Are liberals like Jimmy Kimmel part of the problem when it comes to racism in America? Seriously dude?! How is Roseanne's racism a mental health issue? Just stop it.
Is there anyone surprised that Donald trump did not come out and condemn Roseanne? Rather, this clown actually made the entire issue about him. Now he wants an apology from ABC because they apologized to the woman Roseanne insulted. Unbelievable!
Is there anyone who actually believes that Melania trump actually wrote the latest tweet attributed to her?
Was it cool for Southwest Airlines to make a white woman prove that a bi-racial baby was hers?
Does anyone even care that 4,500 Puerto Ricans died as a result of Hurricane Maria?
Isn't it kind of fitting that trump is hosting Kim Kardashian for a meeting on prison reform? Because all the experts and really smart people who are invested in this issue were busy.
After reading this story about what trump told Jerry Jones, do you still believe that the anthem issue with the NFL is about patriotism?
"Is there anyone who actually believes that Melania trump actually wrote the latest tweet attributed to her?"
I heard there is a Melania double in the White House now, in order that the real Melania can escape and live in NYC away from her horrible husband.
Fake Melania stays completely silent and just nods compliantly to everyone's comments because if she opens her mouth, the jig will be up, as fake Melania does not speak with a Slovenian accent or routinely plagiarize Michelle Obama speeches.
Chief of staff John Kelly had fake Melania outfitted with a steel chastity belt and told her to wear it always, because Donald has a tendency to get confused and try to have sex with her.
I have this on good authority from a guy who knows a guy who knows a guy who knows a guy, so it has to be true, right?
Share this important news with everyone you know.
"Are liberals like Jimmy Kimmel part of the problem when it comes to racism in America? Seriously dude?! How is Roseanne's racism a mental health issue? Just stop it."
Not sure if this is some kind of political courtesy from one comedian to another, or if Kimmel really knows something about Roseanne we don't know. I mean, it's possible she truly does have some mental issue. But let's just say I am extremely skeptical that this would explain her vile, long-standing opinions on Muslims or black people.
Maybe she caught a contagious case of "comedian Tourettes" from hanging around Seinfeld's Kramer? This dreaded disease causes you to uncontrollably shout racial slurs if audience members don't laugh at your stand-up routine. :-D
Blaxx are in a real bind. They hate white people, and know that white people hate them (despite all their fawning and pseudo-adoration) (we're really just afraid you're going to beat us up if we don't kiss your asses), but the smarter ones know that if they had their own Black Nation that it'd turn into Liberia or Somalia in short order, due to the lower-than-average black IQ. They *need* white people.
What should they do? Continue to lick the White Man's boot, or try to forge their own path and possibly starve to death?
I'd appreciate your thoughts, Black Scholars.
"After reading this story about what trump told Jerry Jones, do you still believe that the anthem issue with the NFL is about patriotism?"
Depends what you mean.
For some of the NFL's fans, sure. For them, it IS about patriotism. There are definitely knee-jerk, hypernationalist flag-humpers out there who feel it's disrespectful and unacceptable to involve the national anthem in a protest, for any reason, ever. They do absolutely exist. 'Murica.
However, for other NFL fans, it's not the use of the anthem in a protest they object to, but the goal of the protest. They're "Blue Lives Matter" all the way, and feel the cops can do no wrong and/or that black people who get shot by cops always deserve it. Naturally, they just want black people to sit down and shut the hell up.
And then, there's Trump.
For him, as this leaked conversation suggests, it's mostly an opportunity to pump up his base. This is not much of a revelation to anyone, I think.
Is there anyone surprised that Donald trump did not come out and condemn Roseanne?
It's terrible that the President doesn't take time away from running the country to join in the torrent of criticism of something a tv actress tweeted.
Was it cool for Southwest Airlines to make a white woman prove that a bi-racial baby was hers?
All airlines require parents to present a birth certificate when taking a baby on board. I always have to when I fly with my bi-racial babies.
On top of that, the baby had a different last name from the mother. If a white woman had abducted a black baby and an airline let her fly away with it, you would make a big deal about how racist airlines don't care about black babies.
> How is Roseanne's racism a mental health issue?
