he ain't.
F-52s exist in a video game. Not the first time Drumpf has ponied up false arms sales.
From "Te Green Mile" this boy's cheese slid of his cracker.
But,but, HRC is dishonest and a crooooooooook.
Who wants shitholes???
Why ARE we importing people from shithole countries? My every objective measure, those countries ARE shitholes. DO any of you want to live in them? No? Didn't think so. And, how does America, as a society, benefit from bringing third worlders into our country, most of whom have a sub Forrest Gump level IQ? What sane country would do that?
I posted the other day that Israel was tossing out African Illegals due to the fact that they can't assimilate and offer nothing to the country.....Crickets from FN and the rest of the Grape Drank crew here. Let's quit pussyfooting around these issues. America needs no more immigration period from anywhere. America needs to deport the illegals who are here, even though they are all astronauts and cancer researchers. America needs to raise standards not continue to lower them for a great many idiots of all colors who can't compete. It's time the herd was thinned, no matter if you are nigger, honky, gook, wetback, wap, dink, etc. Too many parasites in the country time to clean house!!!!!
Menopause in Iowa, Hopefully your dumb, hateful ass is in this DACA list. And come March, Ice agents deport your tranny, America hating carcass, back to the "Shithole" you belong.
45 supporter = Deplorable Shitholes.
Proud to be a 45 deplorable shitholer ! MAGA= Make America Goy Again
I want to know whatever happened to dog whistles. Even Strom Thurmond was more subtle than that.
Is there a chance that our overlords (those corporate billionaires who are running the show) will begin to find this guy inconvenient? So artless, giving up the game like that. Once they decide he's more liability than asset, say hello to President Pence!
There's a guy who knows all the code words, I'm sure.
"This humans you don't care about, they come to America to get a decent education and many of them do go home."
The Internet means they can get an education from our teachers without moving an inch, and we could educate 20 of them for the cost of bringing one here. The only reason to bring them here is so you can virtue-signal how great and generous you are with other people's money and quality of life (and too often their very lives).
"Many come here to escape US backed gubmint overthrows where korporate amerika is in charge and the poor people are thrown off their land so the korporate gubmint can drain resources."
Americans were never given a vote on that, so I refuse to consent to Americans being punished for it. Hang the CIA bastards, leave the citizens alone.
"Whose this "we", Anymoose? You got intestinal parasites?"
If your pathological altruism was the product of brain flukes or toxoplasmosis, at least you'd have an excuse.
Mike from Iowa should practice what he preaches. Since he doesn't have a GoFundMe set up to let him move to Haiti or even Englewood in Chicago, he's just a hypocrite.
"or even Englewood in Chicago,"
What does that mean? Englewood is a decent place to live. Shouldn't talk about things and places of which you have no idea.
and I really don't know why some people call us 'immigrants', we're not immigrants, we're just moving to the mainland. Sheesh!
As far as Haiti, it's funny that whenever we see pictures or videos of Haiti and Africa,the white supremacists always show the rubble in Haiti caused by that earthquake, which has long since been reconstructed! and for Africa they show half naked people living in huts! Nothing could be further from the truth.
When in reality Haiti is a beautiful, lush island with rolling hills,roaring water falls, beautiful homes, crops and well kept farm animals, which they live off etc. How do you think they survive? Eating rubble? Use your brain, think! and Googling will help also.
As for Africa, well that's one of the most beautiful countries,with forests, jungles, deserts, plains, savanna's,wild animal reservations galore,cities, 5 star hotels, haute cuisine,beautiful homes, and quite well developed business hubs. So take a trip sometime, believe me it's not what the white man shows you and wants you to believe!Why do you think so many people take trips to Africa?
@Lilacpr or you could look at statistics. Things like GDP per capita, Avg IQ of the citizens. Avg life expectancy, murder/crime rates, economic freedom, etc. All of those things point to....shitholes. Which almost all of those places are. Africa SHOULD be very prosperous. Its resource rich, has great farmland with long growing seasons, plenty of fresh water, etc, and yet it can't even feed itself. Why is that?
Another spendy fraud perpetrated by the party that loves to spend other people's monies and lie about Libs.
Courtesy of Think Progress:
In a court filing on Tuesday, the White House announced that it had not uncovered any preliminary findings of voter fraud in the 2016 election and that it would be destroying confidential voter data initially collected for President Trump’s controversial voter fraud commission, which was disbanded on January 3.
Puerto Ricans are American citizens with full voting rights the minute they touch Floriduh's beaches. Drumpfuck's Russian owners aren't. Bwahahahahahaha!
I have no intention of moving out of iowa until the day (or shortly thereafter) I day. But I suugest after the Fall election, when Dems sweep congress and tag your skanky racist ass as traitor, you'd best take yer internal parasites south of the border and catch a bullet or a boat for yer homeland, Nazi Brazil or Argentina.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
I posted the other day that Israel was tossing out African Illegals due to the fact that they can't assimilate and offer nothing to the country
Since you depend on made up shit from a made up right wing propaganda outfit, no one pays much attention to you mewling.
Well his people certainly can't get him out of this one! He's on his own with the "shithole" remark.
Just remember the wise words of Oprah- there are generations of people who were brought up around these sentiments and will always be that way until they die.
Oprah is/was/and always will be 100% right about that. And there was no mention of whites dieing. She did not say anything of the kind, except stoopid fucking wingnuts don't think, they react to what their Nazi leaders tell them to react and how they are told to act.
U S ambassador to Panama resigned saying he cannot serve under Potty Mouth 4 year old, un-toilet trained Drumpf.
Speaking of shitholes:
Chicago January 2018 to Date
Shot & Killed: 16
Shot & Wounded: 55
Total Shot: 71
Total Homicides: 18
Folks Are Hating On Obama’s Forthcoming Presidential Library In Chicago
A University of Chicago group is raising their voices.
Written By NewsOne Staff
Posted January 11, 2018
One good thing about music;
When it is you feel no pain.
So hit me with music!
Hit me with Music!
UH-OH. Three whiteys and an Asian have been arrested for heinous crimes against innocent BLM protesters.
Gutless honkys prolly drug the minority along so they pin the shooting on him.
Anonymous said...
@Lilacpr or you could look at statistics. Things like GDP per capita, Avg IQ of the citizens. Avg life expectancy, murder/crime rates, economic freedom, etc. All of those things point to....shitholes. Which almost all of those places are. Africa SHOULD be very prosperous. Its resource rich, has great farmland with long growing seasons, plenty of fresh water, etc, and yet it can't even feed itself. Why is that?
1:56 PM
Anon,Anon,Anon! Tsk,tsk,tsk! What did I just tell you mon! Those are white mans statistics, to scare you and make you think that all country's with black folks are bad and scary! Nothing could be further from the truth.
