"In a sociology textbook yet to be written there will be a chapter on white male privilege. The spectacle of Brett Kavanaugh's Supreme Court nomination will be one of that textbook's primary case studies.
During his testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee, Kavanaugh repeatedly lied about a range of topics including his drinking, personal relationships and other behavior. It has also been reported by NBC that Kavanaugh also lied about his knowledge of the sexual assault allegations made against him by Deborah Ramirez.
Kavanaugh also claimed that he was admitted into Yale University by "busting his tail" and that he had no "special connections." This is nowhere near true. Kavanaugh was a legacy admission; his grandfather attended Yale.
Moreover, during his Senate testimony Kavanaugh displayed moments of fitful rage and anger. Under the influence of alcohol and fueled by male bravado, confidence, entitlement and peer pressure a younger Brett Kavanaugh was quite likely a terror.
As Dr. Stacey Patton summarized on Twitter:
White male privilege is being able to cry during a job interview, interrupt the folks asking questions, yell at them, ask snarky questions, refuse to give straight answers, talk about how much you like to drink beer, and have other white men on the committee empathize with you.Even Paul Krugman, more a mainstream liberal than a radical "social justice warrior," can see the levers of white male privilege coupled with money and power at work in the Kavanaugh debacle. On Monday, he wrote in the New York Times:
When Matt Damon did his Brett Kavanaugh imitation on “Saturday Night Live,” you could tell that he nailed it before he said a word. It was all about the face — that sneering, rage-filled scowl. Kavanaugh didn’t sound like a judge at his Senate hearing last week, let alone a potential Supreme Court justice; he didn’t even manage to look like one.
But then again, Lindsey Graham, who went through the hearing with pretty much the same expression on his face, didn’t look much like a senator, either.
There have been many studies of the forces driving Trump support, and in particular the rage that is so pervasive a feature of the MAGA movement. What Thursday’s hearing drove home, however, was that white male rage isn’t restricted to blue-collar guys in diners. It’s also present among people who’ve done very well in life’s lottery, whom you would normally consider very much part of the elite.
How could a man who appears to value honor and the integrity of the legal system explain this apparent mendacity? How could a man brought up in some of our nation’s most storied institutions — Georgetown Prep, Yale College, Yale Law School — dissemble with such ease? The answer lies in the privilege such institutions instill in their members, a privilege that suggests the rules that govern American society are for the common man, not the exceptional one.
The classical root of “privilege,” privus lex, means “private law.” The French aristocracy, for instance, was endowed with privileges, primarily exemption from taxation. Today’s equivalents are not aristocrats, yet they have both the sense and the experience that the rules don’t really apply to them and that they can act without much concern for the consequences. Elite schools like Georgetown Prep and Yale have long cultivated this sensibility in conscious and unconscious ways.
Of course Kavanaugh's defenders and enablers are personally invested in denying such contradictions and hypocrisy. David French's defense of Kavanaugh last week in the National Review is a near-perfect example:
Let’s first begin with obvious points, points I’ve made time and time again. Emotion isn’t evidence. But emotion has power. When you combine emotion with evidence, there is greater power still. And, make no mistake, when Brett Kavanaugh spoke with great emotion not just about the sexual-assault allegations against him but also the broader character attacks made against him by Democrats, he voiced the emotion of honorable conservatives across the nation. ...
This was the moment when a member of the “establishment,” the person who is supposed to sit quietly, respond mildly, and understand the pain of their opponents without voicing their own anguish, to absorb anger without showing anger, finally said “enough.” And he did so with great passion in his own defense, and no rancor against Christine Blasey Ford.
It was all the more powerful because it came from a person of known restraint. And his passion was magnified by another person known for his desire to reach across the aisle — the “RINO” most loathed by the populist Right — Lindsey Graham. This, incidentally, is why you default to restraint. This is why you don’t live a life of rage but instead strive for proportionality — because when you do express your anger, people listen.French concluded:
Today, there were conservatives across the nation who choked up — some openly wept — during his testimony. Not because they disrespect women. Not because they excuse sexual assault. But because they also love their sons. Because they are tired of being painted as evil when they are seeking to do what’s right. Because they want to see a man fight with honor.
