Also, the president just might have a love child running (or crawling) around out here. And he might have had the child with his housekeeper. I guess Thomas Jefferson was one of his heroes as well.
Then there is Jim Comey's new book. It has all kinds of nasty dishes about the loser in chief.
Anyway, this has not been a good week for trump and the "Cult 45" folks.
This might be a good time to read another great essay from Matt Bai.
"Let me put it to you this way, Mr. President. Who are you going to listen to — the voice of the stable genius inside your head, or the timid voices of experience, the ones that said you’d never win?
You know what you want to do. Just do it already.
Oh sure, all the sour-faced pundits are warning of a national crisis if you follow through. All those bed-wetting Republicans on the Hill are counseling patience and caution. Your senior staff is glued to their Twitter feeds, praying you won’t hit Send on something you can’t take back.
But they’re not the ones who sit in that swivel chair, are they. They never in their lives registered so much as a blip in the Nielsen ratings. Paul Ryan’s so smart that you gave him the biggest tax cut in the history of civilization and he still can’t hold his seat in Podunk, Wis.
Go on, Mr. President. Fire Bob Mueller. Please.
Don’t stop there, either — fire the rest of them, too. Sessions will be useless. That Boy Scout Rosenstein won’t have your back, either. There must be something in the halls of the Justice Department that causes people to suddenly grow a conscience, like some goiter sprouting on the soul.
Burn it down, Mr. President. Do what you really came here to do. Let’s see how those Ivy League lawyers like taking orders from Attorney General Laura Ingraham and her new deputy, Michael Cohen.
You said it yourself: This latest raid on Cohen, your most trusted personal lackey, was an attack on America. I couldn’t agree more. The first image that jumped into my mind when I heard the news was Pearl Harbor.
Many years from now, our grandchildren will mark the day of the Stormy Daniels Raid with little shoebox dioramas of federal prosecutors marching into Rockefeller Center.
What were they really after, anyway? Payoffs to paramours? Campaign finance violations? No, Mueller’s aiming higher than that.
Prosecutors sometimes talk about “tickling the wire,” by which they mean purposely freaking out witnesses who might be under electronic surveillance. You rattle the dumpster a little, and then you sit back and listen as the rats inside panic.
My guess is that Mueller is onto the real stuff now: loans from Moscow laundered through European banks, clumsy backchannel connections to your meathead son-in-law, bullying from the Oval Office that might cross the line into outright obstruction.
He’s crossed the moat and breached the castle now. He’s rummaging through the Hall of Armor.
And what he’s doing now is goading you. Tickling the wire. Pushing your buttons to see just how reckless your cronies can get.
You and I know who Mueller is, Mr. President. Born in Manhattan, schooled at St. Paul’s and Princeton. He played high school hockey with John Kerry. He even looks like John Kerry. He might be John Kerry, for all we know.
The newspaper profiles never fail to mention that Mueller joined the Marines, fought in Vietnam, got himself covered head to toe with medals for valor. Meanwhile, you described your own version of combat, after all those deferments, as having dodged venereal diseases while hopping from one bed to the next.
Can’t anyone around here take a joke?
No, Mueller isn’t just a prosecutor; he’s the stand-in for all the bluebloods and public service types who never respected you, who never thought you belonged, who always thought you too coarse and outer-borough, too much of a carnival barker, to join their clubs or sit on their boards.
He’s trying to destroy you, Mr. President. He thinks you’re beneath the office.
And if you’re going to stop him, what better time to do it than now, just as Jim Comey’s big memoir hits the virtual shelves? You don’t need me to tell you what getting rid of Mueller would do to the Comey Sanctification Tour. This is what you’re better at than anyone alive — commandeering the news cycle.
This isn’t hard. Look at all the people you’ve already fired. Priebus, Flynn, Tillerson, Price, McMaster — the list goes on.
Of course, you didn’t actually fire them, eye to eye. That’s something you only do on TV, when people are watching and you get to humiliate some wannabe TV star. Your style is more to let them know on Twitter, or in the fake news.
