Is trump to blame for all these incidents of racism that seem to be popping up everywhere? Or were they there all along and social media is just allowing us to see more of it now?
Is Eric trump's comment about Bob Woodward writing his book to make "shekels" a dog whistle to trump's base?
Are you troubled that the detention of migrant children are at its highest levels ever?
Are you worried that Russian bombers were flying near to Alaska recently?
Would trump and his disaster team treat the people of Puerto Rico this way if there were mostly white folks on the island?
What do you think happened in Dallas where that police officer shot and killed the apartment owner and claims that she thought it was her own apartment?
Feel free to post about anything else is on your mind.
The white Dallas bitch who shot the well endowed black man was angry, bitter and jealous that her white boy has such a micro dick.
Welp, it’s spreading. Australia now has their very own “anthem protesters versus flag-humpers” kerfuffle.
But the Aussie version of Colin Kaepernick is a 9-year-old girl. I guess that’s probably a good thing, because she doesn’t have to worry too much about trashing her football career.
<a href="https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2018/09/12/australian-lawmakers-attack-year-old-girl-who-refused-stand-during-their-national-anthem/?utm_term=.aee3cbfd07e7”>Australian lawmakers attack 9-year-old girl who refused to stand during their national anthem</a>
Australian lawmakers attack 9-year-old girl who refused to stand during their national anthem
Eric trump is allowed to speak? Yes racism has always been a thing. Imagine if we had cell phones back in the day. Not worried about Russian bombers,just war games.
White people are the sorriest race of fuckers who have ever contaminated this planet.
Is trump to blame for all these incidents of racism that seem to be popping up everywhere?
Yes! Trump is to blame for all of your shortcomings.
Are you troubled that the detention of migrant children are at its highest levels ever?
The Wall would solve this.
“Is trump to blame for all these incidents of racism that seem to be popping up everywhere? Or were they there all along and social media is just allowing us to see more of it now?”
Likely a bit of both.
“Is Eric trump's comment about Bob Woodward writing his book to make ‘shekels’ a dog whistle to trump's base?”
I might be more inclined to believe this if Woodward’s buddy Carl Bernstein had written the book.
“Are you troubled that the detention of migrant children are at its highest levels ever?”
You do know that Trump is still trying to circumvent the Flores court decision so he can lock up even more migrant children, right? (This time together with their parents, though.)
Trump detention move on immigrant families promises to draw court challenge
“Are you worried that Russian bombers were flying near to Alaska recently?”
No. Why do the Russians need to bomb us when they’re already successfully wrecking our country from the inside of the White House?
“Would trump and his disaster team treat the people of Puerto Rico this way if there were mostly white folks on the island?”
No. But what really makes him not give a shit is that Puerto Ricans are brown AND can’t vote.
“What do you think happened in Dallas where that police officer shot and killed the apartment owner and claims that she thought it was her own apartment?”
This is perplexing. At least what has been reported so far suggests there are holes in the officer’s story.
I can buy the part where she initially confuses the victim’s apartment for hers — that’s at least plausible— but I don’t understand how she actually enters his apartment and gets in an altercation with him.
If the door was closed, she’d have tried her key, found it didn’t work, and figured out she was at the wrong door. If the door was ajar, it might make more sense that she could enter — except this apartment complex has door-closers on the entrances of all the apartments (like on hotel rooms), so it’s not normally possible for a door to be ajar, unless someone has propped it open.
It will be interesting to hear what the investigation determines about how this tragedy happened. No realmotive has yet been established for the cop to want to shoot her neighbor, but her explanation that it was a terrible accident doesn’t completely add up, either.
Would trump and his disaster team treat the people of Puerto Rico this way if there were mostly white folks on the island?
1. Puerto Rico is 75% white.
2. The US spent $70 billion in a massive relief response to the hurricanes that hit Puerto Rico.
3. You are a lying hack.
What do you think happened in Dallas where that police officer shot and killed the apartment owner and claims that she thought it was her own apartment?
She is a crazy melon-headed bitch who was probably sleeping with poor guy.
Also, women shouldn't be police officers.
Is Eric trump's comment about Bob Woodward writing his book to make "shekels" a dog whistle to trump's base?
It is an allusion to Judas, who also lied and betrayed just to make some money.
You would know this if you were educated.
It's only natural for sane people to be on their toes while in close proximity to blacks. That's just what you people inspire in others.
Fag Negro is a hack.
You back on twitter yet?
Trump supporters are cheering about yet another unarmed black man being shot and killed. They are sick and reprehensible!
Kill white men.
Fuck white women.
Guess which race is working around the clock to keep everyone safe from Hurricane Florence?
Guess the race of the people who will flood in to help clean up and rescue others?
Guess which race will loot and complain no matter what that they weren’t given enough help because of their race?
Everyday brings more reasons to hate cops.
“1. Puerto Rico is 75% white.”
According to their self-identification.
