The man is a walking (talking) embarrassment, and to think, we put him in the position that he is in.
Consider the following: He trashes the British Prime Minister in some Rupert Murdoch owned outlet, just hours before he has to meet with her. Then, incredibly, he calls out the press for reporting "fake" news for reporting WHAT HE ACTUALLY SAID IN THE INTERVIEW. I swear you can't make this stuff up.
He broke a bunch of rules of etiquette when he met the Queen today, and he acted like a dictator when trying to embarrass an American journalist on foreign soil. All bad things to be sure. But the worst thing he did was to mainstream white nationalist rhetoric by telling Europeans that they are going to lose their "culture" because of immigration. Translation: *Letting all these brown people in your country will make you the minority. In America, we are doing our best to prevent this from happening.*
No wonder all those protesters were out in London today. By all accounts there was more people protesting the American president on foreign soil than there was at his inauguration. They had a lot to protest.
Next week Donald trump meets with his best friend, Vladimir Putin, and it couldn't come at a better time. Today, Robert Mueller indicted a bunch more Russians for meddling in our 2016 presidential elections. (This is the guy who republicans claim is not accomplishing anything.) Clearly he is doing an outstanding job, and he must be getting close to the Orange one because republicans in Washington and the White House are in a full blown panic. If you don't believe me watch that fiasco of a hearing they held yesterday with Peter Strzok.
"I have the utmost respect for Congress's oversight role, but I truly believe that today's hearing is just another victory notch in [Russian President Vladimir] Putin's belt and another milestone in our enemies' campaign to tear America apart."'
Sorry Peter, Putin doesn't have to do anything to "tear America apart". The American president is doing a pretty good job of that all by himself. In fact, he is also tearing us apart from our allies around the world.
Mueller's probe was authorized for the purpose of determining if the Trump campaign had colluded with Russia in order to win the 2016 presidential election.
To date, there have been no findings of any collusion, and zero indictments of anyone regarding such collusion. There never was any evidence. Peter Strzok indicated two years ago that there was "no there there". This investigation never should have been allowed to proceed, and now is simply a joke.
This whole enterprise is the project of evil and stupid people, and if you believe that it is in any way legitimate, you are one of the stupid ones.
Huh. Trump doesn't take crap. What are all these creeps he is dealing with are going to do about it?
How many carriers and subs do we have?
Seems like I remember an old saying by Stalin, "how many battalions does the Pope have"?
What a joke.
Rosenstein just confirmed the DNC emails were obtained through “spearfishing” email scam, which thousands of people including Republicans fell for. No wonder the DNC server was never examined by FBI. It was never actually hacked. This was a monumental lie by the Clinton campaign.
Forensic evidence also proves the DNC server wasn't hacked. IT Experts have dug into the files that Wikileaks has and what many people don't realize is that when you copy a file, more into than just the file is included...including the speed of transfer. The bottom line? The files were transferred far too quickly to have been copied over any existing internet connection...which means that they had to have been copied locally.
The transfer had to have taken place -at the server-...meaning someone was sitting at the server when the files were transferred, likely onto a flash drive.
Jukian Assange has said multiple times that the emails weren't obtained by "a state actor". Meaning, not Russia or another country.
Who was it that transferred the files? One possibility is Seth Rich. He's the guy that got shot twice in the back during a 'failed mugging' on his way home one day. Only problem is that after he was 'mugged' the muggers kind of left cash in his wallet along with an expensive watch on his wrist.
Yesterday, Rep. Gohmert referenced an IC IG report, that showed that Clinton's emails were sent to a foreign agent that was not Russia. The significance of that is, that IG report came to Strozk during the email investigation, before they exonerated her. Gohmert's disclosure directly contradicts the Comey Clinton email investigation conclusion AND the report issued by Horowitz, who said he would revisit the matter if new evidence came to light. This is a smoking gun.
Imagine being a history teacher 100 years from now and having to explain how the decline of western civilization was caused by groups of circus freaks being paid by an international banking cartel to protest law and order.
Donald Trump is cool.
Serious question: If one side chose to mass import tens of millions of foreigners as a plan to seize absolute power and indefinite hegemony, what exactly is wrong with the other party deporting tens of millions of foreigners as a plan to seize absolute power and indefinite hegemony?
So the Russians created several fake news twitter accounts with paltry amounts of followers, which somehow justifies a complete media freakout and hyperventilating appeals to raise military spending by millions of dollars to protect US from its own local news.
