The Supremes gave the president a win with his Muslim ban, the vote was close (5-4), but close only counts in horseshoes.
Just remember this day the next time someone tells you that elections don't matter. It was trump's pick , Neil Gorsuch, who had the deciding vote. Gorsuch, thanks to Mitch McConnell, was able to hijack the Supreme Court pick of Barack Obama and put the right-wingnut jurist on the court.
Justice Sotomayor's dissent in the case was on point. Unfortunately she was in the minority.
"Ultimately, what began as a policy explicitly 'calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States' has since morphed into a 'Proclamation' putatively based on national-security concerns," ....But this new window dressing cannot conceal an unassailable fact: the words of the President and his advisers create the strong perception that the Proclamation is contaminated by impermissible discriminatory animus against Islam and its followers."
This is a slippery slope, but Americans will support it, because it has a negative effect on Muslims and not Christians. In their minds, it will only effect the lives of those other people.
Enjoy this all for now trumpbots, today it's the other guy, tomorrow it will be you.
Anyway, given the current climate in our country, stories like the following does not surprise me.
" The mayor of a western Pennsylvania town called for black protesters to be “destroyed” by a water cannon in a misspelled Facebook post.
Bring on the German Shepherds. This is trump's America, and this is his kind of Mayor. Right down to the misspelled tweet.
First they came for the Muslims, and I said nothing.
Then they came for the Jews. Still I said nothing.
Then everything was pretty much okay, so they stopped coming.
First they came for the Jews, and I said nothing.
Then they came for the Mexicans. This time I spoke up: "Are you sure you got all the Jews?
Quit cherry picking Fraud Negro, Antwon Rose was not stopped for a common traffic/moving violation, he was in a car that matched the description, bullet holes and blown out rear window, that was involved in a drive by shooting some minutes earlier. Those in Western Pa. who are shutting down the roads in protest of the death of this sweet Angel who surely would have been an Astronaut and the next Black President in 20 years, are more of the same delusional low info,low IQ social justice freaks who YES need to go to work and get out of the streets.
It fucking hurts, Field. In real life it fucks up lives, families, communities, legal immigrants and of course Universities and their requisite lives, families and communities.
But the talking turtle McConnell sees this a vindication. Mrs. Junior tuned in NPR this afternoon on the way to the grocery store. The radio personality announced that we would hear the words of the president. I slammed my thumb on the power button. No fucking way I want to hear that shit. She wanted to hear it so she turned it back on.
This is a victory for the cheating motherfuckers that denied Obama his last choice for Supreme Court nominee. RW bastards are celebrating.
They are nothing more than criminals who would seek to subvert not only the U.S. Constitution, but the two hundred years of considered legal argument that so finely sculpted the original document.
In retrospect, Obama very well should have taken action to prevent this crime against the U.S.A.
The donald may be the best thing that has happened to the country. If this doesn't energize the left and right thinking people for 2018 and 2020 then all is lost. As you say about not censoring your blog daylight is the best disinfectant and we need a lot of disinfecting. Good luck to all of us😬
Another tragic death of a young black man, but far from a cold-blooded murder. The Pittsburgh police officer was confronted with three young men who he had pulled over who were not complying with his commands. A report had been filed that a car matching this car was just involved with a drive-by shooting. The back window was riddled with bullet holes...the assumption had to be the three occupants were armed. When they ran he panicked.
Not an excuse for the officer's actions, but it is crazy not to cooperate with the police.
Black parents need to teach their children how to behave when encountering the police.
Stay calm and seated (this goes for your passengers too). Unless the officer requests otherwise, there's no need to get out of your car.
Hand over your important documents on request (license, registration, and, in some cases, proof of insurance).
Ask questions. If you're given a citation, make sure you understand the charges. If you're unsure, ask the officer to explain.
Answer the officer's questions honestly. Maintain eye contact and be civil, polite, and to the point. (It's worth noting that you do have the legal right to remain silent.)
If you're asked to sign a traffic ticket, you may be legally required to do so. You can still contest the ticket in court or by mail. Signing is not an admission of guilt.
If it's late at night and you're uncomfortable or if the officer is in plainclothes, ask for ID. You can also request to follow the officer to a police station or a well-lit area.