Because if you're not "racist" by CultMarx definition, you're insane.
> Does anyone even care that 4,500 Puerto Ricans died as a result of Hurricane Maria?
Analyzing the root cause of the fatalities (which would not have happened among heritage American-stock Floridians) is officially forbidden. Because Noticing is racist. Actual Americans are not allowed to care, because caring might involve taking account and learning things one is not allowed to learn.
> If a white woman had abducted a black baby and an airline let her fly away with it, you would make a big deal about how racist airlines don't care about black babies.
Breathing While White is racist.
Ask me why IDGAF about "racist" or "racism" anymore. If you're willing to eat some hot lead, ask me in person. I will almost certainly give you some. I'm generous that way.
1) I would have more compassion for her if she didn't have $80 million.
With that kind of money, she could do or be anything she wants, and this is what she chooses.
I know quite a few crazy people, and every one of them could use the kind of resources she has, or any at all.
Jimmy, maybe you're afraid you might get fired for running your mouth?
2) Fergus, here's the thing: You're the goddamn president, and she's a comedian. When they talk about what she does it's mostly gossip, I mean who really cares? When they talk about you it's news because YOU'RE THE GODDAMN PRESIDENT.
3) Well, there were reports that she had been seen at the Waldorf in NYC, and she doesn't seem very happy with her husband, but she did marry the bastard, and I doubt she was unaware of who and what he is when she did so, so who knows?
As for the tweet, she probably didn't write it, it doesn't sound much like her, but she may have OKed it as part of her "job".
4) No, but what were they gonna do? It could have been a bomb for all they knew.
5) Their families do. Anyone with any human decency does. Pretty much the only people who don't are Republicans.
6) But he can relate to her because they are in the same business, so he might listen to what she says.
So rather like his staff briefing the hosts of Fox and Friends about issues he needs to know to be sure he actually hears about them, perhaps they should be giving her a crash course on prison reform to maybe get it through to him.
Nah, he'll just be staring at her tits and won't hear a thing.
So maybe throw him in federal prison for a year and see what he comes up with?
7) Nope. Never did.
-Doug in Oakland
"1) I would have more compassion for her if she didn't have $80 million.
With that kind of money, she could do or be anything she wants, and this is what she chooses.
I know quite a few crazy people, and every one of them could use the kind of resources she has, or any at all.
Jimmy, maybe you're afraid you might get fired for running your mouth?"
Eh, why would Jimmy get in trouble for saying Roseanne is racist? His bosses fired Roseanne for being racist. I don't know too many bosses who get mad when you agree with them.
Dude, Rosanne is crazier than a loon.
Of course the donald would make this about himself and cry, Bill Maher told you he's a little bitch.
Sadly no one will care about Puerto Ricans but those that are displaced to Florida have a chance to tip the political scale.
Not sure if a birth certificate is required to fly with a baby.
Of course he invited a Kardashian to discuss a serious problem because republicans are not a serious governing party. His daughter and son in law are basically cabinet members and she makes handbags.
"Sadly no one will care about Puerto Ricans but those that are displaced to Florida have a chance to tip the political scale."
Nothing would be funnier than if Trump loses the 2020 election (assuming he isn't in prison by then) because he blew off Puerto Ricans in their time of need, and so they all moved to Florida and took revenge by voting against him.
"Eh, why would Jimmy get in trouble for saying Roseanne is racist? "
It was an act of supreme courage for Jimmy Kimmel to speak against all those in power - ABC excecs, the MSM, the President - supporting Roseanne, as Field Negro put it calling "black folks apes or n*****s".
Jimmy has put his career on the line by Speaking Truth to Power. He is probably the most hated man in America right now. I'm sure the media will now target him for destruction. CNN is probably camped outside his house right now. He's a true hero that will go down in history as the Civil Rights titan of his age. Grateful black people will quote him with awe for generations.
"Sadly no one will care about Puerto Ricans but those that are displaced to Florida have a chance to tip the political scale."
Nothing would be funnier than if Trump loses the 2020 election (assuming he isn't in prison by then) because he blew off Puerto Ricans in their time of need, and so they all moved to Florida and took revenge by voting against him.
