But you just can't trample over the rights of black folks who this country claims are equal to you. And you sure as hell can't use the police force who are sworn to serve and protect ALL citizens as your own personal enforcers to carry out your dastardly deeds.
Now comes yet another story of ignorance and racism. This time it's from York, Pennsylvania.
"A Pennsylvania golf club called police on five members this weekend after the club’s co-owner felt that the group was playing too slowly and claimed that they did not leave the course when asked. The members—all five of whom are black women—say that they were discriminated against.
No charges were filed, according to the York Daily Journal, and the golf club has now issued an apology.
After the ninth hole, three of the five women left; the two who chose to keep playing were approached by the man who had spoken to them earlier, whose name is Steve Chronister, and his son, the club’s co-owner, Jordan Chronister. The pair reportedly told the women that they had taken too long a break at the turn and needed to leave the course. The women said they responded by claiming that their break had not been too long, pointing out that the group behind them was still taking a break of their own and not yet ready to tee off.
“I felt we were discriminated against,” one of the women, Myneca Ojo, told the Daily Record. “It was a horrific experience.”
One of the women, Sandra Thompson, isn’t certain that a meeting is the right solution.
“There needs to be something more substantial to understand they don’t treat people in this manner,” she told the Associated Press." [Video and story here.]
Finally, I posted last night that the Waffle House shooter (unless he killed himself) would be captured without incident and not a hair on his little blond head would be touched. Well it seems that I was right. And, to top it off, if his people can make god on two million dollars if he were to run, he can actually post bail for killing four people. Four people!
Oh wait, I am looking at a picture of all the victims......
Now it all makes sense.
Wow, thanks for sharing the story of those rude black women on the golf course. If you can't show common courtesy to your fellow golfers, you have no business being there. I'm just glad the authorities arrived in time before they escalated their inconsiderate behavior further and became violent.
The Pennsylvania golf course incident should be a wake-up call for all of us. Whether it's on the golf course, public transportation, or in a movie theater, black people sure have a thing or two to learn when it comes to acceptable behavior. Let's try to do better, shall we?
The club’s other co-owner, JJ Chronister—wife of Jordan Chronister and daughter-in-law of Steve Chronister—issued a public apology to the women and has asked them to meet with her “to fully understand what happened so that we can ensure it never happens again.”
One solution: Ban black people from the golf course.
"Finally, I posted last night that the Waffle House shooter (unless he killed himself) would be captured without incident and not a hair on his little blond head would be touched."
Well, the odds were in your favor there.
Not because the police typically arrest white suspects without incident — but because the police typically arrest suspects of ALL races without incident. Including black people.
Maybe you have been excessively following stories of police brutality to the point of losing perspective and need to take a break, but it is not actually the case that the cops make a normal practice of beating the shit out of people or killing them in the process of making an arrest. Police brutality is still the exception, thank goodness, even if it happens too often.
I don’t know how the focus on police reform turned into gross generalization of all cops as being violent and racist, but this false narrative will surely increase social divisions and make such reform harder, not easier.
Field has sadz because he was hoping the police would kill this mentally disturbed white teenager who killed black people. Only black people are allowed to kill black people.
Anti-whooteemoo fact, I did away clinical rotations at the hospital where the former President is being treated, and it is also there where I first saw a patient die. Another anti-whooteemoo fact, one of my medical mentors worked under this former President.
Black success/achievement = anti-whooteemoo.
Anonymous said...
Not because the police typically arrest white suspects without incident — but because the police typically arrest suspects of ALL races without incident. Including black people.
...but it is not actually the case that the cops make a normal practice of beating the shit out of people or killing them in the process of making an arrest. Police brutality is still the exception, thank goodness, even if it happens too often.
10:14 PM
LOLOL! Lawd have mercy! I have too laugh not to cry...is this guy a comic or what? "even if it happens too often" is he for real or is this some kind of sick sarcasm? Wipeepo wipeepo wipeepo smdh
Black people deserve the right to act rude in public, commit crimes, and violently resist arrest without consequence.
The Wakoondan Surgeon General said...