Which is why I’ve theorized that you’re a man of show business, not of action. I’ve said that other world leaders sense your insecurity and walk all over you. I’ve never bought the storyline about you as an aspiring tyrant because, when you get down to it, I don’t think you really have the steel.
So prove me wrong. Reprise Nixon’s Saturday Night Massacre. Find your Robert Bork.
Because here’s the thing, Mr. President: All these responsible people frantically warning of a constitutional crisis if you do this — they’re afraid. They don’t think the institutions of American democracy and jurisprudence are strong enough now to withstand the assault. They think the Republican Party you’ve annexed will prostrate itself in your presence, as it has for the entire last year.
Even more than that, they don’t believe in the voters. Their faith is shaken. They fear that Americans are so angry at the system, so dimwitted and disillusioned, that we’ll accept anything that comes disguised as anti-elitism.
They worry that you’ll win, and America’s claim to being a nation of laws will be lost.
I don’t. If I’m being straight with you, I think firing Mueller is your Waterloo. And this kind of clear-cut crisis may be exactly what we need.
I think there are more than enough Republicans who genuinely believe in the bedrock principles of American government (and, not for nothing, who can see what your leadership is about to do to them in the midterm elections), and a solid majority of patriotic voters who won’t stand by and watch another president try to strong-arm the judicial system.
I think trying to shut down the special counsel and seize control of the Justice Department will be the thing that brings this entire Legoland of an administration crashing down on itself.
So enough bluster, Mr. President. It’s time to walk the walk.
Because I’m pretty sure that all you’ll have left, when Mueller and Rosenstein and Sessions are all back at law firms basking in the public’s admiration, are enough unshakable, reactionary supporters to just about fill a park in Charlottesville.
Everyone else in your party will have moved on to President Pence." [Source]
No worries man, just watch Fox and all is ok.
Record low unemployment.
Stock market way up since his election.
Tax reform has resulted in the first real growth in wages in over 10 years.
Unemployment at record low levels.
Opioid crisis being dealt with.
Open border crisis being dealt with.
North Korea coming to table.
China blinking on trade concessions.
Obama's illegal war in Syria reigned in.
Massive regulatory reform.
All of these major policy successes is why the Democrat losers can't stop talking about Russia and Stormy Daniels. The majority of Americans don't care about your fake news stories, they care about the first effective and competent President in a generation Making America Great Again.
So apparently Fergus' crime family are shitting green bricks over the raid on Cohen's office, house, and hotel room because he apparently made a habit of recording conversations and storing the files on his computer.
Nixon had Rose Mary Woods, Fergus has Cohen.
Pass the popcorn, this is gonna be amusing.
-Doug in Oakland
“Everyone else in your party will have moved on to President Pence.”
It is sad that we will all heave a sigh of relief when the Very Stable Genius is replaced by President Pence.
Because Pence is pretty awful in his own right. Certainly, he is not a great guy if you’re gay and don’t appreciate bigots being given permission to discriminate against you if they have a “deeply held religious conviction.” Or if you’re a woman and you don’t want the fundies snatching away your birth control.
Under any other circumstances, a President Pence would be bad news. But compared to the Very Stable Genius ... still probably an improvement.
CIA Director Mike Pompeo is the nominee to be the next Secretary of State and Cory Booker's biggest concern about Pompeo is making sure that he approves of gay sex.
Gay sex used to disqualify you from office, now you’re the one disqualified if you don’t profess your love for gay sex.
Some day, a real rain will come.
> And what he’s doing now is goading you. Tickling the wire. Pushing your buttons to see just how reckless your cronies can get.
Feeled is finally figuring out what The Trumpster has been doing to the Dimocraps for a year now.
Nobody should accuse Feeled of being bright. He sure as fuck ain't.
"Nobody should accuse Feeled of being bright. He sure as fuck ain't."
That's why he just cuts and pastes white writers.
“Record low unemployment.”
Not Trump’s doing. Unemployment dropped throughout Obama’s presidency. Trump has not significantly altered this trend.
”Stock market way up since his election.”
Partly Trump’s doing, but mostly meaningless. When you cut taxes on corporate and investment income, stocks do tend to go up. Hooray for rich people, amirite! Not such a cause for celebration for everyone else
Repeat after me: The stock market is not the economy.