The federal government responded to the natural disaster in Puerto Rico by sending in a huge military contingent, aid workers and American power company repair crews along with a boatload of cash. It's difficult to note precisely how much funding was allotted to where and when but, whatever its distribution, the following amounts were earmarked substantially for Puerto Rico following Hurricane Maria:
*$15 billion in September 2017;
*$36.5 billion in October 2017; and
*$15.8 billion in February 2018.
With a population of 3.3 million that means US taxpayers extended aid in an amount approaching $20,393 for every man, woman, and child on the island. That’s quite generous. Nothing like how Puerto Ricans famously mobilized to help Tennesseans recover from the Nashville flood. But still it was a very significant package. So how lavish do you imagine were Governor Rossello’s expressions of appreciation? Well, let’s see…
After relief debacle, Puerto Rico’s governor looks for political revenge in Florida.
Vengeance! Yes, I think that’s how you pronounce thank you in Spanish. Though honestly who among us has ever been handed $67 billion dollars and not felt their fury coming to a boil?
The article goes on to describe how the enraged island steward has sought to rally the ‘Rican diaspora to wreck Trump in future elections. So what explains this behavior? The answer is entitlement, but that’s not sufficient analysis. That Rosselló has repaid charity with hostility is an act as timeless to the human condition as the flimsiness of a tropical shanty.
The reason he has done so lies largely in this question: Is it possible to give a stranger who wants money as much money as they want? I can assure you the task is more difficult than many imagine. And if they think you have more to give, their satisfaction approaches the impossibility event horizon. In addition, one act of charity breeds expectations for more. Unmet expectations produce resentment. By that means upturned palms eventually become fists.
What lessons could be taken from this? Only a prudent society would bring itself to wonder.
Democrats spent years demanding higher taxes on the rich. Trump actually did that, by reducing the amount of state and local taxes millionaires could deduct from their federal taxable income.
And bam!, just like that, Democrats are scrambling to provide tax relief to these poor 1%-ers.
Big shout out to the Field Negro mocking Kim Kardashian for talking about policy when two months ago he was celebrating teens as political geniuses for pushing gun control.
My last fish died
I am truly alone
RIP D'Brickashaw
Trump is the only President who can juggle two Kims at once.
"Eh, why would Jimmy get in trouble for saying Roseanne is racist? His bosses fired Roseanne for being racist. I don't know too many bosses who get mad when you agree with them."
Next time he may not agree with them, but still want to keep his job.
-Doug in Oakland
Drumpf is Potus? Since when? Who givea a shit about Riseanne or Kimmel? Or Drumpfuck for that matter?
Anyfuckingmoose-this guys nails your balls to the walls. He has you and your brethren pinned precisely.
Duke's, Heckmann's, Blue Plate, and Best Foods—
There is a mayonnaise war, and it is real.
Schittmann's Mayonnaise is the best.
Taste the difference.
A MAGA hat-wearing black man has been charged with hate crimes for assaulting a Latino man on NYC’s subway.
”Lopez was minding his own business at the station when Ames, sporting the red cap made famous by President Trump's 2016 campaign, sized him up as a drug-dealing, job-stealing Mexican — then pushed him off the platform and onto the tracks, cops said.
‘You come here and you take our jobs!’ he screamed, according to cops. ‘You bring drugs!’”
A Man In A MAGA Hat Who Allegedly Pushed An Immigrant On The Subway Tracks Was Charged With A Hate Crime
A lot of Trump’s white supporters are pathetic fools, acting against their own interests by voting for the orange con artist and parroting all the hateful lies he tells. They irrationally expect Trump will somehow make their lives better as he laughs at their broke, powerless asses from Mar-a-Lago and his other resort properties.
But this guy is on a whole ‘nother level of stupid. I don’t think there are adequate adjectives to describe how dumb he is.
Are we “great” yet, America? Doesn’t feel like it.
Fartley's Mustard is the tastiest brand out there.
That sound it makes when you squeeze the bottle ... delicious!
Squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeze the bottle ......
Anonymous mike from iowa said...
Duke's, Heckmann's, Blue Plate, and Best Foods—
There is a mayonnaise war, and it is real.
11:05 AM
Totally fake news from a fake of an original.
Jerry Jones was as big a business crook as Drumpfuck back in the day.
