First, the president of the United States just went full white nationalist for all the world to see. If there was any doubt that Mr. trump was a racist before, there certainly can't be any now.
Maybe this is why 60 year old white men are urinating on 5 year old black girls and calling them the N- word.
Then there is trump's Pecker problem.(I couldn't resist) Just think, there is an entire safe full of trump dirt hidden in a a National Inquirer office somewhere. *Popcorn*
And let's not forget trump and his peeps threatening to revolt if he is impeached.
Let me know what else is on your mind.
Michelle Obama, the most famous anti-democrat, whose family was very involved in politics. Her father , Fraser Robinson, worked a precinct captain. In turn, Mayor Daley's corrupt Democratic machine gave him a low-paying job as a city pump operator. Mr. Robinson suffered with multiple sclerosis, according to Michelle, however, he never complained about his condition. Michelle despised Chicago's corrupt Democratic politics because it the deck was stacked against black Chicagoans. Mr. Robinson did not receive raises and promotions customary white precinct captains. The democrats treated her father, an other blacks, like a second -class citizens. So embarrassed , Michelle she never disclosed to her close friend, Santita Jackson, Rev Jesse Jackson's, Sr daughter, her father's job as a precinct captain. The moral of the story, the real racist starts with a D ends with a t. Be sure to fact check or research the facts you might just learn a thing or two about politicians you black folk put in office.
Obama's Contribution to the Black Community
• Appointed NO Black American to the US Supreme Court
• Betrayed the one who put him on the map, Oprah
• As a state senator, Obama blocked a bill that stopped late term "Live Birth Abortions" while late term babies died in the state's hospitals
• Signed legislation so as to assist illegal immigrant children (the DREAM ACT)
• Refuse , as president, to intervene on behalf of the most vulnerable citizens, who were being slaughtered in Chicago
• Backstabbed , never repaying the one who taught him the art of public speaking, Jesse, Jackson
• Threw Jeremiah Wright, Obama's 'father' figure/mentor, under the buss -- JW is still wearing those buss parts
• Legalized homosexual marriage
• Obama the consummate wolf in sheep clothing
• Obama used the entire black community to launch his is personal agenda and never acknowledge his debt to the black community.
Think of it as eminent domain Butt Trumpet ... like when you want to build a golf course ... or a wall
Can't be mad at Michelle for pimping the dems the same way the dems pimp black folk.
Butt Trumpet and his fellow micro dick white boys are going to see lots of losing in November.
Trump supporters like to talk and act tough, but in reality they are cowards.
Chinese-Americans number less than blacks, yet we succeed academically while you people shoot each other in your ghettoes.
So once again trump tweets false racist BS and no one calls him out on it, great. Didn't read about old white R. Kelly but for his sake I hope he got arrested before the little girl's family gets hold of him. With all his "friends" flipping on him trump can't be long for the office. I guess it'll be President Pense unless of course the Dems regain the House and Mikie gets indicted for something and then say hello to President Pelosi! I can dream right?
Anonymous said...
" Michelle Obama, the most famous anti-democrat, whose family was very involved in politics."
Obviously, you have no reliable sources to support your smear of Michelle Obama and her family. Otherwise you would have posted it. No one with half a brain believes you.
Anonymous said...
"Obama's Contribution to the Black Community"
Here is my continuing response:
18. Passed Mini Stimuli: To help families hurt by the recession and spur the economy as stimulus spending declined, signed series of measures (July 22, 2010; December 17, 2010; December 23, 2011) to extend unemployment insurance and cut payroll taxes.
19. Began Asia “Pivot”: In 2011, reoriented American military and diplomatic priorities and focus from the Middle East and Europe to the Asian-Pacific region. Executed multipronged strategy of positively engaging China while reasserting U.S. leadership in the region by increasing American military presence and crafting new commercial, diplomatic, and military alliances with neighboring countries made uncomfortable by recent Chinese behavior.
20. Increased Support for Veterans: With so many soldiers coming home from Iraq and Iran with serious physical and mental health problems, yet facing long waits for services, increased 2010 Department of Veterans Affairs budget by 16 percent and 2011 budget by 10 percent. Also signed new GI bill offering $78 billion in tuition assistance over a decade, and provided multiple tax credits to encourage businesses to hire veterans.
21. Tightened Sanctions on Iran: In effort to deter Iran’s nuclear program, signed Comprehensive Iran Sanctions, Accountability, and Divestment Act (2010) to punish firms and individuals who aid Iran’s petroleum sector. In late 2011 and early 2012, coordinated with other major Western powers to impose sanctions aimed at Iran’s banks and with Japan, South Korea, and China to shift their oil purchases away from Iran.