They really should make a movie where a blimp Trump terrorizes stupid British people who run around shouting "It came home!" and spilling tea everywhere, it would be a cult classic.
So he supported the Nazis here. Now he has parroted the Nazis' dogma in Europe, where the descendants of the Nazis are ascendant right now, backed by his handler Putin.
I don't think the allies in Europe reacted much differently to actual Nazis or to their collaborators: we shot them both.
Thing is, after we were through shooting them, burning their cities, and blowing them to little bits, we decided that was horrible and took steps designed to keep us from ever having to do that again.
Europe formed the EU, which is deeply flawed because it has a single currency without a single government, which makes it very nearly unworkable, as an extension of the "don't let Europe degenerate back into bloody chaos again" idea, which was important enough to them to put up with the shortcomings of the currency situation to get to the avoidance of mass slaughter part.
That is what Fergus is playing with the destruction of over there right now.
He's a ridiculous idiot so far out of his depths that he's an embarrassment not just to America, or humanity, but to vertebrates.
And as for the indictments, don't kid yourselves: that's Roger Stone they are talking about, and the 27 August account of the Russians coming out of left field and attempting an attack on Hillary Clinton's server, after hours and not in the program of information capture and dissemination they were running was the night Fergus asked them to do that on live TV.
As for the download speeds, they are a product of the complement to the "X-Agent" malware they used which they called "X-Tunnel" which they used to move the stolen documents off of DCCC and DNC servers in encrypted and compressed form.
That you are trying to defend any of this speaks the the extant you have been compromised, and the quality of the myopium you have been smoking.
-Doug in Oakland
dinthebeast said...
"So he supported the Nazis here. Now he has parroted the Nazis' dogma in Europe, where the descendants of the Nazis are ascendant right now, backed by his handler Putin."
Doug: The reasoned voice of logic and sanity, describing the world with a stunning clarity of insight and a deeply profound understanding.
From Brother Charlie Pierce:
"Goddamn the hackers. Goddamn the journalists who laundered the pilfered material. Goddamn any of them who treated Roger Stone as a source, or as a cute prankster, instead of the nasty vandal he’s always been. Goddamn the pundits who chortled over the pilfered material. Goddamn the politicians who profited from the hacking. Goddamn the politicians who minimized the hacking. Goddamn the politicians who still stonewall about the hacking. Goddamn the “activists” who ranted about “McCarthyism” when anybody pointed out that the 2016 presidential election had been poisoned from afar. Goddamn them all as traitors, if not to the American nation, then to everything that ever made that nation worth the bother."
-Doug in Oakland
"As for the download speeds, they are a product of the complement to the "X-Agent" malware they used which they called "X-Tunnel" which they used to move the stolen documents off of DCCC and DNC servers in encrypted and compressed form."
Sorry Doug, but achievable compression factors cannot in any way achieve the orders of magnitude higher data transmission rates exhibited in the email file transfers.
Goddamn reality!
-Doug in Oakland
"I don't think the allies in Europe reacted much differently to actual Nazis or to their collaborators: we shot them both."
The Russian and American soldiers who shot those Germans held views that today would have depraved little communists like you calling them Nazis.
You are the kind of worm who loves to engage in online fantasies of violent murder of your betters, when in real life you are too weak to look anyone in the eye.
You deserve the Nazi's of your fantasies, I hope you get them.
Paul Krugman reflects on how, when it comes to foreign policy, Donald the Destroyer only wants to wreck stuff:
For Trump, Failure Is the Only Option
Despite this completely obvious and depressing state of affairs, the simple, homespun folk of the American hinterlands are bound and determined to never, ever catch a clue. They are still absolutely 100% positive that that nice Mr. Trump has a brilliant plan to make their lives better — even as he is busy flushing their futures down the poop chute.
They are headed for the mother of all disappointments. But, of course, when the disaster arrives, they’ll probably blame it all on the blacks and the Mexicans, like they usually do.
Workers in this town may become victims of Trump's trade war, but they're behind him 'no matter what'
It seems to me that every university in this country needs to dedicate an entire department of researchers to finding an answer to the most pressing question facing this nation.
I am talking about the “why are rednecks so fucking dumb?” question.
Related: the “why are rednecks so fucking racist?” question.
Literally suicidally stupid, much like tonight's trolls, who are really letting their desperation show.
-Doug in Oakland
"The Russian and American soldiers who shot those Germans held views that today would have depraved little communists like you calling them Nazis."
I'm not the one siding with the goddamn Russians over our government, you are. And as I recall, the commander in chief they served was FDR, whose views line up well with my own, where they can be applied across the decades.
