First, why do you think white men have been killing themselves and their families of late?
It recently happened in Delaware and again in Alabama.
Why do you think the GOP is rallying around Jim Jordan? And why didn't the dems rally around Al Franken?
Do you think trump's behavior at the NATO summit earlier today was normal?
Is anyone surprised that Papa John's founder previously dropped the the n-word in a meeting.
Do you think John Kelly's reaction to trump's outrageous behavior was because he didn't get a full breakfast?
Is the behavior of Bill Shine's wife enough to disqualify him from his new White House position?
Let me know anything else you have on your mind.
I'm out.
1 – 200 of 203 Newer› Newest»NATO= Negroes Are Totally Obnoxious
NATO= Negroes Are Terribly Obtuse
Why do you think the GOP is rallying around Jim Jordan? And why didn't the dems rally around Al Franken?
Maybe because there is absolutely no evidence that Jim Jordan ever knew about the Jewish doctor who fondled some wrestlers and then killed himself in 2005, and because there was photographic evidence of Al Franken molesting a woman he was working with.
Are you really a lawyer?
Women serving with men in the military should expect to be sexually harassed. Hell, it's probably why most of them signed up in the first place.
Colonel Bernie Sanders called blacks n*****s.
Pappa John's had a watermelon and fried chicken pizza special for Juneteenth.
I love n*****s.
Better question: Why do you suppose the insane idiots who support the monster are rallying around Russia instead of NATO?
But I can give a partial answer to the first question.
Democrats actually care about the #metoo thing. We are feminists. Republicans are the party of rich, whore-mongering politicians who disgrace their wives. I know everybody likes to think that it cuts across party lines.
Not that much. Duncan Hunter, David Vitter, Rush Limbaugh, Donald Trump... These are dick-spanking losers who would spend a king's ransom of other people's money just to try to get their aging rocks off one more time.
Al Franken most likely didn't do anything terribly wrong. Kidding around. A little bit of groping, kissing. He was enough of a man to admit that it was wrong and he wanted to go down in history as supporting women's rights. He fell on his sword to satisfy the bleeding heart liberals and I love him for having the courage instead of being a lying sack-of-shit hypocrite, hedging fucking liar like all of the republican dildo-heads who have been proven to be guilty of far more egregious sins against women.
Not only that, his accusations came only recently after the particularly disgusting fall from grace of the Vietnamese Catfish-face Bob Filner. Filner was the first democratic mayor of San Diego since Maureen O'Connor. Liberals were excited. Many female activist were similarly energized by the prospect of a democratic mayor.
So icky-ugly Filner would invite them into his office and lock the door, invite them to restaurants and corner them in a booth, or simply trap them against a wall and try to kiss them with his big fat ugly face.
Franken wanted no part of that.
Flying Junior said...
"Democrats actually care about the #metoo thing. We are feminists"
Jesus Fucking Christ, you are such a faggot.
I care.
I'm gay because I care about women. Nice job asshole.
Flying Junior said...
"I'm gay because I care about women"
Slowly, everyone began to applaud.
“First, why do you think white men have been killing themselves and their families of late?
It recently happened in Delaware and again in Alabama.”
I don’t think this is a white thing. But there sure are a lot of seriously mentally disturbed people walking around this country in need of intensive psychiatric treatment.
“Why do you think the GOP is rallying around Jim Jordan? And why didn't the dems rally around Al Franken?”
Cause the GOP have decided that the allegations against Jim Jordan are nothing but a partisan attack by the Dems on him, and once they decided that, it became irrelevant to them whether the allegations were true. (Which they do appear to be.)
“Do you think trump's behavior at [insert any time or event here] was normal?”
The answer to this question is always no.
“Is anyone surprised that Papa John's founder previously dropped the the n-word in a meeting.”
Wasn’t John Schnatter the guy who said he would punish his employees if Obama got re-elected? And the guy who blamed kneeling NFL players for people not buying his lousy pizza?
Yup, that was him — the quintessential wingnut dick.
So, no, not surprising at all that he said a bunch of dumb, racist stuff at a sensitivity training meeting. Way to set a good example for the staff, John.
“Do you think John Kelly's reaction to trump's outrageous behavior was because he didn't get a full breakfast?”
Please. Anyone who spends as much time around Trump as Kelly does is going to need a surgeon to detach his palm from his face, since he’s got to be in that position non-stop.
Is it possible to literally die of vicarious embarrassment from watching Trump make an ass of himself all the damn time? Kelly should check into this. His life may be in danger.
“Is the behavior of Bill Shine's wife enough to disqualify him from his new White House position?”
Her behavior is disturbing. However, I don’t really think it’s exactly fair to hold a person accountable for their spouse’s gross statements and beliefs.
Fortunately, we don’t need to look at Shine’s wife to make a determination. Bill Shine is a terrible person who has disqualified himself by his own rotten actions as a Rupert Murdoch flunky.
The Bruce Jenner/trans acceptance thing is like a massive cultural shit test to see who will be regime loyalists to the elite and how far the elite can get away not only promoting degeneracy, but enforcing it. Basically, if someone goes along with this, they’ll go along with anything.
White boys kill themselves and their families because they can't take living with a micro dick anymore.
@Winston Smith:
“In my study of communist societies, I came to the conclusion that the purpose of communist propaganda was not to persuade or convince, not to inform, but to humiliate; and therefore, the less it corresponded to reality the better. When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity. To assent to obvious lies is...in some small way to become evil oneself. One's standing to resist anything is thus eroded, and even destroyed. A society of emasculated liars is easy to control. I think if you examine political correctness, it has the same effect and is intended to.”
As far as General Kelly... Of course an Army general would support NATO.
I reiterate my original idea.
WTF is wrong with these unpatriotic, crazy RW fascist idiots that they would support a dumb fucking whoremonger who is in love with the KGB dictator Putin instead of our European allies for seventy years in the form of NATO?
