Oh my! I just heard Mr. trump tell his fixer to pay his jump-off with cash.
Mr. trump's people are already trying to spin a tape that I can actually hear with my own ears. Not.Going.To.Work. At least not with moi.
Anyway, clearly trump must have known the tape was coming, because today he said this:
"Just remember, what you are seeing and what you are reading is not what’s happening”
OK, Donald, your supporters can spend the rest of their lives in trumpland, the rest of us out here in the real world will continue to believe our own eyes and ears.
Back to the tape. Come on CNN, I need more.
People who suffer from Trump Derangement Syndrome are always needing more.
Two micro dick white boys conspiring to give white people in this country even more power than they already have, and have had for over 200 years. A well endowed black man like Barack Obama wanted to give power back to the people, all people. Butt Trumpet is beyond desperate.
obama would let Reggie have the power position when they were having sex. What makes you think obama would give power to the people?
More liberal preejaculant....
Should have kept the tapes "in their pants" - - - would have been more effective to keep it a mystery....holding it out there, but NOPE.....PATHETIC (but great for Trump).
Womp womp.
I'm gonna womp womp so hard when you sad Trumpkins are crying after President 4chan gets impeached and jailed.
Don't hold your breath.
Fake tape......
Guns don't kill people.
Basketball-Americans kill people.
We've heard the statement, "speak truth to power," well dtrump speaks lies to truth.
And his base, trumpotized as they are, can't get enough of it.
Trump fights the power.
Interior Dept hiding information. Interior and EPA lying to the public and putting in the fix for business. I mean I'm not surprised but still disappointed that government institutions are being dismantled and used to make individuals rich. 2020 can't come soon enough.
People who suffer from Trump Derangement Syndrome are always needing more.
People who deny reality are Republicans. We don't need any more, we've had enough. Enough of the bullshit reasons he won't release his tax returns, enough of the boorish behavior and language, enough of the sucking Putin's dick while shitting on his own country, enough traitorous behavior and enough of him dividing the country. Trust me Stinky, I don't need any more.
Keep us posted Field.
HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
All this time - three years! - you microdicked lefty faggot retards have been saying this shit ("This time Drumpf's REALLY going down!! We mean it this time! Totally! XD") ... Doesn't it get boring being such failures, such losers?
You. Can't. Stump. The Trump.
He was sent here by God. God is mighty. God is mysterious. Deal with it.
Demi Lovato talked shit about The God Emperor, and look what happened to her.
Watch ya back, B.
You would have more credibility, Senor Joder, had you not facilitated eight years and counting of Obama Derangement Syndrome. Totally understandable the former president’s and progressive policies are not your cup of tea. With the current administration trending toward a far right authoritarian government, the concerns moderates and progressives bring to the forefront are no different than what conservative counterparts vowed to never consider during a democrat administration.
And yet we were never able to find out just what Obama did in college. Incredible!
feelz sez…
-Back to the tape. Come on CNN, I need more.-
feelz can't get enough of the salacious hijinks. Go figger!
Yet, nothing about bathhouse Barry and Michael the former tight end from Oregon State.
Basketball-Americans kill people. Dud you mean rotund, basketball shaped murderers like Zipperfuckerman?
HRC was going down according to stoopid fucking wingnuts thirty fucking years ago and every year since they concoct some stoopid fucking wingnut plan to take HRC down. I'm still waiting and laughing my ass off at stoopid fucking wingnuts.
According to Affordable Care Act enrollment analyst Charles Gaba, unsubsidized enrollees in the ACA marketplace are paying an average of $960 more this year on health insurance premiums due to Trumpublican sabotage. Now, as preliminary rate filings are becoming available for states (not South Dakota yet) calculating the additional impacts of the repeal of the individual mandate and other Trumpublican sabotage of the ACA. In 26 states for which data is available, Gaba projects sabotage will cost these policyholders an average of $625 more through 2019.
Now read Gaba’s analysis carefully. He’s not saying that if Trump weren’t trying to wreck the ACA, premiums wouldn’t go up at all. Gaba is actually calculating how much of the premium increase is due to inflation and other factors and separating that increase from his sabotage analysis. Add his 2018 and 2019 figures, and you can say Donald Trump is costing the average unsubsidized ACA policyholder $1,585 more .
