Feel free to tell me what's on your mind as well.
If Martin Luther King, Jr were alive today, where would he stand on current political issues?
Is it a big deal for Bob Mueller to be questioning Russian oligarchs?
Do you think that the scandal with Sinclair Media is a big deal?
Is it right for liberals to call for advertisers to boycott right wingnuts who say and do outrageous things?
Do you want to hear details about Bill O' Reilly's sexual escapades?
When do you think white folks will learn that black face in all forms is wrong?
"Kindezi Old Fourth Ward sincerely apologizes and accepts responsibility for the hurt, anger, frustration and disappointment caused by the poor judgment we made in having students use masks that mimic blackface," the school posted to its Facebook page on Friday."
Mr. trump is sending the National Guard to the Mexican border, is that a waste of our money?
"Do you want to hear details about Bill O' Reilly's sexual escapades?"
I dunno. Maybe. Based on what leaked out a few years ago, those details could be pretty funny (by which I mean: humiliating for O'Reilly). Such as Bill'O saying he wanted to rub falafel all over a coworker. Sexxxay!
But this part of the linked article was actually pretty disturbing:
"CNN reported Wednesday that Mackris’s settlement required her to 'lie — even in legal proceedings or under oath — if any evidence becomes public, by calling evidence "counterfeit" or "forgeries.”'"
Uhm ... how can that possibly be legal?
If it is, then the law is an ass.
The courts should not allow the famous to hide their embarrassments from the public. Joe Blow wouldn't get such considerations.
I'm dying to know who Anyfuckingstoopidwasicumoose has been porking.
Angry, bitter micro dick white boys were always threatened by Martin Luther King. If he were still alive today they would still be quivering in their boots. Especially Butt Trumpet.
Blacks are more dangerous than Mexican immigrants, though it's a pretty close call. Maybe Trump should be sending troops into ghettos instead.
I don't think anyone ever wants to see "Bill O'Reilly" and "sexual" in the same sentence.
I think Dr. King would be tickled pink at the progress he helped initiate. Black President and several members of congress including senators? Man, he would be pleased I think.
Mueller may find some things he doesn't want to know, i.e. how deep the donald is into the Russians. He may just let him resign and keep his dignity and preserve our belief in American democracy.
The Sinclair thing is a huge deal and ahows how bad ending the Fairness Doctrine and the Telecommunications Act of 1996 was.
Nothing wrong with a boycott. We vote with our dollars. I don't spend money at Red Lobster, Pappa Johns, Chick fil A, Walmart or Home Depot. My money my choice.
Nope, no interest in Bill O'Liely's sex life.
Of course Blackface is wrong.
Sending troops to the border is unnecessary but his friends at Fox and Friends wanted it so it had to be done😖
Everybody boycotts something, so anybody who complains about other people doing it are hypocrites, regardless of political affiliation.
Why any white person would make their faces darker is beyond me. Black faces are just naturally uglier than white faces.
"I think Dr. King would be tickled pink at the progress he helped initiate. Black President and several members of congress including senators? Man, he would be pleased I think."
I think he would be very pleased about the fact that the most fortunate black Americans have more opportunity than ever before, and many have made good use of that opportunity.
However, I think he would also be pretty upset at the numbers of both blacks and whites living in poverty today.
And I think he would be horrified at mass incarceration. The percentage of Americans imprisoned now is about FIVE times what it was in 1968, with a huge part of that made up by black men.
Both our economic system and justice system are much crueler now than at the time of his death.
Blacks are more dangerous than Mexican immigrants, though it's a pretty close call. Maybe Trump should be sending troops into ghettos instead.
Bullshit Dave, he needs to send the troops into West Virginia, Oklahoma and Kentucky so you white fuckboys can stop raping fucking babies for meth. Now go fuck your auntie/mommie and leave the adults alone.
Why are white men so ugly and disgusting and white women so hot and fuckable?
You make good points anon but had Dr. King lived he would have made progress on his war on poverty. Imagine had he and Bobby Kennedy both lived🤔 This country would be soooooo different and much more equal.
Fuck the gooks and chinks!
Who cares? It doesn't even matter. Life is pointless.
I see Field is picking on the lovely and talented Stacey Dash again.