22. Created Conditions to Begin Closing Dirtiest Power Plants: New EPA restrictions on mercury and toxic pollution, issued in December 2011, likely to lead to the closing of between sixty-eight and 231 of the nation’s oldest and dirtiest coal-fired power plants.
23. Passed Credit Card Reforms: Signed the Credit Card Accountability, Responsibility, and Disclosure Act (2009), which prohibits credit card companies from raising rates without advance notification, mandates a grace period on interest rate increases, and strictly limits overdraft and other fees.
24. Eliminated Catch-22 in Pay Equality Laws: Signed Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act in 2009, giving women who are paid less than men for the same work the right to sue their employers after they find out about the discrimination, even if that discrimination happened years ago. Under previous law, as interpreted by the Supreme Court in Ledbetter v. Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co., the statute of limitations on such suits ran out 180 days after the alleged discrimination occurred, even if the victims never knew about it.
Madonna and Donald Trump are ideologically opposite, but they are both prime examples of white people fucking up black people's accomplishments.
From this day forward all white people shall be known as WhyPeople.
"Obviously, you have no reliable sources to support your smear of Michelle Obama and her family. Otherwise you would have posted it."
Sounds like excerpts from Michelle Malkin's book.
"Created Conditions to Begin Closing Dirtiest Power Plants"
Which will soon be overturned by the trump Administration.
1) The only doubts were among the uninformed and the deranged, the former were never a large cohort because of Fergus' crusade of self-promotion, and the latter are impervious to contradictory information.
Some genuine doubts have probably been erased, but those aren't the people this reality show is targeted at anyway, so they don't think they have to care.
They are wrong about that.
2) He may not have arrived at that particular perversion in his assault without the pee pee president for inspiration, but who knows what possibly even worse barbarities he would have decided upon when he snapped without it.
3) Pecker has flipped and is cooperating under an immunity deal along with his top executive for content production or some such horse shit. Immunity is important here because all of those catch-and-kill operations were, among other things, in kind campaign contributions that otherwise would have Pecker and the president in a pickle of their own creation.
4) Too late, they're already revolting and he hasn't even been charged yet.
-Doug in Oakland
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Fuck the gooks and chinks!
Mueller's witch hunt and the trophies he has hung on the wall.
Field said.
"And let's not forget trump and his peeps threatening to revolt if he is impeached."
We are not going to live under the threat of right-wing bullies. We all know how well it turned out for them last time.
Blogger PilotX said...
"Obviously, you have no reliable sources to support your smear of Michelle Obama and her family. Otherwise you would have posted it."
"Sounds like excerpts from Michelle Malkin's book."
How so, PilotX? My post was in response to a smear against Michelle Obama and her family. Michelle Malkin is a conservative; I am a progressive liberal.
Congratulation you've won the covenant award an now YOU are the dumbest Mufocker in American!
All you none believers of the truth teller gone on remain dumb, blind and stupid ; denial is NOT a river in northeastern Africa.
@Nicholas Shields--thanks for sharing valuable info I'm beleive the FBI/CIA will find very useful.
Be sure your cmpany obtains a Court Order before proceeding
mike from iowa said...
" http://juanitajean.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/wpnan180823.gif
Mueller's witch hunt and the trophies he has hung on the wall."
Mike, I went to the site you posted and almost fell of my chair laughing. Thanks.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
"Congratulation you've won the covenant award an now YOU are the dumbest Mufocker in American!"
To whom is this post addressed?
Field said"
"First, the president of the United States just went full white nationalist for all the world to see. If there was any doubt that Mr. trump was a racist before, there certainly can't be any now."
It's difficult for me to see how Trump could be anything but a racist after he insisted that Obama was not born in the United States. If one tracks Trump's verbal diarrhea, one can see a clear pattern of racism and sexism.
Trump's record is clear. All one has to do is Google the topic.
Obamacrimes-what there is of it is pure bullshit fiction.
Anonymous YellowMONEY said...bullshit. Chinese Triads in America are serious murdering scum and they belong to you.
"How so, PilotX? My post was in response to a smear against Michelle Obama and her family."
No, you asked anon for a source and it was most likely from Malkin's book as she was the go to conservative woman during the Barack administration. She wrote an entire book distorting Michelle's accomplishments.
The Trump Organization CFO has now been granted legal immunity in return for testimony.
