"When the full extent of your venality, moral turpitude, and political corruption becomes known, you will take your rightful place as a disgraced demagogue in the dustbin of history...You may scapegoat Andy McCabe, but you will not destroy America...America will triumph over you.”
That was a quote from a former director of the CIA, referring to a sitting American president.
History will not be kind to this president and his supporters.
This sad Andrew McCabe saga is just another example of the pettiness and vindictiveness of this president and those who support him. McCabe might or might not have committed a fireable offense, but the president of the United States had no business celebrating the man's demise and doing a victory lap on twitter.
Besides the obvious legal jeopardy he puts himself in, it just shows a lack of class and basic human decency to act in such a manner. He called the firing of a career public servant a "great day for democracy". Think about that for a minute.
This is why the left and the rest of the folks in the so called "resistance" are so energized. And I can guarantee you that come November it will manifest itself in ways that those on the right will not like.
Fortunately for us, this is not the end of this story. Mr. McCabe said that he took notes during all his meetings with this president, and he has given memos to Robert Mueller to prove it.
trump, of course, has declared that it is fake news.
"Spent very little time with Andrew McCabe, but he never took notes when he was with me. I don’t believe he made memos except to help his own agenda, probably at a later date. Same with lying James Comey. Can we call them Fake Memos?"
We will see Mr. trump, we will see.
The present is not kind to tr**p and his supporters, therefore the future will be even more vitriolic to this joke of a president (and person), not to mention his dumbed down support base.
The charge that he lacked candor under oath is rich, coming from Jefferson Beauregard "I didn't meet with any Russians" Sessions.
Some Democrats have offered him government jobs since his firing, I guess so he could get to his pension.
-Doug in Oakland
Trump is not an ideal person to be occupying the White House, but I question the integrity of anyone who places his faults above those of past Presidents, especially any post-Eisenhower. The office of POTUS has been rife with all kinds of bullshit over the last 60 years. Trump is not new; in fact he is pretty much more of the same. Only those who think he is the worst ever are deluded into not being able to see that.
How dumb do you have to be not to know that Eisenhower has only been out of office for a tad over 57 years?
Note that he's the guy who warned against the "military-industrial complex".
Butt Trumpet is like any other white boy with a tiny dick. He and his lot shouldn't be difficult to triumph over.
Trump is amazingly short-sighted when it comes to the federal police and security services. He does not seem to grasp that he cannot get away with fucking them over like the construction contractors he stiffed on his various real estate developments or the laborers who clean the toilets at Trump tower. These guys can and will take revenge.
Trump complains that the "Deep State" are out to get him, but he's the one needlessly pissing off people at the FBI and guaranteeing they will go J. Edgar Hoover on his ass. Comey and McCabe were well-liked at the agency, and its employees will not be happy seeing them abused solely to serve Trump's petty vindictiveness.
You know what's they can do. They're can tap all his phones and put listening devices inside his dumb-looking combover; every time he opens his mouth, Trump will be making an embarrassing "Nixon Watergate tape." Ultimately, he will end up in a paranoid state, frantically ripping up the entire White House searching for all the hidden bugs, like Gene Hackman at the end of The Conversation.
McCabe was a traitor, thusly why commie leftists are up in arms. Also, only commie leftists suffer from Trump Derangement Syndrome. Just one more step toward the final conflict of purging America of it's ultra liberal trash.
Trump is amazingly short-sighted when it comes to the federal police and security services.
So you admit the US intelligence services are corrupt, and go "out to get" elected officials who threaten to expose their corruption.
I'd call that brave.
Yes many presidents have had faults and made many mistakes. But I never questioned their loyalty to the US. None of them were willing to throw over the entire government to fill their own pockets. None were Notorious Liars and all were willing to say in some kind of words: I WAS WRONG AND I AM SORRY.
That was a quote from a former director of the CIA, referring to a sitting American president.
John Brennan is a former director of the CIA, but he also someone who lied to congress and was a bag man and hired spook for the Obama campaign who stole government records and killed a man to cover it up.
He is the worst of the worst, and his frantic tweets betray his panic as his day of reckoning comes.
One of the more interesting aspects of the establishment government/corporate/media reaction against Trump is the increased understanding that the primary purpose the state is to constrain popular will, not to manifest it.
Each day we recognize a little better the bottomless corruption and mendacity that were the defining features of the Obama administration.
I hope John Brennan dies in prison.
"So you admit the US intelligence services are corrupt, and go "out to get" elected officials who threaten to expose their corruption."
Trump has uncovered no corruption. TRUMP IS THE CORRUPTION. He is only attempting to cover his own ass, and is doing it badly. But by destroying high-ranking federal agents, simply for doing their jobs, he is making some extremely dangerous enemies.