Do not reach for your license, registration, or any other item until the officer asks you to. To an officer approaching your car, sudden hand movements can be perceived as a threat (not a good thing).
A smile and a positive attitude will make the incident go smoothly.
If you disagree with the citation or the officer's actions, you can file a complaint later.
Let the officer state the reason for pulling you over. Listen carefully to what the officer is saying and memorize or jot down the officer's name in case you need it later.
Avoid bolting from the vehicle. Such an action would tend to indicate that you've got something to hide. Few humans have the ability to outrun a 9mm bullet that is traveling at 2,500 feet per second.
PilotX said...
"The donald may be the best thing that has happened to the country. If this doesn't energize the left and right thinking people for 2018 and 2020 then all is lost."
All is lost for the Left. The hysterical two-year meltdown that has accelerated over the past few weeks has ensured that there will be no "blue wave" this November. Calls for violence against your opponents is a sure way to let everyone know what kind of crazy you are. The mask has slipped, and the American public is finally waking up to what monsters lurk at the heart of the Democratic Party.
Keep running on open borders, gun confiscation, higher taxes, the rights of drug dealing foreign gangs, rescinding the first amendment, and promoting sexual deviancy to children and then have another fit when you lose again. The end is nigh.
MAGA, bitches.
"All is lost for the Left."
No it's not. I can always realize my dream of going into space by joining Space Force! I just wish the donald had been elected earlier so I could have done it sooner😜
Plus two governorships, 43 special elections and a freaking Dem senator in Alabama! If I had said that two years ago you would ask what I was smoking but so far so good. Plus a good chance for a Blah female governor of Georgia. Now wouldn't that be something!
Democrats didn't lose an election, they lost their mind.
Farting Janitor said...
"They are nothing more than criminals who would seek to subvert not only the U.S. Constitution, but the two hundred years of considered legal argument that so finely sculpted the original document."
Now our government can just PICK AND CHOOSE which foreigners get to travel here based on the domestic security interests of the citizens it was created to serve. Thanks a lot, SCOTUS, for upholding this fascist hellworld.
But been winning since 2016.
How Can Mirrors Be Real If Our Eyes Aren't Real?
I can't wait to see the look on McConnell's ugly face when he loses the majority.
"Calls for violence against your opponents is a sure way to let everyone know what kind of crazy you are."
It sure worked for the goddamn Republicans in 2010. From the Rude Pundit:
"Quickie: In 2010, Republicans Won Because of Incivility and Anger
Let me take you back, way, way back, all the way to the ancient age of 2009 and 2010. A black Muslim man was uppity enough be president. Evil Democrats had majorities in both the House and Senate. And a brave rebel named Mitch McConnell was willing to stop any legislation from ever being passed again. Simpler times, man, simpler times.
A noble band of patriots called "the Tea Party" decided to take their country back or make it great again or something because the black Muslim and the evil Democrats had dared to give them health insurance. So they took their righteous anger to town hall meetings held by the Democrats and any Republicans who dared to want to work with the black Muslim, and they ranted and raged until they silenced anyone who wanted to talk about issues until many members of Congress decided to just avoid town halls with their constituents.
And, of course, the media condemned the incivility, and Republicans lost because they couldn't control their more radical voters.
Oh, no, wait. The media, for the most part, wanted to understand the rage of the tri-corner hat-wearing yokels, and the 2010 blood red tide turned the Congress Republican. Yeah, that happened.
Rage works. We're angry because they want to take away health care, imprison children, and gut the government. Learn to ride the wave, Democrats, or you're gonna just ebb and break before you ever reach shore."
You fucks believe that because we're liberals we don't know how to fight, but that's just your bullshit stereotype. We'd rather be civil because civility is usually the best way to conduct yourself, but we've already tried being civil and accommodating with you fucks, and all it got us was sixteen years of slander and treachery sandwiched around the braying invective of the Bush administration.
Obama mistakenly believed that Republicans could be reasoned with and negotiated with in good faith, and y'all went and proved him wrong with the whole world watching.
Hopefully we will have learned from that mistake. But we will win.