But Latin American standards for who is considered white (often includes people with substantial non-European ancestry) are different than mainstream American standards for who is considered white. Hence the US census category of “non-Hispanic white.”
I’m betting Trump would NOT count most of the folks on the island as white.
“2. The US spent $70 billion in a massive relief response to the hurricanes that hit Puerto Rico.”
Trump done fucked up the response to Hurricane Maria.
How the Response To Hurricane Maria Compared to Harvey and Irma
“3. You are a lying hack.”
You are a lying racist.
Guess which race denies climate change and will see more powerful hurricanes and bigger storm surges.
Guess which race will do dumb shit like surfing or try to sail in hurricane force winds forcing rescuers to risk their lives to save their dumb asses.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
"Is Eric trump's comment about Bob Woodward writing his book to make "shekels" a dog whistle to trump's base?
It is an allusion to Judas, who also lied and betrayed just to make some money.
You would know this if you were educated."
Not necessarily. In English translations of the bible, Judas received "thirty pieces of silver for betraying Jesus. I don't think shekels are mentioned. When I read Eric's words, it sounded like a dog whistle slap at Jews to me.
“It is an allusion to Judas, who also lied and betrayed just to make some money.
You would know this if you were educated.”
If it was intended to be an allusion to the betrayal of Judas, then Eric Trump is the one who’s not too educated.
Betrayal is something you can do to a friend or an ally.
It is, by definition, not possible to betray someone you openly oppose and despise. I guarantee Woodward opposes and despises Trump (as do all sane Americans).
"When I read Eric's words, it sounded like a dog whistle slap at Jews to me."
Ding ding ding, give the lady a prize. Eric isn't smart enough to hide his klan robe.
“1. Puerto Rico is 75% white.”
Not relevant. Fergus thinks of them as brown, as does his base, and acts accordingly.
1) There's probably more of it now that the goddamn Nazis have a cheerleader in the white house, but they were around before he rode the escalator of doom.
2) Probably.
3) Yes.
4) Nope. I used to worry a little back in the early '80s when they used to catch Soviet subs off of the coast and escort them out to international waters about once a week, but back then nuclear war seemed almost inevitable, and I was younger and stupider.
Putin is doing all kinds of weird shit right now, moving thousands of troops around near the Chinese border while simultaneously cooking pancakes with Xi, probably because he feels threatened again over protests he can't seem to bully out of existence.
5) If his base saw them as white folks, he would have been more careful. Also if they could vote against him.
6) Don't know, wasn't there. Seems fishy, though. What I wonder is whether her gender will override her occupation when it comes to consequences for her actions and she might actually face some.
-Doug in Oakland
Fuck the gooks and chinks!
America is a very racist country. It always has been. The Blacks offer no competition for the wealth, education as well as all resources in America. The dominate race only squeal when some limited resource is not going g their way. Now it may be the females of the species or the dwindling employment that is causing a national angst. Or the false psychological effects of a man of color holding the highest office. My suggestion to them is to watch your women, the employment and political strength still rest firmly in your (whites) hands.
Just as the aboriginals in Aussie land, like Donald said, to have been there thousands of years and you are secondary. SAD!. Wake up
That white police lady did not make any mistake.... She had been working for 14 hours and when she got home (wanting to sleep), she went to his apartment to tell him to be quiet. She lit him up when he told her to flame off.
OOh, these are great questions! You'd be a great college professor, Field, if you get tired of lawyering.
Is trump to blame for all these incidents of racism that seem to be popping up everywhere? Or were they there all along and social media is just allowing us to see more of it now?
The answer has to be a combination of the two. Certainly Trump gave permission for the number of incidents to--I would estimate--double.
Is Eric trump's comment about Bob Woodward writing his book to make "shekels" a dog whistle to trump's base?
A little anti-Semitism? Can't hurt.
Are you troubled that the detention of migrant children are at its highest levels ever?
Absofuckinglutely. The press is bored with the story and has no visuals, so you don't hear about it any more. But if this were the Carter administration, Ted Koppel would have a nightly shame show about it.
Are you worried that Russian bombers were flying near to Alaska recently?
According to a friend in Alaska, they never stopped. What's interesting is that they're still coming in spite of the Trump/Putin bromance.
Would trump and his disaster team treat the people of Puerto Rico this way if there were mostly white folks on the island?
Silly question! Of course he wouldn't! They still wouldn't be treated as equal to mainland whites, though, because they can't vote.
What do you think happened in Dallas where that police officer shot and killed the apartment owner and claims that she thought it was her own apartment?
Her story is full of holes--the door was NOT unlocked. She needs a lie detector test and an I.Q. test too. Maybe as her upstairs neighbor he made too much noise, and she wanted revenge?
James Bold
What's that condition called again where they spell out words phonetically, like midas whale, hall of costs and granite? They confuse words based on sounds, and we're not allowed to hold them to proper English standards because of AAVE. Someone asked me the other day on an IQ thread and I can't remember what it's called.
