"We do not waste water...because of the poor people in Syria. We don't waste water. I love how I act like I love black people because I (expletive) hate (n-word) so that's really interesting but I just saved the (expletive) (n-word) by shutting that water off."
In a second video, Barber addressed the growing backlash and apparent threats to turn her into her sorority officials. "(N-word) (n-word) (n-word). I don't care if it's Martin Luther King Day. I'm in the south now (expletive) so everybody can (expletive) off. I'm from New Jersey so I can say (n-word) as much as I want." [Source]
Little Ms. Racist New Jersey has been expelled from school, and now she is back home in New Jersey feeling just terrible about her actions. (She only "feels terrible" because her rant went viral.)
But just think about all her friends who were in the room with her. Or. for that matter. others who hold similar views but are just good as hiding them from the rest of them.There are many more where this sorority girl came from. In Utah, for instance, another racist college student posted a "Happy Nigger Day" lynching photo.
This is the age of trump, and racism has become the norm. Racists now feel emboldened to let their racism flag flow. It's just a matter of time when we will see or hear one of these types of rants and shrug our collective shoulders. Kind of like we do with our racist in chief now.
This is his kind of America. This is what he meant when he said that he wanted to "Make America Great Again." He, and others like him, are sick of political correctness. They want to hate with impunity.
*Pic from theroot.com
How many Forbes magazines would it take to spank 45’s ass??
Although some don't believe it, justice always prevails. Even some who posts to this page don't believe it, but an "as ye sow, ye reap" justice exists, and, as Dr. King stated, "the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice."
I'll remind all again: We don't live in a consequence-free world. The Law of Retribution will be enforced, now are later.
Black people live in a consequence-free world. They can say exactly what this girl said, just swapping the races, and will not only go un-punished but will be praised for it.
We will not have true equality while black people can get away with acts that whites are punished for. Black people do not want equality, they want impunity.
Fine upstanding serial-killer grandson of civil rights leader, Cleophus Cooksey Jr:
Kiesha Summerhill, home-health aide, moonlights as murderer of one of her clients:
Why would you ever be afraid of black people? They'll only kill you.
Proof that between 1980 and 2008, Blacks committed 52% of all homicides in the United States.
Happy belated B-day to the BEST FLOTUS ever, Michelle Obama.👸🏽👸🏽👸🏽👸🏽👸🏽👸🏽👸🏽
"The age of Trump" will be a very short age, followed closely by the US becoming a majority-minority country (it already is below about the age of eight).
This kind of thing will still be around as the dead-enders who can't handle reality act out more and more in their desperation, but there will be (and already are) fewer and fewer of them.
They will compensate by trying to be louder and louder, but fewer and fewer will listen to them because what they are saying is toxic, racist, bullshit that doesn't do anything for anyone in the real world.
This young woman was probably confident that what she had heard about being a white woman from the north in the south was true, but it wasn't.
Things are still changing, like they always have been, and the changes we see now, partly as a reaction a misogynist, racist, moron being elected president, are centered around the way women and people of color are treated in our society.
There will be hiccups and setbacks, like always, but we all know where this is going.
Perhaps this will knock some sense into this young woman. Perhaps not. Either way, the very fact that this is controversial shows that things have changed, and will continue to change for the better, overall, for a long, long, time.
When I was a kid, and visited my family in the south, nigger was just what the white people called the black people. Or "negra" if they were trying to be polite. I'm told by my cousins who still live down there that it isn't like that anymore.
-Doug in Oakland
25 Black students headed to Harvard for the summer!
Whooteemoos like the star of this post are going to be FAR more common with Cheeto in the WH. The problem is that outside of outright murdering people, most don’t have the kind of power or influence that wish they did have in the lives of the majority of minorities.
Speaking of whooteemoo terrorist, I suspect they’ll be many more of them in the news too since Cheeto has given them a pass.
Proof that between 1980 and 2008, Blacks committed 52% of all homicides in the United States.
Fake news!
Not sure how I feel about the girl getting kicked out of school. She obviously needs some edukation. 😂
"Why would you ever be afraid of black people? They'll only kill you."
Really? I'm around quite a few Black people everyday and haven't been killed yet. Might wanna check your info.
This girl is young and doubtless raised around blatant, careless racists. Beyond that she was clearly fucked up. I mean tripping. She was way too high.
Let's accept her apology and welcome her into the land of civilized, decent Americans. If we can't get through to young people, what's the point in trying?
Looks like her parents taught her very well.
"Youve got to be taught to hate and fear,
It's got to be drummed in your dear little ear
To hate all the people your relatives hate.
You've got to be carefully taught."
The only people surprised by her behavior are stupid black folks who naively thought that racism ended just because some white people voted Obama into office.
Remember, white folks only voted him into office during a moment of insanity because old white man Bush sold their asses down the river.
This white girl's so called hidden racism is nothing new under the sun.
They smile wide in your face while secretly sticking the knife in your back.
Masters in deception...aka "Master Deceiver to the unsuspecting.
:D Yeah, it's fake news since it contradicts your make-believe world. You Blacks are so quick to say something is fake or biased without providing the least evidence for such a statement.
Know why?
Cause have none, and you know it. But you figure if you claim fake news or a rigged system often enough, then truth won't matter.
Guess what?
The truth does. :)
Point to a reputable source that demonstrates government statistics are rigged or slanted against Blacks.
Oh, sorry, forgot, you can't. :)
Get a clue.
it's things like this that diminish my hopes of there ever being a truce, peace between the races, equality. Will it ever happen...
Nothing racist about it. She was just making a rap video.
Chicago January 2018 to Date
Shot & Killed: 18
Shot & Wounded: 86
Total Shot: 104
Total Homicides: 21
Free Speech!!
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Black people live in a consequence-free world. They can say exactly what this girl said, just swapping the races, and will not only go un-punished but will be praised for it.
We will not have true equality while black people can get away with acts that whites are punished for. Black people do not want equality, they want impunity.
9:59 PM
The stoopid looms large in Anymoose'e post. Blacks given up to 60% more time than whites for the same crimes. Don't you just love equality?
Serious, serial killers- the preponderence of which are male and white.
For 33 years I was married to a wonderful black man who was kind, funny, and very smart. He died last November. He was the love of my life. As his partner I saw racist behavior toward us many times. We chalked it up to simple ignorance and went on with our lives. We even joked about it. Those who hate are paying for it now and will continue to pay the future because karma is inescapable.
One of Drumpfuck the dumbfuck's male offspring claims his dad is not racist, The only color his dad sees is "GREED", I meant green.
Junior says...
"If we can't get through to young people, what's the point in trying?"
All the social engineering and constant guilt you expect white kids to absorb is backfiring. They aren't known as "Generation Zyklon" for nothing.
So, you are getting through to young people, just not the way you want.
"I'm around quite a few Black people everyday and haven't been killed yet."
Statistically a black person is many times more likely to kill you than a white person. The reason more white people are killed by other whites is because white people stay away from black people; white people have much lower overall odds of being killed.
"This girl is young and doubtless raised around blatant, careless racists."
Or she had plenty of experience with blacks when she was growing up. The least "racist" places in the USA are also those with the fewest blacks and the only images white people see are on (((TV))) (like people from rural Iowa). African joke: What's the difference between a missionary and a racist? Two weeks.
Once Negroes and street shitting illegals are the majority the country is done. No lights, no clean water, no taxes, no breakthroughs in technology, etc. etc. Look no further than the SHITHOLE Nations you all love. None of you would want to live there.
Stoopid fucking wingnuts, let's see the empirical evidence you possess that sea Drumpfuck the dumbfuck is not racist. Go ahead, I'll wait.
Look at this. Mike from Iowa can't rebut the claim so he has to change the subject.
Try answering the question, Mike. Show us the BLM students kicked out of schools or sororities for racist words aimed at white people. Show us. (We can show you a black woman kicked out of her job for saying the equivalent of It's Okay To Be White.)
> Blacks given up to 60% more time than whites for the same crimes.
Same number of priors? Same aggravating circumstances? In states with binding sentencing guidelines?
You are crazy.
> Don't you just love equality?
We'll have equality when black women get fired for being hostile or surly to white co-workers and dismissed when they are incompetent or inefficient. You'd see government and a bunch of other things get whiter, smaller and a lot better overnight.