It sometimes helps me in this regard to remember that the most votes ever cast for a presidential candidate were cast for an African-American Democrat, as were the second most, and the third most were for a Democratic woman.
Nothing can be done about the Republicans, other than beat them at the ballot box and try to govern the country over their protestations and sabotage. They are who and what they have decided to be.
Fox News and hate radio may inflame them and make the situation worse, but neither of them could exist without their respective audiences deciding to tune in, over and over and over again.
-Doug in Oakland
A bit worried about the ruling on unions tomorrow by the SC. This could be bad The right has been trying to destroy unions for years and this might just do it. Add into it Citizens United and corporations have essentially taken over. Well you never know, Kennedy may have an epiphany.😬
PilotX and Doug,
I sure hope that you guys are right. Because I'm scared fucking shitless.
" the words of the President"
Just think. If SCOTUS would have taken obama and the people who wrote the ACA at their word, the ACA would have been ruled unconstitutional.
Obama said 27 times the ACA wasn't a tax. Arguing it was a tax in front of SCOTUS is what saved it.
So if the courts start taking presidents at their word,Democrat presidents would be hurt most.
The word is democratic you piece of shit. Trump just said the same thing today.
Fuck you
The Red Wave is gonna wash all you little bitches away in four months.
God, it's a great time to be an American.
Is it true that blacks are always using guns on each other because they are trying to compensate for their little tiny dicks?
Raygun's shining city on a hill made it a heap easier to keep undesirables at bay. They had an uphill climb to reach the place the residents of that city were born and totally unwilling to share.
The back window was riddled with bullet holes...the assumption had to be the three occupants were armed. When they ran he panicked.
I see a vehicle with the back window shot out I assume someone outside was shooting in and those three might have been the victims of an attack.
But, since they were black it is assumable they are armed and potential targets for police target practice in the back, running away and posing no threat to a scaredy ass honky cop.
First they came for the Muslims, and I said nothing.
Then they came for the Jews. Still I said nothing.
Then they came for the wasicu wasteys and I said, "They're over here, and here, and here, and here. Here's a list get them all"
Despite Drumpfuck's braggadocio on his negotiating prowess of how he personally disarmed li'l Kim - http://juanitajean.com/north-koreas-nuke-program-expanding/
This decision could only have been made by a bunch of micro dick white boys.
Anybody who still supports Trump after this will burn in hell for eternity, and I'll be up in heaven laughing my ass off at them.
How many Potential Afronauts has the country lost due to all this Negro killing and crime? Can NASA ever be returned to it's glorious past with such a "Brain Drain" going on in Hoods all over America? Please Negroes, stop the violence and the never ending crime, encourage the chillens to be travelers in space. All Black chillens dream of being on that launching pad.
There is no such thing as an attractive or trustworthy white person.
Flying Junior said...
PilotX and Doug,
I sure hope that you guys are right. Because I'm scared fucking shitless.
PilotX is right about 25% of the time. Doug is consistently wrong about everything.
You'd better stock up on Depends.
Whatever happens from here, at least we have the comforting vision of Farting Janitor sobbing over his Metamucil deep into the night because Fake News scares him.
Actually, not so much comforting as hilarious.
Supreme Court rules against mandatory union dues in Janus v. AFSCME
The U.S. Supreme Court has dealt a blow to public sector unions, holding that workers who are represented by a union, but choose not to join, do not have to pay dues to cover the costs of collective bargaining.
The nine-member court ruled 5-4 that such dues, often called "fair-share fees," clash with the rights of union non-members. The fees violate "the free speech rights of nonmembers by compelling them to subsidize private speech on matters of substantial public concern," the majority wrote in its decision in the case, Janus v. AFSCME.
The ruling Wednesday fulfills a longtime wish of conservatives to get rid of the so-called fair share fees that non-members pay to unions in roughly two dozen states. President Donald Trump tweeted immediately after the decision that "non-union workers...are now, as an example, able to support a candidate of his or her choice without having those who control the Union deciding for them."
MAGA!!!!!!! A win for free speech and America.
Trump is so bad I bet even Herbert Hoover could do a better job.
WASHINGTON—The Supreme Court has barred public-employee contracts requiring workers to pay union dues, dealing a severe blow to perhaps the strongest remaining redoubt of the American labor movement.
