"This week, a giant political volcano has been showing signs that it is about to erupt, though most of the news media, and almost all of the public, are blissfully unaware of it.
Having previously written a couple of times about the bizarre saga of former GOP fundraiser Elliott Broidy and former Playboy playmate Shera Bechard, this whole story sure seems based either in the most amazing series of coincidences most people could possibly imagine, or it is by far the biggest presidential scandal of our time. Because it is either or, and because most of the news media is both dumb and extremely risk adverse, the latter possibility has been, this this date, almost completely ignored.
But just because the news media is pretending that it is not very possible that President Donald Trump was actually the man who impregnated Bechard, while president, and paid her, through Broidy, to have an abortion and keep quiet about it, doesn’t mean that the story isn’t still developing in rather significant ways. This week, numerous things happened, under the media’s radar, which deserve some legitimate analysis.
The first sign of the lava getting ready to blow was that Broidy announced that he was going to stop paying off the $1.6 million NDA he has with Bechard, which was supposedly created to hide their alleged affair and pregnancy. The media, led by the Wall Street Journal which has broken several elements of this story, took this as a further indication that Briody was indeed the person who had the affair with Bechard. After all, now that, thanks the raid on the office of Michael Cohen (who just happened to be Broidy’s lawyer for the Bechard NDA) causing the “affair” to become public, there is no need for him to keep paying good money to keep it quiet.
Like nearly everything in this case, however, there is how events appear if you look at them with no skepticism, and then there is a completely different reality which appears when they are viewed through the prism of a more seasoned worldview.
Law professor Paul Campos, who was the first person to publicly detail the theory that everything we know about this case makes far more sense if Trump had the affair than if Briody did, has written for New York Magazine again about what Broidy stopping the payments may really mean. In short, it appears Broidy is pretending that the NDA was made invalid—when it was not—as a ruse so that he can limit his criminal liability should the real truth of this story eventually blast into the public sphere.
The timing of this gambit by Broidy is particularly interesting because it coincides almost exactly with Cohen making it very clear that, barring some sort of presidential pardon, he is no longer on Team Trump. If Cohen, the highly un-respected lawyer the super-rich Broidy chose to handle this matter for no apparent reason, can no longer be counted on to keep quiet, then obviously Broidy and his new legal team must start thinking about the worst case scenarios.
The lawyer who is now representing Broidy in this matter, Chris Clark, is a very high-priced criminal defense attorney. Not only is Broidy using the high-class Clark the exact opposite strategy of the baffling hiring of low-rent Cohen (who, for some strange reason, Broidy grossly overpaid), but it is far more consistent with someone who now thinks they have serious criminal vulnerability rather than concern over what should be a fairly minor legal battle over an NDA. Of course, this begs the question, why didn’t Broidy just hire Clark to handle this situation in the first place?
Another significant event which occurred here was in reaction to Campos’ latest New York Magazine piece. Clark demanded the right to have a statement condemning the column placed within it, but what was really important is what neither Clark nor Broidy are willing to say.
According to Campos, during the editing process, Broidy and his team were given multiple opportunities to simply state that Broidy had an affair with Bechard, and they never did so. Think about how absurd that is. Broidy’s name is now very publicly linked to him having paid Bechard to cover up an affair and abortion, and yet, despite having nothing at this point to lose (if it is true) neither he nor his representatives have ever clearly stated that this actually happened.
So, to review, Broidy is no longer paying Bechard for this alleged affair, and he is not even willing to say clearly that it actually happened. Gee, I wonder why the group of people who aren’t buying this version of story is growing rather rapidly?
Weirdly, the two reporters on this story for the Wall Street Journal are not among them. One went on MSNBC this week and declared that Trump was not involved in this story. After the other, Joe Palazzolo, said via Twitter that there is “zero evidence to support the theory that Broidy is covering for Trump,” I asked him, twice, what evidence there was that Broidy and Bechard have ever even met.
I still have not gotten any response at all. This part of the drama is a classic case where the absence of evidence appears to be strong evidence of absence (of an affair between Broidy and Bechard).
This should be easily proven by now and yet not even one photo of the two of them together has ever been produced (what sixty-two year old non-celebrity having an affair with a prominent Playboy playmate has no photos of her, or even any correspondence between them?) Making this stunning lack of evidence even more mystifying is that Broidy’s computer was hacked, allegedly by the country of Qatar, and yet nothing indicating an affair was ever released (as if this element of the story could get any more peculiar, Broidy’s representatives originally suggested that the affair was exposed by this hack, even though the timing of that is nonsensical, but then immediately claimed that this was not true and that they never said that).
That question I asked Palazzolo is one of many very simple inquires which remain unanswered about this crazy situation. Many of them deal with the astronomical coincidences related simply to the lawyers involved here. Considering the following:
- Shera Bechard’s original attorney here, Michael Cohen’s pal Keith Davidson, also happened to represent Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal, both of whom clearly had affairs with Trump.
