'Cause her son had been shot down in the street and died
From a stray bullet." ~Johnny Was- Bob Marley~
That was a powerful and impressive showing by some of our young people on Saturday in D.C. and other cities across the country.
It gives us all hope for our future, and that's a good thing. Is it a movement? No one knows for sure. I know one thing, it all will mean nothing if all of these young people do not register to vote when they become eligible and vote out the NRA slaves as they promised. As is always the case, the folks at the NRA ---and their friends in Washington--- are just sitting back and hoping that the energy will subside, and that with each passing day the outrage will be less than it was the day before.
If nothing happened after a school house full of children was slaughtered, why would things change now? That, I am sure, is the thinking among those calling the shots in the NRA.
This time, though, things might be a little different. This is partly due to the political energy on the left, thanks in part to the trump's presidency.
We will see.
Finally, speaking of guns and gun violence. There has been another state killing of an unarmed black man in America. This time it was in California, where yet another young unarmed black man was shot to death Sadly, it was in the back yard of his grandparent's home. Not only was he shot and killed, but he was shot at over 20 times. To add insult to the ultimate injury, he was handcuffed and cursed at by the police officers who executed him.
We will see what happens with this case, but like the debate on guns that I wrote about above, I suspect that not much will change. Especially given the person who occupies the White House and the person running his justice department.
*Pic from twitter.com
tr**p would rather spend his time at the golf course than engage with these courageous young people. He is an incompetent coward, but that isn't a surprise to anyone with even half a brain.
Common thread.... running away from foci. The majority will never have any emphathy zs long as African American males run away.... but even some have been killed when they stood pat. So we dont know if they fled out of fear of the police , those having a long history of kill first.
Reread the book 100 Years of Lynching. There was a common theme in most of the lynchings. Most of the time the sheriff was present at the evil event. We as a people hhave never had a safe arena with the police since day 1.
Lots of micro dick white boys, but kudos to them for standing up to the NRA and the cult of Butt Trumpet. More well endowed black kids needed to be there.
I am watching the MSNBC special on MLK, the movement and the media and it makes you wonder how cops can just stand and watch violence being visited on people. I guess I get the images from the 60's but last summer at UVA was just unacceptable.
What will really define this generation is how they follow this up. Will they create more movements, or will it just fizzle out once the gun debate is settled (although we know it never will)? It remains to be seen. Regardless, they are off to an intriguing start.
And yet black people shoot each other all the time.
Once again, young Black kids are leading the cause for change in the US!
Anonymous Dopey Zuchinni said...
And yet white people commit mass murder all the time.
Then get your peeps!
Nah PX, I don’t wonder at all for as long as I can remember, White police officers are usually of the whooteemoo ilk.
It's still quite jarring.
More like quite telling, so many of them seeing other races as less than human must be in their DNA since that’s been their “MO” throughout world history.
I think part of the problem in Charlottesville was faulty intelligence. The police expected a small number of scumbags to show up, like most rallies of this type. Instead, there were hundreds of Nazis.
So they were caught unprepared to maintain order. There should have been way more police officers to keep the peace.
I’m not saying this was the only thing that went wrong, but it was a major factor.
> Is it a movement? No one knows for sure.
Those who care to look know it's astroturf, for sure. (((Soros))) was deeply involved.
> As is always the case, the folks at the NRA ---and their friends in Washington--- are just sitting back and hoping that the energy will subside
The shooter at Parkland had nothing to do with the NRA. Who is so ready to blame the NRA for something it had absolutely nothing to do with? Look to those who blame whites for the crimes of blacks.
Whites are getting damn fucking tired of your crap. You will not go scot-free for it. If you had any sense, you would get out of the USA right now. Any delay means you might not be able to get to the airport without being held collectively responsible for the acts of your racial family. This will blow up too suddenly to anticipate, so GTFO RIGHT NOW!
> it makes you wonder how cops can just stand and watch violence being visited on people.
People who turn schools into war zones and civilization into savagery DESERVE IT.
> I think part of the problem in Charlottesville was faulty intelligence. The police expected a small number of scumbags to show up, like most rallies of this type. Instead, there were hundreds of Nazis.
In other words, not enough to crush with the police-enabled and abetted army of Antifa. You failed.
You don't understand the fury of America either. Given your stupidity, it's likely that you never will; you'll die under its counter-assault without ever having a clue of what you did to deserve what happened to you. But deserve it you will, in spades.
