"WASHINGTON (CNN) - Attorney General Jeff Sessions on Monday announced the Department of Justice's creation of a "religious liberty task force" to "help the department fully implement our religious guidance."
In a speech at the Department of Justice's Religious Liberty Summit in Washington, Sessions said the goal of the task force will be protecting religious groups from persecution.
"The task force will help the department fully implement our religious liberty guidance by ensuring that all Justice Department components are upholding that guidance in the cases they bring and defend, the arguments they make in court, the policies and regulations they adopt and how we conduct our operations," Sessions said. "That includes making sure that our employees know their duties to accommodate people of faith."
Sessions cited "a dangerous movement" aimed toward stripping away the First Amendment right to freedom of religion as a basis for forming the new task force." [Source]
This is interesting, since it would seem to be that it is trump and his attorney general who are "stripping away" the First Amendment" by trampling all over the Establishment and Free Exercise Clauses. Some Americans love Thomas Jefferson but not necessarily his words: "I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should 'make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof', thus building a wall of separation between Church & State."
Clearly Mr. trump and his overzealous AG have no intention of keeping the wall between church and state intact. A true president who cares about the Constitution would spend his time and energy protecting this wall, and not trying to build one to keep out immigrants coming in from our Southern border.
Make no mistake, folks, this latest stunt from the AG and the president is a lame attempt to push their version of religion down our throats. "A dangerous movement, undetected by many, is now challenging and eroding our great tradition of religious freedom," ...There can be no doubt. This is no little matter. It must be confronted and defeated."
What movement? The movement of the people who might not believe in your god, and who might want to worship Allah, Buddah, or Haile Selassie I? Or, who might want to worship at the church of Emayatzy Corinealdi for Christ sake?! (For the record, that happens to be my church.) What if you happen to be an atheist or agnostic? Will this so-called task force protect you then?
I wish I could say that this too will pass, but it won't. Because, as I write this post, trump is stacking the courts up and down with dimwitted conservative zealots. These are people who share some of his dangerous totalitarian views when it comes to religion and other social issues.
The irony is, of course, that there is not a religious bone in trump's body. This is all a scam to shore up his base and keep his 35% loyal to him. If these people were really as religious as they claim, and if they had some real connection to their god or whatever higher being they worship, they would be able to spot the con from a mile away. Of course we all know that they won't, because the brilliance of the con is that it understands that deep down inside their love of power and control is more powerful than any religion that they claim to follow.
Fortunately, it doesn't take a task force to figure that out.
White Christians have always been con artists.
Trump supporters aren't real Christians. Anybody who says they support Trump and follow Christianity is a liar and a fraud.
Paraphrasing of course because I don't feel like searching but I recall a quote about totalitarianism coming to America wrapped in the flag carrying a cross. Guess they were right.
And how do I join your church?
Seven months after elected as US senator, Obama told his closest political adviser, Father Pfleger, a Chicago Catholic priest, he had a burning desire to run for president. In the fall of 2005, Obama insists God called him to be president, according to Father Pfleger.
Meanwhile, Harvey Weinstein , was one of Obama's top fund-raisers.
According to the 2013 FBI crime statistics, 85% of interracial crime between blacks and Whites consists of blacks being the perpetrator and whites the victim.
That sure is lopsided, isn't it?
Did God also ordain him to legalize same sex marraige? Things that make you go hmmmm!
I’d give up pineapples and ice cream to live in an organic society that doesn’t hate Jesus.
But the point is kind of, just a little bit, to exempt Christians from having to follow the same laws as everyone else.
Ha Ha! You're funny Harry!
I get the sarcasm.
Christians are everybody else.
Any organization that teachers ,illegal gun toting thugs how to acts , ought to recieve exempt status
Sorry I haven't been around for a while, I'm supposed to get back online tomorrow or the next day, if everything goes as planned.
-Doug in Oakland
"According to the 2013 FBI crime statistics, 85% of interracial crime between blacks and Whites consists of blacks being the perpetrator and whites the victim."
How many crimes against whites are committed by fellow whites? You may wanna watch your own skinfolk.
"But the point is kind of, just a little bit, to exempt Christians from having to follow the same laws as everyone else."
Pretty much.
Good to have you back Doug.
You can't make this stuff up... True story.
Hey Doug, saw a couple movies about Oakland. "Brainspotting" and "Sorry to Bother You". Good flix.
Michelle Obama's hell has no fury .She fired White House staffers who annoyed her, gave her a headache whenever she looked at a particular staffer, staffers who looked at Obama too often, and refused to invite the clintons to the White House for dinner .
Little publicized fact: Michelle Obama has a penis.
The Root! LOL
Yet "when you go low we go high"--MO isn't that the pot calling the kettle black
@Hillary C
... and it's bigger than her husband!
PilotX said...