Anon, listen, of course they farm and cultivate. Otherwise they'd all be dead by now! Please, don't believe any of that propaganda, it's lies! Lies by the white man to instill fear and hate in the masses, you really must look further.Really.
Master Obama had a very excellent first term and had many major accomplishments, reaching across the aisle to bring in wingnuts to help and share in the glory.
Compare and contrast to the pathological lying racist in the WH and his band of merry congressweasels that can't get out of their own way to accomplish anything.
Drumpf is what we knew he was and no amount of lying will ever change that.
"The American south was razed to the ground and it was thriving within a couple years."
No it wasn't "razed" and no it wasn't thriving in a couple of years.
Too bad it wasn't, actually. We're still dealing with the consequences of failing to burn it flat and salt the fields while we had the chance.
And feeding Andrew Johnson to the hogs wouldn't have hurt, either.
-Doug in Oakland
Somebody put down their grape drank and call the Israeli Embassy and ask them if they are accepting Negroes from anywhere in the world? Why can't all these Wakanda cousins all over the World stay home and fix their own into an enviable utopia? Why would these POC (people of crime) want to come to the White Devil oppressive, racist 24/7 United States? Or...any of the white dominated countries of Europe? Why???? Cause Negroes and Arabs are low I.Q. dullards that can't do shit on their own. Flying Pyramids my ass.
"All of this is really not too hard to understand. You just don’t want to."
All of this is easy to find excuses for (the Dindu nuffin method), if you need to.
"Those are white mans statistics..."
Gee, now THAT changes everything.
2017 #Oscars too White 2018 #Immigration too Black Karma is a bitch sometimes lol
"Anon, listen, of course they farm and cultivate. Otherwise they'd all be dead by now! Please, don't believe any of that propaganda, it's lies! Lies by the white man to instill fear and hate in the masses, you really must look further.Really."
You can't be serious. Another thing you could look at is immigration statistics. How many people are trying to immigrate to africa, and how many are risking their lives to escape it? Europe is being overrun by Africans right now. WOuld so many millions be fleeing if it was a great as you say? All those africans jumping into rafts to get to europe and mooch off their welfare states probably know more about it than you do. Also, at least as of 2015, racist white countries spend something like 135 billion dollars trying to feed and help the africans, so they obviously aren't doing a whole lot of farming and cultivating. Absent white food aid, none of those countries could survive with anything resembling their present populations.
Chicago January 2018 to Date
Shot & Killed: 16
Shot & Wounded: 55
Total Shot: 71
Total Homicides: 18
Fake news! Never happened! Red flag operation!
West Virginia, biggest shithole ever! Well Mississippi is full of shithole trailerparks.
What is hillbilly heroin?
What a great town! So much more to do than shithole trailerparks in West Virginia. I mean unless impregnating your sister is the thing to do.
It's funny that 45 doesn't recognize that people from Norway don't move here is because they kind of think the US is the shithole. Check out this add from Norwegian Air for America.
The answer is:
We "benefit" by having them vote for democrats.
LBJ's Great Society only went so far.
Sounds like the majority of workers at Drumpf Dump South (Mar A Lago) are....wait for it...,....wait....wait.... Haitians. They apparently will do what no American in their right mind would do- work for a shithole pathological lying, POS.
"When in reality Haiti is a beautiful, lush island with rolling hills,roaring water falls, beautiful homes, crops and well kept farm animals, which they live off etc."
US food aid to Haiti in 2017 exceeded 14,000 metric tons.
It was over 4000 metric tons per year even before the 2017 hurricanes, and they're deforesting major areas for charcoal and clogging their rivers with eroded topsoil.
"Three whiteys and an Asian have been arrested for heinous crimes"
Not nearly as bad as what happens every day in Chicago.
"against innocent BLM protesters."
Ain't no such thing. At the least they're guilty of sedition.
Two gets you five that this was yet another case of "protestors" physically attacking people opposing their message and being shot in self-defense. BLM and Antifa assemblies should be designated illegal and punished as riots unless they have valid permits to occupy public space as a group.
Anonymous said...
Europe is being overrun by Africans right now. WOuld so many millions be fleeing if it was a great as you say? All those africans jumping into rafts to get to europe and mooch off their welfare states probably know more about it than you do. Also, at least as of 2015, racist white countries spend something like 135 billion dollars trying to feed and help the africans, so they obviously aren't doing a whole lot of farming and cultivating. Absent white food aid, none of those countries could survive with anything resembling their present populations.
4:45 PM
First of all Africans aren't jumping into rafts okay, the Dominicans do that because they're not allowed to leave their country so they have to do it on the sneak.
The Africans that migrate here are all well schooled and well heeled my friend, in African countries they have classes just as we do here. There's an upper echelon class, a middle class and a lower class. The uppers and middles have maids and go to the best schools. They come here from well to do families to start businesses. They want to get whatever monies they can get, they're business people and professionals. That is why their children outdo the American black scholastically, because they come from very, very, good schools already. It's a pity that you have that image of Africa in your mind! A real pity.
Anonymous said...
Menopause in Iowa, Hopefully your dumb, hateful ass is in this DACA list. And come March, Ice agents deport your tranny, America hating carcass, back to the "Shithole" you belong.
12:04 PM
You seemed nice.
Anyfuckingmoose- whiteys no longer can claim self defense or they were black scared when they murder blacks. America has had enough of your white ass, blatant racism and the tables are being turned. Can't wait for the blacks to come gunning for whites and claim white fear and self defense. Be a good idea for you racist chickenshi6s to fly the coop and head for a white paradise, preferably in a distant universe. Buh bye. I won't miss you, doesn't mean some black with a gun won't miss you.
Let the turd$ stay in haiti and leave the civilized world for whites. Blacks do not seem to mind corruption and poverty as it is in them from birth.
Them fucking commie wingnuts reapproved FISA wiretapping Drumpfuck Tower without privacy safeguards.
Somehow, Anymoose will blame Obama because that is what his master Drumpf demands he say.
Africa is the second largest continent in the world, the first being Asia. It has 54 countries with their own capitals.
Some quick facts about just one the countries with "All those africans jumping into rafts to get to europe and mooch off their welfare states probably know more about it than you do. Also, at least as of 2015, racist white countries spend something like 135 billion dollars trying to feed and help the africansstarving, fleeing in rowboats"
'As of 2015, Nigeria is the world's 20th largest economy, worth more than $500 billion and $1 trillion in terms of nominal GDP and purchasing power parity respectively. It overtook South Africa to become Africa's largest economy in 2014. The 2013 debt-to-GDP ratio was 11 percent. Nigeria is considered to be an emerging market by the World Bank; it has been identified as a regional power on the African continent, a middle power in international affairs, and has also been identified as an emerging global power'
The first of MANY credible articles about the shithole’s ho’s!!
