"I think one man is just as good as another so long as he's honest and decent and not a n****r or a Chinaman. Uncle Wills says that the Lord made a white man from dust, a n**** from mud, and then threw what was left and it came down a Chinaman. He does hate Chinese and Japs. So do I. It is race prejudice I guess. But I am strongly of the opinion that negroes ought to be in Arica, yellow men in Asia, and white men in Europe and America."
This letter was written in 1911, but other Americans presidents have freely used the n word since. (Including that liberal giant, LBJ) In fact, the most recent documented case of an American president using the n word was Richard Nixon. That was, of course, until Donald trump came along.
In a stunning news conference today, the press secretary said that she could not assure the American people that the president of the United States in 2018 did not recently use the n word. This ought to tell you something: the tape is out there, and it will be released soon. This press secretary lies about everything, but she refused to lie for the president this time. Why?
The president himself tweeted this morning (before calling Omarosa a dog) that he didn't use the n word because Mark Burnett says the tape does not exist. That's like me hitting my wife and when confronted about it, I ask you if you saw me hitting my wife. If you say you didn't see it, then I say I didn't hit her. Why does he need Mark Burnett to assure him that the tape doesn't exist? If he didn't say it he wouldn't even be worried about Mark Burnett and the tape.
Anyway, Omarosa is proving to be a nightmare for team trump, and I suspect that she will not be going away anytime soon.
"President Trump added his former White House aide, Omarosa Manigault Newman, on Tuesday to the growing list of African-Americans he has publicly denigrated on Twitter, calling her “that dog” and a “crazed, crying lowlife” after her allegations against him of mental deterioration and racism.
Even for a president who consistently uses Twitter to assail his adversaries, the morning tweet about Ms. Manigault Newman was a remarkably crude use of the presidential bully pulpit to disparage a woman who once served at the highest levels in his White House.
In an interview on MSNBC, Ms. Manigault Newman responded that Mr. Trump treats women differently than he does men because he “believes they are beneath him” and that he talked in derogatory ways about minorities.
'He has absolutely no respect for women, for African-Americans,” she said.'"
And yet, Omarosa, you worked for him. Even after he peddled that racist lie about the former president for years. (Digression alert.)
Anyway, now we will wait for Melania and Ivanka to put their two cents in and tell us all to "Be Best".
*I'd say it is infinitely worse that Truman held those prejudices in 1911 than that Trump still holds them in the year of our Lord two thousand fucking eighteen.
Meant this the other way around. Worse that Trump holds these views than that Truman did. You get the point.
Drumpf will say whatever he thinks will get him applause which is what he lives and strives for. Who knows if the dumb son of a bitch has any deeply held beliefs other than he is the best at everything. He changes his mind more often than most people change cat litter.
Does anyone really care if Trump used the n-word?
"But I am strongly of the opinion that negroes ought to be in Africa, yellow men in Asia, and white men in Europe and America."
Everyone would be happier.
Everyone would be happier.
Agreed, no one wants to be around white fuckboys like you.
”Does anyone really care if Trump used the n-word?”
In a word, yes.
Admittedly, most people by this point either think Trump is racist and that’s bad, or they think Trump is racist and that’s awesome (even if they stubbornly refuse to use the word “racist” to describe themselves).
But I’m sure there is a small percentage of stupid people who are still in some sort of denial about Trump’s intentions who would finally be given their wake-up call by encountering footage of him spewing racial slurs out loud.
Being racist as it was traditionally defined is a sign of ignorance.
Being "racist" as you fucknuts define is a sign of sanity.
Peter Strzok has increased his GoFundMe goal to $500k. Started at $150k yesterday and was increased to $350k earlier today. Nice gig if you can get it.
The useless douche is getting a half a million (maybe more) for being a dick just because he dislikes Trump.
I hope all of you Trump haters are contributing.
I guess anyone could type Trump when they meant to say Truman.
Lately every time I try to type Putin it comes out Trump the first time.
Litle fuckin cracker ass wh*te fuckbois. Yall aint shit. We fuckin you're woman with are BBC's. Yall our bicthes. Fuckbois. That's my favorite new word.
-Neil Degrasse Tyson Jr.
A Riddle:
How many fuckbois could fuck fuck, if a fuckboi could fuck fuck?