That’s what Brett Kavanaugh did today. He fought with passion, evidence, and compassion. And absent any new, substantiated revelations, he united the conservative movement. Any Republican who abandons him now will abandon the electorate that put them in power.What French sees as a noble and valorous display of emotion by elite white male conservatives such as Brett Kavanaugh are behaviors not publicly tolerated or encouraged for black Americans or women.
In American's (white) popular imagination, black men and black women who act in such a way are deemed to be "angry." Women who act in such a way are "hysterical" or "bitches." These dehumanizing labels are used to legitimate violence against black people and women. Black women bear a double burden because historically and through to the present they have been stigmatized both because of their skin color and gender.
The freedom of Whiteness and white masculinity as spaces where emotions like rage and anger are both allowed and encouraged is exclusive. Like black people, Asians, Arabs, Muslims, Latinos, Native Americans and other nonwhites are not allowed such liberty. In that and other ways nonwhites are most certainly less free as citizens and human beings than are white men in America and other parts of the West.
French's argument is part of a broader strategy by Republicans, conservatives and other Kavanaugh defenders. It has two dimensions.
Superficially, the goal is to present Kavanaugh as a man and a human being who just happens to be white, male and angry and has suffered a great disservice. If viewed through such a lens and framework, what reasonable and rational person would not be angry?
This is French's main ploy and distraction. What he and other right-wing defenders of Kavanaugh want to avoid is a discussion about angry white men as a group, one with a distinct and clear set of political priorities and goals.
What do these angry white men want? It's an easy question to answer. They want to rule over and control all areas of American life, both private and public.
But here Kavanaugh's defenders fail in their insincere efforts to present him as the universal subject and a stand-in for all men (or women) unjustly accused of a crime. From Donald Trump to Fox News and the direct statements of white men such as Sen. Lindsey Graham and many others, Kavanaugh is the standard bearer for an obvious and clumsy type of white identity politics in which rich white conservative Christians are the "real victims" in America.
It is all delusional. Rich white men control every social, economic and political institution in the United States; the lies of white male victimhood remain compelling and intoxicating, as they have since before the founding.
This cult of white male victimhood would not be such a powerful cultural and social force if it was only rich white men and other elites who were invested in reproducing this fantasy. Angry white men are a fraternity that cuts across lines of class and income. They collectively imagine themselves to be under siege.
When Trump says "young men," no adjective or modifier is needed. It is clear to everyone, given his inclinations, history, words and deeds, that "young men" of course means "white men".
This reflects a larger sentiment in America at present. For too many white men -- poor, working-class and middle-class -- there is widespread anger at somehow being displaced by nonwhites and women who are "cutting ahead in line" because of "affirmative action" and other nonexistent "entitlements."
These angry white men feel obsolete and marginalized in a changing America, frustrated by globalization and excluded by a more cosmopolitan country. But their anger is misdirected toward the groups they perceive to be receiving "special treatment." Their collective anger would be better directed at men who look like them but who have created social inequality, injustice and immiseration in America and around the world.
These angry white men are apparently incapable of personal self-reflection and accountability, and also loath to acknowledge how for centuries in America they benefited from unearned advantages that insulated them from having to compete fairly with people below them in the social order. Privilege can often make such critical thinking impossible.
White male rage is also a powerful cultural force in America because, while it may be sourced and rooted in entitled white masculinity, many white women are partners in it as well. They reproduce, legitimate, nurture and literally benefit from it. To cite an obvious example, Sarah Huckabee Sanders is Donald Trump's mouthpiece and apologist.
A recent CBS News public opinion poll shows that 70 percent of Republican women support Kavanaugh, while a Morning Consult poll indicates that only 15 percent of Republican women oppose his confirmation.
In America, for at least 100 years white women instigated racial terrorism against black men and boys with false cries of rape. From the end of slavery through to the late 20th century thousands of black people died because of the way white women incited white male rage and violence. Ultimately, women's investment and participation in white male violence against nonwhites is not a form of false consciousness: It is a choice.
This imagined fraternity of angry white men fills the hearts of its members with rage and resentment. But only the bellies of the very rich, the Brett Kavanaughs and other men of his class, which are truly full. The other white men in this fraternity of white male rage live on the scraps and hand-me-downs.
It is important to acknowledge and highlight the power and cultural force of angry white men in America. But we also cannot overlook the kinds of laws that their leaders want to enact and the kind of nation they hope will result.