“Tax reform has resulted in the first real growth in wages in over 10 years”
Falling unemployment has boosted wages a bit. But falling unemployment is not Trump’s doing, so ...
“Unemployment at record low levels.”
You already said that. Still not Trump.
“Opioid crisis being dealt with.”
Trump’s done absolutely nothing. Rednecks are still poppin’ OxyContin like candy.
“Open border crisis being dealt with.”
There’s no wall. Never gonna be a wall.
“North Korea coming to table.”
“China blinking on trade concessions.”
China is enacting retaliatory tariffs.
“Obama's illegal war in Syria reigned in.”
Obama sent troops after jihadis who wanted to murder Americans. They won and jihadis are dead or dispersed. Trump didn’t do jack.
“Massive regulatory reform.”
Oh, you mean corrupt businessmen paying bribes to pour toxins into the water and air? Excellent job, pinheads.
“All of these major policy successes is why the Democrat losers can't stop talking about Russia and Stormy Daniels. The majority of Americans don't care about your fake news stories, they care about the first effective and competent President in a generation Making America Great Again.”
Too bad all of those successes are either not real or not Trump’s.
I have a feeling someone is going to have to talk you off the ledge when they drop-kick Trump out of the White House. Will you still wear your dumb red MAGA hat when The Donald is in the pokie?
Dindus are pissed about welfare reform.
Negroes get pissed about every little thing. They whine about racism 24/7, yet are some of the most bigoted people in the country, and are completely unwilling to address the problems in their ghettos, choosing instead to blame white people for all their problems. Negroes don't even know the meaning of the words "personal responsibility."
Hey micro dick white boys, your stupid idol Butt Trumpet is: incompetent, narcissistic, ugly, and severely lacking between his legs. In other words, a typical white boy.
I used to care about black people, but I now realize what a bunch of lazy, entitled, whiny little bitches you people actually are. I can't believe I used to think you people were worth anybody's time. See, that's what differentiates me from blacks, I can actually think critically.
So Pompeo and Jackson might not get confirmed.
Perhaps the Republicans in the senate are feeling a little insecure about their electoral prospects while tied to Fergus while he loses his mind in front of the whole world and begins his descent into the pits as the charges are readied and the evidence piles up.
Or maybe the idea of having life boats at the ready is only now seeming important to them.
Too late, fuckers.
You should have thought of that a long, long, time ago.
All of those years being complicit in the construction of the machine that had to result in the election of Fergus, or someone just like him are already in the books, and you will answer for them.
I can't wait to see the look on McConnell's ugly mug when he gets bumped back down to the minority, but no matter how much he hates it, it still won't make up for the supreme court seat he stole.
I hope his balls drop off into his shoe and he steps on them.
-Doug in Oakland
Why are blacks so damn obnoxious in whatever they do and wherever they go? It's a good thing you people mostly live in shithole ghettos away from normal people. I can't even stand looking at your disgusting faces. Puke.
“So Pompeo and Jackson might not get confirmed.”
If they’re now in the business of not confirming Trump appointees, the Senate might want to go ahead and also not confirm torture queen Gina Haspel as head of the CIA.
Of course, it’s too bad they can’t block that psychopath John Bolton as well, but I don’t believe the position of national security advisor actually requires Senate confirmation. So we’ll just have to cross our fingers and hope Bolton doesn’t manage to egg Trump on into launching a huge and totally pointless war. Or that Trump is expediciously removed from office before that disaster can happen (a more likely prospect).
2018 and 2020 will be the dismantling of the tr**p regime. I can't wait.
Kill white men.
Fuck white women.
Why are white fuckbois so gotdamed annoying and obnoxious? Going on blogs spouting fuckery all the damned time. I'm glad they mostly live in shitty trailer parks in the fucking country so I don't have to see their stupid faces.
Dave Zirin can't think critically because if he did he would know none of us give half a shit what he thinks. He's just another entitled pussy assed white fuckboi. These are the laziest, whiniest pussies on the entire planet. Wha wha wha, it's sooooo hard to be white, nobody listens to us. What a bunch of snowflake pussies.