Harley Barber has a very bright future--either as the future Mrs. Donald Trump or maybe as a US Ambassador to the UN.
YOU can escape racism: move to Ghana!
"I grew up in Philadelphia and then New York. I went to Howard, which is a historically black university. I tell people that Ghana is like Howard in real life. It felt like a microcosm of the world. At university, they tell us the world isn't black, but there are places where this is the real world. Howard prepares you for a world where black people are in charge, which is a completely different experience compared to people who have gone to predominantly white universities."
Money quote:
"You might not have electricity, but you won't get killed by the police either."
If you do get killed in Ghana, it'll probably be more like this:
AND the best Hospital Admistrator that the University of Chicago ever had!!
She was SO good in fact that after her husband get became president, the position was never filled!!
Wow. bossip.com, allgov.com those are some objective, non-partisan sources right there. :) Nice job.
Try again. I said reputable.
"Look at this. Mike from Iowa can't rebut the claim so he has to change the subject."
True, that's all Blacks ever do. They cannot argue from solid, logical footing because they have not ground on which to stand.
That's why they have to guilt-trip unsuspecting and ill-educated Whites into hating themselves. A divided and demoralized enemy is easier to defeat.
Actually, with just a little effort on the part of Whites, shams like this can be exposed.
That is why, even if Blacks win a few battles, the war will go to Whites.
Remember Anonymous, that Alexander Hamilton once said: The consciousness of good intentions disdains ambiguity.
That is why I've always striven for personal clarity.
It is true, Anyfuckingmoose can't read or comprehend. Same crime as wasicu wastey, 60% more time behind bars. Some equality. I bet blacks are begging for more time as impunity, amirite, stoopid?
We will not have true equality while black people can get away with acts that whites are punished for. Black people do not want equality, they want impunity.
9:59 PM
The stoopid looms large in Anymoose'e post. Blacks given up to 60% more time than whites for the same crimes. Don't you just love equality?
The trolls are sounding even more desperate than usual. What's up trolls? All of that hate and fear and lies finally getting to you?
Have a nice life, little trolls, being afraid of nothing all of the time and reflexively hating people you have never met.
Sounds like a real pain in the ass to me, but I guess you're up to it.
-Doug in Oakland
"The stoopid looms large in Anymoose'e post. Blacks given up to 60% more time than whites for the same crimes. Don't you just love equality?
http://www.allgov.com/news/top-stories/black-americans-given-longer-sentences-than-white-americans-for-same-crimes?news=843984 "
Try harder next time. The two that headed the "study" have a Liberal-bias.
M. Marit Rehavi and Sonja B. Starr
In fact Ms Starr works at one of the top 10 most Liberal Law Schools in the United States.
Don't just click on "I'm Feeling Lucky" and call it good.
wingnuts claim to have a top secret memo that sez FISA spying was abused or some such shit. They claim it will stop Mueller's investigation in it's tracks. Like the looming shutdown? Huh?
Try harder next time. The two that headed the "study" have a Liberal-bias.
That is because they really are smart people, unlike you and Drumpfuck the dumbfuck. The only "conservative" law school I ever heard about was at Liberty University and their degrees can be found in Cracker Jack boxes and would prepare someone educated at Liberty to clean toilets if they are ambitious.
Chicago January 2018 to Date
Shot & Killed: 18
Shot & Wounded: 86
Total Shot: 104
Total Homicides: 21
Fake news!
:D Yeah, it's fake news since it contradicts your make-believe world. You Blacks are so quick to say something is fake or biased without providing the least evidence for such a statement.
The irony of this post is probably lost on the author! Bwahahahahahaha! Let's ignore NOAA, NASA and other climate data and believe Rush Limbaugh! Bwahahahaha!
Didn't the president fall for fake statistics? STFU! If you and yours claim fake news so can I fuckboy! So miss us with you fucking statistics!
@Mike in Iowa:
Yeah, I rather figured. You have nothing but a loud mouth and juvenile rhetoric.
*That's* why Blacks will ultimately lose. Again, you cannot argue on the facts, only try to distract from points made.
Your [Blacks] entire argument in favor of a "rigged" system hinges on being able to only have to point at given evidence, says it's racist or "rigged" and not have to produce any evidence to support that claim.
Let me guess, the mere fact such data exists is prima facie evidence that the system is "rigged" right? That's some major faulty thinking you Blacks have going on there.
That would be no better than saying the US Census is "racist and rigged" due to it showing a higher number of Whites in the United States instead of Blacks. And without producing evidence to support such a statement, it cannot be argued.
Not argued logically at any rate, but, as I can see, you don't do logic. You do smart-mouth one-liners. You must be the pride of your family.
That is why your kind approaches it in this manner. Because it's not about winning by the facts (which you cannot) it's about winning by subterfuge.
"The irony of this post is probably lost on the author! Bwahahahahahaha! Let's ignore NOAA, NASA and other climate data and believe Rush Limbaugh! Bwahahahaha!
Didn't the president fall for fake statistics? STFU! If you and yours claim fake news so can I fuckboy! So miss us with you fucking statistics!"
Straw-man. Again, faulty logic. The topic was not climate change. The post you were replying to was about Blacks doing 52% of all homicides in the United States between 1980 and 2008.
More, distraction. You're continuing to prove my point that Blacks cannot argue from a factual basis on a given topic. Only distract. Keep trying. :)
@Mike in Iowa:
I'll be back later buttercup. I've more important matters, if you come up with some decent, factual arguments, I'll engage them. :)
Seeya sweetpea!
Delusional Mike from Iowa:
"Serious, serial killers- the preponderence of which are male and white."
Reality: Whites have been less than half of serial killers since 1990. Blacks have been an absolute majority since 2000 (54.4% 2000-2009, 59.8% 2010-2016). Whites are now down to less than 1/3.
And guess what the wheels are coming off of? Mueller's probe. The shenanigans make Watergate look like a kindergarten infraction. Lotsa Obama ppl going to jail.
"A source close to the matter tells Fox News that "the memo details the Intelligence Committee's oversight work for the FBI and Justice, including the controversy over unmasking and FISA surveillance." An educated guess by anyone who's been paying attention for the last year leads to the obvious conclusion that the report reveals extensive abuse of power and highly illegal collusion between the Obama administration, the FBI, the DOJ and the Clinton Campaign against Donald Trump and his team during and after the 2016 presidential election."
Not yet an entire year, and the entire Dimocrap party is set to implode already! Still not tired of #WINNING!
Funny comment from Twitter by one Jason Kander:
”The President said he was going to run America like his businesses. Apparently we have reached the part where he would usually just declare bankruptcy and run away. #TrumpShutdown”
Reality: Whites have been less than half of serial killers since 1990. Blacks have been an absolute majority since 2000 (54.4% 2000-2009, 59.8% 2010-2016). Whites are now down to less than 1/3.
Reality whites have been 100% of the serial killers in Las Vegas in the last 6 months. I can cherry pick stats, too, stoopid fucking wingnut snowflake.
Yer sekret memo is another stoopid fucking wingnut nothingburger just like all the other bombshells about Uranium 1, Benghazi, emails, Clinton foundations etc. Nunes is going to get tossed out of Congress for obstruction of justice, right alongside stoopid fucking Drumpfuck the dumbfuck. So fuck you and the whores you rode in on. No offense to working girls.
I think I uncovered Anyfuckingmoose's sekret identity. He just got fired from his WH job for racism. This rant sounds awfully lot like AnyMoose.
Stuff like this clip from his radio show, “The Sound of Freedom,” in which Higbie shared a fun anecdote about the time he was giving away free firewood because he had extra, and darned if ALL the blacks weren’t just downright rude to him! The white people who picked up free firewood were all really nice, and some even offered to pay. But out of all the black folks, “Only one person was actually cordial to me”:
Read more at https://wonkette.com/628511/former-navy-seal-and-fox-news-personality-somehow-too-racist-for-job-in-trump-administration#Mxy3cUjk4OXVrcfX.99
*That's* why Blacks will ultimately lose. Again, you cannot argue on the facts, only try to distract from points made.
What a stoopid fucking wingnut you are. Minorities will win because they can and will out grow whitey's ass and soon you'll be the minority getting kicked in the face and yer white skanky privilege won't help a bit, stoopid fucker. I may not live long enough to revel in that day, but I can see the skanky whites of yer eyes right now, snowflake.