Hiding behind the rhetorical camouflage of "originalism" and "textualism" in their understanding of the U.S. Constitution and its role in American life, these elite white men present the law and their interpretation of it as somehow pure and apolitical. In reality, it is anything but.
Writing at Current Affairs, Nathan Robinson explores how Brett Kavanaugh's record as a judge reveals his deficit of human empathy:
So the courts are “political,” have always been political, will always be political. But political is not a dirty word. Politics is the expression of our deepest values, that which we find important. What does Brett Kavanaugh find important? Mark Stern of Slate says Kavanaugh has spent “his career protecting polluters, scammers, corporations, and gun sellers” and his idea of liberty is perverse: “Liberty for undocumented minors and Guantanamo detainees? No. Liberty for predatory lenders, industrial polluters, telecom monopolies, religious employers, Abu Ghraib abusers, and assault-weapon enthusiasts? Absolutely.” I am not quite this cynical, and would not put “religious employers” alongside “Abu Ghraib abusers,” though the telecom companies certainly belong there.But I do believe Kavanaugh would be a horrific Supreme Court justice, and I believe that because I think that judges should make sure claims by torture victims get litigated, should make sure workers get to unionize, and should make sure detainees aren’t imprisoned on an island without trial until eternity. These are the responsibilities not just of a judge, but of any moral human being who has the power to affect the situation. And so Kavanaugh’s parenting skills and stimulating repartee are irrelevant. It is important to use your job to do good, and to make sure the justice system is functional and fair, and Kavanaugh has not done that. Instead, he has made biased, illogical, morally repugnant, non-textualist (gasp!) decisions that make the world worse. This should cause everyone to oppose his confirmation.
Angry white men like Brett Kavanaugh want to further expand an American dystopia where women, nonwhites, Muslims, immigrants, gays and lesbians, the disabled, the poor and other people and groups deemed to be "less than" are treated as second-class citizens. This American dystopia sounds terrifying for many people, but it represents a paradise greatly to be desired for men like them." [Source]
It was all the more powerful because it came from a person of known restraint.
kavernmouth was a drunken fucking party animal. How much restraint could he have been known for? Talk about stoopid public statements.
Leave now, before you have a nervous breakdown.
Nig...I mean blacks are pretty privileged. You assholes can get away with any racist bullshit and libtards will still suck your dicks (which aren't as big as you say). Retards.
Trump supporters are mentally slow and physically grotesque.
How can a white boy even feel privileged when their dick is so small?
Noah and the Flood
This is the account of Noah and his family.
Noah was a righteous man, blameless among the people of his time, and he walked faithfully with God. 10 Noah had three sons: Shem, Ham and Japheth.
Now the earth was corrupt in God’s sight and was full of violence. God saw how corrupt the earth had become, for all the people on earth had corrupted their ways. 13 So God said to Noah, “I am going to put an end to all people, for the earth is filled with violence because of them...
Mothers, do you want to protect your sons from future accusations of sexual assault? Then raise them right! Keep them far away from prep schools, frat houses, football locker rooms, and other vile dens of drunkenness, debauchery, and entitled violation!
For He shall give His angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways.
-Psalms 91:11
Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding.
Proverbs 4:7
God’s Word (not man’s word) is a light unto my path; God’s Word is healing for a nation.
The Beatitudes
Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted.
Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth.
Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled.
Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy.
Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God.
Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.
Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness' sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake. 12Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your -Psalms 1:1-6
reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you.
Salt and Light
Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt have lost his savour, wherewith shall it be salted? it is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot of men.
-Philippians 2:12-18
These angry white men are apparently incapable of personal self-reflection and accountability, and also loath to acknowledge how for centuries in America they benefited from unearned advantages that insulated them from having to compete fairly with people below them in the social order. Privilege can often make such critical thinking impossible.
Sounds perxactly like a certain Anyfuckingmoose poster on this blog. Would not know or admit white privilege exists if it could find and suck his micro dick.
Boy, 2, killed in Hermosa shooting that also wounds 18-year-old man
Lance Cockstrong said...
How can a white boy even feel privileged when their dick is so small?
9:46 AM
Tell that to Ron Jeremy
And the whored sayeth, be multiple and have fruitflies and thusly stoopid fucking wingnuts were shit out on fenceposts.
And they knew not the milk of mother's love, but they got whitewashed which remains their predominant color.