- Like Daniels and McDougal, Bechard fired Davidson because she thought that he was working in cahoots with Cohen, whose primary (only?) client was, of course, Trump. And yet, Bechard, was still somehow able to leverage $1.6 million from the unknown but business-savvy Broidy (it is almost as if her story had something about it which made it exponentially more valuable than even an affair with Trump being divulged during a presidential campaign!)
- Bechard’s new lawyer is Peter Stris, who just happens to also represent McDougal. He also has publicly offered to represent anyone who had an affair with Trump pro bono, and on Thursday night he retweeted a legal colleague cryptically promising Trump that the #MeToo movement was still going after him.
There are those in the small legal community that have been riveted by this case who believe that Stris and Avenatti are neither co-conspirators nor the enemies they appear to be, but are rather engaging in an elaborate dance where each may get what they want. One which, assuming the truth ever comes out, will either leave a lot of close observers like me rather embarrassed, or President Trump suddenly facing the worst personal political scandal in modern American history." [Source]
This week Mr. trump will make his pick to sit on the Supreme Court. His followers want a pro-life jurist to fill the spot. Wouldn't it be ironic if everything John Ziegler is speculating about is true?
Stay tuned.
It's a sad commentary on our government, but even this is mostly a distraction.
Kind of a local variation on the "scumbag defense": An ex-convict I know was jacked up by the IRS after he had been working for a couple of years and had to file a tax return again, and they wanted to know how he had supported himself the first year after he got out.
He told them "I sponged off of women." and they left him alone.
Whenever something of an unusually high level of scumbaggery hits the news about Fergus, there's something else he wants you not to notice going down.
-Doug in Oakland
But,but Betty Broaddrick, a woman who signed two sworn affidavits that Bill Clinton did not rape her, says Bill Clinton raped her and wingnuts all agree.
Of course Drumpf did it. He always did it, unless it was Darrel Issa's dumb brother ir one of Drumpf's stoopid fucking kids.
If white boys actually had big dicks they would want everybody to notice it like the retarded homos that they are. Butt Trumpet is a prime example.
Fuck you phony anti-abortion fuckers right in the fuck hole.
Trump supporters are lacking in two essential things: heart and brains.
I have no idea if Trump knocked up this Bechard woman and paid for her abortion. If he did, though, it won’t matter anyway. His fans won’t care. Evangelical wingnuts are about the most hypocritical people on earth. They’ve already made a million excuses for why it is a Christian thing for them to support the extremely un-pious and sinful Trump, so what’s one million and one?
So what if Trump’s on wife three and has cheated on all of them and admits to grabbing unwilling pussies? It’s all ultimately for the greater good (the greater bad?) and God’s glory. The Lord works in mysterious ways. Et cetera, et cetera.
I am just waiting for the release of the tape in which Russian hookers take a whizz on Trump’s face, because at least that will be entertaining and might cause Trump to have an aneurysm out of rage at his humiliation. Damn near everything else from that British spy’s dossier has turned out to be true, so ...
Anyway, until that wondrous and hilarious day we get to see Trump used as a toilet, here is a humorous little song on the subject.
Hello Yellow Pee Tape
DJT has broken the field negro. I love it!
mike from iowa
2018-07-08 at 17:23
Marlboro Barbie, where is your horse?
Back in Russia with Putin, of course.
My gift to Putie to ride bare chested
in front of Drumpf, his American invested.
Say what you will, no passport needed
to deliver a bribe- my horse was deeded
To our enemy’s leader with my compliments
For serious misdeeds and electile involvements
That easily explains why Drumpf is now king
Of a gubmint of which he knows not a thing
and won’t bother to learn as that is not his duty
His allegiance is owned solely by Putie.
Someday soon when stuff hits the fan
and pretty much will all stick to that man
with orange colored skin and a pelt on his head
he was taught racism by dear old dad Fred.
Drumpf has his defenders, none are too bright
They refuse to go kwietly into that good night
They protest the left, they like to fight and b*****
Their favorite pastime is yooooge taxcuts for the rich
They add to the debt with abandon and glee
Their slaves to the wealthy yet claim to be free
All they would ask for is many more guns
and lots of libs for target practice fun
So another sad chapter in the saga of Drumpf
Barely makes progress in climbing the humpf
Of self made enemies and trade wars abound
While driving this nation into the ground.
Thanks Drumpf and OLdSferbrains.
Marlboro Barbie is, of course, South Dakita's senior sinator and number 3 in the sinate behind McCTurtle and Cornpone of Texas. (Number 3 is a combination of 1 and 2- piss and shit)
This is nothing to the trumpeters. They'll blow it off as always. To me the bigger scandal is the theft of a SC seat which means a right wing country for the reat of our natural lives and the destruction of the EPA.
more scandal
Moar scandals.