Speaking as someone who has been shot at, I always find it interesting when people who never have and never will be shot at give advice to those who have and likely will again be shot at.
I found it hella motivating, and I predict that until the likelihood of being shot at is reduced to nominal levels that no longer affect the course of a normal day, these kids will remain motivated.
Many of them can vote this year, and more and more of them will be of voting age in each subsequent election.
Couple that with the aging in of the majority-minority status, which is at about first grade right now, and the dead-ender right wing can see its own obsolescence coming up faster than they can do anything about, especially since they are so inflexibly devoted to outdated culture and policy that nobody cares about any more.
I mean look at white evangelicals worship a man who embodies every fucking cultural malfeasance they preach against. They don't give an actual shit about any of the bullshit they've inherited as their dogma any more, if they ever really did.
From a more cynical and purely political view, this might have been the only possible way to mobilize the last inactive bloc of voters left in the US: 18 to 24 year olds.
And the demographics look dire for right wingers there, also, as there are more millennials than there are boomers.
And while we're talking demographics, and I have mixed feelings about this one, we're raising a generation who pretty much despise guns.
This is amplified by the shift in population from rural areas, where guns are just something you learn how to deal with safely and aren't any more of a big deal than a power tool or a vehicle, to larger cities where guns in neighborhoods are a full-blown pathology.
Seen from that perspective, I don't expect the current interpretation of the second amendment to last more than a decade or so.
I actually hope the second amendment itself still stands, but if it does, look for it to be narrowed back closer to its original purpose, which would actually "well regulate" most weapons of war out of civilian hands.
So you 2A cheerleaders have a chance right now. Stop acting so goddamn crazy and make a good faith effort to actually stop the senseless slaughter, and perhaps when the changes come down, you'll get some of your dangerous hobby's rights carved out for you to continue to enjoy.
In other words, stop being the problem if you don't want to be fixed by the solution, and make no mistake, the solution is on the way right now.
-Doug in Oakland
"In other words, stop being the problem if you don't want to be fixed by the solution, and make no mistake, the solution is on the way right now."
Doug with another threat, he's such a tough keyboard warrior kind of "guy".
Doug has a solution! Is the "solution" a "boot stomping on the your face over and over"? Or would that be a clown shoe?
Doug, those millennials are being followed by generation Z and the "Zyklons" are completely different from millennials. Check it out for yourself.
Imagine what kind of "solutions" generation Z has coming? Right now!
Stop acting so goddamn crazy and make a good faith effort to actually stop the senseless slaughter
That's easy: non-whites and all other fake Americans don't get to touch guns. They don't hold public office, they don't vote, they don't serve as armed police. That will get rid of the shootings in the ghetto, as well as the senseless slaughter of innocent people like Justine Damond.
The senseless slaughter will continue with machetes, knives and baseball bats, but you won't be able to whine about the Second Amendment any more because guns won't be involved and that makes it all right, right? Right.
Oh, and we stop all the BS like "disparate impact" in school discipline which is the only reason that Nikolas Cruz wasn't arrested, diagnosed as a threat and put on the "no guns" list. If his last name was Corbett you know he would have been.
Why would a negro-American desire gun control? Hood rats love guns, and love using them on their fellow negroes. BLM and #MarchForOurLives don't have two words to say about those types of killings.
Doug is like a 60 year old virgin or something.
There is no such thing as a good white person. They are human poison, evil incarnate.
#BlackPride #BlackPower #BlackisBeautiful
I love the smell of wasicu wastey racism first thing in the morning. There is so much.......desperation and fear of the dark in it.
Mr Obama gonna git dat big black pot out and cook some whiteys fer brekfus, iffen you don' be careful, whitey.
It is true a child shall lead them. Just not the orange fucking four year old spoiled brat in the WH.
Never ever trust a stoopid fucking wingnut with any guns. They are not mature enough, not responsible enough to spell guns, let alone touch them.
Another unfounded accusation against Soros. Never any proof, just bullshit from stoopid fucking wingnuts. Some things never change.
Even Blacks born into wealth will end up poor because wasicus are racist bastards and want all Blacks to fail. Or something.
In agreement with you, Mr. Field. In fact, here’s comment sent to a previous post:
Faith_and_Fairness10:15 PM
Is anyone following the March for Our Lives galvanizing our nation and world today?
