The President stated that this executive order is “about keeping families together” while still having a strong border and upholding a “zero tolerance” policy.
He expressed his dismay at the “sight or the feeling” of children being separated from their parents.
“You’re gonna have a lot of happy people,” Trump added before signing it." [Source]
But he will not be happy, because this is not what he wanted. He played political games with the lives of innocent children to get his stupid border wall. History will not be kind.
Not surprisingly, he told another lie. He declared that only congress could stop this inhumane and pointless policy, and yet, today he signed an executive order preventing families from being separated while their immigration status is being determined. He lied for days about it, and yet, this too shall pass. We will excuse his many lies because the devil is not expected to do the right thing. He is the devil we know, the one that was elected to lead us.
"The "darker impulses of the American soul" has been what we have been facing for months. trump's former adviser mocked a disabled child on television and thought nothing of it, an entire television network of sycophants have been downplaying the cruel treatment of children ("Summer camps"?) as if it's normal and we should all sign on to it. -----Heck we pulled out of the UN Human Rights Council for crying out loud!
Of course, as black folks, we know about these darker impulses. And no matter how folks in the majority population try to pretend that it doesn't exist, we know that it's always lying just below the surface. It's how we got Donald trump, and all the people who support him. It's how people can look at all those heartbreaking images of children and make excuses for this president by blaming every one else but him. Finally, though, people are starting to take notice. Make no mistake, political pressure and not empathy for the children is what led trump to capitulate. He does not care about those children, and the country knows it.
“Anybody with a heart would feel strongly about it,” he added. “At the same time, we don’t want people coming into our country illegally.”
Operative word being "heart". You clearly don't have one.
After Drumpf's word fest, his favorite grope toy finally opened her pie hole and stroked his ego so hard he came in his shorts on National Fake Noise. Then he blamed the mess in his britches on HRC and her emails.
Again why didn't an African American woman get nominated to the Supreme Court after Justice Scalia died in 2017 yes I'm still here given the history and contributions of African American women. Why didn't the Obamas allow Oprah Winfrey the first interview after being elected why was she not invited to the White House?
Again why didn't the African American woman get nominated after Justice Scalia died in 2017, the history and contributions African-Americans women? Why didn't Oprah get the first interview after the Obamas was elected why was she not invited to the White House?
Man, this has to be a distraction from something bigger. Cohen flipping or something? Stay tuned sports fans.
Mexicans are Catholic so you would expect this Pope to support anything that's advantageous to Mexicans
Trump got what he wanted. To motivate congress into coming up with his imagration must haves
You see Kris Kobach got slapped down! He was ordered to take remedial law classes๐๐๐
I don't see Drumpf got anything he wanted, but he lies so much you never know from one minute to the next what he might or might not want.
Being heartless and having a micro dick go hand in hand. Butt Trumpet is a prime example.
HE played political games with children? I'd like to give some of you the benefit of the doubt, but you're willfully fucking ignorant! This shit has been America's policy since Clinton, for fuck's sake.
Never a word about it under Clinton. Hell, they didn't even bitch about it under Bush. And Obama? Yep. That's right. America's so fucking racist and hated that mulignan so damn much that... they never ran one fucking negative news story about Obama literally putting these kids in CAGES, sleeping on cots and covered up in Better Call Saul's space blankets!
Trump ENDED the policy, and you buffoons still aren't satisfied. And the fact is that he played you all like a fiddle, and morons that you are, you fall for it EVERY fucking time. Every. Single. Time.
Trump wants more power to deport entire families at the borders. But the #NeverTrump crowd doesn't want that. Chucky Schumer used to want it, then Trump won. So he meets resistance. So, what do? Hey, let's leak footage of children facing the same shit they faced under Obama, and media will go to war, black-blogger simpletons will shout racism, and suddenly Trump's preferred policy seems gentle in comparison.
You entire lot of fucking geniuses here fall for it every fucking time. Trump plays you people like a 3-string banjo.
For every one of you faggots bitching about Trump separating children, go and look how they were treated under Obama -- your negroid demigod. They were tossed half a dozen per cage, slept on cots, ate shitty food, etc. And there's not a single fucking person here who had one word to say about it back then, and even now you'll pretend it never happened. Because you're all dishonest assholes.
Josh and Kinky are both back! This blog just got a million times more interesting. It is no longer just an echo chamber for dumbed-down, simple-minded cunts like Mike from Iowa.
A few added facts:
Children have been scattered all over the country, including facilities here in New York City and upstate. Links have been broken with their parents, many of whose whereabouts are unknown. Some families will NEVER be reunited, since our great administration has made such a mess of it. (after the Civil War newspapers were filled with freed slaves trying to locate siblings sold to different masters, with most attempts unsuccessful. speaking of nightmarish parallels)
Children in detention centers have understandably been traumatized and are extremely upset. To control them our officials have DRUGGED them. Without, or course, parental permission—breaking Texas law, not that that's important. Sometimes force-feeding pills, sometimes forced injections.