The answer might surprise you.
Nigger nigger nigger nigger. Oh yeah, Chicago.
Yesterday in Field's home state of Pennsylvania a black dude shot eight people in a Wal Mart.
Eight people.
Shot with a gun.
By a black guy.
Words fail me .....
When, exactly, are we going to start addressing the black gun menace in this country?
Does anyone really care if Trump used the n-word?
Racists like you encourage this kind of behavior in politicians. Drumpf is supposedly representing all Americans and the majority of us aren't white racists or Nazis like you stoopid fucking wasicu wastey wingnuts.
Your boy has cemented his place as the worst of the worst presidents ever.
Listen up, racist weasels, there is something to help stop the violence in Chicago and you could chip in a few bucks and less racism you might be forgiven for some of yer hate.
I gave all my money to Peter Strzok.
Look into the spinning ball and repeat after me:
"Trump is a racist"
"Trump is a racist"
"Trump is a racist"
How many times did Obama say cracker??
Your boy has cemented his place as the worst of the worst presidents ever.
8:36 AM
That's Obama....Jimmy Carter is off the hook.
Anonymous Mr. Magico said. Don't go overboard admitting Drumpf is a racist. A hunnert times a day is sufficient.
Drumpfuck the Worst couldn't hold either Carter of Obama's jock. He'd likely sniff them during executive time.
Drumpfuck the Worst couldn't hold either Carter of Obama's jock. He'd likely sniff them during executive time.
10:47 AM
nah, Obama is the pickle sniffer. Trump is too busy trying to repair the country.
To anonymous that said:
"Does anyone really care if Trump used the n-word?"
The answer is yes: I care and so so do millions of other people!
“Being racist as it was traditionally defined is a sign of ignorance.
Being ‘racist’ as you fucknuts define is a sign of sanity.”
Well, all you Nazi trolls seem to believe that an elevated violence rate in the black community means ALL black people should be subject to stop-and-frisk and be subject to being shot without consequence by police officer.
That looks an awful lot like “racism as it was originally defined.”
Your distinction is meaningless. Your racism is a sign of ignorance.
“Peter Strzok has increased his GoFundMe goal to $500k. Started at $150k yesterday and was increased to $350k earlier today. Nice gig if you can get it.
The useless douche is getting a half a million (maybe more) for being a dick just because he dislikes Trump.”
I hope he gets more than that, plus a windfall from a lawsuit against the federal government for wrongful termination. He deserves it, since he was fired just because he dislikes Trump.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
"Your boy has cemented his place as the worst of the worst presidents ever.
8:36 AM
That's Obama....Jimmy Carter is off the hook."
Nope! Up until It was generally agreed that James Buchanan (1857-1861) was the worst president of the United States. He has now been replaced by Donald Trump.
When, exactly, are we going to start addressing the black gun menace in this country?
Really asshole? Let me know when negroes start shooting up entire churches and kill 100 people at a fucking concert. You nazis are amazingly obtuse.
Kinda knew the Florida shooter was a missile looking for a target.
Trump is too busy trying to repair the country. He s using taxpayer bucks to rebuild Russia.He is supposed to be the leader of the US, not Putie's playground.
Blue wave getting larger.
Wow, Huckleberry admitted to lying! This is a first.
Nice dog fearing wingnut phony kristian parents.
In Arizona a man beat a black guy to death for allegedly trying to get into bathroom stall with his daughter. And he wasn't even trans.
"In Arizona a man beat a black guy to death for allegedly trying to get into bathroom stall with his daughter."
This is completely justified. He did us all a favor.
"Well, all you Nazi trolls seem to believe that an elevated violence rate in the black community means ALL black people should be subject to stop-and-frisk and be subject to being shot without consequence by police officer."
An elevated violence rate in the black community means many black people should be demanding stop-and-frisk in their neighborhoods. When crime is such a problem, you should start cooperating more with the people charged with stopping it.
And no one believes black people should be subject to being shot without consequence by police officers. However, BLM sympathizers and kneeling NFL players apparently believe that black criminals should be allowed to violently resist arrest without consequence.
Hold police accountable, but stop making martyrs out of criminals.
"Nazi" is the new n-word.
Incoming Penn State black athlete shot to death in North Philadelphia
One negro dead, four negros injured in Tuesday shootings in Baltimore, police say.