-Doug in Oakland
Biggest story everyone missed about Drumpfuck the social boar boor- He actually stripped down to his diaper and sat on the ground throwing a tantrum. He demanded the Queen's guard parade past him instead of him having to pack his 235 kilos of wasted wasicu past them.
Can't wait for the video.
Magat bitches said-I'm a dumbass.
Rosenstein said the following on May 17, 2017:
“The Order authorized you to conduct ‘the investigation confirmed by then-FBI Director James Comey. . . including: (1) any links and/or coordination between the Russian government and individuals associated with the campaign of President Donald Trump, and (2) any matters that arose or may arise directly from that investigation.”
Typical inbred Drumpf voter leaves out important parts of the truth.
That's a good wasicu honky. Next time you call A Black man a N***** make sure he is smaller and hopefully a quadrapalegic so you'll feel safer.
And not just because I have said it. Mueller's indictments lays out a clear path that shows coordination between Russia and Drumpf campaign to elect Putie Jr and damage HRC.
Drumpf admits Russia interfered in the election. Blames Obama for what he has stated often never happened.
Notice how that balloon has no visible dick. That's sums up Butt Trumpet perfectly.
Trump supporters are the epitome of dumbed-down, lowest common denominator people.
Robert Mueller is now leading the investigation into Russia interference, as well as possible collusion within the Trump campaign. His probe led to the 12 indictments announced on Friday by the Justice Department. They are charged with hacking Democratic National Committee officials and dispersing the stolen documents online.
From the Hill today. Ruskies did hack DNC and the hunt for more collusion is still on.
I'll go out on a limb and guess this might not be good or exonerating news for Drumpfuck the dumbfuck.
From VOX today- The hacking and release of leading political figures’ emails is the most visible election intervention attributed to Russia’s government. And it’s long been one of the leading, and perhaps the leading, possibility about just what “collusion” between Donald Trump’s team and the Russians might have involved.
That’s not mere speculation. We’ve gradually learned of not one but six times Trump associates at least tried to get involved with either Russian-provided dirt, hacked Democratic emails, or WikiLeaks. We don’t yet know whether these furtive contacts resulted in anything of significance — but one of these advisers, George Papadopoulos, has already pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI about the matter and has begun cooperating with Mueller’s team.
These hacks were crimes, victimizing many hundreds of Americans (those who had their documents stolen, and those who corresponded with them). The operation was more wide-ranging than many remember, targeting not just John Podesta and the DNC but many other people and groups. It wasn’t just emails stolen, either — posted material ranged from Democratic Party turnout data that a Republican operative thought was “probably worth millions of dollars” to even a purported picture of Michelle Obama’s passport.
Why is the white race so ugly?
Here is a snippet of recorded convo between wikileaks and Russian Intel as per Mueller's indictments, which shows both parties knew that without sowing discord about HRC, Drumpf only had a 25% chance of winning.
I took the liberty of shortening the link. The original was 197 characters.
I'm Chinese-American and think blacks have to take some of the blame for Trump. The cult of Obama increased racial strife and hatred in this country and paved the way for Trump. Blacks are the primary members of the cult of Obama, and therefore deserve a lot of the blame, kind of like you people deserve a lot of the blame for the high crime rates and low education standards in this country.
More like trumps straighten out the liberal progressive tour and set things right!!!
Chicago July 2018 To Date:
Shot & Killed: 20
Shot & Wounded: 98
Total Shot: 118
Total Homicides: 24
From Axios- Known knowns about Mueller:
He has keystroke-by-keystroke reconstructions of online activities by the Russian "Conspirators," as the indictment calls them — down to their web searches.
He's going broader, deeper, wider than people realize — following the money, following the keystrokes, following the concentric circles of characters.
His indictments and plea agreements are providing a serial narrative of what Sen. John McCain has called an "act of war" perpetrated during one of the closest elections in American history.
Known knowns about Russia:
Yesterday's indictment was so significant because its scope went far beyond propaganda efforts and into a physical attack on America's state-by-state machinery of democracy.
This wasn't an attempt — the Russians actually succeeded in some of their incursions.
The attack was more sophisticated and involved vastly more resources than most U.S. politicians realized.
Be smart: David Kris, founder of Culper Partners consulting firm and head of the Justice Department's National Security Division under President Obama, told me that Mueller is following traditional prosecutorial practice by starting at the outer ring.
"His next steps may include moving in closer to the center of things."