"How many crimes against whites are committed by fellow whites? You may wanna watch your own skinfolk."
Not the point.
What's interesting is the disconnect with the narrative we are fed (blacks as victims of white hate) versus the reality of interracial crime in America.
But you knew that.
Staffers walked on eggshells hidding in closets or ran in the bathroom( when they saw her coming) to avoid MO's shenanigans!
I'll just repost what I said earlier. It applies directly to Sessions "religious liberty" (aka Christian theocracy) task force:
"Wingnuts also love the part [of the Constitution] where it talks about "no law respecting an establishment of religion," because obviously, that means they have a right to establish their religion as the official one of the United State and force everyone else to follow the edicts of their Christianity-on-steroids faith; otherwise, they're being persecuted. (Note: The Constitution does not say this, either.)
Strangely, this forcing-your-religion-on-others business does not work for everybody. If a Muslim came along and slapped the beer out of their hands and the pork off their plates, and forced them to bow toward Mecca, they'd call the FBI to report an act of terrorism and demand said Muslims be deported to Guantanamo."
That's about it. Wingnuts want to pretend that the practice of their religion requires them to punish others who don't follow the wingnuts' religion. And if they're not allowed to do this? Then it's not fair, and they're victims.
This is NOT how freedom of religion works.
Your religious freedom is not being infringed if your employees want to spend their health insurance (in other words, their pay) on contraception, and the government prevents you from punishing them for not being (your sort of) Christian.
Your religious freedom is being infringed if the government forces you to use contraception.
Your religious freedom is not being infringed if gay customers want to shop at your business or if gay prospective employees want to apply for a position at your business and the government prevents you from turning them away in order to punish them for not being (your sort of) Christian.
Your religious freedom is being infringed if the government forces you to take a gay lover and go get gay married.
This is not that complicated. Freedom of religion does not mean asshole Christians have a right to try to force other people to follow the rules of their faiths.
Sadly, it sounds like that is exactly the upside-down interpretation of the Establishment Clause that Sessions' "religious liberty" task force will be pushing.
Sadly, you're a fucking retard.
Moslems are the only ones who don't believe in religious liberty. Under Sharia, kafir are either killed, forced to convert to Islam, or live as Dhimmis with limited rights (who are also killed if they refuse to pay the Jizya tax).
"What's interesting is the disconnect with the narrative we are fed (blacks as victims of white hate) versus the reality of interracial crime in America."
Well there are many aspects of this. Blah people can be legally killed while killing a white is punishable by death. Not much has changed. The numbers may even go higher as we stand our ground
Then there's also the idea that any crime committed against a white person is a hate crime when it was just a crime of opportunity. For some reason the idea of nuance and complexity misses many white conservative types.
"This is not that complicated. Freedom of religion does not mean asshole Christians have a right to try to force other people to follow the rules of their faiths."
Government borrowing more money since the financial crisis. Uh, why is this happening?
PilotX said...
"Well there are many aspects of this. Blah people can be legally killed while killing a white is punishable by death"
You are ridiculous.
PilotX said...
"Then there's also the idea that any crime committed against a white person is a hate crime when it was just a crime of opportunity."
A crime is a crime. I don't really care if a person kills me for my wallet or because of my race. Either way I'm dead.
"Hate crime" is an Orwellian concept that grants protected classes special legal status and explicitly violates the Constitution.
PilotX said...
"Government borrowing more money since the financial crisis. Uh, why is this happening?"
We are two countries inhabiting the same territory. Whoever is in power plunders the public purse. There is no incentive for being responsible to future generations by not paying off your constituencies today.
It's the Tragedy of the Commons. An inevitable result of a democracy.
"This is not that complicated. Freedom of religion does not mean asshole Christians have a right to try to force other people to follow the rules of their faiths."
It's not Christians who have been using the power of the State to force other people to follow the rules of their faith.
Your lyin eyes: "Protected class" is actually the entire category. if "race" is included, it means, "on the basis of race." If sex is included, it means "on the basis of sex."
That would include crimes committed because the victim is white or male or Christian. It's the category. Races and sexes and religions are treated equally, so far as the statute is concerned, because one race, one sex, and one religion is not singled out by the law for disparate treatment.
I feel like this is appropriate to the topic at hand:
Religious Freedom (to Burn Our Own Witches)
"It's not Christians who have been using the power of the State to force other people to follow the rules of their faith."
These conservative Christians are kinda weird and yes they do really want to force the rest of us to live by their rules. That Barton dude is continually trying to convince us America was founded as a Christian nation and the laws are made for them. Mike Pence is exhibit A and the Republican Party is complicit. Let's not pretend we don't know what's going on.
"That would include crimes committed because the victim is white or male or Christian."
Never in practice.
"These conservative Christians are kinda weird and yes they do really want to force the rest of us to live by their rules"
Where is has this actually happened?