Trump Says He'll Pardon Dinesh D'Souza, Who Pleaded Guilty To Campaign Finance Fraud
D'Sucka is a perfect example of wingnut voter fraud.
The real reason Drumpfuck and stoopid fucking wingnuts want to colonize Mars- Sex on Mars is going to be risky, but it could create a new human subspecies
That is correct. Wingnuts want an even dumber base than they have now and Mars will make it happen.
The world is over. National Review clears Soros of charges being a Nazi sympathizer and thief.
OMFG! The horror!
Paedophilia is not understood. It needs help, not condemnation - I should know.
“Trump Says He'll Pardon Dinesh D'Souza, Who Pleaded Guilty To Campaign Finance Fraud
D'Sucka is a perfect example of wingnut voter fraud.”
For his next trick, he will try to pardon the Charlottesville Nazis (even though I believe they were charged with Virginia state crimes), because they are “good people” who were misunderstood.
Trump may end up winning the award for “worst use of the presidential pardon.” And yes, that’s even with Ford’s pardon of Nixon being in contention.
Kim gets in the white house to talk to Donald? Did he slap that ass??!
"Trump may end up winning the award for “worst use of the presidential pardon"
Yes, it's definitely the worst!
“Yes, it's definitely the worst!”
Clinton ahouldn’t have pardoned Marc Rich.
But Rich was only one guy; Trump is only 1.5 years into his presidency and he’s already pardoned a whole parade of undeserving scumbags.
So, yes, Trump is on track for a very dubious “accomplishment” here.
Poppy pardoned the Iran-Contra fuckers after admitting to having been briefed on their felonious misdeeds while they were still being misdone, and utterly escaped any accountability for doing so.
-Doug in Oakland
Do you stoopid fuckimg wingnuts know that pardons are non-reviewable?
So why did stoopid fucking wingnut congressweasels take it upon themselves to dissect the Mark Rich pardon, which they had no legal right to do?
Because they are arrogant stoopid fucking morons who think the laws of America do not apply to stoopid fucking wasicu wasteys.
Marc Rich is an American hero!
Joy Reid's Blog Published A Photoshopped Image Of John McCain As The Virginia Tech Shooter
MSNBC host Joy Reid’s new-defunct blog published an image of Senator John McCain’s head photoshopped onto the body of Virginia Tech shooter Seung-Hui Cho, according to a newly discovered post reviewed by BuzzFeed News.
The October 2007 post, titled “Baghdad John Strikes Again,” discusses then-GOP Presidential nominee John McCain’s infamous claim that he would “follow Osama bin Laden to the gates of hell.” The image appears at the end of the post, which was apparently penned by Reid.
The McCain post is the latest in a series of archived items from Reid’s blog that have embarrassed the AM Joy host and her network. Though Reid apologized for several homophobic posts last December, she later attributed others to a hacker. Reid subsequently admitted that she could not substantiate this claim after news reports knocked down the evidence her private cybersecurity expert provided. Reid and MSNBC have both pointed to an ongoing FBI investigation into the alleged breach.
Neither MSNBC nor Reid responded to requests for comment about the McCain post.
Obama pardon traitors and terrorists. Clinton pardon the worst tax cheat in American history. Clinton also pardon people who connections to DNC donors. In turn, these donors reward Clinton.
The left defended these pardons. So the left has no moral high ground when it comes to pardons.
D’souza was a political prosecution.
Good for Joy Reid. Bout time Dems go after stoopid fucking wingnut blood.
Wingnuts are running away from Drumpf's obvious lie about being spied upon.
Drumpf claims he never fired Comey over Russia and accused the media of lying. Swill that kool aid wasicu wateys.
All I want to know is if people in/from PR still think they’re White because when I was growing up, they were Brown.
"Are liberals like Jimmy Kimmel part of the problem when it comes to racism in America? Seriously dude?! How is Roseanne's racism a mental health issue? Just stop it."
Jimmy Kimmel= Sparklefart, does not put his money where his mouth is for sure.
"Is there anyone surprised that Donald trump did not come out and condemn Roseanne? Rather, this clown actually made the entire issue about him. Now he wants an apology from ABC because they apologized to the woman Roseanne insulted. Unbelievable!"