And their shitty brains baked in the hot sun and creosote and thusly explains them being no-minds.
Drumpfuck's lawyers are communicating with lawyers of suspects in the Mueller investigation, apparently in an attempt to taint evidence and obstruct justice and they are doing so quite openly. Why? Because they know wingnuts controlled congress won't stop them or even charge thm with criminal acts.
No such thing as White Privilege. Made up term by the violent alt left.
Chicago Year 2018 to Date:
Shot & Killed: 387
Shot & Wounded: 1979
Total Shot: 2366
Total Homicides: 451
Police: NW Side Negro Home Invader Shot to Death With His Own Gun
Some anonymoid is quoting the Bible at random on this thread. Maybe he's trying to work himself up to threatening someone with a lightning bolt, but whom?
Other anonymoids are spewing their usual hate, which they will continue to do until Putin has no further use for them, and serves them a nice HOT cuppa polonium tea.
Cop that took 2 seconds to murder Tamir Rice has a new gig as a cop 2 hours south of where he murdered Tamir Ruce in 2 seconds.
He was fired from the kid killer esprit de corp, not for killing Tamir, but because he omitted a reference to another cop job he had on his employment form.
No such thing as violent alt-left. Made up term by white privilege denier. Fixed it for you, Anyfuckingmoose.
Brazil wised up and kicked Drumpf impersonator to the curb. I guess it was all them liberal women mob protesters that did it.
It's kind of a Dunning-Kruger phenomenon, in that the very privilege they enjoy makes them blind to the fact that they have it.
There's a major wake up moment on the way, but I don't really care whether they wake up or not, just that their ongoing crimes are brought to dock.
-Doug in Oakland
Drumpf and stoopid fucking misogynist wingnuts be teaching them boys right.
Thanks Drumpfuck and stoopid fuucking wingnuts.
Fuck the gooks and chinks!
‘Truly Reprehensible’: Negro Football Halftime Show Sparks Outrage For Depiction of Police Shooting
No such thing as violent alt-left. Made up term by white privilege denier. Fixed it for you, Anyfuckingmoose.
3:41 PM
The 80 IQ Crowd always good for laughs. Hey Field, how about an article once in awhile on Black dysfunction? crickets..... Thought so.
> What French sees as a noble and valorous display of emotion by elite white male conservatives such as Brett Kavanaugh are behaviors not publicly tolerated or encouraged for black Americans or women.
Because blacks use it as a bullying tactic, when they've been accused of exactly nothing and are being treated the same as everyone else.
> In American's (white) popular imagination, black men and black women who act in such a way are deemed to be "angry." Women who act in such a way are "hysterical" or "bitches."
If the shoe fits, wear it.
> These dehumanizing labels are used to legitimate violence against black people and women.
Violence, like asking them to leave until they can lower their voices and cease their histrionics? Maybe asking them to not vandalize a convenience store because their EBT was declined or destroy a vehicle that's being repossessed for non-payment? Is it "violence" to ask them to behave like normal human beings?
YOU attack Brett Kavanaugh for daring to take umbrage at the false accusations levelled at him, while excusing gross misbehavior by blacks. And you wonder why America has a raging case of Negro Fatigue... introspection fail.
> Rich white men control every social, economic and political institution in the United States
You mean rich (((white))) men with names like Schumer and Soros. They step on men with names like Kavanaugh, and laugh about it.
> there is widespread anger at somehow being displaced by nonwhites and women who are "cutting ahead in line" because of "affirmative action" and other nonexistent "entitlements."
Whereas they can go to any government office and see a sea of faces whose paychecks come from their taxes, but not one of them looks like them. Not. One.
> Angry white men are a fraternity that cuts across lines of class and income. They collectively imagine themselves to be under siege.
You laugh about their imminent demographic death (hounded out by minorities they never had any say in importing) in the land their ancestors built from wilderness. This IS being under siege, but reasoning from facts is not your strong suit.
> These angry white men feel obsolete and marginalized in a changing America
Those changes didn't "just happen"; they are the result of POLICY. They never got to vote on those changes. Neither they nor their ancestors were ever asked. Of COURSE they are angry about them. Would YOU be angry if white Americans came and threw all your people out of Jamaica, and didn't even give you anywhere to go? Of course you would. Flaming hypocrite, or insight fail?