Can you say "inferiority complex"?
Love the comments from all the micro-dicked black soyboy faggots. That's what keeps me coming back. I bet every negro posting on here looks like either Urkel or the fat kid from The Cleveland Show. LOL.
1) A little of both. I think he would be happy that overt racism as in the Jim Crow variety have at least been recognized as wrong by the majority of the population, whereas he himself faced them down on a daily basis. People forget how much he was hated while he was alive.
I think mass incarceration and income inequality, two issues he was already dedicated to and have gotten decidedly worse in the intervening half century, would definitely be on his list.
Mostly I don't really know, because I am not brilliant like he was. I feel like he would be seeing stuff that we're missing now, and working to focus our action on that.
2) It might be. It also might be a bigger deal than it seems that the first one to get a jail sentence in his probe was an oligarch's son in law.
3) Sort of. TV is declining in importance as a news source, and the quality of TV news has deteriorated ever since news departments were tasked with turning a profit. Add to that a full scale assault on all non right wing programming and a lot of folks just don't trust TV news like they used to.
What is so fucked up about Sinclair is that they figured out that the only remaining TV news with a useful level of credibility was local news, and set out to corrupt and Fox-ify it.
It may be temporary and audience specific, but it amounts to the continuation of the destruction of the credibility of common news sources that used to provide a common factual underpinning to political discourse.
Politicians who have to lie to remain in office love that shit, because it makes lying so common and prevalent that their own lying gets normalized.
4) According to Dr. King's "Mountaintop" speech, it's not only OK, but essential. There's a reason it was the Montgomery Bus Boycott, not the Montgomery Bus Tweetstorm, or last century's equivalent of it.
5) I don't, but the judge might.
6) For some of them, never, for most of them, they already do.
7) I don't know if it's a waste of our money, as we're already paying them if they're not reservists (I think) but I doubt it will accomplish anything beyond sating the Pig People's hatred and misdirected outrage at an event that has been happening every year since Ronnie destabilized central America. I worked with a guy from El Salvador back in 2000, and he told me "I love my country, but when they started shooting at me, I had to leave."
-Doug in Oakland
Love the comments from all the micro-dicked black soyboy faggots. That's what keeps me coming back. I bet every negro posting on here looks like either Urkel or the fat kid from The Cleveland Show. LOL.
Bwahahahahahahahahaha! So Cleetus here thinks he has a big dong but his momma/girlfriend calls us on the regular when she wants to feel filled up. Bwahahahahahaha! I bet all the white fuckboys here have mullets, weigh 400 lbs and ride a scooter. Now go brush your tooth and take a shower you wet dog smelling, tide pod eating fuckboi.
Yeah, he should go to www.blacked.com to see how we do white broads.
Black Lives Matter...
Point #1: White folks already know that all forms of black face are wrong...they just don't give a flying fuck.
Point #2: Of course sending troops to the border is a waste of money..but try to convince the "poor white uneducated trash" that make up Trump's base to believe that. Sending troops to the border makes great optics for his base.
Anyone with half a brain knows that Americans patrolling that border have become rich by being "paid off" to look the other way on all of the drug money and illegals coming into the border.
Point #3: White folks just refuse to believe. that rich white conservatives and corporate America continue to rape the low and middle class white citizens of this country by keeping them thinking that those "blacks and browns are taking your country and preventing you from becoming rich."
All while white corporate America keeps giving themselves billion dollar raises and making you pay their taxes while they pay you nothing and raise yours.
Thank goodnesss for this country that black people are more forgiving, patient, and compassionate than any other are race because if the same atrocities that this country has bestowed upon blacks in this country were bestowed upon any other race then there would have been another civil war a long time ago.
Black working mom here. My husband, Dreyshawn, left me for another man. I was hurt at first, but after awhile I came to be glad. He didn't work, he had a small penis (don't believe everything you read on stupid sites like this, LOL) and was on the downlow with several other dudes. I went out and got an Asian brother, and my life has never been better. He works, he treats me with respect and best of all, he's hung like a water buffalo!
Asians are the way of the future. Watch Gran Torino, you'll see what I mean.
What are the following people doing to help raise Black men and improve their communities?
Black male principals?
