First, was it right for T.I. to depict the First Lady as a stripper in his latest video? I hear she is very upset about it. Still, she does have nude pics floating around on the Internet.
Second, do you believe that Jamal Khashoggi was murdered because he was working on a story about the trump Saudi financial ties?
Third, (I got this one from Peter Daou on twitter) "If he tried to cancel elections and declare himself POTUS for life, how many of his supporters would complain?" Tonight he actually joked about it. Just floating a trial balloon to the base.
And finally, what do you think of Heidi Cruz complaining about Ted's $174,000.00 per year senate salary?
The only way to find out what happened at the Saudi Consulate is to send in more journalists, one at a time.
Nah, you just peddle sleaze. It's what sleazy communist do.
Melania is the typical pampered "let them eat cake" spoiled rich victim. She is one if the most recognizable and powerful people on the planet who could do a ton of good but instead wants to sit around and complain how hard her life is.Then again she does have to screw the orange orangutan so disregard everything I just wrote.
The Saudi journalist was banned from the kingdom shortly after criticizing king trump so there's more to this than meets the eye, obviously.
Presidenting is too hard for that goofball, well at least doing it correctly so he'll quit soon enough.
If Heidi needs more money then maybe Heidi needs a better job. Monster.com
Fag Negro is a hack.
First; Yes, I think it's OK. After you sell your soul to the devil, you shouldn't complain if everything doesn't go to your liking.
Second; Yes, I don't think there is any doubt.
Third; I have no clue. I would hope that all Americans who love democracy would rise up and throw Trump out.
Fourth; Maybe the Cruz family has a lot of expenses?
“First, was it right for T.I. to depict the First Lady as a stripper in his latest video? I hear she is very upset about it. Still, she does have nude pics floating around on the Internet.”
Well, she is, after all, the “most bullied person in the world.”
So we should all feel super bad for her.
Okay, maybe a little bad — she isn’t personally responsible for Trump’s policies, and never expected or wanted to be first lady — but not that bad. I mean, she married an obviously rotten human being for money and a green card, so you can’t really say she had no idea what she was getting into.
If she were smart, she would stay out of the public eye as much as possible and avoid trying to defend her indefensible husband. But she’s not smart.
Anyway, TI is probably going to get sued for defamation, because that is how the Trumps roll. They are always happily slandering everyone else left and right, but aim a rude joke in their direction, and suddenly, they’re on the phone to their lawyers.
“Second, do you believe that Jamal Khashoggi was murdered because he was working on a story about the trump Saudi financial ties?”
No. It is not the case that literally everything is about Trump.
The Saudi crown prince is an evil person in his own right. He doesn’t need Trump’s help with that. He is extremely thin-skinned and wants to murder anyone who criticizes him or the Saudi monarchy, as Khashoggi did, over many matters not having to do with Trump. This is what dictators are like. Putin will have you poisoned with radioactive polonium or nerve agents if you say stuff he doesn’t like. The Saudis’ methods are a little more brutal and a little less sophisticated.
The only real connection with Trump is that he is looking on with envy at what those dictators are doing. It infuriates him to no end that he can’t send goons around to dismember Jim Acosta or April Ryan or any other of the members of the “fake news” media for saying mean things about him.
"Third, (I got this one from Peter Daou on twitter) ‘If he tried to cancel elections and declare himself POTUS for life, how many of his supporters would complain?’ Tonight he actually joked about it. Just floating a trial balloon to the base.”
None of them would object. The knuckle-draggers are quintessentially fascistic. They don’t believe in democracy. They think white, rural folk are the only “real Americans,” and everyone else is just lucky to be allowed to live here and definitely shouldn’t be allowed to vote.
“And finally, what do you think of Heidi Cruz complaining about Ted's $174,000.00 per year senate salary?”
I am nauseated. Her sanctimonious prick of a husband shouldn’t get paid a dime. He never does his fucking job. The only things Cruz does in Congress are grandstand, and try and throw sand in the gears and shut down the government.
If he loses to Beto, I might never stop laughing.
1) Was it right? I wouldn't have done it, but I don't make my living in that business.
I was all for cutting her some slack until she started peddling Republican talking points.
If she doesn't like the level public discourse has fallen to, perhaps she shouldn't have thrown her lot in with the current leader of the creeps who pulled it down there. (See also: Gingrich, Newton Leroy; GOPAC: "Language, a key mechanism of control")
2) I don't know why they killed him. But they did kill him.
3) I don't know how many, but they're out there.
4) Oh boo the fuck hoo. They're not buying a second house any time soon. Maybe she should have thought ahead and made some money (there must be room for her at the wingnut welfare trough), or failing that, she could have attached herself to a wealthier wingnut.
-Doug in Oakland
PilotX said...
Melania is the typical pampered "let them eat cake" spoiled rich victim. She is one if the most recognizable and powerful people on the planet who could do a ton of good but instead wants to sit around and complain how hard her life is.Then again she does have to screw the orange orangutan so disregard everything I just wrote.
