"Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) visited Austria in August and gave an extensive interview to a far-right publication there in which he spelled out, in clearer and more shocking terms than he ever has before, his white nationalist worldview.
The eight-term congressman, up for re-election next month, talked to Caroline Sommerfeld of the Austrian far-right propaganda site Unzensuriert (which means “uncensored” in English). Sommerfeld is a prominent intellectual in Europe’s neo-fascist identitarian movement, which has deep connections to America’s so-called alt-right.
The interview, published in September, came to HuffPost’s attention this week. In his conversation with Sommerfeld, King discussed his belief in the superiority of European culture over others. He talked fearfully of falling fertility rates in the West and spoke at length about his belief that Europe and America are threatened by Muslim and Latino immigration.
“If we don’t defend Western civilization, then we will become subjugated by the people who are the enemies of faith, the enemies of justice,” King said.
The interview is remarkable, capturing a sitting U.S. congressman completely fluent in modern white nationalist talking points just weeks before an election he is favored to win.
“This interview reveals a whole new level of reality underneath this guy’s politics,” said Roger Griffin, an expert on fascism and modern history at Oxford Brookes University.
King never would have opened up that way with mainstream reporters, since they wouldn’t understand what he was talking about, Griffin said. He added, “But with her, who is obviously steeped in this stuff, he just opens up because he knows he’s going to be understood.”
The congressman’s office did not respond to a request for comment. Unzensuriert also did not respond to questions about details of the interview.
King’s conversation with Sommerfeld largely revolves around the paranoid idea of the Great Replacement — the belief that mass migration, particularly from Muslim-majority countries, is an extinction-level event for white European culture and identity. Or as he put it in the interview, a “slow-motion cultural suicide.”
“The U.S. subtracts from its population a million of our babies in the form of abortion,” King said. “We add to our population approximately 1.8 million of ‘somebody else’s babies’ who are raised in another culture before they get to us.”
Sommerfeld responded, “That’s what we call the Great Replacement.”
Nick Ryan, the director of communications at the British-based anti-racism advocacy group Hope Not Hate, told HuffPost that “terms such as ‘Great Replacement’ are the preserve of conspiracy theorists and extremists.”
It’s a phrase, he said, widely used by anti-Muslim European networks to refer to the supposed Islamification of Europe by migrants and refugees.
The idea of the Great Replacement is imagined most vividly in The Camp of the Saints, a stunningly racist 1973 novel by Jean Raspail that “reframes everything as the fight to death between races,” said Cécile Alduy, a professor of French at Stanford University and an expert on France’s far right. It describes the takeover of Europe by waves of immigrants that “wash ashore like the plague.”
In the interview, King said that he read the book and that it was “completely logical to me that this could come to pass.” He went on to describe how he believes George Soros, the billionaire philanthropist and bogeyman of the far right, might be footing the bill for the Great Replacement.
Unzensuriert is known in Austria for routinely publishing Islamophobic, anti-refugee articles and attacking the country’s traditional media outlets. In recent months, it has translated more of its articles into English in an attempt to reach a larger audience.
“Unzensuriert is very much like a German-language version of Breitbart,” said Ingrid Brodnig, the author of a book about online misinformation and an expert on the Austrian far right. She said many of Unzensuriert’s stories are not factual. “They are opinion pieces which offer a far-right view on the world.”
Last year Austria’s intelligence services, in an internal report that was leaked to Austrian media, found that the site promoted anti-Semitism and extreme xenophobia. The site also spreads misinformation and conspiracies: Of the 10 best-performing Unzensuriert articles on Facebook, five contained false information or were wholly debunked, according to BuzzFeed Germany.
The site has close ties with the far-right Freedom Party, or FPO, and its former editor-in-chief is now the head of communications for the FPO-controlled Interior Ministry.
King celebrated President Donald Trump’s inauguration with FPO leaders in Washington.
King has long-standing connections to the far right in Europe and was the first elected U.S. official to meet with France’s National Front leader, Marine Le Pen. In the interview with Unzensuriert, he mentioned that he phoned Dutch anti-Islam politician Geert Wilders to offer support after Wilders was convicted of hate speech. King’s affinity for the global far right extends to outright extremists — including retweeting British neo-Nazi Mark Collett and this week endorsing Canadian white nationalist Faith Goldy.
J.D. Scholten, King’s Democratic opponent, told HuffPost that while King had time to talk to Unzensuriert during his visit to Austria, he skipped an editorial board interview with The Des Moines Register, Iowa’s largest newspaper, before the election.
“It’s disrespectful to this district that he’s spent more time (5 times in the last 6 years) in Austria on TAXPAYER DIME than he does in most counties in our district,” Scholten wrote in an email.