Y'all are just like the German patsies that supported Hitler in the 1930s, except there is no excuse anymore.
Trump is creaming on the toilet dreaming about Russian whores.
Check out the good work being done exposing youth to aviation. Good time to start because us old dudes are retiring and lots of flying jobs out there.
As far as rallying around Jim Jeffries that's the GOP stock in trade, hypocrisy. Juat like their leader, never admit wrongdoing and just accuse your opponent of doing whaf you're doing. No puppet here, YOU'RE the puppet.😂
Kelly wasn't mad because he didn't get breakfast, he was mad because the breakfast he got was the shit Fergus was feeding him with a shovel.
And poor little Alex Azar is just working so hard and under so much pressure... Hell, he never asked for all of this responsibility, and really if there's a victim in this whole kids-in-cages story it's probably him, not the children or their parents who may never see one another again because he can't find them.
Fergus' behavior at NATO was perfectly normal for a Russian asset about to have a one on one with his handler.
-Doug in Oakland
Trump has so far separated 102 kids under the age of five from their parents at our southern border. A court has since ordered him to immediately reunite them. Thus far he has only managed to reunite about a third of them.
As part of that effort, it turns out that out of those 102 kids, DHS is saying 12 of them cannot be reunited, because Trump already jailed their parents, and kids can't join their parents in prison.
And 9 other kids cannot be reunited because Trump already deported their parents.
And, erm, 1 other kid cannot be reunited because -- haha, this is a funny story, you're really gonna laugh, Your Honor -- no one has no idea who his/her parents even are. Paperwork lost/destroyed. Oops!
Things are not looking great.
2019 NBA Finals Prediction:
Los Angeles Lakers vs. Boston Celtics
Field, you forgot to mention that Stormy was arrested. What gives?
France vs. Croatia. Who ya got?
Let s not gloss the big ONE
Think About It said...
"Dreams from my Father" by Barack HUSSEIN Obama
'Of course, when I was in college,I began experimenting sexually.
Sometimes with multiple partners, sometimes with the same sex. I
particularly found underage boys my favorite sexual partners'
pg 137
nd because there was photographic evidence of Al Franken molesting a woman he was working with. Uh huh. Did you actually see Franken fondle her? No you didn't. It was a simulated, staged pic.
Wingnuts are defending Jordan because they can't afford to lose any more house seats in special elections. Drumpf is a serial sexual predator infinitely worse that Bill Clinton was impeached for. Wingnuts will always defend their own no matter how heinous the crimes committed.
Drumpf demands these poor immigrants pay for the DNA testing to get their kids back.
Speaking of the Muslim President, Malcom X coined "There was that old house Negro and the field Negro."
After Malcom X , a Nation of Islam Muslim, traveled to Mecca; learning the truth Muslim culture/doctrine AND after discovering the Hon Elijah Muhammad fathered more than 20 children by more than 15 women in the Nation of Islam; Malcom questioned Hon Elijah Mahammad.
Soon thereafter Hon Elijah Muhammad ordered Malcolm X to surrender his home and car, both of which owned by the NOI.
On March 10th Malcolm told Ebony magazine that the Black Muslim leaders have "got to kill me. They can’t afford to let me live. . . I know where the bodies are buried and if they press me, I’ll exhume some."
Word on the street, current NOI leaders are responsible for Malcom's death.in other words, NOI leaders set Malcom up.
That is why real Muslims don't take NOI serously; as they would never conduct themselve in that manner.
When the blind lead the blind; both fall into the ditch.
6 negroes killed in deadly 24 hours in Chicago, 10 other negroes wounded:
Tell the black gay guy on CNN nobody cares. He's a gay house Negro.
6 negroes killed in deadly 24 hours in Chicago, 10 other negroes wounded:
So where are avocates/supporters of illegal immigrants when it comes to legal American children whose forparents were enslaved?
What does the black gay guy on CNN have to say about --6 negroes killed in deadly 24 hours in Chicago, 10 other negroes wounded.
Real House Negro behavior.
PilotX said...
"As far as rallying around Jim Jeffries that's the GOP stock in trade, hypocrisy. Juat like their leader, never admit wrongdoing and just accuse your opponent of doing whaf you're doing"
What "wrongdoing" by Jim Jordan has been proven?
Trump supporters are ugly, both inside and outside.
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall .. Humpty Dumpty had a great fall;. All the king's horses and all...
Keep selling those bean pies and incenses on the corner my NOI brothers and sisters.
#BREAKING: Hawaii Judge rules Thai Soccer Team must be put back in cave until a more 'gender diverse' team is assembled to rescue them.
What wrongdoing by HRC has ever been proven? After thirty years you got nothing. But after only a couple weeks of stories about Jordan, wingnuts want it to quit. Wah, Boo-Hiss.
"What "wrongdoing" by Jim Jordan has been proven?"
In these cases it's always proven and always worse than the original charge. Give it a few weeks.
I'm willing to wait.
Papa John's pizza is mediocre pizza for mediocre white people (and I realize that "mediocre white people" is redundant).
Why do you think black men have been killing each other for decades now?
Babysitters post video of themselves torturing their 1-yr-old charge with a Taser:
23-yr-old man beats his 53-yr-old mother to death for calling him a liar:
(okay that second one has a huge giveaway in the URL but) Can you... guess the race?
Shine's wife making fun of assault victims, which is basically what got her stoopid fucking hubby shit canned @ Fake Noize.
You can tell by her shithole mouth she is a prowd stoopid fucking wasicu bitch. She has no clews about our military.
She expected a poor little female enlistee to get banged by 4000 soldiers on a submarine. Our Trident subs have 2 identical crews of 154 officers and crew- SAILORS. But what can one expect from stoopid fucking wingnuts?
Anonymous Matt Zoller Seitz said...
Why do you think black men have been killing each other for decades now?
Wasicus have never killed other wasicus over the centuries? or Blacks, Latinos, American Indians or white Europeans or Asians or truth and recently America.
PilotX said...