No racism here, folks. Move along.
Drumpf sez some babies are allowed to be born in the 9th month. And that is wrong.
Can't wait for the shithole denials from Drumpf and Anyfuckingmoose.
No need to suck up to me, Anymoosepussy. I wouldn't let you anywhere near my dick. I suspect you have snaggleteeth and I don't want or need my organ ground.
Straw-man. Again, faulty logic. The topic was not climate change. The post you were replying to was about Blacks doing 52% of all homicides in the United States between 1980 and 2008.
More, distraction. You're continuing to prove my point that Blacks cannot argue from a factual basis on a given topic. Only distract. Keep trying. :)
Nope, not at all. You got your information from a fake source. And at the end of the day who gives a fuck? Do you win a balloon or a cookie for being right? Whatever sport.
BTW it was not a strawman argument, it was an apt analogy about how people like you pick and choose what you believe. If it's something that is negative or demeans negroes then it's the gospel truth but if it's something you don't believe it's junk science or fake news. GTFOH chief, we know your type.
Many lines of scientific evidence show the Earth's climate is changing. This page presents the latest information from several independent measures of observed climate change that illustrate an overwhelmingly compelling story of a planet that is undergoing global warming.
The post you were replying to was about Blacks doing 52% of all homicides in the United States between 1980 and 2008.
And how can this possibly be true when almost 50% of homicides remain unsolved? Also we are assuming the person convicted for the crime actually committed said crime which as we have seen from numerous studies is often far from the truth. Now if your white snowflake need to feel superior to someone because you're a loser ass wants to belive that negroes killed more people from 1989 to 2008 then go right ahead.Maybe trump will pat you on your huge head for knowing this but other than that this information will not help your life one iota.
The big bombshell treasonous wingnuts have been helping Russian bots spread around is more proof positive of collusion between treasonous wingnuts and Russians.
Wingnuts could have released this memo anytime. They are helping their Russian masters build the hype before the balloon fizzles because there is nothing there, again. Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!
More quid pro quo from Drumpf to banks he owes mucho dinero.
Didn't hear about this did we? Drumpf is a fucking crook. Impeach his orange ass.
PilotX said...
Not sure how I feel about the girl getting kicked out of school.
The ironic part is all American universities have entire departments dedicated to saying basically the same things about white people.
I wonder how Trump all of a sudden became a racist? In 1989 he won the Ellis Island Award along with Muhammad Ali and Rosa Parks, and in 2013 he helped pay for Rand Paul's humanitarian trip to Haiti where he did surgery on 200 Haitians and restored their eyesight. Amazing how he all of a sudden became a racist when he became president.
What changed between 1989 and now? The only thing that changed is that he is NOT a Democrat and now poses a threat to them. Screw the leftist race baiters and globalists trying to divide everyone...THEY are the true fascists. Heck the last admin was the real gestapo that weaponized the DOJ and FBI, and Hillary was the most corrupt person to ever run for president.
Only stoopid fucking wingnuts could pretend racist Drumpf isn't a racist.
45 became a racist to take attention away from the fact that he used to be a Democrat and to lock down the whooteemoo vote.
And he missed his “peeps”.
79 other people from 42 ethnic groups got that same award the same time as Drumpfuck in 1986.
Fuck you whitey racist trolls.
"The ironic part is all American universities have entire departments dedicated to saying basically the same things about white people."
Um, no. Name one.
I wonder how Trump all of a sudden became a racist?
I guess we can ask Paul Ryan who called trump's comments the "definition" of racism.
Hey Yishbag, better use that EBT card before midnight when they turn it off.
Paul Ryan is a cuck.
And I bet the number of blind Haitians he paid for to have corrective surgery is Zero.
Trump banged Rosa Parks right there in the Statue of Liberty's torch.
He's no racist.
Or maybe trump isn't racist but is just using dumb racist whites to further his business and power. Hmmmmmmmm
"The ironic part is all American universities have entire departments dedicated to saying basically the same things about white people."
No, the ironic part is a dumbass who has never set foot on a college campus in his dumbassed life has a false observation about college. Bwahahahahahahaha!
Muhammad Ali was fucking Melania and he's no racist either.
Y'all hate Trump cause he's a better nigger than any black man.
In America, coeds who say racist things are being expelled from college.
Meanwhile, in Africa, Congo rebels are eating pygmies, UN says:
Marauding rebels are massacring and eating pygmies in the dense forests of north-east Congo, according to UN officials who are investigating allegations of cannibalism in Ituri province, where fighting between several rebel groups has displaced about 150,000 people in the past month.
Many of the displaced tell of rebel fighters capturing and butchering pygmies, Manoddje Mounoubai, spokesman for the UN ceasefire monitoring mission in Congo, said yesterday.
If a rich black ball player comes along and offers this B _ _ _ H a proposition
she'd drop her bogus "Nigger Rants" quick, fast, and in a hurry.
Probably mad because the Nigger she was throwing her tail at ignored her.
Rethugs, bigger failures than we EVER thought.
Seriously doubt this would have happened under a Madame President.
Looks like those multiple bankruptcy filing “chickens” are coming home to roost.
If there is something to karma trump will pay for stiffing workers and contractors.
The Moron from Iowa spews:
"Reality whites have been 100% of the serial killers in Las Vegas in the last 6 months."
Moron fails to distinguish between serial and spree killers, and the body of the "killer" at Mandalay Bay is definitely not that of Steve Paddock as the "13" tattoo on the neck is missing. In other words, the killer at the Las Vegas concert was not a serial killer and we don't know if the actual killer was white or not.
"Minorities will win because they can and will out grow whitey's ass"
It's much easier to out-kill than to out-grow. Killing can be silent and painless. Watch yourself.
how can this possibly be true when almost 50% of homicides remain unsolved?
Because they occur in Black 'hoods where Blacks take violent offense to any representative of Whitey, including Black cops, shooting their own. They'll riot over that but take the No Snitchin' rule when it's all-Black.
In other words, YT should not take the Coonmunity's complaints the least bit seriously. Fuck 'em.
@PX, FINALLY some of those folks lost their businesses f**king around with him.
Gov’t shutdown on his presidential anniversary, I’m just glad to not be in a gov’t funded position this time around.
Anonymous @11:14 AM said...
Junior says...
"If we can't get through to young people, what's the point in trying?"
All the social engineering and constant guilt you expect white kids to absorb is backfiring. They aren't known as "Generation Zyklon" for nothing.
So, you are getting through to young people, just not the way you want.
I tried to look up this Generation Zyklon. But since I don't speak alt-right I had trouble understanding what the author was talking about. But your comment makes some sense. I don't see that much social engineering taking place. Furthermore I don't see anyone demanding constant guilt and repentance. We just want to see a world free of inflammatory hate speech and racial discrimination.
The lead blog post on this phenomenon did mention something about us normal people attempting to comfort ourselves with an imagined scenario of what would have happened if millenials had decided the election. We will never know because roughly only 50% of younger voters even turned out to vote.
But to the subject at hand. Call me soft on racism. I think if this girl honestly feels bad about what she did, she should be forgiven. Maybe she had a change of heart. Even if she was shamed into disavowing her actions, this is a start.
20th January 2018. Meters of wall built = 0.
Yeah, that's a real reliable non-biased source. A little more of a nudge and the staffer's at Daily Beast will be out on the streets with Antifa holding pitchforks.
That rag is highly-Left bias.
"Gov’t shutdown on his presidential anniversary, I’m just glad to not be in a gov’t funded position this time around."
You mean you're off welfare? Went back to pushing drugs? Prostituting pre-schoolers?
Since honest work and Blacks simply don't go together.
Anymoose skedaddled home, scarfed down a pot full of right wing Nitro Express beans, allowed them to work up a blow and came back to spew shit all over the place.
Tell me how much money Drumpfuck gave Rand Paul to do pro bono work in Haiti?
Who did Drumpfuck pay off to get an Ellis Island award. Neither of these actions prove Drumpfuck isn't a racist, moron.
Las Vegas shooter is the perfect definition of a serial killer- one who kills a number of people over a length of time. I';m sure, to his 58 victims, 9 minutes seemed like forever. Go fuck yer skanky white ass,wastey.
Left bias sites have plenty of wiggle room, unlike those fronting the 4th Reich that you subscribe to, Anyfuckingmoose.