One possible shot to drop ... Russian blackmail or threats targeting Americans who took things of value: "That's a traditional element of Russian tradecraft."
Go deeper ... "Mueller's web: Everyone caught up in the Russia investigation."
10 negroes shot, 1 fatally, in 6 hours in Chicago:
Drumpf better keep a close eye on his fat wasicu ass as Sawnie Bean still roams Scotland and is looking for something fat and tasty to eat.
This ought to go over like a lead balloon.
mike from iowa said...
Robert Mueller is now leading the investigation into Russia interference, as well as possible collusion within the Trump campaign.
Any "possible" collusion, of which to date he has found none.
His probe led to the 12 indictments announced on Friday by the Justice Department.
Actually, it was a single indictment that named 12 individuals.
They are charged with hacking Democratic National Committee officials and dispersing the stolen documents online.
Note the term "officials". This was not a "hack" of the server, but successful phishing operations of individual email accounts.
From the Hill today. Ruskies did hack DNC and the hunt for more collusion is still on.
This indictment does not involve the massive download of emails from the DNC server, and the hunt goes on for any evidence of collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign.
Peter Strzok's wife threatened to leave him until he explained that not once did he let his affair with Lisa Page affect any specific actions he took in their marriage.
Did the release of the DNC server emails affect the election?
Yes, the *truth* coming out, namely that the DNC had rigged the primary against Bernie, and that CNN had given Hillary town hall questions, changed votes in a very close contest.
Was this release the result of a Russian hack of the server? Still unknown or unrevealed.
The question is why are most journalists upset that *truthful* information reached the public?
Is it more important whether it was an insider Bernie Bro like Seth Rich or foreign hackers who got it or whether or not the information was vital to voters making their choice of who to vote for? I am pretty sure if the Russian or Chinese government provided truthful dirt on Trump and the RNC, the people most upset about the DNC leak would be arguing how the ends justified the means.
Illegally obtaining information is a crime and all crimes should receive just punishment, but in the end it is better that voters got to see what was really going on with Hillary and the DNC, regardless of who got the truth out.
Interesting fact: No law enforcement agency has ever been given the opportunity to examine the DNC server which was allegedly hacked. That's right, in the investigation of what may be the largest political scandal in US history, the central piece of evidence has never been given to any of the government agencies charged with countering this threat to our very democracy.
Isn't that strange?
The DNC refused to give the server to the FBI, and instead had their own hired contractor look at it and tell the FBI what they had found.
“Hi FBI, my bank was robbed. Take my word for it. No, you can’t see the CCTV footage, but our security guard paid by our largest shareholders saw it and will confirm the robbery.
Now go indict the 12 people we tell you to indict.”
That’s exactly what Mueller did for the DNC.
Given that fact alone, tell me how this investigation is legitimate.
Seth Rich was not the leaker. Period. End of story. The leaks were embarrassing but hardly illegal. The only criminal activity was in Russian hackers hacking and Assange accepting stolen property and about it.
Peter Strzok said this week that the Inspector General NEVER searched his emails, but instead asked him to search them and turn over anything that he thought was relevant .
And guess what?
He didn't find/turnover anything!
The investigation is legitimate because it pisses stoopid fucking wingnuts to no end to see how investigations are actually run and criminals get indicted, confess, get convicted and get punished. That is what wingnuts have failed to do in over 30 years of investigating the Clintons.
Get over your bad selves. If Clinton could be impeached for lying about sex, Drumpf is going up the river for colluding with and pandering to our sworn enemy and lying his ass off every time his pie hole flops open. And that is just for starters.
"Seth Rich was not the leaker. Period. End of story. The leaks were embarrassing but hardly illegal. The only criminal activity was in Russian hackers hacking and Assange accepting stolen property and about it."
You must be privy to information that the public is not, because despite the pronouncements of some officials interested in the outcome of the investigation, there has been no evidence presented regarding how the DNC emails wound up in the hands of Wikileaks. Julian Assange has stated that they were not provided by any state actor, including Russia.
Maybe you should contact Robert Mueller and tell him what you know.
Another indictment, but still no collusion.
Nothing Strzok did/had done is illegal. He was not in any position of leadership and could not act on his own to have done anything to Drumpof. You tools get your tails tied in knots by ignoring the facts that our enemy- Russia hacked the presidential election with the aid of Drumpf's campaign and you are whining about an FBI agent who doesn't like Drumpfuck. No wonder you are called Magats.
People have the right to demonstrate.
But the anti-Trump protests showed to the world something weird, unhinged, about part of British society.