Mike Pence? Seriously?
Hey, here's another religious weirdo who ran as a Republican.
"Where is has this actually happened?"
Jeez, all over. Georgia, where they put stickers in biology books and tried to get rid of evolution. Kansas, Texas, ect. Pennsylvania and the pseudo science Intelligent Design crap. Oh I could go on all day.
Oh and the Republicans basing their foreign policy on the Bible. Just can't make this stuff up.
20% of the time, in 2016, according to the FBI: https://www.npr.org/2017/11/13/563737883/hate-crimes-up-in-2016-fbi-statistics-show
"Moslems are the only ones who don't believe in religious liberty. Under Sharia, kafir are either killed, forced to convert to Islam, or live as Dhimmis with limited rights (who are also killed if they refuse to pay the Jizya tax).
Mmmm, nope.
Wherever one religion is in the majority, assholes from that religion have a tendency to try and impose it on the others.
Muslim assholes do it in Saudi Arabia. Hindu assholes do it in India. Buddhist assholes do it in Burma.
And yes, Christian assholes have a long tradition of persecuting people for not following their faith. In recent years, the American Christians have been some of the top offenders.
Is it as bad here as in Saudi Arabia? No. But so what? That's an incredibly low bar to clear. If your point is that at least Republicans don't chop people's heads off for heresy, and (usually) resort to less violent forms of persecuting the "heathens," so it's totally fine ... I regret to inform you that it isn't fine.
Agreed anon 1:05. These guys have been trying to put god "back" in the schools, get rid of evolution and make America a Christian nation. They don't really understand the concept of religious freedom they just want to force their beliefs down everyone's throat. I guess the god they worship is kinda weak because if it was against abortion they wouldn't need the courts would they? Kinda tired of people pushing their silly 3,000 year old beliefs around and their fidelity to invisible friends.
Peter wrote to Christians about enduring great persecution. Christians knew they had enemies who waited to pounce on their faith.
That means Christians are hated just because they exit that is the nature of the devil and his imps are a thieve John 10:10, Father of John 8:44 Matthew 12:27 Revelation 12 and 9 tempter bring an accusation against those who have faith Matthew's 12:26
The good news is Satan cannot exceed its limits that God has put upon him. Satan is powerful but not omnipotent he is present but not omnipresent he knows a lot but he's not omniscient. Yes Demons have an ability to indwell in non-Christians and have the ability to oppress and harass Christians
Paul describes this in Ephesians as principalities... powers... rulers of darkness Ephesians 6 and 12
Have a healthy respect for the devil's power but as Christians we do not cower he is a defeated foe!
As Christians we are fully persuaded that God is God and he will not be moved from that position. And that is why God is putting government mechanisms in place to show the power of HIS might. How you like ME now ...and what????
.... still undefeated and the heavyweight champion of the world!
Don't expect any of the POTUS friends to spend a day in jail....
Satan's characteristics:
Thief -John 10:10
Beezlebub Matthew 12:27
Deceiver Revelation 12 :9
Tempter Matthew 4 + 3
Accusers against those who have faith
Matthew 12:26
And if Melanoma had as many sticking out of her as were stuck in her she'd look like a god damned porkypine. :)
It is a Spiritual Warfare therefore put on your whole armor of God
Having girded your waist with truth ; put on your breastplate of righteousness ;shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace ;take up the Shield of faith ;take the helmet of salvation ; take up the sword which is the spirit
A soldier will never go into battle without every piece of his armor secured and ready
Kristians are the least religious and most gullible of the gullible. Their religion is like the Platte River- a mile wide and an inch deep. They remake their beliefs to fit their lying scumbag in the WH and are going to be left in Purgatory for all time because nobody wants these phony fuckers.
Getting to heaven is not a good deal when you finally figure out Satan always gets first choice.
When scunbad Drumpf tries to buy his way opast the Pearly Gates, Saint Peter will have drug sniffing dogs to detect laundered cash from Russia.
So what are all you anti-Christians working with other than your mouth?
Anonymous Anonymous said...
It is a Spiritual Warfare therefore put on your whole armor of God
Word of advice Shit fer Brains if yer god was any good at protecting you or you actually had faith in it you wouldn't need crutches like asrmor.
Love ya' Judge. You remain, as predictable as a WWE script.
You commenters' "god" no longer hold Office; therefore you going to have to find some pull elsewhere.
You anti-Christians go find you some pull cause we ain't got nothing for you
Jesus wasn't a micro dick white boy, he was a well endowed black man.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
You commenters' "god" no longer hold Office; therefore you going to have to find some pull elsewhere.
You phony phucking kristians- if you pull it more than twice you are playing with it and that is a sin punishable by death.
Who was it that was born in a stable and people have been following him for years? Secretariat, of course.