I did away clinical rotations at the hospital where the former President is being treated, and it is also there where I first saw a patient die. Another anti-whooteemoo fact, one of my medical mentors worked under this former President. Black success/achievement = anti-whooteemoo.
Your terrible English aside, how is doing clinical rotations and watching someone die proof of your "success/achievement"? Because one of your mentors was successful, this means your are a success?
You are terribly confused.
It's no secret and nothing new that whites don't want blacks in their neighborhoods, at their golf clubs or any of their venues. They also don't like blacks excelling at playing sports better than they do.
I've been at children's sports tournaments where they deliberately and unfairly let the white kids win when they knew that the black kids were doing much better.
White fathers berated their sons when it looked as if they would lose the game to blacks. And white judges deliberately awarded the win to white teams.
I've seen whites lie, cheat, steal and change scores to keep from giving credit to anyone black.
When given a level playing field, and equal opportunities blacks always excel in sports over whites.
Their hatred towards black males in particular stems from total jealousy and inferiority.
Someone is lying about stroke-counts.
That's all it takes is one time for me. Not one blah person should spend one dime on that golf course if that's how they treat members. My dad taught me as a kid never pay money to be mistreated.
As far as the latest mass shooter funny how he was armed and dangerous but yet apprehended without harm. Damn, dude had an AK and a semi auto handgun and walks without a scratch but a brotha with a cell phone takes 30? Yeah, something is in the wind. Be careful out there Fieldhands.
So they caught him. Turns out he was claiming to be a “sovereign citizen” so yeah, he's crazy.
Still, if the SS had kept his guns instead of giving them to his dad, this never would have happened.
-Doug in Oakland
What I don't get, is why they didn't they just ask to play through? That happens all the time at golf courses. People have played through a hole I've been on. I've done it. It's a little ball and a huge field. There is plenty of room for more than one group. These guys were just being assholes.
Something similar happened to my best buddy and me in college days. We both had clubs. It cost two dollars to play a round on the Torrey Pines Golf Course. We had already visited the iconic course by the coastal bluffs of La Jolla twice. Buick Open? Whatever. Very famous and popular golf course. The biggest names in golf for the last fifty years. In 1981 it was not a problem to play the nine holes.
Personal triumphs aside, we were not that good. So some old guys were waiting for us to make the hole. They didn't exactly freak out. They just needed us to get out the way.
They just asked us if it would be okay if they played through.
That simple.
Now they would have been pissed had they played speed golf. Played that once with my sister and her friends. Fun as hell but you will not be allowed back😂
MAYBE if y'all learned to behave like human beings, people might not have a problem with you! Whine whine whine! want some cheese with that whiners! over a 100 years and you still can't get your shit together, yet people who came here 10 years ago own profitable businesses which you then decide to burn down because your wittle feewlings wre hurt! hahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahzhahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahah
yyour race is useless!
Blogger PilotX said...
That's all it takes is one time for me. Not one blah person should spend one dime on that golf course if that's how they treat members. My dad taught me as a kid never pay money to be mistreated.
I took up golf couple years ago, so I now get why so many professional Black men I know are hooked!!🏌🏾♀️🏌🏾♀️
But you’re right PX, folks should refuse to pay to be mistreated. Luckily, I haven’t had any problems playing at a few clubs in my notoriously southern city/state.
Blacks are pretty racist. The difference is that blacks are allowed to be racist, otherwise you people always piss and moan whenever people call you out on your shit.
Zirin/Bump suck up to Drumpf
both need to get a job
They spend all day spewing racist hate
When they could be polishing Drumpfuck's knob.
Imagine 2 micro dicked stoopid fucking wasicu wastey wingnuts spending their time posting hate about POC on a Black blog. Trailer trash home schooling didn't prepare them for the real world where not everyone is dingy, dirty white trash. Zirin/Bump et al have to reach up to touch bottom of the humanity scale. They won't. Their upbringing assures them of lowest class status for eternity. They are the laziest of the lazy.
"I've been at children's sports tournaments where they deliberately and unfairly let the white kids win when they knew that the black kids were doing much better."