Moar scandal.
Drumpf and his handler Putin aren't having a summit. Drumpf needs Putin's dick in his ass to receive future marching orders on dividing the alliances with our Allies to favor Putin and Russia.
Drumpf will likely hand over the entire US stockpile of nukes to Putin for safe keeping and a few bucks in Drumpf's bank account. And then the koyote kerfluffle will say HRC did it first, like usual and like usual they'd be lying through their asses.
But HRC had emails. That's the scandal.
Ted Cruz has been chastised by the FEC three times this election cycle for exceeding donation limits. Three. That’s not a common thing. Only three other senate candidates have received an excessive contribution notice and those three only received one notice. Reminder: Ted Cruz has three.
Local Texas newspapers have taken note of this – but what with all this fake news and stuff, there’s no telling if any Republicans even read the newspaper
From Juanita Jeans The World's Most Dangerous Beauty Salon.
I _like_ the Trump-abortion scandal, but it needs more solid facts.
Driver for 25 years for Drumpf said he was stiffed for thousands of hours of overtime and had one meaningful raise in 12 years which was eaten up by the loss of health insurance that same year.
Drumpfuck the cheapskate.
Family that called the fuzz on 12 year old Black kid mowing have made 60 calls to police over 18 years. Someone needs to send this family Ms Lindsey Graham's fainting coach.
Womp womp.
From Steve Benen:
* It took a month, but California has just about finished tallying its primary ballots, and as the Washington Post noted, we now know that the 2018 primary "had the highest number of votes in the history of California midterm elections" and that Democrats "dramatically grew their vote statewide and in most, but not all, of the House races where they hope to compete in November."
The exception was Valadao's district, which is now in the throes of dealing with a shortage of migrant labor caused by Fergus' retarded "zero tolerance" policy, so Cox may yet turf him out.
If we show up, we win, and this is a good sign that we all intend on showing up in November.
-Doug in Oakland
"The exception was Valadao's district, which is now in the throes of dealing with a shortage of migrant labor"
So, illegals must be voting in huge numbers in California.
No, they can't vote, but they can and do pay taxes.
So what do Fergus and his felons have against breastfeeding, anyway?
-Doug in Oakland
Right, it's just a coincidence that the Dem vote is down in the district there is a migrant labor shortage. Got it.
Single Party State said. Contrary towhat your brain at Fake Noize has been stuffing your head full of, migrants do not vote, they don't get foodstamps (or very few do in certain circumstances) they pay FICA taxes and can't ever collect SS benefits, they pay state and local and sales taxes and do every thing stoopid fucking wingnuts do only better, except they can't vote.
Most won't even sign up for any free services for fear they will be deported. You and Fergus are free to molest all the immigrant kids you want because if they report to authorities they get deported. A match made in heaven for kiddie diddlers of the wingnut persuasion.
“You foreign Puerto Ricans won’t change America!” is an instant wingnut moron classic. It’s right up there with “Git yer damn government hands off my Medicare!”
There sure are an awful lot of low-information voters out there in Redneckistan.
The lowest information voters vote democrat.
"Right, it's just a coincidence that the Dem vote is down in the district there is a migrant labor shortage. Got it."
It's not down there, just not up as far as in other Republican held districts. It's D+5 with a Republican incumbent, and a conservative bent among the farmers who live there, but those farmers are getting brutally buggered by Fergus' retarded policy and might vote against the rep supporting their buggery.
-Doug in Oakland
“... but those farmers are getting brutally buggered by Fergus' retarded policy and might vote against the rep supporting their buggery."
And losing needed migrant labor is just the beginning for Trump-voting manufacturing workers and farmers. China and Europe are targeting their retaliatory tariffs specifically to fuck over industries located in Trumpland.
Trump says trade wars are “easy to win.” Okay then. We’ll see if his followers still feel that way after their factories start laying off workers and the banks start taking their farms.
I really do wonder how bad the Trump chumps will have to get hurt before they realize they played themselves.
Bad news for stoopid fucking wingnuts. Taxcuts for the koch bros have resulted in less korporate investment in equipment, 2 trillion added to the debt, lower real wages and record dtock buybacks that aren't driving up profits as expected.
Guy who claimed Drumpfuck inspored him to run for Guv of Rhode Island likes to campaign along the coast in his 65 foot yacht. He sails along the coast telling beach goers as Guv he will put garbage cans on beaches so users don't need to carry their garbage out with them.
Then he hit a rock and started taking on water. Perfect metaphor for Drumpfuck's bogus potussy.
The white race is in a tailspin, and I'm loving it!
So another right wing white male? In the year of the woman? Hmmmmmm
What was Hillary's pick?
44 chose two Supreme Court Justices; why didn't he nominate a Black American.
