Mr. trump sending signals to his AG via twitter to shut down the Mueller investigation.
Mr. trump thinking that we need our ID cards to go grocery shopping.
The mob of trumpbots attacking Jim Acosta at a rally last night. Someone said that they looked like those mobs that used to attack African Americans back in the fifties and sixties, and they are right.
Another scandal at Ohio State and Jim Jordan is still in Congress.
Sarah Sanders being the world's greatest liar.
Mr. trump averaging almost eight lies per day.
The Nazi flag flying in a public park in Wyoming.
The wingnuts phony war on Christmas crusade has already started.
"Someone said that they looked like those mobs that used to attack African Americans back in the fifties and sixties"
Why go all the way back to before you were born for examples of mob violence? Why just two years ago we had packs of leftists attacking Trump supporters while police watched. In fact, the Ninth Circuit just unanimously voted to let a lawsuit against the City of San Jose and its police department for standing aside as people leaving a Trump rally in San Jose were heinously assaulted by anti-Trump thugs:
It's not your grandfather's country anymore, Field. Get with the program.
trump is gonna get his ass in trouble because he doesn't know the basics of the job. Maybe we'll learn that electing people to shake up things and outsiders doesn't end well. I guess fighting nazis only to have them reappear here is kinda ironic but not surprising. Somebody's gonna get hurt with trump demonizing the media but he's working the refs ahead of his indictment and impeachment. As far as the war on Christmas it'll get worse with Session's little religious liberty pout party. Most of us learned to share in kindergarten but these hard right Christians missed those lessons. If Jesus or Yeshua showed up today they'd call him a socialist who wanted to confiscate your guns and run him out on a rail.😆
Another scandal at Ohio State and Jim Jordan is still in Congress.
The ex-wife of an assistant coach says Urban Meyer knew about abuse allegations she made in 2015. If Meyer knew about this and didn't take it upon himself to be judge, jury and executioner, well, he's literally worse than Hitler.
And as anyone who is proficient in Google might know, Jim Jordan was an assistant wrestling coach with Ohio State University's wrestling program from 1987 to 1995, i.e. he left Ohio State 20 years before this woman said the football coach knew she was abused.
Are you blatantly dishonest or just lazy?
"Mr. trump averaging almost eight lies per day."
Name one.
"Name one."
You know Field provides links to his posts. Don't be obtuse and lazy.
"Someone said that they looked like those mobs that used to attack African Americans back in the fifties and sixties"
Except for the fact the crowd was mixed race and had a group of brothers right up in the front holding a "BLACKS FOR TRUMP" sign. Other than that, just like those mobs in the 50's and 60's.
Someone lied to you, Field.
PilotX said...
"You know Field provides links to his posts. Don't be obtuse and lazy."
How about you, Mr. Airline Pilot. Can you name one lie President Trump has told?
I'm glad Doug is back. I want to ask him about the San Francisco Street Shitters. Are they really better than the 49ers?
"How about you, Mr. Airline Pilot. Can you name one lie President Trump has told?"
Dude, if you can't click on the above link or do an internet search "trump lies" I don't know what to tell you. I know this game, I'll post something and you'll move the goalposts so no either click the link, search or just give up. The choices are yours.
“Mr. trump thinking that we need our ID cards to go grocery shopping.”
Not sure what to make of this.
Is Trump referring to people needing ID to write checks at the grocery?
Or is this more a “Trump has never been inside a grocery” sort of thing? (Because it’s the servants’ job to buy Trump’s steaks and the ketchup he squirts on them like the “short-fingered vulgarian” he is.)
I can hardly wait til 2020 to see the crying pissing and moaning when Trump wins again......
"I'll post something and you'll move the goalposts so no"
Pretty fucking easy, if the guy lies 8 times a day, just to just name one.
I knew you couldn't do it.
"I knew you couldn't do it."
I gave you a couple tips there junior. Do a search, read a few articles and then make a decision. If you don't think trump has told ANY lies then you are not a rational or sane individual. Search around and then we can talk.
If you were a billionaire President, would you be going to fucking Kroger to buy baloney?
Chicago Year 2018 to Date:
Shot & Killed: 277
Shot & Wounded: 1438
Total Shot: 1715
Total Homicides: 331
Rural white America 2018 to date:
OD's: 170,000
Babies sold for meth: 220,000
Showers taken: 17
High school diplomas: 25
Teeth: 7
1) Perhaps now that Mueller has documentation of Fergus' obstructing justice, Fergus is feeling a little uncomfortable about his future.
2) He probably saw that on Fox and Friends.
3) Gee, we whip morons into a frothing frenzy for fun and they do moronic and frenzied shit. Who could have known?
4) Republican slimeballs are pretty slimy all right.
5) I don't see anything great about her or her capacity to lie.
6) It's safest to assume that every word Fergus says is a lie, including it, and, and the.
7) Perhaps it's a Cheney thing?
8) Sorry Fergus, you'll have to come up with a better distraction than that. Maybe weaponized reindeer? They're still coming for your sorry ass.
-Doug in Oakland
Ted Cruz calls trump a liar. He says every word out of his mouth is a lie. Take his word for it.