King, who represents one of the reddest districts in America, has beaten his Democratic opponents by more than 20 points in the past five elections. An Emerson College poll last month showed him leading Scholten by 10 percentage points." [Source]
A Republican representative a racist? No, that's impossible.
The 45 ass kicker was DEMOLISHED in the debate against the first Black governor of Florida, Governor Gillum.👊🏽👊🏾👊🏿
Right, Yisheng.
What did Steve King say that wasn't true?
"What did Steve King say that wasn't true?"
Pretty much everything. Can't wait for that racist asshat to be unemployed.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
"What did Steve King say that wasn't true?"
Only everything.
News & Politics
These 6 Inescapable Facts Help Explain the Republican Party's Current Death Spiral
No good news for the Grand Old Party.
Steve King and his ilk are just hastening the death of the GOP.
“King, who represents one of the reddest districts in America, has beaten his Democratic opponents by more than 20 points in the past five elections”
..keeps winning ,clearly, he understands, analytically, how to treat a thing in terms of quality. Ecclesiastics will never submit to a rival’s religious code. An effective Statesman is guided solely by the precepts of his constituents.
Same constituents who elected an African in 08 & 12
Has more to do with Christianity than racism the Founders included God (not Allah) in the first paragraph first sentence of the Declaration of Independence
I knew it was racist before it was racist!
Trust me!
I'm dying here!
And this is news about King to whom, exactly?
-Doug in Oakland
Nazis coming to power in 21st America. Shocking.
Around my hometown there used to always be vote for King signs. Now they just say vote for stoopid fucking wingnuts.
I keep irrationally thinking stoopid fucking wingnuts would eventually grow tired of King, but it doesn't appear to be this year. The guy is worse than worthless. One piece of lege he sponsored in 16 years. And decades worth of embarrassingly embarrassing statements.
King's first lie was he was going to serve 2 terms and term limit himself out. He promised iowans he would do that and he hasn't told the truth since.
Population: 761,467
Gender: 49.6% Male, 50.4% Female
Race[1]: 92.9% White, 1.2% Black, 1.6% Asian
Ethnicity: 5.8% Hispanic
Unemployment: 4.9%
Median household income
High school graduation rate
College graduation rate
iowa's 4th district is 93% honkys and Kingbat only wins by around 20%?
@ mike: That's because white people don't vote tribally, like everyone else does.
But keep pushing them that way and you'll see what happens.
PilotX said...
"What did Steve King say that wasn't true?"
Pretty much everything
Thanks for the NPC perspective, PilotX.
"If they tell me it's not true that's what I'll say, facts be damned"
"Mostly Women and Children" I have witnessed you lie many times Mr. Fraud Negro, but this is the best. Always a pleasure to peruse the propaganda and utter idiocy here at 1-800-ASK A Jew.
When did Americans vote to have their "free press" owned and controlled by five Jewish billionaires?
"If they tell me it's not true that's what I'll say, facts be damned"
What facts? Steve King doesn't have any facts. His aim is to make people frightened. It's part of the old John Birch Society. After WWII, they spread the conspiracy theory that Eisenhower was a communist.
Saying something is a conspiracy theory is just another way of saying:
“We aren’t going to challenge this on the facts, because we can’t. We’re just going to call you Hitler and try to ruin your life if you say it.”
Didn't some migrants come to 'america',murder most of the people,take the land,bring disease,make babies at a rapid clip,and call it "western civilisation'? Puleeeze!!!
Drumpfuck's sole contribution to wasicu families-
Stoopid whitey wingnut has no clew how or why these people come to America. They see poor little rich kid Drumpfuck lie about all the white privileges he received from his Dad (hundreds of millions) and they think everyone lives that way.
Then wingnuts say we need to take care of our own koch bros first because they sure as shit don't give a fuck for the poor in America. Always beau coup bucks for billionaires and virtually nothing for the needy. That is stoopid fucking wingnut kristianity in a nutshell. Just the exact opposite of what their lord and saviour represented.
Isn't it a caravan(horde) of illegal aliens??
Field(Russia) spewing more left wing Pravda…….
> Nazis coming to power in 21st America.
If everyone you don't like is a Nazi, then people will be putting Nazis in power if they elect anyone you don't like.
Since you are going to call them Nazis anyway, they can do actual Nazi things and you have nothing worse to call them any more. Tough titties, Mr. NPC.
> When did Americans vote to have their "free press" owned and controlled by five Jewish billionaires?
Ah, I remember that day. It was the 43rd of Never, soupteen-neener-tree.
mike from iowa said...
>They see poor little rich kid Drumpfuck lie about all the white privileges he received from his Dad (hundreds of millions) and they think everyone lives that way. <
Whatever Trump received from his dad was Trump privilege, not white privilege.