Whether Kavanaugh was your preferred choice or not, just remember, he's literally a thousand times better than the nominee Crooked Hillary would have selected had she won the Presidency.
Tonight is a night to celebrate. A big win for President Trump, a big win for Trump supporters, and most importantly a big win for America!
Ruth bader Ginsberg (85) will be dead by the end of summer. As will most 85 year olds.
Sotomayor's (64) diabetes has become unmanigible. Women with type 1 diabetes have an average life expectancy of about 68 years. Latino obese women fair much worse.
Stephen breyer turns 80 in August. Males have an average life expectancy of 76 years.
Cry libtuuurds. Cry.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
>44 chose two Supreme Court Justices; why didn't he nominate a Black American<
He chose three, including Garland. Two Jews and Wise Latina.
I'm so verklempt, my heart is palpitating!
Black Americans worshiped 44; why didn't he break the off a piece of the action with a SCOTUS nominee?
Truth be told, 44 created much of the racial tension. 44 gave Black Americans a false sense of political power. When in fact, some American don't truly understand politics.
Uninformed Black Americans (particularity entertainers) became arrogant about a subject matter they knew nothing about. The real black power players are quietly humble and comfortable in their epidermis.
Effective Black leaders celebrate positive behaviors/mores and ignore anti-social negative stereotypes who seek attention.
"44 chose two Supreme Court Justices; why didn't he nominate a Black American."
Why didn't 45?
Oh I think we know why.
"Tonight is a night to celebrate. A big win for President Trump, a big win for Trump supporters, and most importantly a big win for America!"
Unless of course you support labor rights, don't want people with pre-existing conditions to be excluded from health insurance, believe in environmental rights, believe a woman's health is her own business and prefer your presidents to not be stooges for Russia. Other than that a really great day.
And oh yeah, believe in a strong wall between church and state.
PilotX said...
"Oh I think we know why."
There were no black candidates that met the requirements for a Supreme Court seat.
@ PilotX said... Why didn't 45?
Really?! The way uninformed Black People 'feel' about 45. If he nominated a Black American, that one would be called an Uncle Tom or trader. Contrary to popular belief, Black Americans are not monolithic; however, many black American tend to ostracize independent black thinkers.
Here libs you might need this 😂🤣😂🤣
Suicide Prevention Lifeline
1-800-273-TALK (8255)
"Really?! The way uninformed Black People 'feel' about 45. If he nominated a Black American, that one would be called an Uncle Tom or trader. Contrary to popular belief, Black Americans are not monolithic; however, many black American tend to ostracize independent black thinkers."
So because he wanted to save the feelings of a Black nominee he didn't include any. Very interesting speculation, total bullshit but interesting.
"There were no black candidates that met the requirements for a Supreme Court seat."
And what exactly are the requirements for a seat in the Supreme Court?
"If he nominated a Black American, that one would be called an Uncle Tom or traitor."
Or a "house negro".
And blacks are pretty much monolithic; they hate who they are told to hate by their (((masters)))). Look at Field, who right now is searching for the right opinion piece by a (((white))) guy to cut and past from.
"And what exactly are the requirements for a seat in the Supreme Court?"
For a Republican president: A distinguished record as a jurist who interprets the law rather than makes it.
For a Democrat president: The right racial/ethnic/gender components.
Um no, BTW I'm glad you spelled traitor correctly for the anon who called Black people uninformed while spelling a basic word incorrectly😝
"For a Republican president: A distinguished record as a jurist who interprets the law rather than makes it."
Wrong. You may need a refresher course in the Constitution. Wanna try again instead of making up things as you go?
Don't sweat the small stuff. No one is perfect; not even me. Please accept my apology.
For a Republican President a jurist who has been a member of the Federalist Society since their first day of law school and a white male. And a Yale grad. That's pretty much it.
"Don't sweat the small stuff. No one is perfect; not even me. Please accept my apology."
It's okay to be white.
@PilotX said So because he wanted to save the feelings of a Black nominee he didn't include any. Very interesting speculation, total bullshit but interesting.
Black people would still find a reason to pick apart the President if he nominated a black SCOTUS. You can't please some of the people none of the time. Damned if you do and Damned if you don't (Bye Felicia!).
This liberal freakout is all because they can't get a mandate for their (real) agenda at the ballot box, and for decades overly relied upon judicial activism. They don't know how to handle losing that handicap.
Judge Brett Kavanaugh: “[R]ead the words of the statute as written. Read the text of the Constitution as written... Don’t make up new constitutional rights that are not in the text of the Constitution.”
"Black people would still find a reason to pick apart the President if he nominated a black SCOTUS. You can't please some of the people none of the time. Damned if you do and Damned if you don't (Bye Felicia!)."