The Wall would solve this.
10:14 PM
Pink Floyd's The Wall, maybe.
Drumpfuck's masterpiece to useless engineering won't solve anything.
The truth is probably Drumpf is selling detained kids to Catholic Dioces for horny old Fathers, imho.
If Puerto Ricans were allowed to vote in America;s elections and they promised to all vote for Drumpf he'd probably still think of them as a shithole.
"Midas whale"? "Granite"? LOL. What are those supposed to mean?
A conservative is a person who thinks nothing should ever change. A reactionary is a person who thinks nothing ever changes.
A liberal wants change for its own sake if no better reason comes to mind. A lunatic, to put it in one word.
The issue only became complicated when conservatives noticed that they were always losing. So today, conservatives and liberals are interchangeable. Both claim to want “progress,” which neither can conceive except in purely material forms. Mostly they want the very same things — more money, more pleasure, more leisure, self-esteem — but keep each other in a state of irritation by using different euphemisms. Conservatives want a little more, liberals want a lot; it is merely a question of degree. The liberals are of course still winning. They set the agenda, and the conservatives drag after, leaving knuckle ruts behind each innovation.
But they are both wrong because the conditions of human life are changeless. All progress is an attempt to escape the inescapable, or when that becomes impossible, to distract from it. In the end you still die. And then what?
Reaction Jackson said:
"A liberal wants change for its own sake if no better reason comes to mind. A lunatic, to put it in one word."
I disagree. Liberals want a society where everyone can have a decent education, health care and an environment that sustains life.
We no longer have a conservative political party. Instead we have the Party of Trump who represents the old white power structure that wants to take us back to good old days when POC and women had no rights and did as they were told.
The attacks on abortion rights, voting rights, and on the environment are the symptoms of this power struggle.
That white police lady did not make any mistake.... She had been working for 14 hours and when she got home (wanting to sleep), she went to his apartment to tell him to be quiet. She lit him up when he told her to flame off.
She claimed she thought it was her apartment.
"Are you worried that Russian bombers were flying near to Alaska recently?"
Not really, they have done this for almost 60 years. It all fun and games.
They did it last year too....big fucking deal.
The leaked Google video shows a company that is hugely biased from top to bottom against this POTUS and determined to "do what they can" while controlling everyone's access to speech and information.
Don't read the article if you are worried about Breitbart spin. Just watch the video. Rely on primary sources such as the words of Google's CEO, founder, and top executives.
The leaked Google video shows a company that is hugely biased from top to bottom against this POTUS and determined to "do what they can" while controlling everyone's access to speech and information.
I don’t think Google’s politics can be in question now. The entire senior management staff, from founder to CEO, came out as very anti Trump, even lying about his agenda.
Google controls the world's most powerful search engine and video sites and are using that control to erase people from the Internet. They have a responsibility to be neutral in all of this, or they are now your ruler.
If you are truly concerned with election interference, Google is your biggest threat.
“The leaked Google video shows a company that is hugely biased from top to bottom against this POTUS and determined to ‘do what they can’ while controlling everyone's access to speech and information.”
The leaked Google video shows what we already knew: Anyone halfway intelligent and not afflicted with a grotesque personality disorder is appalled by Trump.
The Trump “movement” is an assortment of utter morons and the absolute dregs of society.
Mark Kern said:
"If you are truly concerned with election interference, Google is your biggest threat.:
I disagree. If you are concerned with election interference, You should be fighting gerrymandering and other forms of voter suppression.
Google is a private company and in a capitalistic country such as ours, Google has a right to limit its services any way it wants do providing it doesn't violate civil rights law.
I didn't hear any "conservatives" complaining when FOX News went all out right- wing, slandering Democrats and insisting that Obama wasn't born in the United States
Seems to me that whenever the deck isn't stacked in their favor, conservatives start whining and tearing their hair.
White people are the epitome of mediocrity.
"Google is a private company and in a capitalistic country such as ours, Google has a right to limit its services any way it wants do providing it doesn't violate civil rights law."
America 2018: Nothing matters except civil rights laws. All rights and freedoms are subservient to imposing the concept of radical equalitarianism on the reality of a diverse world.
You believe Google has a right to use its market monopoly to impose suffocating ideological censorship beyond what any government is capable of not because you are a staunch defender of free market capitalism, but because you see yourself on the same side as Google.
Fox News is one cable network. The rest of the cable networks, all of the broadcast networks, every major newspaper and periodical, and all government news outlets are on your side, but you can't stand the fact that there is even one news outlet that doesn't sing from the same hymnal.
You people are the worst totalitarians the world have ever known.
We broke up the AT&T monopoly on phones. And yet, AT&T never filtered what you could say to your friends about politics.
Google and Twitter and Facebook are doing just that. Controlling what you can say to each other in the current medium of conversation.
It's wrong. And you people cheer them.
“Is trump to blame for all these incidents of racism that seem to be popping up everywhere? Or were they there all along and social media is just allowing us to see more of it now?”