Don't expect any of the POTUS friends to spend a day in jail....
Upon conviction they go straight to the gallows and their date with hemp- the weed they hated so much.
It's ironic that so many black people are Christians since it was a religion that was forced on you people during slavery and used to justify your slavery. Then again, critical thinking isn't a strong suit with blacks.
Thanks to the hapless, hopeless dumb fucker in the WH, Li'l Kim is building more inner continental ballistic missiles to send nukes our way. Way to defuse the situation world's greatest negotiator.
To the gutless wonders posting here under Anonymous:
NEWS FLASH Michelle Obama is no longer first lady and her husband is no longer president. No one cares what Michelle did or didn't do while in the White House. Why can't you folks move on?
And by-the-way, Michelle Obama is a brilliant, educated woman who made her way in life through her own efforts. She didn't need to sell herself to an old, fat, crooked, rich dude like our current first lady.
tr**p makes the world a less beautiful place to live. He also makes people uglier.
Blacks will always try to make everything Afrocentric, even something like Christianity, and religion in general. Your narcissism is getting old and boring.
Your Lying Eyes:
Please post a link to your data sources. My own research reveals that there isn't a great amount of interracial crime. Most crimes are committed by same race perpetrators.
The Obamas fought constantly,Barack irritated Michelle. Whenever Barack double-crossed Michelle, she constantly reminded Barack it was her sacrafices that got them to the Whitehouse. When asked how can she be equal in a marriage when one is president. Michelle replied "hmmmmfph" It took Barack three tries to come up with an answer. Michelle punked Barack, at every opportunity, they did not sleep in the same bedroom. Everything that glitters is NOT gold.
Organized religion is dying, and that is something to cheer about.
The moral of the story; watch how you treat people you look down upon.
Secure people with high selt-esteem treats everyone with respect regardless of their station in life.
> How many crimes against whites are committed by fellow whites?
In the future Whitopia, it will be ALL of it because there won't be any blacks or Mexicans or anyone else around. The fact that blacks are 27x as likely to criminally victimize whites than the reverse will stop being a problem in Whitopia. The poor, deprived blacks not having any whites around to victimize... well, that'll be their problem.
Ever notice that white people don't seem to need "stop da bilence" marches? Why do you have to, in both Chicago and Philadelphia? You whine about racist oppression but all the shooters in the 'hood are black. Total disconnect between whining and reality.
> Then there's also the idea that any crime committed against a white person is a hate crime when it was just a crime of opportunity.
There's also this idea that any policing of black behavior, from self-defense against black criminal aggression down to demanding they not wear street clothes in a swimming pool, is a crime.
Black people want superiority with a side of utter impunity.
> Blah people can be legally killed while killing a white is punishable by death.
The killer of Chelsea Beller is only charged with second-degree murder. The entire criminal gang SHOULD be put to death, but they won't be.
The real irony is that they'll have a greater life expectancy in prison than on the street. For REAL punishment, they should be stripped of US citizenship and dumped in Liberia.
Harry Hamid said...
"20% of the time, in 2016, according to the FBI"
So, less* than 15% of interracial crimes are committed by whites, but whites get 80% of the "hate crime" charges.
Kind of proves the point that hate crime laws are used to differentially apply justice.
*Interesting fact about the FBI crime statistics: When a Hispanic commits a crime, he is categorized as "white". But when he is is a victim, he is categorized as "Hispanic". This inflates white crime rates and hides how much is actually committed by Hispanics.
I'm Chinese-American and have to ask: where has Christianity gotten your communities? Ghettoes have churches, but are still ghettoes. Think about that.
See more at:
Most educated people understand Einstein's general theory of relativity. This is it at its finest!
PilotX is a fraud. As for Mike from Iowa, you'd be hard pressed to figure out which is smaller: his penis or his brain.
Thought the ghetto was where 20 Chinese people live in a one-room Hut with a mat on the floor as a bed
Lyin' eyes:
But you said "never." You said never, and when I pointed out that truth, you decided to whine about who is white.
Just admit you were wrong and speaking in hyperbole and move on.
Come to think of it, forget it. This is my last reply to you.
PilotX said...
"Jeez, all over. Georgia, where they put stickers in biology books and tried to get rid of evolution. Kansas, Texas, ect. Pennsylvania and the pseudo science Intelligent Design crap. Oh I could go on all day."
I bet you could, but it would be all nonsense. There are no public schools in America where evolution is not taught. There are local districts where people have pushed for it, but the idea that Christians are using the public schools to teach Creationism is a liberal myth.
We do get a form of Liberal Creationism though, where belief in evolution is suspended when it comes to the idea that there might be differences between the the human populations we know as races that were geographically isolated for tens of thousands of years.
We also disregard biology when we teach our kids there are no innate differences between men and women, and your gender something you decide each day when you wake up in the morning.