White fuckboys complain about racism but show up on blogs like this and spout their racist bullshit everyday. They never take personal responsibility for the meth addictions and the sale of babies for meth. Go take care of your own bullshit before you come here lecturing us.
More white fuckery. Kids aged 3 mos to 2 years test positive for meth. Damn, so much white fuckery and they have the nerve to look down on negroes.
Trump hates Jeff Bezos for being richer than him (way, way richer) and for owning WaPo, a newspaper that regularly says mean things about Trump (largely truthful mean things, btw).
This has led childish, petty Trump to attack Amazon in order to get back at Bezos. Mind you, he doesn’t sincerely believe any of these criticisms he is making about Amazon in the press / on Twitter. This is only about spite.
Some criticisms are things that left-wingers have long legitimately resented about Amazon, so Trump has just copied those wholesale, as if he were some crusader for workers’ rights and fair market competition, etc. Some are out of date, such as the no-longer-true accusation that Amazon allows customers to dodge sales tax — Amazon’s software now bills the recipient of goods the appropriate sales tax for their state. And then some are just stupid crap that Trump pulled straight out of his flabby ass.
In the “stupid crap from Trump’s ass” category is the idea that by sending packages through the postal service, Amazon is somehow bilking the taxpayer. This makes no damn sense, and everyone keeps pointing out that it makes no damn sense, which only enraged Trump. So, in his infinite pettiness, he is doubling down by forming a federal commission to study the issue and “prove” that Amazon is wasting the taxpayers’ money. Ironically, this commission will definitely be a waste of the taxpayers’ money.
White mom leave baby in a car while robbing a store high on meth. Yeah, we need to be just like this master race.
Mom shot in back by 4 year old son. White folks are such geniuses.
You meant being a bad week for drinking too much of that 45 malt liquor.
As a Chinese-American I just have to remind you blacks that you are pretty privileged to be in the United States instead of Africa. You don't have to whine and piss and moan about racism all the time. You can succeed in this country if you pull your head out of your asses.
See more at:
You sound about as Chinese as Charlie Chan.
If you are a Chinese-American, you certainly define racism and antisemitism within the Chinese-American community.
What kind of self-respecting Chinese-American would resort to the more infantile and crude mannerisms and speech associated with the uneducated?
No way in fucking hell you are for real.
Flying Junior, it is more than likely not real. Just another one of those Russian bots.☺
Anon@11:09 PM, that was a classic take- down with just the facts.
China is enacting retaliatory tariffs.
China cannot feed itself. China's "retaliatory tariff" on soybeans won't mean squat. China will buy soybeans from Argentina at a markup, and the Argentinians will buy American soybeans instead. China pays more for the same product. Shippers make some extra money. Nobody else cares.
Obama sent troops after jihadis who wanted to murder Americans. They won and jihadis are dead or dispersed. Trump didn’t do jack.
Under Obutthole, American soldiers were embedded with ISIS terrorists. Trump got rid of ISIS.
This is one of the things which is going to put Obutthole in front of a military tribunal at Gitmo in the next year or so, and at the end of a rope shortly thereafter.
Dindus are pissed about welfare reform.
Stoopid fucking wingnut! Korporate welfare has been tripled, not reformed.
Anonymous Philip Bump said... Fake Noize instructed me to tell you...
Negroes get pissed about every little thing. They whine about racism 24/7, yet are some of the most bigoted people in the country, and are completely unwilling to address the problems in their ghettos, choosing instead to blame white people for all their problems. Negroes don't even know the meaning of the words "personal responsibility."
And like a good stoopid fucking wingnut I obeyed. Of course this is all made up shit, but being stoopid fucking wingnuts we salute and carry out our orders for the day.
My understanding is that Paul Ryan has not left his party much time to find a replacement for him. The filing deadline for the primary for that seat is in under 2 months. If they can’t get their act together, they will have another Nazi on the ballot as the Republican candidate for Congress, as has already happened in Chicago (the Nazi who will be running against Democrat Dan Lipinski in the fall).
So that’s ... interesting.