A very sad story just made the news tonight in San Diego County as a young Muslim girl whose family had fled Syria had settled into El Cajon, California. She was attending Greenfield Middle School. She has been complaining of harassment for the entire year and a half she has been in school, but this week it escalated. As she was walking home, eight to ten middle-schoolers followed her, hurling racist and anti-Muslim insults. They ended up ganging up on her, repeatedly slapping her and pulling her hair.
Teachers, parents and activists are calling on the principal of the school to step down for not doing anything about this situation for over a year. The child is frightened to go to school. She clearly will not be returning to school any time soon.
This makes me particularly sad because for years I have held up my own community as an example of a city where immigrants and refugees are free to live their lives as a vital part of our community. Unfortunately, the East County is home to a slightly more aggresively conservative and xenophobic population. I can't help but blame the bad behavior of these tweens on the rise of Trump and the normalization of bigotry and hatred.
I saw one of the videos on the evening news. Most of the videos have not been released yet. But there was a great deal of shouting and taunting. Utter disgrace.
Can you name one lie President Trump has told? Why, yes I can. Next question stoopid fucking honky.
Poor little snowflakes trying to take away civil rights for Americans are suing San Jose for violating their civil rights. Pussified wasicu wastey stoopid fucking wingnuts.
I am positive the pussies would gratefully accept help from the ACLU if offered, too.
Drumpfuck broke the law again. Ready the firing squad.
Flying Junior said...
"Unfortunately, the East County is home to a slightly more aggresively conservative and xenophobic population"
Yes, they are called Mexicans.
Wow! NYT Hires Sarah Jeong to Editorial Board -- Who Has Twitter Page Littered with Racist Filth:
Sooooo many parallels. Nixon also called his investigation a witch hunt. He also called the media the enemy. I know history repeats itself but damn.
Says the anti-semitic asshole. Back to stormfront with you fuckboi.
Thank Heaven for White People.
Muh dik, muh dik, looks at muh dik..... Moolie Culture. Muh dik, Muh dik, looks at muh dik.....Moolie Science Muh dik, muh dik,....Moolie Literature. Muh dik, muh dik, looks at muh dik......Moolie History. Muh dik, muh dik, looks at muh dik.....Moolie Family Values. Damn, muh dik, muh dik, looks like muh dik been oppressing me for 400 years.
Find it real interesting that Puerto Ricans all of a sudden want to be Americans when they've been protesting for years to become their own sovereign country. Now that Puerto Ricans need handouts they want to be American but they've been protesting against America to the point where they moved the military facilities out of Puerto Rico. How convenient. They use black culture for come up.
Puerto Ricans pretend to be black to get ahead to achieve success. After reaching certain levels of success that's when they claim their Puerto Rican heritage.
The real Puerto Rican movers and shakers are true to them self from the gate
“5) I don't see anything great about her or her capacity to lie.”
Hmmm. Maybe in this case, “great” is meant in the sense of “big,” as in the Great Depression.
That’s at least plausible. I must admit, Suckabee is a pretty huge liar. Although she’s got a long way to go to catch up to her boss, who is the winner and still champion when it comes to overall volume of lies.
“Great” is obviously not meant in the sense of “skillful”; both she and her boss tell flimsy, farcical lies that are easily debunked. However, conmen don’t necessarily tell brilliant lies; they are usually just good at picking their marks. To pull off an audacious hustle, you don’t have to be a genius — even a Very Stable one — you just have to lie to people dumber than you are. And Trumpkins fill the bill perfectly: They’re dumb as hell and, as a bonus, they even want to be lied to, because they don’t particularly like living in reality.
“A sucker is born every minute.” PT Barnum devised Trump’s campaign strategy.
Trump really fooled us. Now we are stuck with economic growth, higher wages, lower taxes, and no more neocon wars.
It's a disaster.
The order declaring the de-funding of sanctuary shitties unconstitutional came from... the Ninth Circus, the same bunch of shitheads that upheld the Hawaii judge's injunction on Trump's travel ban from countries whose people couldn't be vetted properly, and were slapped down by the Supremes.
Here's betting they'll be slapped down again one way or another, either by the SCOTUS or by a clause in a must-pass bill.
In the fifties and sixties, when states and cities refused to enforce federal civil rights laws, Eisenhower and Kennedy sent in the National Guard to enforce them at bayonet point.
Trump should send troops into any sanctuary cities that refuse to enforce federal immigration laws.
Anymoose ejaculated the 9th circus allowed San Jose to e sued for allegedly violating snowflake civil rights, which they, on a minute by minute basis, work to take away from POC.
Here AnyMoosie- https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2017/10/4/16385658/puerto-rico-taxes-hurricane
Puerto Ricans are American citizens and pay taxes just like Anyfuckingmoose claims it does.
Interesting press briefing with each intelligence chief confirming Russia meddled in the last election and continues to do so. Bi-partisan legislation proposed to levy additional sanctions against Russia. Everybody except trump seem to be on the same page.
Whorin Hatch from dumbfuck Utah has lost his mind and memory and is proving to be as big a liar as Drumpfuck and Hump a flea Sanders.