Our schools teach Progressive magical thinking, not Christian.
To YellowMoney:
You said, "It's ironic that so many Black are christian..."
I think it's ironic that so many white people profess to be Christian but do not follow the teachings of Christ. Jesus told us to share and love one another. He didn't teach hatred for people who look a little different or whose culture is different from ours. In addition, Jesus healed the sick and fed the hungry. Wow, maybe he was a communist or a socialist? Maybe that's why they killed him?
Harry Hamid said...
"Just admit you were wrong and speaking in hyperbole and move on."
Of course I was speaking in hyperbole, Einstein.
The gist of the exchange is that I was correct: Hate crime legislation is a way to give protected classes extra rights and to give unprotected classes extra punishment.
T anonymous who said, "In the future Whitopia, it will be ALL of it because there won't be any blacks or Mexicans or anyone else around. The fact that blacks are 27x as likely to criminally victimize whites than the reverse...."
Where are you getting your data? Please post a link. Thanks!
To Anonymous who said,
"Secure people with high selt-esteem treats everyone with respect regardless of their station in life."
This is true. People who hate and fear have little self-esteem. Tearing down others makes them feel better about themselves. Scientific research shows that hating reduces the hater's life-expectancy.
PilotX said...
"This is not that complicated. Freedom of religion does not mean asshole Christians have a right to try to force other people to follow the rules of their faiths."
I agree one hundred percent. You can believe what ever you want, but don't try to make your beliefs into law. For example, if you don't believe in abortion, don't get an abortion; if you don't believe in same-sex marriage, then marry someone of the opposite sex etc. But do not try to make your religion the law or teach it in the public schools.
What states is it illegal to teach evolution?
Development by state
Alabama. In 1996, the Alabama State Board of Education adopted a textbook sticker that was a disclaimer about evolution. ...
California. ...
Florida. ...
Georgia. ...
Kansas. ...
Kentucky. ...
Louisiana. ...
More tax cuts for the wealthy doron class. Let's not balance budgets or worry about deficits let's help our friends. Then again who didn't know their concerns about debt and deficits was bullshit.
"What states is it illegal to teach evolution?"
Not presently illegal but Republicans trying like the devil to throw in the monkey wrench. Remember the "teach the controversy" movement? C'mon man, you have to admit the religious right has a stranglehold onnthe gop.
Drumpfuck has to borrow nearly 400 billion next quarter to keep up with the loss of tax revenues through taxcuts foir the koch bros.
Had to look up Emayatzy Corinealdi. Can I join your church? And will she show up to my bsptism?
Seriously, this should have been cslled the Religious Bigots' Justification Administration, or If You're Different, Jesus Won't Let Me Serve You Program. Truth in labelling.
> Where are you getting your data? Please post a link.
Try using a search engine. "blacks 27 times as likely" will get it for you.
> Scientific research shows that hating reduces the hater's life-expectancy.
The constant stress of vigilance required to avoid everything from violent attack down to "giving offense" reduces life expectancy too. And how can you be motivated to hate people who you never see and never bother you? Whitopia will be a much lower-stress place, and nobody will bother to hate anyone else because they are from a stupid, impulsive and violence-prone race and simply dangerous to be around.
There's are reason the whitest areas are the most liberal areas.
Most whitetopians don't understand what "low trust" means. It's outside the scope of their imagination. When they hear those words, it just goes over their heads.
They take trust for granted, so they don't notice it. You have to take it away for them to notice it or understand it.
I recently moved from a neighborhood which was going vibrant. It was interesting to watch because you could see the process unfold. For instance, it was a residential area with a lot of long, desolate sidewalks that are poorly lit where people would go jogging.
This is something people do without thinking about it because they're naive, trusting white people who generally assume others are like them. It doesn't occur to them when they're making themselves vulnerable or a target.
They don't understand the rules yet. That's what happens when neighborhoods turn, all these people have to suffer before they figure it out. There's this period of decline where people learn all those painful lessons. Gradually trust gets bled out.
They figure out that they have to start locking doors, maybe invest in security systems. Suddenly they have to start worrying about their kid's safety at school. They start hearing stories about fights, assaults, robberies, break-ins, etc.
These people are consumers who live in a high trust happyland. They spend their time thinking about pop culture shit or their little personal dramas. They're worried about if they're attractive to people, are they going to fall in love some day, get that job, etc.
They're not accustomed to having to worry about their safety or think in that way. There's this whole period of adjustment. And of course all the people who ended up victims are just collateral damage. Nobody actually explains all this stuff to them. Everybody lies about it.
It's like car accident deaths. We've just decided that they're an acceptable cost for given set of policies which produced a system in which there's sprawl and no public transportation. It's the same thing. White victims are just collateral damage, and expected/accepted cost on the way to Diversitopia.