Hmmm ... against whom will he be testifying? Can we predict?
The noose is tightening around Agent Orange. I guess we should expect some heavy rage-tweeting today. Do you think "witch hunt" will be in lowercase or all caps this time? Three exclamation points, or four?
Drumpf's Saudi buddies killed 22 moar kids in Yemen today. Most likely with another US guided bomb.
> It's difficult for me to see how Trump could be anything but a racist after he insisted that Obama was not born in the United States.
It's difficult for me to see how Hillary could be anything but a racist after she insisted that Obama was not born in the United States, way back in 2008.
But it's different for libturds, who have trouble seeing anything at all that they're not being spoon-fed by their masters.
Nice guy, what?
There is no record that Clinton herself or anyone within her campaign ever advanced the charge that Obama was not born in the United States. A review by our fellow fact-checkers at Factcheck.org reported that no journalist who investigated this ever found a connection to anyone in the Clinton organization.
Clinton, herself, answered this very accusation after Trump's tweet during an interview with CNN’s Don Lemon. Lemon asked Clinton if she started smear campaigns that Obama was born outside the United States.
"That is – no. That is so ludicrous, Don. You know, honestly, I just believe that, first of all, it’s totally untrue, and secondly, you know, the president and I have never had any kind of confrontation like that," Clinton said. "You know, I have been blamed for nearly everything, that was a new one to me."
Of course, it isn't Ron Paul's fault.
So the national enquirer has the pee pee tapes?
If the National Enquirer says they have the "pee tapes" I have a bridge to sell ya cheap.....
Not Asians!!!
So the CFO of the Trump Organization is cooperating with prosecutors under an immunity deal.
The wood chipper of justice proceeds.
-Doug in Oakland
Absolute best recent newspaper headline, from the NY Daily News:
I predict an unending succession of dick jokes.
On a slightly more serious note, some of these tabloid publications appear to be even sleazier than I had previously thought. Allowing the subjects of unflattering articles (such as Trump, many times) to pay for said articles NOT to be published is beyond trashy and unethical.
PilotX said...'
"How so, PilotX? My post was in response to a smear against Michelle Obama and her family."
"No, you asked anon for a source and it was most likely from Malkin's book as she was the go to conservative woman during the Barack administration. She wrote an entire book distorting Michelle's accomplishments."
Oh, sorry; I thought you meant I was talking like Malkin.
Thanks for the tip. I've never read any of her stuff, so I didn't know that she had attacked Michell Obama in a book.
"Pecker's past practice puts POTUS in a pickle, precludes Pulitzer"
gets my vote.
-Doug in Oakland
Anonymous said...
"It's difficult for me to see how Hillary could be anything but a racist after she insisted that Obama was not born in the United States, way back in 2008."
Please quote me the source of you claim that "Hillary insisted that Obama was not born in the United States." As I recall, Hillary never said a word of that. However, she did give a lukewarm response when asked if Obama was a Christian. Have a nice day.
"SWALWELL: The President right now is facing legal liability on multiple fronts and not just criminally, but also civilly. And now tonight this news shows that much of the liability is also pardon proof and with investigators closing in on his family, on his businesses, on his campaign and his administration officials, the best thing is just come clean with the American people, to sit down with Bob Mueller... because a lying President, an obstructing President, a witness tampering President is a weak President. I don't think he could continue to lead with all these clouds circling around his private businesses and the White House."
I don't think what he's done so far could be truthfully called leading in the first place.
-Doug in Oakland
Bait truck catches black thieves causes controversy:
"Please quote me the source of you claim that "Hillary insisted that Obama was not born in the United States." As I recall, Hillary never said a word of that. However, she did give a lukewarm response when asked if Obama was a Christian. Have a nice day."
he is not,he is Muslim.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Bait truck catches black thieves causes controversy:
Old story. Try to keep up.
"Oh, sorry; I thought you meant I was talking like Malkin.
Thanks for the tip. I've never read any of her stuff, so I didn't know that she had attacked Michell Obama in a book."
Michelle Malkin is a nasty little protege/creation of unlamented ex-Fox News gropester Bill "Falafel" O'Reilly.
This blog has its "House Negro of the Day" listing. But if there is such a thing as a "House Asian," then Michelle Malkin is it. She has defended the racist internment of Japanese-Americans during WWII as a sensible idea.
She quit O'Reilly's show after getting into a spat with Fox's "House Latino" Geraldo Rivera (aka the guy who thinks if you're brown and make the mistake of wearing a hoodie, the cops are right to assume you're a criminal).
