For instance, if I were to tell you that there were zero murders in the city of Chicago last year you would know that I am lying, right? I mean the facts say otherwise. If I told you that Ronald Reagan was married to Lena Horne and swore that it was true, you would say that I am lying, no matter how loudly I proclaimed it to be true. Why? Because there are these little things called "facts" which say otherwise.
Which brings me back to Mr. trump and his supporters. When he tells his supporters that there are Middle Eastern terrorists traveling with the migrants from Central America, or that the republicans are going to give the middle class a 10% tax cut next week (Congress isn't even in session), we know that he is lying because the facts just don't bear out what he is saying. The thing is, he says it to thousands of people, and they all believe it. It's as if he is creating his own reality and sucking the rest of his minions in with him.
Today, thanks to hard questions from one of the few real journalists left in America, trump was forced to say that he had no proof of Middle Easterners in the Central American caravan. Most people would be embarrassed to be called out on such a blatant lie; but not Mr. trump, he actually doubled down on the lie. He is a man that is used to lying to the American people and getting away with it, because his base just doesn't care. They are like minded spirits, bound together by hatred and fear of others who are different.
What's also so sad about all of this is watching the people around trump buy in to his constant lying and manipulating of the facts. Mike Pence and the other sycophants in the administration just sat there and nodded their heads while he told lie after lie, as if they were afraid to piss off the Emperor.
The one thing Mr. trump has never lied about is who he is. He has told us time and time again who he is, and still some of us refuse to see or believe it.
Yesterday he (trump) declared that he was a Nationalist, and those of use who knew all along that was a racist were not surprised. But the folks who still spend a lot of time in polite company were shocked to hear that the man elected to lead this great country considers himself a
Still, they better get used to it, because this is where we are as a country these days, and it's only going to get worse.
I went to FoxNews's website yesterday, don't ask, and it was like visiting a different planet. On planet Fox Barack ruined the economy and divided the country by I guess being a blah man. When they only listen to sources that tell them what they want to hear why go anywhere else?
And the "facts" they recite? Well it's very similar to the ones the trolls post here.
If I were to say that white boys like Butt Trumpet have big dicks, you would know that I am lying.
The Eagles will go 7-9. Count on it, Field.
Lance puts the lotion on Field's foreskin.
The Pig People have been addicted to right wing lies for decades, Fergus is just their favorite dealer at the moment.
Not only will they happily believe whatever new lie he comes off with, they don't even care if the new lie completely contradicts the lie he told earlier in the day.
They have become infinitely reprogrammable in that sense, and deliberately so, as the goddamn Republicans can't have them thinking about what they did yesterday or last week, because what they were doing yesterday and last week is screwing them and damaging their lives and laughing about it.
And Nationalist? You think Fergus knows or cares what that means? To him it's just another hat, like "Republican" "conservative" "president" or "human being" and he'll wear it in public if he thinks it'll help get him what he wants right now.
We told you fuckers this would happen, and now you're split between denying it's happening and claiming you like it.
We will remember that.
-Doug in Oakland
Trump supporters are below the bottom of the barrel. They are even lower than pond scum.
This whole cult/klan of Trump is almost as bad as anything the 1980's puked out.
I am baffled by the behavior of the Trump supporters. When did so may Americans become so afraid that they are willing to support a would be dictator in the mold of Hitler? I recall that when I was young, Americans believed in themselves. They believed that our nation could do anything that we set our minds too, that we could overcome anything.
Trump thrives on creating fear. He has created bogeymen every where, and many people are buying it. He spews a constant stream of lies and so many people believe him. I don't see congress or the courts doing anything much to check his behavior. I hope those who don't support Trump are buying guns and ammunition because I think a show down could come in 2020.
"They believed that our nation could do anything that we set our minds too, that we could overcome anything."
That was when we believed public schools were a good thing but now we refer to them as "government" schools. We are living in the shadow of previous generations who believed in science, engineering and investing in our future. Now we shun learning, don't want to pay for anything and believe we will just magically continue as a great world power. We all know how this ends if we don't change soon.
I wouldn’t make too much of Trump’s statement about being a “nationalist.” To a lot of people, it only means he is a patriotic American. This won’t change anyone’s views of him.
From observing his behavior, of course, he is not merely patriotic; he is obviously an ethno-nationalist and a jingoistic xenophobe: He believes this country is for white people, and only white people, and views all foreign policy as a zero-sum game in which anything that is positive for another country must be a negative for the United States. They’re all screwing us!
Those who haven’t managed to figure this out have more than one screw loose.
Those damn Nationalist!
We will take 2018 and 2020. Let it sink in. Get use to it. We are here and we are not going to take it anymore.
We won't take your violence.
We won't take your dogma.
Never sake your future on a myth.
You have to live with your actions.
Old Mudshark Aska, I hope you are correct about 2020. Too many Commies taking air.
"We are here and we are not going to take it anymore."
The ever present "we".😂 Well, we're here too and we'll do what we need to do.
Interesting. All of the poorest states are controlled by Republicans. West Virginia #50.
Any other black girls out there that grind the chalk? (That means hooking up with white boys.)