Question is, did she pee on him too?
Field, it’s too bad we can’t add gifs to our posts!!
The four year old shitgibbon in the WH threw another fit today. He claims he won't cut ribbon at new US embassy in London that dumbass dubya ordered because Obama sold the old one for peanuts. Of course, Drumpf is lying out of both sides of his mouth at the same time.
The old embassy got a fair price due to the nature of the architecture and the prohibitive costs of refurbishing it would not have met security standards. But wingnuts don't want the truth. They want to piss and moan just like Babt Doc Drumpf. Wah, fucking wah!
PR, Nigeria is also home to the first Black Woman millionaire! 👊🏽👊🏾👊🏿
Yīshēng said...
PR, Nigeria is also home to the first Black Woman millionaire! 👊🏽👊🏾👊🏿
6:47 PM
Yeah Black Power! :)
Ya know...people have an entirely erroneous idea of what Africa is! They really should take out a little time, Wikipedia is a great fountain of information, and has pictures also of the lush and diverse beauty that is Africa. They believe all this garbage that's put out there to create hatred. Pity really.
And dumb ass had to cancel his trip to the UK which he blamed on Barack. You just can't make this shit up😝
From the 1970's to 2018.
Opps PR, I meant BILLIONairre!😉
PX, shithole is so OBVIOUSLY jealous of President Obama!!!
And dumb ass had to cancel his trip to the UK which he blamed on Barack. You just can't make this shit up😝
And that means he KNEW this story was about to drop, rotfl!!!
Wikipedia is as fake and loose with the truth as Wakanda.
Dolemite in 2020
Wikipedia is as fake and loose with the truth as Wakanda.
Really asshole? Wakanda is a ficticious place? Nah, next thing you'll tell me Gotham and planet Kripton aren't real. I swear these fuckboys are something else.
Oh no, the microwave is listening to trump.
Lilacpr. 2800 per capita. Still light years behind the poorest white country. Still mired in poverty. Still depend on charity for its survival. Still a complete dump. And, again, if Africa didn't suck, millions of Africans wouldn't be trying to leave. There isn't a single first world country in Africa. There probably never will be, either. Why should the US import people from shitholes like that? Most of them wind up on the dole and stay there for their entire lives. If these Africans you mention are so special, they should have no problem qualifying for a merit based visa. But most of them we get some from this nonsensical 'diversity visa' program that only harms the US. THe average IQ of the entire continent is around 70, while in America its 97. That means most of that continent would qualify as mentally retarded. Genius level africans are only as smart as average Americans or Europeans, and we already have plenty of 'average' people, do we not?
Anonymous GE said...
Oh no, the microwave is listening to trump.
So is the chair.
Anonymous said...
Lilacpr. 2800 per capita. Still light years behind the poorest white country. Still mired in poverty. Still depend on charity for its survival. Still a complete dump. And, again, if Africa didn't suck, millions of Africans wouldn't be trying to leave. There isn't a single first world country in Africa. There probably never will be, either. Why should the US import people from shitholes like that? Most of them wind up on the dole and stay there for their entire lives. If these Africans you mention are so special, they should have no problem qualifying for a merit based visa. But most of them we get some from this nonsensical 'diversity visa' program that only harms the US. THe average IQ of the entire continent is around 70, while in America its 97. That means most of that continent would qualify as mentally retarded. Genius level africans are only as smart as average Americans or Europeans, and we already have plenty of 'average' people, do we not?
8:11 PM
Well that's always been the white way of demonizing those whom it oppresses,justifying the barbaric treatment of those whom they called savages! Just as in the past, it lets you be able to go to church right after a lynching and feel oh so civilized and holy, after all, these are just sub-human, intellectually inferior beings to whom you did a FAVOR by bringing them to work in your country, for free.
Yes, by taking the role of 'we're just trying to help you because you're just inherently defective. To assuage the dissonance that may have crept into the minds of the few that weren't total animals, the thoughts that maybe, just maybe it wasn't right what they were doing!
But hey, yeah, sure, because you're white and you say so ;D
niggar$ beware your day will come...you parasitic ways will end. all you will end.
Butt Trumpet better hope no Haitians get their pinga's on his taco bowl
Im not advoacting slavery or servitude. Stop it with the straw man bullshit. Nor am I trying to take the role of helping anyone. Quite the opposite, actually. I am advocating that we leave the Africans and Africa to their own devices. THey can sink or swim on their own. I wish them no harm or ill will. I just don't find it beneficial for America to bring people into a first world country when they can't even maintain third world standards without western aid. That is all.
Idiot from iowa typed..."Where you rascals at?"
Just to help your ignorant ass out, try adding an "are" in there and leave off the "at".
You should have learned that in elementary school. Thanks for letting everyone know you are an imbecile.
Maybe everyone in the world doesn't want to live exactly like you do.
Perhaps they'd rather do something more meaningful than lie on the internet in the hopes of pissing someone they don't know off.
I know I would take a cut in my standard of living if the other choice was living like you do, because look what it has done to you.
I've lived through some shit, but I do have my standards.
-Doug in Oakland
Derp says...
"I've lived through some shit, but I do have my standards."
Translation: I live in a shithole and other people pay my bills.
Don't worry Dougie, the Heyward fault will eventually cause Oakland to slide into the ocean. Hopefully you'll be riding along with it.
By the way, the founder of Chicago was a Haitian immigrant, Jean-Baptiste Pointe Dusable. Straight from that "shithole"
Id love to stay at this party, but I'm going somewhere early tomorrow so gotta go to bed. Nite y'all!
Field- I'm glad you mentioned that we are stuck with him for the next three years. I hate Trump as much as the next person with a shred of common decency and respect for others, but it feels like many of us on the left side of the political spectrum feel that Trump will somehow get removed from office before his term is up.
Sadly, a very long three years indeed.
More freaky ass shit from a Republican governor.
white hillbilly trailer trolls, beware your day will come...you parasitic ways will end. all you will end.
The Dominican Republic occupies part of the same island Haiti is found on. Papa Doc went away a long time ago. Baby Doc is gone too. I think that it is the people that are making Haiti a shithole (a crude term for a very unpleasant place to live). Dease, crime (poverty does not cause crime), corruption (Red Cross, UN, Clintons, etc), people refusing to help themselves.
The most beautiful animals on tha planet are native to Africa.👍🏽
Yeah right. Negro attack would last hours. Be over in a day. Y'all fight like the high school bitches y'all rape. No nothing of marksmanship, discipline, technique, SPORTS, or steady aim. Also, you think all white people live in trailer parks? You're sadly mistaken. So dumb. Good luck though. And sheeeeeeeeeiiittttt. Kkeeeee keeeeeee keeeeee laugh
"whiteys no longer can claim self defense or they were black scared when they murder blacks."