Black male ministers?
Black male lawyers?
Black male police officers?
Black male firefighters?
Black male doctors?
Black male athletes? (oh, I forgot...they're giving all of their money back to the slave master aka white women)
Black male actors?
Black male politicians?
Black male accountants?
Answer: Nothing...they're still expecting their "enslavers" to love them and help them.
If Michael Scott King was alive today, we can be certain of several things:
3. He would not have "Doctor" in front of his name. His plagiarism would have resulted in his doctorate being revoked.
2. All of his "fucking for Jesus" moments would be public knowledge. He would probably have been sued and likely prosecuted for many rapes; he would have been the big name, not Bill Cosby.
1. There would be no MLK holiday, MLK boulevards, MLK statues or anything else.
Though maybe, just maybe (though I doubt it), he could have helped prevent the "funnin' around" which results in incidents like this:
Remember, it's all fun and games until someone loses a life. (inb4 Doug and Mike start talking about how Whitey made them do it.)
Anon@ 1:11, I am smarter and better looking than Stacey, so there is that.
The Reality of Blackness said... when I was young, well hung black kids stole my lunch money, my lunch, my after school snacks and just for spite pleasured my mom over and over and over.
Wasicus made them do it.
Did Psycho from Iowa just admit that he's obsessed with black dick?
I do believe he just did. So that's his angle. He's a faggot, and a bottom at that.
Citizens United was there to be one of the first fucked up Clinton haters when Clinton was guv of Arkansas. CJ was behind the Willie Horton ad that sank Michael Dukakis against Hitler Weasel Bush.
CU still rears its ugly head every now and then. Many of the same original cast of character assassins from the 80's are still assassinating Dem characters as we speak. No wonder stoopid fucking wingnuts can't govern or investigate or anything else except fuck the country up and over.
Why anyfuckingstoopidwasicumoose and his co-whores are afraid of the dark (peoples). http://www.sheilakennedy.net/2018/04/fear-itself-2/
Easy to follow logic except for Fake Noize followers who can neither read nor comprehend statistics.
Anonymous said...
Thank goodnesss for this country that black people are more forgiving, patient, and compassionate than any other are race because if the same atrocities that this country has bestowed upon blacks in this country were bestowed upon any other race then there would have been another civil war a long time ago.
5:42 AM
"Anon@ 1:11, I am smarter and better looking than Stacey, so there is that."
Ok, I'll agree with the first part of this statement.😂
Prior to the tariffs, in February, the trade deficit reached a nine-year high. Under Trump, the trade deficit has increased for six straight months, something that hasn’t happened since 2000. According to Census figures, during President Barack Obama’s eight years in office, U.S. imports were 47.76% larger than exports. Under the thirteen Trump months counted so far, U.S. imports were 52.03% larger than exports.
Since Drumpfuck has yet to repatriate any of his or Ivanka's businesses from overseas, what are the chances Drumpf would slap a tariff on his or her products? Zero, zip, zilch is what I'm guessing. Impeach now. Impeach the grope toy cow while yer at it, lads.
Oops, they did it again. Cops shoot unarmed black man, This time they mistook a silver pipe for a gun. Sounds like the lads in blue need refresher courses on what real guns look like.
Doug, you ever use Elixer strings? Trying them out. I've heard some good things about the new ones. 13s on the acoustic.
Who shot and killed Michael King's Mother in church? Who robbed Rosa Parks house? Wakanda is real Yo..........
Who shot and killed Michael King's Mother in church? Who robbed Rosa Parks house? Wakanda is real Yo..........
Who shot and killed a bunch of folks from the tower at the University of Texas? Who shot Ronald Reagan? Who shot John Lennon? Who hit Nancy Kerrigan in the knee?
What are the following people doing to help raise Black men and improve their communities?
Black male principals?
Black male ministers?
Black male lawyers?
Black male police officers?
Black male firefighters?
Black male doctors?
Black male athletes? (oh, I forgot...they're giving all of their money back to the slave master aka white women)
Black male actors?
Black male politicians?
Black male accountants?"
A bunch of stuff. Maybe if you actually talked to a Black professional and did research you would find the answer to your question but you just base your answers on preconceived ideas. I just did a career fair at a grammar school with several blah professionals who are doing good work in the community.