More pampered than Michelle Obama? Affirmative admission and graduation from an Ivy League school, struggling hospital lawyer whose salary tripled the day after her husband was elected Senator, eight years of blanket adoration from the press, with her signature achievement being to make school lunches across the country even worse than they were? ("Let them eat rice cake").
No one goes lower than democrats.
dinthebeast said...
4) Oh boo the fuck hoo. They're not buying a second house any time soon. Maybe she should have thought ahead and made some money (there must be room for her at the wingnut welfare trough), or failing that, she could have attached herself to a wealthier wingnut.
Here's an idea: Set up a private foundation and get her husband to sell political favors to foreign countries for donations. Give speeches for Goldman Sachs and Russian oligarchs at a half million a pop. Get $30 million book advances from sympathetic publishing houses for books that no one will buy.
It's easy to be sleazy.
State Department provided 'clearly false' statements to derail requests for Clinton docs, 'shocked' federal judge says
In a combative exchange at a hearing Friday in Washington, D.C., a federal judge unabashedly accused career State Department officials of lying and signing "clearly false" affidavits to derail a series of lawsuits seeking information about former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's private email server and her handling of the 2012 terrorist attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya.
U.S. District Court Judge Royce Lamberth also said he was "shocked" and "dumbfounded" when he learned that FBI had granted immunity to former Clinton chief of staff Cheryl Mills during its investigation into the use of Clinton's server, according to a court transcript of his remarks.
"I had myself found that Cheryl Mills had committed perjury and lied under oath in a published opinion I had issued in a Judicial Watch case where I found her unworthy of belief, and I was quite shocked to find out she had been given immunity in — by the Justice Department in the Hillary Clinton email case," Lamberth said during the hearing.
I distinctly remember this blog, a few years back, running wild with multiple posts about the story of the white kids on the school bus who said the word "nigger" in a song. According to this blog and many of its visitors, it was more proof of just how racist whites are.
Though as I'm looking around recent posts, I don't see one thing at all on the dozens of black kids on a school bus who viciously assaulted a handicapped white boy--a retarded boy!--and kept beating him and beating him relentlessly, seemingly for only the crime of being white.
This race-baiting blog, and all the ones like it, are a joke. The entire Marxist-inspired "pro-black" movement is a joke. Full entirely of people who only take, have never given a thing back, yet still demand more; people who treat words as a worse offense than the Japanese treated the H-bomb, yet habitually physically assault white people, dozens of national cases every single day. People who still bitch, moan and complain about Emmett Till generations later yet don't have a mumbling word to add when blacks kidnap, rape and murder 9-year-old white girls, or shoot white infants in the face, or smother them at daycare for the crime of being white.
Y'all better fucking hope the rest of America's whites don't start acting even 1/100th as racist as you claim they are. You're gonna have a bad time.
World Ends, Black People Most Affected.
"It's easy to be sleazy."
You mean like the Gingrich clan?
-Doug in Oakland
Angry gambler sez…
-Third; I have no clue.-
We can all agree with this statement.
- I would hope that all Americans who love democracy would rise up and throw Trump out.-
So you are for mob violence? Are you sure? Right now only one side engages in mob violence and it isn't the wingnuts. #looneyleftist
Stacy Abrams went to South Georgia to campaign. Unknown to you folks the area has been devastated by that hurricane in the "southwest" part of the country. The farmers down there are in a dire straights, so it must have been a relief to them when she tells them they should not have to be farmers. That little bit of "campaigning" should help her win the election.
I swear, do you people actually believe your hubris? Are you really that stupid?
Do you think food comes from a grocery store? Sorry to harsh on your fantasies, but food comes from farms. Stay "woke" you morons.
Here be one I missed yesterday- Gardening wehile black can get you stalking and other charges.
If wasicu women are desperate for BBC maybe they should just ask for it. And stoopid fucking wingnuts wonder why they are de-evolving so quickly.
RIP to Black female Naval Engineer Raye Montague, a PE for my daughter to look up to!
Anonymous said to Gambler2 ASKA white Woman
- I would hope that all Americans who love democracy would rise up and throw Trump out.-
So you are for mob violence? Are you sure? Right now only one side engages in mob violence and it isn't the wingnuts. #looneyleftist
So if Trump declares himself our ruler after he is defeated by ballot in 2020, you would do nothing? That indicates that you don't believe in democracy. You and other rabid fascists truly are deplorable, and you will be defeated just like you were in Nazi Germany.
Trump Praises Congressman Who Assaulted Reporter
October 19, 2018 at 7:18 am EDT By Taegan Goddard 37 Comments
President Trump praised Rep. Greg Gianforte’s (R-MT) body slamming a reporter in 2017, saying that anyone who did such a thing was “my kind of guy,” Politico reports.
Said Trump:” “Never wrestle him, you understand that? Any guy who can do a body slam is my kind of guy.