Drumpfuck's own DOJ and Labor Department are fixing to shit can his ass for hiring foreigners instead of Americans.
Drumpfuck is one rotten POS.
Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said. don't bother to check Anymoose's link. It goes to a white identity group American Renaissance and is totally biased against POC.
Annual US worker pay gains rose at fastest pace since 2008:
WASHINGTON — U.S. workers saw their annual wages and benefits rise in the second quarter at the fastest pace in nearly a decade, a sign that the low unemployment rate is forcing employers to raise pay to attract and keep workers.
Pay and benefits for all U.S. workers increased 2.8 percent in the April-June quarter from a year earlier, the most since the third quarter of 2008. Total compensation for private industry workers — which excludes state and local employees — rose 2.9 percent, the best since the second quarter of 2008.
The more we restrict the importation of cheap labor, the more American wages will grow.
"don't bother to check Anymoose's link. It goes to a white identity group American Renaissance and is totally biased against POC."
Statistics are racist. Ignore them and listen to us.
Stoopid fucking wingnuts claimed taxcuts for koch bros would result in much larger increases- $4000 raises for most workers. As you brag about mediocre pay rate we laugh at yer miserable attempts to make Drumpfuck the dumbfuck relevant to Obama's economy.
I hope pay keeps rising because trump's promise to protect social security and medicare/medicade seem to be lies. The long standing playbook to roll back every gain by Democrats seems to be becoming a reality. The GOP has been trying to destroy social security for a generation, drill in ANWAR and destroy the accomodations provisions of the CRA since 1964 and they've almost succeeded. Unless the Dems can take the House we may be in for a shake up of the promises we took for granted. When they run up trillions of dollars of debt where do you think the money is coming? Not the military.
"Statistics are racist. Ignore them and listen to us."
I'm sure you ignore stats that you disagree and also it depends where you get said stats. Hell, I'm sure there's some racist site that says Blah people are 90% alien species or some shit mouth breathers will repeat ad nausium.
"Seriously, this should have been cslled the Religious Bigots' Justification Administration, or If You're Different, Jesus Won't Let Me Serve You Program. Truth in labelling."
Oh it is, white sheeters like Sessions have been seething for years about having to serve negroes by law. Now they have a chance to chip away at the accomodations provisions of the CRA and they will use any means, especially religion, to justify it. Gays are the proxy and if POC don't realize this we need a drop squad stat.
PilotX said...
"When they run up trillions of dollars of debt where do you think the money is coming? Not the military"
Remember how incensed you were when Obama ran up trillion dollar deficits every year?
Fuck the gooks and chinks!
And in case you had any doubts.
"Remember how incensed you were when Obama ran up trillion dollar deficits every year?"
Um well the thing is there was this whole uprising that was concerned about their grandkids paying off the debt, which may have included yourself but since we're discussing things why not discuss. When Barack assumed office there had been a huge recession and the economy was reeling and as most economists will tell you that during a recession the government has to spend money to kick start the economy which worked obviously. Now when there are better economic numbers, like now, you pay down that debt that was created. I'm sure if you've been around here for a minute this has been explained to you right?
Anonymous Hate Fact™ said...
"According to the 2013 FBI crime statistics, 85% of interracial crime between blacks and Whites consists of blacks being the perpetrator and whites the victim."
Hey, dude, go to the following website to learn the truth. You've been posting false stuff.
Obama didn't have trillion dollar deficits every year.
Deficits in billions
2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
$161 $458 $1,413 $1,294 $1,295 $1,087 $679 $485
2015 2016 2017
$458 $665
... $585
2009 was dumbass dubya's last budget so that deficit was dubya's.
Drumpfuck is already spending and borrowing America into trillion dollar deficit territory this year.
The batshit left is anti-religion and wants to abolish religious freedom.
Perkins and his FRC have been designated a hate group by SPLC and deservedly so. He is a phony kristian right wing asshole who pretends to be godly to fool people into sending him mucho dinero.
Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...
Anonymous Hate Fact™ said...
"According to the 2013 FBI crime statistics, 85% of interracial crime between blacks and Whites consists of blacks being the perpetrator and whites the victim."
Hey, dude, go to the following website to learn the truth. You've been posting false stuff.
3:40 PM
No that is you, you are a left wing nut-case. The Southern Poverty Law center has turned into a Radical Left organization, they are not credible.
Fag Negro is a hack.
Black entitlement is a real and dangerous thing in this country.
The batshit left is anti-religion and wants to abolish religious freedom.
You're damn right. Your very existence violates my sincerely held Flying Spaghetti Monster beliefs that I shouldn't have to walk around on earth in fear of stepping on wasted wasicu shits. So fuck you with a wooden cross and then light it afire.
ps Have a nice day.
"The batshit left is anti-religion and wants to abolish religious freedom."