No problem has been solved with Trump's order today except the part about ripping families apart. To see where we're headed, look at Australia and the island of Nauru, the Ausie dumping ground for migrants that it has refused to accept for decades. Until humane adults are in charge we will do no better.
Mike from Iowa is a retard.
White House yesterday: “We don’t have a policy of separating immigrant parents and kids.”
White House today: “Okay, okay, we’ll end our policy of separating immigrant parents and kids.”
White House yesterday: “We are forced to implement this policy. It’s a Democrat law, and we have to follow the law! Blame the Democrats.”
White House today: “Okay, okay, we weren’t really forced to do anything. We’ve just been tormenting Latino children because we like it.”
They should just go ahead and get it over with: admit they lie all the time, non-stop. Then the White House can cancel all press conferences for the rest of this administration, until Trump is impeached. There is no point in conducting these stupid charades and wasting the reporters’ time, since all the information given out in them is completely unreliable.
This is just some rotten shit carried out by maniacs!!!!!! No sane way to describe it!!!
Who be the baby's daddy Maury ?
Who has the lowest IQ .... Robert DeNigro or Pedo Fonda?
No shit, B.R. It's popcorn time for the audience of Field Negro.
I'm getting hard just thinking about all the pussy, crybaby negro leftists.
I'm here at the lakeshore. There are loons calling in the night on the water. There are loons spewing libtardness 24/7 on Field Negro. The ones on the water are saner.
Cowardly. Incompetent. Ignorant. Racist. All these words describe tr**p. Not only is he totally unfit for office of POTUS, but he is also unfit to be in the company of civilized human beings.
So this has really knocked the new developments in the Mueller probe off of the front page as the midterms start to heat up, while inflaming the Pig People's hatred of brown people right as the stock market starts to tank over the trade war Fergus is bumblfucking us into and just ahead of the manufacturing jobs here that it will extinguish.
Whenever Fergus does anything outrageously immoral or stupendously corrupt right there in the light of day and in front of the media he says he hates so much, you know there's some extra stinky shit happening that he would rather take the PR hit than have lead the news broadcasts.
And if it involves doing permanent damage to a bunch of little kids, well, at least they're brown kids, so the Pig People will love him all the more for it.
And the lies just stack up while the goddamn Republicans in congress cower in fear and kiss Fergus' ass publicly no matter how despicable and depraved his behavior, too craven to admit that their strategy of winning elections in perpetuity with the bigots and racists we ran out of the party with the civil rights laws has gone horribly wrong and allowed a gibbering moron to walk in and take over their party and demand they worship him while he bumblefucks around wrecking and shitting on all of their carefully placed control strategies for those now incorrigible Pig People who are now running amuck and demanding more than their maintenance doses of dog-whistled degeneracy because Fergus has teased them with a geeze of the real shit, and now nothing else will do.
We told you fuckers.
Anyway, as for the lies about how this has been going on at the border for multiple administrations, no you fucks, the mean things done at the border previously wouldn't do for Fergus' political purposes, he had to have a special level of cruelty all his own to fire up the most porcinated of the Pig People to get them to vote in the midterms because Fergus is fucking terrified of losing a house of congress because he is so incompetent that he can't pass anything or more importantly, hold off the noose of justice that's tightening around him at an accelerating rate even with a Republican congress bent on kissing his ass. With a Democratic house bent on kicking his ass instead, his little fun time is over.
Anyway, here's someone who has worked on the border for forty years describing how it is different now:
-Doug in Oakland
This shit has been America's policy since Clinton, for fuck's sake.
Oh dear god, is Josh really this stupid or is she just flashing her tits for attention?
Oh great, James Bitch is back too. Awwwww, such a cute couple. I guess he's taking a few days off from his orbital engineering gig. The circus is back. The full Voltron of stupid has almost been formed, we just need king moron Bill to form the head.
Trump supporters are ugly, both inside and out.
This shit has been America's policy since Clinton, for fuck's sake.
Sure but it wasn't enforced in this way until Jeff Sessions decided to punish parents by taking their kids. Try to keep up Josh.
From Twitter:
"These children are now being flown all over America. Every governor should, right now, sign an executive order requiring that any child so brought into the state has clear paperwork connecting them to a parent, with the parent's whereabouts, and an ability to contact the parent"
That would be a good first step.
-Doug in Oakland
What I'm always saying here, minus the swearing:
-Doug in Oakland
"Sure but it wasn't enforced in this way until Jeff Sessions decided to punish parents by taking their kids. Try to keep up Josh.
Kids were ALWAYS put in detention centers, and they were a fuck of a lot worse than Trump-era centers, where they play soccer, have ping-pong, and eat huge fucking chicken sandwiches to own the LGBT libs.
There are dozens of photos and reports to prove Obama did this. So stop with this paranoid delusional shit. It's embarrassing.
The only difference: They were kept in the same detention centers as their parents. They were still "separated," but in the same centers.