Wow. And Anonymous says I"m violent!!!
FN: " Second, do you believe that Jamal Khashoggi was murdered because he was working on a story about the trump Saudi financial ties?"
No,you are thinking of the Clintons.....
FN:"First, was it right for T.I. to depict the First Lady as a stripper in his latest video? I hear she is very upset about it. Still, she does have nude pics floating around on the Internet.
Wives and kids are off limits, well except from the violent alt left who think they are Gods gift.
"First, was it right for T.I. to depict the First Lady as a stripper in his latest video? I hear she is very upset about it. Still, she does have nude pics floating around on the Internet.
The violent alt left loves to BULLY people and then claim they are champions of anti-bullying.
Anonymous said:
"Wives and kids are off limits, well except from the violent alt left who think they are Gods gift."
You've got to be joking! The right went after Michelle Obama the minute Barack announced he was running. The insults and lies have continued 24/7 ever since. There's even at least one in the comments here this morning. So don't get all pious on us now. Your post is laughable.
First, was it right for T.I. to depict the First Lady as a stripper in his latest video? I hear she is very upset about it. Still, she does have nude pics floating around on the Internet.
Of course it was, she is an uneducated (and lied about it), buck naked mail order bride', who plagiarized MO. TI doesn't owe her "over doing the facial surgery ass" a damn thing!
There's nothing an unsuccessful black woman hates more than a good looking successful white woman.
Why do black guys want white women???
Conservatives mount a whisper campaign smearing Khashoggi in defense of Trump
When these clowns start wailing about “mobs of the violent alt-left assaulting them” (by yelling at them in elevators and interrupting their dinner reservations), keep in mind that the Republicans are the pro-chopping-up-adversarial-journalists party.
"More pampered than Michelle Obama?"
Yup, Michelle has a law school degree from an Ivy League and a career before she met Barack. Soooooo, Melania has no degree and was the classic gold digger. Night and day.
I mean she did pose for naked pictures which isn't a career we normally want our daughters to aspire unlike Mrs. Obama. Pretty sure no sane parents have a problem with their daughter becoming an attorney. Let's vote, who would rather their daughter be a stripper/"model" or an Ivy League attorney.😆
PilotX said...
>I mean she did pose for naked pictures which isn't a career we normally want our daughters to aspire unlike Mrs Obama.<
Mrs. Obama's career consisted of being an affirmative action lawyer who, despite having an Ivy League degree, failed the bar several times and had to take a job as a low level hospital legal department employee.
This kind of career option is only open to blacks. Plus, absolutely no one wants to see her naked.
World ends, Josh still flashing her tits online!
I guess naked ho is a career path open to all uneducated white women huh?
PX here's a better question, who would want their daughter to marry someone like 45 other than European immigrants looking for a path to US citizenship?
Either Melania is exteemely tone deaf or a complete moron. An I don't care, do you? jacket while visiting kids seperated from their parents. It's like the Washington Hillbillies🙄
Moar proof wingnuts are the party of mob violence-
"failed the bar several times and had to take a job as a low level hospital legal department employee."
Failed the Illinois Bar only once. Many notables have failed the bar their first time out including many high profile mayors such as Richard Daley and Ed Koch.
Anonymous First Lunch Lady said a boatload of right wing bullshit.
Michelle Obama failed the Illinois bar the first time she took it. So do lots of other lawyers.
Her job resume, had she done nothing in her life, would outshine yers by, I can't possibly put a number on this. You should be so loving and generous, tool. Off with yer head!
Michelle Obama's partial work history.
In 1991, Michelle decided to leave corporate law and pursue a career in public service, working as an assistant to Mayor Richard Daley and then as the assistant commissioner of planning and development for the City of Chicago.
In 1993, she became executive director for the Chicago office of Public Allies, a nonprofit leadership-training program that helped young adults develop skills for future careers in the public sector.
In 1996, Michelle joined the University of Chicago as associate dean of student services, developing the school’s first community-service program. Beginning in 2002, she worked for the University of Chicago Hospitals, as executive director of community relations and external affairs.
Kashoggi was brutally murdered and there ain't a doubt in my mind Drumpf and Kushner knew it in advance and are lying to protect arms sales.
Meanwhile, Drumpf continues defunding every Palestinian initiative he can find so the Palestinians will be forced to surrender to Israel any hope of getting their traditional homeland back.
My apologies, PilotX. I did not see yer post about Michelle,when I wrote mine.
Fuck the gooks and chinks!
In 1991, Michelle decided to leave corporate law and pursue a career in public service, working as an assistant to Mayor Richard Daley and then as the assistant commissioner of planning and development for the City of Chicago.
In other words, she was a failure in the private sector and took a political patronage job.
In 1993, she became executive director for the Chicago office of Public Allies, a nonprofit leadership-training program that helped young adults develop skills for future careers in the public sector.
Teaching kids how to be grifters like herself. How noble.
In 1996, Michelle joined the University of Chicago as associate dean of student services, developing the school’s first community-service program.