You gotta try it! White boys are so nice. Plus most of them have jobs, and, regardless of the crap you read on these black power sites, pretty nice dicks, too. Sisters, go get yourself a white boy today!
-Tawshawndra X.
Your cock is great. It is at least 17 inches long. Thank you very much for sharing. Hope you will whip it out more in the future.
Now Grind The Chalk!!!!!
Pilot X said:
That was when we believed public schools were a good thing but now we refer to them as "government" schools. We are living in the shadow of previous generations who believed in science, engineering and investing in our future. Now we shun learning, don't want to pay for anything and believe we will just magically continue as a great world power. We all know how this ends if we don't change soon."
Yes, and our country is beginning to fall apart. That happens when one political party is taken over by leaders that serve themselves with no regard for the public good. They line their pockets and screw the poor. They will do anything to retain power- lie, cheat, betray our country to the Russians, and steal. They are nothing like the Republicans who came before them.
Anonymous said:
"When he tells his supporters that there are Middle Eastern terrorists traveling with the migrants from Central America... we know that he is lying because the facts just don't bear out what he is saying."
Middle Eastern men caught on Arizona border....
From 2015: 6 Middle Eastern men arrested crossing Mexico-Arizona border
From 2004: Arab terrorists 'are getting into the US over Mexican border'"
Sure would like to see some references for your claims above. Who are you citing? Also even if your claims are true, that doesn't prove there are terrorists traveling with the caravan.
America’s Relentless Suppression of Black Voters
Republican attempts to exclude African Americans from the polls echoes efforts by Southern whites that enabled the Jim Crow era.
By Lawrence Goldstone
Bring it Pilot X.... Please bring it.
"Bring it Pilot X.... Please bring it."
Depends on what "it" is😂
"Also even if your claims are true, that doesn't prove there are terrorists traveling with the caravan."
You can't use logic with trump supporters.
"What's also so sad about all of this is watching the people around Field buy in to his constant lying and manipulating of the facts."
Change the name Field to trump and you're on to something. Just think about the logic you're using. Because some people got caught trying to sneak into the country we automatically assume they'll choose a high profile highly visible method to try to clandestinely cross into the US. Um yeah, sounds like a brilliant plan. Couldn't have been that it was people trying to escape poverty and violence in their own country. Nah. It was an intricate Isis plot😆
Anonymous said:
"What's also so sad about all of this is watching the people around Field buy in to his constant lying and manipulating of the facts."
Field is not the one "lying and manipulating of the facts." That honor belongs to Trump and the lying GOP candidates who are telling voters that they support insurance for people with preexisting conditions.
And BTW, I'm still waiting for you to post the references for the data you posted about terrorists in the caravan. Or was that some other timid person also hiding behind the anonymous title?
> Sure would like to see some references for your claims above. Who are you citing?
All three claims were the titles of the articles at the links. All you had to do is click on them. Are you THAT stupid?
Silly me. OF COURSE you're that stupid.
He is telling it like it is.
The democrats consider Animal Farm as an instuctional manual.
Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...
I hope those who don't support Trump are buying guns and ammunition because I think a show down could come in 2020.
10:51 PM
Wait, Progressives don't like guns or The Second Amendment, why the forked tongue??
Wait, Progressives don't like guns or The Second Amendment, why the forked tongue??
Anymoose fell for more of Drumpfuck's lies. We have guns and we can shoot. We just don't fall for the bullshit you stoopid fucking traitorous wingnuts need assault weapons to hunt Bambi or protect yerselves when a shotgun would be a far superior choice for home defense.
You dipwads imagine yerselves as wannabe Rambos wreaking havoc without getting dinged up in the process.
"Wait, Progressives don't like guns or The Second Amendment, why the forked tongue??"
You just keep right on believing that. I live in what is arguably the most liberal/progressive district in the country, and everyone I know is armed and can competently shoot.
-Doug in Oakland
Don't grind the chalk. White men are ugly and smell really bad. Plus their voices are obnoxious af.
As a Chinese-American I find it strange that a black would criticize white nationalism (which is for stupid people) when black nationalism and black supremacy are not only tolerated but encouraged and celebrated. You people really should get off your white liberal master's leash.
See more at:
Fox News reporter hides in bushes to stop migrant family's bid to cross border
Remind me, since when has the job of reporting included performing the duties of Customs and Border Patrol and "busting" illegal immigrants?
Fox appears to be moving on from being the propaganda arm of the Republican Party to just being an unofficial department in the Trump administration.
*Customs and Border Protection, sorry
Moar liars-
Remember all them there wack job ammosexuals claiming guns don't kill people? Remington Arms is on the hook for millions to replace trigger assemblies in god knows how many faulty weapons they knew were faulty as far back as 1948.
Remington recently emerged from bankruptcy with the suit still in place. I hope they have to publicly apologize to those killed or injured through Remington's denials and thern I hope Remington chokes on it.
I bumped into an old family friend at the market yesterday. -hadn't seen her since 2002. One of the first things out of her mouth was: You're not a trump supporter are you? After I told her I wasn't, she let out a relieved 'good'.