Then guess what happened? Since I'm stupid, and y'all are the smart ones, I shouldn't have to tell you. But let me tell you anyway: Dumb-ass crybaby liberals moaned and complained that children shouldn't be detained, so then the courts ruled that they could no longer be kept in the same centers. It was too much like jail.
Obama was putting these little beans in some Shawshank Redemption type shit.
So when families are caught under Trump, what can he do? Let the kids roam free around the nation? C'mon, even the black blogosphere isn't honestly suggesting to just let them all come in. They fuck up black communities more than any other communities. Y'all just wanna bitch at Trump.
But it's true. Bill fucking Clinton had children ripped from arms at gunpoint, for fuck's sake, and liberals stood up and applauded it.
I guess Elian Gonzalez was Trump's fault too.
Get real. Y'all got nothing on this. Trump did nothing wrong and in fact FIXED what our previous three presidents failed to address. I guess you'll have to wait 'til next fake scandal. Sorry.
"Until humane adults are in charge we will do no better."
In the long run, the only "humane" thing to do is refuse entry to all citizens of third-world shitholes, even the ones who have high IQs and come here for good colleges and careers.
The reason? Well, you bleeding-heart soyboys want to solve the actual root of the problem, yes? Insofar as these people are migrating to majority-white first-world nations, it is objective that the root of the problem is--wait for it--the shithole countries whence come these people.
If they're so good, such a boon for us, so noble and intelligent, then they need to stay the fuck home and work to turn around their own nations.
Just look at from where a lot of these people are coming south of the border. Many are from Guatemala and even further south. This means they're trekking through sometimes ten separate nations, none of which are any better, before they get to a majority-white country of which they can take advantage for purely selfish reasons.
If they're good enough for America, then they're orders of magnitude better for their nations of origin. If we keep accepting them, there's nobody left capable of fixing these nations, and the problem self-perpetuates, and we're not the fucking world's meal ticket.
Kids were ALWAYS put in detention centers, and they were a fuck of a lot worse than Trump-era centers, where they play soccer, have ping-pong, and eat huge fucking chicken sandwiches to own the LGBT libs.
Chop up that Kool-Aid with a nice single-edge razor and for fuck's sake... Enjoy it! You poor fucking bastard.
I have a RW friend who risked his life in Operation Destroy Iraq. He clings to the same absurdities as the rest of you deluded fucks, but when the fix is in, he is clever enough to STFU.
Not going to fly, buddy-boy. This unprecedented number of almost two thousand children is entirely new. Chalk it up to Zero Tolerance. Fucking-A. You're not stupid, Josh. Admit that you are playing for the wrong team.
Thank you Doug for trying to make sense of this bullshit. I wouldn't be able to do it. I say just fuck the dumb Trumpies and their blatant lies.
From Yahoo News....
The Obama White House’s chief cyber official testified Wednesday that proposals he was developing to counter Russia’s attack on the U.S. presidential election were put on a “back burner” after he was ordered to “stand down” his efforts in the summer of 2016.
“I was incredulous and in disbelief,” Prieto is quoted as saying in the book. “It took me a moment to process. In my head, I was like, did I hear that correctly?” Prieto told the authors he then spoke up, asking Daniel: “Why the hell are we standing down? Michael, can you help us understand?”
rump ENDED the policy, and you buffoons still aren't satisfied. And the fact is that he played you all like a fiddle, and morons that you are, you fall for it EVERY fucking time. Every. Single. Time.
Uh, no. Not even close to being truth. No other Potus separated kids from parents as bargaining chips. Drumpfuck the dumbfuck owns this policy. No matter how many times you fall for his lies, it is 100% Drumpfuckian policy.
No other Potus criminalized immigration like Drumpfuck's policy did. Prosecuting these immigrants was not a priority and totally too expensive and unnecessary. We know whose been played from the start. It is stoopid fucking wasicu wastey inbred trailer park wingnuts.
he Obama White House’s chief cyber official testified Wednesday that proposals he was developing to counter Russia’s attack on the U.S. presidential election were put on a “back burner” after he was ordered to “stand down” his efforts in the summer of 2016.
But, but there is not a shred of evidence proving Russia had anything to do with electing Drumpf. Remember? All them security and intel agencies conspired to indict Putin and make Drumpf look worse than he is.
If it wasn't for allowing illegals entry to the states, poor widdle Donnie Drumpfuck would have to shutdown his country club sweatshops. Bwahahahahahahahahahahahaha!
How many of his 500 companies has Drumpfuck repatriated?
Wasn't Baldingo the guy with the patent pending on his bullshit? Shock therapy hasn't helped him/her at all.
All the while it was gone missing, I don't remember any cops shooting any unarmed Blacks in the back until he/she returned.
From CNN-
BROOKE BALDWIN: But here's a question for Democrats. You hear the president now on a lot of topics, and this one included, you know, looking back to previous administrations. They should have done more, right? And so as so many people in this country are certainly outraged by the cages, and the thermal blankets, and the facilities housing these kids, you know, they were all there in 2014 under President Obama. And my question to you, Senator Baldwin, is did you speak up against them then?