No, not all of them. They were there all along however I do believe Trump has helped to “mainstream” racism to the extent those so inclined are dropping the dog whistles and picking up the bull horns.
“Is Eric trump's comment about Bob Woodward writing his book to make "shekels" a dog whistle to trump's base?”
Of course it is. He could have said “three dollars” and the point would have been made using a denomination common to the audience. There’s no other reason to use shekels other than to inject a little bigotry Trump supporters would get.
“Are you troubled that the detention of migrant children are at its highest levels ever?”
Its not good. It makes the US look like the cretins some of us are.
“Are you worried that Russian bombers were flying near to Alaska recently?”
No, its probably not an unusual occurrence.
“Would trump and his disaster team treat the people of Puerto Rico this way if there were mostly white folks on the island?”
No way. That Puerto Ricans can't vote in presidential elections contributed to them getting trumped as well.
“What do you think happened in Dallas where that police officer shot and killed the apartment owner and claims that she thought it was her own apartment?”
Contrary to her story, witnesses say they heard her knock on the door and asked to be let in. I think either they had some sort of relationship and she was angry for some reason and shot him, or, as was reported, there was loud music coming from the apartment, she was tired after a long shift, was pissed and shot him.
Mark Kern said. It is a Breutbar article with Breitbart video. Chnaces are extremely good the video has been edited to change the context- a Breitbart specialty.
Donald J. Trump
3000 people did not die in the two hurricanes that hit Puerto Rico. When I left the Island, AFTER the storm had hit, they had anywhere from 6 to 18 deaths. As time went by it did not go up by much. Then, a long time later, they started to report really large numbers, like 3000...
7:37 AM - Sep 13, 2018
...This was done by the Democrats in order to make me look as bad as possible when I was successfully raising Billions of Dollars to help rebuild Puerto Rico. If a person died for any reason, like old age, just add them onto the list. Bad politics. I love Puerto Rico!
7:49 AM - Sep 13, 2018
Moar obstruction admitted to.
As a Japanese-American I find whites to be a pretty ungrateful bunch. You people cry and moan about racism and discrimination 24/7, yet the right kisses your ass every chance they get. You people don't know how to appreciate anything, which may help explain your bitter nature.
The entire lunatic fringe of stoopid fucking wingnuts are unhinged. Thomas and Friends brought in diversity and NRA had a Russian Cow.
"Google controls the world's most powerful search engine and video sites and are using that control to erase people from the Internet. They have a responsibility to be neutral in all of this, or they are now your ruler."
Kinda makes you wish Fergus hadn't killed net neutrality, doesn't it?
Well, at least California passed our own net neutrality bill. There was some argument that it wasn't strong enough, and I don't know if Brown has signed it yet, but as Google is HQed here, it would apply to them.
They are not the only search engine, by the way, and while I use them myself, I do know people who don't.
-Doug in Oakland
Imagine being inside mike from iowa's head for 5 seconds.
"Kinda makes you wish Fergus hadn't killed net neutrality, doesn't it?"
Net neutrality had nothing to do with this kind of censorship.
You're an idiot.
"They are not the only search engine, by the way,"
No, they just control 91% of internet traffic.
“We broke up the AT&T monopoly on phones. And yet, AT&T never filtered what you could say to your friends about politics.”
Lol, sure. Because having a private conversation with your friend Joe on the phone is exactly like reading a newspaper.
Hang on, no it isn’t, news media are supposed to inform people with facts, not spew lies.
Your days of lying without consequence are coming to an end.
Anonymous said:
"You believe Google has a right to use its market monopoly to impose suffocating ideological censorship beyond what any government is capable of not because you are a staunch defender of free market capitalism, but because you see yourself on the same side as Google."
"You people are the worst totalitarians the world have ever known."
Wow, just wow, you sure jump to conclusions quickly! Nowhere did I state or even imply that I am "staunch defender of "free market capitalism." I was simply stating facts for you.
There are several totalitarian groups in our society: white supremacists and religious fundamentalists that work tirelessly to make their religious beliefs into laws that restrict other people's behavior and incite unstable men to kill abortion doctors.
There are many search engines. Yahoo is quite good.
"Because having a private conversation with your friend Joe on the phone is exactly like reading a newspaper."
Google is like a newspaper with a two billion subscribers with half the articles cut out so you don't learn bad things.
Google denies they are a news media organization and pretends they are a neutral service provider.
"Your days of lying without consequence are coming to an end."
The days of the Left lying about their intentions are coming to an end. No more pretense abut free speech or transparency, just more open justifications for imposing strict limits on speech and thought. It's a sign of your personal weakness that it makes you feel powerful to stand up for power.
Twitter can terminate anyone at anytime for any reason, solely at Twitter's discretion. I am sure all other social media have the same or similar policies. I only wish they had listed as reson number one was to watch stoopid fucking wingnut head explode.