"What "wrongdoing" by Jim Jordan has been proven?"
In these cases it's always proven and always worse than the original charge. Give it a few weeks.
The idea that Jordan knew about what this doctor was doing is purely speculative, was not indicated by any evidence at the time, and has not been supported by any new facts. There was no indication of wrongdoing by Jordan at the time of the original investigation (13 years ago). Not one witness has ever said anything that implicates Jordan in any way. The victims in this case have issued a joint statement of support of the way Jordan handled this matter once it came to light.
There is less than nothing there. Wait all you want.
Wasicus whose parents are brother and sister or cousins can't possibly explain the depths of stoopidity that envelops wingnuts.
Gotta be that Magat hat they wear.
I'm Chinese-American and wonder when blacks will stop relying on government and victimhood to get ahead in life. And by "get ahead" I mean get more free stuff and entitlements from gullible white people.
Just after noon, Peter Strzok actually denied that his text messages expressing disdain for Trump were “indicative of bias.” He actually said that.
You're watching the poster boy for the FBI. He won't tell the truth even when caught in a lie. These are the people responsible for putting others in prison.
Stormy Daniels patently obvious politically motivated sting based on a 10 year old statute almost never enforced. She is accused by undercover cops-male and female.
Wassa matter, stoopid fucking wingnuts? Run out of taxcuts for the koch bros and felt the need to attack a credible witness against Drumpfuck?
STrzok needn't fear being charged with perjury.Wingnuts don't care if you lie to them unless your last name ends in CLINTON.
Here is what Strzok actually did say- After being threatened by Chairman Goodlatte with contempt minutes into the House Judicial hearing, and after many unfounded accusations by Rep. Trey Gowdy, who tried to stop him answering his questions by using partisan theatrics, Peter Strzok let Gowdy have it with both barrels.
The audience cheered.
The embattled FBI agent explained that his hostility in text messages towards Trump's candidacy was fueled by Trump's despicable attacks against a Gold Star family [the Khans] during the 2016 presidential campaign.
Strzok said, "In terms of the texts that "we will stop it." You need to understand that that was written late at night, off-the-cuff and it was in response to a series of events that included then-candidate Trump insulting the immigrant family of a fallen war hero, and my presumption based on that horrible disgusting behavior that the American population would not elect someone demonstrating that behavior to be President of the United States."
Peter Strzok also attacked the multiple bias claims Rep. Gowdy and many Republicans have made and said there were multiple layers in place to never let that happen..
He continued, "They would not tolerate any improper behavior in me any more than I would tolerate in them. That is who we are as the FBI and the suggestion that I in some dark chamber somehow in the FBI would somehow cast aside all of these procedures, all of these safeguards and somehow be able to do this is astounding to me. It's simply couldn't happen. And the proposition that is going on, that it might occur anywhere in the FBI deeply corrodes what the FBI is in America society, the effectiveness of their mission and it is deeply destructive."
You can read this for the rest of the story- https://crooksandliars.com/2018/07/peter-strzok
Of course Drumpfuck and his Russia Bots will disavow Drumpf ever disrespecting the Khans because they are the liars and deniers.
How good is Ocasio-Cortez? Better than you wasicis.
Things are going so well for insurgent Democratic congressional candidate Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez that she’s winning primaries she didn’t even enter.
In addition to recently whipping longtime Queens Rep. Joseph Crowley in the 14th congressional district Democratic primary, Ocasio-Cortez also won the Reform Party write-in primary over Bronx Rep. Jose Serrano in the neighboring 15th congressional district.
While write-in votes are not unusual, someone actually winning a race she wasn’t running for is.
But having won it, Ocasio-Cortez had to decline one of the nominations she won since state law bars individuals from being candidates for two different offices at the same time.
She wins 2, one she wasn't enter in and Drumpf loses the election but is installed by Putin anyway.
Fuck the gooks and chinks!
imbecile from iowa said...
"The audience* cheered."
*Democrats and media
"How good is Ocasio-Cortez?"
Running 28 year old know-nothings whose sole qualification is their race/gender is a great plan.
Go Democrats!
“Running 28 year old know-nothings whose sole qualification is their race/gender is a great plan.
Go Democrats!"
Running 72-year-old orange-tinted crooked businessmen whose sole qualification is their racism is a great plan.
Go Republicans!
Gotta love those Black teen Kweenz in Arkansas torturing a one year old. What is wrong with black folks????
"Running 72-year-old orange-tinted crooked businessmen whose sole qualification is their racism is a great plan."
"Racism" seems to be working quite well as far as running the country goes.
White men can accomplish anything, when we put our minds to it. This is what drives our enemies insane, because they cannot deny the truth of it.
So it turns out that the guy who ran the counterintelligence division of the FBI for decades and busted multiple Russian spy rings isn't someone you can easily fuck with.
Who could have known?
And it also turns out that someone who had successfully caught, surveilled, and busted Russian spies for a living knows a Russian asset when he sees one and has personal opinions about such a person being elected president of the United States.
Again, who could have foreseen such a thing?
And it turns out that Trey Gowdy absolutely sucks at running wingnut show trials, even after all of these years of practice, prompting Driftglass to call him "the Washington Generals of Joe McCarthys."
-Doug in Oakland
"White men can accomplish anything, when we put our minds to it. This is what drives our enemies insane, because they cannot deny the truth of it."
Climate change, DDT, and nuclear weapons, for example.
-Doug in Oakland
Fag Negro is a hack.
and stoopid fucking wingnuts will counter claim Strzok's comments were caused by HRC and her emails.
Fergus' favorite fun fantasies fall flat:
-Doug in Oakland
Paul Ryan said "I've also known Jim Jordan to be a man of honesty and a man of integrity." so you know Jordan is a lying sack of shit.
The Washington Post reports that Jordan is also being backed by a conservative crisis communications firm, "known for representing conservative figures," which has circulated testimonials from students defending the congressman. The article added, "It is unclear who is paying for the effort."