I've heard this argument before but it's still a hyperbolic and false claim. I want all religions and non-religious folk treated the same but we can't when certain religions get special treatment. For example, the push to repeal Roe v Wade is entirely religious as was the push to eliminate evolution but the proponents of such lie and try to pretend they aren't. Everyone gets treated the same no exceptions! Your god tells you to oppose abortion? Great but the state shouldn't have to accomodate your beliefs and by standing by that simple premise does not mean you are being oppressed. I mean c'mon, Christians have a huge leg up on everyone and saying Happy Holidays should not cause inner turmoil because now you havevto share the time period with other religions.
Black men are gross.
When you invite Tony Perkins to your religious freedom party you know what time it is. This is a sham. Excuse me if I don't think naming a gay hating pastor to a group created by a southern white who was deemed to racist to be a federal judge will end badly for anyone not white. Of course I can be wrong.
"Black men are gross."
I know lots of white women who disagree with that sentiment. π
Black men are gross. sez the bearded clam.
You all listen to PilotX and you'll learn stuff you need to know to get along in life.
I can't wait until we trade kristian sharia foolery for Muslim Sharia foolery.
The Dallas Cowboys organization is shit.
Dallas Cowboys fans are shit.
Kill white men.
Fuck white women.
"I know lots of white women who disagree with that sentiment."
The ones you know who agree wouldn't be caught dead saying it out loud, but they avoid you regardless. There are many more you'll never know because wherever you are, they always have somewhere else to be.
Trump and Giuliani are now trying to convince everyone that colluding with Russia to rig the 2016 elections was not actually a crime.
Sounds suspiciously like he is laying the ground for a "Okay, I did it, but so what?" defense. (Aka a non-defense. Aka declaring that laws and democracy don't mean anything and he is literally the emperor and can do whatever the hell he wants.)
> It goes to a white identity group American Renaissance and is totally biased against POC.
The source numbers come straight from the United States Department of Justice, and are duplicated by the National Review. Was the Obama DOJ biased against POC? (If it was, you got some 'splainin to do, not the least about your nostalgia for the halfrican Resident.) Or does the act of Noticing when POC misbehave or when stereotypes are actually true make someone racist?
> Hey, dude, go to the following website to learn the truth. You've been posting false stuff.
> splcenter.org/hatewatch
The same Sexual Pervert Creep League which just paid out over $3 million to people it libelled... and whose head Morris Dees made moves on his 18-yr-old stepdaughter trying to penetrate her with a vibrator?
You really ought to use more trustworthy sources, like American Renaissance. Hatewatch is just a list of groups the (((SPLC))) hates.
You can't really get any funnier than this story out of New Orleans:
"The target of a shooting rampage Saturday night that left three people dead and seven others injured outside a strip mall on South Claiborne Avenue was fleeing his attackers across Louisiana Avenue and into a large group of people before he fell in front of the Chicken & Watermelon eatery, according to the owner of the business."
Chicken and Watermelon? Why don't you go march in front of that place for reinforcing stereotypes?
And here's another one from St. Louis in which both the intended victim and offender are "gud boyz" going to Catlick skoo:
"St. Louis police have arrested a teenage gunman who was allegedly called in as muscle to settle a score between rival Catholic high school football players.
Darren Antonio Times, 19, of the city's Gate District, was charged on Wednesday with eight felonies in the June 27 shooting.
When the altercation ended, the CBC player told the others he was calling in backup, authorities say."
Of course, every last one is black. You can't make this shit up!
You claim white people are violent, so where are the white people shooting each other down in the street and organizing hits on opposing football teams? Nowhere, that's where. We know you're projecting your violence onto the only people on earth who tolerate your presence. That tolerance is going to disappear, one way or another. Time's up. Tick tock, tick tock.
What fool would practice the religion of his oppressors?
The ones you know who agree wouldn't be caught dead saying it out loud, but they avoid you regardless. There are many more you'll never know because wherever you are, they always have somewhere else to be.
They spend time throwing rocks at your micro-mini-dick micro-mini-dick fucker.Your woman told me yer dick is so fucking tiny you can find a wrinkle in a freshly ironed flat sheet to stick it in and have to strap a 2x4 across yer ass to keep you from falling in. Then you beg her to beller like a cow when you ask her how it feels in the sheet wrinkle.
FRC and Anyfuckingmoose believe they have the gawd given right to discriminate and no one else does.
Tony Perkins did not get a round mouth from eating square meals. People that claim to hate Gays are often Gay themselves.
People that are obsessed with Blacks are envious and have serious desires to be Black themselves. Then ladies would quit laffing at yer wasicu wastey micro dick and laff at yer black micro dick.