This is what passes for news from stoopid fucking wingnuts- https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/minneapolis-mayor-muslim-sacrifice/
They claim Minneapolis mayor cancelled 4th of July fireworks but allowed a Muslim animal sacrifice in football stadium. And you know there are millions of goobers out there that believe this is gospel.
Obama is not Muslim. You, though, are s dumbfuck!
@ Gambler2 ASKA White Woman
Don't expect to be validated by any sensible Black American posting on this blog. You are trying too hard to win the approval of the people everyone knows you hate; not happening. It's a black thing you'll never understand so stop trying ; you just don't get it.
Some little colored girl must taken Anymoose's lunch money when he was a kid. He can't let it go. Wait til he realizes his ancestry is Black on his Mother's side. Bwahahahahahahahahahahaha!
Anonymous Anonymous said...
@ Gambler2 ASKA White Woman
"Don't expect to be validated by any sensible Black American posting on this blog. You are trying too hard to win the approval of the people everyone knows you hate; not happening. It's a black thing you'll never understand so stop trying ; you just don't get it."
Hey anonymous, why don't you grow a pair and post with a screen name? And you know nothing about me. If you did, you would know that I don't give a shit about your opinion of me. And by-the-way Field has said nothing about prohibiting white people from posting here.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
"Michelle Malkin is a nasty little protege/creation of unlamented ex-Fox News gropester Bill "Falafel" O'Reilly.
"This blog has its "House Negro of the Day" listing. But if there is such a thing as a "House Asian," then Michelle Malkin is it. She has defended the racist internment
of Japanese-Americans during WWII as a sensible idea."
She quit O'Reilly's show after getting into a spat with Fox's "House Latino" Geraldo Rivera (aka the guy who thinks if you're brown and make the mistake of wearing a hoodie, the cops are right to assume you're a criminal).
Thank you. I never watch FOX News. I found out about her yesterday after Googling her name.
How phucking bad was Drumpfuck the dumbfuck's week? Senator McCain has stopped treatments for brain cancer and Drumpf soon won't have his favorite POW to kick around no more. Of course Drumpfuck will make McCain's death all about himself and the phony witch hunt against him because the dumb fucker don't know any better.
Cadet Bone Spurs will probably demand all of McCain's medals for himself.
"You are trying too hard to win the approval of the people everyone knows you hate"
Who do you hate and who's approval are you trying to win?
Senator McCain has stopped treatments for brain cancer and Drumpf soon won't have his favorite POW to kick around no more.
McStain has stopped treatments for cancer and soon the governor of Arizona will be able to appoint an actual American to the seat still occupied by His Traitorship. That appointment will last until at least 2021. Ha ha ha!
"soon the governor of Arizona will be able to appoint an actual American to the seat still occupied by His Traitorship. That appointment will last until at least 2021. Ha ha ha!"
and this ladies and gentlemen is your Republican Party. Ugh.
So pee pee man has a love child too? NOT SURPRISED!!
THE most illegitimate pun intended, POTUS in the history of the world!
The gambler says...
=I found out about her yesterday after Googling her name.-
I bet you do this for just about everything.
That's why she doesn't understand the truth of the entire political matter...Michelle pimped the democrats; Barack pimped pastors/black churches (legislating everything contrary to their beliefs).
Police/prosecutors have released the man accused of peeing on a 5-year-old and calling her racial slurs.
It turns out that, actually, some other kid is the one who peed on her, and she and her brothers made up a story about it being an older, racist white man who did it. (I had wondered how the cops had so easily found this man alleged to have done it. It appears that they just pulled a “round up the usual suspects” and dragged the nearest registered sex offender into the station.)
So what would Jesus do?
Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven;...Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?...I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me,ye that work iniquity.
Matthew 7:21-23
Hillz, you are in for it now. Drumpfuck the dumbfuck-the world's greatest negotiator and guy who is smarter than his lawyers and doctors and generals claims he will investigate you hizownself. Be very afraid......you'll die laughing at this bumbling stoopid fucking moron.
The last day of Gambler2
"Shitavious, you're not supposed to be talking to gang members. You're here to get away from that so you don't get yourself killed. Now put that phone down or I'm taking it away."
"Shut up you old white bitch. Imma do what I wanna do and no honky great-grandma gonna tell me no."
"Shitavious, remember whose house this is. You are disrespecting..."