Now in the make-work academic activist business.
Beginning in 2002, she worked for the University of Chicago Hospitals, as executive director of community relations and external affairs.
Pretty low level for an Ivy League graduate. Her salary was $130,000 a year. Then her husband got elected Senator, and her salary nearly tripled. Her over compensation was a political embarrassment and she had to quit.
Face it. She spent her career being handed opportunities that were way over her head in terms of ability and merit. Like many such undeserving recipients, she responded with resentment and hatred for the society that gave her everything. She is a poster child for the evils of affirmative action.
Mike from Iowa said:
"Anonymous First Lunch Lady said a boatload of right wing bullshit."
Yes she did. Thanks, Mike for the info on Michelle. She is the greatest! No wonder the wingnuts are so jealous of her.
-Doug in Oakland
Fuck commies, Dindus and Mudsharks.
"Yes she did. Thanks, Mike for the info on Michelle. She is the greatest! No wonder the wingnuts are so jealous of her.
She???? Good to know racism will never die thanks to stoopid fucking racist wasicu wastey wingnuts.
Michelle Obama left a lucrative law firm job to give back to the city of Chicago and the citizens there while wingnuts rape everything they can turn into bucks for themselves and move on to the next rape job.
> I mean she did pose for naked pictures which isn't a career we normally want our daughters to aspire unlike Mrs. Obama.
Aside from the laughable notion of anyone wanting to see Moochelle naked in a magazine, it was likely that at the same age "she" was Michael LaVaughn Robinson. Two birth certificates from Chicago, same date, two very slightly different names.
Deport black men.
Deport black women.
Expel black EVERYTHING back to Africa. Live in your mud huts while you dream of the comic-book Wakanda that only Jews could create for you.
mike from iowa said...
She???? Good to know racism will never die thanks to stoopid fucking racist wasicu wastey wingnuts.
Michelle Obama left a lucrative law firm job to give back to the city of Chicago and the citizens there while wingnuts rape everything they can turn into bucks for themselves and move on to the next rape job.
5:10 PM
If it has a penis its a he.
Well, Dogtown may be gentrified past the point of recognition, but the hot links from the Railroad Deli are just as good as I remember them being all those years ago.
-Doug in Oakland
Anonymous The slogan of a new generation said...
"Deport black men.
Deport black women.
Expel black EVERYTHING back to Africa. Live in your mud huts while you dream of the comic-book Wakanda that only Jews could create for you."
I have a better idea: Let's deport/expel all white supremacists and other Nazis and send them to Mars.
Aside from the laughable notion of anyone wanting to see Moochelle naked in a magazine, it was likely that at the same age "she" was Michael LaVaughn Robinson. Two birth certificates from Chicago, same date, two very slightly different names.
let's see the evidence or shut the fuck up, racist! I demand to see her penile projection. If you ain't got it, your toast.
Of course you ain't got it because you know it isn't close to being true. Just more made up right wing bullshit to feed racist fucking trolls like you.
CNN's Rick Santorum defends Trump by claiming he was only praising assault in general, not assault on reporters
video October 19, 2018 5:27 PM EDT
Fox guest says Trump's assertion that assaulting reporters helps Republicans win elections was "just bad timing"
How fucking stoopid can wingnuts get when they reasd and believe shit like this? Pretty damn fucking dumb!
Drumpf joked about body slamming journalists, JUST LIKE HITLER!!!!!!!
"CNN's Rick Santorum defends Trump by claiming he was only praising assault in general, not assault on reporters"
Fox News should do a regular segment called "What Trump Reaaaally Meant Was ...", in which they can helpfully explain that Trump didn't say what he very clearly did say.
What an embarrassing political party.
"Let's deport/expel all white supremacists and other Nazis and send them to Mars."
If you did that, within 2 generations all the mud peoples of the world would be crying out to be "included" and "diversify" Mars because of how nice it was to live there under the crystal garden domes and how unfair it was that only white supremacists got to enjoy it.
They'd probably be yelling "YOU DIDN'T BUILD THAT!" too.
Ha! Wingnuts like to play the victim and say Melania was the most bullied and picked onFLOTUS but anyone in the know knows it was Chelle. Then they go and prove it by turning this particular post into a bash Michelle rally. 😂 Oh ya just gotta love conservatives=racists=Republicans. Always show their true lack of color while denying being white supremacists.😆
"If you did that, within 2 generations all the mud peoples of the world would be crying out to be "included" and "diversify" Mars because of how nice it was to live there under the crystal garden domes and how unfair it was that only white supremacists got to enjoy it."
Well, there's only one way to find out. See ya! Don't let the doorknob hit you in the ass on the way out.
Hey anon @ 1911. Just curious, since you're obviously superior to a mud person like myself what do you do for a living and do you have a college or advanced degree. 😝
(shhhhhhhh, no laughing)
"CNN's Rick Santorum defends Trump by claiming he was only praising assault in general, not assault on reporters"
-Doug in Oakland
PilotX said:
"Well, there's only one way to find out. See ya! Don't let the doorknob hit you in the ass on the way out."