-Doug in Oakland
2 negroes Shot While Leaving all negroe Party at Airbnb on Chicago's Northwest Side:
By Chris Hush
Published at 1:33 PM CDT on Jul 11, 2018 | Updated at 7:34 PM CDT on Jul 11, 2018
"The former head coach of Ohio State University has admitted he knew the team doctor was sexually abusing his wrestlers which contradicts his recent statements of support for Rep. Jim Jordan who was coaching with him at he time."
Lying. Sack. Of. Shit.
-Doug in Oakland
dinthebeast said...
So it turns out that the guy who ran the counterintelligence division of the FBI for decades and busted multiple Russian spy rings isn't someone you can easily fuck with.
Doug loves corrupt intelligence officials who abuse the rights of citizens and subvert the democratic process of the government they serve. It makes him all tingly.
Watching the congressional hearings today has brought me to the conclusion that white people cannot have a functioning democracy in which blacks have political equality.
Neil, I thought you were dead.
Us four was walking through the park one day
Minding our business. but what the hey we're whack
So here comes the fuzz with drawn guns like they always does
and cuff and stuff us just because we're Black
This is gonna be a real stoopid fucking wingnut shitshow.
Wait, there's more- https://www.rawstory.com/2018/07/strzok-hearing-democrat-brutally-trolls-gop-reading-record-comments-made-ripping-trump/
and this- https://www.rawstory.com/2018/07/watch-fbis-strzok-get-trey-gowdys-face-explain-real-investigations-run/
and this- https://www.rawstory.com/2018/07/not-benghazi-new-jersey-dem-shouts-trey-gowdy-badgering-peter-strzok-not-letting-speak/
and finally this- https://www.rawstory.com/2018/07/louis-gohmert-slammed-frothing-mouth-attack-peter-strzok-even-foxs-brit-hume-called/
Hung by his traitorous nuts ejaculated- Doug loves corrupt intelligence officials who abuse the rights of citizens and subvert the democratic process of the government they serve. It makes him all tingly.
So, of course you stoopid fucking wingnuts have boatloads of empirical evidence to back up your slanderous claims, right? Of course not. You stoopid fucking wingnuts AND a GRand Jury couldn't indict a ham sandwich because you are inbred stoopid fucking wasicu wasteys.
Drumpf proved beyond any doubt he is a Russian ass-fucked-et. He basically showed hi Russia bonafides by trashing NATO at every chance, just like Putie wants.
Drumpf voters who claim they didn't see this coming are too stoopid to vote.
They just aren't smart enough to check into whether or not their daily two minutes hate target is really what their masters have told them they are.
Strzok's actual record speaks for itself. He served the country for decades and caught multiple spy rings and intercepted their communications home for years before busting them at unawares and facilitating high profile spy-swaps (back when we had non-traitorous presidents and functioning state departments) whereas Fergus had what? Bone spurs? VD? LMC?
-Doug in Oakland
In 2012, President Barack Obama was captured on a hot mic telling the Russian President Dmitry Medvedev he'd give Putin what he wanted, but he'd have to wait until after the election:
President Obama: "On all these issues, but particularly missile defense, this, this can be solved but it’s important for him to give me space."
President Medvedev: "Yeah, I understand. I understand your message about space. Space for you…"
President Obama: "This is my last election. After my election I have more flexibility."
President Medvedev: "I understand. I will transmit this information to Vladimir, and I stand with you."
Today, before congress, Peter Strzok, one of the leading FBI agents in charge of monitoring Russian espionage, denied any knowledge of this exchange.
Liar or idiot?
Here is what Putin's butt puppets in America had to say about Obama allegedly making nice with Putin-
Issues surrounding a planned NATO missile defense system had been a sticking point in relations between the two nations for some time, the Telegraph reported:
Russia has been strongly critical of plans for U.S.-led Nato missile defense in Europe. Russian officials believe the planned missile shield would target Russia’s nuclear deterrent and undermine global stability, while the U.S. insists the planned missile shield is intended to counter threats from Iran.
Mr Putin said earlier this month that Washington’s refusal to offer Moscow written guarantees that its missile defence system would not be aimed against Russia deepened its concerns.
Obama’s intended off-the-record assurances to the transitioning Russian leadership were roundly criticized by his political opponents, who feared it signaled a lack of resolve on the president’s part. The Los Angeles Times reported:
Mitt Romney, the front-runner for the Republican nomination, accused Obama of “pulling his punches with the American people” and obscuring his plans for the missile defense system.
House Speaker John A. Boehner (R-Ohio) said “we look forward” to hearing what the president meant by “more flexibility” when he returns from South Korea.
John Bolton, ambassador to the United Nations during the George W. Bush administration, called Obama’s comments a “fire bell in the night,” which signaled not only that Obama would scale back the missile defense program, but also that he might be planning to give ground on a range of national security priorities.
“There’s huge cause for concern here,” Bolton said.
Obama is too much of “a politician to entirely show his hand in the first term, but it would be open season” if he is reelected, Bolton said.
Can you say hypocrisy on stoopid fucking wingnuts? Because I can.
The FBI's #2 in Counterintelligence cheating on his wife with *at least one woman* is a huge blackmailing opportunity for our adversaries (including Russia!) and has not been explored enough.
When you speak of foreign policy blunders, the prictionary has Drumpf's plug ugly mug as the only entry. Urban dictionary just says he is a clusterfuck in every endeavor.
"Can you say hypocrisy on stoopid fucking wingnuts? Because I can."
The difference is Obama was caught on camera colluding with the Russians, while over two years of a special investigation that included wire tapping his campaign have produced zero evidence of Trump colluding with anyone.
Can you get that, mike?
“Drumpf proved beyond any doubt he is a Russian ass-fucked-et. He basically showed hi Russia bonafides by trashing NATO at every chance, just like Putie wants.”