The punch came too fast and hard for her to block even if she'd been expecting it. She fell to the floor, gasping. Within seconds Shitavious had duct-taped her mouth, then he bound her to a chair and proceeded to beat her to a bloody pulp. Her last thought, coming through the agony, was "at least I wasn't a racist."
The End.
Anonymous said"
=I found out about her yesterday after Googling her name.-
"I bet you do this for just about everything."
I do use Google quite a bit because I like to have factual data when I post. However much of what I post is what I know from memory. I've been around a while. For example I remember D-Day very well, the death of John f. Kennedy, the Vietnam war, the moon walk in 1969, the fall of the Berlin Wall, the election of Barack Obama etc.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
"The last day of Gambler2"
"Shitavious, you're not supposed to be talking to gang members. You're here to get away from that so you don't get yourself killed. Now put that phone down or I'm taking it away."
"Shut up you old white bitch. Imma do what I wanna do and no honky great-grandma gonna tell me no."
"Shitavious, remember whose house this is. You are disrespecting..."
The punch came too fast and hard for her to block even if she'd been expecting it. She fell to the floor, gasping. Within seconds Shitavious had duct-taped her mouth, then he bound her to a chair and proceeded to beat her to a bloody pulp. Her last thought, coming through the agony, was "at least I wasn't a racist."
The End.
LOL. I hope you are having fun making a fool over yourself while predicting my demise. Very creative - first hanging me from a lamp post and now beating me to death!
And by-the-way, if you come calling, it won't be a phone you'll be asking me to put down; it will be my two friends: Smith&Wesson. But unfortunately it will be too late for you because my friends will have already spoken.
Pee pee man speaks at 4th grade level, lowest in Presidential history!
Okay, guys, Bad Lip Reading has done a parody of a typical White House press briefing with Suckabee.
Unfortunately, the real press briefings are every bit as worthless as the parody: non-stop abuse of the press and absolutely no truthful information imparted.
Anonymous Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said.. Never fear stoopid fucking wingnut threats. It is always someone else has to do the deed because these cretins are gutless fucking wonders that roam in packs.
mike from iowa said: " Never fear stoopid fucking wingnut threats."
Thanks, MIke. I don't fear them. I may be an old woman, but I am heavily armed and I do know how hit a target. And I know quite a bit about white supremacists because I am a long-time supporter of the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC).
Have a lovely day!
Trump and his buddies are going all-in on the Mollie Tibbetts story.
Trump, of course, is talking about it at every available opportunity.
His chubby, evil surrogate Newt Gingrich says, “If Mollie Tibbetts is a household name by October, Democrats will be in deep trouble. If we can be blocked by Manafort-Cohen, etc, then GOP could lose [the] House badly.”
In other words, to counter (accurate) perceptions that Trump is a crook who’s surrounded himself with a crew of other crooks, the GOP should go even more racist than they already have been.
“Mexicans are rapists” should be upgraded to “Mexicans are murderers.”
A top Republican fund-raiser whose firm works for several prominent immigration hardliners is the partial owner of the land where the Mexican man accused of killing Iowa college student Mollie Tibbetts lived rent-free, a farm spokeswoman said.
Nicole Schlinger has long been a key fund-raiser and campaign contractor for GOP politicians in Iowa and beyond, including this cycle for Texas Sen. Ted Cruz and Virginia Senate candidate Corey Stewart.
How do you like that, the landowner works for immigrant hardliners and allows immigrants to work her land.
Notice how quickly Drumpfuck grasps any straw from any stoopid fucking wingnut that claims he has not committed a single crime? This POS is so delusional and so fucking stoopid it is a wonder he can breathe on his own. And his lawyer/advisors aren't doing him any favors by flapping their gums and opining on every subject every day.
Stoopid fucking wingnuts newest advance in attacking women's rights? Nothing says I love you like strange bullet holes in yer vehicle. Prolly not too successful picking women up, either, would be my best guess.
No comment.
No good deeds by Obama go unpunished by Dumbfuck Drumpfuck.
> And by-the-way, if you come calling, it won't be a phone you'll be asking me to put down
If I wanted you dead, I'd just infiltrate the social media of your teenaper descendants and tell their friends that you have a lot of really nice gold and diamond jewelry. They'd do the job more likely than not.
> I am heavily armed and I do know how hit a target.
Does the name George Zimmerman ring any bells? You shoot a teenaper, even in self-defense, and YOU become the target.
The Urban Institute found that in “stand your ground” states, when white shooters kill black people, 34 percent of the resulting homicides are deemed justifiable. Only 3 percent of deaths are ruled justifiable when the shooter is black and the victim is white. Even when black shooters kill black people, those shootings are less likely to be deemed justifiable in a court of law than those involving white shooters who kill white people.