We are from a small town in No. California where many people did vote Trump and may do so again.
"Anymoose fell for more of Drumpfuck's lies. We have guns and we can shoot. We just don't fall for the bullshit you stoopid fucking traitorous wingnuts need assault weapons to hunt Bambi or protect yerselves when a shotgun would be a far superior choice for home defense."
More sense of entitlement from the alt left, who are you make choices for personal protection. You are no firearms instructor thats for sure. My wife cannot handle the recoil of a 12 or 20 gauge, but she can shoot her Colt 6920 extremely well.
Drumpf lies and FBI proves it.
Let's talk about the racist trifling talk show host, Mr. Phil, who exploited a young black immature girl who knows nothing about life. SHAME ON YOU!!!! Some will do anything (stooping real low) for rating, money and attention
I find Remington hilarious. They were loaded up with debt in preparation for the sales boom they believed the Clinton presidency would bring them, and now Fergus is president and they're in bankruptcy.
Never was much of a fan of their products, either. I have an 870 12 gauge, but like my Brownings a lot better.
-Doug in Oakland
From Steve Benen:
"Referring to Saudi Arabia, Jared Kushner said this week, “Once those facts come in, the secretary of state will work with our national security team to help us determine what we want to believe.” He probably could’ve phrased those last few words a little better."
-Doug in Oakland
No Doug, he couldn't have phrased it better because he would have been lying if he had.
So MAGABomber is trending on Twitter now?
I think we can all guess what the #MAGABomber looks like.
The only question is whether, when the FBI go to arrest him, he will be wearing his stupid red hat.
National Security team already said Kashoggi was murdered and who was behind the murder and Drumpfuck the dumbfuck and his even dumfuckery SIL didn't believe them then. Kushner and Drumpfuck lied then, they'll lie again.
Georgia is already reporting problems with voting machines changing votes from Adams to whitey wingnut. The state is also trying to throw out absentee ballots and the courts stopped them.
Wingnuts cheat, otherwise they can't get into government. You don't really believe people are fucking stoopid enough to vote for this kind of incompetence, do you?
Drumpf grabbing another pussy. Priceless!
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...
I hope those who don't support Trump are buying guns and ammunition because I think a show down could come in 2020.
10:51 PM
"Wait, Progressives don't like guns or The Second Amendment, why the forked tongue??"
What ever gave you that foolish idea? FOX News? Every progressive Democrat I know has at least one gun; Most have more. We don't dislike guns, we just want them in the hands of responsible people who aren't crazy or unstable. We favor back ground checks and registration of all firearms.
ll three claims were the titles of the articles at the links. All you had to do is click on them. Are you THAT stupid?
Silly me. OF COURSE you're that stupid.
At lease I'm not so stupid as to vote for Trump or to support his inhumane, idiotic policies. How about you, Sugar?
Attention All Trump Lovers, your brilliant leader is screwing up big time again.
Chinese and Russian Spies Have Tapped Trump's Personal Phone — But He's Ignored All the Warnings: Report
He just won't listen to good advice.
By Cody Fenwick / AlterNet
October 24, 2018, 1:00 PM GMT
"Wait, Progressives don't like guns or The Second Amendment, why the forked tongue??"
Says who? Many of us do.
TRUMP 2020!!
"ll three claims were the titles of the articles at the links. All you had to do is click on them. Are you THAT stupid?
At lease I'm not so stupid as to vote for Trump or to support his inhumane, idiotic policies."
Can't defend the basic Internet incompetence, tries to change the subject... and can't even spell "at least" correctly. Yup, stupidity confirmed in spades. This place is LZOLLZville.
Beto 2020!
TRUMP 2020!!!
Anonymous Anonymous said...
"ll three claims were the titles of the articles at the links. All you had to do is click on them. Are you THAT stupid?
At lease I'm not so stupid as to vote for Trump or to support his inhumane, idiotic policies."
Can't defend the basic Internet incompetence, tries to change the subject... and can't even spell "at least" correctly. Yup, stupidity confirmed in spades. This place is LZOLLZville.
Hey, asshole, I am 82 years old, don't see too well, and have no patience with people like you. If I make an occasional typo, well to bad. The solution is: Don't read my posts.
Have a nice day.
"The solution is: Don't read my posts."
Won't take her own advice either. Stupid AND a hypocrite!
Yisheng = nigger
lilac = cunt
Anonymous Anonymous said...
"The solution is: Don't read my posts."
" Won't take her own advice either. Stupid AND a hypocrite!"
Please don't mistake me for someone who gives a crap about your insults. I thought I made that clear in my last post.
Have a nice night.
Fuck the gooks and chinks!
And that's twice in a row that the senile dowager refused to take her own advice and just not read the anon posts commenting on her input.
You Can't Fix Stupid.
Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...
Attention All Trump Lovers, your brilliant leader is screwing up big time again.
Chinese and Russian Spies Have Tapped Trump's Personal Phone — But He's Ignored All the Warnings: Report
He just won't listen to good advice.
By Cody Fenwick / AlterNet
October 24, 2018, 1:00 PM GMT
7:49 PM
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