It would be hard for Trump to find a better way of proving conclusively that he is indeed Russia’s bitchboy. Destroying NATO is number 1 on Vlad’s wish list. And Trump seems to be laying the groundwork for this, by claiming European countries must kick in more money to NATO or else America will take our ball and go home.
If NATO is dismantled, Vlad will do his happy dance and then invade Eastern Europe.
This shameful act by Trump should feature prominently at his treason trial.
The difference is Obama was caught on camera colluding with the Russians, while over two years of a special investigation that included wire tapping his campaign have produced zero evidence of Trump colluding with anyone.
Utter Bullshit. Obama was potus. He can't collude with other world leaders. He also had an extremely hostile treasonous congress trying to block his efforts at diplomacy. Can you get that?
Drumpf wasn't elected and without Putin's help wouldn't be potus now. That is collusion and then there were all the pre-election meetings with Russian officials that Drumpf continually lied about saying none of them happened. That is more collusion. But, collusion is minor to the major crimes Drumpf and scumbags have committed. Can't wait until Drumpf-Russian taz records are made public spectacles. Of course your retort will be HRC had emails.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
The FBI's #2 in Counterintelligence cheating on his wife with *at least one woman* is a huge blackmailing opportunity for our adversaries (including Russia!) and has not been explored enough.
Drumpfuck Russian agent Drumpf will get prick rolled by Putie's micro dick in Helsinki. If anyone in gubmint was ripe for blackmail it is Dumbfuck.
"Utter Bullshit. Obama was potus. He can't collude with other world leaders"
Pure genius.
Pure genius.and 100% true.
Not stable genius genius, Real actual genuine genius.
Wingnuts were allowed to personally attack Strzok's character and as long as they couch it the form of a question, Strzok was not allowed to defend himself.
Sounds like Russia to me.
Asswipe arrogance wingnut style https://www.rawstory.com/2018/07/watch-arizona-gop-lawmaker-busted-speeding-brags-cop-regularly-drives-140-miles-per-hour/
Don't bother me I have immunity. Another inbred Drumpf voter.
Lies and the lying liars who believe Fake Noize and or Drumpfuck.
US pays only around 22% and the 706 billion fake noize said goes to NATO is the entire US military budget-the largest ever.
And yet many stoopid fucking wingnuts will believe this.
Drumpfed up political charges against Stormy Daniels were dropped. Apparently some politicians didn't want the bad publicity during an election year.
mike actually believed a prostitute stripper and her tax-evading lawyer were going to take down a billionaire President.
Strzok--who slept with an FBI co-worker behind his wife's back, texted that he was going to stop Trump from beng President, that he was a fucking idiot, and that Trump voters were ignorant hillbillies--just claimed that he held himself to the highest possible standard of objectivity while investigating Trump.
And the democrats clapped.
Point #1:
Question: Who are Trump's Heroes?
Answer: Hitler & Putin
Point #2:
Isn't it amazing how white folks who spew racist words and actions are quick to say they're not racist.
...Especially when it should be the people on the "receiving end" of their racist bullshit that should be the judge of that!
Point #3:
Question: How does a con artist bigoted, racist, real estate, draft dodging real estate developer get millions of white Americans to give up their democracy, vote against their own best interests, and endorse a POTUS that is manipulated and brainwashed by a foreign dictator and whose main interest is in his own corporate wealth?
Answer: You start a race war.. Works every time... (and Putin knows it)
Maybe that's why they say Putin is...smarter than your most powerful American
Everybody really loves "n __ __ __ __ __ s"...that's why everyone hates them so much.
They're jealous.
Remember..."there's a thin line between love and hate."
True. Everyone really does love- and respect to some degree- specific NEEEEgroes as our blood sweat and tears not only built the White House, but our slave labor and intellect build the greatest country in the world that post civil rights immigrants wants to live.
Peter Strzok is a psychopath.
My wife makes the case that woman have gone insane under the chemical influence of contraceptives. This could be bigger than Thalidomide.
Strzok hearing is so tedious because there’s no political principle at stake for either side. Pure tribal loyalty, divorced from any underlying ideological commitment, dictates what positions are taken. Legitimate issues get completely buried under gallons of partisan sludge.
When your girlfriend is more important than your wife, your politics more important than your country, and your ego more important than history, it's easy to smirk your way through a congressional hearing.
This is the kind of person our country entrusts with the pursuit of justice.
There was never any Russian hack of the DNC. Seth Rich gave Wikileaks the emails and they killed him for it.
Strzok's excuse today for his texts was that on the job, he is undisciplined, unprofessional and had a habit of engaging in hyperbole. And yet Comey put this guy in charge of two of the biggest investigations in history. And he's still technically employed by the FBI.
@YellowMONEY said...
Catch a clue. You are irrelevant as to this forum. Quit recapitulating-- this is way out of your league. Go read a black history book then rejoin the conversation or get shut down!
"It would be hard for Trump to find a better way of proving conclusively that he is indeed Russia’s bitchboy. Destroying NATO is number 1 on Vlad’s wish list. And Trump seems to be laying the groundwork for this, by claiming European countries must kick in more money to NATO or else America will take our ball and go home."
Honestly, could Russian domination of Europe be any worse for Europeans than American domination has been?
Interesting that Peter Strzok's lawyer is Aitan Goelman, who is a former Obama Administration official. Of all the possible lawyers! �� But hey, Strzok had no ill intentions, right?
“We’re proposing a bill to abolish ICE but don’t bring it to the floor or we’ll vote against it.”
-stable democrats
Mike from Iowa is a faggot.
Mike from Iowa is a retard.
Peter Strzok admits that FBI got parts of Dossier from top DOJ official Bruce Ohr.
Ohr‘s wife Nellie worked for Fusion GPS, the firm hired by Hillary Clinton to produce the Dossier.
In the future, food will come in pill form, and toilets will come in food form.
In all likelihood, black improvement will come about when black victimhood and black entitlement (two very common things in this country) get kicked to the curb. And we all know that's a tall order when it comes to black people.