She represents his 'base'.
"Is there anyone who actually believes that Melania trump actually wrote the latest tweet attributed to her?"
Haven't read it. But prolly not :)
"Was it cool for Southwest Airlines to make a white woman prove that a bi-racial baby was hers?"
That airline is so full of crap and uncool things!
"Does anyone even care that 4,500 Puerto Ricans died as a result of Hurricane Maria?"
No, well maybe some do, those that are conscientious and compassionate.
"Isn't it kind of fitting that trump is hosting Kim Kardashian for a meeting on prison reform? Because all the experts and really smart people who are invested in this issue were busy."
I knowww! I mean...wth! Kim Kardashian??? xD (Kanye sent/forced her lolololol)
"After reading this story about what trump told Jerry Jones, do you still believe that the anthem issue with the NFL is about patriotism?"
I don't keep abreast but my guess would be no anyway, I mean we all know what that's about...
Jeez Field, so many questions...but I love the variety ;)
Yīshēng, WAKANDA FOREVER!!!������������ said...
All I want to know is if people in/from PR still think they’re White because when I was growing up, they were Brown.
6:14 PM
Some do, the ruling class to this day is practically all white descending from Corsicans, Dutch, Norwegian and Swedes. They are mostly white and almost never intermarried with either the black or Indian, so as to remain 'pure' as they put it.
Although some of those whites did intermarry and so now their genes can be seen in many people with fair skin, light hair and eyes.
Then the Middle Eastern influence in many of the 'Spaniards'(forcefully converted from Islam to Christianity when the Spanish took over the Arab empire in Spain) who came here running from oppression, their influence can also be seen in many phenotypes.
But to answer your question, the whites call themselves white and they look Anglo, some browns refuse to admit their brownness and identify with the white ruling class to the extent that they will also call themselves 'white' much against what the mirror tells them every day :) I know, crazy right? ? :)
Most Blacks will admit to the fact that they are black, but some will call themselves 'triguenos' which means you know, like Obamas color more or less.
So that's it, it depends, and it's complicated! ;)
Chicago May 2018 to Date:
Shot & Killed: 42
Shot & Wounded: 260
Total Shot: 302
Total Homicides: 49
I was surprised "WAKANDA"embrace Conservative polices and nationalism. Great movie.
Trump could turn America into "WAKANDA".
Be careful about mis-spelling that. Especially don't write "Wakantya".
"Wakantya behave yourselves in schools and society?"
Of course, that's not the case. Racism is a crime, and crime is for black people.
The mis-education of the Negro in America...
Directions: Identify the grammatical errors in the following text and correct them.
* "Is you going?"
* "Where my mom?"
* "Yes I'm is.
* "That's mines.
* " I work yesterday."
* "He be messin wit me!"
* "Where is you?"
* "Here I'm is.
* Axe me a question.
Side note: an axe is what you use to chop down a tree.
400 years in America and Blacks are still speaking like uneducated slaves.
And the worst of it all is that black educators who have been put in charge of teaching black children reading and writing in predominantly black schools speak just as badly.
It's no wonder black illiteracy remains a national crisis.
Listening to most blacks speak is like listening to chalk being scratched on a chalkboard. EEEEEEOOOOW!
When blacks learn to speak and write standard English then and only then will their requests for equality be taken seriously.
Yes, black illiteracy remains a national crisis and a lot of white folks are getting rich from it.
Hey Roseanne...The biggest albino ape is the one sitting in the "white" house.
Orangutan...orange skin, orange hair.....
Hey Roseanne, when it comes to apes, it takes one to know one. When u looked in the mirror you saw one so now you feel that you can identify others.
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
America has now fallen into "monarchy" status...never to return.
White folks. Be careful what you ask for.
Democracy is over.
"Democracy is over."
I wish.
80 IQ Monkees always the problem, always will be the problem. Blaxit in 2020
Liberals are like Christmas lights – They all hang together, half of them don't work, and the ones that do aren't very bright.
Virginia just expanded Medicaid.
-Doug in Oakland
Illinois ratified the ERA.