Regardless of what you may think of Trump, his administration turns out more intriguing news bits than Hillary's administration ever would have.
Fuck white people. Fuck the white race.
I smell a Democrat landslide in November! 2020 will be an even bigger disaster for the Trump cult.
PX: My friend Briana has a better bow than the one in the Nazi's picture. It's a Browning she got from her dad, and I saw my friend Rob use it to shoot an arrow through the wall of Cypress Auto from about 60 yards.
A little humor for Friday the thirteenth:
-Doug in Oakland
field negro said...
Anon@11:09 PM, that was a classic take- down with just the facts.
The field negro is an incredibly ignorant man.
Jesus Christ, but Comey is an incompetent scumbag:
STEPHANOPOULOS: Did you tell him that the Steele dossier had been financed by his political opponents?
COMEY: No. I didn’t...
STEPHANOPOULOS: But did he have a right to know that?
COMEY: That it had been financed by his political opponents? I don't know the answer to that.
When George Stephanopoulos is stunned by your anti-Trump behavior, you know your are a piece of shit.
Breaking: DOJ IG report presents new evidence Obama DOJ sought to shut down FBI investigation of Clinton Foundation. Top Obama DOJ official "expressed concerns about FBI agents taking overt steps in the CF [Clinton Foundation] Investigation during the presidential campaign."
Drumpfuck just pardoned "Scooter" Libby, the Cheney chief d staff that outed covert CIA agent Valerie Plame and her contacts around the world for shits and giggles.
Steve Benen on the house's bullshit balanced budget amendment stunt:
"GOP leaders knew, of course, that this constitutional amendment would fail. More to the point, they voted for it despite the fact that they wanted it to fail.
Indeed, what made yesterday's vote so exasperating was the backdrop against which it came. It was just a few months ago that Republicans approved massive tax breaks the nation can't afford, and the Congressional Budget Office reported this week that those tax cuts will wreak havoc on the nation's finances for many years to come. More recently, Republicans also approved a $1.3 trillion omnibus package that, among other things, increased government spending by hundreds of billions of dollars.
All of which led up to yesterday's vote, in which Republicans said they want a constitutional gimmick to stop Republicans from passing the kinds of bills Republicans just voted for. The people who are creating trillion-dollar deficits are the same people who are saying deficits should be outlawed.
The Washington Post's Catherine Rampell added last night, "A balanced-budget amendment is pretty much always a stupid idea. But you know when it's stupidest? When you've just blown a multitrillion-dollar hole in the deficit, and also, umm, don't even really plan to pass a budget.""
-Doug in Oakland
mike from iowa said...
Drumpfuck just pardoned "Scooter" Libby, the Cheney chief d staff that outed covert CIA agent Valerie Plame and her contacts around the world for shits and giggles
Actually, Scooter Libby was not the one who outed Plame, it was Richard Armitage:
Scooter Libby went to jail for refusing to testify.
So Fergus calls Comey "a proven LEAKER & LIAR." and then pardons Libby, who was convicted of, wait for it, leaking and lying.
-Doug in Oakland
Wheeler was confirmed as second in command at EPA. He won't be there long enough to do it, but if he and Pruitt had their way, we wouldn't be able to breathe the air, drink the water, farm the soil, or eat the food.
-Doug in Oakland
Fuck the gooks and chinks!
Doug, you know the deal. Republicans run up the debt when they have control of the house, senate and wh with the full expectation the Dems will win at least the house and probably the wh and then as if on cue start bitching about debt and their grandkids. They have it down to a science and you have to be Charlie Brown to not know Lucy is going to yank the ball away at the last minute. This tactic is tried and true and it works because Americans have very short attention spans. Sad we fall for it every damned time.
The field negro is an incredibly ignorant man.........who is still 10X more successful than you. 😂
"who is still 10X more successful than you"
I really doubt that. But good for him if he is.
From Vox:
"Comey writes that he might have handled the Clinton email probe differently if he thought she was behind in the polls"
This pro-Hillary FBI hack was fooled by pro-Hillary pollster hacks into thinking she was so far ahead he could pretend to be an impartial investigator without affecting her chances.