What are the following people doing to help raise Black men and improve their communities?
Black male principals?
Black male ministers?
Black male lawyers?
Black male police officers?
Black male firefighters?
Black male doctors?
Black male athletes? (oh, I forgot...they're giving all of their money back to the slave master aka white women)
Black male actors?
Black male politicians?
Black male accountants?"
Let's see, one of my best friends is a principal and through his fraternity Phi Beta Sigma, he does many hours of community service as well as raising his two boys. His wife, who is an attorney, is active in her sorority and the Girl Scouts and spends many hours of community service.
A buddy who I went to high school with is a minister and does many hours of outreach to young males.
I know several attorneys who do many school visits Andrew pro bono work in the community.
I know so many cops doing well in the community but one of the best is a detective who started a role model program which I participate. We've talked to hundreds if not thousands of kids.
Another buddy who is a firefighter mentors young males in our lodge's role model program as well as raising his two boys.
The doctor friends I have work through their fraternities and other organizations to mentor youth. My personal doctor donated his time to give the kids in my summer aviation camp free physicals (which was worth thousands of dollars).
I don't personally know too many professional athletes but members of the Chicago Bulls volunteer all over Chicago especially former Bull Joakim Noah who has an anti-violence organization that brings rival gangs together and promotes peace.
I don't know too many actors but people like my frat brother Hill Harper have outreach programs that have helped many young brothas.
I know my congressman and frat brother Danny Davis has helped many young blah males get job training and change their lives.
I don't know any blah male accountants offhand but I can gaurantee there are some out there doing good in the community. Do a little research before you make blanket statements.
Also, where are the white male professionals mentoring rural white males who are strung out on drugs and committing crimes?
This place is an intellectual wasteland.
I'm sure that as a professional Field can attest to the fact that the majority of blah professionals do work in the community and anon's comments highlight the fact that most whites have no clue as to what happens in the day to day lives of blah people but yet want to make uninformed comments and push false stereotypes along.
As a Chinese-American I believe Martin Luther King would be disappointed with current black sensibilities, including, but not limited to, never-ending victimization and constant eschewing of person responsibility. What has gone so wrong in the last 50 years?
See more at:
Sracey Dash is clewless.
Stacey Dash is infinitely more intelligent and attractive than any woman who posts here.
PX: Never tried them. I tend to use Ernie Balls on my Les Paul, Gibson phosphor bronze on my Yamaha acoustic, and La Bellas on my nylon string electric, but I haven't tried any new strings for years.
-Doug in Oakland
FN"Do you think that the scandal with Sinclair Media is a big deal?"
What scandal???
FN:"Is it right for liberals to call for advertisers to boycott right wingnuts who say and do outrageous things?"
No, you are suppressing free speech, which is your leftist goal to enslave this country with alt left tyranny.
mike from iowa said...
Oops, they did it again. Cops shoot unarmed black man, This time they mistook a silver pipe for a gun. Sounds like the lads in blue need refresher courses on what real guns look like.
2:03 PM
So he had a silver pipe, hence he had a deadly weapon, hence deadly force was justified.
If Stacey Dash and all stoopid fucking wingnuts were 100 IQ points smarter, they'd still need to be watered twice a week.
No, you are suppressing free speech, which is your leftist goal to enslave this country with alt left tyranny
Free speech does not include slanderous lies told by stoopid fucking wingnut wasicu wasteys every minute they are broadcasting.
"So he had a silver pipe, hence he had a deadly weapon, hence deadly force was justified."
Cops are always being shot with silver pipes. It’s tragic, really. Stop the silver pipe violence. I fully expect wingnuts to start a movement for silver pipe control.
Blue lives matter, guys.
I'll let ya know how they sound.
No, you are suppressing free speech, which is your leftist goal to enslave this country with alt left tyranny
Wow, such hysterics. Somebody needs a safe space. And another white snowflake fuckboi chimes in. Suppressing my free speech is necessary to keep this fuckboi from feeling tyranized. Uh, ok. teh stoooopid is strong in this one.
"anon's comments highlight the fact that most whites have no clue as to what happens in the day to day lives of blah people but yet want to make uninformed comments and push false stereotypes along."