-----------------------EXCELLENT POINTS-------------
Point #1:
Question: Who are Trump's Heroes?
Answer: Hitler & Putin
Point #2:
Isn't it amazing how white folks who spew racist words and actions are quick to say they're not racist.
...Especially when it should be the people on the "receiving end" of their racist bullshit that should be the judge of that!
Point #3:
Question: How does a con artist bigoted, racist, real estate, draft dodging real estate developer get millions of white Americans to give up their democracy, vote against their own best interests, and endorse a POTUS that is manipulated and brainwashed by a foreign dictator and whose main interest is in his own corporate wealth?
Answer: You start a race war.. Works every time... (and Putin knows it)
Maybe that's why they say Putin is...smarter than your most powerful American
RACISTS: "Watch out for those "niggers" (black, brown, and beige people) they'e taking over "OUR"
country. America has always belonged to us and only "US" white folks."
REALISTS: "Hell, the real threat is the dictator trying to create a division in the country in order
to destroy American democracy."
COWARDLY WHITE PEOPLE: "We know that what's going on is insane but we must stick together, and never
break rank or else we will pay a heavy price, be called nigger lovers and be
tarred and feathered by our own.
...Just another day in America.
Why are white men so ugly and disgusting and white women so fine and fuckable?
RE: 11:45PM
When u fuck a white woman...be ready to buy her a house, pay her mortgage, clean her house, chauffeur her around, pay her bills, pay child support and give up your pay check.
Cause white women are shrewd, cunning and manipulative enough to take your black asses to the bank.
While black men keep stepping, fetching, dancing a jig and being the slave for the master.
So go right ahead...fuck every white woman u c. but when the cops catch u get ready for an Emmet Till beat down cause that's the country that we live in.
I spilled baked beans all over myself watching Cars 2 in a theater and a black teenager shouted 'this nigga eating beans' and everyone laughed.
-Dreams from My Father, p.133
Dead Black Teen Gets Embalmed Posing with Video Game Controller
A few weeks ago, tragedy befell a black family from New Orleans. 18-year-old Renard Matthews, who intended to become either a neurosurgeon or a rapper depending on which one paid the best, was shot to death by an unarmed black teen.
Determined to preserve their son’s memory for posterity, Renard’s family decided to embalm his corpse in his favorite position: slouched in front of the television holding his beloved video game controller!
A family whose teenage son died honored his memory in an unusual wake: His corpse was positioned in a chair facing a television screen, a video game controller in hand and his favorite snacks next to him.
Renard Matthews, 18, of New Orleans, La., was robbed and shot to death on the evening of June 25 while walking his dog. Matthews, whom a neighbor described as “a nice young man,” loved football and basketball; his favorite athlete was Celtics guard Kyrie Irving, his mother, Temeka, told a local news station, WGNO. On Sunday, his wake presented a faithful reflection of his low-key lifestyle. The family had Matthews embalmed and placed in a stance that was typical for him. He was seated in a chair, wearing an Irving jersey and sunglasses, with a PlayStation controller in his hand, facing a television playing the Celtics. He was flanked by Doritos and soda.
We need reparations in the form of de-extinction programs, gotta bring back passenger pigeons, woolly mammoths, giant sloths etc.
Getting fired over racially charged language during a role playing training with a PR firm that was designed to avoid future race-related PR mishaps is easily the most 2018 reason to get fired that I can think of.
"This shameful act by Trump should feature prominently at his treason trial."
You got that right.
Wow, in the interview with The Sun trump claims to have doubled US GDP and claims to have higher poll numbers than Lincoln. Well......only two years to go.
Funny how the guy with access to the most information on the planet can't get one thing right.
Just wondering...NOI Muslums don't eat pork so how do they season those bean pies?
Just wondering...NOI Muslums don't eat pork so how do they season those bean pies?
You put pork in your pies? Ewwwwww
That cat rat and dog graft is delicious seasoning.
Just look around ...folks love it.
Anonymous Malcolm Y said...
We need reparations in the form of de-extinction programs, gotta bring back passenger pigeons, woolly mammoths, giant sloths etc.
Maybe a decent stoopid fucking wingnut or two, eh?
I've noticed Magat hats come in only 2 colors-Commie red and stone waste of white.
Hold on..just googled it. NOI Muslims season bean pies with FAKE pork seasoning.
Anonymous Farting Janitor said...
Strzok hearing is so tedious because there’s no political principle at stake for either side. Pure tribal loyalty, divorced from any underlying ideological commitment, dictates what positions are taken. Legitimate issues get completely buried under gallons of partisan sludge.
Riiiiight. If there was a single serious crime Strzok had committed, he would nave been charged already. But, just like with HRC, wingnuts put on sloppy show trials to gin up the base and damage people's reputations just because these victims of wingnut stoopidity have not commited actionable crimes.
For you stoopid fucking wingnuts that echo Drumppfuck's charges about no collusion, wingnuts admitted, when they issued their biased investigative report they didn't look for collusion. This is the report Drumpfuck uses to claim he was completely exonerated.
Meet the newest wasicu wastey hero- a wingnut political consultant who murdered one and randumbly shot several more. I guess you know what he feels about the 2nd amendment in no uncertain terms.
Not suprising given NOI Muslims are fake (unorthodox) Muslims.
So who bestowed NOI credentials?
The one who has 15 baby mamas...keep up!
Three House Dems Introduce Bill to Abolish ICE… Then Pull Their Support As It’s Brought to The Floor
What about the children you now all of a sudden care about Dems?
So lel me make sure I understand this...current NOI leader killed Malcom X because Malcom knew what time was and therefore , they killed him and the ring leader got the position in NOI.
So lel me make sure I understand this...current NOI leader killed Malcom X because Malcom knew what time it was and therefore , they killed him and the ring leader got the position in NOI.
Pride before the fall.