Now government employees can't be forced to pay dues to public sector unions who turn around and funnel the money back to the Democrat Party.
Somebody better go over to Flying Junior's house and confiscate all sharp objects.
To Fact of the Day: You are flat out wrong when you say "There is no such thing as attractive or trustworthy white person." My family is integrated with people from all of the "races." We all believe that there is one race, the human race. And if a fight with the right-wingers comes, our guns will be blazing on the side that is diverse. And BTW, we liberals do own guns.
Fuck Nebraska said...
Trump is so bad I bet even Herbert Hoover could do a better job.
Guy could build a really good dam though. Gotta give him props for that.
People who support Trump are heartless and brainless. Trump has made America worse.
Why do public employee unions even exist?
If any employer is going to conform to labor laws, it would be the government that makes them.
I don't know if I can live in a country where public employee unions lose their rights to force people to give them money.
Incumbent Rep. and Fucking White Male™ Joe Crowley knocked off by 28-year-old DSA latinx Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who has called for the abolition of ICE. This is not about high principles, but a racial power struggle in the Democratic Party.
Countdown to the last White person in the Democratic Party.
Seriously, I don't think that 70% Whites voting for the GOP is out of the question in the near future.
"Countdown to the last White person in the Democratic Party."
And blacks will STILL be a minority in the Democratic Party, one that gets much less deference from the new majority than they get now.
Muchos gracias for supporting open borders!
AbsoLUTELY Judge. When know what a hotbed of islam the Catholic country of Venezuela, and the Atheist dystopia of the DPRK are.
Nope FJ, should have seen the writing on the wall. The corporate takeover of America is going just as planned. The stolen SC seat is reaping benefits already. Champaign bottles are popping at Koch manor as we speak. I just wish all the people who benefit from union activities have to do all of thatvon their own. When a police officer is accused of wrongdoing no union lawyer for you if you don't pay dues kid, get your own but nah we hate unions so now they have to provide free services. Must be nice. By the time folks figure out they've been duped it'll be waaaay too late. Welcome back to the guilded age.
I thought Herbert Hoover invented the vacuum sweeper?
It would be funny if some people should showed up outside Karen Peconi's house and start blasting Public Enemy's FEAR OF A BLACK PLANET at 7 AM.
Welcome to the Terrordome, Miss Becky!
Supreme Court rules against mandatory union dues in Janus v. AFSCME
What a non-fucking surprise. Wingnuts first litmus test for the judiciary is pro-business/anti worker/unions.
Calls for violence against your opponents is a sure way to let everyone know what kind of crazy you are.
Drumpfuck called for violence against protesters the entire Russian backed campaign. You are sounding like cheap justice Roberts claiming Drumpf's Muslim travel ban wasn't a ban because Roberts refused to call it a ban.
Nothing can be done about the Republicans, other than beat them at the ballot box and try to govern the country over their protestations and sabotage.
How can you beat them at the ballot box when the Scotus says it is okay for stoopid fucking wingnuts to gerrymander large margins of victory for the party?
The Scotus also gave states the green light to throw Dem voters off voter rolls because....?
That case, Abood v. Detroit Board of Education, upheld the constitutionality of mandatory union fees, or “fair share” fees, in the public sector. In the U.S., unions have to represent all the workers in a particular bargaining unit equally. Because that representation doesn’t come free, unions prefer to negotiate contracts requiring everyone to chip in to cover the costs to avoid what unions derisively call “free riding” by non-dues-paying employees. The Janus ruling makes such contracts illegal.
Stoopid fucking wingnuts ignored Scotus precedence because they were able to steal a scotus seat and change the rules to favor stoopid fucking wingnuts forever.
Wingnuts want workers to get freebies, except livable wages and benefits. This ruling also greatly increases korporate amerika's bottom lines while fucking over employees some more.
Rank and file stoopid fucking wasicu wasteys are too stoopid to figure out they are screwing themselves and their kids. They just want to destroy the basic fiber of America and hand the remains to the koch bros.
PilotX said...
"Champaign bottles are popping at Koch manor as we speak."