Random, freakish, embedded hate and resentment, ignorance, infantilism.
Just against ‘The Man’. Deeply embarrassing, and depressing.
"Russia hacked the presidential election with the aid of Drumpf's campaign and you are whining about an FBI agent who doesn't like Drumpfuck."
Again, you should contact Mueller if you have evidence Russia hacked the DNC server and colluded with Trump, because to date he has not found any.
Quick FYI,
Recalled Honey Smacks still on store shelves; more people sick
Some retailers are still selling recalled Kellogg’s Honey Smacks responsible for an expanding nationwide Salmonella outbreak, spurring the FDA to once again urge consumers to not buy or eat the cereal.
Avoid Honey Smacks for a while.
Rural white America July to date:
OD's 25,000
Babies sold for meth: 30,000
High school diplomas: 6
Teeth: 3
Showers taken: -7
Gee, Fergus' ridiculous and dangerous and damaging behavior in Europe sure did knock the failure of his administration to comply with the court ordered reunification of the caged toddlers with their parents off of the front page.
-Doug in Oakland
"Babies sold for meth: 30,000"
I keep telling you, no meth dealer is gonna give up any product for a baby. Babies are worthless, expensive, and double your drug sentence if you have one when you are busted.
-Doug in Oakland
Imagine believing the US government keeps toddlers in cages.
I suggest reading the indictments yourselves, if you can read 29 pages without pooping your pants. The laws that were broken and by whom are clearly listed.
-Doug in Oakland
"Gee, Fergus' ridiculous and dangerous and damaging behavior in Europe sure did knock the failure of his administration to comply with the court ordered reunification of the caged toddlers with their parents off of the front page."
Imagine believing any of this.
dinthebeast said...
I suggest reading the indictments yourselves, if you can read 29 pages without pooping your pants. The laws that were broken and by whom are clearly listed.
Funny how it doesn't involve the data breach from the DNC server.
I'm starting to think that I'm never going to see that $10 million promised to me from a Nigerian prince.
Number of food poisonings skyrocketed when dumbass dubya did away with most food inspectors and placed the burden of proof on the inspectors with the government forking over big bucks if claims weren't 100% airtight.
Recalled Honey Smacks still on store shelves; more people sick
Totally typical normal wasicu wastey wingnut.
So she waits for the police the manager claims she is harassing him.
Who would ever find this offensive? Wingnuts? Nada.
In case you wondered if pot was hazardous to yer health-
mike from iowa said...
Recalled Honey Smacks still on store shelves; more people sick
Wasn't "Honey Smacks" your prison nickname?
Why did Obama’s national security advisor Susan Rice tell the US Cyber chief to stand down in 2016?
This guy is just asking for scrutiny. Attacking allies, praising Putin, meeting with Putin with just translators, not releasing his tax returns, ect. ect. Dude is trolling us mightily.
Maybe the woman who lied and started all this nonsense will get her due. Too bad the scumbags that killed him got off.
“Maybe the woman who lied and started all this nonsense will get her due. Too bad the scumbags that killed him got off.”
Unlikely, unless she was directly involved in the actual murder.
If her part in the crime was limited to lying to her husband about her interaction with Emmett Till (and whether she really did is itself an assumption; she’s only admitted to lying in court after the murder, and the statute of limitations on perjury have long passed), then it’s hard to see how she can be prosecuted. It’s not a crime to tell someone a lie that upsets them enough to commit murder.
How desperate must y'all be for evidence of black victimhood that you need to keep going back to a case from 1955?
PilotX said...
This guy is just asking for scrutiny. Attacking allies, praising Putin, meeting with Putin with just translators, not releasing his tax returns, ect. ect. Dude is trolling us mightily.
Six and half more years.
Why did Obama’s national security advisor Susan Rice tell the US Cyber chief to stand down in 2016?
Where's yer proof?
Wow, this website is fuktup.
One of the other stunners in Friday’s indictment is the revelation that it was known that Trump campaign officials were communicating with Guccifer 2.0 — a Russian hacker proven to be connected to Russian intelligence — about the information hacked and released publicly.
They even talked about Democratic voter turnout models! Stunning. It remains to be seen whether the senior Trump campaign officials knew that Guccifer 2.0 was connected to the Russians, information that came out pretty early in the general election.
Let’s also remember the timing of Trump’s very public plea to the Russians to hack Hillary Clinton and her campaign and find the 30,000 personal emails she was not required to disclose. That same day, according to the indictment, several Russian operatives hacked a number of Hillary Clinton and DNC accounts.