My husband used to say, "Don't let the screen door hit ya where the Good Lord split ya." LOL
As a Chinese-American I just have to wonder why blacks spend so much time worrying about what other races of people are doing. You people could be bettering your communities since you have high crime rates and low education standards, most of which are your fault, partly having to do with your low work ethic.
See more at:
Ha,ha,ha and a triple ha to all of it! Doesn't affect me, couldn't care less! I'm getting ready for Christmas!
Me so happy!
Matt Yglesias, today:
“It’s not a coincidence that Republicans are lying about their position on health care and also think it was good to assault @Bencjacobs for asking about their position on health care.”
Trump, at his rally, talking about how great it is that Montana’s congressman is a violent thug:
“And we endorsed Greg very early, but I heard he body slammed a reporter. [Cheering] [Applause] And he was way up, and I said this was like the day of the election, or just before, and I said oh, this is terrible he’s going to lose the election, then I said, wait a minute, I know Montana pretty well, I think it might help him, and it did.”
So, in other words, the good people of Montana are basically garbage. That’s good to know, I guess.
Murdered on July 10th, 2016. He had just leaked thousands of emails related to the DNC's corruption.
They made an "example" out of him and none of his belongings were taken.
I'm gonna crack open a beer for Seth Rich tonight. You did what many couldn't, Seth. God bless and thank you.
-Doug in Oakland
Nice try. How about getting buggered to death by a sheep instead?
-Doug in Oakland
> Well, there's only one way to find out.
We already found out. The USA was founded for the residents of the English colonies and their posterity. Guess who's been scrambling to get in ever since? Just about everybody else. The whole point of the Immigration Act of 1924 was to keep them from messing up the nice situation the white man had made for himself, because previous waves had been quite enough trouble thankyouverymuch.
The inheritors of the Glorious Haitian Revolution, residents of Wakanda in the Carribean, can't wait to get out of the hell on earth they've made of the place and get to the USA. Examples include such notables as Rachel Jeantel. If black people are so wonderful, why's Haiti so bad? If the Romans could make aqueducts and underground sewers 2500 years ago, why do Haitians shit and throw their trash in open streams?
Why don't they just fix Haiti instead of trying to move?
Trick question. They are too stupid to understand how to fix anything more complicated than a bicycle. They are the only reason Haiti is what it is; if it was populated only by Frenchmen, it would be another place Africans would try to get into, rather than out of. Africans ruin everything.
.@DevinNunes whining about the fact #TheResistance is everywhere: "It's such a pain now to go to these political events. It makes it very difficult to even move around the valley or anywhere else, bc everywhere you go you have this Resistance movement."
First off, Nunes doesn't do town halls, so what he's really complaining about is trying to campaign.
Second, get used to it Devin. Or better yet, fuck off and get a job picking produce in your district. You would last a half hour, tops.
-Doug in Oakland
"Or better yet, fuck off and get a job picking produce in your district. You would last a half hour, tops."
You wouldn't last a half hour as a greeter at Walmart, you brain-damaged POS.
Orange man bad
High taxes great
Socialism will work this time
Abolish Ice
No borders
Free everything
Diversity is our strength
Fuck white people
Doug should be familiar with this:
"Authorities in Lemon Grove, California are searching for a man who sexually assaulted a 7-year-old girl in her home early Thursday. Police say a family member confronted the intruder before he was able to escape."
The video describes the perp as "a black man, who is 20 to 25 years old, stands around 5 foot 7 with a thin build."
Of course, these words appear nowhere in the article text, where it would be indexed and thus searchable. THAT would be RACIST!
I just popped in to see the Trump Haters going off.
I notice field, you are still letting Queenie use multiple usernames to post over and over and over again.
Texas Democratic Party sends voter registration applications to non-citizens with the "US citizen" and "over 18" boxes pre-checked:
There's bold, and there's over-reaching. You're. Going. Down.
Fuck BLM!
Fuck the Dumbocrats!
Fuck Obama!
Fuck Hillary!
Fuck Antifa!
Fuck Christine Blasey Ford!
Fuck Fag Negro!
Now this is a new level of fuckery😖😡
Anonymous So, WHO was saying voter fraud wasn't a thing in the USA? said...
Texas Democratic Party sends voter registration applications to non-citizens with the "US citizen" and "over 18" boxes pre-checked:
Only extreme right wing outlets are pushing this so you know it is really FAKE NOIZE!
I wish it was true. It would make up for a few of the thousands of legal Dem voters wingnuts have tossed off voter rolls illegally.
Which far right stoopid fucking wingnut party hates kids? Hint- it sn't Democrats.
Phony fucking right wing kristians just begging for the chance to abuse LGBTQ children.
What a fucking surprise, said no one ever.
Kashoggi died in a fist fight with Freddie kruger.