Koch brothers are open-borders, anti-tariff, Never-Trumpers. They are on your side, dude.
Sorry the government won’t force people to pay what are in effect Democrat PACs against their will. Prayers up. You’re the real victims.
Stoopid is strong in this wasicu wastey BIMBO- White House counselor Kellyanne Conway on Wednesday became the latest official to call for civility in politics — and she insisted that it is not fair to compare President Donald Trump’s rhetoric to that of liberals.
Drumpfuck is the one who started the violence rhetoric and has never bothered to apologize for it.
Wingnuts want workers to get freebies, except livable wages and benefits. This ruling also greatly increases korporate amerika's bottom lines while fucking over employees some more.
No it doesn't, moron, this ruling applies to public sector unions.
Maybe if public sector unions can no longer steal money from non-members, they will have to focus on their actual purpose of negotiating livable wages and benefits instead of functioning as public money laundering operation for the Democrats.
Charles and David Koch, be careful what you wish for.
For years, the right-wing billionaires have been bankrolling the effort to kill public-sector unions, and on Monday, when the fruits of their labors — Janus v. AFSCME — came before the Supreme Court, the brothers were front and center: The... rest is hidden behind a paywall.
Stealing my ass you stoopid fucking wingnut. Unions are REQUIRED by law to negotiate for all workers, including non-union members. It is only right to expect freeloaders to chip in and pay the costs to get them better wages, shorter hours, paid vacations and holidays, safe working conditions and the list goes a mile further.
"Stealing my ass you stoopid fucking wingnut. Unions are REQUIRED by law to negotiate for all workers, including non-union members."
Are they required to hand over billions in money taken from government workers paychecks to the Democrat Party? It's a classic kickback scheme.
It's bizarre that there was precedent permitting this in the first place. This is like a rule giving your employer the right to vote for public officials in your name, just because you work there and you "benefit" from his company.
So -- I guess unions will now be forced to appeal to workers and gain their consent/support for their decisions? How unamerican! It's much more American just to take money from unwilling people and spend it on whatever political purposes you like.
koch bros blueprint on how union members can opt out of unions.
koch bros behind Wisconsin's Snott Wanker's plans to kill public sector and then private sector unions.
Trump Regime loyalists are demanding "civility" in politics. LOL.
This is from the same hordes that support a sociopathic MAGA demagogue who runs his mouth about "shithole countries"; "fake news"; Mexicans are "rapists and drug leaders"; immigrants are "infesting" America"--all the while pandering to White nationalists marching on Charlottesville.
This is White Weasel Behavior in all its pathetic glory!
While Black Liars Mutter complains about shootings of unarmed black men by police, young black men shooting each other account for 70% of the shootings in Miami-Dade County:
Blacks are just 19% of the population of the area, meaning that blacks shoot each other at AT LEAST TEN TIMES the rate everyone else does: (70 / 19) / (30 / (100-19)) ~= 10. Hispanics are 68% of the population but all their shooting victims (including some shot by blacks) are in the remaining 30%.
Do we see marches protesting the BIGGEST threat to young black men? HA! That would mean making black people look bad! Of course, hypocrisy makes black people look even worse, and attacking people who shine light on such unwelcome facts as "racists" is a big part of why this country is descending toward civil war.
You have only yourselves to blame for what's going to befall you.
"koch bros blueprint on how union members can opt out of unions."
So I guess public sector union busting is globalist, corporatist, open borders, Never-Trumper thing.
You have only yourselves to blame.
Even some wingnuts can see the double standard in these two cases by the Scotus. They can't all be as stoopid fucking as I believe most are.
Anonymous Ace Freely said...
It's bizarre that there was precedent permitting this in the first place. This is like a rule giving your employer the right to vote for public officials in your name, just because you work there and you "benefit" from his company.
So, shit fer brains, are you stoopid enough to believe labor negotiations are free? Yeah, you probably are. Employees have no idea where there contributions are spent or for what. They just whine like wasicu wastey stoopid fucker fake noize kool-aid swilling dumbfucks because they are instructed to whine.
You're comparison isn't even in the same universe. But, it has been done where employees are told how to vote if they want to keep their jobs. That is illegal except when stoopid fucking wingnut supporters of stoopid fucking wasicu waste POS in the WH.