Someone has got some 'splaining to do.
Black woman shoots estranged hubby who has a record of domestic violence and she faces murder charges because...............
"Because Puerto Rico is a U.S. territory, only government employees pay federal income tax. All other employers and employees pay no federal income taxes."
Mexico has meddled in our elections and our immigration law for decades. Wonder why the Dimocraps don't talk about THAT? Oh, right... it works to THEIR advantage.
Obama FEMA appointee Corey Coleman.......Bwahahahahahaha The Magic Mulatto strikes out yet again.
But st5oopid fucking wingnuts did not want it to succeed so they sabotaged it every way they could come up with.
Obamacare is a huge failure. just like everyone knew it would be.
So the goddamn Russian trolls are swarming again. Three different sites so far today, none of which are any higher traffic that this one, so you can sort of figure they must be everywhere.
Some of 'em are hilarious, though, but I still wish they'd all go fuck themselves.
-Doug in Oakland
From that shrinking violet lefty site FORBES.
This homie was catfishing men with his girlfriend's nude pics. And shock of all shocks he's a Republican. There are certainly some weird ass mofos in the gop.😂
If one Republican is a weird ass mofo all weird ass mofos are Republican.
dinthebeast said...
"So the goddamn Russian trolls are swarming again."
Doug's world.
From Karoli at Crooks and Liars:
"Jim Jordan and his cabal of enablers has now widened to include former OSU wrestling coach Russ Hellickson, who reached out to at least two of the accusers to encourage them to recant their stories about Jordan failing to act on their reports of sexual abuse by the team doctor.
NBC News has the story and screengrabs of the text messages:
Yetts said Hellickson also called him later on July 4 and said he was under pressure from Jordan, who was an assistant wrestling coach at the university from 1986 to 1994, and from Jordan's supporters to make “a bold statement to defend Jimmy.”
“He said, 'I will defend Jimmy until I have to put my hand on a Bible and be asked to tell the truth, then Jimmy will be on his own,'” Yetts said in an interview this week, recalling his conversation with Hellickson. “I told him, 'I’m going to contradict you, coach, because I’m telling the truth.'”"
-Doug in Oakland
Anonymous progtard said...
Trump really fooled us. Now we are stuck with economic growth, higher wages, lower taxes, and no more neocon wars.
It's a disaster.
Yes, Progtard, it is a disaster.
1. Economic growth for how long? Trumps tariff campaign will soon result in a recession.
2. My taxes were not lowered by much.
3. No higher wages for me either.
4. No neocon wars? Only threats of wars. After All, John Bolton is Secretary of State.
Meanwhile Trump is decimating environmental protection laws, reaping millions of dollars by flaunting his disregard for rules against accepting "anything of value" from foreigners, and lying every time he opens his mouth.
How much might workers have benefited if companies had devoted their financial resources to them rather than to shareholders? Lowe’s, CVS, and Home Depot could have provided each of their workers a raise of $18,000 a year, the report found. Starbucks could have given each of its employees $7,000 a year, and McDonald’s could have given $4,000 to each of its nearly 2 million employees.
Until douchbag Ronnie Raygun became Potus korps couldn't buy back their own stock.
People are calling for Urban Meyer's head as OSU head football coach since he knew of ass't coaches wife beatings and did nothing about it.
Screwdy Rudy, who has to be one dumb son of a bitch for a lawyer, claimed Drumpfuck's order to Sessions to shut down Mueller was an opinion not a command. Dang it sounded like a direct order to my aging ears and eyes. But what the heck, with this administration nothing is ever as it seems.
"That’s at least plausible. I must admit, Suckabee is a pretty huge liar. Although she’s got a long way to go to catch up to her boss, who is the winner and still champion when it comes to overall volume of lies."
Yes, but she is trying hard to catch him.
"Obamacare is a huge failure. just like everyone knew it would be."
That is only in the fake world where most of you trumpbots reside. Most Americans are fine with Obamacare.
"If one Republican is a weird ass mofo all weird ass mofos are Republican."
Oh come on bro, Dennis Hastert, that one dude in Florida whom I'm too lazy right now to search, Michelle Bachman's obviously gay husband, Mike Pence who can't attend a party without his wife, ect. Trust me man, don't play obtuse, it ain't just one. Foley, can't remember his first name.
PilotX, his first name is Mark. And you are right; about 90 percent of the time the weird dudes are members of the GOP.
Yeah, old Mark Foley. He was diddling little boys if I remember correctly.
Actually, Foley was interested in 17-18 year old male House Pages if memory serves.
Same thing.
mike from iowa said...
Actually, Foley was interested in 17-18 year old male House Pages if memory serves.
Google Gerry Studds you ignorant motherfuckers.
"Google Gerry Studds you ignorant motherfuckers."
And let's talk about the king of the weird muther fuckers, that fuck down in Georgia who got tricked into pulling down his pants and yelling America on tv. Wow, genius alert.
Perhaps the 'trick' on CNN , from Columbus Ohio, was auditioning for a role on Love and Hip Hop Political addition.
CALLL GIRL kolkata
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