-Doug in Oakland
NBA wants a changing f the guard. LaBron James is going out by force. Since when did the stars not get the dubious cal. King James has to fight the in the bag referees as well as the other team. Time for the bi-racial boys t be the stars.. the. Young ones don’t respond t racial causes.
@Stillapanther2: It ain't about Curry and Thompson over LeBron, it's about the Bay Area over Nowhereland. Refs gave the game to Golden State because fuck Cleveland.
What a bunch of shit.
Rural white America May to date:
OD's: 20,000
Babies sold for meth: 22,000
Number of teeth: 12
Number of showers taken: 4
High school diplomas: 3
Conservatives are so dumb they think trump and Palin are smart.
I stole this from someone in Carl Newman's Twitter feed:
White privilege doesn't mean you didn't have it hard, it means that the color of your skin is not one of the things that made it hard.
-Doug in Oakland
White privilege is being held to blame for the alleged sins of your ancestors, by people who won't take responsibility for their children.
On the television series Finding Your Roots, DNA testing indicated that Valerie Jarrett is of 49% European, 46% African, and 5% Native American descent
So Roseanne actually insulted white people 3% more than she did black people. Now ABC can give her show back to her.
Fortunately for dumbass Anyfuckingmoose, wasicus are all properly skilled in basic English. Let dumbass dubya explain-
"Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we."—Washington, D.C., Aug. 5, 2004
2. "I know how hard it is for you to put food on your family."—Greater Nashua, N.H., Chamber of Commerce, Jan. 27, 2000
3. "Rarely is the question asked: Is our children learning?"—Florence, S.C., Jan. 11, 2000
4. "Too many good docs are getting out of the business. Too many OB/GYNs aren't able to practice their love with women all across the country."—Poplar Bluff, Mo., Sept. 6, 2004
5. "Neither in French nor in English nor in Mexican."—declining to answer reporters' questions at the Summit of the Americas, Quebec City, Canada, April 21, 2001
6. "You teach a child to read, and he or her will be able to pass a literacy test.''—Townsend, Tenn., Feb. 21, 2001
7. "I'm the decider, and I decide what is best. And what's best is for Don Rumsfeld to remain as the secretary of defense."—Washington, D.C., April 18, 2006
8. "See, in my line of work you got to keep repeating things over and over and over again for the truth to sink in, to kind of catapult the propaganda."—Greece, N.Y., May 24, 2005
9. "I've heard he's been called Bush's poodle. He's bigger than that."—discussing former British Prime Minister Tony Blair, as quoted by the Sun newspaper, June 27, 2007
10. "And so, General, I want to thank you for your service. And I appreciate the fact that you really snatched defeat out of the jaws of those who are trying to defeat us in Iraq."—meeting with Army Gen. Ray Odierno, Washington, D.C., March 3, 2008
11. "We ought to make the pie higher."—South Carolina Republican debate, Feb. 15, 2000
12. "There's an old saying in Tennessee—I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee—that says, fool me once, shame on—shame on you. Fool me—you can't get fooled again."—Nashville, Tenn., Sept. 17, 2002
13. "And there is distrust in Washington. I am surprised, frankly, at the amount of distrust that exists in this town. And I'm sorry it's the case, and I'll work hard to try to elevate it."—speaking on National Public Radio, Jan. 29, 2007
14. "We'll let our friends be the peacekeepers and the great country called America will be the pacemakers."—Houston, Sept. 6, 2000
15. "It's important for us to explain to our nation that life is important. It's not only life of babies, but it's life of children living in, you know, the dark dungeons of the Internet."—Arlington Heights, Ill., Oct. 24, 2000
16. "One of the great things about books is sometimes there are some fantastic pictures."—U.S. News & World Report, Jan. 3, 2000
The hick from Iowa thinks the Shrub is the idol of actual Americans?
The guy who wanted to sign amnesties and whose sister-in-law was literally an illegal alien from Mexico?
We hate that son of a bitch and his whole sell-out family.
Hick from Iowa has no idea what he's facing. He has no idea who we are, and a big part of who we are is how we think. Clueless.
White unemployment is 3.5 percent, while Hispanic unemployment is 4.9
percent. Black unemployment is 5.9 percent — a new record low down from
6.6 percent the previous month — while Asian unemployment came in at
2.9 percent.