Another entry for the Anthology of Things that Never Happened.
"I took up golf couple years ago, so I now get why so many professional Black men I know are hooked!!"
So is the stereotype of black men having big dicks just compensation for having small brains?
Feeled DGAF about the murders of hundreds of completely innocent white people like Anthony Mele at the hands of black people, but cries about some black women being "disrespected" on a golf course. Can you be any more petty than that?
"you have thrown all pretense of being decent human beings out the window with your dirty sheets."
We were MORE than decent to you. We gave you outright legal preferences over our own. All we got back was ingratitude and hate.
I won't accuse you of failing to be decent human beings, though. It looks like 20% of sub-Saharan DNA comes from "ghost" populations, lines which were absorbed by the Bantu and pygmies and Khoisan but contributed nothing to the diaspora which populated the rest of the world. To be decent or indecent human beings, you have to be human beings first. You're not. You're literally a different species.
"you just can't trample over the rights of black folks who this country claims are equal to you."
Claiming something doesn't make it true. For 70 years, the law of the USA has been on the wrong side of the facts. Equality doesn't exist except in mathematics; no two organisms of any kind are 100% equal, not even identical twins. Not being truly human, there's no way you can be equal.
Genetic science is smashing the lie of equality and will crush it as thoroughly as a sledgehammer crushes a bug. When that happens, "affirmative action", "disparate impact", "fair housing", "diversity" and all the rest are going to disappear. After that, the butcher's bill will come due. If you're bright, you'll skip out on it. #Blaxit now!
At least Yisheng is 25% whooteemoo.
Racists have small dicks. White boys are racist. It's not a coincidence. It's also no wonder why Butt Trumpet is their god.
Kanye West is now on the Trump Train. He wants to MAGA.
When you hopping on, Field?
If Kanye West lived in the early 20th century, he would have bought a ticket on the Titanic and the Hindenburg.
Entitled exclusionary racist jerkitude on a golf course? Not news.
Obama and Hillary killed Gaddafi to prevent him from making Wakanda real and making Africa a superpower by 2020. So there's that.
Fuck the gooks and chinks!
FEC Records Indicate Hillary Campaign Illegally Laundered $84 Million:
Donald Trump should lobby for Travis Reinking to be awarded the Congressional Medal of (dis)Honor for his exemplary service to White terrorism and the Sovereign Citizen/Patriot movement.
Also, Alex Jones should be appointed White House mouthpiece.
These guys were just being assholes.
These guys were being wasicu wastey assholes.Big difference.
FEC Records Indicate Hillary Campaign Illegally Laundered $84 Million:
Probably false or misleading. I'll wait for main stream press to weigh in if they bother.
Your activist stoopid fucking wingnut Scotus sided with foreign korporations today and said they can't be sued in US courts because it will cost them profits.
The masks coming off Drumpf's jailable ass- https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2018-04-23/flight-records-illuminate-mystery-of-trump-s-moscow-nights
Drumpf told Comey two times he never spent the pee hooker weekend in Moscow. Of course he lied. Does he ever tell the truth? Do his faithful followers ever tell the truth?
"Drumpf told Comey two times he never spent the pee hooker weekend in Moscow."
The geniuses who bought Trump's flight logs forgot about the existence of time zones:
Trump was telling the truth about his visit to Moscow. You lose again.
Keith Schiller, Fergus' bodyguard at the time, reacted to the pee pee tape allegations by saying that the Russians had offered to send prostitutes, but they declined, after which he said he stood outside of Fergus' door for a while before going off to bed.
Not both of them going off to board a flight, but going off to bed.
If it came out of Fergus disgusting face hole, there is a high probability of it being a lie.
When such lies are told to FBI agents, by ANYONE, president, president-elect, or Bozo the Clown, it is a felony.
So the real question here seems to be "Do felonies committed by a Republican president even matter when the congress is under Republican control."
-Doug in Oakland
Here we go again, another uppity black in a wasicu wastey business with a history of discrimination.
They're cheating like a Fergus marriage in the Arizona election today:
-Doug in Oakland
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