Ah, so trump can't nominate or hire a blah person because of the reaction of other blah people. Gotcha. So trump cares more about the feelings of the nominee than the job they would do? Wow, that is some twisted logic. You must do yoga. Methinks trump is just pandering to his base who only will accept a hardline,rightwing, conservative, white religious male.
@ Black Americans worshiped 44; why didn't he break the off a piece of the action with a SCOTUS nominee?
And they still think 44 is relevant. His day in the spot light is long gone.
It's okay to be Muslim.
How drunk is Hillary Clinton right now??
You're the only one who can read the President's mind; that's above my pay grade.
"This liberal freakout is all because they can't get a mandate for their (real) agenda at the ballot box, and for decades overly relied upon judicial activism. They don't know how to handle losing that handicap."
Not really. This is the result of gerrymandering and an archaic system that allows the senate to be controlled by 37% of the population. Wyoming and N. Dakota have the same number of senators as California and New York. That is a lopsided power structure. 🤔
PilotX said...
For a Republican President a jurist who has been a member of the Federalist Society since their first day of law school and a white male. And a Yale grad. That's pretty much it.
9 members.
3 Jews - 33% - (Jews = 1.4% pop.)
1 Black - 11% - (Blacks = 12.7% pop.)
1 Latin - 11% - (Latins = 14.44% pop.)
4 Whites -44%- (Whites = 77.7% pop.)
Jews are over-represented while Whites are underrepresented. There should be 3 less jews and 3 more whites.
Jewish as in Israelites Hebrews)
Truth be told, 44 created much of the racial tension. 44 gave Black Americans a false sense of political power. When in fact, some American don't truly understand politics.
Uninformed Black Americans (particularity entertainers) became arrogant about a subject matter they knew nothing about. The real black power players are quietly humble and comfortable in their epidermis.
Effective Black leaders celebrate positive behaviors/mores and ignore anti-social negative stereotypes who seek attention.
(Never to late to learn)
"Jews are over-represented while Whites are underrepresented. There should be 3 less jews and 3 more whites."
Women are underrepresented. Jewish people are considered white to most non anti-semites. But beyond that Dems represent everyone else while the GOP represents a certain class of white males. Bill Clinton was a dirt poor kid from Arkansas, Barack was a biracial poor kid from Kenya, Sonia Sotomeyer was a poor kid from the Bronx, ect. They represented the idea that every single one of us have a chance to succeed while the opposition party had millionaire sons in all important positions. trump even admitted such (in front of a working class crowd no less😖) bragging that they have bigger boats. The last nominee had a parent who worked for a President, this current nominee is a partisan who worked for a Republican President and went after Clinton for Ken Star. Hell he was the priciple author of the Starr report. Not a non partisan jurist if we want to be honest.
"Suicide Prevention Lifeline
1-800-273-TALK (8255)"
Nah brah, save that for the trumpeters when their hero is indicted and impeached.
"...it is the cornerstone of our freedom..."
Alexander Stephens would be proud.
-Doug in Oakland
So perhaps after Kavanaugh was through telling everyone how much he loves his daughters and listing all of the ways he's involved with their lives someone should have reminded him that Fergus, the man he just publicly praised to orgasm, has missed the deadline imposed by a federal judge for reuniting children five years old and younger with their parents, depriving them of the opportunity for such involvement.
But he gave away the game when he said that what it's like being an only child depends on who your parents are.
Which is true, especially if like him, your parents are wealthy, white, Christian, and well connected politically.
-Doug in Oakland
"especially if like him, your parents are wealthy, white, Christian, and well connected politically."
That's all that matters in the Republican party. Calvinism?
Kavanaugh was the one on the list who had specifically written that he didn't think a sitting president should be able to be indicted or even sued in civil court, so of course Fergus picked him. With the sheer number of aspects of his investigation likely to end up before the supreme court (can he pardon himself, do pardons of co-conspirators constitute obstruction of justice, can a sitting president be criminally indicted, etc.) this is an even larger than usual conflict of interest. The phrase "judge shopping" comes to mind.
-Doug in Oakland
Not to worry, Drumpf will be found to be illegitimate, elected by a foreign power and his Scotus picks will be reversed and Obama will stack the court with extreme left wing libs and stoopid fucking wingnuts will howl long into that goodnight.
Wingnuts is funny that way. It isn't fair to do to them what they do to the rest of us. It's almost like they believe they are white privileged or some such shit.
Tonight is a night to celebrate. A big win for President Trump, a big win for Trump supporters, and most importantly a big win for America!
Stoopid fucking wingnuts have no idea what winning actually means. They are the dizziest of the dizzy bitches.
This was written especially for all stoopid fucking wasicu wastey wingnuts-
It matters because a number of research studies have found an association between humour and intelligence.
Researchers in Austria recently discovered that funny people, particularly those who enjoy dark humour, have higher IQs than their less funny peers. They argue that it takes both cognitive and emotional ability to process and produce humour. Their analysis shows that funny people have higher verbal and non-verbal intelligence, and they score lower in mood disturbance and aggressiveness.