PoseurX's comments highlight the fact that most blacks have no clue as to what happens in their "community" as an aggregate, but yet want to make uninformed comments and push cherry-picked and unrepresentative images along.
Mentoring a handful who don't wind up convicted of felonies, tutoring a handful who don't wind up dropping out of school, and everything else does not change the fact that the net behavior of African-Americans is destructive of social order and civilization itself.
The most telling thing is that PoseurX puffs himself up because he has successfully learned how to fly an airliner, but he can't admit to himself that there is not one black country on Earth which can build an airliner. He owes his signature achievement and blog handle to the white man, but won't give one shred of credit or gratitude. He is an ungrateful wretch who should be removed to Liberia.
Looks like conservatives like to boycott too.
"PoseurX's comments highlight the fact that most blacks have no clue as to what happens in their "community" as an aggregate, but yet want to make uninformed comments and push cherry-picked and unrepresentative images along."
What are you even talking about? The vast majority of blah people are honest tax paying citizens. I guess people who don't live in the community, don't know anyone who lives in the community know best huh? Logical fallacy.
"He owes his signature achievement and blog handle to the white man, but won't give one shred of credit or gratitude. He is an ungrateful wretch who should be removed to Liberia."
Uh no, all of my flight instructors who taught me how to fly were Black so I don't need to thank any white guy for that. I can also thank my parents, both blah, for paying for flight lessons. Nice try though. What would your handle be, jealous white racist? 😂
" does not change the fact that the net behavior of African-Americans is destructive of social order and civilization itself."
"that there is not one black country on Earth which can build an airliner."
Countries do not build airplanes, people do. My former college roommate, who is a blah person, designs airplanes for Boeing. Have YOU ever designed an aircraft? My bet is beyond a paper airplane the answer is no. Boeing, as well as all other major aircraft manufacturers, employ a diverse group of designers, engineers, ect. that include Black, White, Asian women and men who work to build planes These corporations are located in diverse multi-cultural nations (like the US). When you show me a modern aircraft that was built and designed completely by whites I'll buy your poorly thought out argument.
"He is an ungrateful wretch who should be removed to Liberia"
May buy some property there for when I retire but til then I'll keep my Black ass right here in the good old US of A. You can TRY to get me to leave, doubt you have the resolve or abilty, but you may as well get used to us darkies cause we're here to stay. Hell, I bet my family has been here longer than yours. Now if you want to leave and head back to Transylvania or wherever your folks hail don't let the door knob hit you on the way out.😝
It is always a pleasure to shout out my loftiest thoughts as well as my basest emotions. Who else could put up with me?
Thank you for the report on Mueller. This is more exciting than when... Well, it's good. Fuck Donald Trump, the NRA and their Russian cash cows. I almost hope that the monster gets enough pencil in his dick to hit the red button and fire Mueller. But it would be a damn shame to see all of this come to nought. Somehow I feel that even if he did eventually fire Mueller there really wouldn't be anything that he could do to erase the sworn depositions, expert testimony and concrete evidence that has already been unearthed. The republicans suspect that the ends is to impeach Trump. Let them quake in their boots. The real thing is to take the wind out of his sails and expose him for the fraudulent criminal that he is.
To more serious matters... I have been thinking about Dr. King a great deal this year. Of course I heard excellent programming on NPR yesterday. I heard him being interviewed by an Indian journalist in about 1957 regarding his studies of Mahatma Ghandi. That was an affirmation of the genesis of King's approach to non-violent protest. When the young MLK was studying about Ghandi, presumably in seminary, the death of Ghandi was inescapably in recent memory.
With the election of the belligerent, I have been seeking common ground with my libertarian friends. There exist today libertarians who oppose war and the MIC. But most of mi compas are only too willing to see the monster drive our national treasury into the ground whilst simultaneously enriching the treasure-addicted military contractors and their shareholders. So a speech or a sermon given by Dr. King in the early 1960s came to mind. This is a really famous speech that has been transcribve in books for decades. Somebody must remember what I am talking about. He had predicted men broken and twisted by war unable to return to the lives that that the Goddess had planned for them due to their injuries both emotional and physical suffered in war. He likened the cost of wars to mountains of money. I also remember something I heard yesterday excerpted on the MLK programming about how Dr. King had once declared that wars were no longer winnable. I wish I could find the radio show, transcript or speech.