“Average hourly earnings increased 2.7 percent from a year earlier,
more than projected, while the jobless rate fell to 3.8 percent from 3.9
percent to match April 2000 as the lowest since 1969,” Bloomberg reports.
Hick from Iowa has no idea what he's facing. He has no idea who we are, and a big part of who we are is how we think. Clueless.
I heartily agree with you being clueless.
And still Drumpf doesn't get credit for the job numbers or anything else (except corruption and collusion with Russia). He was born on third base and thought he a double triple.
Drumpfuck broke another law by telling Wall Street ahead of jobs number reportsd to expect good numbers. That is a no no but Drumpfuck is the least worried about breaking laws and protocol. Past time to impeach the orange whale.
Trump is executing Putin's evil plan of improving the American economy, bringing jobs back to America, boosting American military spending, making America energy independent, lowering taxes on the American middle class, deporting illegal alien criminals, and breaking the corrupt and out of control permanent government that subverts American democracy.
Democrats are ready to save America by increasing taxes, off shoring jobs, disarming citizens, criminalizing speech, and opening the borders to hostile third world welfare colonist.
kike from iowa is full of more shit than a Drumpfuck christmas goose.
DELICIOUS: Obama's Chicago Presidential Center Fought By Progressives And Environmentalists
In an ironic turn of events, the Presidential Center devoted to Barack Obama, who fancied himself as a man who cared about revitalizing inner-city neighborhoods and a man who cared deeply about the environment, has been hit with a lawsuit from progressives and environmentalists who don’t want what looks like a giant 235-foot monstrosity wrecking Chicago’s famous Jackson Park, the site of the 1893 Chicago’s World Fair.
As Dennis Byrne writes in The Weekly Standard, the $375 million Obama Presidential Center is running into opposition from “white Chicago lakefront progressives, University of Chicago professors, environmentalists, African-American activists, and a community organization of the kind that once employed Obama as an organizer.”
Is this anyway to treat your messiah?
Coded text message saves girl kidnapped by negro sex offender, ECSO says:
If this doesn't make Black families happy, it just can't be done.
The widow awarded a penny for funmeral costs and each surviving child gets a penny. Hope they don't spend it all in one place.
That should send a message to the gibs me dat crowd.....
That should send a message to the gibs me dat crowd.....
Exactly! That trailer park hillbilly crowd better watch out!
Is this anyway to treat your messiah?
So what exactly is happening to Bernie?
Who's the conservative messiah? W? Rush? Alex Jones?
Joy Reid Promoted an Article in 2017 From an Anime Nazi News Website Whose Staff Openly Support Hitler
Joy Reid loves her some nazis.
Joy Reid is not classically beautiful.
Joy Reid's IT guy was a nazi too. Joy Reid seems to have a thing for nazi bad boys.
Blogger Gigantesco Cazzo said...
Joy Reid is not classically beautiful.
7:14 PM
Neither are you and it ain't even close. No stoopid fucking wasicu wastey wingnut ever was beautiful and never will be. Most of you aren't human and have no souls.
Drumpfuck whines about the cost of Muellers investigation to nail Drumpf's mangy hide to the prison wall and yet the WH still won't give out figures for how mush the government wastes every time Drumpf goes on vacation to one of his own properties every week.
Roth replied, “It isn’t Trump as a character, a human type—the real-estate type, the callow and callous killer capitalist—that outstrips the imagination. It is Trump as President of the United States.
“I was born in 1933,” he continued, “the year that F.D.R. was inaugurated. He was President until I was twelve years old. I’ve been a Roosevelt Democrat ever since. I found much that was alarming about being a citizen during the tenures of Richard Nixon and George W. Bush. But, whatever I may have seen as their limitations of character or intellect, neither was anything like as humanly impoverished as Trump is: ignorant of government, of history, of science, of
philosophy, of art, incapable of expressing or recognizing subtlety or nuance, destitute of all decency, and wielding a vocabulary of seventy-seven words that is better called Jerkish than English.
Phillip Roth on dumbshit in the WH
Gubmint wuthheld exculpatory evidence from defense because they are stoopid fucking wingnuts. Cases dismissed.
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