Sen.Bladwin stutters and dodges the question.
Of course the correct answer is no. Democrats neither protested or were outraged.
Some great news for wasicu wastey weasels- White population aging rapidly in US, dying faster than babies are born, data show
Have a nice day, sick fucks.
Obama wasn't intentionally ripping kids from parents and using them as bargaining chips. Sorry stoopid wasicu wasteys, you own Drumpf and his illegal, inhumane policies.
Negatory, PigPen.
Smooth move, Ex-Lax. https://edition.cnn.com/2018/06/20/politics/family-separation-reunification/index.html
Shortly after Drumpf signed EO to stop separating families, word started leaking out of the WH that they had no clews how to reunite kids with families. No surprise here, what?
Once again the left is outraged and blaming Trump for immigrant abuses that happened under obama.
Young immigrants detained in Virginia center allege abuse
WASHINGTON (AP) — Immigrant children as young as 14 housed at a juvenile detention center in Virginia say they were beaten while handcuffed and locked up for long periods in solitary confinement, left nude and shivering in concrete cells.
The abuse claims against the Shenandoah Valley Juvenile Center near Staunton, Virginia, are detailed in federal court filings that include a half-dozen sworn statements from Latino teens jailed there for months or years. Multiple detainees say the guards stripped them of their clothes and strapped them to chairs with bags placed over their heads.
“Whenever they used to restrain me and put me in the chair, they would handcuff me,” said a Honduran immigrant who was sent to the facility when he was 15 years old. “Strapped me down all the way, from your feet all the way to your chest, you couldn’t really move. ... They have total control over you. They also put a bag over your head. It has little holes; you can see through it. But you feel suffocated with the bag on.”
Of course the left can't blame their messiah for abuses. So they kept silent.
Once again the left is outraged and blaming Trump for immigrant abuses that happened under obama.
Stinky is still stuck on his "Obama did it too" schtick. Racist Tourettes. Let's guess what his next post will be.
This just in:
"Trump's recent executive order on border policy only protects against family separation for the first 20 days of a child's detention."
Figures. Big hoopla, signing executive order etc. etc. when the smallest change possible has occurred.
As great as Obama was, he is no longer in charge. No one is in charge. Chaos reigns over America when stoopid fucking wingnuts, who cannot govern, have control of all branches of gubmint.
Stinky's dumb ass is retroactively upset. What an idiot.
Fuck the gooks and chinks!
Stinky is kinda dumb, just like Josh said...
Stinky's dumb ass is retroactively upset.
Silly poo..The only ones getting "retroactively upset" are you leftwingers. It's you and your ilk that is blaming Trump for obama's atrocities.
Take the obama era kids in cages or the AP article i posted for example.
If you still support Trump after all this, you deserve to die alone.
I agree with Dinthebeast. His post is right on, especially the paragraph regarding the Republicans in congress Seems to me they are sacrificing our democracy on the alter of keeping their jobs at all cost. The president is evil and disgusting, but they embrace him because they think that doing so will enhance their hopes of being reelected.
Extremists like Trump are a huge reason why we need a Libertarian in the White House.
I'm Chinese-American and agree that Obama was doing this before Trump. It just goes to show the lack of personal responsibility and critical thinking in the black community that Obama is above any sort of criticism.
See more at:
The Fag Negro (un)education series continues...
As compassionate people, we should ask the President to follow a humane policy with regard to undocumented migrants in the USA. That policy is FRICO, Family Reunification in Country of Origin.
PilotX said...
Man, this has to be a distraction from something bigger
Yes, the findings of the IG report on how corrupt the Obama DOJ/FBI were.
anotherbozo said...
Children have been scattered all over the country,
That was Obama.
Children are separated from their parents every day, every time a criminal is arrested and sent to prison.
If you have kids, does that mean you can't be jailed for murder?
The world lost a true inspirational hero-
Koko, Famous Gorilla Who Learned Sign Language, Dies At 46
He Loved kittens and played with Robin Williams
On Wednesday, Koko, the gorilla who learned to speak sign language and had a fondness for kittens, died at the age of 46.
Koko was born on July 4, 1971 at the San Francisco Zoo. Koko’s original name was Hanabi-ko — “fireworks child” in Japanese — because the gorilla was born on the Fourth of July. Around Koko’s first birthday, Dr. Francine Patterson started teaching Koko sign language.
In 1978, Koko became famous when National Geographic featured a cover with a photo Koko took looking in the mirror.
As TIME reports, “Over the years, Koko was able to understand and use more than 1,000 different signs — and famously asked for a cat for Christmas in 1983.”
Drumpf voter makes calculated decision and it bites him hard. Notice how fast he got rid of the offending penis replacement. He is in stable genius condition in a mental ward somewhere.