"The vast majority of blah people are honest tax paying citizens."
I think you really are stupid enough to believe that.
Black poverty rate 2.5x the white rate.
39.6% of all welfare recipients are black, compared to 16.8% for whites.
Blacks as a group receive 13x their net GDP contribution in transfer payments.
Blacks in America cost an average of $10,016 in public costs per year over net taxes paid (NOT including excess costs of the criminal justice system, SPED, etc.).
And a lot of this is due to...
77.3% of black births out-of-wedlock in 2015.
"I guess people who don't live in the community, don't know anyone who lives in the community know best huh?"
I guess somebody who can't even grasp the situation in the south and west sides of his own city needs to be mocked until he learns. He's probably too dumb to learn the truth, but he can learn to STFU.
"all of my flight instructors who taught me how to fly were Black"
1. Who invented powered flight?
2. Who first learned to fly?
3. Who instructed your instructors?
It's such a pity that your instructors and mechanics weren't of the stature of William D. Wills. You, too, could have died because your mechanic dropped a tool into the flight controls and jammed them. Then we wouldn't have your self-important blather.
"Countries do not build airplanes, people do."
Shameful way to not answer the question. Name ONE black country with an aircraft design studio or aircraft factory selling to the world market.
"You can TRY to get me to leave, doubt you have the resolve or abilty, but you may as well get used to us darkies cause we're here to stay."
White America has at least a trillion rounds of ammunition stocked away. There are about 40 million black people in the USA. Doing the math, if it took 1000 shots fired to get one black fatality, the white armory would be down 40 billion of those 1 trillion rounds. That would leave 96% of it to handle other problems. So yes, white people have the ability. You are giving us the resolve.
In an actual war it wouldn't take nearly that much ammo. Just cutting off fuel, water and electricity to Chicago in the depth of winter would be enough to kill the better part of a million blacks (and 3/4 million wetbacks), and the same for Philadelphia, Newark, Wilmington, Detroit and all the other 5#1+holes you've created from cities. The really run-down sections could be cleared with little gunfire, just Molotov cocktails. Set up kill zones for those who escape the flames and it would probably be closer to 10 rounds per.
Anyone with a little smarts (meaning, not you) can do these calculations, PissantX. Lots of people have done them. I'm sure the real hard cases have started drawing up battle plans based on them, maybe even gamed them on paintball fields. Get out while you still can. If you can't even see the problems of Chicago's west side, you won't see until it's far too late to go.
Maybe you can start an aircraft design studio in Monrovia. Go be the Wakanda you want to see in the world.
Have you ever designed an aircraft? What do you do for a living? There are whites here who are hooked on meth and do all sorts of things that defy human decency. I don't ask you to answer for all white behavior. I can only do me and I am college educated and a have a six figure income, I volunteer to help others and I go from there. Tell us a little about yourself.
And for the record it was specific individuals who created powered flight ect not an entire nation of people of a certain color. You might want to recalibrate your argument.
"Get out while you still can."
"The really run-down sections could be cleared with little gunfire, just Molotov cocktails. Set up kill zones for those who escape the flames and it would probably be closer to 10 rounds per."
😂😂😂😂😂😂😂This is what you spend your time doing? Dreaming about things that will never happen? That is beyond pathetic. Well, while you dream about non-existent race wars I'll be flying my Airbus and making a lot of money. Good luck with that war general.😂😂😝😝😝😝😝
"Have you ever designed an aircraft?"
Define "designed". I have gone from building your typical one-off balsa gliders as a 9-yr-old (not kits, my own concepts) to sketching ideas for VTOL craft. I never got to the point of calculating P/W requirements for that one. I've spent time poring over L/D equations for induced drag and calculating wetted area.
No, I've never had an aeronautical engineering class. I did it all for my own personal learning.
"What do you do for a living?"
These days I work for fun, not necessity.
"There are whites here who are hooked on meth and do all sorts of things that defy human decency."