Irving Lewis Liebowitz said.
I stand corrected,Sir.
"I really doubt that."
Of course you do.😂
Anything new on the thousands of arrests of Dems that was coming months ago? Still waiting.
Roger Ailes is still dead and Obama has yet to be thrown into the slammer. Drumpfuck still lying.
FBI Inspector General's report on McCabe is out.
Long story short: Obutthole really picked some nasty scum to run the FBI.
FBI Inspector General's report on McCabe is out.
Long story short: Obutthole really picked some nasty scum to run the FBI.
Real long story short, anon 8:49pm is an idiot.
Trump’s lawyer dropped another $1.6 million in hush money to try and shut up the Playboy model Trump bones.
I tell you, the leaks alone from the investigation of Cohen are going to be a bonanza of embarrassing, sleazy deeds by the Very Stable Genius. Cohen knows where all the bodies are buried, and corpses are going to start popping up like it was a zombie movie.
So they confirmed the assertion in the dossier that Cohen was in Prague. Now the walls close in on Fergus and his crime family as the rest of the dossier gets confirmed, piece by piece, and he'll react by doing what, exactly?
Fuck you assholes who made this happen. We told you not to, but no! You saw your chance to fuck up the country, figured demographics would make it your last shot, and said HELL YEAH!
Enjoy your trip down the shitter, it has already begun.
-Doug in Oaqkland
Just your basic, everyday Nazi. Blew himself up makin' bombs in his apartment, using explosives powerful enough that the authorities elected to burn the whole building down rather than attempt to move them.
No biggie. Nothing to see here. Move along.
Suspected White Supremacist Died Building ISIS-Style Bombs
So that squealing noise? That's poor little Jeffy Sessions after Fergus had to make a deal with the wingnut from Colorado promising to leave legal pot alone in exchange for the lifting of the hold he had on Fergus' judicial appointees.
Fergus can break his promise like he always does, but then Gardner can put the hold back on.
This is what Molly Ivins was talking about when she said that business guys have a hard time with systems of checks and balances.
-Doug in Oakland
Prosecutors have made it pretty clear at this point that they do not consider Michael Cohen to be Trump's lawyer; they consider him Trump's criminal co-conspirator.
"'The searches… seek evidence of crimes, many of which have nothing to do with his work as an attorney, but rather relate to Cohen’s own business dealings,' the filing stated, noting that covert search warrants on multiple different email accounts maintained by Cohen 'indicate that Cohen is in fact performing little to no legal work.'"
So um, about that attorney-client privilege ... it doesn't really apply if Cohen hasn't been acting as an attorney.
And sadly for Trump, underboss-mafia don privilege does not exist.
Hmmm, maybe it wasn't such a good idea to nominate a crooked businessman as your presidential candidate, Republicans?
Who could possibly have predicted that a walking scandal-factory would turn out to be a problem for the party?
Well,well,well! Syria's being bombed and Russia's not too happy!
Goes to show you, nobody tells the US what to do, nobody! We're a super power like none other and we rule the world! Make no mistake...
At least Bolton didn't get his way and launch a full-scale invasion/quagmire/war with Russia and Iran. Now it remains to be seen if Fergus really intends to strike them every time they use chemical weapons as he implied. Hint: they've used them at least forty times since the last time we bombed them.
At least the French and British are involved, so there is somewhat of a chance that this is more than a "Wag the Dog" scenario.
-Doug in Oakland
More white fuckboi bullshit. This asshat impregnates his daughter then kills her and their son. Yeah, we should really strive to be more like them.
After Trump bombs Syria, it's going to look like your average black ghetto.
Negroes are the very definition of whiny, entitled, dumbed-down pussies.
Micro dick white boys like Butt Trumpet always have to take out their anger and frustrations on black and brown people.
Trump attacks Syria on the side of ISIS.
The Jews got their way. They always get their way.
Now the mainstream media will say a few nice things about Trump for a couple of days before they go back to calling for his imprisonment.
Absolute Clown World.
Nothing unites America's spectrum of political garbage more than bombing another country.
Do you enjoy being ruled by an occupation force that controls all of our media; our banks; our schools?