Killing someone who physically attacks you first is self-defense. All-nig juries will always vote to convict whitey for murder because race-hatred. This is how Theodore Wafer was convicted of murder 1 for something that was, at worst, an accident.
"America has had enough of your white ass, blatant racism and the tables are being turned."
Being turned BACK. Private citizens killed as many criminals in Chicago last year as the Chicago PD did. So far there's no word on any of them being prosecuted. How much do you want to bet that every one of those dead crooks were black?
"Can't wait for the blacks to come gunning for whites and claim white fear and self defense."
Yeah, that played so well in the trial of the armed robber who murdered the co-owner of "She's A Pistol" who claimed he was scared and shot in self-defense. He was committing armed robbery; you do not get to defend yourself lawfully when you are committing a felony.
Hakeem Malik: sentenced to life.
Nicquan Midgyett: pled guilty to murder.
Londro Patterson: found guilty of murder 1, sentenced to life.
Like most white men, our POTUS hates Black people.
He always has hated Black people and he always will hate Black people.
In short he is a RACIST...and anyone who is white, black, green or purple can see this.
His many WORDS and ACTIONS over the many decades proves this. But don't expect many white men to admit this PERIOD!!!!!! And DON'T EXPECT AN APOLOGY.
Like most white men, his prejudice upbringing, along with his "white privilege," and now his position in the white house gives a free pass and free reign to all of our "closeted racists" to now openly express their racism. (including our "fake" white liberals who clap the loudest at black achievement but still live in predominantly white zip codes).
When the POTUS speaks negatively about Black people and Black countries he speaks the feelings of 99.9% of white men.
Any white man who continues to "say" that the POTUS is not a racist knows damn well that he IS..
However, the reason why these whites keep denying it is because they are racists themselves.
It's always amusing how white folks say and do racist things but are too spineless and gutless to call themselves out.
So instead they make excuses and use "double talk" trying to DEFLECT, DEFEND and DENY that they are.
Now regarding "shit hole" Black countries, shit hole black cities, shit hole black communities and shit hole black neighborhoods:
If you know anything about history, geography, government and politics, these so called "shit hole" Black countries have become that way largely due to white dominance, white corruption, white control, and by whites dividing and conquering.
Now regarding shit hole black people:
*Educate yourselves.
*Say no to drugs.
*Men should be positive role models for their sons.
*Black ministers, principals, and educators should educate youth about the long term consequences of breaking the law BEFORE they get into trouble and sent to prison. It is amazing how there are schools in inner cities being run by black men who do nothing to reach black youth. Not even a discussion or a class about illegal activity that could send them to jail for 20+ years with the loss of voting rights and no promise of a job when they get out.
*Get married ( especially BEFORE giving birth and set an example for your children...especially for your daughters. REMEMBER: If you thought he was good enough to "knock you up" then you should feel like he's good enough to "put a ring on it.")
*Stop having 800 kids from 800 different "baby daddies"(this in itself is child abuse).
*Stop abusing your sons because you hate their fathers.
*Stop littering your streets.
*Sweep the garbage from your sidewalks (your neighborhoods look like garbage dumps.( Nothing worse than seeing people who call themselves human, living, working, and playing in garbage like animals).
Be quieter...You're all too damn LOUD!
In conclusion:
Don't try to change the president....you'll die trying.
Regarding the comments from 7:19 A.M.
Right On....!
Isn't it obvious why almost none of the white folks in politics are expressing outrage over the president's remarks.
Like the old saying goes: "If you're not part of the solution, then you are part of the problem!"
As of 2015, Nigeria is the world's 20th largest economy, worth more than $500 billion and $1 trillion in terms of nominal GDP and purchasing power parity respectively.
Nigeria population 166 million, making that $3000/capita and just over $6000/capita respectively.
About 14% that GDP is oil, which nobody "makes" and is mostly handled by multi-national contractors.
Why should the US import people from shitholes like that? Most of them wind up on the dole and stay there for their entire lives.
Fiction: Wakanda, a black miracle that won't let other Africans in.
Reality: Kigeli V, the last ruling king of Rwanda, fled to the USA. He lived in Oakton, Virginia... on welfare.
the founder of Chicago was a Haitian immigrant, Jean-Baptiste Pointe Dusable. Straight from that "shithole"
The only available images of him suggest he was a quadroon at most. During the Hatian revolution, the blacks murdered almost everyone with any white ancestry. In other words, if he'd stayed home he would have been slaughtered with the rest.
Chicago was apparently too chilly for him, because he didn't stay; he moved to St. Charles, Missouri.
The most beautiful animals on tha planet are native to Africa.
You're not beautiful.
Rich white corporations continue to oppress and dominate the governments of African countries....and then blame the citizens who have become the innocent victims. The citizens want to work, educate themselves and live a better life.
However, it is easy for many ignorant or racist people to continue to turn a blind eye and a deaf ear not understanding why or caring why these countries are in such bad conditions.
One Example Of Many:
Country: Liberia
Company: Firestone Rubber Company
Problem: Dominating The Country, Running A Sweatshop With Inhumane Work Conditions, Controlling
The Government, Corrupting the Government , and Oppressing The People
*To add insult to injury, up until 10 years ago a basic grade school education was not mandatory in this country. It was optional.It only became mandatory after the first female president of the country made getting an education MANDATORY. She somehow got from under some (but not all) of the constraints set upon the country by the rich white corporations that have dominated and oppressed African countries and their leaders.
Can you think of a better way to dominate a country and its people than by keeping it's citizens dumb, stupid, and uneducated?
Racism comes out of fear of economic, financial, and social dominance.
Look around the world.
It has always predominantly populated by beautiful people of color.
Side Note: Sorry white folks, no insult intended but perhaps yours is the color that was one of nature's unintended mishaps And as far as always comparing blacks to apes...I don't know any black folks that have as much hair on their bodies as you do.
Most whites are only about color. It's always the first thing they see.
They can't even think pass what color you are.
Your pappy could be black, your mommy could be black but as long as your skin looks white that's all they care about.
Most white men are afraid that they are losing ground.
They see that they are the true minority in terms of sheer numbers. Both in this country and in the world.
And they have never been able to deal with that.
Now there will always be exceptions, but "most" white men are determined to stay in power and on top economically, and financially.
They have never wanted to share or live side by side with anyone that doesn't LOOK like them.
Because (in their minds) to do this would lead to the demise of their "race" whatever "their race" is and
even though it has been proven biologically that every race on earth derived from the Black race.