Guess what? Stoopid fucking wingnuts were going to release a sekret memo that would destroy Obama and all of a sudden made up a story that they can't release it because it might cause harm to FBI agents and sources.
Just another unfounded smear campaign brought to you by the one stoopid fucking wingnut party that can't govern even when they control all branches of government. Totally in-fucking-competent stoopid fucking wingnuts. They shot their wads again and had another crop failure, plus they are getting blamed for the shutdown of government- again. Bwahahahahahahahahahahaha! Pathetic POS!
"Since honest work and Blacks simply don't go together."
As King Of The World I have declared that blacks in North America no longer have to work as they have given enough in free labor to this part of the world.
King Field Negro
> I don't see that much social engineering taking place.
Just because you don't see affirmative action in everything, minority set-asides, racial compliance monitoring everywhere, grossly unrealistic and disproportionate representation of blacks in media, textbooks and almost everywhere else, does not mean that social engineering isn't going on. It just means you think it's okay.
> Furthermore I don't see anyone demanding constant guilt and repentance.
Check your black privilege, darkie.
> We just want to see a world free of inflammatory hate speech and racial discrimination.
To you, truth is "inflammatory hate speech" and treatment according to merit is "racial discrimination".
It's much easier to out-kill than to out-grow. Killing can be silent and painless. Watch yourself.
Why? Coward assed keyboard warriors like yourself don't scare anybody. Why not try it punk instead of childish threats on a blog? Oh that'sright, you're a pussy!
Irony is lost on this idiot @ 10:26.
During a government shutdown, you are no longer required to pretend diversity is a strength and you can acknowledge that Democrats genuinely hate white people.
"Since honest work and Blacks simply don't go together."
Hasn't ever been a problem with me or everybody I know and I know quite a few blah people.
The government is being shut down solely because the Democratic Party wants to give amnesty to millions of third world parasites. These people would rather put illegal immigrants over you! They don’t care about you! Vote them out this year!
Uh, thanks for the totally inaccurate summary sparky.
Democrats just tossed away funding for 9 Million American children for the sake of a few hundred thousand illegal aliens. Democrats are sick, immoral people.
@ Field Negro:
"As King Of The World I have declared that blacks in North America no longer have to work as they have given enough in free labor to this part of the world."
Well, finally deigned to say something hm?
For one, as you are well aware, you're king of squat. :) Just another racist Black blog owner finding other like-minds.
And two, as Mark Twain puts it: The world owes you nothing, it was here first.
So since your, what's the word, brutha's cannot come up with any solid evidence to back up their claims of biased data from the US Government perhaps you'd care to take a stab (oops, trigger word for you guys, hm) at it?
Or do you, like the rest, have nothing but claims it's biased but no real evidence to support it?
90% of all Americans want a pathway to citizenship for Dreamers so there is that. Republicans control all levels of government but yet can't even keep the government running so the answer is to put in more dumb assed Republicans? What happened to Art of the Deal trump? I guess that pussy grabbing moron isn't really a good deal maker. Bwahahahahahahaha!
Here’s everything you need to know about Democrats, they call Americans “deplorables” and illegal immigrants “dreamers.”
So since your, what's the word, brutha's cannot come up with any solid evidence to back up their claims of biased data from the US Government
Oh you mean the data from NASA and NOAA that shows 2017 was one the hottest years since data has been collected? We believe that.
GOP House approved continuing resolution: 230–197
In the Senate, the GOP had 51, needed 60. Got 52.
Almost all 49 Democrats voted against CR.
Go on how this is a GOP shutdown.
Here's all you need to know about Republicans, they don't know all Americans come from immigrants. Also those idiots control the White House and both houses of congress and can't even keep the government running. Now that takes a certain type of stupid.
Democrats are choosing 700,000 illegal aliens over
✔️1.3 Million soldiers
✔️50,000 homeless Veterans
✔️15 Million children in poverty
✔️500,000 homeless Americans
✔️9 Million children needing CHIP
Democrats don't care about us.
Republicans don't care about
•1.3 million soldiers
•50,000 homeless vets
• 15,000,000 children in poverty
•9,000,000 children needing CHIP
Republicans (who control the government) only care about the rich
"Here's all you need to know about Republicans, they don't know all Americans come from immigrants."
Actually, you seem to not know. Read the Federalist Paper, Number Two. It details exactly what the Founders of this country meant when they said "We the People".
The lie of "melting pot" and "nation of immigrants" comes from the "lovely" present we got from France in 1885. A certain roman goddess statue that would have the Founders up in arms.
"they don't know all Americans come from immigrants."
African Americans came from slaves brought here against their will; they were not immigrants.
A majority of white Americans have at least partial ancestry from people who were settlers and colonists; they were not immigrants as there was no country to immigrate to.
People who immigrated here prior to 50 years ago had to support themselves, they had to have a job or a sponsor. They were not eligible for welfare and free healthcare the moment they got here.
The majority of today's immigrants come here as freeloaders, sopping up benefits and taking job opportunities from the poorest Americans.
And then there are illegals, who break the law to come here yet still are eleigible to receive welfare and free healthcare! These are the people the Democrats are shutting down the government for.
Fuck them. Enough is enough.
Art of the deal my ass. All McConnell had to do was keep his caucus in tact and negotiate 10 Dems/independents votes but couldn't. Mitch McConnell is bad at his job.
@ James:
Well stated.
It details exactly what the Founders of this country meant when they said "We the People".
Well asshole, unless the writers of the Federalist Papers were Cherokee and Lakota then they were products of immigrants too. Wow, teh stoooopid in this one is very very strong.
Cherokee and Lakota 'immigrated' here from Siberia. This is Russian land.
A majority of white Americans have at least partial ancestry from people who were settlers and colonists; they were not immigrants as there was no country to immigrate to.
Bullshit! The majority of welfare recipients are white people like James. People come here to get ahead and bust their asses. Let's see James get off wefare and pick fruit in the hot sun or clean 100 hotel rooms. Fuck you racist assholes.
Who would have ever thought that 325 Million American citizens would be held hostage by advocates for 700,000 illegal aliens.
@ Ivan Beatinov:
Welcome comrade. :)
The majority of today's immigrants come here as freeloaders, sopping up benefits and taking job opportunities from the poorest Americans
GTFOH! Millions of lazy assed white welfare recipients like James. Get off the internet and get a job fuckboi! I'll take hard working immigrans over you lazy racist ass any day of the week.
"The majority of welfare recipients are white people "
Actually now false, as of 2017 non-white welfare recipients now exceed 50% of the total.
But thanks for once again illustrating black people's complete inability to grasp the concept of per capita, and think that in a nation where whites outnumber blacks 6 to 1, equal numbers of welfare recipients doesn't mean blacks are 6 times more likely to be on welfare.
Who would have ever though America would elect an insane reality TV star who fucked the workers and contractors who did work for him and is a Russian operative. If Mitch McConnell wasn't so bad at his job and donald could actually make a deal we wouldn't be in this situation would we?
When Black Americans break the law, we are prosecuted.
When illegal aliens break our laws, Democrats shut down the federal government to give them amnesty.
Actually now false, as of 2017 non-white welfare recipients now exceed 50% of the total.
Nope. 6 million whites on welfare and no other group tops 2.5 million. What fucking math are you doing that tells you 6 is less than 2.5? Now that is a real level of stooooooopid!
"Well asshole, unless the writers of the Federalist Papers were Cherokee and Lakota then they were products of immigrants too. "
Irrelevant. That they were immigrants is not the point. The point is the two differing definitions of "immigrant" that are being used. One on each side (for Black and White)
Blacks wish to define it as "anybody", the Founders (who did "immigrate" here, yes, depending on how you define the term) meant this country for those "of common ancestry" as the Federalist Paper, Number Two, puts it.
In other words, they established a Nation for Europeans.
As I stated already, the lie of the "melting pot" is used constantly in attempts to redefine what the original intent was for this country. The Founders themselves even recognized the dangers of such a diverse "culture" as your kind talks about. That is the subject of another Federalist Paper.
So what's the phrase I'm supposed to use here....Oh yes.
Fuck you, asshole. :)
When illegal aliens break our laws, Democrats shut down the federal government to give them amnesty.
At least illegal aliens aren't doing mass shootings and killing babies in movie theaters and schools. I'll take them over the lazy, crazy assed assholes like James. They are also not selling their babies for meth like the good 'muricans like James.