I have been searching to see if Google or Twitter need a federal license to operate as TV and radio do. The federal licesnses for tv and radio comes with rules about programming and content.
“Google is like a newspaper with a two billion subscribers with half the articles cut out so you don't learn bad things.”
No, Google is (hopefully on its way to being) like a newspaper with all the UNTRUE things cut out.
In other words, a good newspaper.
It is looking like Brett Kavanaugh is about to get “MeToo-ed.”
Senator Dianne Feinstein received a letter accusing Kavanaugh of some kind of sexual misconduct, and she has handed it over to the FBI.
The Left will lie about anything.
Different sources provided different accounts of the contents of the letter, and some of the sources said they themselves had heard different versions, but the one consistent theme was that it describes an incident involving Kavanaugh and a woman while they were in high school.
High school.
Private monopolies can do whatever they want. I mean, sure it's illegal to use a dominant market position as leverage to advance another business product -- Microsoft was sued for using its dominance in operating systems to try to give its Netscape browser an advantage over competitors -- but our well-paid-off "conservative" shills will tell us it's no problem for an outright monopoly to scheme to use its power to squelch some businesses and competitors and an entire political movement.
Tucker Carlson reported on an email which shows that Google tried to Hack the Election for Hillary. Specifically, a senior Google employee bragged that she had used Google's power to try to boost Hispanic turnout in some states, in order to help Hillary win.
She called this a "silent donation."
Google will not clarify what she meant by making a "silent donation."
Anonymous said:
"The days of the Left lying about their intentions are coming to an end. No more pretense abut free speech or transparency, just more open justifications for imposing strict limits on speech and thought. It's a sign of your personal weakness that it makes you feel powerful to stand up for power."
Dear Anonymous, I think you may be confused about the "free speech" thing.
The First Amendment to the Constitution says, "CONGRESS shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people to peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."
So one can conclude that Google, Face Book, or any other private entity or services that are not part of the government can restrict speech as much as they chose to.
You side has the presidency and both houses of congress. Stop whining.
“but our well-paid-off ‘conservative’ shills will tell us it's no problem for an outright monopoly to scheme to use its power to squelch some businesses and competitors and an entire political movement.”
The entire point of Google is to help users find useful, valid information — i.e., not lies — in return for revenue from ads marketed to those users, etc.. That is the basic premise of their business model. It is not a consequence of Google’s quasi-monopoly status; it is what Google is for. It is what most users want from their search engine.
If your “political movement” is based on nothing but lying, then it deserves to get squelched.
I remember at least one wingnut bigwig in Congress admit the Benghazi hearings were scheduled to hurt HRC's chances to be Potus because they knew there were no crimes committed by Obama or HRC.
SuckyfuckyyuckyTucky-ucker Carlson reported on an email which shows that Google tried to Hack the Election for Hillary. Specifically, a senior Google employee bragged that she had used Google's power to try to boost Hispanic turnout in some states, in order to help Hillary win.
Much ado about nothing. No criminal activity. No collusion. No traitorous incest. You got nothing as per usual with Tucky Buzzard Carlson.
YellowMONEY said...
"It's only natural for sane people to be on their toes while in close proximity to blacks. That's just what you people inspire in others."
Sorry kid, but you have a wild imagination. The fear is all in your mind. "Try being friendly to everyone; it's much better than being afraid.
The entire point of Google is to help users find useful, valid information — i.e., not lies — in return for revenue from ads marketed to those users, etc.. That is the basic premise of their business model. It is not a consequence of Google’s quasi-monopoly status; it is what Google is for. It is what most users want from their search engine.
If your “political movement” is based on nothing but lying, then it deserves to get squelched.
Most searchers do not want the people running their search engine to decide what information is "lies" and what can be accessed.
Thinking adults can figure out what is true. You prefer to be treated like a child.
If your “political movement” needs to silence dissenting views in order to prevail, it is based on lies.
Question, do poor people move into toxic waste sites or are the toxic waste sites built in poor parts of towns?
Why not build them on the Hamptons or Hollywood or Capitol Hill?
Whitey goes to college to get laid. Prevents Blacks from getting into building and then elevator. Flashes a gun on video. No one gets shot but Whitey be getting fired from his manager job at Hotel and his wifey be learning he was playing the field.
Also gun was not Allowed on campus and he is being investigated for threatening peaceful, decent, Black students.
"Question, do poor people move into toxic waste sites or are the toxic waste sites built in poor parts of towns?
Why not build them on the Hamptons or Hollywood or Capitol Hill?"
Good question, Mike. and we both know the answer, don't we?
Being black in your own home. RIP Mr.Jean
Lilac: Every black person who is shot is shot because they are black. There is never another reason.
> Google is a private company and in a capitalistic country such as ours, Google has a right to limit its services any way it wants do providing it doesn't violate civil rights law.