Does any of it come down to the level of chopping body parts off albinos for their magical properties, or raping infants to cure AIDS? Your cousins in Africa do that even without any drugs involved. Your cousin Mitchelle Blair in Detroit killed two of her children in hideous ways. I'll let you look up how. AFAIK she did not claim to have done it because she was on drugs; she just hated her own kids and their baby-daddies.
"I don't ask you to answer for all white behavior."
But you take credit for the black people you say work at Boeing.
"for the record it was specific individuals who created powered flight ect not an entire nation of people of a certain color."
So why didn't the airplane emerge from spectacular African individuals like Chaka Zulu? Why couldn't he make Wakanda, and was stuck being a mere warlord?
If you could actually think instead of following rote directions, you'd realize that even building something as simple as a Mongolfier hot-air balloon requires an entire culture behind it. You need an economy which isn't limited to truck farms growing food, you need one which grows fibers for trade. Cottage industry won't do; you need spinning and weaving on an industrial scale, which means at least water power. You need enough of a market for cloth that it gets cheap enough for inventors to buy it for experiments. Finally you need people in either the merchant or noble class who have the money and time to spend on testing new concepts.
NONE of those things existed in Africa when white people first came to see it. No airplane was ever coming out of there.
Culture matters. If your people degenerate to gangs doing drive-by shootings in cars and with guns they could never make themselves when you aren't firmly under the thumb of the people who created it all, you will never be a part of it. You've had 400 years to prove you're human, and always fallen into savagery. That's enough.
"This is what you spend your time doing? Dreaming about things that will never happen?"
Does the name Dresden ring any bells? We've done it before, it's on the table.
"to sketching ideas for VTOL craft."
Great, so you like drawing.
You've never had an aeronautical engineering class? Color me shocked.
So you work for fun, so basically you're unemployed. No wonder you have so much time to draw pictures of airplanes. You aound like a real winner sir. What DID you do for a living if anything?
It's on the table. 😝😂😂😝😂😂😂 Ok, the same table you draw pictures of airplanes?
"But you take credit for the black people you say work at Boeing."
False statement. Show me where I took credit for anything they did. I only pointed out the fact that they do work there and actually have aeronautical engineering degrees. They don't just make sketches like a kid😂
"So why didn't the airplane emerge from spectacular African individuals like Chaka Zulu?"
Well for one there weren't too many aircraft manufacturers back in the 1800's🤔
"You've had 400 years to prove you're human, and always fallen into savagery. That's enough."
Seeing that I'm only in my 40's gonna have to say you're wrong again. Last I checked I'm pretty human, I wanted to be a cyborg as a kid but haven't achieved that yet.
I bet if you spent as much time educating yourself as you do sitting around trying to demean blah people and plotting your mystical magical magestical race war maybe you could have a degree in aeronautical engineering like many of my friends and you could actually design aircraft and not make sketches like a 5 year old. Think about it, I could steer you in the right direction and maybe hook you up with a few mentors. You could even join NSBE and learn from a savage how to succeed in engineering.
"Does the name Dresden ring any bells?"
Are you referring to the bombing campaign against nazi Germany in WWII? So, you and a bunch of friends are thinking of flying B-17's and B-24's over American cities at night and conduct a firebombing campaign? 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Oh dear god please tell me this isn't what you're referring to.😂😝😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Here is the organization I referred you. The national society of blah engineers. You can get info on how to actually get an engineering degree. Good luck.
Yisheng = nigger
lilac = cunt
Testicle Sweat = fuckboi
"Are you referring to the bombing campaign against nazi Germany in WWII?"
This guy wants to activate the 8th Air Force against the west side of Chicago!😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
We oughta call this guy Jimmy Doolittle😂😂😂😂
He'll lead a squadron of B-25's off an aircraft carrier in Lake Michigan and drop bombs down Pulaski Ave.😂😂😂
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"Well for one there weren't too many aircraft manufacturers back in the 1800's"
The Montgolfier brothers were flying manned hot-air balloons in 1794. Shaka Zulu could definitely have heard of this, because he was born around 1797. Hot-air balloons have military uses and were used in the US CIvil War. So why didn't Shaka the warlord have his people make hot-air balloons? Maybe because:
3. We don't know Shaka's exact date of birth because the Zulu had no calendar.
2. The Zulu had no writing either; being illiterate, they could not get accurate news from far away.
1. There was no real tribal industry or economy beyond food and weapons (and maybe sex). The Montgolfiers were paper-makers. People without writing have no use for paper.