Not only are funny people smart, they’re nice to be around. Evidence suggests that having a good sense of humour is linked to high emotional intelligence and is a highly desirable quality in a partner. Evolutionary psychologists describe humour as a “heritable trait” that signals mental fitness and intellectual agility to prospective mates. In studies of attractiveness, both men and women rate funny people as more attractive, and cite having a good sense of humour as being one of the most important traits in a long-term partner.
SFW ain't funny. They are fucking dangerous to themselves and the rest of the world. Their idea of fun would be to strap nukes to their kids backs and air mail them to foreign countries SFW think have insulted their gawd Drumpfuck the dumbfuck. And then they'd blame HRC's emails.
We need to build magat hat repelling walls out of HRC'c emails because stoopid fucking wingnuts will never get over them.
You can get ahead by smiling and being nice to others. No one wants to be around negative nasty energy. If you perceive someone (in passing) as a racist or a bigot, just smile and speak you might just learn something , teach someone something or at least enjoy your day.
@ PilotX said... Arkansas, Barack was a biracial poor kid from Kenya, Sonia Sotomeyer was a poor kid from the Bronx, ect.
The difference in the one from Arkansas--he paved his way making a name for himself. The "biracial poor kid from Kenya" road on the backs of Black Americans who fought for Civil Rights to his disadvantage in that a black man (in childhood) did not schooled him about being a black man in American. His [mama's baby] daddy was a shyster; they are both cut from the same cloth.
Fuck white people. Fuck the white race.
He had a fake swag. You'll known real brother's swag when you see it.
Barack Obama isn't black.
"Jewish people are considered white to most non anti-semites"
But not to Jews.
The Ivy League is the gateway to to the elite, and Jews are the gatekeepers. Most of the qualified students they are keeping out are white.
38% of US population
43% of Ivy League students
2% of US population
25% of Ivy League students
62% of US population
32% of Ivy League students
Fuck the gooks and chinks!
@Barack Obama isn't black
He is an African but gave the impression of being akind of the black culture. Like most immigrants, of a particular hue, who take advantage of benefits afforded to blacks as a result of the black struggle associated with slave ancestry.
Barack Obama was raised completely by the white side of his family in places (Hawaii and Malaysia) where there were virtually no blacks. He went by "Barry Soetoro" until he went to college. He adopted a black persona only after graduating and moving to Chicago, solely to enhance his political career.
No one owes anyone anything. YOU got to go get it. It's called survival of the fittest; the end justifies the means.
There is a difference between being fit and being conniving.
Amazing, Raygun/dumbass dubya the 1st fucked up0 the economy and Bill Clinton and Dems straightened it out. Then Dumbass dubya the worst fucked it up royally and Obama and Dems straightened that clusterfuck out. Now, who will save us from the dumbest son of a bitch ever to stink up the WH?
There won't be any saving from this shitstorm.
Jimmy Carter fucked up economy and Reagan and Republicans fixed it.
@Barack Obama was raised completely by the white side
He played on black folks emotions. Many of us are more emotional rather than intellectual. We 're more reactive rather than proactive.
The US was the largest creditor nation under Carter and Raygun turned us into the largest debtor nation and the largest sponsor of state terrorism. Raygun tripled national debt. Inflation ran wild and unemployment soared under Raygun.Raygun allowed terrorists to kill 241 Marines and did nothing about it. Raygun helped destabilize the Middle East. Raygun traded arms for hostages. Raygun sold weapons to our sworn enemies. Raygun bypassed Congress togive aid and comfort to US backed and created terrorists in Nicaragua. ETC< ETC.
No Joder, Carter didn't "screw up the economy" OPEC did that. Honestly, don't you righties know anything about history?
Obama is more of an American and an ICON than all you stoopid fucking wasicu wastey wingnut pussies combined. Get over your losing selves.
Obama answered the call that this country needed him and his vision and wisdom.
Drumpfuck was appointed by Putin and Russia to obey Putin's commands and tear America apart and destroy all our defense alliances so Russia can become the world's super scumsuckers with Drumpfuck's help.
And the lawlessness continues. If only HRC had done this we'd never hear the end of the accusations of crooked HRC.
http://juanitajean.com/ponder-fodder/ Serious rumours abound that Kennedy and Drumpf agreed to pick Kavanaugh for replacement months ago so Kennedy felt safe retiring.
Of course stoopid fucking wingnuts will claim there is nothing wrong with judicial bribery unless Dems did it. Then it would automatically surpass lying about sex as an impeachment charge against Dems. Then they will claim HRC and her emails already did this. Just because stoopid fucking wingnuts are pathetic, pathological lying scumbags.