Chicago July 2018 To Date:
Shot & Killed: 19
Shot & Wounded: 89
Total Shot: 108
Total Homicides: 23
Stoopid fucking wingnuts block bill so CDC can't investigate gun violence. Bought and paid for by Putin NRA.
So Fred Flintstones does all that Yabba Dabba Doo to deflect NOI followers from truth.
Joder La Resistencia said...
Three House Dems Introduce Bill to Abolish ICE… Then Pull Their Support As It’s Brought to The Floor
What about the children you now all of a sudden care about Dems?
What political decision made stoopid fucking wingnuts decide to finally allow a vote on immigrataion as long as it had repeal ICE in it?
I’ll tell you one thing for sure. Every “ignorant hillbilly” in America will be at the polls bright and early on this November Election Day. Every. Single. One. Of. Us.
Joder La Resistencia said...
Three House Dems Introduce Bill to Abolish ICE… Then Pull Their Support As It’s Brought to The Floor
This is an off-year election after a political change in who holds the White House. The party that lost traditionally makes huge gains in congress. All Democrats have to do is not be insane. And they can’t do it.
Solution---put NOI Muslim on that corner or send 44 back to his old hood;
they'll listen to him if he says stop it.
Chicago July 2018
To Date:
Shot & Killed: 19
Shot & Wounded: 89
Total Shot: 108
Total Homicides: 23
So where are the left Mighty White right (as in human rights) fighters when you need them.
Chicago July 2018
To Date:
Shot & Killed: 19Shot & Wounded: 89
Total Shot: 108
Total Homicides: 23
So where are the football players when you need them?
Will thay take a knew for Chicago?
Do they only take a need for humanoids who don't respect authority (provoking police to get paid).
To date:
Shot & Killed: 19Shot & Wounded: 89
Total Shot: 108
Total Homicides: 23
So where are the football players when you need them?
Will thay take a knee for Chicago?
Do they only take a knee for humanoids who don't respect authority (provoking police to get paid).
To date:
Shot & Killed: 19Shot & Wounded: 89
Total Shot: 108
Total Homicides: 23
News Flash----Football players white fans pay your salary; you are modern day slaves. Many of you are broke before sundown. You can take the brother out of the hood but you can't take the hood out of the brother.
They handed Colin Rand Kaepernic his ASS!
Why am I convinced this is about to happen😂
trump is Frank Drebin.
"So where are the left Mighty White right (as in human rights) fighters when you need them."
You mean like Father Phleger? He just led a shutdown of the Dan Ryan expressway last week. Thanks for your concern.
"So where are the football players when you need them?"
It's the off season. Mini camp starts soon.
Mueller is a bad mother......he lets loose these indictments of Russians days before the donald meets with his handler.😂 Just wow.
From the only two indictments having to do with the 2016 election:
"There is no allegation in this indictment that any American was a knowing participant in this illegal activity. There is no allegation that the charge conduct altered the outcome of the election."
“There’s no allegation in this indictment that any American citizen committed a crime. There’s no allegation that the conspiracy changed the vote count or affected any election result.”
- Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein
are they trying to imitate the niggars?
Anonymous Anonymous said...
From the only two indictments having to do with the 2016 election:
There ain't a thing in there that says HRC or her emails committed any crimes. What's yer point. The investigation is not over and any Russkie actually caught might sing like a fucking canary.
In less than 2 years there have been dozens more indictments against Drumpfuck and Putin than in all the 30 plus years of investigations agains Bill or HRC.
Dang these people who come to America and think they can sell their 2 year old for sex just be.....wait, what? She's a wasicu from Texas. Who knew?
FINNALLY!!!! We have proof of russian collusion!!!!!
I hope the Democrat goes to jail!
"In less than 2 years there have been dozens more indictments against Drumpfuck and Putin than in all the 30 plus years of investigations agains Bill or HRC."
Probably not true, but if it were, it would be indicative of how corrupt our justice system is.
Obama was caught on hot mic colluding with Putin, telling Medvedev that he had to lie to get elected but would give Vlad what he wanted after the election:
If such evidence existed for Trump, you'd wet yourself.
Mueller indictments: Congressional candidate asked Russian operatives for info on opponent
The memo points out possible vulnerabilities in the campaign of Annette Tadeo (D), who at the time was facing former Rep. Joe Garcia (D) in a heated Florida Democratic primary to challenge incumbent Rep. Carlos Curbelo (R) in the 2016 election cycle.
A U.S. congressional candidate contacted Russian operatives in 2016 and successfully obtained damaging stolen information on their opponent.
The indictment of 12 Russian intelligence operatives filed Friday by special counsel Robert Mueller stated that "a candidate for the U.S. Congress" who was not named in the filing contacted Russian operatives posing as the hacker "Guccifer 2.0" and requested information stolen from the Democratic National Committee's (DNC) email server.
"The conspirators responded using the Guccifer 2.0 persona and sent the candidate stolen documents related to the candidate's opponent," the filing reads.
The court filing does not name the candidate or their party affiliation involved in the information transaction, but the date of "on or about August 15, 2016," seems to match an August 15 post on the Guccifer 2.0 blog which leaked a stolen Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) memo.
Parts of the stolen document specifically note Tadeo's fundraising difficulties and praise Garcia's name recognition. Garcia won the primary later that month and lost to Curbelo in the general election that November.
Friday's indictments were the latest in the ongoing special counsel investigation into Russian efforts to interfere in the 2016 election cycle and brought the total number of people indicted under the investigation up to 32.
None of the indictments so far have accused the Trump campaign of collusion with Russia, though several former members of the campaign have been brought up on unrelated charges.
Green card is desperate to take heat off Drumpfuck. There is nothing in this report that even alludes to the congressweasel being Dem or female. You are grasping at invisible straws you poor whiny sappy Drumpfuck Bot.
And from the left's do as i say not as i do files-
"In her 13 years on the DC Circuit Court, Ruth Bader Ginsburg never hired a black law clerk. And as of late 2017, the notorious RBG had hired only one black law clerk at the Supreme Court."