Equal justice under the law. Riiiiight.
“The Urban Institute found that in ‘stand your ground’ states, when white shooters kill black people, 34 percent of the resulting homicides are deemed justifiable. Only 3 percent of deaths are ruled justifiable when the shooter is black and the victim is white. Even when black shooters kill black people, those shootings are less likely to be deemed justifiable in a court of law than those involving white shooters who kill white people."
I’d be interested to hear the figures for non-“stand your ground” states. I’m guessing the racial disparity in rulings on self-defense probably isn’t that different.
I suspect it’s the prejudice of police/prosecutors/judges/juries that is the major factor, not the wording of the law.
White House doesn't cover up the fact that Drumpf's crooks are using and have used taxpayer funded trips for political purposes. But HRC had emails.
It is a felony for John Public to kill a K-9 animal.
Courts slap drumpf's little orange fingers some mora.
Melanoma's new American citizen Dad was a member og Yugoslavian's Secret Police which might be grounds to revoke his new citizenship.
"Only 3 percent of deaths are ruled justifiable when the shooter is black and the victim is white."
That's because black people in general are really stupid with guns. They do things like killing an unarmed kid walking his dog who was trying to cross the driveway the black was exiting in his vehicle.
"Even when black shooters kill black people, those shootings are less likely to be deemed justifiable in a court of law than those involving white shooters who kill white people."
You have trouble understanding "really stupid with guns", don't you? Also race hatred. That black serial killer in KC who killed 6 whites wasn't all that rare an example. Of course the media buried that story pronto.
That's because black people in general are really stupid with guns.
And you know this, how? Russia/NRA contact you with talking points? Maybe it was dead Breitbart? Maybe Fake Noize? Chances are you pulled this out of yer ass. Yer average stoopid fucking wasicu wastey will shoot him/herself several times over the course of a single Fake Noize whine fest. Then brag about their marksmanship.
Well, we knew Drupfuck was illegitimate even before he stole the election. This only confirms what was pretty common knowledge. The problem is getting stoopid fucking wingut congressmen to start the impeachment ball rolling.
"And you know this, how?"
From them live-streaming themselves being stupid wtih guns and getting shot.
(I would love to have the original on this but YouTube either deleted it or made it really hard to find.)
Anonymous Anonymous said...
> "And by-the-way, if you come calling, it won't be a phone you'll be asking me to put down
If I wanted you dead, I'd just infiltrate the social media of your teenaper descendants and tell their friends that you have a lot of really nice gold and diamond jewelry. They'd do the job more likely than not.
> I am heavily armed and I do know how hit a target.
Does the name George Zimmerman ring any bells? You shoot a teenaper, even in self-defense, and YOU become the target."
LOL. My, You have quite an imagination! My only teenage descendant doesn't do social media. And I have no intention of shooting a teenager. ROTF.
Why don't you give up and stop trying to intimidate me? Try to be a nicer person. Don't you know that hating others is bad for you? It hurts you much more than it hurts the people you hate. Have a nice day.
That's because black people in general are really stupid with guns.
You mean like letting your toddler play with your gun and accidentally shoot you? Oh that's right, that was a white person. Or how about letting your ten year old shoot an automatic rifle and kill the firearms Instructor, oh yeah that's right that was a white person.
Yup, she's white.
Threw Jeremiah Wright, Obama's 'father' figure/mentor, under the buss -- JW is still wearing those buss parts
Ok, this is absolute proof whites are not the superior race. This imbecile can't even spell bus. Jesus, these sister fucking methheads are really stooooopid.
Why don't you give up and stop trying to intimidate me? Try to be a nicer person. Don't you know that hating others is bad for you? It hurts you much more than it hurts the people you hate. Have a nice day.
Those threats are a bit too specific for mi tastes. Maybe the blog owner can find an IP address or something.
I was never much of a John McCain fan, but I do appreciate the last consequential act of his political career when he saved the health insurance of millions of Americans while simultaneously saying fuck you to Fergus.
It doesn't make up for Palin, but it was the right thing to do, and I applaud him for it.
Best wishes to his creepy-ass family during their time of grief.
-Doug in Oakland
RIP John McCain, the LAST Rethug I've EVER voted for.
@Doug, if you don't think saving your health insurance makes up for choosing Palin as a running mate, maybe you should think about what you'd do without it right NOW.