Marsh v. Alabama, 326 U.S. 501 (1946). Private companies cannot control speech in anything that is a "public square", whether it is a company town or a shopping mall. YouTube, Facebook and Twitter are now the public square. They are bound by civil rights law under the 1st and 14th amendments.
> Nowhere did I state or even imply that I am "staunch defender of "free market capitalism."
In other words, the ONLY reason you approve of what Google is doing is because it is un-personing people you see as your enemies. You're despicable.
> There are several totalitarian groups in our society
You forgot the fanatic left which wants to deplatform, censor off all media and destroy the livelihoods of anyone they decide to target... and actually has done so to quite a few already.
> If your “political movement” is based on nothing but lying, then it deserves to get squelched.
You mean like the left, which denies ALL differences between races and cultures and has to use force to keep contrary facts out of the public sphere because its position is a lie? The left, which promotes socialism as the ultimate good even as starving people are trying to escape the consequences of socialism in Venezuela?
Anyone who says what you're saying is dangerously insane and requires inpatient mental treatment. If you don't admit yourself voluntarily this comes with revocation of your right to vote or have guns.
Fuck all Negroes and mudsharks
Tucker Carlson reported on an email which shows that Google tried to Hack the Election for Hillary.
That right there should have stopped you from posting that nonsense. Good god conservatives are stoooooopid.
YouTube, Facebook and Twitter are now the public square. They are bound by civil rights law under the 1st and 14th amendments.
Says who, you? Where has this been litigated or law passed that says this?
Anonymous said...
> Google is a private company and in a capitalistic country such as ours, Google has a right to limit its services any way it wants do providing it doesn't violate civil rights law.
Marsh v. Alabama, 326 U.S. 501 (1946). Private companies cannot control speech in anything that is a "public square", whether it is a company town or a shopping mall. YouTube, Facebook and Twitter are now the public square. They are bound by civil rights law under the 1st and 14th amendments.
> Nowhere did I state or even imply that I am "staunch defender of "free market capitalism."
In other words, the ONLY reason you approve of what Google is doing is because it is un-personing people you see as your enemies. You're despicable.
> There are several totalitarian groups in our society
You forgot the fanatic left which wants to deplatform, censor off all media and destroy the livelihoods of anyone they decide to target... and actually has done so to quite a few already.
Anonymous said:
> "If your “political movement” is based on nothing but lying, then it deserves to get squelched.
You mean like the left, which denies ALL differences between races and cultures and has to use force to keep contrary facts out of the public sphere because its position is a lie? The left, which promotes socialism as the ultimate good even as starving people are trying to escape the consequences of socialism in Venezuela?
Anyone who says what you're saying is dangerously insane and requires inpatient mental treatment. If you don't admit yourself voluntarily this comes with revocation of your right to vote or have guns."
So I'm dangerously insane LOL? This is referred to as argumentum ad hominem. When you can't refute someone's argument, then just insult them. Righties use this constantly.
There is no point in discussing this issue further with you. You have that common disease that many people on the right suffer from. It's the, "Don't try to confuse me with facts; my mind is made up."
Have a nice night.
YouTube, Facebook and Twitter can deny service to black people because they are not bound by civil rights laws under the 1st and 14th amendments.
YouTube, Facebook and Twitter can deny service to black people because they are not bound by civil rights laws under the 1st and 14th amendments.
Really? Um, ok. Heh heh heh.
(a) Equal access
All persons shall be entitled to the full and equal enjoyment of the goods, services, facilities, privileges, advantages, and accommodations of any place of public accommodation, as defined in this section, without discrimination or segregation on the ground of race, color, religion, or national origin.
“Says who, you? Where has this been litigated or law passed that says this?”
Why, it is advice Mr. Nazi Troll received from esteemed legal expert His Butthole, Esquire, Attorney At Law.
This epic nonsense is right up there with the brilliant legal theories from those sovereign citizen dipshits who have convinced themselves they don’t have to pay any income tax because tax is illegal because of some arcane claim that Ohio wasn’t really a state and the 16th Amendment was never officially ratified. The IRS points and laughs at them as they are carted off to jail.
"This is referred to as argumentum ad hominem."
This is referred to as avoiding the question, which is a sort of non sequitur.
"When you can't refute someone's argument, then just insult them."
An argument was made to you using a Supreme Court precedent now 72 years old, plus the current-day example of Venezuela as yet another socialist genocide in progress.
Did you address any of it? Of course not! You ignored it all in favor of playing the victim. THAT is why you deserve insults. If a master's degree still leaves you so short of knowledge and brainpower that you can't even ponder the relevance of the Maduro regime in Caracas to your politics, you are owed nothing more. If you DESIRE to bring the collapse of Venezuela to the USA to get your enemies, well... the charges of evil are apt.
"There is no point in discussing this issue further with you."
It appears that you cannot discuss the facts without damning yourself. Your role appears to be that of a target on the shooting range; even if you just sit there, everyone can see when the bullseye is hit. Keep talking, those hits just keep coming.