The Democrats just riled up the Trump base and pushed hundreds of thousands of voters to Trump by risking the Lives of 9 million American Children to protect a few illegal Aliens.
Really Ricky? You may wanna inform the American people of that because the vast vast majority want a DACA deal. Fuck trump and his golfing vacationing ass. He is the president and all of this is his fault! Art of the Deal my ass!
Go on how this is a GOP shutdown.
Stoopid fucking wingnuts control every facet of the federal gubmint and can't govern their way out of a wet used rubber.
"the vast vast majority want a DACA deal."
Here's your deal: Adios, motherfuckers.
CHIP is a part of Medicaid and stoopid fucking wingnuts wanted it closed to help pay for the koch bros taxcuts.
A couple days after the koch bros taxcuts was signed, Chuck koch bros and his koch bros wife gave Paul Ryan nearly a half million kickback bucks.
@ Cesar Chavez:
"At least illegal aliens aren't doing mass shootings and killing babies in movie theaters and schools."
So, two wrongs make a right? That's faulty thinking on your part. Typical Black logic.
America without illegal immigrants would have more expensive lettuce but higher wages.
America without white people would be less uptight but would also be a shithole.
America without blacks would have lame basketball and Olympic track teams and hip hop would suck, but also:
Crime would be down 61%
School test scores would be up 32%
Infant mortality would be down 11%
STD rates would be down 72%
Out-of-wedlock births would be down 58%
America still likes black people. Blacks get a raw deal in a lot of ways. Your ancestors were brought here in chains, and white America understands you deserve a place here. So stop siding with those who are trying to deny white people a place in the future of this country, and get with the program that is trying to stop America from being turned into just another shithole.
@ Let's do this:
I'm not seeing how getting rid of illegal immigrants and Blacks is a bad thing.
I can pay for more expensive lettuce. I also do not listen to rap, watch basketball or bother with the Olympics.
Whites are uptight because of the constant worry of being around violent minorities.
Whites are uptight because of the constant worry of being around violent minorities.
Considering the fact most whites live among other whites, especially poor ones, you have nothing to worry about. Unless you're worried about ODing on hillbilly heroin then yeah that's real.
Whites are uptight because of the constant worry of being around violent minorities.
Awwwwwwww, poor snowflake needs a safe space.
"Considering the fact most whites live among other whites, especially poor ones, you have nothing to worry about."
I said nothing about if Whites lived around Blacks. I said the "constant worry of being around them". That means: at store, theater, in schools, etc.
So, again, I don't mind higher-priced lettuce and useless basketball.
around Blacks. I said the "constant worry of being around them". That means: at store, theater, in schools, etc.
You mean like the movie theater in Aurora, Colorado? How about Sandy Hook school? Wanna bet those good white folks wish it had been a negro in their midst instead of a fellow white person. Their babies would still be alive. Hell, they weren't even safe in church where 4% of an entire town's population was slaughtered, including babies eldery individuals and pregnant women. Yeah, you should be scared of us negroes.
When the bomb went off in Oklahoma City or the mass shooting was happening in Vegas I wonder if those good white folk were constantly worried about scary negroes?
I said the "constant worry of being around them". That means: at store, theater, in schools, etc.
Seeing that 90% of crimes committed against whites are by their fellow whites looks to me like this constant worry of negroes is a bit misplaced. Only paranoid snowflake fuckboys are constantly afraid of negroes but those pussies are afraid of everything anyway so how is that surprising?
That video chick needs to be taught a lesson. There have to be consequences for her insults. At the very least she should never be allowed back on that campus, but something tells me that won't be the case.
Lilacpr said...
That video chick needs to be taught a lesson. There have to be consequences for her insults.
That's right, Free Speech is only for those that say the right things according to those in control at the present moment.
"That's right, Free Speech is only for those that say the right things according to those in control at the present moment."
She absolutely has free speech, she can go back on snapchat right now and do her rant from beginning to end to her heart's content but schools, sororities and businesses also have rights of free expression. The First Amendment only states government cannot supress your free speech, it says nothing about citizens and other institutions. She learned a valuable lesson, there are often consequences for your actions. If I were to say what she said word for word on social media there is no doubt I would be terminated from my job but for all of my mental shortcomings I'm smart enough not to do such. My dad always told me there are two types of lessons, cheap ones and expensive ones and try as much as you can to limit yours to the former.
There's a difference between free speech and insults.
Her mama has come on the media to say she didn't raise her that way and that she's glad she got expelled, for what that's worth.
"In other words, they established a Nation for Europeans."
You mean they stole the land in which to establish an invading settlement and killed most of the population already living there, which they would have utterly failed at were it not for the diseases they were carrying.
-Doug in Oakland
Ha! She should be allowed back and continue her studies lord knows she needs some learning.
"She absolutely has free speech, she can go back on snapchat right now and do her rant from beginning to end to her heart's content but schools, sororities and businesses also have rights of free expression"
On a practical, note, it is not much different if private institutions integrated with the existing order are doing the censoring and ending the careers of people based on what they say.
Anti-white sentiments on US campuses are not punished with expulsion. And it is unlikely that Snapchat or any other social media outlet would let her repeat her rant for very long. Twitter and Facebook routinely censor and ban users who express unaproved sentiments.
The first amendment also protects religious expression, but if you are a Christian business who doesn't want to participate in a gay wedding, the government will fine you out of business.
On my other go-to blog the conservatives all say the only racism today is reverse racism and the civil rights movement is no longer needed. We have overcome. They say that SJWs use ethnic groups as political wedges yet they deny that any actual discrimination ever takes place.
They should meet some of Field's trolls. Some day explain irony to me O most wondrous professor of the English language. For both of you guys. A little song from happier times.
The sun shines bright in the old Kentucky home.
'Tis summer, the darkies are gay;
The corn top's ripe and the meadow's in the bloom;
While the birds make music all the day.
The young folks roll on the little cabin floor,
All merry, all happy, and bright.
By 'n by hard times comes a-knocking at the door,
Then my old Kentucky home, good night.
Weep no more my lady, oh! weep no more today!
We will sing one song for the old Kentucky home,
For the old Kentucky home far away.
Lilacpr said...
There's a difference between free speech and insults.
No, there is not.
Trump's Obama-era rhetoric on shutdowns comes back to haunt him
By Steve Benen
01/20/18 10:01AM
Just a few weeks after the 2013 government shutdown was resolved, Donald Trump published a tweet offering his definition of leadership: "Whatever happens, you're responsible. If it doesn't happen, you're responsible."
It's a safe bet the Republican didn't realize at the time that he'd soon be president, desperately trying to avoid responsibility for his own failures.
In 2011, when Republicans appeared poised to shut down the government, Trump sat down with NBC's Meredith Vieira and focused his attention on one man: Barack Obama.
VIEIRA: So if there were a partial shutdown of the government come Friday, that would be OK with you.
TRUMP: In my opinion -- you know, I hear the Democrats are going to be blamed and the Republicans are going to be blamed. I actually think the president would be blamed. If there is a shutdown, and it's not going to be a horrible shutdown because, as you know, things will sort of keep going.... If there is a shutdown I think it would be a tremendously negative mark on the president of the United States. He's the one that has to get people together.
He kept going (and going). "I'm a deal man," Trump added. "I've made hundreds and hundreds of deals and transactions. He never did deals before. How can you expect a man that's not a deal man that never did a deal, other than frankly becoming president of the United States, he never did a deal, how's he going to corral all these people to get them to do a deal?"
Asked how he would prevent a shutdown, Trump boasted, "I would get everybody together and we'd have a budget and it would get done." Reminded that the relevant officials had already gotten together, he added, "[T]hey don't have the right leader. You don't have the right leader."
By this reasoning, the fact that the government shutdown is apparently proof that we don't currently have the right leader.
-Doug in Oakland
Except this shutdown is undeniably on the Democrats, and a majority of Americans believe that to be so.
Eastasia2:53 PM
There's a difference between free speech and insults.
No, there is not
Sure, because you're white and you say so.
"The first amendment also protects religious expression, but if you are a Christian business who doesn't want to participate in a gay wedding, the government will fine you out of business."
This is selective abuse of the power of government by the Left. For example, numerous people have gone to Muslim bakers requesting a cake for a gay wedding and been refused service. None of these cases have been pursued by the authorities, despite being presented with video evidence.