> What do these angry white men want? It's an easy question to answer. They want to rule over and control all areas of American life, both private and public.
Feel free to rid yourself of any possibility of having your life ruled by Brett Kavanaugh or any one of these "angry white men" you hate so much. Go back to Jamaica already.
Kavanaugh officially sworn in!!!
The wheels are coming off the Russiagate train.
"Congressional investigators have confirmed that a top FBI official met with Democratic Party lawyers to talk about allegations of Donald Trump-Russia collusion weeks before the 2016 election, and before the bureau secured a search warrant targeting Trump’s campaign.
"Former FBI general counsel James Baker met during the 2016 season with at least one attorney from Perkins Coie, the Democratic National Committee’s private law firm.
"That’s the firm used by the DNC and Hillary Clinton’s campaign to secretly pay research firm Fusion GPS and Christopher Steele, a former British intelligence operative, to compile a dossier of uncorroborated raw intelligence alleging Trump and Moscow were colluding to hijack the presidential election.
"The dossier, though mostly unverified, was then used by the FBI as the main evidence seeking a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrant targeting the Trump campaign in the final days of the campaign."
"... consider Footnote 43 on Page 57 of Chapter 3 of the House Intelligence Committee’s report earlier this year on Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election.
"Until this past week, the footnote really had garnered no public intrigue, in part because the U.S. intelligence community blacked out the vast majority of its verbiage in the name of national security before the report was made public.
"From the heavy redactions, all one could tell is that FBI general counsel James Baker met with an unnamed person who provided some information in September 2016 about Russia, email hacking and a possible link to the Trump campaign.
"Not a reporter or policymaker would have batted an eyelash over such a revelation.
"Then, last Wednesday, I broke the story that Baker admitted to Congress in an unclassified setting — repeat, in an unclassified setting — that he had met with a top lawyer at the firm representing the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and received allegations from that lawyer about Russia, Trump and possible hacking.
"It was the same DNC, along with Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign, that funded the unverified, salacious dossier by a British intel operative, Christopher Steele, that became a central piece of evidence used to justify the FBI surveillance of the Trump campaign in the final days of the election."
Bye-bye, Field Negro and libturd commenters. You're going to REEEEE yourselves to death this time.
"I will be a team player on the team of 5 ... fuck the other 4" - Brett Kavanaugh
Brazil wised up and kicked Drumpf impersonator to the curb.
What a troll! Clinton News Network reports: "Sao Paulo, Brazil (CNN)Far-right congressman Jair Bolsonaro pulled off a thumping win in the first round of Brazil's presidential election following one of the most polarizing campaigns since the country returned to democracy three decades ago.
Bolsonaro won Sunday's poll with 46% of the vote...."
House Intelligence is a misnomer and a half. Old news. The real news is the way House liar Devin Numbnuts went out of his way to shield evidence harmful to Drumpfuck's stinking ass from the Democrats on the committee,.
"You laugh about their imminent demographic death (hounded out by minorities they never had any say in importing) in the land their ancestors built from wilderness."
You mean the land your invaders stole from the civilizations that had been living there for thousands of years.
And nobody is fucking "hounding out" your lily-white asses, whites will still control so much of government and business that including people other than white people will still be an afterthought, like it is now. You're just terrified at the prospect of voting blocs large enough to elect some candidates besides the ones you favor who might try to erode the privilege you are too coddled and stupid to even understand you enjoy.
Fuck Christopher Columbus in his raping and enslaving neck.
-Doug in Oakland
I agree. Fuck Columbus and anyone who still holds him in high regard or celebrates "Columbus Day."
And why didn't they have any say? Were they too lame to vote or run for office like the ones who made the decisions? Doesn't that violate your own claims to superiority?
Perhaps they just sucked as badly as you and were only interested in finding a scapegoat to blame their own failings on, just like you.
-Doug in Oakland
A lot of white people still love jerking off to Christopher Columbus. That's because a lot of white people are pieces of shit.
One big d*ck white boy, that's ALL you got?!?!?
Yeah, that's ALL you got, LOL!!!
The 80 IQ Crowd always good for laughs. Hey Field, how about an article once in awhile on Black dysfunction? crickets..... Thought so.
He'll talk about your double wide mammy tomorrow.
> You mean the land your invaders stole from the civilizations that had been living there for thousands of years.