And Trump is the first president in your lifetime to stand up to the fucking billionaires. Why do you think the super rich support Democrats? Why don't the Koch brothers support Trump?
You are so absolutely wrong about everything.
"Didn't some migrants come to 'america',murder most of the people,take the land,bring disease,make babies at a rapid clip,and call it "western civilisation'? Puleeeze!!!"
Europeans colonized a mostly empty, savage land where primitive tribes engaged in eternal warfare, torture, and human sacrifice and built the safest, most prosperous country on earth, the one you live in. Would you rather be squatting in tepee, freezing your ass off while you waited for your neighbor to come bash your skull in?
Now ignoramuses like you advocate for letting a new group of colonists in who would turn this country into the kind of shithole they made of their own countries, just to spite the white man. You are worse than stupid.
And Trump is the first president in your lifetime to stand up to the fucking billionaires.
You really are that fucking dumb, ain't you. Who was it just gave billionaires, including himself, billions in tax refunds because he stood up to them?
These are just the ones in his inner circle from Liberal rag Forbes-
At least 21 billionaires listed as inner circle, then there are all those Russian billionaires and Saudis and Waltons and Coors and god only knows how many more Drumpf stood up to and gave them trillions inn taxcuts.
"It's part of the old John Birch Society. After WWII, they spread the conspiracy theory that Eisenhower was a communist."
The Koch brother's father was one of the founders of the Birchers. Fruit doesn't fall far from the tree.
"If they tell me it's not true that's what I'll say, facts be damned"
Who is this nefarious "they"? 😂 Or should I write it(((they)))😆 Yeah sure, I should believe old klan propaganda.
Fly Eagles F- oh wait...
Our dumb assed president says MS-13 and ISIS types in the middle of the caravan. Holy jeezus republicans are really stupid.
Remember when Fergus said that he'd be the best president for the LGBT community? He does know what the T stands for, right?
-Doug in Oakland
I'm Chinese-American and think it's odd that a black person would be criticizing whites for being racist and xenophobic. Some of the worst racism I have experienced has been from blacks. It's really no surprise you people would be so hypocritical considering critical thinking is not one of your strong suits.
See more at:
No amount of bullshit is hard to believe coming from micro dick white boys like Butt Trumpet and all the retarded fags who love and support him.
The impeach the orange fuckstick movement has more members than Russia/NRA.
Moar happenings from Cantaloupe Calves King country-
Added bonus- http://www.startribune.com/iowa-coach-admits-to-having-nude-photos-videos-of-400-boys/498025721/
Guarantee the coach is a gawd fearing fauxknee kristian and most likely an upstanding wingnut, too.
See what else whitey has gotten us into in medicine besides opioid addictions.
Well, we know blacks are collectively too stupid to run a country. I can't think of a functional African country or American city run by blacks. The southern browns are not even liked by the pretty much white Mexican government.
"Joachim Ronneberg, Leader of Raid That Thwarted a Nazi Atomic Bomb, Dies at 99"
-Doug in Oakland
It isn't just King in iowa. https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/republican-state-lawmakers-white-nationalists-rslc-silent_us_5bcd82e4e4b0a8f17eee0a1d
Moar and moar wingnuts are happily climbing into bed with white racists all over the country.
“Remember when Fergus said that he'd be the best president for the LGBT community? He does know what the T stands for, right?”
“T” stands for “target.”
As in: target of Trump’s abuse and demonization, to distract his dimwitted base as he and his plutocratic party set about dismantling their healthcare and pensions.
The only people for whom Trump will actually be “the best” president are very wealthy people. Everyone else can expect some degree of shafting — though some of the “shaftees” haven’t figured this out just yet.
How many days till Black Hysteria Month?
"Well, we know blacks are collectively too stupid to run a country."
If by we you mean you and the rest of the not so bright teen incels in your circle you are right.😂
I'm a Japanese American the worst racism I have experienced has been from whites. It's really no surprise you people would be so hypocritical considering critical thinking is not one of your strong suits.
See more at whitefuckboiincel.com
6 black people shot while leaving Burnside funeral for slain rapper, authorities say
How many days until white fuckboys can get some new talking points. First the left were snowflakes but now they're a violent mob. Well guess we get to wait to see what trump shits into their mouths next. We all know white fuckboys are too stupid to think for themselves.
So. You BLack ghetto trash rats run your F'in mouth all day about wiping out Whites. So what's the big deal.I say let's get this over with. We will wipe your monkey rapist ,rappin'robbin,criminal monkeyshine asses out.
Dear Anonymoid:
Only NPCs keep talking about NPCs.
Except me. _Of_course_ I'm not a bot!