Another is the fact that people who are right of center a routinely denied access to facilities they wish too rent to hold meetings, and right of center speaker are routinely denied speaking opportunities on college campuses.
Just how does a person-immigrant- become illegal? People can't be illegal.
Lilacpr said...
Sure, because you're white and you say so.
Yes, free speech is a white concept:
The First Amendment would not survive whites becoming a minority.
moron from iowa said...
"Just how does a person-immigrant- become illegal?"
If you broke into my house, you would be there illegally.
You would be an illegal occupant.
Likewise if you enter the country without conforming to immigration laws, you are here illegally.
You would be an illegal immigrant.
Got it, Einstein?
People can't be illegal, Eichmann. God the stoopid runs deep in what passes for yer brain.
Thousands of Russian bots are helping the party of Russia Collusion push the smear campaign about a secret memo wingnuts claim proves Obama was a bad boy. Just another smear cAMPAIGN BY THE PARTY THAT CAN'T GOVERN AND CAN'T INVESTIGATE AND GET INDICTMENTS AGAINST HRC. Bwahahahahahahahahahahaha.
Anymoose is illegal. He masquerades as a fucking moose-a stoopid fucking wingnuts fucking moose.
"Anti-white sentiments on US campuses are not punished with expulsion"
Can you give me an example of this? Not sure what your point is, the girl said some dumb stuff and got expelled. If I were to go onto a social media platform and make stupid comments that my employer finds offensive I will be fired simply put. If one is not smart enough to understand that there are often consequences to one's actions then life is a harsh teacher. You have the right to walk up to a bunch of MMA fighters and call them sissies but I don't recommend it. And for the record most college students are actually smart enough to not post stupid comments for the world to see.
- People like her need to grow up, get some good psychotherapy, and get a life. The only way they can have the time and energy to devote to her sort of boorish behavior is if they aren't putting any effort at all into doing something productive and creative.
- Oh yes, I know that people of her ilk will go out of their way to barf up some sort of rancid old baloney about "yoo lih-broolz", and "self-hating whites", and all sorts of other dreck, which only proves the point regarding their mental, emotional, and spiritual poverty. After all, the fact that they have so little going for them that they need to rely on their *supposed* ((and all too ironically often, not visually obvious)) "Whiteness" to stoke their egos reveals just how pitiful they truly are.
- Despite the claims of people like nasty little miss NOT-so-"White"-looking former-sorority dope, and despite the claims of her ilk who have an intense need to waste their lives on their pathetic need to hate, I actually don't "hate" them.
- Frankly, they aren't worth the time, or the emotional energy, required to hate someone. I find them pathetic, and despicable.
- Better to focus time, energy, intellect, and spirit positively and creatively. If more people did that, these "poor, poor me" passive-aggressive haters simply WOULD NOT pose any "threat", and would not require "opposition".
- That is exactly why so much money is spent upon trying to convince the majority of people that nothing matters, least of all voting, because the sociopaths who care only about material wealth PROFIT off of keeping the vast majority of people feeling hopeless and helpless.
- Hate can't be "fought", most especially not with more hatred. Hate has to be pitied, but set aside, and not allowed to destroy hope and creativity and constructive action. One cannot help people who refuse to see any room for improvement or positive change within themselves. One must not waste, fritter away, whatever gifts the Creator has given one on people who only love their own hatred, and whose only pleasure is trying to poison others. Some people are toxic - step around them, and get on with *LIFE* and *LIVING*.
- Especially, remember that this is not a so-called "political battle" - it is a psychological, emotional, and spiritual _reality_, because hateful, toxic, and violent people have always, do, and will always lay claim to ANY AND ALL political slogans, religious titles, and other ideas which they believe will let them MANIPULATE others.
- OH, and FWIW, not everyone who is from New Jersey is like little miss hatemonger...
"The First Amendment would not survive whites becoming a minority."
Well by 2040 we'll find out.
This is interesting.
- PilotX said...
someone wrote: "The First Amendment would not survive whites becoming a minority."
Well by 2040 we'll find out.
4:14 PM
- I was thinking more that the First Amendment almost didn't survive us (whites) being the majority.
- The folks who will no doubt demand a list of examples, would reject such a list if it was provided. Something to be expected from those who seek to return to policies, and permitted practices, which led to the sorts of occurrences they criticize - because they believe that such a return would give them even more people to look down upon and hate.
- Sad that haters are too blinded to understand what He whom they claim to worship had actually tried to teach:
that it is Love which lifts one into Transcendence,
and it is hatred and venality which drag one ever deeper downwards into lightlessness.
Let's also look at the right's attempts to limit 1st Amendment protections such as forcing religion into public life and trump's attempts to strengthen libel laws which would effectively stifle dissent. This is one of those arguments that is in the eye of the beholder.
If you look at it objectively you have to consider U of A's past in which the governor of the state stood in doorway to prevent blah students from entering. They are like Germany in the sense that they have a hateful history and are very sensitive to its image in the present day. Can you imagine the fallout if you have to explain to the students, especially the student-athletes why you accomodate racism. I wouldn't have done what was done if I were the President of the University but something had to be done. If anyone should have stood by her it was her sorority which also dismissed her.
"They are like Germany in the sense that they have a hateful history and are very sensitive to its image in the present day."
They are like Germany in that they lost a war and have been taught by the winners to be ashamed of their history.
Are there any examples of people on the radical left having their paypal/patreon shut down, domain names seized or websites shut down by the rich capitalist system they claim to be fighting?
Just another White Old Fart said...
- People like her need to grow up, get some good psychotherapy, and get a life...
"Whiteness" to stoke their egos reveals just how pitiful they truly are.
despite the claims of her ilk who have an intense need to waste their lives on their pathetic need to hate, I actually don't "hate" them.
- Frankly, they aren't worth the time, or the emotional energy, required to hate someone. I find them pathetic, and despicable.
- Better to focus time, energy, intellect, and spirit positively and creatively. If more people did that,...
- Hate can't be "fought", most especially not with more hatred...
4:11 PM
I beg to disagree. Psychotherapy my a** If this isn't corrected it will continue and get worse by many others. Things will be back to the days of slavery where one was called that word by whites and we had to bow down our heads and keep walking, so further up another white would also use the word and maybe his kids could yell out "daddy look there goes a n^&&^%". Nice
How would you like it if Blacks called you cracker, redneck, honky at every turn, every venue and on the internet? Fun? Would you bow down your head and "not hate"? Sweetie you'd have to be a saint for that okay! It's very disrespectful to do that by any race to any race. It should be corrected. Respect.
"How would you like it if Blacks called you cracker, redneck, honky at every turn, every venue and on the internet?"
Are you serious?
It seems kind of appropriate that on the first anniversary of the worst president in American history the government has been shut down.
Oh well, no golf this weekend for Mr. Orange Hair.
Lilacpr said...
- Lots that seems to indicate my point was missed.
- First and foremost, I'm mystified at how you seem to have gotten the idea that I was telling Black people to do this or that, when I though I was being very clear regarding the fact that I Was addressing people like the child who made the hate video.
- If you *want* to hate her, and *choose* to hate her in response to her hatred, I obviously have no power whatsoever to "tell" you to do otherwise.
- All that I can do, is say what I've seen and lived through and learned in the past 6+ decades.
- As a result of living, I learned, and I do and will stand by, the fact that hate begets hate, and that only love can lead to Transcendence. It's certainly not as if I claim to have invented the concept, especially since I did make what I thought was an obvious reference to Jesus' teachings about what He is said to have called The New Commandment. It's a fact that's been espoused by many good, and even great, people, regardless of their religion. I only mentioned the Gospels because so many people claim to be "Christians", yet do and say things which are most definitely in opposition to most of what is in the writings which they claim to believe are Holy.
- As for psychotherapy, well, if you prefer, make it "deep spiritual counselling". The POINT is not the form through which the sickness is revealed and excised - the POINT is that it is done, for the good of the individual as well as for the good of humanity in general.
- You call it "correction", but I have ask, If you dismiss therapy, how else would you propose that such correction be done...?
- As for:
How would you like it if Blacks called you cracker, redneck, honky at every turn, every venue and on the internet? Fun? Would you bow down your head and "not hate"?