BREAKING: Anthony Kennedy retiring from Supreme Court:
Trump gets another one!
Not for a second,would I miss the Muslims and the Jews.They are both superfluous and dangerous.
Breaking: Steve Bannon to be nominated for vacant Supreme Court seat:
"How can you beat them at the ballot box when the Scotus says it is okay for stoopid fucking wingnuts to gerrymander large margins of victory for the party?"
We win when we all show up because we vastly outnumber them. It's galling to have to win by ten points to break even, but we have the numbers to do so.
When we win, we have to pressure our leaders to focus on campaign reform so we can get back to a more proportional representation of the different constituencies in the government.
So let me get this straight: You can't make a baker bake a cake for a gay customer for full price, but you can make union attorneys represent non dues-paying employees at the bargaining table for free...
-Doug in Oakland
"So let me get this straight: You can't make a baker bake a cake for a gay customer for full price, but you can make union attorneys represent non dues-paying employees at the bargaining table for free..."
Doug is always wrong.
Liberals can't get over the fact that Christians have civil rights and they are entitled to equal treatment under the law.
Vox's comparison isn't even in the same universe.
Thank you Harry Reid for going nuclear. I love you brah....
"Koch brothers are open-borders, anti-tariff, Never-Trumpers. They are on your side, dude."
Uh, ok. If you say so. Never realized I was an anti-labor, anti-environment billionaire. I need to check my bank account.
"PilotX is right about 25% of the time."
I better show this to my wife! See, I have been right before.
Cocaine Mitch will make sure the new SCOTUS will be sworn in by election day. Better hope aunt Ruthie doesn't buy the farm.....
Well, some good news today. Old Speed Racer has been charged with federal crimes.
How can that be? Blacks and white liberals tell me Jeff Sessions is racist and America is racist.
And what happen to white privilege?
Mike from Iowa is a retard.
Is Trump going to nominate The Fraud Negro for the SC? Hmmmm???
Now this is a new level of fuckery. Laura Loomer filing charges against Rep. Maxine Waters. 😂Just wow, conservative snowflake filing charges because an elderly woman waved a piece of paper at her to get her to stop badgering her. "Where can I eat?" She's lucky cause I would have answered her.
This one may work better.
"Trump gets another one!"
Good thing Ginsberg is so healthy.
And Sotomayor's Type 1 diabetes seems to be under control.
And Breyer doesn't turn 80 until August.
BREAKING: Trump's short list for Kennedy replacement includes Ted Cruz, William Pryor and Ann Coulter:
McConnell promises a confirmation vote this fall.
I hope the cops work Maxine Waters over real good when they arrest her for inciting violence.
What is an evening like in Arnold Pa? Get drunk,slap your woman,sniff meth,kiss your dog,when they go to Pittsburgh they think they left the country!!
That Fake News reporter, Laura Loomer, who was baiting Maxine Waters ain't even an Amurican.
She is a Conservative Canadian.
Time to her put her Canadian immigrant ass in a cage... I mean... walls built of chain link fence.
No open borders for crackpot Conservatives from Canada!
Just an ordinary day in Drumpfuck the dumbfuck's Make America Third World chic
Are they required to hand over billions in money taken from government workers paychecks to the Democrat Party? It's a classic kickback scheme.
So yer saying unions can only donate to the people of yer choice? What happened to the first amendment?
This was part of the unfathomable citizens united bullshit that claimed korporations are humans with constitutional rights. That decision said unions had to get workers consent to spend political funds but korporations were given no restrictions on their boards of director.
Citizens United was another case where the decision was pulled out of a stoopid fucking wasicu wastey's ass.
Ben Shapiro is begging Drumpf for a Scotus nomination.
We all know McCTurtle is going to hold up the nominee until after the midterms because he is such a fair minded stoopid fucking ass licking wasicu wastey. Gotta be consistent.
"So yer saying unions can only donate to the people of yer choice?"
No, I'm saying that they should only be allowed to donate to the people of their member's choice. They should not be able to take money from non-members and then donate to who they want to.
Liberals haven't been this outraged since yesterday.