Rest in Peace Senator McCain. He was a passionate warrior for what he believed in.
Dear anonymous who said the following:
"Those threats are a bit too specific for mi tastes. Maybe the blog owner can find an IP address or something."
What threats? You threatened to kill me and hang me from a light post. Then you suggested you would be involved in beating me to death. LOL! I didn't threaten you. I just let you know that I am armed. Have a nice night.
See, I haven't forgotten how hard he fought against me getting it in the first place. I don't hold that against him personally too much, it comes with the territory of being a Republican, even an occasionally semi-decent Republican such as he was.
That's what made his thumbs down such a statement, the fact that he was a Republican. It's just normal, expected behavior from non-Republicans, but amounted to high treason against the Republican party from an actual, elected, Republican senator.
He did have a certain grace that isn't too common in politics, but how he could remain in a party that ratfucked him out of the nomination in 2000 is beyond me.
There are no Republicans like him any more, and until there are, the party will remain too dysfunctional to actually govern.
-Doug in Oakland
"It doesn't make up for Palin"
yeah but for Palin we might not have had 8 years of Barack. Thank gods for small favors.
I don't know, Barack in 2008 got the most votes ever cast for a presidential candidate. There was a fairly massive anti-Bush backlash after the Iraq war, Katrina, and the worst financial crisis in modern history.
And I don't know how much stock I put in the "Palinization" of GOP politics, I kind of see it as having already been heading that way, but she was a high enough profile failure-in-waiting to cement the trend.
Also, as much as I bag on Republicans, I really, really, want them to get their shit together and become a functional governing party again. They are half of our political system, and I don't see the two party system going anywhere any time soon.
Historically, circumstances now are similar to the last party turn over, when the Whigs petered out and there was a spasm of nativism and xenophobia in the rise of the Know Nothings that gave way to the birth of the Republican party.
That era didn't end well, and I'd like to avoid any similar outcomes this time by simply repairing what we already have instead of mass bloodshed and insurrection.
-Doug in Oakland
What threats?
I meant the threats against you. The blog owner maybe could find the IP address of the person threatening you.
> Don't you know that hating others is bad for you?
Why do you hate white people so much, that you've done so much to force them to share space with violent savages instead of living in peace by themselves? And no, I don't care that YOU knew a good one. The vast majority of them are anything but good. The ethnic cleansing of Detroit, including many brutal murders, is proof of this even if you refuse to admit it.
> Try to be a nicer person
You first. Oops, it's about 4 decades too late for that.
> I meant the threats against you.
If you follow the links in the original you'll see that the savage who murdered his great-grandmother also regretted that he failed to kill his own mother. He's black, of course. Blacks are the real threat.
Why won't you allow white people the choice of living WITHOUT blacks?
"Also, as much as I bag on Republicans, I really, really, want them to get their shit together and become a functional governing party again."
You mean "be run by the same interests that run the Democrat half of the uniparty." The American public is sick and tired of that. This is why Trumpslide 2020 is a thing.
"They are half of our political system, and I don't see the two party system going anywhere any time soon."
For the last 50 years they've played the Washington Generals to the D̶e̶m̶o̶c̶r̶a̶t̶ communist Globetrotters, playing to lose. Now we have a genune opposition party. Us Americans welcome your freakouts.
Doug Ducey (R) appoints McCain's successor. I bet Trump has already discussed this matter with him. Kelli Ward nearly knocked off McCain in the last primary, she would be an excellent choice. Joe Arpaio would be a real ideological thumb in the eye to the left, but he's too old.
Kelli Ward is in bed with white racists. Exactly the kind if stoopid fucking wingnut stoopid fucking wingnuts would love to have on board. Anything wingnuts can do to start a race war, they will do it. And then whine like little bitches when they get hurt. Then of course they blame the proud Democratic party for not saving them from themselves and their racist stoopidity.
McCain dies. What does Fake Noize report? http://www.foxnews.com/us/2018/08/25/mollie-tibbetts-quarterback-brother-rolls-up-touchdowns-days-after-sisters-body-was-found.html
Notice at the end of the report Fake Noize gets a last shot about the killer being in America illegally for 4-7 years.
Oh you sick fuck wingnuts. https://www.rawstory.com/2018/08/arizona-gop-senate-candidate-kelli-ward-accuses-john-mccain-dying-push-negative-narrative/
Totally unhinged from reality blaming McCain for announcing he ws dying in time to hurt her campaign.
John McCain has always been an attention grabber. Shamefully self promoting his imminent death to hurt a fellow stoopid fucking wingnut.