Under the Trump tax cuts, the typical family in the second-best income quintile, averaging $86,400 a year, will see its 2019 tax bill drop by $1,040. In other words, that average family sees its unnecessarily, recklessly, maliciously increased health insurance costs wipe out their tax cut and then some. By 2027, those premium hikes will only be worse, and the tax cuts will go away, meaning Trump leaves that upper middle class family paying more in taxes and health insurance premiu
Yeah, the audio showed that Trump is shady. But, we already knew that. Call me when CNN airs the pee tape after Putin delivers it to them.
A wise priest determined to reconcile Genesis with evolution, one doesn't need to believe Adam and Eve were the first beings. One only needs to beleive God gave them souls.
Trump supporters will believe any fake news told to them because they are unable to think for themselves.
Actually Kinky, people who like, believe and support tr**p are the most deranged of all.
44 (666 in disguise) and his imps deceived the masses, particularly law abiding black Christians with his "hope and change" adgenda
The "hope and change" adgenda was applicable to post Civil Rigts immigrants (including the dreamers) and homosexuals. 44 created this atmosphere of spiritual warfare. Devils do NOT want to bring glory to God, but to self. He masqueraded as one of God's black holy angels, when ,in fact, he is a none elect angel sent to deceive.
2 Corinthian 11:14-15
Kill white men.
Fuck white women.
As a Chinese-American I find black people too reliant on the Democratic Party and government handouts. No wonder your ghettos and your women are so trashy.
See more at:
Satan and his imps are doing their job.
How does one compare epidermis with one's sexual orientation
Thank god white people will be a minority in the near future. Hopefully they get a taste of their own medicine!
Hear Ye Hear Ye!
And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.
John 8:32
Haha, of course a black person blindly follows CNN. About par for the course with you people. No wonder you people rarely get ahead in this society.
For all of the gullibles who believe in the "illuminateee" it is BS some wants you to believe. Don’t' believe the hype!
44 and his "illuminateee" crew have NOT the power it purports. The movement want to be relevant; but its just like the 'black pyramid' a illusion to deceive blacks in believing its o has power that doesn't truly exist.
Jesus is light (illuminate) of the world still after 2000 years.
Unfortunately, for the Dreamers sins of our fathers (children don't get rewarded for a father's sin)
Like the legit ones before you, you must earn your keeps.
Imagine if Trump wasn't President, imagine if Hillary had won. Imagine the punishment she'd be inflicting on the Deplorables in rural America who opposed her. No attempt to bring back jobs, no attempt to stop the flow of opioids that are decimating their communities. Imagine all the anti-Christianity she'd allow to inhabit the Executive branch. Imagine millions of Syrian refugees being airlifted to our towns. Imagine tens of millions of immigrants streaming across our now open borders. Imagine the vast homeless tent cities of California popping up all over the rest of the country. Imagine mandatory transsexual acceptance training for Kindergartners. Imagine starting a war with Russia.
Now factor in that our most powerful intelligence agencies literally worked to achieve this by sabotaging the Trump campaign.
All the progressivism being shrieked at us in the streets today, the absolute wickedness on display in public, all was inching towards the highest office of power in the US, with the help of people who were tasked to protect and secure the rule of law.
God help us.
A black woman kidnapped a 6 month old white baby from his Louisiana home last week, set him on fire and left him to die on the railroad tracks. Story reported only by foreign press.
Imagine how the American media would have responded had the races been reversed.
There's a reason why we are only presented with a certain kind of story told in a certain kind of way. Everything we see, hear or read is presented to advance a narrative that promotes a particular agenda.
Now ask yourself why.
To the anonymous person without the balls to take an identity: Please take you religious nonsense, bible quotes, etc. to some other web sight. News Flash - Obama isn't president any more and you posts are boring.
"Illuminateee" does exist it’s a secret demonic society
Keep satan alive!
Demonic spirits that followed Obama still presides about the earth seeking whom it may devour i.e., Christains...
It's a hard knock life for us!
You can get it where you live!
R Swift--Revolutionary
Haha, of course a black person blindly follows CNN. About par for the course with you people. No wonder you people rarely get ahead in this society.
Says a moron who watches Fox "News". trump gets duped by Howard Stern and others and is the dumbest person to occupy the WH. Yeah, dumb to believe CNN. ok. No wonder white hillbillies in trailer parks rarely get ahead in this society.
Oh wow, these peckerwoods are something else. The current occupant of the WH seems to be compromised by the Russians and refuses to release his tax returns but they are still talking about Obama's college transcripts. You just can't make this shit up.
So this imbecile resigned. Hmmmmm, white male Republican from Georgia. Gee, he should be a genius huh? Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!