Do you enjoy the wars they force Americans into for no benefit to anyone but themselves; an international cadre accountable to no law and no country?
“Do you enjoy being ruled by an occupation force that controls all of our media; our banks; our schools?
Do you enjoy the wars they force Americans into for no benefit to anyone but themselves; an international cadre accountable to no law and no country?”
Once again, we use the magical powers of our communistic Torah to achieve our inscrutable aims. Nothing can stop us. All will fall before us. All will be forced to grow sideburns and eat gefilte fish.
Today, we bomb Syria — tomorrow, we bomb Redneckistan!
Seriously, though. Seek psychiatric assistance immediately.
You have an acute case of Jew-o-phobia. It may be fatal without treatment.
99% of political pundits have been wrong about Trump.
Please run Hillary Clinton in 2020.
“Please run Hillary Clinton in 2020.”
Sure thing. We will definitely do that. We always listen to feedback from racist Internet trolls.
The U.S. Has Accepted Only 11 Syrian Refugees This Year
So, yeah, I’m going with: “Trump thought bombing Syria would get the media off his back about his financial misconduct/treason/mistresses/illegitimate children.”
Bombing is never humanitarian.
So do you Russian trolls believe that Russia shot down a bunch of cruise missiles, like they are claiming?
-Doug in Oakland
Who knows? Every single thing we are told through the media is a lie.
Negro-Americans lack critical thinking skills.
“Who knows? Every single thing we are told through the media is a lie.”
I agree. Everything we’re told through Russian media is a lie.
Remember to vote Libertarian in 2020.
Negro Americans must absolutely tickle the dingleberries of racists like P Bump. He is obsessed with them. Penis envy, no doubt. Jealousy?
Hey Field, you gotta read this article. This explains a lot about your trolls. They believe that trump is exposing a Democratic child sex cult that eats babies and drinks their blood😂😂😂😂That's what the whole sealed indictments and arresting 1/3 of the Dems is about and Rosanne is promoting this shit which is why wingnuts love her show. Hooooo boy😂😂😂😂
Mike from Iowa is more obsessed with penis than anyone here. TNB
Actually, shit fer brains, I am more worried about getting my garden planted since we seem to have blizzards every week anymore. Potatoes and onions should have been planted and asparagus should be ready to come up, but not with lows in the low teens.My garden helps feed several families and yer hate feeds wasicu racists.
"I am more worried about getting my garden planted since we seem to have blizzards every week anymore."
Global Warming is real.
”That's what the whole sealed indictments and arresting 1/3 of the Dems is about and Rosanne is promoting this shit which is why wingnuts love her show. Hooooo boy”
Yeah, unfortunately, after 9/11, Rosanne turned into an Islamophobic nutjob, blaming all Muslims for the acts of al-Qaeda.
This caused her to go down a Breitbart rabbit hole, and now she loves Trump and spouts all sorts of embarrassing, wackadoodle alt-right conspiracy theories. She’s turned into the racist aunt you don’t want to come over to your house for Thanksgiving dinner.
Global warming is real and when you dumbfucks from the coasts and low areas are forced to move inland, stay the hell off my garden.
"when you dumbfucks from the coasts and low areas are forced to move inland"
That's why everyone is selling their beachfront property for pennies on the dollar.
Pilot, if i read that article my head will explode.
Anon@12:25, be careful what you wish for. Doesn't matter who runs on the D side, it's a pretty good bet that trump will not be there.
Lilac, I hope things are getting better for you in PR.
[Washington Post]
Kentucky governor claims that children were sexually assaulted, used drugs while teachers protested
Washington Post
Blevins, like Drumpf and the restbof the stoopid fucking wingnut in bred klan, has no proof of rapes of forced drug use. Just his guarantee it is being done.
Pretty sure he went around raping and drugging kids just to show he was right.
This place is boring af.
White boys are pussies and retards.
2 black men arrested at a Starbucks for being black. They ain't got that white privilege thang going for them.
Starbucks is a racist company.
I like my coffee so black it's being raised by it's 30 year-old grandmother.