FN"Are you troubled that the detention of migrant children are at its highest levels ever?"
Not really, let ICE catch the illegal aliens and deport them. They are after all, here illegally.
FN:"What do you think happened in Dallas where that police officer shot and killed the apartment owner and claims that she thought it was her own apartment? "
Since you were not at the scene why would you ask people to speculate??? Do you have an agenda??
"Absolute lunatic said...
Imagine being inside mike from iowa's head for 5 seconds."
The horror! The horror!
plus the current-day example of Venezuela as yet another socialist genocide in progress.
Well, the US is a quasi socialist state and we can also point to Norway, Sweden, Canada, ect. to other quasi socialist states that are doing ok. Nothing wrong with educating your people and making sure they can earn a living and not go bankrupt if they get sick.
"Quasi" socialist is not Socialist.
Norway, Sweden, Canada etc. successfully implemented strong welfare state societies (to different degrees), but only because they were ethnically homogeneous, high trust societies with strong work ethics and shared value systems.
As these societies lose their homogeneity, these systems are weakening.
The vast majority of immigrants to Sweden have never started to work, even after a decade or more in the country. They come from low trust cultures who will take hand outs forever if you keep them coming. They do not share the values of their host country, rather they explicitly reject them. This will be the end of the European welfare state model and is the reason the idea of imposing socialism in the US is an idea that has has come and gone.
Multiculturalism never adds to the existing culture. It merely adds competing populations; and then forces the existing culture into a lesser, defensive position via dubious moral shaming, incessant demands, harmful legislative changes, and the abandonment of free speech.
Its pretty plain that the alt left want to enslave America. They are using the old "let the camels nose under the tent" approach, a little at a time. They are power hungry and the next iteration of the Nazis.
Either revenge killing or she was set up by higher ups up to no good.
"Norway, Sweden, Canada etc. successfully implemented strong welfare state societies (to different degrees), but only because they were ethnically homogeneous, high trust societies with strong work ethics and shared value systems."
We could do the same here if we start trusting each other and stop all the divisiveness. I don't think anyone is calling for a pure socialist state.
"It appears that you cannot discuss the facts without damning yourself. Your role appears to be that of a target on the shooting range; even if you just sit there, everyone can see when the bullseye is hit. Keep talking, those hits just keep coming."
What hits, Mr. No Balls Anonymous? You haven't made any hits so far. You try to twist everything I post, attribute outlandish political beliefs to me, and whine like a little child that you are being treated unfairly.
Have a nice day.
PilotX said:
"Norway, Sweden, Canada etc. successfully implemented strong welfare state societies (to different degrees), but only because they were ethnically homogeneous, high trust societies with strong work ethics and shared value systems."
"We could do the same here if we start trusting each other and stop all the divisiveness. I don't think anyone is calling for a pure socialist state."
Well said, PilotX! I think the combination of capitalism with some socialism is probably the best economic system for the modern world.
PilotX said...
"We could do the same here if we start trusting each other and stop all the divisiveness."
The Democrat/Left coalition is built on divisiveness. The only thing that holds their coalition together is a unifying hatred of the white man. Take away that hatred, and blacks, immigrants, homosexuals, rich Asians and Jews all would all have to pursue their wildly divergent interests separately.
The Left has spent 50 years stoking this tribalism through cultural sabotage and identity politics. Unrelenting rage and acrimony is essential to Leftist solidarity, and they are not going to drop the source of their power.
The time for civic nationalism and a shared culture is past. We had a chance after the 60's but that is now out of reach. Conservatism lost badly to liberalism and is now being replaced by reaction. No society could survive the kind of demographic change that has been imposed on America.The more diverse the country becomes, the deeper these divisions will get. Absent an immediate halt to all immigration, there is no way assimilate peacefully. The end game is war, with the likely result the country falls apart.
If anything has been proven by the current political climate is that we can't all get along. The Left refuses to share power and no longer accepts electoral losses. They no longer accept dissent. There is no room for negotiation when one side's core demand is that you die.
Anonymous said:
"The Democrat/Left coalition is built on divisiveness. The only thing that holds their coalition together is a unifying hatred of the white man."
Why am I not surprised by this incoherent rant? Same ole, same ole manta of the white supremacists.
Fuck white people. Fuck the white race.
"Why am I not surprised by this incoherent rant? Same ole, same ole manta of the white supremacists."
You are not surprised because your ability to get around your preconceived take on everything is nonexistent.
"White supremacy" is the belief that whites are racially superior to everyone else.
Pointing out the facts about the current political climate, the tactics of the Left, and destructive effects of multiculturalism is not white supremacism.
To people like you, any white who wishes for a place in America's future for himself and his his progeny is a 'white supremacist". It betrays deep ignorance and intellectual laziness to answer every argument with an accusation of racism.
There's no fool like an old fool.
Fuck Negroes, Fuck commies, Fuck coal burners, Fuck Illegals, Fuck DIEversity, Fuck the Electronic Rabbi.