In order to remain in power and dominance, they must not share their wealth or opportunities for wealth or advancement with anyone but themselves. The only way to do this is to keep racism alive.
For years they cried that blacks weren't smart enough, educated enough, or good enough which everyone knows is a bullshit lie. When left to their own devices to "do the right thing" it never happened
so legislation was enacted to "level the playing field."
Blacks that have managed to become educated, wealthy or successful have been "DUPED" into believing that they are "accepted" when all they are really after is your money.
Side Note: Lose your money and you'll become just another "nigger" to white folks.
Whites have spent 400 years oppressing blacks...now the new kids on the block are the hispanics.
Hispanics are being called everything but a child of god and blamed for everything under the sun.
Some of those same white hypocrites are hiring these hard working Hispanic people to work for them. They won't hire Americans because #1 there are laws that say American workers must be paid a decent wage and must not be subjected to dangerous inhumane working conditions and #2 How many of your American children or grand children can work for long hours or want to work for long hours each day in the hot sun picking fruits and vegetables or cutting sugar cane?
Our POTUS wants whites from places like Denmark or Norway coming to this country. He obviously knows nothing about these countries other than their whiteness.
Denmark is a socialist country that has a wide range of welfare benefits that they offer their citizens. Equality is considered the most important value in Denmark.
With that being said..why in the hell would they want to come here? They're being taken care of and by their own by government. So if they come to America, then those same white folks from Denmark and other white countries will be expecting WELFARE!!!!!
It amazes me how these racists here in American never tell themselves, that the people coming here from oppressed countries are seeking a better life. They are here to work hard and have risked their lives getting here. Most are not criminals and to say that they are is rubbish, a lie and propaganda. They live in fear and in the shadows. They are deathly afraid of being sent back.
Oh..I forgot only whites from other countries are allowed to seek better lives for themselves.
Yeah, that played so well in the trial of the armed robber who murdered the co-owner of "She's A Pistol" who claimed he was scared and shot in self-defense. He was committing armed robbery; you do not get to defend yourself lawfully when you are committing a felony.
Typical stoopid fucking wingnut-making up rules while the game is in progress.
George Zimfuckingstoopidwingnuterman committed felony assault on a black teen and then shot him and claimed he was scared and it was self defense.
When blacks go postal on whitey's ass it will be because you asked for it.
corruption (Red Cross, UN, Clintons, etc), people refusing to help themselves.
Let's see the evidence of Clinton corruption. Come on- put up or shut up.
The universally important medical news all America has been waiting for- according to reports Eric Clapton is going deaf. He says he will try to continue performing.
On the undercard, Drumpfuck's doc sez with a straight face Drumpfuck the fat pig is in excellent health for a junk food eating gross POS with orange skin and a pound of bacon shoved in his cheeky jowls.
Drumpf's mental stability reads like the daily charts from the San Andreas fault. Mostly shaky with major spikes of gross stoopidity and childish rancor.
Africans sold you, Arabs bought and castrated you, Jews owned all the slave ships and slave auction houses in America and all you focus on is white people?
Hey FN, How come on your T-Shirt page ain't one black person modeling your gear? Self hating much? "The Fraud Negro"
Haiti is objectively a shithole.
This is because the Haitians have made it a shithole.
It was the richest New World colony for France whose agricultural output (mostly sugar) was more valuable to Napoleon than France's vast North American holdings.
The Haitians killed all the white people and all the part white people and have been in charge for about 220 years.
Haiti has received massive amounts of financial, technological, and food aid, mostly from the US, for a century. International agencies have made Haiti a priority for decades, trying to teach them to farm responsibly, live within a set of laws, dispose of their trash and human waste, and use the considerable natural resources at their disposal to better their lives.
They can't do it.
The Dominican Republic shares the less blessed side of the same island, and is much less of a shithole. This is because the Dominican people made it this way. The Dominican people are much less black than the people of Haiti.
Jamaica is pretty black, but is much, much less of a shithole than Haiti, because they never had a revolution and killed all their white people.
Sub-Saharan Africa is pretty much a giant shithole. South Africa is far and above the least shithole country in Africa, because it was a white run country up until a quarter century ago. Since the blacks took over, it it sliding into shitholeness.
It is the people of a country who decide whether it is a shithole or not. It is not the dirt they are standing on.
America is not a shithole because the American people made it pretty much along the lines of the European countries they came from, which are also not shitholes.
This is a basic fact we all need to accept. If we import people from shithole countries, they will make America more of a shithole. It is in everyone here's interest that we avoid shitholeness.
It's not racism, it's reality.
If we aren't allowed to speak the truth when we make decisions about the future of our country, our country will be doomed to shitholeness.
"Rich white corporations continue to oppress and dominate the governments of African countries...."
Liberia had slavery before white people ever saw it. When Liberia was founded as a country, the freed slaves promptly established the same system of plantation slavery they had just left. You want to see your oppressor? Look in the mirror.
"and then blame the citizens who have become the innocent victims."
Cannibal warlords, you mean.
"The citizens want to work, educate themselves and live a better life."
The average IQ of Liberia is 67. This is the same as Haiti, for the same reason.
"However, it is easy for many ignorant or racist people to continue to turn a blind eye and a deaf ear not understanding why or caring why these countries are in such bad conditions."
Where you have Africans, there you have Africa.
The irony is that your endless guilt-tripping has caused whites to abandon Africa, opening opportunities for the Chinese. Now the Africans are complaining about the oppressive Chinese, who only take from them without leaving any roads or schools. Hey, Africans asked for it, and deserve to get it good and hard.
"George Zimfuckingstoopidwingnuterman committed felony assault on a black teen and then shot him and claimed he was scared and it was self defense."
You have it backwards. Martin committed felony assault on Zimmerman. We have the pictures of Zimmerman's head injuries to prove it. The only injury Martin had besides the single bullet hole was to his knuckles.
But we all know libtards are stupid and can't keep facts straight if they don't fit the Narrative. Mike just went classic DARVO: Deny, Attack, Reverse Victim & Offender.
"When blacks go postal on whitey's ass it will be because you asked for it."
The blacks are too stupid to go postal in any organized way; they have no military discipline. This is why small numbers of European soldiers have repeatedly beat back and slaughtered hordes of African warriors.
The reverse is not the case. It would only take one white sniper to end any black mob action. The only thing that keeps it from happening is fear of white police and courts, as we see in the Minneapolis event.
You have it backwards. Martin committed felony assault on Zimmerman. We have the pictures of Zimmerman's head injuries to prove it. The only injury Martin had besides the single bullet hole was to his knuckles.
What a joke. Zimfuck could easily injured himself afterwards to go along with his fairy tale about being assaulted. Your so called proof proves nothing except you are willing to aid an abet a pre-meditated murder.Stoopid fucking wingnut.