Putie's delusional butt puppet still believes NK agreed to denuclearization-
Donald J. Trump
I have confidence that Kim Jong Un will honor the contract we signed &, even more importantly, our handshake. We agreed to the denuclearization of North Korea. China, on the other hand, may be exerting negative pressure on a deal because of our posture on Chinese Trade-Hope Not!
Hope is all Drumpf ever had. What a wasted wasicu dumbass he is.
Reagan created more jobs than obama.
Inflation before Reagan was sworn in- 13.9%
Inflation the day Reagan left office? 4.2%
The rest of you post is nonsense.
Reagan saved America.
Trump will make it great again.
Read the truth once, stoopid fucking wingnut. Obama outdid Gawd Raygun and had a much harder row to how, plus he had to carry stoopid fucking obstructionists all the way to the finish line.
All of your post is bullshit. green card.
"Drumpfuck was appointed by Putin and Russia to obey Putin's commands"
Putin's evil plan:
1. Bring jobs back to America to the point of record low unemployment
2. Lower taxes and stimulate the American economy
3. Put American workers first by fighting unfair trade practices
4. End war in Syria, defeat ISIS, and make peace in Korea
5. Revitalize the military through increased spending and suspended social engineering programs
6. Stem the uncontrolled flow of millions of illiterate welfare recipients across the border
7. Deport criminal aliens
8. Halt immigration from known terrorist hot spots
9. Do something about the opioid crisis decimating America
10. Appoint judges who interpret the law as written rather than writing it from the bench
Who will stop this nightmare?
@11:26 AM Mike continues to fall for fake news.
And your own link acknowledges Reagan created more jobs and had better growth.
And not to mentions incomes across the board grew more under Reagan,
"Read the truth once, stoopid fucking wingnut"
Obama had the lowest average economic growth of any post WWII administration.
He stifled the recovery for 8 years. Trump's success proves what a failure Obama was.
Drumpf pardons treasonous traitors
Joder La Resistencia said...
@11:26 AM Mike continues to fall for fake news.
I want to be a Democrat, so that I can be in a permanently deranged state of anger, hatred, agitation - and never having any clue what is actually going on.
Black guy wearing socks while swimming apparently is a threat to a stoopid fucking snowflake. She should be publicly flogged for wasicu wingnut stoopidity
I want to be a Democrat you are too fucking stoopid and inbred to be intelligent and inquisitive. You are already inqusitioned by fake fucking nonsense from fake fucking noize.
Obama had the lowest average economic growth of any post WWII administration.
Obama inherited the worst recession since the dirty 30s and wingnuts did every thing possible politically to stifle that recovery. Even shitheads like you know that is true. Go ask McCTurtle and others how they helped the recovery.
"Drumpf pardons treasonous traitors" (sic)
Great news for those who’ve been unjustly prosecuted via double jeopardy.
I’m deeply relieved for the Hammonds. Their unjust incarceration launched a four year battle cry across the West and America while every rancher displayed great empathy and support.
President Trump DELIVERS again … MAGA
Makes me wish I were still alive.
Stoopid fucking wasicu wasteys weasels opposed the stimulus, not a one voted for it, but several later tried to take credit for services provided to,their constituents.
Obama offered bi-partisanship and tried to work with porch monkey wasicus who wanted nothing to do with making America great again before Drumpfuck made a joke out of it.
White House does not deny secret deal. How many more scandals will it take before wingnuts finally pretend to be Americans first?
Who cares about Brett Kavanaugh? He's just another guy who doesn't deserve all the attention he is going to get.
Chinese-Americans/Canadiens are the worst.
There was no secret deal. LOL.
Trump broke Mike From Iowa...Mike will never be the same.
Joder's been broke. Drumpf stumpf broke. Back right up there, bud and Donnie will show you where Li'l Donnie fits nice and loose because he has a micro dick. Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!
There was no secret deal. LOL. Prove it, green card.
The stoopid doesn't end- https://www.rawstory.com/2018/07/neighbors-call-cops-12-year-old-black-kid-delivering-newspapers/
So now poor women in red states will start dying again from botched abortions, like they did before Roe.
More affluent women and women in blue states will still be able to access safe abortions, so once again Fergus has shat on his own supporters, who have once again proven themselves to be literally suicidally stupid.
-Doug in Oakland
I call the police every time I see a black person. I just had my mail delivered by a black mail carrier, so I called the police. She's being frisked right now.
As prone as they are to criminality, it's only prudent.
dinthebeast said...
"So now poor women in red states will start dying again from botched abortions,"
Huh? Where is abortion illegal?
JUST IN: Mexico building border wall on its own Southern border to combat illegal immigration into its own country.
Fucking racists!
"NATO countries must pay MORE, the United States must pay LESS. Very Unfair!"
He is retarded. NATO isn't a bill to be paid that we pay a higher share of, he's talking about defense spending which he wants to increase, not "must pay LESS".