The IG report found no criminal activity from Comey and has yet to investigate the crimes committed by Devin Numbnuts and Screwdy Rudy and the New Jerk office of FBI thugs and crooks. People will be going to jail over this.
Barack Obama says Trump's immigration policies don't value 'families'. Kate Steinle was not available for comment.
“Over the years, Koko was able to understand and use more than 1,000 different signs"
He also finished college before Yisheng did.
Shitty white person is redundant.
Stoopid fucking whiny wasicu wastey wingnuts constantly bitch that Obama did it, too while Drumpf has gone beyond any and everything Obama did and made it all worse. What say you whiny bitches? Obama did it first and HRC had emails.
We need to bring in at least 100 million more Squatemalans before America will stop being such an oppressive shithole.
Koko was light years more advanced than average Drumpfuck and Drumpfuck voter.
"Obama did it first and HRC had emails."
Most of the 2012 invaders were "unaccompanied minors". Most female invaders, including children, coming through Mexico are sexually assaulted along the way. Many of the adults with the children aren't the real parents of the children. Incarceration requires family separation. Concern for Tommy Robinson's children? For the carcasses of raped and mutilated Afrikaner toddlers?
The anti-whites are pissed because the Executive Order provides Trump with great optics without relenting on the actual "zero tolerance". It's obvious the anti-whites don't give a damn about the child-invaders. They want the borders wide open, but even they can't quite say that yet, so they went the family-separation route assuming the results would be the same. Nope. They were outplayed on the invasion front by the Trump administration again.
General Zod and every other Kryptonian refugee repeatedly tried to conquer the Earth.
When Krypton sends its people, they're not sending the best. They're bringing monsters from the phantom zone, alien death rays, and holes in the fabric of spacetime. They're maniacs with superpowers, but some, I assume are good people.
Why do white people love animals more than they love black people?
Executive Order provides Trump with great optics
Drumpfuck is myopic in the extreme. He sees only what is good for Drumpfuck.
Open borders work both ways. Do you think all the people that come to this wingnut shithole actually want to stay? You flatter yourselves too much.
hildren are separated from their parents every day, every time a criminal is arrested and sent to prison.
Lord the stooopid is strong. Asylum seekers are not criminal until Drumpf decided to arrest them right along with everyone else. He is the only sick fuck potus to do this, at least in modern times. There was never a reason or need to arrest these people before Drumpf and his inflated sense of power got appointed by Russians.
Last year Drumpf was bragging that border crossings were way down. Now he treats these smaller numbers like nthey are all gonna pull train on Drumpf;s favorite grope toy. Drumpfuck the marionette is only trying to prove how tough he and his celebrity bone spurs are.
"Asylum seekers are not criminal"
Wrong, dumbass.
Anyone who sneaks over the border illegally is a criminal.
mike from iowa said...
Open borders work both ways. Do you think all the people that come to this wingnut shithole actually want to stay?
The score right now is about 50 million to 12 in favor of those coming into the wingnut shithole vs. those fleeing the racist white society.
Apparently, being oppressed is really, really popular.
Why the lies? Is Obama any less black for treating the kids worse than Trump? Is Trump any more of a good guy or something?
I truly feel sorry for progressives. The media which you consume refuses to tell you what Obama was doing to these kids, and they have poisoned the well by insisting that any outlet to tell you the truth is "fake news," so you end up brainwashed and refusing to accept objective truth, instead viewing things through a mind-numbing dichotomy of confirmation bias in what you're told to help your feelings, and dismissing the rest as some conspiracy against you.
The proof is all around.
These kids were literally warehoused under Obama, dozens in one cage, sleeping on cots with foil blankets.
This isn't even anything up for debate. The morons who are talking shit about me on this page are simply denying what it empirically, demonstrably, objectively factual.
And it's okay to admit it!
Admitting Obama did it too doesn't let Trump off the hook. You lot are just so dialed in on this Marxist hatemongering dichotomy that you'll embarrass your fucking selves just to insult me for speaking the truth.
Obama put these kids through shit far more emotionally taxing than did Trump. And hese "Tender Age" sheltered that made Maddow win an Oscar popped up in 2010. Who was president in 2010?
This is reality, and it exists independent your acknowledgment or participation.
I feel sorry for you.
Grow the fuck up.
Study: No Racial Difference in Police Shootings Compared to Crime Rates
Black Americans are not more likely to be shot by the police than White Americans in proportion to each group's rate of interaction with the police, as measured by crime rate, a new study argues.
The report, by psychologists Joseph Cesario and David Johnson and criminologist William Terrill, analyzes trends in fatal shootings by police in 2015 and 2016 using a variety of data sources
Trump's base is stronger than ever. In fact, it's growing. Our data shows we are winning new voters over to our movement every single day
Results matter. America is back on top, and we are winning.
Why do white people love animals more than they love black people?
God damn racist white people and their damn...
*spins lottery cage, pulls out a ball*
...kindness to animals.