Of course, we know that the security services have, historically, not always been perfectly honorable. Hoover abused the FBI's power to gather blackmail material on federal politicians for decades and make himself un-fireable (as well as to defame left-wing political dissidents). And while reforms were put in place to try to rein that behavior in, it didn't stop the CIA from recently hacking the Senate (!) computers to find out the details of the investigation of their torture practices.
So ... if Congress got hacked, do you think the White House is unassailable? And particularly if that White House is currently occupied by someone the security services know is a demented halfwit who is an actual threat to national security, who'd be better gotten rid of? What do you think will happen when such an agency is unfairly attacked? What do you think will happen when they think they will be punished for doing nothing wrong, and therefore have nothing to lose?
You don't have to love, or even like, the FBI and CIA to find this amusing. This is a war of Trump's own making, which he will lose. Dumb, dumb, super dumb. He has fucked himself.
Field Negro: "This is why the left and the rest of the folks in the so called "resistance" are so energized."
"Resistance," echo the masses as they unflinchingly serve at the pleasure of the world's dominant international financial, cultural, and political institutions.
Go FBI! Go CIA! Go Goldman Sachs! Go NBC/CBS/ABC/CNN/BBC/PBS/NPR/AP/UPI/NYT/Reuters/Washington Post! Go Google, Facebook, Yahoo and Twitter!
Imagine if the FBI recorded every word you spoke for a year - without your knowledge - then picked through it to accuse you of wrongdoing based on something you'd said or implied. How would you fare?
The FBI has shown that Trump is a remarkably honest man.
"This sad Andrew McCabe saga is just another example of the pettiness and vindictiveness of this president and those who support him."
Ask Michael Flynn if it's petty.
CIA director John Brennan lied to you and to the Senate:
"Ask Michael Flynn if it's petty."
Michael Flynn is traitor to this country and also a psychopath. He shouldn't have been fired; he should have been committed to a hospital for the criminally insane.
Obama warned Trump not to re-hire him. Flynn was fired for a reason.
You are correct, there has been plenty of fuckery in the WH but trump has taken that shit to the next level. He is like the Michael Jordan of fuckery.
How many hos are coming out of the wood work to claim HOTUS?
White privilege, which is why HOTUS “is allowed” to get away with this shit, is hypocrisy in 2 words! America will NEVER get its “credibility” back after this!
Somebody call their whooteemoo cousin in Austin before their trip to BK on the way to the Texas death chamber.
Nevermind, they’re “insane”.
"Somebody call their whooteemoo cousin in Austin before their trip to BK on the way to the Texas death chamber.
Nevermind, they’re 'insane'."
If you're referring to the Austin package bomber, there's a possibility he might not be white. There's also a possibility he really might be insane. Hell, he might even be a she. The police seem to know jack squat at this juncture, despite lots of public speculation that the perpetrator might be a sort of racist Dylann Roof character. (Although, frankly, I think Dylann Roof was too stupid to have successfully made bombs to mail to anyone. He'd have blown himself up.)
The strangest thing is that nobody has so far claimed responsibility or given any kind of motive for why they are doing this. Terrorists usually like to take credit for their violence.
"At this point what difference does it make?"
"We came, we saw, he died."
Thanks, Julian.
Succinctness is soul catching.
Still making a difference.
"Trump is amazingly short-sighted when it comes to the federal police and security services. He does not seem to grasp that he cannot get away with fucking them over"
You mean, the federal police and security services who helped create a bogus dossier on candidate Trump and used it to defraud the FISA court to get an illegal warrant to wiretap his campaign to make sure he'd lose? Who's fucking over whom here?
"Comey and McCabe were well-liked at the agency"
You mean, director Comey whose whitewashed investigation of corrupt Hillary's illegal e-mail server had agents in open rebellion against him?
Anyone who writes such shit is either irrecoverably insane or a traitor to the USA. The cure is the same in both cases. It's painless, instantaneous, permanent and costs about 30 cents per.
There have been far too many disgusting white men who have disgraced themselves under the guise of a "presidency." The white race is a foul odor, a bad joke, an unmitigated disaster. They must end.
#BlackPride #BlackPower #BlackisBeautiful
Turns out Africans are Africans wherever they go:
"as a rule we're finding the biggest threat to a young black male is indeed a young black male."
Now we know what Wakanda really means:
Negro logic: "Fuck white people...but I still need them for muh affirmative action and food stamps."
If black lives matter so much, why are you people best at killing each other?
White boys always have such small dicks they take out their frustrations on black men. Is it any wonder why cops and Butt Trumpet supporters want to kill us?
The obsession with "muh dik" and projection onto others is hilarious. It is the stereotype exhibited in real life.
Maybe if blacks stopped acting like assholes and petulant children while supporting terrorist groups like BLM...actually, what am I thinking? That will never happen. Carry on, negroes.