So you trailer park living pussy fuckboys keep talking anout race wars and how they'll wipe us out, so what's the hold up? You bitches have been talking that shit since the 60's. Yawn. Virgin assed, pussified, dumb assed fuckboys ain't gonna do a goddammned thing. Well, except talk shit online like the keyboard warriors they are. Bwahahahahahahahahahahahaha!
Just like last time. Oh, wait.
Finally mailed my ballots off today. Another vote for Barbara Lee, that always feels good.\
-Doug in Oakland
Be best!
Holy smokes, Fox hosts are calling each other out on lies. Damn.
"Mostly women in children."
You've completely nullified any credibility you may have feigned before one complete sentence into this article. You act like the rest of us haven't seen those Jewish trucks and buses carrying them from town to town, en route north, getting them out systematically for photo ops. You act like we can't tell that over 80 fucking percent of them are men aged between 18 and 35.
"Women and children."
Y'all don't care about the 10+ million women and children literal slaves in Africa, owned by fellow blacks, do you? Slavery is supposedly something so horrible to happen to you people that nearly 200 years after the fact, you still aren't over it. Yet as millions upon millions of black men, women and children serve as slaves in Africa today, y'all pick the BIG issues to deal with -- like, e.g., Drumpf is finished because Jewish migrant caravans. lol
Pays to have friends in low places. SPOTUS is protecting Wilbur Ross from deposition in Census suit over citizenship question Ross has lied about. Apparently the court believes it has a duty to protect stoopid fucking wingnut pols from justice.
Y'all don't care about the 10+ million women and children literal slaves in Africa, owned by fellow blacks, do you?
Awwwwwwww, Josh knows the current conservative talking points. Do you give a shit Josh? Why do you have to remind us this is a "black" issue? Shouldn't it be a human rights issue that ALL people care about? And here I thought you conservatives didn't see color. Lying assholes. Still, fuck you Josh. All you want is attention because your boyfriend is ignoring you again so you go full racist on negro sites so people can see you flash your tits. Why aren't white patriots caring about homeless vets? See? I can play the why don't you care about such and such issue too fuckboi. Now go flash your tits elsewhere, no one here reads your long stupid screeching you little bitch.
There are 40 slaves worldwide and Josh only points out the 9.2 million on one continent. Why? Well we know why. She just wants to start shit for attention and doesn't care about the issue. Does she go on Asian sites to start shit? Nope, she is racist against negroes because she's been conditioned for that just like all the other brainwashed fuckboys. This little bitch would be at a lynching posing for pictures if she could. Remember she used to come here and lie about just being here for discussion? Ha, wasn't long before her klan dress started poking out. Just another troll spouting talking points. Hey Josh, MS-13! Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!
Heh heh heh.
trump lies so much that it's hard to keep up. Isis and Ms-13 are in the caravan?Seriously? Tax cut by 10% by Nov. 1st? trump either can't help himself or believes his supporters don't care. Then again they only watch Fox so they don't know they're being lied to.
A Supreme Court which actually believes in separation of powers and that the ones delegated to the executive are, in fact, the executive's and not the court's?
Even when it goes counter to lefturd demands like ignoring immigration law?
From the non-violent right, of course.
Even when it goes counter to lefturd demands like ignoring immigration law?
Anyone who uses the term "lefturd" and "winning" is a childish asshole er I mean Republican.
From the non-violent right, of course.
No Mike, Soros paid for his own bombing because.
These fucking morons who believe Drumpf do exist, really, and sound just like him.
No Mike, Soros paid for his own bombing because.
Prove it. Prove Soros paid for any of the shit you claim he did.
2 negroes killed, 1 negroe wounded in shooting on I-57 in Calumet Park
Thousands of caucasion overdose deaths. Keep it going. We need more assholes like anon 12:33pm to bite the dust.
"Holy smokes, Fox hosts are calling each other out on lies. Damn."
The "Indivertible" paper notes that it is story selection more than lies or right wing slant that makes Fox News work effectively as propaganda.
-Doug in Oakland
Catching the MSNBC panel by surprise, this was King revealing his "European" values in a 2016 Republican Convention jaw-dropper:
Also, I have trouble with "intellectual" and "neo-Fascist" describing the same person. A neo-Fascist can be a specious rationalizer, but to call her an intellectual smears the very idea of reflective thought.
Fuck! he seemed nice.
He was supposed to be bitch.
Dog, please make it stop.
And Drumpfuck believes anything the Saudis tell him cuz he's kind of a stoopid fuckstick.
Wasicu fuckboi scared he will lose if the wrong color of people get to vote. He should be.
-Doug in Oakland
So you won blog awards in 2007, 2008, 2009, and 2011 as a result of the above comments/ blog contents. *SMH*
Fuck the gooks and chinks!
Yisheng = nigger
lilac = cunt
Testicle sweat = testicle tounge tickler
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