"In a bombshell development, former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort is cooperating with the special counsel as part of the plea deal in his federal criminal trial.
The deal, announced in a D.C. courtroom Friday by federal prosecutor Andrew Weissman, included a “17 page cooperation agreement,” according to Washington Post reporter Spencer Hsu.
Journalists in the courtroom also reported that the “remaining charges” against Manafort would be dropped either at sentencing or at the end of his cooperation."
Flip. Flip. Flippityflippityflippityflipflipflip.
Now we get the evidence of collusion with Russia. The noose tightens. Sound the "Fergus narcissistic fit" alert.
-Doug in Oakland
This time it's real, Doug!
Really proud of you guys. You hit 100 comments with virtually no input from me. I could almost die with a smile on my face you made me so very happy.
You tell me something, field.
Just how are "migrant children" getting into the US?
They can't fly planes, sail ships, drive cars....etc.
Mexico is giving them train transportation near the US Border, and then handing them off to the coyotes.
“Just how are ‘migrant children’ getting into the US?”
There are these things called “parents.”
Mexico is giving them train transportation near the US Border, and then handing them off to the coyotes.
And of course, you have video evidence to support this baloney? I'm calling bullshit on this. We would have heard about this from mainstream news if it were true.
Courtesy of The Hill:
Bob Woodward’s new book, “Fear: Trump in the White House,” sold more than 750,000 copies through its first day of release, the most for any title in Simon & Schuster history, according to the 94-year-old publisher.
The investigative book by the veteran Watergate reporter, who has written books about every administration dating back to President Nixon, was powered by excerpts published before the book’s public release Tuesday and President Trump’s public rejection of it. Trump called the book “a con on the public” consisting of quotes that are “made up frauds” designed to boost Democrats ahead of the 2018 midterm elections.
The 750,000-plus copies sold combines sales of print copies, ebooks and audiobooks, according to a statement by Simon & Schuster.
How's this for protecting vicious cops- https://www.rawstory.com/2018/09/ohio-republican-slams-parents-tasered-child-id-ashamed-daughter-got-tasered/
Numbnuts nutjob wingnut said he'd be ashamed if his daughter got tasered. Blame the victim is a feature of stoopid fucking wingnuts.
There are these things called “parents.”
A significant portion of those kids aren't with their parents, they are just being used as props to get in by someone else.
"Bob Woodward’s new book, “Fear: Trump in the White House,” sold more than 750,000 copies through its first day of release"
Liberals have to masturbate to something.
On the brighter side, Manafort is an olde confidante of Riger Stone so maybe he will hand deliver Drumpf and Stone's asses to Mueller's investigations.
How kewl would that be?
Mueller is giving stoopid fucking wingnuts a clear, concise lesson on how to investigate crimes without rushing leaks to Fake Noize to give instant discredibility to every charge.
Of course, stoopid fucking wingnuts won't absorb any of these lessons. Because they are stoopid fucking wingnuts.
WTF? Drumpf getting lessons on how to poison his imaginary enemies, perhaps?
Fecetious @Fecetious
Replying to @realDonaldTrump
Manafort plead guilty on many counts and had to explain everything. He got 10 years in prison and had to forfeit $46 million in property and bank accounts. So the Mueller investigation is now operating in the black.
9:09 AM - Sep 14, 2018
-Doug in Oakland
According to Vanity Fair, Cohen is cooperating with Mueller as well.
All of the rats will sing before this is over, and Fergus will not get away from his crimes like Nixon and Reagan and W did.
-Doug in Oakland
How weird it must be to be Doug.
Doug has a name, anymoose. Weird, innit?
I trust Kavanaugh emerges from this with a hate for the Left hotter than a thousand suns.
Flo is down to a tropical storm and Butt Trumpet will be taking full credit for that ... And rightfully so !!! ... Thank You President Butt Trumpet !!!
> we can also point to Norway, Sweden, Canada, ect. to other quasi socialist states that are doing ok.
Those are mostly white states, and the non-whites are living off the taxes paid by whites. Mostly non-white Venezuela has turned into a shithole, like Zimbabwe before it.
> Nothing wrong with educating your people and making sure they can earn a living and not go bankrupt if they get sick.
Lots wrong with turning your country that was doing OK into one where the grocery stores are empty, there are no jobs and the food handouts are things like bags of frozen fish heads.
Non-whites are too stupid to do enough right to be part (management or clientele) of a quasi-socialist state. They can only be parasites on the competent, and that always leads to collapse. We are watching the collapse of socialist Venezuela via its exodus into neighboring states in real time.
OMG! Russian turbo-prop bombers flying close to Alaska!!!!!! The horror!
You apes are so stoopid.
OMG! Russian turbo-prop bombers flying close to Alaska!!!!!! The horror!
These turbo-props can and have carried nukular cruise missiles and can launch them. No worries as long as Palin can see Russia from her place, right?
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