One particular epic #SayHerName: NAOMI WADLER.....”11-Year-Old Activist Honors Black Girls Whose Stories Never Make The News | HuffPost”
Many inspiring young people touching the mind and heart. Gives me enormous hope for our future.
Kill white men.
Fuck white women.
Fuck the NRA and those who enable it!
Trump and his supporters are intimidated by teenagers. LOL!
I'm Chinese-American, and though I don't own a gun, I find it hypocritical to push gun control on people who aren't doing most of the shootings in this country. That would be black people, far and away.
See more at:
F&F: Yeah, Naomi was one brilliant 11 year old, who, as I keep pointing out, knows exactly when she'll get to vote.
And Emma Gonzalez was a lesson in trusting these kids to know what to do: While she stood there in silence, trying to keep it together in front of all of those people, WE didn't know what she was up to, but she sure as hell did.
And Mike, yup, the desperation is thick enough to cut with one of those machetes they yawped at me about being the next murder weapon of choice. I would suggest that they read a story called "A Piece of Wood" by Ray Bradbury, if I thought they could read.
-Doug in Oakland
Your "March For Our Lives" was actually a march for $300 of Soros money apiece. This is probably quite a bit if you have no real job so you're free during working hours like most of these clowns were.
The agitators involved are already on a list of seditionists and they'll be in prison or dead by 2020. Maybe before this year's elections, who knows?
Won't waste the time to debunk the Soros BS. Every damn march or rally it is always Soros funded this or that. BS!!!
Doug, never underestimate the devious scum suckers posing as kristians in deplorable land. They might be able to get a law passed and through the Scotus declaring all young people felons and taking awasy their rights to vote.
In Wisconsin, Walker was ordered to hold 2 elections to replace members of the lege that joined walker's clown car. Walker said no. The courts said do it or else. Walker went to his red run lege and asked for as bill saying he does not have to follow the court order and they will probably give it to him. It is how he keeps out of prison. The lege and the hand picked Wisc suckpreme court protect him every step of the way.
There be a special place in HELL for these ass wipinp, stoopid fucking wasicu wasteys- Televangelist Frances Swaggart, the wife of Jimmy Swaggart, on Monday suggested that the students who participated in the March for Our Lives over the weekend were like ‘demonic’ Nazis and Adolf Hitler.
She, whose loving devoted, gawd fearing husband got caught twice in motel rooms with hookers. the second time came after he went on telly and tearfully apologized for sinning against his lord.
Stoopid fucking wingnuts claim he is only helping them fix their golf game. Once they quit hooking, they slice people during armed robberies. Of course everyone knows stoopid fucking whitey ain't the sharpest knife in the drawer.
ps still haven't been gunned down, fucknutz.
Fuck the gooks and chinks!
It's sad when a post about #MarchForOurLives struggles to get as many comments as a Caption Saturday.
A child from another era of school upheavals has passed.
Racism isn't dead. It is still quite prevalent and obvious in today's wasted wasicus.
Empty half the Earth of its humans. It's the only way to save the planet The Guardian
Well, goodbye stoopid fucking wasicu wasteys. It wasn't nice or real. Don't let the door hitya where the good lawd split ya. Don't bother to write.
Its not a movement. A bowel movement but not for the common good.
African Americans should really embrace their Second Amendment freedoms since they have been a target group.
Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership
The more gun control you have the more crime you have:
Chicago 2018 to Date
Shot & Killed: 91
Shot & Wounded: 400
Total Shot: 491
Total Homicides: 111
Anonymous said...
Your mother is ashamed of your racist ass.
"African Americans should really embrace their Second Amendment freedoms since they have been a target group."
You're only about 51 years late on that suggestion even when only considering high-profile media events, as opposed to the every day reality of black families being armed for their own protection, which goes back to shortly after the civil war.
-Doug in Oakland
Yisheng = nigger
lilac = cunt
Of course it was a lie. It always is.
MFOL supporters are the first generation to protest in favor of giving up their civil liberties.
David Hogg is a paid Soros sycophant......
Snopes is not credible....who or what is Snopes???
Snopes is run by 2 Democrat operatives. Nothing on Snopes is trustworthy unless it affirms that the Narrative is wrong—e.g. an admission against interest. And even then, you have to check the details.
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