The bottom line is that even a genius super-Shaka couldn't have made so much as a hot-air balloon without importing all the pieces. His own people were incapable of producing one.
It's coming up 115 years since the Wright brothers first flew under power. Why are there no aircraft factories or design studios in black countries where black aeronautical engineers can find work?
"Seeing that I'm only in my 40's gonna have to say you're wrong again."
You spent all the time you should have spent learning history learning to dodge hard questions instead. I'll give you a hint, this only impresses halfwits like yourself.
"Last I checked I'm pretty human"
You don't know what "human" is.
"Are you referring to the bombing campaign against nazi Germany in WWII? So, you and a bunch of friends are thinking of flying B-17's and B-24's over American cities at night and conduct a firebombing campaign?"
Why use antiques? Today we have GPS-guided drones capable of carrying firebombs. A dozen of them flying missions 10 miles in and out at 50 MPH could ignite a couple dozen buildings an hour. If you were without water pressure you'd have no way to put the fires out. It would only be necessary to hit one building out of 2 or 3 because fire would spread between them. Whole sections of a city like Chicago could easily be burned out in a day.
"Oh dear god please tell me this isn't what you're referring to."
The thing about a scheme like this is that it could probably be done by just 3-4 people. A team of 50, flying 100 drones? 200 buildings an hour, probably 50 city blocks an hour. They'd take the "great" off "The Great Chicago Fire of 1871". It would probably go down in history as "The Great Saving Of Chicago From The African Infestation."
There are millions of angry white dudes out there. The only reason a team of 50 hasn't dealt with you already is because the government is on your side. That won't last much longer.
" A team of 50, flying 100 drones? 200 buildings an hour, probably 50 city blocks an hour."
😂😝😂😂😂😂😂😝😂😂 Jimmy Doolittle is going to war against major US cities with Radio Shack drones!!!!😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 Oh dear god, this is comedy gold!
Tell you what General, start your little air war next month. That gives you about 4 whole weeks to plan your air campaign. May 1st, does that work for you? But my guess is that this won't happen anytime during either of our lifetimes. 😴💤
"The bottom line is that even a genius super-Shaka couldn't have made so much as a hot-air balloon without importing all the pieces. His own people were incapable of producing one."
Says the guy who thinks sketching drawings of airplanes is a worthy endeavor😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 What can YOU build super genius?
Bwahahahahahahahahahaha! An army or fuckboi virgins!!!!! Yeah, I'm real scared of these keyboard warriors! Stop talking about your little war and bring it on. You've been talking about it for years but never seem to get your fat unemployed asses off the couch to do it! Are you a pussy or something? My guess is yes.
Yeah, and notice Jimmy Doolittle never told us what he did for a living. My bet is military strategist😂😂😂😂😂
"Jimmy Doolittle is going to war against major US cities with Radio Shack drones!!!!"
Dumbass thinks anyone would go to Radio Shack instead of Freefly:
9.1 kg useful load would easily carry 4 Molotov cocktails plus batteries. It can fly that much weight with only 350 watts; a small chainsaw engine is about 1 kW minimum, and there are a lot of chainsaws out there not being used. They could be powering drones next week.
That's assuming you accept the performance penalty from going rotary-wing. With enough runway space you can go fixed-wing. Induced drag on a 5-meter wing with an elliptical lift distribution carrying 50 kg at 100 km/hr is less than 200 watts. At 50% payload fraction and 1.1 kg per firebomb, one chainsaw engine could lift and deliver at least a dozen per mission, probably more like 2 dozen.
"What can YOU build super genius?"
You mean besides furniture, geodesic domes, screwless/nailless doodads for mounting shelves in windows to hold plants (perfect for renters), sealed double-pane storm windows to improve insulation and stop drafts and condensation, ultralight/strong stuff made from foam-core sandwich panels, and lots of electric/electronic stuff?
"You've been talking about it for years but never seem to get your fat unemployed asses off the couch to do it!"
It's not time for that yet.
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