You mean land YOUR ancestors got from the savages (no cities, no writing, no civilization) who stole it from yet other populations lost to history? Why haven't YOU gone back, if you believe this "stolen land" crap?
> nobody is fucking "hounding out" your lily-white asses, whites will still control so much of government and business that including people other than white people will still be an afterthought, like it is now.
Tell that to the white guys NOT in control of anything who can't even get considered for jobs that they are fully if not best qualified for except for their sex and race.
> You're just terrified at the prospect of voting blocs large enough to elect some candidates besides the ones you favor
The first to lose to the brown wave as exemplified by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (isn't Cortez a conquistador name? does SHE have to go back?) was Democratic machine component Joe Crowley, who had served something like 10 terms and was one of the most senior and thus powerful Dems in the House.
MY pols aren't going to lose to brown scum like her. They won't be voting in MY primaries. And when they replace competent white men with stupid minorities, they'll start losing bad... including losing their white base voters to my side. This is the future you asked for. It's not what you wanted, but you deserve to get it good and hard.
My mail in ballots went out today and I get to vote for Barbara Lee again.
Your grip on history is somewhat lacking, leading you to conclusions even flimsier.
Perhaps go back to masturbating to pictures of children in cages again, just don't get too excited and accidentally masturbate on the actual children. I think that is still against the law.
-Doug in Oakland
Perhaps go back to masturbating to pictures of children in cages again, just don't get too excited and accidentally masturbate on the actual children. I think that is still against the law.
-Doug in Oakland
11:13 PM
Yes it is against the law, as it should be. The left has lost its chance to pack the court with radical Progressive Left Justices, the ones who want to lower the age of consent to like 13,for all their hollyweirdo friends and other alt left elites.
The right, on the other hand, has been wildly successful at packing the court with the kind of judges and justices who want to put the children into the cages in the first place.
-Doug in Oakland
OT but this is pretty interesting.
Elections have consequences.
Whatever happened to the Mueller investigation?
The Russians did it.
The patriarchy did it.
Whitey did it.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Elections have consequences.
So does stealing them as yer ass will find out soon when Dems get the house and subpoena and investigative power.
Get all stoopid fucking wingnuts in a row
They will start falling like dominoes. Bwahahahahahahahahahahahaha!
Yes it is against the law, as it should be. The left has lost its chance to pack the court with radical Progressive Left Justices, the ones who want to lower the age of consent to like 13,for all their hollyweirdo friends and other alt left elites.
All flat out right wing lies and talking points. Dems lost nothing, it was stolen from them by the real crooks in government that won't investigate themselves. Dems will win and then we will see how crooked the crooks really and truly are.
Glad you know about Chauncey, Field. He's gotta be brilliant--on his podcasts he talks as fast as I can THINK, and in perfectly constructed sentences, yet. Not only that, he's a great interviewer.
It's not just that the Trump gsng are bigots and racists, it's even more: they win fans because they want to actively HURT minorities. This is the article Chauncey wished he'd written:
More white women need to be getting abortions, especially if they are having a boy.
More white women need to be getting abortions
ALL blacks, men and women, need to be getting sterilized.
And you know it. You always project.
I'm a 6'3'' Chinese-American and think blacks really need to get over themselves. White Democrats have bestowed so much privilege on you people it's ridiculous. It's gotten to the point where non-black people can't even make the tiniest criticism of things like your high crime rates and low education standards without being labeled "racist." Plus, you people can be as racist as you want without any consequences because of the white guilt era we live in.
See more at:
I'm a 6'3'' Japanese-American and think whites really need to get over themselves.
See more at www.Henry Hwang is a tiny white guy with no life.incel
The two faces of Melanoma Drumpf. On the left is happy Mel surrounded by BBC in Africa. On the right is unhappy Mel in Kremlin Annex surrounded by big fat micro dick,
Moar white privilege. In 1968, fuckhead General Westmoreland took it upon himself to try to sneak nukes into S Vietnam in case America was losing big battles.
Someone found out about it and notified the Loose Brained Jackass and he made Westy shut it down. Imagine WW3 between nuhular America and nukular China in 1968.
More total bullshit from mike from Minsk.