Anonymous So, WHO was saying voter fraud wasn't a thing in the USA?
Article says the troll 8s a troll.
This guy makes me prowd I am an American and can say this SOB needs to stay in Austria. As a congressPOS he is worse than worthless. I bill in 16 years and that was to change the name on a post office. Way to do the heavy lifting, draft dodger.
1. The White House has always been a tough neighborhood. If you can't stand the heat, then stay out of the kitchen. I do feel a little sorry for Melania, but part of her obvious misery is caused by bad choices, like her husband, and bad taste, like that jacket.
2. Babyface Jared gave Mister Bone Saw a hit list with Khashoggi's name on it. Mister Bone Saw then made two rookie blunders; he thought that a disappearance isn't evidence in itself, and he thought that embassies are not under surveillance.
3. We can't rule that out.
4. Money is habit-forming.
Dear anonymoids:
When Putin has no further use for you, then the thugs he'll send won't carry a bone saw, just poisons. Much neater, so be grateful.
Oh, you're trolling for free? Then your stupidity won't protect you.
Oh, you don't want polonium tea? Then repent.
1-800-Ask a Jew
Miami Republican chairman reportedly planned Pelosi protest with Proud Boys
Another Republican is connected to the far-right hate group.
Frank Dale Oct 20, 2018, 9:45 am
Seems lots of people are realizing that the Proud Boys are a real threat to democracy.
It is so ironic for an NPC to use "Russian bot" as a slur. The KGB inserted the word "racism" into English as a way to subvert American society. Anyone using "racism" or "racist" as attack words is literally a KGB tool (never mind that the KGB is history, its tools live on).
Meanwhile, the wealthiest blacks in the USA commit murder at more than 2x the rate (15.4/100k) of the poorest whites (7.2/100k):
To be sane and informed is to be what a lefturd calls "racist", and unapologetically so.
1. Why is asking for the same rights as everyone else "hate"?
2. Why are different opinions "a real threat to democracy".
True Facts said...
"It is so ironic for an NPC to use "Russian bot" as a slur."
The way they fell for the ridiculous Russia collusion/interference/we must go to war propaganda campaign is both hilarious and terrifying.
In 2012, they laughed when Obama mocked Romney's assertion that Russia was not our friend.
But as soon as the Left needed to distract from their own Russian dealings and their use of intelligence agencies to spy on the Trump campaign, Russia became the worst enemy ever. Conveniently, this ties right into achieving neocon goals for Israel's security and GloboHomo Incorporated's need to smash a nationalist non-conforming Russia.
NPC is the best meme ever for describing liberals, as it so clearly illustrates their unthinking acceptance of ridiculous and contradictory lies that they'll fight to the death to defend.
Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...
Miami Republican chairman reportedly planned Pelosi protest with Proud Boys
Another Republican is connected to the far-right hate group.
Frank Dale Oct 20, 2018, 9:45 am
Seems lots of people are realizing that the Proud Boys are a real threat to democracy.
12:23 PM
More left wing pabulum from a fake alt left source of Pravda.....
"Proud Boys"? A mortal sin, plus immaturity? What could go wrong?
Anonymous asked:
"1. Why is asking for the same rights as everyone else "hate"?
2. Why are different opinions "a real threat to democracy".
Asking for the same rights and expressing different opinions are not hate or a threat to democracy. When heavily armed thugs march through our streets and attack counter demonstrators, that's a threat. Running a car into a crowd and killing a young woman is pretty threatening too.
Chicago October 2018 to Date:
Shot & Killed: 29
Shot & Wounded: 112
Total Shot: 141
Total Homicides: 32
Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...
"When heavily armed thugs march through our streets and attack counter demonstrators, that's a threat. Running a car into a crowd and killing a young woman is pretty threatening too."
Defending yourself against "counter demonstrators" who attack you at every event is a right, not a threat.
The disturbed individual who gunned his car into a crowd was one guy. He freaked out after Anfifa thugs pointed a rifle at him. Also, the woman who died was not struck by his car, she died of a heart attack.
Everywhere right wing groups meet, they are attacked by the terrorist wing of the Democratic Party. That is what is a threat to democracy.
ANTIFA/BLM = Brown Shirts
Stoopid stoopid Anyfuckingmoosey, Libs protest because they want change to happen. That is why they march. Stoopid fucking wingnuts march looking for chances to catch a few libs alone and curb stomp them or maim them because they are being worked to a frenzy by Drumpfuck and other stoopid fucking liars.
Of course when whitey gets his butts kicked he whines and cries how violent the peaceful protesters are. Fucking cunt crybabies.
Another whitey supremacist Proud Boy arrested:
"Defending yourself against "counter demonstrators" who attack you at every event is a right, not a threat."
Actually, depending on how you do it and what your intentions were, ir's aggravated assault.
-Doug in Oakland
I grew up in a majority Latino community. Blacks are crazy if they think a Latino America is going to be as accommodating to them as a white America.