Asylum seekers don't need to sneak across the border. They have a legitimate right to seek asylum especially in light of what right wing dumbfucking US presidents have done to their countries.
Drumpfuck deliberately decided to arreat them along with others to prove his Fake Noize manhood bonafides.
Asylum seekers, as a general rule, turn themselves in to the nearest authority.
Somebody else who had to learn the hard way. This wanna be tough guy who says liberalism is a mental disorder loses his band and several gigs because of public displays of racism. You gon learn today!
Ok, this is what I meant to post.
The stoopidest Norwegian woman in Drumpf's abysmal cabinet is trying to be really fucking stoopid. https://crooksandliars.com/2018/06/kirstjen-nielsen-russia-did-not-take-sides
The Senate select committee confirmed Russia took sides. The IG report confirms Russia helped Drumpf. Along comes stoopid from another nation and claims Russia didn't take sides.
Here we go again- House GOP delays their much-anticipated “compromise” immigration bill vote
Lawmakers are confused and there’s not enough support, so they’re holding a briefing to learn what’s actually in the bill.
They wanted a vote but no one knows what was in the bill. Perfectly wasted wasicus.
Melania Trump wears “I really don’t care, do u?” jacket on trip to migrant children
Her spokesperson says the $39 Zara jacket had “no hidden message.”
Apparently criticism got her to change before actually visiting prisons.
Black communities don't need any help getting fucked up by Illegals, the fecal hued plague does that long before the Illegals invade. Hey Fraud Negro...How come no outrage about all the shit Peter(Puffer)Fonda said? Roseanne in 2020 and fuck The Root too, racist ass blog.
"They wanted a vote but no one knows what was in the bill"
If you like your Mexican, you can keep your Mexican.
Two scoops. Two genders. Two terms.
Deal with it.
There are nine US consulates and one US embassy in Mexico where non-US citizens can apply for asylum, without any risk of being separated from their children.
See, the thing is, we need more immigration if we are to achieve the levels of growth the goddamn Republicans lie and say they will achieve. The Workforce isn't replacing itself anywhere near fast enough for that. Entire industries rely on immigrant or migrant labor, and every effort to substitute non-migrant labor, at whatever wage, has failed.
We have a very large immigrant community here in Oakland, documented and otherwise, and our economy is booming, so don't give me that bullshit that they are a drain on our resources.
And Joshie-poo, your attempt at rewriting recent history is pathetic, which is not surprising coming from you.
We on the left were screaming bloody murder at Obama for his entire presidency for his immigration policies, which were a foolish attempt to appease Republicans enough to get them to work with him on immigration reform.
That was a mistake, as Republicans will never work on immigration reform because the fucked up immigration system is a major campaign issue that plays well with the Pig People, who need scary brown people to blame the problems in their lives caused by the Republicans on. It's kind of like abortion in that way: they don't care about it, but it plays well for them among the Pig People.
Also, the Republicans decided to sabotage Obama's presidency as their policy the day he was sworn in.
They can't be reasoned with or negotiated with in good faith.
This is not a new development. (See also: GOPAC, "Language: A Key Method of Control")
And meanwhile away from the glare of the distraction, Fergus is proposing the demolition of entire cabinet agencies and privatization (read that: selling the government to his rich friends) of huge chunks of other ones.
Whether he will remind Rick Perry what the third agency is so he can help eliminate it remains to be seen.
-Doug in Oakland
Doug believes in his heart that we need to open our borders to the entire third world for the sake of The Economy. Wages are the largest cost of doing business, and the business of America is business. Preserving our way of life should not stand in the way of maximizing corporate profits. America will not be truly free until we have the labor costs and social cohesion of Brazil.
The reason stoopid fucking wingnuts don't know how to govern, in school they had 2 options for government class-either Just Say No or total Abstinence. Looks like yer typical wasicu wastey chose both options.
Fuck white people. Fuck the white race.
Mike from Iowa is a retard.
Give him hell, Doug. And make him like it.
Mike from Iowa is a faggot.
Doug in Oakland and Mike from Iowa are both 60-something year old virgins.
"We on the left..."
Who the fuck is this "we"? Do you mean YOU? I'm wiling to take you at your word, insofar as you say you were against what Obama was doing with immigration. But you can stow this nonsense right now; I'm not a potato-IQ progressive in here using spellcheck to posture as someone intelligent. I know ass from elbows. Liberal media provided cover for Obama constantly!
Yes, I'm aware that some everyday people were against Obama's policies. A lot of Latino persons even protested. But did media ever say anything negative about him? Fuck no. Did Field ever dedicate space on his blog to speaking about Obama's poor treatment of migrant children? Fuck no.
So go condescend to someone who's fucking retarded and matches your deviation space on an IQ test. I ain't the one.
If I had a dog as butt ugly and as fucking dumb as wasicu wasteys, I'd drown the son of a bitch in kool aid and go about my merry day.