“That's why everyone is selling their beachfront property for pennies on the dollar.”
I wouldn’t make any long-term investments in real estate on the water in Miami. A lot of that town absolutely is going to be underwater in a few decades.
Some wingnuts will surely lose heaps of money this way, because they’re dumb enough to believe people like Donald “global warming is a Chinese hoax” Trump over actual scientists.
I wouldn't make any investments in Miami either, because it's full of Haitians.
Global Warming is bullshit.........
Pretty sure he went around raping and drugging kids just to show he was right.
5:53 PM
That's hollyweird alright!!
Botsky said...
Who knows? Every single thing we are told through the media is a lie.
2:39 PM
So Field, what wrong with the Starbucks in Philly? Guess I’ll go to Whole Foods to work/study instead, #BoycottStarbucks!!👊🏽👊🏾👊🏿
And put Police Commissioner Ross’ black ass in the house ASAP!!
Hey PR!!!👋🏽
"Guess I’ll go to Whole Foods to work/study instead"
Starbucks doesn't hire ghetto trash. Try Chuck E. Cheese's instead.
Field negro said...
Lilac, I hope things are getting better for you in PR.
5:24 PM
They are, thanks Field! My daughter finally found a car, and there was an orchid festival at the mall, so I thought I'd treat myself to a little orchid, but no, only seedlings and the flowering ones they use for show and bait. So mad! Never going to another orchid festival there again! But I couldn't come home empty handed, so I bought a bag instead, I needed a new handbag anyway...;)
Hey Yisheng!
I fucking hate orchid festivals too. Nothing worse. Except maybe Chuck E. Cheese.
I just figured out that even if Mueller's evidence doesn't lead to an immediate impeachment or indictmet of the Disaster-in-Chief, it could flip the House in the fall, paving the way for...
legislative sanity! reform of the tax reform! even more important than impeachment.
legislative sanity! reform of the tax reform! even more important than impeachment.
I’m putting my money on the Russian pee-pee tapes and testimony from the hookers he loves, forcing his resignation.
A fool and her money are soon parted.
Bomb Wakanda Yo !
There has never been any significant proof that Thomas Jefferson had children with Sally Hemmings.Just another in a long line of historical myths designed to fuel the never ending "White Guilt" Racket.
niggaz beez upset an sheeit. always demn niggaz be runnin some sheeit. stay home noiggaz.
"BREAKING! NBC is reporting that Robert Mueller is to report about at least four findings on trump and obstruction of justice soon."
2 black men arrested at a Starbucks for being black. They ain't got that white privilege thang going for them.
5:58 PM
What is white privilege???
Yisheng = nigger
lilac = cunt
What is white privilege???
Come back in 24 hours and I will reveal 2 eternal truths- what white privilege is and how to keep a stoopid fucking wingnut occupied for 24 hours.
Two Black real estate agents were arrested at a Philadelphia Starbucks for waiting for a friend who showed up as they were being handcuffed. The police were called by a barista because the men hadn’t ordered anything, yet.
Many of the white patrons at the Starbucks wondered why they have never been arrested while waiting to meet someone for coffee.
There's yer white privilege, wasicu.
A white person would place an order so they'd become a customer and have leave to use the bathroom. Black people aren't bright enough to figure that out.
Yisheng = nigger whose ass I’d lick until her colon fell into my mouth.
lilac = cunt i’d stroke if i has a dick bigger than a pinky finger
A white person would place an order so they'd become a customer and have leave to use the bathroom. Black people aren't bright enough to figure that out.
Black people know there is no time limit to order while waiting for a third party. Wasicu wasteys just make shit excuses up that have no relevance to what happened.
Good read on how poor Syria strike really was in terms of destroying chemical weapons or the men and women who make them.
Have you seen us, Uncle Remus?
Segregation in 2020 !!!!!!
Y'all do KNOW you're mostly idiots, right? Of course you do!
Anonymous said...
"who is still 10X more successful than you"
I really doubt that. But good for him if he is.
5:25 PM
at least ONE of you did something right though most of what he posts here is bullshit, it IS entertaining to read some of the comments welfare asshole make on tools whites invented!
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