Roy Moore for Supreme Court Justice.
"They should not be able to take money from non-members and then donate to who they want to."
They don't. Direct political contributions by unions are illegal. They have PACs and those contributions are voluntary.
Thanks to all of you who encouraged me to consider filibuster reform. It had to be done.
- Senator Majority Leader Harry Reid, November 21, 2013.
It's been a rough week for Democrats:
Lost every major Supreme Court decision
Loses Kennedy who was a swing voter and supported gay marriage decision
Maxine Waters calls for civil unrest
Lost high ranking Dem congressional leader to a socialist in NY
Trump approval at all time high
And it’s only Wednesday
BREAKING: Hawaii Judge Derrick Watson overturns Justice Kennedy's resignation from SCOTUS.
It's been a rough year for Republicans. I'll take the two governorships and 43 special elections AND the Alabama senate seat over Maxine Waters saying something that her constituents love. trump's approval ratings are in the 40's as they have been for the last several months so there is that. Hell, they can be 99.9% as long as he gets evicted in 2020.😝
N.Korea making upgrades to nuclear facilities. Let's hold off on that Nobel Prize just a bit.
Tupac and Biggie's beef was nothing compared to the east coast west coast political beef. The former president and his wife ought to be ashame of themselve for pimping (enslaved decendants) African Amaerican. Then again, the former president did what his forparents did, sold the REAL African Americans a pipe dream.
On the poll’s congressional ballot question—“Which party’s candidate are you more likely to vote for in your congressional district?”—the GOP trails by just six points, 45 percent to 39 percent. But when the question is framed around Trump—“Do you want to elect a Congress that mostly cooperates with President Trump, or one that mostly stands up to President Trump?”—the gap more than triples. Fifty-five percent of voters choose a Congress that stands up to Trump. Only 34 percent choose a Congress that cooperates with Trump. A six-point deficit becomes a 21-point deficit.
Maybe some justice for Anton Rose yet.
behind paywall. The cop is charged with homicide.
Trump is serving thier ass!!! ...too fuuuuuuunny.
Senator Harry Reid
Thanks to all of you who encouraged me to consider filibuster reform. It had to be done.
4:08 PM - Nov 21, 2013
If Antwon Rose wasn't riding in a car that had a hood rat trying to murder people from the backseat he probably wouldn't be dead. Play 80IQ games, win 80IQ prizes. If Antwon Rose is killed by a fellow Spoonie G, Negroes don't give a shit. But, a honky cop....now that's some pay day shit there....we bee luvs that boy, he was the light of the universe (Illegal stolen gun and all) Can you say Dead Negro Lottery? I knew you could.
No worry when it comes to the rightwing low intellect Neil Gorsuch. It's starting to look as if the Republican party was awash with rubles during the 2016 election. If this is the case Hillary Clinton has already declared she will challenge the election and rightly so. That means Trumprovsky's Supreme Court picks and any other Nutzi's he may have appointed will be removed in what will be a historic perp walk. I believe Trtumprovsky's indictment is already sitting on Mueller's desk at this point its a matter of how many Republicans were involved. The numbers will be a sock to all when its all said and done. Remember you heard it from me first. Clinton, Bush, Carter, and Obama aren't missing in action for no reason, I believe they already have knowledge of what is going to happen.
"Fifty-five percent of voters choose a Congress that stands up to Trump."
Thank you for that link, PilotX.
I see a little bit further down the comment thread the Kool-Aid snorting true believers have already bought into the narrative of Ms. Waters as violent and abusive. Said bitch needs to take some lessons from
Hey all of you dumbasses,
Can one of you explain to me why all of you crazies hate Ms. Waters?
Please tell me it's not just because she is a black congress critter from California?
If this crazy-ass Trump supporter honestly wishes to become a professional RW saboteur, she had best take some lessons from James O'Keefe so at the very least she can be taken seriously.
Anymoose sez I love talking with my mouth full of right wing kool-aid flavored shit.
Cops are not judges, juries and executioners. An unarmed subject running away is not a threat and is not supposed to be a target to practice on. You'd be screaming bloody waycism if the cop was black and the victim was white, armed and a deadly threat to the black officer.
Justice should be done.
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