Average IQ for fucktard wingnuts is so low they haven't come up with the proper terminology to describe how stoopid fucking wingnuts got to be that stoopid.
Keep watching Fake Noize and watch yer IQ shrink even more. Ivory apes failed the evolutionary test and everything else besides.
All Dems need to attend Drumpfuck's state of the koch bros bank account speech and yell "you lie" in unison everytime those orange lips move.
Can't wait for the whining to begin. Obama was never treated this bad. Boo fucking hoo. Obama was treated much worse for 8 years the racists hated on him and it continues today.
Africans sold you, Arabs bought and castrated you
Never been sold in my life and I still have my junk. Nice try.
I’m going to see Proud Mary staring my girl Taraji later today!!! 👊🏽👊🏾👊🏿
I also got a bad ass gaming laptop configured to run all my data science stuff!! Those multi colored back lights are SUPER cool!👍🏽
Gaming is fun too!😉
I wanna see that too! Maybe me and Mrs. X will go tonite. If not lemme know how it is, I know it's gonna be good.
"America is stuck with this racist for at least the next three years..."
God help us, no. There is Mueller. There is also the likelihood of this moron crossing the line, even for the Republicans, even for the Republicans' puppeteers, the corporations and billionaires calling the shots. It they turn on our Asshole-in-Chief, he'll be impeached, voted incompetent, whatever it takes. If it takes a new law on the books, they'll see to it. Those corporate interests won't be served indefinitely by internal chaos and an unstable foreign policy. Once President Pence is found to be more reliable, as ever bit as much a rubber stamp for their greed, President Pence it will be.
That is the happiest news I can contemplate, and it ain't much. But Trump continues to shit on the office, demean respect even for American business interests, and that will one day be too much. He doesn't learn, even to pretend to play the game. And that will be his undoing.
At least that's my best bet. On the other hand, I voted for Carter's second term, Al Gore for President, and thought HIllary a shoo-in. Four years of Trump? Is there no bottom to this cesspool?
Hawaii officials reported an incoming missile alert to cell phones and freaked the Islands out. Got a Navy full of irresponsible drivers and now this. Drumpfuck is totally making America the greatest laughing stock ever.
Not true. Latinos hate TNB too. Also quit trying to lump us in to your niggerity causes by saying people of color. Hispanics have roots from Spain; white ass yt Europe. So don't bring us on your fucked up side. If you ever go to a bordertown you will see whites and Hispanics getting along just fine. Fuck off and God bless Texas
"Not true. Latinos hate TNB too."
You're an idiot. Take a walk through the Fruitvale district some time and see if you still believe that bullshit.
On second thought, don't. The less assholes here, the better, and reality obviously doesn't figure into your opinions, so what would be the point?
-Doug in Oakland
mike from iowa said...
"Got a Navy full of irresponsible drivers"
Affirmative Action.
Harvard needs to accept more people from shithole schools
Immigrants: "Our home countries are great!" "America is racist!"
Why are they in America then?
"What a joke. Zimfuck could easily injured himself afterwards to go along with his fairy tale about being assaulted."
Mike is doing DARVO again: DENY (the truth), ATTACK (the truth-teller), Reverse Victim & Offender.
Martin's assault on Zimmerman was witnessed by a resident who threatened to call the police, not knowing that police were already on the way. This has been published knowledge since 2013 (going on FIVE YEARS):
Mike creates his own reality where the burglar and violent assailant is sweet and innocent and blameless because black, truth be damned... and he won't go take on the job of "integrating" south or west side Chicago, or St. Louis, or even live next to a Section 8 house in Dubuque. He's a hypocrite in a county that's maybe 1.5% black, where black troublemakers have nowhere to hide and have to behave. And he accuses OTHERS of having privilege!
Started that GoFundMe yet? Hypocrite.
"Never been sold in my life and I still have my junk. Nice try."
So slavery is now a non-issue because you were never a slave. You probably never lived under Jim Crow or segregated schools either. Glad to have that cleared up.
-Doug in Oakland
My fellow black Americans, Trump insulted our mother Africa by saying it's a shithole. Let's show him he's wrong by all moving there.
As long as the victim is black, Anyfuckingmoose could care less how the victim got that way. Zimfuck will get his just desserts sooner rather than later and then that poor innocent black kid he murdered can RIP.
If you're black don't break the law. Martin had more right to be where he was murdered than Zimmerlessfuck. Like I said, his day is coming and I will spit in your face the day it happens.
Go fuck you. You hate black America so much go to another whitey wingnut haven if you can find one. Hypocrite.
Option A: El Salvador isn't a "shithole," so they don't need 17 years of Temporary Protected Status, and migrants from there should be sent home immediately.
Option B: El Salvador is, in fact, a "shithole."
@Pick one:
El Salvador has an official U.S advisory on it: "Reconsider Need to Travel," one step from "Do Not Travel There." So we're sending them back to a place our own government advises not to go to unless absolutely necessary.
Irony? Hypocrisy? One of hundreds...
Actually, clueless Murage, a lot of black Americans (the ones who can afford it) have moved to Africa. So there is that.
When Trump gets us all killed it won't matter what color anyone is.
field negro said...
"Actually, clueless Murage, a lot of black Americans (the ones who can afford it) have moved to Africa. So there is that."
Can we help? Is there a Go the Fuck Away Fund Me page or something?
There are flights to Lagos from about $600.
anotherbozo said...
@Pick one:
El Salvador has an official U.S advisory on it: "Reconsider Need to Travel," one step from "Do Not Travel There." So we're sending them back to a place our own government advises not to go to unless absolutely necessary.
So the answer is "B", El Salvador is, in fact, a "shithole."
Thanks for playing, Bozo.
"As long as the victim is black, Anyfuckingmoose could care less how the victim got that way."
Trayvon Martin was no victim except of his own stupidity, criminality and unhinged violence. He was quite properly and righteously shot to death in self-defense by his final victim.
I have pondered how Mike from Iowa can deny this in the face of all the evidence which proves that his position is directly opposite to the truth, and I realized something:
Mike worships Coates' "black bodies". Mike worships at the Church of the Immaculate Nigger. They can literally do no wrong in his eyes.
When your neighbors figure this out, Mike, don't expect to live long. You're a traitor, and traitors get what they deserve. Usually in the back, or under the seat of their car, or in something like fine whiskey.
"You hate black America so much"
There ain't no such thing. America only exists where blacks aren't. You see this in Newark, in Wilmington, in Detroit, in Gary, in St. Louis, everywhere: the African replaces American civilization with savagery and destruction, and it only comes back when he is removed.