Lying Dumbfuck Drumpfuck claimed N Kore agreed to start denuclearization immediately. This pathological lying pos can;t help lying about everything. Media quit counting the lies because numbers that high haven't been dreamed of,yet.
Oh see how stoopid fucking wasicu wasteys make up lies about Obama did it too.
More stoopid fucking wingnut lies, this one about voter turnout.
Drumpfuck is losing popularity in every state of the nation.
On the count of three- 1- 2- 3 Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! Couldn't happen to a nicer dick.
Mike from Iowa is a faggot.
Mike from Iowa is a retard.
Now that Josh, James Bold and Kinky are back, the average dick size of the commentators here has shrunk significantly.
That's right, wasicu trailer trash. I am a retired farmer or as you inbred redneck stoopid fuckers say retard.
Charles Krauthater has left the building. Now no more apologizing for Fake Noize.
Alexander Graham Bell was a racist and didn't live long enough to know it. Instead of muttering, "What hath gawd wrought?" He should have said don't use the phone to call the cops on people minding their own business, businesses.
So Melanie is either is trying to sink her husband's presidency, is totally clueless and tone deaf or is just a heartless bitch.
Deny it all you want, Josh, but it did happen. Just like all the other stuff you deny with your "alternative facts" doesn't get any less real because you wish it wasn't.
-Doug in Oakland
Oh wait, I almost forgot: Fuck you in your disgusting neck, I hope your balls drop off into your shoe and you step on them.
"Now that Josh, James Bold and Kinky are back, the average dick size of the commentators here has shrunk significantly."
I see the people around here are still fascinated with men's cocks.
Nothing much has changed. Still a bunch of homos on the DL.
But, hey, let's not judge -- it's current year. In fact, just wait until Trump comes out in favor for straight man-woman relationships. Field will dox himself sucking dick to "own Drumf," and the rest of you minions will start foaming at the mouth over how progressive it is to swallow a load.
Pitiful people.
Doug, give Josh a break. She isn't too bright. She just regurgitates the latest Republican RW talking point as if it's some new revealing information. Just another typical troll. At least she's not making fun of Black womens hair........yet.
Flash tits for attention, rinse and repeat. And this is Josh's entire existence.
If you want to hear what brain damage sounds like, ask Doug from Oakland to talk about politics.
Here is the argument from Trump Regime Loyalists defending the severing of undocumented immigrant children from their parents and the caging of these immigrants in general:
"Oh yeah, well, OBAMA did it too!!!"
The TrumpBots have all the debating skills (and intellect) appropriate for the world of schoolboy insults.
Master rhetoricians they are not.
Progtards actually believe Trump is locking babies in cages because they saw a fake picture of a kid in a cage at a protest rally.
Masters of reality they are not.
>Why do white people love animals more than they love black people?
They favor animals which aren't dangerous hateful ingrates.
If black people accepted that their dangerous, hateful, ungrateful family members should be put down for the greater good, THEN black people would be worthy of the love that whites give to their animals.
Yisheng = nigger
lilac = cunt
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Yisheng = nigger
lilac = cunt
Field Negro, would you allow this kind of racism in your own house? If not, why tolerate it here?
Funny that "Freedom of Speech" chooses that to object to, and not calls to kill white men.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Funny that "Freedom of Speech" chooses that to object to, and not calls to kill white men.
Let's see: Which one abounds here the most: racism or "calls to kill white men"?
> Which one abounds here the most
Which one, acted upon, is deadly? Which one is empty words?
Anonymous Anonymous said...
> Which one abounds here the most
Which one, acted upon, is deadly? Which one is empty words?
Ask the KKK. Ask those who were hanged at the end of a racist's rope.
Ask the dead unarmed black men who died at the hands of racist cops.
Ask yourself, if you have the courage to look yourself in the eyes and see the truth of who you are.
Which I doubt.
Ask this country's history, a compilation of racist crimes against red and black men.
Ask your future, which is about to change whether you like it or not.
> Ask the KKK. Ask those who were hanged at the end of a racist's rope.
The KKK no longer exists. The current "klan" groups are run by and for government informers. There hasn't been an actual white-on-black lynching since about 1981. They've been vanishingly scarce since the 1930's. The actual threat to blacks comes primarily from their own black family and neighbors, and then from hispanic gangs claiming turf.
21st-century lynchings are black-on-white. Every "justice for Trayvon" act of violence was an attempted lynching.
> Ask the dead unarmed black men who died at the hands of racist cops.
Cops are LESS likely to shoot blacks than whites. Ask Daniel Shaver about that. Whoops, you can't, because he was shot dead on camera by a trigger-happy cop as he begged for his life.
> Ask yourself, if you have the courage to look yourself in the eyes and see the truth of who you are.
Ask yourself if your virtue-signalling is going to be worth squat if a black mob or even a single criminal decides to go after you. Go ahead, be "down with the cause"; we'll piss on your grave, should you even get one.
> Ask this country's history, a compilation of racist crimes against red and black men.