Kind of a weird bunch on the SCOTUS. Now you have two goofs who feel victimized in Uncle Thomas and Beer Bong Brett. They are two of the most powerful men on the planet but carry this almost woe is me attitude around. Maybe Brett will lose his but Clarence has kept his for decades. Both may miss huge opportunities to influence others and be good justices but instead they have chips on their shoulders and need to exact revenge on their "enemies". Just a waste, could have had justices who wanted to at least be fair or at most help people.
Moar wasicu privilege- https://www.rawstory.com/2018/10/watch-white-woman-calls-cops-black-georgia-man-babysitting-two-white-kids/
PilotX is right. Wingnuts have now changed the rules for seating SPOTUS justices so that they can be completely partisan and upfront about it. They can use their seat to punish their perceived enemies and wingnuts won't do a thing about it unless the offender is a Liberal. Just like they won't charge a wingnut with any crime, but accuse Libs of every crime under the sun without proof.
Payback will be a bitch, wasicu wasteys and it is coming. Sooner rather than later.
Stoopider than usual Anyfuckingmoose ejaculates-
You mean land YOUR ancestors got from the savages (no cities, no writing, no civilization) who stole it from yet other populations lost to history? Why haven't YOU gone back, if you believe this "stolen land" crap?
You mean you didn't get Obama's time machine and go back in time and sign up all those former residents to the NRA and arm them so they could protect themselves? You call yerself a man? Ha-ha. I spit on you! And the Russian NRA.
Fox & Friends deletes tweet about Trump’s approval ‘soaring’ to 41 percent after getting ruthlessly mocked
Update on Mueller Investigation of Drumpfuck crime family.
Dave Zirin = faggot kike said...
More white women need to be getting abortions, especially if they are having a boy.
9:29 AM
More violent alt left ideology.
You mean you didn't get Obama's time machine and go back in time and sign up all those former residents to the NRA and arm them so they could protect themselves? You call yerself a man? Ha-ha. I spit on you! And the Russian NRA.
1:57 PM
Russian elites do not believe in personal freedom or the right to bear arms for citizens. What delusion.
More violent alt left ideology
Yeah right. They're not shooting up churches and country music concerts like you assholes.
mike from iowa said...
"I guess it was all them liberal women mob protesters that did it."
Yes, Mike, we all know that when liberal women protest, it's a mob, but when the Nazis march they are just expressing their opinions. And when It's all part of the white-male privilege thing. And when Trump's fan scream "lock her up" they are being patriots not fanatics.
Russian elites do not believe in personal freedom or the right to bear arms for citizens. What delusion.
Russia has bought the NRA lock, stock, bump stock, man killing appurternances and all right here in Drumpfuck's amerika where everything is for sale as long as Drumpf benefits. What sheer wingnut stoopidity not to know this.
Well Gambler and Mike you have to admire how conservatives march in lock step and all use the same talking points. First trump, then McConnell and now every single Republican have to use the word mob. Talk about hive mentality and they have the nerve to talk about "plantations".
Talk about hurricane timing, we're looking for a summer home in Pensacola Beach, Fla.
Buying after the hurricane is better than before, I guess.
Not during😂
Watching talk shows and Republicans are beating the "angry mob" thing to death. Dear god. Worse than W with the "let's roll".😖
You are so right, PilotX. Next thing drumpf will tie the mob into his yoooge electoral mob win. Biggest one ever considering all the mobsters involved.
Maybe we should have Andrew Weissmann talk to them about the mob, I hear he's gonna have a little more free time fairly soon.
-Doug in Oakland
Russia has bought the NRA lock, stock, bump stock, man killing appurternances and all right here in Drumpfuck's amerika where everything is for sale as long as Drumpf benefits. What sheer wingnut stoopidity not to know this.
4:15 PM
That's makes no sense at all (batshit). Why would the Russians fund the NRA, a group that wants to preserve the 2nd Amendment. Its the Democrats and other Progressive Center Left groups that do not want gun ownership for Americans(except for elites), so they can enslave them.....right Mike from Minsk.
Kavanaugh IS a Supreme Court Justice.
Kavanaugh IS a Supreme Court Justice that drinks too much and has sexually assaulted women.
Kavanaugh IS a Supreme Court Justice that drinks too much and has sexually assaulted women.
7:46 PM
Please show your evidence.