Pathetic fuckers at Fake Noize. Manafort's trial hasn't barely begun and Fake Noize already has a report saying Mueller isn't having any success with Manafort. Former treasonous bastard John Yoo says it is clear Manafort doesn't know anything about Russia and the election.
Never have so many uneducated, inbred dumbfuckers spouted so much non-sense as Fake Noize hangers-on.
The new Nazi party (democrats/progressives) want to end religious freedoms and other constitutionally protected rights.
People that are obsessed with Blacks are envious
That would be you, mooning over Trayvon Martin. Everyone who remains sane is sick and tired of them and just wants them GONE. Life Pro Tip: it won't take much of that trillion rounds of ammunition to get rid of 40 million blacks, and a much smaller part of it to get rid of the 2% of Jews pushing them on us.
N-O-B-O-D-Y cares stop wasting your time, breath and keystrokes !!!
MAGA bitchesssss!!!!
To Katelyn Davidson:
If you think that black men are gross, then don't date one. That just leaves one more for the rest of us who love or have loved a black man.
P.S. Nobody care about your opinion of black men anyway, so why bother to post it?.
I suspect that I run into questionable trolls on a weekly basis. From what I have seen, sometimes they just shut down and run away rather than face exposure. But of course, many more are quite sophisticated. The simpler ones make obvious spelling errors which even the third-grade dunce would never make. More often, they have trouble making a convincing case that they have a home town or any knowledge of American life.
Still, you can kinda tell if a person is an American, a friendly person from some other nation or more likely a poser.
Of the names of groups that had hundreds of thousands of followers on FB over the last twelve months or so, (see the HuffPo article on the Mueller investigations from 7/27/2018,) it was particularly disturbing to see such names as, "Woke Blacks." These groups discouraged blacks from voting for HRC and even advocated sitting out the election.
I'm not saying y'all fell for it. But it did get a lot of people reading some seriously toxic propaganda.
Even more disturbing... Among the latest attacks were attempts to organize and recruit counter protests and counter protestors to the upcoming white supremacist march on the National Mall set for the August 2018 anniversary of the infamous Charlottesville Nazi Tiki Torch March. It is being billed as a white civil rights event.
Two things. You certainly can imagine the propaganda value if these Russian saboteurs were able to incite violence against the racist nazis organizing this event. That would play right into the hands of the hardcore Trumpies. Violent Antifa. Violent BLM. We would never live it down in contemporary history.
It also begs the question... Was the relatively organized response to the Charlottesville nazi rally last summer actually stoked and fueled by Russian troll interference? I followed the violence of the protestors and their counter protestor opponents as well as I could, particularly taking time to analyze what happened with the 2014 Dodge Challenger car murder perpetrated by James Fields. I always imagined that it was just a spontaneous group of citizens who opposed the fascist and racist rally in their community? And I'm sure that it was that. But was it just something a little bit more?
While in no way do I doubt the sincerity and righteous anger of the counter protestors, it does put the matter into a new light to think that perhaps their anger was ginned up and gassed up with outside interference, aggravation and sabotage.
Did anyone else see the four photos in the parking garage in Charlottesville of four white supremacists in a parking garage savagely beating a young black journalist laying on the pavement pleading for his life? A group of young men rushed in to save the man. Just as they were about to rescue the victim, a dickhead with a gun brandished his weapon at the press of young men only to notice that he was being photographed. I can still find these fotos and link if anyone is interested.
Hey Freedom Fighters,
Here is something. The trial for car murderer James Fields is set for late November this year. I don't think the charges have yet been revealed. But you can bet it will have something to do with aggravated mayhem, several counts of attempted murder and one count of murder in the first degree.
I want to see my right wing foes twist in the wind on this one. They are so smug and united in their monolithic lie that all of the violence was perpetrated by counter protestors.
So James Fields gets to have one last Thanksgiving with his parents as a free man before going to trial.
Maybe I'll send him a pumpkin pie!
Yisheng = nigger
lilac = cunt
Anonymous Anonymous said...
The new Nazi party (democrats/progressives) want to end religious freedoms and other constitutionally protected rights.
Fucking liar! You are free to practice all the religion you want in accordance of your lord and saviour's specific instructions- get in the closet and pray to it in solitude.
Your stoopid fucking beliefs, which none of you follow to begin with, do not belong in public schools or public places. When you stoopid fucking phony kristians wear your phony kristianity on your sleeve it shows the entire world a lack of credibility on your part.
Anonymous Your lyin' eyes said...
"These conservative Christians are kinda weird and yes they do really want to force the rest of us to live by their rules"
Where is has this actually happened?
It has happened and is happening now in all the states that have passed laws limiting women's right to an abortion. I'm surprised that you didn't know this.
"It has happened and is happening now in all the states that have passed laws limiting women's right to an abortion. I'm surprised that you didn't know this."
They know this but they'll play dumb, deflect and move the goalposts. Pretty predictable.
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