- Um, I've been called those things, and there are still people who call me that. On the other side, I've been told that I have "black balls on my chin" and yadda yadda yadda merely for writing what I wrote above and for supporting equal civil rights for ALL citizens, and simple human respect in general.
- You can dismiss me by calling me "sweetie", but do not assume that my lack of melanin in any way protected me from what I will merely describe as numerous forms of abuse and hatred and betrayal. I don't reject hatred because I've had some lah-di-dah ivory-tower kid-glove life - I reject hatred for the OPPOSITE reason, pardon my extreme emphasis. I reject hatred because I know full damned fricking well that it rots the hear from the inside, and that the rot kills *everything* if one doesn't stop it.
- It's not at all about any crap like "bow down your head". It's not even about "eyes foreward". It's about LIFTING UP one's head, and realizing that one is only one part - and yet **is fully** a part - of the vastness, of the singing, of Creation, of its fearsome blazing transformative beauty whose Light burns out hatred and leaves the heart open.
- It doesn't "take a saint". Maybe it takes a madman, I dunno. Go ahead and call me a madman if you wish, or whatever else you wish.
- Others will call me what *they* wish. Many have tried to force me to bow my head, and worse. Many still try.
- In the end, they're all irrelevant. And THAT is the point.
- It's not at all about "being a saint". It's about breaking habits, step by painful step, realizing that causing others pain does not heal one's own pain.
- That's all.
Are there any examples of people on the radical left having their paypal/patreon shut down, domain names seized or websites shut down by the rich capitalist system they claim to be fighting?
Don't know but everything in life isn't a tit for tat situation. Just because some right wing assholes went full nazi and started expousing something or another and got shut down for violating the host sites terma of agreement that doesn't give them the right to cry and whine and look for someone on the left allegedly doing the same thing to be similarly treated. Yeah yeah yeah we get it there's a huge Jewish cabal out there oppressing widdle nazis. Boo fucking hoo, life ain't fair sometimes mein furer. Now go cry on stormfront or some site that gives a fuck (((James))).
"Sure, because you're white and you say so."
You think psychometric and criminal justice statistics about blacks are insults. They're also 100% incontrovertible truths. That's why nobody like you has any business deciding what is and is not "free speech".
"Just how does a person-immigrant- become illegal? People can't be illegal."
There is no such thing as an "illegal immigrant". An immigrant is a person lawfully admitted to be a permanent resident. We have several classes of non-immigrant visas including diplomatic, student, work and tourist visas.
People who enter the country without permission are not immigrants. They are illegal aliens.
People who enter the country without permission are not immigrants. They are illegal aliens.
And children who are brought to America by their parents and no of any other home should be allowed to stay under certain circumstances such as working, being in school or serving in the military.
You think psychometric and criminal justice statistics about blacks are insults.
Well sort of, if a person posts them without context to harass negroes then yeah you're kind of being a dick. That's like going to a predominitely white site and just post opioid statistics radomly and for no reason other than to troll. If the discussion was about crime statistics then it would be appropriate but other than that it's not.
> children who are brought to America by their parents and no of any other home
Lots of them came over by themselves. We don't owe the ones brought by their parents anything; if my parents stole something and gave it to me, I'd still have to give it back to the rightful owner.
Even children born here to illegal aliens are receiving the fruits of a crime. They all have to go back.
> should be allowed to stay under certain circumstances such as working, being in school or serving in the military.
Working -- stealing a job from an American.
Being in school -- stealing a slot from an American and mooching off American taxes.
Serving in the military -- stealing a slot AND getting training that is likely to be used against Americans.
I have a better idea. If they're gone by 12/31/2018 they are safe, but starting 1/1/2019 there's a $10,000 bounty on them dead or alive.
I have a better idea. If they're gone by 12/31/2018 they are safe, but starting 1/1/2019 there's a $10,000 bounty on them dead or alive.
I have an even better idea, shut the fuck up.
"You think psychometric and criminal justice statistics about blacks are insults.
Well sort of, if a person posts them without context to harass negroes then yeah you're kind of being a dick."
Would the desire to NOT live around people who show gross excess criminal tendencies compared to ones own ethnics be in-context in a discussion about "racism" or "fair housing"? How about people who think you complaining about their noise or trash is a "macroaggression"? How about general hostility and sense of entitlement?
Any blacks who complain about this should STFU and go #Blaxit. http://www.officialblaxit.org/
Those "illegal aliens" are holding up the agriculture that feeds the country, you ignorant fucks. They wouldn't come here if we didn't need them to work for us.
-Doug in Oakland
Cadet Bone Spurs?
And the walldoggle won't keep anyone out. And it's not meant to. It's the last attempt at a Confederate monument, a useless, expensive symbol trying to shore up an erroneous sense that America is by and for only white people.
Never was, never will be.
-Doug in Oakland
Would the desire to NOT live around people who show gross excess criminal tendencies compared to ones own ethnics be in-context in a discussion about "racism" or "fair housing"?
Well seeing that the majority of us don't fit that category you should be alright. Sounds like you would get along just fine in my neighborhood which is almost all blah. Now I agree with you to some extent, I wouldn't want to live in a poor white neighborhood so I wouldn't move there but at the same time I wouldn't paint the entire white community with a broad brush. I'm sure there are fine white communities and I wouldn't go on a predominantly white website bitching about not wanting to live among loud criminals, who would? But thanks for your input.
Tuskegee Airmen on Oliver North's show on Fox Business channel.👍🏾
Maybe if y'all would stop talking to these 45 ball licking Russian blog bots, they'd fly back to the pile of cow shit they live on.
Can't remember if you posted about the Ass. Chief of Police in Kentucky who told his officers to shoot blah folks.
Awesome, get the hell out of my country.
You won't be missed. :)
Awesome, get the hell out of my country.
No one lives in Trailerparkonia but you.
> Those "illegal aliens" are holding up the agriculture that feeds the country
ORLY? Are the John Deeres which plant and harvest our corn, wheat and rice crossing the border illegally from factories in Mexico and Guatemala? Where can I go to see the tracks left by migrant combines?
In all of the stories about the Great Depression, I somehow missed the ones of the famine which was only resolved when Mexicans were brought in by the millions to pick the fruits and vegetables Americans would leave rotting in the fields. (Mike has never read "The Grapes of Wrath".)
> They wouldn't come here if we didn't need them to work for us.
What do you mean, "we"? Employers of slave labor just LOVE to pay next to nothing while making the public pay for the medical care and children of their workforce. We never wanted them, we wanted living wages for our own. Money from rich "planters" corrupted the system and took away our voice. Now we're getting it back again, but you don't like the public having a vote.
The most EGREGIOUS use of affirmative action was installing the orange pile of shit as potus over the much more highly qualified woman-Hillary Rodham Clinton. Howz that working out for you shithooks?
Anchor babies are American citizens when born on American soil.
Russians and Chinese millionaires are doing the same thing. They come here to give birth to American citizen babies. Some of Drumpfuck's properties host dozens of these brood sows waiting to give birth. Another violation of the emoluments clause.
We have a lot of things we want to get done and we’re frustrated Democrats don’t want to work across the aisle,” Shah explained. “If you look at just nominations, we have had more nominees for Senate confirmation filibustered in this administration in one year alone than the rest of history and recorded time.
Another Drumpfuck spokesliar lying his ass off. Dems got rid of the filibuster for judicial nominees below the Scotus. Stoopid fucking wingnuts are so stoopid and their base is so gullible they are too stoopid to be allowed to live on earth.
"Anchor babies are American citizens when born on American soil."
Isn't it funny how a libtard takes the 14th Amendment, which was intended to guarantee citizenship to the freed slaves, and uses it to import millions of foreigners via the babies they manage to squat out here? (Millions of foreigners who happen to be hostile to the very freed slaves the 14th was all about.)
Of course, all of that's easy to change. The 14th only covers those subject to US jurisdiction. Simply declare that the babies of non-citizens have no obligations to the US as in paying taxes or serving in the military, and POOF! they are not US citizens any more, just citizens of their parent's home countries through their parents.
We can even do this retroactively.
Having cold chills yet?
Isn't it hilarious how stoopid fucking wingnuts completely disregard historical precedence to pretend they know what the constitution does or does not allow.
The 14th does not allow the Scotus to use as an extra-legal route to install thew loser of the 2000 Potus election as the 43rd Prez, but somehow they twisted logic and made it happen, but only for that one particular situation.