How ‘bout dem’ Eagles, Field? 👍🏽
"Can we help? Is there a Go the Fuck Away Fund Me page or something?
Sure thing. Make donations in unmarked bills to the front desk at Cypress Auto, on 28th street in Oakland...
-Doug in Oakland
Anymoose's gay lover's WH released a statement supposedly from the doctor saying how great Drumpf's health is. Problem is the so called doctor mispelled his own name so you know the note was phonier than Anymoose and Drumpf rolled into one.
Trayvon Martin was murdered, that is all there is to it. He was provoked and then shot to death so he could not testify against his premeditated murderer.
All the lies and disparaging remarks you want to toss out there will not change the facts- a big bully got his ass handed to him and shot a teenager because in Florida he could get away with essentially murdering a kid.
Blacks live in Anyfuckingmoosey's head. Nope, no America there.
Anybody notice how quiet Drumpfuck's spoiled little spawn have been lately? Did he have them knocked off to shut them up or did a lawyer finally put a muzzle on Junior especially?
FYI nobody is leaving. I'm staying right here where I was born, just like you. Nobody cares about your opinion. Have a nice weekend, or not...whatever.
The stupid is strong in this one.
"He was provoked and then shot to death so he could not testify against his premeditated murderer."
Yes, "provoked"... if you call being interrupted in the planning of a felony "provocation".
Yes, "premeditated murderer"... if you count the neighborhood watchman who he had successfully evaded, and then returned to in order to assault and attempt to murder, capable of "premeditation".
You'd have to classify ANY attempt to prevent a crime as "premeditated murder" by that standard, if self-defense results in the death of the criminal. I think people should be REWARDED for attempting to prevent crimes. How do YOU feel about attempting to prevent burglaries, robberies, rapes and murders, Mike?
Does the answer change if the perps are white, or Immaculate Niggers?
"Trayvon Martin was murdered, that is all there is to it."
The common-law definition of murder is "the unlawful killing of a human being with malice aforethought." (Never took criminal procedure? That's why you don't know this.) Trayvon Martin was killed while in the act of felonious assault; his killing was lawful. George Zimmerman could not have anticipated the killing of Trayvon Martin; no forethought was possible. Last, Trayvon Martin was a violent ape who should never have been in America, not a human being; killing Trayvon Martin under any circumstances could never be murder.
The stoopid is strong in this one- Yes, "provoked"... if you call being interrupted in the planning of a felony "provocation".
Yes, "premeditated murderer"... if you count the neighborhood watchman who he had successfully evaded, and then returned to in order to assault and attempt to murder, capable of "premeditation".
Your telling me Martin planned ahead of time to force Zimfucker to eat skittles and drink tea until he died? Your a nut.
Zimfucker said he was going to make sure Martin didn't get away, like the other thugs Zimfuck could never seem to catch. He made sure innocent Trayvon didn't get away because he fucking KILLED HIM!
Do I have to do all yer thinking for you, stoopid fucking wingnut?
Mike, you missed the debates on FN about the Travon Martin case.
What should be clear is that racism is the most illogical thing in the history of humanity. Therefore arguing with racists is the second most illogical action in the history of humanity.
Yīshēng said...
"What should be clear is that racism is the most illogical thing in the history of humanity"
On this episode of "Mike Does DARVO", we have MORE! MORE parroted talking points! MORE denials of reality! MORE unhinged emoting!
"Your telling me Martin planned ahead of time to force Zimfucker to eat skittles and drink tea until he died?"
I'm telling you Martin planned to commit felonious assault, which he did. When he discovered that Zimmerman was armed, he planned to take Zimmerman's gun and shoot him with it. Martin was planning first degree murder.
"Your a nut."
You fail at English.
"Zimfucker said he was going to make sure Martin didn't get away"
Mike listens to Zimmerman saying "they always get away" and hears something completely different. Mike is either lying or insane. I think we can count the worshippers at the Church of the Immaculate Nigger as insane.
"He made sure innocent Trayvon didn't get away because he fucking KILLED HIM!"
Martin DID get away. Martin was stupid enough to come back. Martin probably wasn't innocent even by the time Zimmerman spotted him, he was likely guilty of trespass. Martin was guilty of felonious assault when he threw the first punch.
"Do I have to do all yer thinking for you, stoopid fucking wingnut?"
If you could think you might be useful, but all you do is repeat libtard dogma. All that requires is a tape recorder on a loop.
I'm telling you Martin planned to commit felonious assault, which he did. When he discovered that Zimmerman was armed, he planned to take Zimmerman's gun and shoot him with it. Martin was planning first degree murder.
You do not know shit you stoopid fucking wingnut. You make shit up to support your racist beliefs about blacks. You are the one foregoing reality.
Martin was stalked by a wanna be Rambo and shot dead for absolutely no reason in the world. That is all there is to it. Suck on that!
The population of newly hatched green sea turtles is nearly all females. Temperatures determine the sex of turtles. More heat means more females. Now stoopid fucking wingnuts have a couple problems. All them lezzie turtles and denying global warning. Bwahahahahahahahahaha! It sucks to be a stoopid fucking wingnut.
Trayvon loved his purple drank and weed. Autopsy showed early stages of liver failure and THC.
Zimmerfuck has a recorded record of bad will towards young blacks.
Zimmerfuck was not official Neighborhood watch. They have rules and regs- foremost do not pursue suspects and do not carry weapons.
Zimmerfuck's whole story is full of holes and shit. He was licensed to carry concealed only. How did Martin supposedly reach for a gun that he did not know about? Why didn't Zimmerfuck stay in the truck as he was told?
Purple Drank contains codeine from cough syrup which tea and skittles do not contain.
Martin was suspended from school because he had an empty bag with a trace of pot in it. BFD. Doesn't give anyone a reason to murder him.
Zimmerfuck decided to bag o9ne of them young black thugs he was so concerned about. He did it methodically and maliciously. Case closed.
I'm telling you Martin planned to commit felonious assault, which he did.
Trayvon had every right to defend himself from what he may have thought to be a raging homo kidnapper. Zimmerfuck stalked Martin, not the other way around. Zimmerfuck admitted he went after Martin when he was told not to do that.
Anymoose and stoopid fucking wingnut alternate facts.
Can all you racist knuckleheads get off the Trayvon Martin train.
You all sound like a bunch of imbeciles.
You probably smoke weed, drink and do mind altering drugs yourselves (both the legal and the illegal ones).
So, Black men and boys that do drugs deserve to be killed or thrown in jail for half their lives while white ones are given slaps on the wrist and legislation gets enacted to cure them of their opiod addictions.
Go take a long walk off of a short pier...
Remember...BlackLives Matter Too!
"Martin was suspended from school because he had an empty bag with a trace of pot in it. BFD."
and jewelry from all his burglaries.