See more at:
This country would be going along pretty much the same if Hillary had won. Trump and Hillary both bring with them stagnant politics.
I hope we see the first Presidential Divorce in the near future. LOL
Kill white men.
Fuck white women.
Good read on 'Quote of the Ages' The mega stupid Donald Trump is burning the very bridges with people who would have been more likely to put the presidency first if it came to jailing Trump but based the punk move he and the inbred racist weasel Jeff Sessions just pulled, firing McCabe hours before he qualified for his pension neither of those two dregs will find little sympathy now, it will be mass riots if they aren't thrown under the jailed if convicted in the Russia probe.
Fuck the gooks and chinks!
There are many more whites on welfare than blacks. Why is that? Because white privilege doesn't carry the stigma stoopid fucking wasicu wasteys place on poor blacks. White privilege has kept blacks down on the bottom and stoopid fucking wingnuts plan to keep them there.
Besides the average taxpayer pays way more in welfare to the koch bros per year than they contribute to the poors on welfare. Stoopid fucking Pavlov dog fucking wasicu wasteys are trained to howl in derision whenever they hear blacks and welfare in the same sentence.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
"This sad Andrew McCabe saga is just another example of the pettiness and vindictiveness of this president and those who support him."
Ask Michael Flynn if it's petty. WTF? Drumpf didn't want to fire Flynn. He probably thinks Flynn got caught up in illegal wiretapping which has been proven over and over to be false.
Chicago 2018 to Date
Shot & Killed: 86
Shot & Wounded: 369
Total Shot: 455
Total Homicides: 104
Kill white men, fuck white women said...
Kill white men.
Fuck white women.
1:54 PM
Hate crime
It's strange to see leftists siding with the FBI and the surveillance state. Leftists' masks are slipping and your authoritarian nature is displaying itself clearly. Trump will be fine and so will his supporters.
We're not here caring about how "history" (aka media) will portray things. This is about the future. Perhaps leftist'll understand one day and your more intelligent, you will be by our side.
Now the Marxist are claiming James Comey as a hero. Do you remember when the Marxist said he cost Shrillary the election? This is proof that Marxist will change truth, history, words, etc. to fit a narrative that gets scarier by the day.
Sorry you psychopathic, murdering lunatics aren't going to get to kill as many people as you like. In fact, most of the "people" you end up murdering will be your fellow Marxist.
Lance Cockstrong said... muk dik.
Feelz sez...
"History will not be kind to this president and his supporters."
What are the communist planning feelz? Mass murder? Can we fight back? Murder isn't as easy if your intended victim fights back. What will you say if things go terribly bad for your side?
I know... "Racist".
Anyone peep Jim Carey's portrait of sarah suckabee?
For the same reason your serial killer cousin ate minority dick before he killed his victims.
"Terrorists usually like to take credit for their violence."
Terrorist organizations do, because it juices the public fear of their organization. White, right wing, terrorist poltroons don't announce in case they might have to go to jail.
-Doug in Oakland
Any trailer park USA March to date 2018:
OD's from hillbilly heroin: 10,000
Maria Bartiromo
Verified account @MariaBartiromo
James Kallstrom: Sigh of relief at FBI after McCabe fired @FBI @SundayFutures @FoxNews
Poor wasicu wasteys. It was dunbass dubya and dickless cheney that launched the surveillance of America. But go ahead and try to accuse Dems. You are so fucking incompetent you have no choice but to blame someone else. Wah fucking wah bawl baby poopy Johns.
We're not here caring about how "history" (aka media) will portray things.
Obama is the worst potus ever. Drumpf is the greatest. Drumpf created all those years of rising job numbers and record stock market highs just by letting Putin get him elected.
Andy McCabe=Deep State
Meanwhile, outside of Mike's padded cell, the real danger to 13-yr-old black girls is... their own 9-yr-old brothers.
Still waiting on those hundreds of sealed indictments to be revealed. I'm starting to believe they don't exist.
Meanwhile outside of white fuckboi's mom's trailer the biggest threat to white women are young fuckboys in the making.
Andy McCabe=Deep State
White conservative fuckboys=paranoid fuckery
Even makes me look normal.
"paranoid fuckery", "fuckboi"?
Feelz my son, don't sell yourself short. Yes you can!
Outside Anymoose's willow thicket are any number of wolf packs and grizzly bears. Both carnivores come in multiple color phases, but stoopid fucking Anymoose tends to only see the nasty black ones of both species. Why is Anymoose such a dlatant racist hack? Who knows. He is just a stoopid moose tripping on bad willow buds or something.
Yisheng = nigger
lilac = cunt
White conservative fuckboys=paranoid fuckery
9:40 PM
whiteboys are not the ones constantly on the down-lo
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