How he manages not to look up into the rain and drown is a mystery.
-Doug in Oakland
A recent Emerson College ePoll said that most Americans, especially Hispanics, feel that they are better off under President Trump than they were under President Obama.
A recent Emerson College ePoll said that most Americans, especially Hispanics, feel that they are better off under President Trump than they were under President Obama.
And that same poll said you can use the magic beans you bought to pay off your student loans. Dumbass.
Wise Latina got one part of her post right- As prone as they are to criminality, it's only prudent. The cops certainly are prone to criminality, but stoopid fucking wasicu jurors tend to let them criminals go criminal some more- as long as it is blacks-adults and kids getting shot in the back.
So President teen girl tweeter says it's easier to meet with Putin than with our historic allies. Then again he's meeting his Russian handler so there is that.
Whenever I see a black person, it's shoot first and ask questions later. It's only prudent.
Juan Orina said...
JUST IN: Mexico building border wall on its own Southern border to combat illegal immigration into its own country.
Fucking racists!
Care to show any pics of said wall? You forgot to add Obama gave Mexico 75 million to build it.
Anonymous President Whiny Little Bitch said... With Putin, all Drumpf does is suck Putin's dick and spit or swallow. There will be no need for him to talk other than the occasional, "Am I doing this right, Putie?"
And yet the left tells us walls don't work.
This goes with Doug's comment above @ 2:46 https://talkingpointsmemo.com/edblog/how-is-nato-funded-and-why-is-president-trump-trying-to-destroy-it
Hey green card, there is no wall. It is invisible because it does not exist, is not being planned and the US is not paying for the wall that does not work. R U what passes for stoopid fucking wingnut intelligence?
LAUGHING STOCK Germany’s soldiers forced to use BROOMSTICK for a gun as Donald Trump blasts Angela Merkel over NATO spending
The highly embarrassing episode, revealed in a leaked report, is just the beginning of the country's woes as it fights to reverse chronic army shortages
General Harald Kujat, a former chief of staff of the German armed forces, later described it as a "huge embarrassment".
The unit was supposed to be ready to deploy whenever a Nato member was threatened, he warned.
He added: "If that is not the case, then both for Nato, and for the Federal Republic of Germany, this is a huge embarrassment," The Telegraph reported.
Socialism is sooo wonderful.
Elderly Mexican man accidentally bumps into a black woman. She feels 'disrespected' and bashes him in the face with a brick and tells him to go back to Mexico.
Green card left out a few minor, albeit, relevant details. This shortage occurred in 2015 and was rectified shortly thereafter.
Some tin horn dictator wannabe started a couple wars in the Middle East with the largest, most ferocious army ever known to man and promptly ran out of bombs to drop and only one Chokelahoma factory made them.
Nice to see stoopid fucking wingnuts get easily amused about everyone except the clown clusterfuck in the WH.
This is Drumpfuck and his voters in about 3 months.
Fucking wasicu wastey racists pull big swindle to steal black farmers land.
Harry Stine is iowa's only billionaire, or at least the wealthiest iowan. Guarantee he is a wingnut.
Obamacare is a tax.
Wingnuts haven't ever, in over thirty years of frame ups, false accusations, innuendoes and bribery been able to file a single charge against HRC.
So, they know if they file a single charge against the orange perverted, POS in the WH, it would snowball into thousands of felonies against their favorite Russian spook. So they won't chance charging Drumpf for anything. I'd bet they wouldn't charge him for cut and dried, eye witnessed, video taped murder.
HRC, on the other hand is one jay walking charge from being extraordinarily rendered in Saudi Arabia, never to be seen or heard from again.
Veep creep Pence looks exactly like the type of thug you'd find at central casting when looking for a KGB agent for a 60's Bond flick. He looks like he is staring at a live steer deciding which haunch he wants to eat raw. Creepy.
Rumour has it Drumpf has a plan to eliminate one possible wingnut vote against Kavanaugh by hand Alaska over to Putie Pie. Murkowski is slated to start mining in Siberia before confirmation hearings get started.
Out of 113 SC justices only 6 have not been white men.
"Obamacare is a tax."
Yup. That's what Justice Roberts ruled.
Good find. PilotX. I'm gonna go way out on a limb and speculate that the majority of white justices were nominated by wasicu potii. I'm guessing the vast majority of the minority justices were nominated by beautiful Democrat Potii.
White boys got tiny brains and tiny dicks! LOL!
"Out of 113 SC justices only 6 have not been white men."
Out of 28 NBA All-Stars this year, only 3 were not black men.
You do your thing, we'll do ours. That's called teamwork.
Remember Benghazi!!!
Remember Benghazi!!! as another in a long line of fauxknee wingnut lies perpetrated against HRC. Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!
Yisheng = nigger
lilac = cunt
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