“‘Nazi’ is the new n-word.”
My, you are so oppressed. Why can’t people just judge you by the color of your skin, and not by the content of your (terrible) character? Injustice!
I’m sure everyone feels very bad for you. A fruit basket from black people will be along shortly. Please do hold your breath until it arrives.
"Why can’t people just judge you by the color of your skin?"
When they use the word "Nazi", they are judging by skin color.
When you realize it is the Right that stands for free speech and against war, and the Left that stands for war and against free speech.
Walk Away said. Bullshit. Stoopid fucking wingnuts want hate speech protected and protesters silenced.
old police accountable, but stop making martyrs out of criminals.
You are holding the victims responsible for renegade cops. Cops do not have the right to exacerbate a situation by violating people's rights. How come so many cops remember to turn off body cams before assaulting innocent victims? Why is it allowed for cops to shot to kill unarmed blacks just because they claim they were afraid for their lives? These officers are allegedly trained in hand to hand combat and are armed. What is to be afraid of unless it is the victim's skin color?
Stoopid fucking wingnuts and their git tough on crime has turned cops into scairdy ass pussies who find it easier to shoot innocents than do their jobs.
"When you realize it is the Right that stands for free speech and against war, and the Left that stands for war and against free speech."
The Right aren't for free speech. When minorities/left-wingers make public comments that piss off Fox News viewers, they get bombarded with rape and death threats.
The Right aren't anti-war, either. They are pro-war crime. There is no humanitarian concern about casualties in foreign nations. If another nation threatens our national security, there is fury about sending American troops, who might get killed; right-wingers demand we send nukes instead, and simply vaporize all the "mud people," civilians and combatants alike. Just ask Donald "Fire and Fury" Trump.
Nice job, Sprint.
From the Rude Pundit:
"A couple of further notes here. First, if Omarosa was just begging for a job, Trump had (and, fer fuck's sake, still has) a corporation where he could have hired her. But that wouldn't have achieved the primary objective of being "my African American" while he's in the White House."
-Doug in Oakland
Anon@5:58, that waa 5 people. And the shooter had mental issues. Just taking a page out of the white mass murderer playbook here.☺
Anonymous wrote: "And Truman's beliefs did change over time. He was the first US president to take active action to promote black civil rights. Most notably, he integrated the military. His decisions caused the first fractures in the Democratic coalition, which ultimately led to the white Southern racists all bolting the party and becoming Republicans. In 1948, Strom Thurmond led a breakaway pro-segregation faction of the Democratic Party, the so-called Dixiecrats, to try to capture the presidency away from Truman. When Strom failed, this faction collapsed, for awhile, only to be revived and rip the party apart after the Civil Rights Act of '64."
Thanks for posting truth. But of course wingnuts will deny it all. They hate truth.
Anonymous said. "Trump is too busy trying to repair the country."
Really? Trump couldn't repair a torn paper bag. He is totally incompetent and totally ignorant of how to govern. He doesn't care about repairing the country; he is only interested in making money and being worshiped.
Cop had to handcuff a 10 year old autistic child who tore up tissue and fastballed it at the teacher. Parents did not know until they saw bruises on their child that he had been manhandled on at least 2 occasions. Then they got to see the bodycam tape.
Cum on wingnuts. Defend the indefensible.
He's baaaaaaaaaack!
Only took 65 years for the 2oth century to catch up in Alabama county.
He's baaaaaaaaaack!”
Just wait till he announces that Jesus commands him not to sell cake to blacks and Latinos, either.
Let’s see what kind of mental contortions the Supreme Court wingnuts are forced to engage in to justify that on grounds of “religious freedom.”
Bwahaha! Alex Jones got his radio station taken away, too.
FCC shuts down Alex Jones’ flagship radio station
The world just got slightly less stupid.
Speaking of low IQ's: I can't imagine Melania and Ivanka saying anything intelligent.
One can't speak English and the other can't spell the word and has very limited vocabulary word knowledge.
I always thought that after "mommy" and "daddy"...the third word that white parents teach their children how to say is "nigger."
Such a waste of time on an insignificant word. Black folk flipped the n-word to delegitimize it . In other words; it has no power; nobody cares except this blogger who needs to keep the blog relevant
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