"Kelli Ward is in bed with white racists."
Lots to like about this woman. Good-looking too. She's no Maxine Waters or "wise Latrina" Sotomayor.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
What threats?
"I meant the threats against you. The blog owner maybe could find the IP address of the person threatening you."
Oh, sorry! With so many people posting as anonymous, it's difficult to keep track of who said what. I thought you had posted the original threats. Please accept my apology.
Lots to like about this woman. Good-looking too. She's no Maxine Waters or "wise Latrina" Sotomayor.
Yer a stoopid fucking wingnut. Yer taste in women leaves a lot to be desired- like desirable women. But when you start out banging siblings and yer mother, I can see how your development could be arrested.
Yisheng = nigger
lilac = cunt
Looks like mike from iowa has never seen 25-yr old who already looks 55. Or maybe that's what he expects, such that a woman who's in darn good shape for 49 like Kelli Ward is "off" to him (daughter Katie looks chubby but cute).
Or maybe mike from iowa hates everything that doesn't have a BBC.
It ain't just her looks Anymoose.It is her palling around with wasicu racists and wanting to be introduced to Cernovich's friends. It is her nasty attack on John McCain's announcing his stoppage of treatments she took as a personal affront to her unimportant self and campaign. Just another in a long line of stoopid fucking selfish wasicu wingnuts who are despicably deplorably disgusting POS!
Another one that is stupid with guns, or perhaps I should just say is a dangerous animal:
Investigators initially said Hunte was provoked when he shot Delkic, a Bosnian refugee who survived prison during the Bosnian War in the 1990s.
However, Gwinnett County District Attorney Danny Porter told Channel 2 Action News Friday that doesn’t seem to be the case after seeing surveillance video of the incident.
“(Delkic) actually left the first confrontation and went and parked,” Porter said. “Then, more or less, the fight was brought to him.”
Hunte’s girlfriend, who has not been identified, is then allegedly seen slapping Delkic in the face before Hunte pulls out his gun, Porter said.
“You can see in the video she approaches the vehicle, he steps out of the car and pretty quickly she hits him ... and then within seconds the victim is shot,” Porter said. “You can see in the video (Hunte) was on the phone and actually reached into his pocket, pulled the gun out and shot the victim.”
Police told Channel 2 that charges against Hunte’s girlfriend haven’t been filed but are “imminent.”
"You mean "be run by the same interests that run the Democrat half of the uniparty.""
Nope, I mean be sane and competent enough to do the fucking jobs they get elected to do.
-Doug in Oakland
Anonymous said, "
If you follow the links in the original you'll see that the savage who murdered his great-grandmother also regretted that he failed to kill his own mother. He's black, of course. Blacks are the real threat."
Did you hear about the guy that killed two people and wounded 12 others in Florida today? Whites are a real threat. He's white of course.
"Did you hear about the guy that killed two people and wounded 12 others in Florida today?"
Killed four, last I read. At an event where attendees were screened with metal detectors. How the fuck did anyone get a gun into the venue? This SCREAMS false flag/MKULTRA operation.
"Whites are a real threat."
Angry, motivated whites are A real threat. But the demographic which accounts for more than 50% of the (often senseless, stupid and random) homicides in the USA, black males, is THE real threat.
1. Don't make the Saxon begin to hate.
2. You can't do anything about black people except keep them away from you. So do it. Throw race traitors like Gambler2 in with the blacks and leave them to the fate they deserve.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
1. "Did you hear about the guy that killed two people and wounded 12 others in Florida today?"
REPLY: I saw it on the web right after it happened. At that time the count was three dead including the shooter.
2. "Whites are a real threat."
REPLY: That was said in response to the idiot who said Blacks were a threat.
3. "Angry, motivated whites are A real threat."
REPLY: Yes, I know. I have tracked the white supremacist movement sine the early 70s, when I began contributing to Klan Watch, which is part of the Southern Poverty Law Center.
4. "But the demographic which accounts for more than 50% of the (often senseless, stupid and random) homicides in the USA, black males, is THE real threat."
REPLY: Can you provide a reliable source for your claim? And are you speaking of conviction rate or arrest rate?
Ye gods you idiot woman. You are referred to source after source and you STILL deny what is undeniably true. Here, I give you this which states that 52% of all US homicides in the period studied for which circumstances could be determined had black perps:
But I'm betting right now that the next time this issue comes up, you'll have a convenient bout of amnesia and have to be reminded all over again.
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