Chattel slavery for life was a multi-cultural import from Africa. Ask yourself if Anthony Johnson, a native of what is probably in modern-day Angola, was "racist" when he claimed ownership of John Casor according to his own African customs. Ask yourself if African slaves were better off in the colonies, or being worked to death or eaten by their own "brothers".
Ask yourself if anyone would have bothered bringing Africans here if not for the labor they provided. Can't have one without the other. Frankly, I'd rather we had done without both Africans and their labor. None of my ancestors ever owned slaves or lived where slavery was legal, at least not since feudal times.
Ask yourself if the native Americans' traditions of warfare, torture of prisoners and genocide were so enlightened that they should have continued to this day, and who would be responsible for THOSE crimes if we had failed to stop them.
I smell someone whose "knowledge" of US history comes from Howard Zinn. You're probably brainwashed enough to claim that the Aztec custom of building towers of the skulls of human sacrifices was the result of "racist oppression".
Or maybe you're just stupid.
At least you clowns are still easy to identify, because you have no fear of speaking your anti-white hatred. People are making lists. Once there's enough disorder to make murder investigation impossible, your life expectancy is going to go WAY down.
Let me introduce you to the truth: One day you'll have to answer for your own anti-black, and possibly racist, attitudes.
It takes a certain level of heartlessness to defend the indefensible, the racist, genocidal history of this country.
So, take comfort now in your stance, as one day you'll have to revisit it, and answer for it, as you're now creating the causes that will, in time, beomce your effects.
Indeed, you're a troubled soul. Seek help before it's too late, so that you can make amends for your racial intolerance.
If you knew who you were threatening, "Once there's enough disorder to make murder investigation impossible, your life expectancy is going to go WAY down," you would seek the Cover of the Divine, as you've unleased the particulars of your own end and have issued a judgment upon your own carelessly spoken words.
Are you sure you're not James Bold? He would say something this irresponsible. Like you, he has already placed his future in jeopardy.
> It takes a certain level of heartlessness to defend the indefensible, the racist, genocidal history of this country.
You're posturing as a Christian, but you haven't ever read the book of Joshua have you? The wholesale slaughter of the people of Jericho and Ai and Makkedah and so many other places were not just permitted but commanded.
If genocide is a sin, then the "native Americans" are tarred with it to the end of their days because they killed the first human inhabitants of the Americas, the Solutreans. Solutreans were Europeans; native Americans are Siberians. We have a word to describe the human groups which didn't genocide their competition: "extinct".
Black Americans on the whole behave atrociously. If the Amorites drew the wrath of God for their iniquity, Blacks deserve it also. I don't hate them, I just don't want to be subject to their crime and other dysfunction. They don't like white people either, so I'd be happy to ship them back to Africa and let them do as they will. Maybe you are crazy enough to believe they'll build Wakanda there. If so, you should be all for it. Unless, that is, you are also crazy enough to believe that someone somewhere thinking a "racist" thought is enough to bring it all crashing down. Of course, such extreme vulnerability would mark blacks as truly inferior.
> One day you'll have to answer for your own anti-black, and possibly racist, attitudes.
Which commandment names "racism" as a sin? You are obviously an idolator, worshipping the Holy Negro. Seek forgiveness for your blasphemy.
> Seek help before it's too late, so that you can make amends for your racial intolerance.
"Racial intolerance" is a necessity for survival. The nations (peoples, including races) are separate things and should stay separate. To oppose racial intolerance for any group is to favor genocide of that group.
I won't respond to your claptrap. Life will do that for me. Good luck, dude.
You're going need a great deal of it in the years ahead.
I still think you're James Bold, or a disciple, or just a Bold wannabe.
Either way, you need prayer, mountains of it, prayers that you pray for yourself, and prayers that others pray for you.
I'm in the latter category. Like it or not, I'll be praying for you, as you're still a member of the Human Family regardless of your soon-to-be antiquated views regarding race, and racial intolerance.
What an unhappy individual you must be!
Fails to answer the issues, check.
Adopts a posture of moral superiority, check.
Leftard through and through.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Fails to answer the issues, check.
Adopts a posture of moral superiority, check.
Leftard through and through.
I'm still praying for you. Check!
Pray for yourself. Especially if you're white. Promoting the betrayal and destruction of your own people is a sin against them; it's willing the murder of hundreds of millions and the irreversible destruction of a genetic legacy built over thousands of generations. If you call yourself Christian, consider what "Christendom" means... and where and among whom it lived/lives.
You would destroy that to make yourself feel better about "inequality" or such rot.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Pray for yourself. Especially if you're white. Promoting the betrayal and destruction of your own people is a sin against them; it's willing the murder of hundreds of millions and the irreversible destruction of a genetic legacy built over thousands of generations. If you call yourself Christian, consider what "Christendom" means... and where and among whom it lived/lives.
You would destroy that to make yourself feel better about "inequality" or such rot.
I'm still praying for you. Check. You can thank me later.
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