Wassamatter Anymoose, running out of willows to munch on?
@7:34: Then stop eating produce, or buying the services of any low-wage job that the undocumented are likely to be hired to do.
What YOU never wanted only matters to anyone else if you fucking do something about it.
And no, typing lies onto the internet while still participating in the issue you are lying about does not count as action.
Also, go fuck yourself.
-Doug in Oakland
When niggers go gay and get the aids •¶KEK ∆ We built them pyramids n sheeeit!
"The 14th does not allow the Scotus to use as an extra-legal route to install thew loser of the 2000 Potus election as the 43rd Prez, but somehow they twisted logic and made it happen"
The Constitution doesn't allow the Resident of the US to simply ignore laws on the books (like immigration), but somehow Obama twisted logic and made DACA happen.
"stop eating produce, or buying the services of any low-wage job that the undocumented are likely to be hired to do."
I should suffer a lower-quality diet than you, because I think the law should be followed and you don't?
"What YOU never wanted only matters to anyone else if you fucking do something about it."
When illegals at Qdoba spread food-borne diseases to people, the only thing I can do about it is get rid of the illegals. I can't not pay for the public-health system and I can't put Qdoba out of business by myself.
dinthebeast said...
Those "illegal aliens" are holding up the agriculture that feeds the country, you ignorant fucks. They wouldn't come here if we didn't need them to work for us.
-Doug in Oakland 10:51 PM
- Well, this might become less true over time. I've read that more than a few produce growers have quietly been moving to Mexico because it's becoming increasingly problematic for them to function in the US.
- Then too, with California in the throes of its historical 40-year climate cycle plus general climate change, AND added to both of those, the soils' salinization/level of mineral salts due to an almost-total reliance on irrigation in so many areas, California is already becoming less "produce friendly". Then add to that the various political factors - not just the labor issue, but even more so, the water-distribution issues - & you end up with a situation that is increasingly hostile to any but small-scale levels of produce-growing.
- Then there is the generally-ignored example of what happened in Georgia just a couple years ago when growers in need of harvesters tried to use prisoners as labor (spoiler: the results were dreadful).
- In the Houston TX area, I've seen very little produce that comes from anyplace other than Mexico or, to a somewhat lesser extent, TX itself. AFAIK its been fine.
- Corn, wheat & similar grains, & I think also soybeans, are obviously vastly different from produce, & are produced by huge agri-business corporations, such as ConAgra. They haven't relied upon non-mechanized harvesting since not long after WW-I ended, and since long before that if one considers the relatively rapid development of combines drawn by mules, oxen, or horses. So those crops aren't affected much by a shrinking labor force, since the trend, ever since the prairies were first plowed, has been towards increased mechanization and, due the expense of that, away from "family farms".
- Meanwhile, more & more traditionally-h&-picked crops have been switched over to machine harvesting, in large part due to the development of specialized harvesting machinery, but also due in part to crop varieties which are more "machine friendly", such as tomato varieties which have thicker skins.
- The two economic sectors which suffer the most are, AFAIK, actually construction, especially housing construction, & landscaping. To some extent, food processing, which also has low-skill jobs.
- So it's the easiest thing in the world to condemn produce-growing for hiring migrant workers WITHOUT differentiating them from people who are in the US illegally. But "produce" is by no means the main problem.
- Of course, Americans in general increasing demand simplistic pap that fits onto a bumper sticker, so the actual roots of this, & ALL issues, are never addressed and fester like an infected abscess hidden underneath a layer of pancake makeup, while anyone who refuses to go along with the illusion is cursed & condemned, & worse.
- Eventually, the abscess will become a full-blown case of gangrene, & then people, especially the ones who insisted most militantly that the illusion be treated as fact, will run around shrieking & flapping their hands & crying "Why didn't anyone DO anything!?!?", even when it was the majority who opposed any & all efforts to do anything.
- Meanwhile, the rest of the world will do what it does. If humans are at all capable of learning, those folks will think amount their decisions & make wiser choices. So far, that seems to be the case, so there is at least some small hope...
PilotX said...
Someone spewed: "Why would you ever be afraid of black people? They'll only kill you."
Really? I'm around quite a few Black people everyday and haven't been killed yet. Might wanna check your info.
1:33 AM
- Seriously!!!
- I've been in school, in University, on jobs, in neighborhoods, on transportation, and so on and so forth with Black people, and I'm 61. Obviously, not killed.
- Of course, as Unintended Consequences noted at the very outset of this thread, "As ye sow, so shall ye reap".
- The problem is that, to speak by parable, the people who drop lye onto the dirt and expect sweet grapes to magically spring up, are the same ones who then are the most bitter, the most hateful, the most nasty, and the most ready'n'eager to blame *everyone else*, when that doesn't happen and they end up with toxic dirt rather than grapes.
- Even though such people "reap what they sow", the problem is that there is a complete cognitive disconnect, a vast gulf, between the things they choose to say and do, and the outcomes they expect.
- I don't know whether it's egoism, or some sort of structural brain defect, but no matter how often they *don't* get what they expect or want, they seem to be completely incapable of seeing any connection between acting and speaking like nasty little a-holes, and being *treated* in kind.
- What baffles me isn't that such people exist, but rather, *WHY* anyone actually falls for their rabid blither. *That* completely astounds me, the fact that so many people simply surrender, cave in, to complete and utter lunatic nonsense...
When you drop rape of incapacitated elderly (and almost certainly white) people into their community, why do black people expect anything but bitterness and hatred towards them to spring up?
Trick question. Black people cannot think ahead, or even understand cause and effect.
Just another White Old Fart:
When I worked for an organic produce delivery company a while back, much of what we sold came from Mexico. We were trying to more locally source what we sold, because that's what our customers wanted, but it was hard.
That company was bought by a Canadian company called SPUD, and they flipped the fuck out about the situation and dumped about a third of our vendors, and as far as I can tell, reduced our carbon footprint by a lot. I don't know how they dealt with availability, though, because as soon as I helped launch them under the name SPUD with a merger thrown in for shits and giggles, the couple of months of ten to thirteen hour days got to me and I had a stroke.
I do know they're still in business, though.
You're right, it's not just produce, but I used that as my example because it really would collapse the market, like it did in Georgia, where millions of dollars of crops just rotted in the fields because they couldn't get them harvested.
Other areas (besides construction, where you actually can get good US help if you try) include home care, where we are heading into a crisis situation with the aging boomers needing help living to stay out of nursing homes, but not having anything like the money to afford it. Those workers get fully hosed for their wages and put up with conditions that no sane employee would agree to.
I helped manage a construction crew in the late eighties that was all Mexican/Central American immigrants that were renovating a large property between 25th and Sycamore streets in Oakland, and they were the best. The office had to lecture them once and say "Listen, you have given me four different kinds of "green card" and that won't fly. So I want you to take them all back and come back tomorrow with all the same kind so we don't get shut down in the next section 8 inspection."
They did, so we didn't, and that building is still renting apartments almost thirty years later.
-Doug in Oakland
@ Doug in Oakland
- Hey, Doug, sorry for such a delayed reply. Taking more care of myself these days ;)
((A stroke, that's serious! It can be difficult to be an intense person...))
- I didn't mean to try to invalidate the example of produce; I mainly wanted to point out the two facts that
1) numerous sectors are affected
2) protectionist ((if that's the correct term here?)) policies often end up making a situation even worse.
- The problem is not that people are in the US illegally - the problem is that there are a lot of companies - small ones AND large ones - as well as a LOT of individuals, hire whomever will settle for the lowest pay and DO NOT CARE about checking into immigration status, or asking for a green card, or anything else.
- Since few also are too cheap to pay for a medical checkup, THEY are the people to blame when their other employees, or even their kids, and so on, end up with TB and various other communicable diseases.
- That is part of the stupidity of simplistic reactions:
the person receiving the only punishment is SELDOM the person responsible for the problem.
- ALSO, what you noted about hard work is well-known by anyone whose thinking encompasses data more complex than a bumper-sticker motto. Of course SOME immigrants don't work hard, but overall, they *are* good workers.
- As with life in general, nothing is as simplistic, and therefore nothing is as easily solved, as extremists of any ilk always claim ((which is part of why they're extremists: simplistic thought processes...))
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