Nope not during PX.😂
But I’m kinda sad, I had planned a trip that those beautiful sugar like sand beaches next month.😕
Kavanaugh IS a Supreme Court Justice. Not really. He is a Sexual Predator of the US. So is Uncle Thomas. Kavernmouth is a known perjurer, as well.
The fact that Anyfuckingmoose pretends he knows nothing of Russia laundering money through the Russia/NRA to get it to Drumpf is no surprise at all.
Reality is a complete bewilderment to drumpfuck acolytes. They don't pay attention to the truth. They get their talking points from the dumbest fucking wingnut outlets out there so they remain totally ignorant as wingnuts crash yer world. Too damn dumb to vote and waayyyy too retarded to execute as prisoners.
"Why would the Russians fund the NRA, a group that wants to preserve the 2nd Amendment"
To illegally funnel thirty million dollars into the Trump campaign, for starters. But mostly to gain a foothold in right wing politics, which Putin saw as one of his best opportunities at disrupting American democracy, and more important to him, discrediting it in the eyes of Russian citizens.
-Doug in Oakland
Damn are Negroes stoopid.......
"Why would the Russians fund the NRA, a group that wants to preserve the 2nd Amendment"
To illegally funnel thirty million dollars into the Trump campaign, for starters. But mostly to gain a foothold in right wing politics, which Putin saw as one of his best opportunities at disrupting American democracy, and more important to him, discrediting it in the eyes of Russian citizens.
-Doug in Oakland
10:03 PM
LOL,what batshit delusion. Trumps campaign was virtually self funding.
The Liberal MSN gave all the free news time to Trump and then Dems cried about it.
Russians funneling money thru the NRA.....wolf...….wolf......wolf......
Anyfuckingmoose really is a retarded stoopid fucking wingnut. wolf....wolf....wolf...
Take yer pick, prick and choke on yer bile. https://www.google.com/search?q=+Russia+funnels+millions+through+nra&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&client=firefox-b-1-ab
Russia wasn't wanting to ectablish NRA on Russia, they were looking for avenues to get Drumpf elected.
Not even The Hill (Mike from Minsk's favorite news source) believes the Muh Russia disinformation any more. It has broken the story that the FBI met with DNC officials about the Steele dossier before any FISA warrants were filed. That is the smoking gun.
'Fraid the FBI is going to be purged next year, the DNC is going down and a whole bunch of lawmakers are headed to prison. That's IF they're lucky; if there are riots there will be a declaration of martial law and they'll go straight to Gitmo or maybe right in front of courts martial and then to the noose.
It's going to be funny to see the Senate in session with a bare quorum because so many Dems are behind bars. That's going to include the entire Congressional Black Caucus, BTW. Black people are too stupid to stay away from corruption, like Monica Conyers.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
"Not even The Hill (Mike from Minsk's favorite news source) believes the Muh Russia disinformation any more. It has broken the story that the FBI met with DNC officials about the Steele dossier before any FISA warrants were filed. That is the smoking gun.
Fraid the FBI is going to be purged next year, the DNC is going down and a whole bunch of lawmakers are headed to prison. That's IF they're lucky; if there are riots there will be a declaration of martial law and they'll go straight to Gitmo or maybe right in front of courts martial and then to the noose.
It's going to be funny to see the Senate in session with a bare quorum because so many Dems are behind bars. That's going to include the entire Congressional Black Caucus, BTW. Black people are too stupid to stay away from corruption, like Monica Conyers."
10:39 AM
I'm laughing so hard after reading your post that I can hardly type! Take a look at the list of Muller's inditements. How many Democrats are on the list?
And to which party do the congress men belong that were recently indited for insider trading?
Dream on, kid. I hope you enjoy your fantasy world.
> You mean you didn't get Obama's time machine
Obuttrental has a TIME MACHINE?!
> and go back in time and sign up all those former residents to the NRA
White American men created the NRA. Can't sign anyone up to it without them.
Why didn't Obuttrental take his time machine back to 1655 and submit a brief to the Virginia court stating that Anthony Johnson's traditions were alien to the English and if he wanted to practice them, he should take a ship home? You'd think the president of the Harvard Law Review would be up to that.
> and arm them so they could protect themselves?
Arm them against what? The immigrants from England were DIVERSE! They turned the continent of North America from a patchwork of warring stone-age tribes to a pair of strong nations able to resist the entry of anyone they did not WANT to let in.
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