I heard that when you punch one of these Proud Boy weirdos, he explodes in a blast of pent-up sperm.
Antifa better remember to wear their raincoats.
ANTIFA/BLM = Brown Shirts The brown is from beating the shit out of whitey pansy ass wanna be gangster wasicu wastey stoopid fucking wingnuts.
They are armed to the teeth but forget they have guns because they are running for their lives. Because they are chickenshits if they don't feel safe hiding behind hundreds of others with guns.
The disturbed individual who gunned his car into a crowd was one guy. He freaked out after Anfifa thugs pointed a rifle at him. Also, the woman who died was not struck by his car, she died of a heart attack.
This is total bullshit and lame, even for you Anymoose. You can't possibly believe any of this shit you write, can you?
Heather Heyer died from blunt force trauma to her chest. There is no mention of a heart attack in the autopsy.
The cause, according to the medical examiner and the prosecutors (who are trying her alleged killer) is the vehicle impact that she suffered during her attendance at a protest. This is being treated as an intentional act and her attacker has been charged with second degree murder along with multiple assault charges
mike from iowa said...
"The disturbed individual who gunned his car into a crowd was one guy. He freaked out after Anfifa thugs pointed a rifle at him. Also, the woman who died was not struck by his car, she died of a heart attack."
This is total bullshit and lame, even for you Anymoose. You can't possibly believe any of this shit you write, can you?
Leftist professor brags he waved rifles at James Fields immediately prior to his gunning his car into the crowd:
Her mother says Heather Heyer died of a heart attack, and pictorial and video evidence shows that she was not struck by a vehicle:
You really should branch your way out of the NPC media.
"according to the medical examiner and the prosecutors"
By his actions that day, James Fields is liable for Heather Heyer's death, but the truth of what happened is much different than the narrative that was established by the establishment press. Maintaining the story that sweet, innocent Heather was intentionally murdered by a crazed neo-Nazi is such a priority for shadowy, powerful interests that they’re willing to do anything to prevent the truth from surfacing.
Anonymous said.
"Her mother says Heather Heyer died of a heart attack, and pictorial and video evidence shows that she was not struck by a vehicle:"
I don't think so. I saw her mother on TV last week in a live interview. She said Heather died of massive wounds to her main body from being hit by the car. Who am I going to believe? Your post or my lying eyes and ears?
"Antifa" means _premature_ antifascist, like Orwell in Spain.
"NPC" doesn't mean conformity; it is literal dehumanization. I call use of "NPC" a twit signal, and a psycho-wannabee signal too. It signals that the user is a twit, and a psycho-wannabee.
It should come as no surprise that this new twit-signal is a _meme_; so is itself a form of conformity. To authoritarians, hypocrisy is not a bug, nor even a feature; it is the operating system.
Anonymous said,
"By his actions that day, James Fields is liable for Heather Heyer's death, but the truth of what happened is much different than the narrative that was established by the establishment press. Maintaining the story that sweet, innocent Heather was intentionally murdered by a crazed neo-Nazi is such a priority for shadowy, powerful interests that they’re willing to do anything to prevent the truth from surfacing."
Are you ever ashamed of the lies you tell?
Paradoctor said...
"NPC" doesn't mean conformity; it is literal dehumanization
The NPC is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a NPC and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”
Truth hurts, doesn't it Paradoctor?
Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...
Are you ever ashamed of the lies you tell?
Are you ashamed of the lies you repeat? Or of your ignorance?
This is how whitey wingnuts gets to help prevent minorities from voting.
Dodge City has 27000 residents and one polling place which was just moved out of town a mile away from the nearest bus stop.
Wisconsin city did the same thing in predominantly black city. They moved both polling places out of downtown to the outskirts of town far from the nearest bus stop.
"Libs protest because they want change to happen."
People have a RIGHT to be left alone and NOT change if they don't want to.
Forcing change on them violates their rights. That includes "integrating" others into their communities or taxing them to support the dysfunctions of others.
"Another whitey supremacist Proud Boy arrested:
Yeah, Proud Boy with a black wife and mixed kids... how racist can you get? LOL!
"This is total bullshit and lame, even for you Anymoose."
The name of the rifle-carrying Antifa is Dwayne Dixon. I believe he still has a job.
""NPC" doesn't mean conformity; it is literal dehumanization."
NPC means someone who can't think about the positions they hold, they can only parrot them. If you can see pictures of George Zimmerman's head wounds and still claim Trayvon Martin was murdered, you're a NPC. If you can see the video of Michael Brown strong-arming the C-store clerk and think that Darren Wilson had no business arresting him, you're a NPC. If you can see the various videos and think Laquan McDonald wasn't a dangerous person who had to be stopped before he hurt or killed someone, you're a NPC.
People who've been calling Trump supporters racists and Nazis for the last two and a half years have no right to complain about dehumanization. You have sown the wind, now reap the whirlwind.