Trayvon tried to smash Zimms head in with a large piece of concrete....that is unlawful and criminal so Zimm feared for his life and used appropriate force.
Zimmerman is a dysfunctional misfit:
Zimmerman was estranged from his mother and other members of his family, according to the report. His mother was "very strict and dominant" the friend told investigators. "His father did not discipline and did not stick up for the kids as they were abused by their mother."
So we have a fairly dysfunctional arrangement here. One which may have been part of what led to the physical violence between George and his ex.
"Zimmerman began to exhibit overly protective and territorial behavior," she said. At one point he agreed to go to counseling, and did so each week for a year. Then one day as the two were driving back from a session, she said he hit her in the mouth because she was chewing gum. In a later incident that occurred after the pair had separated, the woman said that Zimmerman became physically aggressive after she refused to let him stay the night at her apartment. The two began pushing each other and at one point he pushed her to the bed, according to earlier reports.
The next day she filed an injunction against him.
In retrospect, the woman told FBI agents, Zimmerman's relationship with his family, and his mother in particular, was the source of a lot of his torment.
This comment section is more often than not proof that whooteemoos are like untreated cancer, they fuck up EVEYTHING good until they eventually kill it!!
The salient fact stands- had the murderer stayed in his truck, he would not be the well known, much reviled racist POS he is today and Martin would still be alive. Facts matter. So does reality.
Do not commit criminal acts and you wont get shot.
Committing crime is getting more hazardous for shitheads:
Miami Herald:
As thousands of people gathered here to demand an arrest in the Trayvon Martin case, a more complicated portrait began to emerge of a teenager whose problems at school ranged from getting spotted defacing lockers to getting caught with a marijuana baggie and women’s jewelry.
The Miami Gardens teen who has become a national symbol of racial injustice was suspended three times, and had a spotty school record that his family’s attorneys say is irrelevant to the facts that led up to his being gunned down on Feb. 26.
In October, a school police investigator said he saw Trayvon on the school surveillance camera in an unauthorized area “hiding and being suspicious.” Then he said he saw Trayvon mark up a door with “W.T.F” — an acronym for “what the f---.” The officer said he found Trayvon the next day and went through his book bag in search of the graffiti marker.
Instead the officer reported he found women’s jewelry and a screwdriver that he described as a “burglary tool,” according to a Miami-Dade Schools Police report obtained by The Miami Herald. Word of the incident came as the family’s lawyer acknowledged that the boy was suspended in February for getting caught with an empty bag with traces of marijuana, which he called “irrelevant” and an attempt to demonize a victim.
Trayvon’s backpack contained 12 pieces of jewelry, in addition to a watch and a large flathead screwdriver, according to the report, which described silver wedding bands and earrings with diamonds.
Trayvon was asked if the jewelry belonged to his family or a girlfriend.
“Martin replied it’s not mine. A friend gave it to me,” he responded, according to the report. Trayvon declined to name the friend.
Trayvon was not disciplined because of the discovery, but was instead suspended for graffiti, according to the report. School police impounded the jewelry and sent photos of the items to detectives at Miami-Dade police for further investigation. ...
"You do not know shit you stoopid fucking wingnut."
You don't know shit, you stupid fucking libtard.
"You make shit up to support your racist beliefs about blacks."
You make up shit to fabricate your racist beliefs about non-blacks... like George Zimmerman saying he won't let him get away when he actually said "these assholes, they always get away", "he ran"and "I don't know where this kid is". In a contest of honesty, you are lower than Satan.
"Martin was stalked by a wanna be Rambo"
Get a load of this. When the neighborhood watch notices, follows and calls the cops on suspicious people, they aren't "stalking". They're doing their fucking job.
"and shot dead for absolutely no reason in the world."
Except for that little thing about felonious assault and attempted murder. The only way you could excuse or ignore that is if you worship at the Church of the Immaculate Nigger (which probably includes lots of people who like to suck black dick or enjoy "rough trade").
"You are the one foregoing reality."
I suspect we're going to have a test in the not-so-far future. People hostile to George Zimmerman will be shown the pictures and listen to the audio. If they don't change sides, they'll go into internment camps. We can't trust traitors like you in society.
"Zimmerfuck has a recorded record of bad will towards young blacks."
Zimmerman mentored young blacks. Fat lot of good it did him.
"How did Martin supposedly reach for a gun that he did not know about?"
Martin felt it when he was sitting on top of Zimmerman and beating up on him?
"Why didn't Zimmerfuck stay in the truck as he was told?"
Never happened.
"Trayvon had every right to defend himself from what he may have thought to be a raging homo kidnapper."
So gay-bashing is good now? Oh, right... to the Church of the Immaculate Nigger, it's okay if a black does it.
Martin had gotten clean away ("I don't know where this kid is") but decided that as the "No Limit Nigga" he had to teach the non-"homo kidnapper" a lesson. In the real world we call this felony assault and battery.
"had the murderer stayed in his truck"
Had the Miami Public Schools PD put Trayvon Martin in jail for burglary, he wouldn't have been in Sanford Gardens on suspension. Had the attempted murderer simply walked back to Brandy Green's condo, he wouldn't have attracted anyone's attention. But they didn't, he did, and he escalated, and now he's quite justly dead.
He's dead because of fucktards like Mike from Iowa who can't see punishing a black kid for being a criminal as anything less than an atrocity, because Church of the Immaculate Nigger (or maybe a craving for black dick).
Martin probably would be dead by now anyway, killed by a competitor in the weed business, but simply minding their own business isn't what blacks do. They always have to be robbing, stealing and assaulting, or as they call it, "keepin' it real."
lil trayvons picked wrong home:
Put up or shut the fuck up, Anyfuckingmoose. Let's see Martin's actual police record. I want to see how thuggish this boy was that5 Zimmerfuckface just had to murder because he was armed with skittles and ice tea. I don't want any bullshit from racist sites like Stormfront or any other right wing outlets.
There is not a single credible outlet going along with your racist sites in blaming Martin for his own death. Zimmerman was told not to pursue. Had he had any real Neighborhood Watch experience he wopuld know not to pursue. But ZimmerfuckingRambo just had to provoke and bag a black kid wearing a hoodie because he is a racist just like you!
"because he was armed with skittles and ice tea."
don't forget the codeine cough syrup and the large piece of concrete Trayvon attempted to smash zimms head in with.
"But ZimmerfuckingRambo just had to provoke and bag a black kid wearing a hoodie because he is a racist just like you!"
And now we get down to it: to libtards, any challenge to a black person, even if they're obviously not minding their own business and likely up to no good, is "racist". We can't run a society that way. The blacks have to go, and if you worship them you can go right along with them.
Is Michael your middle name?
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