This idiot is so fucking stupid he didn't know he was being duped. Now he plays the victim and blames the media "this is why trump was elected". Yeah, he is right about that, a bunch of whiny stupid white males with no sense of reality. MAGA bitches.
" Gamblert ASKA White Woman said...
To the anonymous person without the balls to take an identity:"
Okay I put in a moniker. Are you less of a mudshark now!
OMG, No Detectable Lead Poisoning in Flint; Flint Water Crisis Turns Out To Be Nothing:
Drumpf has summoned the big dogs to pertect hiz ass- Franklin Graham warns ‘media spin masters’ to shut up about Trump’s Playmate payoff or face God’s wrath
Anonymous Clown World News said...
OMG, No Detectable Lead Poisoning in Flint; Flint Water Crisis Turns Out To Be Nothing:
Just a matter of semantics.
The average weight of a black female in the US is 285 lbs.
The weight is too damn high!
Fuck the gooks and chinks!
Trump wins. Again:
European officials have offered concessions to the Trump administration in an attempt to avoid an all-out trade war this week; agreeing to lower tariffs for American-produced goods attempting to enter EU markets.
According to the Wall Street Journal, leading EU delegates agreed to the new terms during high-stakes negotiations with the President Wednesday; lowering industrial taxes and tariffs placed on farm goods.
“The official said European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker and his top trade official Cecilia Malmstrƶm agreed to work with the U.S. administration to lower industrial tariffs on both sides, increase LNG exports and soy beans to Europe, and align regulatory standards to allow for medical devices to have better market access in Europe, the official said,” writes the WSJ.
American Pravda said...
"There's a reason why we are only presented with a certain kind of story told in a certain kind of way. Everything we see, hear or read is presented to advance a narrative that promotes a particular agenda."
Yeah, I don't really want to live in a society where we ignore people kidnapping and setting babies on fire because it would serve the wrong ideological narrative to acknowledge it.
Your government legally prohibits you from protecting your family. They already do this by denying the right to freedom of association and even that's not enough. They want your guns too.
They will literally use mass immigration and sec. 8 to force these people on your community and then they'll take your only means of defense away. Eventually they'll even prosecute you for talking about it on social media. They already do this in Britain.
I guess he still has time to recoverš
Just wondering...how many Black appeals judges and district court judges did 44 nominate ?
Oh this is hilarious! Love their take.
"Just wondering...how many Black appeals judges and district court judges did 44 nominate ?"
Um, there is a thing called an internet search that could probably answer your question. I do know that Barack appointed women and men of many different ethnicities because he isn't a racist like the current occupant of the WH. That's what true color blindness and inclusiveness looks like. Too bad 45 is a racist who only appoints white malesš”
What type of individual would literally expose their ass, yell the n word and mock Asians on camera and them be surprised that there would be some blowbackššššš I guess the same type of person who claims blah people are the ones with low IQ's. And this guy thought he could keep his job. SMGDH
Unfortunately, this type of nonsense only makes Trump a bigger star as desperate liberals hang on to his every grunt.
But it was pretty fucking funny I must admit. Both men have so much street cred, they sound like a couple of gangsters telling the boss that the body will never see the light of day.
T: So, about the, ehh...
C: Already copacetic...
T: And the small matter...
C: Done. Yesterday's news...
T: So, we're, ahh...
C: We're good.
I read the Mail article on the alleged kidnapping and it sounds totally tabloid fodder. I smell fauxknee made up shit. That would explain lack of mainstream coverage.
A true Christian will not belittle or degrade homosexuals. A practicing committed Christian disagrees ( a legitimate right) with the homosexual lifestyle and tend not to support those who further the homosexual agenda.
Barack Obama was the most racist President of our lifetimes.
@Pilot X
Spell White House
PilotX is a racist --- just can't spell it!
@Pilot X
Stop trying to attract him; you're not Obama's type...
So Obama elevated those other than blacks for key judgeships positions yet blacks overwhelmingly voted him into office ;is that what your suggesting Pilot X? Just asking a question.
Politics usually works like this I scratch your back you scratch mine
So blacks don't get a return on their investment?
Obama had an opportunity to reform the judicial system. Why didn't football players take a knee and raise a fist during the Obama Administration. He (Obama ) could have put key people in positions to impact the judicial system .
Justify that PilotX
"Obama had an opportunity to reform the judicial system. Why didn't football players take a knee and raise a fist during the Obama Administration. He (Obama ) could have put key people in positions to impact the judicial system."
Is it the President's job to reform the judicial system to his liking or preserve the system by appointing good impartial justices?