And how racist is Judge Kavanaugh?
Anonymous Real Russian Collusion said...
Obama was caught on hot mic colluding with Putin, telling Medvedev that he had to lie to get elected but would give Vlad what he wanted after the election:
Prove collusion. Obama was the sitting Potus and , as we all see with Drumpfuck, can say what he wants to any leader, as long as he is the Potus and not a candidate.
What in the world would Obama collude on?
And I'm still waiting for all them indictments against the Clintons that have never happened.
"In her 13 years on the DC Circuit Court, Ruth Bader Ginsburg never hired a black law clerk. And as of late 2017, the notorious RBG had hired only one black law clerk at the Supreme Court."
You sure have your fights picked for you, doncha troll? How does comparing the incomparable Notorious RBG with a skinhead make any sense?
"I’ll tell you one thing for sure. Every “ignorant hillbilly” in America will be at the polls bright and early on this November Election Day. Every. Single. One. Of. Us."
So you will hold onto the Republican majority of the city council in Sisterfuck, Arkansas?
538 has the Democrats up by ten in the generic ballot as of three days ago, and we need to win by ten because of GOP cheating, but we're not going anywhere, and there are a lot more of us than there are of you.
And that's all we want: to be fairly represented in accordance with the actual numbers.
So I wonder how the new indictments are gonna play at Helsinki? Fergus is gonna have to suck extra hard, but he's obviously up to the job.
-Doug in Oakland
Pray tell, where do you stoopid fucking wingnuts come up with this stoopider fuckinger wingnutter?
Drumpf now claims May did a wonderful job on Brexit and he will do a trade deal with her. Whiplash!!
Wonder how this will turnout?
You see how Drumpf's lies have pussified wasicu wasteys? They are afraid of anything Black. I am surprised they haven't sued Mother Nature for making night time off white.
"538 has the Democrats up by ten in the generic ballot as of three days ago,"
538 had Hillary odds at winning at 71.4% vs. Trump at 28.6 on election day.
Mueller is tickling the wire to see how someone here reacts. Cohen and Flynn might soon have company. Stay tuned sports fans.
A buddy of mine just had Notorious RBG on her flight from Rome to DC. She may not have blah clerks but she had a blah lady pilot in command of her flight.👍🏾
My wife had her on one of her flights a couple years ago.
Obama cyber chief confirms 'stand down' order against Russian cyberattacks in summer 2016
WASHINGTON - The Obama White House’s chief cyber official testified Wednesday that proposals he was developing to counter Russia’s attack on the U.S. presidential election were put on a “back burner” after he was ordered to “stand down” his efforts in the summer of 2016
PilotX said...
My wife had her on one of her flights a couple years ago.
So your wife is a member of the mile high club?
538 had Hillary odds at winning at 71.4% vs. Trump at 28.6 on election day.
Lo and behold, HRC won. but Putie stole the election for his butt puppet Drumpfuck.
Crowds protesting Drumpfuck in England were infinitely larger than the number of bots at Drumpf/Putin fake inaugural.
Are wingnut lawyers the dumbest sons a bitches on Earth after Drumpfuck?
"So your wife is a member of the mile high club?"
Kind of a personal question there bro. Is your husband?
Question for stoopid fucking wasicu Russian bots- yer fearless Russian asset leader is going ahead with his Putie play time even though 12 Russkies were indicted. We all know Putin controls Drumpf and the NRA and most of you sfw apparently. Russia is our sworn enemy. Why aren't you up in arms about our illegally appointed, Russian asset bogus potus sucking our enemies cock?
But Obama bowed to Japan's Prime Minister and HRC had emails.
Fake Noize Chris Wallace has a 30 minute Putie-a-thon after Drumpf wipes off his lips. Claims no hold barred. Prolly not because the whole time will be taken up discussing HRC's emails and how she singlehandedly hacked Russia.
Whites only in Drumpf's day and age? Why not.
Even moar collusion.
Drumpf needs to stay home and suck Pence's dick and hope for a pardon from the KGB agent look a like.
Forbes just pinned the traitor's tail on Drumpfuck.
Don't force me to push the comment total past 200 by myself. You'll only make me unhappy, sfw, and that is not a pretty sight.
Do so at your own peril.
Should have known pussies are afraid of the early evening gloaming.
Jim Wright @ Stonekettle Station lets Drumpfuck the treasonous have all barrels at once.
So a family of woodchucks ate the wiring out of Paul Ryan's Suburban.
Now even the animals are part of the resistance.
Wait until the sheep get involved:
-Doug in Oakland
Doug is not even dimly aware of what it is he is resisting.
"There is no allegation in this indictment that any American was a
knowing participant in this illegal activity. There is no allegation
that the charge conduct altered the outcome of the election."
- Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein on Friday the 13th....
There will be plenty of that when the time comes. When you see the fine detail with which the Russian hack on our election is laid out in the indictment, names, places, particular types of software, bitcoin numbers for the methods of payment, it's no wonder Fergus is losing his shit and trying to tear down the west; he knows it's all coming down real soon.
The indictment did, on the other hand, show how we were attacked by Russia in 2016 and implied that those attacks could be ongoing.
So what is Fergus doing to protect our elections from another attack?
According to DNI he's not only doing nothing, he's standing in the way of of his agencies doing anything, which is not surprising as the attacks have been in his favor thus far.
He's a corrupt, two-bit, wanna-be mobster who should never have been allowed in the white house for a tour, much less the presidency.
-Doug in Oakland
Waaah. We lost the election.
-Doug in Oakland
Joder La Resistencia said. I'm a fucking moron because I'm srill stuck in last year and still have no clew what collusion means.
Wake up, stud. The investigation has passed your feeble brain light years ago.
This article explains to stoopid fucking wingnuts why their insurance premiums skyrocketed because of the law breaker in chief, Drumpfuck the dumbfuck.
Russian agents in wingnut congress want Deputy AG fired for indicting their fellow commies.
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