The fucking orange moron in ther Kremlin Annex says he buys Saudi's story that Kashoggi died in a fist fight with Freddie Kruger.
Wingnuts be the dumbest, most gullible motherfuckers in the entire world.
I have heard dozens iof different explanations of why Fields deliberately rammed his car into a crowd of protesters. The fact is he did it deliberately and is going to prison for a long time.
As for the gun baloney. I have yet to see a gun chase a car before. Must be new technology or some shit.
Fuck white people. Fuck the white race.
Maybe the tide is turning back to where idiots with guns need to think before shooting Black people.
"People who've been calling Trump supporters racists and Nazis for the last two and a half years have no right to complain about dehumanization."
"As for the gun baloney. I have yet to see a gun chase a car before. Must be new technology or some shit."
A Challenger is a fast car, but I don't think it can outrun a rifle bullet.
Truth hurts, does it? Time to put your wingnut fantasies to bed and join reality. You fucking racists are tearing the country apart because your white privilege will not save you from minority status. Get over your pastey white hided selves and deal with the inevitable.
A Challenger is a fast car, but I don't think it can outrun a rifle bullet
It didn't. The story was it was being chased by an AR-15.
These are some of the lines of code that an NPC will spit back at you when you encounter them on your various quests:
Climate change
White privilege
Abolish ICE
No borders
No human is illegal
All 11 million
Trump is a Nazi
You are a Nazi
No Nazis, no KKK, no fascist USA
Shame shame shame shame shame
Believe women
Refugees welcome
Immigrants commit fewer crimes than white people
Disagreeing with journalists is a violation of the First Amendment
Abortion is a human right
The NPC meme is dehumanizing
Putin is a dictator
Russia oppresses gays
Gender is a social construct
People are born gay
Russia hacked the election
There are Russian bots on Twitter
The Holocaust
Microaggressions exist
People can love whoever they want
Social media companies are private companies and can ban anyone
You have to bake this gay cake
There is a patriarchy
Women can do everything men can do
Human rights
Russian bots
Diversity is our strength
Bash the fash
Black lives matter
Unarmed black teen
Black slaves built America
Vegetarianism is healthy
Free health care is a human right
Free college is a human right
Rape culture
Islam means peace
Terrorism has no race or religion
Islamic terrorism is a result of the crusades
White men are actually terrorists
Healthy at every size
Standards of beauty
Old white men
Communism has never been tried
I believe in science
The Constitution applies to non-citizens
Guns kill people
Hate speech is not free speech
Hate speech is illegal
It is white people’s fault third world countries are poor
I think tattoos on women are sexy
"Dodge City has 27000 residents and one polling place which was just moved out of town a mile away from the nearest bus stop."
And every single person affected needs to call every elected official repeatedly. From senator, governor, representative, ect. ect. Make them step up.
Anonymous said:
Gambler2 ASKA White Woman said...
Are you ever ashamed of the lies you tell?
"Are you ashamed of the lies you repeat? Or of your ignorance?"
I guess your answer means no you are not ashamed.
Trump Admin Says There is No Evidence Obama Wiretapped Trump
"Trump Admin Says There is No Evidence Obama Wiretapped Trump"
Wait, the microwave and the toaster weren't spying on them?😂
Conway bitch kinda disappeared.Maybe she's in the basement dungeon with Screwdy Rudy making little wingnut Zombie babies. Gawd wouldn't they be uggggggggggggggly?
Iowa Congressman Steve KKKing gave an interview to far-right media outlet, in which he says that George Soros is bankrolling the “replacement” of the white race.
Steve King: Bring Pride back to Austria
Oh these lying wingnuts. Can't help lying, I guess.
They seemed nice....if you like racist Nazi goons.
Maybe the tide is turning back to where idiots with guns need to think before shooting Black people.
Black people behaved a lot better when people with guns didn't have to justify themselves too much for shooting one who was actin' da foo'. They knew it, and they took warnings seriously even if they didn't understand the reason why.
Today you warn one and they call you racist.
"Wait, the microwave and the toaster weren't spying on them?😂"
Nope, the microwave and toaster would have died of boredom.
And... Fuck Trump:
-Doug in Oakland
Gonna be Ghetto Lobster tonight in da hood? Dirty Animals....
Is Keith Ellison the Daddy of any of the Negroes on here?
dat gambler sez...
"She said Heather died of massive wounds to her main body from being hit by the car."
How much damage did her other bodies sustain?
Caroline O.
Oct 19
Putin gave his annual public address yesterday. He devoted a significant part of it to celebrating the waning influence of the US on the global stage, proclaiming: "It's almost over."
-Doug in Oakland
@ 9:11, yeah your daughter!!!!
Colorado congressweasel demands Drumpf immediately recall Saudi Ambassador whom Drumpf hasn't bothered to name as of yet. Do try to keep up, slugs.
Wingnut party sent false voting info to 10k citizens. I bet the citizens weren't registered wingnuts. But HRC had emails.
CALLL GIRL kolkata
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