Famous actor Donsre Whitfield showing love to the first Black female Delta captain! Cool guy.
"Barack Obama was the most racist President of our lifetimes."
Bullshit, but please keep trying.
What is there to spin?
This is more "womp womp" fail from maniacs who've blamed everything from Russia to climate change for Hillary losing.
And there's six more years of this to come.
Barack was the model for a moderate and fair President. He took his blueprint from Harold Washington's 1983 mayoral victory in Chicago. He built a diverse coalition and once he was in power he governed very fairly. For example, his last SCOTUS nominee was a middle of the road jurist who was held as acceptable by both sides of the aisle. Now contrast his governing style with that of trump in which it's all about winning and appealing to his base. He's made zero attempt to broaden his appeal or move to the center.
> Barack was the model for a moderate and fair President.
Moderate and fair? The assclown whose "Justice" department presided over the biggest surge in murders since the crack epidemic, by blaming police for the acts of violent criminals? Puh-LEEESE! Pull the other one, it's got bells on it.
Dam right, PilotX.
Your observation smells like fresh-cut grass. I try to tell my conservative opponents how hard that Obama worked for consensus and inclusion of his opponents. I get the same type of responses.
The mind is closed like a rock.
"The assclown whose "Justice" department presided over the biggest surge in murders since the crack epidemic"
Where'd you get those numbers? Please share.
Well FJ, the problem is they think that everyone thinks like them. Conservatives will bend the rules as long as the result helps their team with no thought that not everyone wants to live by their rules. When trump nominated that one unqualified judge who had never even tried a case thought it was ok because he was conservative. That's not good for the country but methinks they don't care.
@ PilotX
Congradulation! You are now the dumbest mofocker in America.
You know absolutely NOTHING about the REPUBLIC for which you live...be sure to google the word Republic its connotation is not what you "think."
A president can do whatever he chooses so long as it is within the powers set forth in the Constitution i.e. Executive Order; dumbASS.
Now; however, it's a Trump world.
@ PiloiX (dumbest mofocker in America)
Yes Obama did blame the police.
UHHHH --=- police officers in Cambridge, Massachusetts for arresting Henry Louis Gates Jr.; however, Obama wasn't feelng his hometown Chicago on the same issue.
@ PiloiX
Dems offer blacks no return on thier investment. GOP propose programs to empower black communities and what does blacks do? Vote for jackasses as oppose to the elephants.
The assclown whose "Justice" department presided over the biggest surge in murders since the crack epidemic, by blaming police for the acts of violent criminals?
Blatant fucking stoopid fucking wingnut lie from a stoopid fucking wingnut liar. There was an uptick in murders between 2014-15, but the crack epidemic occurred in the 80's and early 90' when the murder rate rose to ots highest levels since 1972.
Drumpfuck has the honor (and I am positive he considers it an honoe) to have presided over the large increase in hate crimes Druumpfuck hisownself has fueled.
"It's a war on cops," Johnson also said. "And the Obama administration is the Neville Chamberlain of this war."
Obama on Friday morning strongly condemned the Dallas shootings, which happened at the end of a protest about the killings of two black men by police officers earlier this week, as a "vicious, calculated and despicable attack."
"Let's be clear there are no possible justifications for these attacks or any violence towards law enforcement," he said from Warsaw, Poland, where he is attending a NATO meeting
That danged Obama out there cheering on cop killers. Wait. what?
Black women encourage your daughter to use Oprah as a role model and aspire to reach honorable heights of greatness O acheived.
Do not encourge your daughters to be a singer who takes off her clothes to sell records or make money(selling her soul). Tell your daugher not to marry a man who sings to the world "I got the baddest whoa in the game" as that says a lot about one's self worth and the value one's parents instill in a child. Children do not bring shame to a parent.
To Anonymous who said, "We were never able to find out what Obama did in college..."
I guess you have been living on another planet. We know the universities Obama attended. We know he was editor of the Harvard Law Review. We know Obama graduated from Harvard. What more do you want to know?
To Deez Nuts
Thank you deez nuts. I may be a mudshark to you but I'm not a bigot like you are. Why don't you try loving your fellow human beings instead of hating them? Scientific research has shown that hating is physically and mentally detrimental to the person who hates. Have a nice day,
Yisheng = nigger
lilac = cunt
GOP propose programs to empower black communities and what does blacks do? Vote for jackasses as oppose to the elephants.
I'm not sure allowing cops to shoot unarmed blacks in the back is an empowerment program unless they rise up and slaughter wasted wasicus en masse.
I admit I could be wrong.
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