Coincidence? Mueller will let us know soon. So again, this is not the end of this very real, tangible and ongoing investigation. It is far from it.
Smells like collusion to me.
The indictment charges that the conspirators “received a request for stolen materials from a candidate for the U.S. Congress,” and “sent the candidate stolen documents.” The Wall Street Journal reported a year ago that “Guccifer 2.0,” one of the Russian hackers, communicated with Florida-based Republican operative Aaron Nevins. Nevins is not named in this indictment, but the revelation that a candidate also communicated with Russian hackers indicates yet another point of contact in a conspiracy that went beyond Trump’s campaign.
Some wingnut was claiming yesterday the recipient of dirt was a Dem congress woman.
The arrested woman was white. She might have saved some Blacks from getting a trip to the assay office where they would have assayed out 20% lead dug out of their backs.
ut the fever swamps of the far right argued that somehow Seth Rich, who was shot to death about a block from where he lived in Washington, DC, on July 10, 2016, was the real source of the Wikileaks emails, saying that Seth, who worked at the DNC as the director of voter expansion data, was a supporter of Sen. Bernie Sanders and thus leaked the emails to help Sanders just before the Democratic National Convention was to take place.
None of this was true. None of his work involved high-level emails or having access to them, and his computer showed no evidence that he had any connection to Wikileaks whatsoever. As Seth Rich’s parents, Joel and Mary Rich, wrote in a Washington Post op-ed in May 2017: “Seth’s job was to develop analytical models to encourage voters to turn out to vote. He didn’t have access to DNC emails, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee emails, John Podesta’s emails or Hillary Clinton’s emails. That simply wasn’t his job.”
The Drumpfuck fever swamp lives on and on.
mike from iowa said...
"Smells like collusion to me."
I don't know how you could smell anything while sitting in front of your computer wearing Depends all day.
Fuck the gooks and chinks!
"How desperate must y'all be for evidence of black victimhood that you need to keep going back to a case from 1955?"
Not desperate at all. The FBI contacted the author of the book detailing the crime and decided to reopen the investigation. Must be evidence about the woman who started the whole mess. Read the article.
"Six and half more years."
Yeah, when this investigation ends trump will get some years alright.😝
Donald Trump invites "Russia" to get the Hillary emails. They start that very evening. No "there" there? So who is denying what happened?
Mr. Madarasz is onto something. Putin was just waiting to get the signal from Trump, via CNN, to go get Hillary's lost emails.
It ruins the conspiracy theory morons are pushing but Trump joked that Russia should share HRC’s 30,000 deleted emails from her destroyed server if they found them. He did not “call for Russia to hack the DNC.”
I said the same thing, Field. You can't make this stuff up. I had to attribute Ricky Ricardo/Desi Arnaz.
From the, "No shit, Sherlock," files...
Thank you Field for that elegant takedown of the monster's lily-livered attack on the Mayor of London.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
It ruins the conspiracy theory morons are pushing but Trump joked that Russia should share HRC’s 30,000 deleted emails from her destroyed server if they found them. He did not “call for Russia to hack the DNC.”
AnyMoose just admitted Drumpf knew in advance Russia hacked the DNC and already had the emails. That right there is a conspiracy to commit crimes. Cuff the moose and stuff him.
Can't fix Texas stoopid for sure. Spell check in aisle 1.
Yisheng = nigger
lilac = cunt
Ha! CNN is fake news so he'll take a question from a "real" news organization, Fox😂
We must admit, 45 got a real swag.He's wit it; remember the theme song from the Apprentence The Temptations'Money Money Money' MAGA
Drumpfuck thinks EU is a foe. They will be long before Drumpfuck ever gets his ass booted from history.
The Pres says what he means and he means what he says...don't F@$%& with America including Black America
Inflation wipes out wage gains. So much winning, huh?
I think you mean Putin means what he says and you better not mess with him. trump is scared shitless of him. He won't even protect the 2018 elections from him.
He says we mess with their "elections" but that's asymmetrical, Putin wins 90-10. Unless that's trump's goal.
TRUMP 2020!!!
Drumpfuck 20/20 Twenty years for each of twenty felonies he has committed as pathological lying bastard in the stolen WH.
I'm okay with that.
At the end of the day there are truths that won't change. People, up to and probably including the orange shithook in the WH, committed serious crimes during the 2016 election.
And Drumpf is some sort of Russian agent as he has tried to protect people accused in these crimes even before Putin installed him in the WH.
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